Spelling suggestions: "subject:"privilege"" "subject:"privileged""
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[pt] O princípio nemo tenetur se detegere, em seu duplo aspecto vedação à autoincriminação e direito ao silêncio, é uma conquista civilizatória das sociedades democráticas. A importância do princípio, muitas vezes não explicitada nas discussões sobre a constitucionalidade dos institutos e leis, é de tamanha monta que, conjuntamente com o princípio da presunção de inocência, forma a base axiológica de todo o sistema processual penal democrático. Contudo, o poder Estatal, diante do apelo popular e em resposta aos altos índices de criminalidade e episódios notórios de corrupção no Brasil tem, nos últimos tempos, a partir de uma continuidade cronológica de legislações, relativizado ou erodido os sustentáculos do princípio nemo tenetur se detegere. Tal postura Estatal consubstancia o que na criminologia se denomina de direito penal do inimigo, que servirá de substrato teórico para explicar o porquê do fenômeno de hipercriminalização e recrudescimento Estatal. A pesquisa visa, portanto, reafirmar o valor do nemo tenetur se detegere, acentuando os casos em que está a sofrer ataques e oferecer, a partir de pesquisa doutrinária e da análise jurisprudencial nacional e estrangeira, possíveis salvaguardas ao princípio com vistas a garantir que o processo penal brasileiro continue a respeitar os direitos individuais inerentes a uma ordem constitucional de fato e não meramente de direito. / [en] The principle nemo tenetur se detegere, in its double aspect privilege against self-incrimination and right to silence, is a civilizational conquest of democratic societies. The importance of this principle, which is often not made explicit in the discussions on the constitutionality of institutes and laws, is so significant that, together with the principle of presumption of innocence, forms the axiological basis of the entire democratic criminal procedural system. However, the State power, in the face of popular appeal and in response to high crime rates and notorious episodes of corruption in Brazil, has recently, from a chronological continuity of legislation, relativized or eroded the pillars of the nemo tenetur se detegere principle. This state posture consubstantiates what in criminology is called the criminal law of the enemy, which will serve as a theoretical substrate to explain the phenomenon of hypercriminalization and State recrudescence. The aim of the research is to reaffirm the value of the nemo tenetur, to highlight the cases in which it is under attack and to offer possible safeguards to the principle, based on jurisprudencial research and national and foreign case analysis, with a view to ensuring that the Brazilian criminal proceeding continues to respect the individual rights inherent in a constitutional order of fact and not merely law.
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Readjusting orthodoxyLappas, Filippos January 2018 (has links)
The thesis in question is titled “Readjusting Orthodoxy”. It constitutes a discourse in UK constitutional law although legal theoretic, historical, politicial, philosophical, and EU-related complementary themes are also present. It is founded upon, and driven by, two fundamental, inter-related premises. First, that it is the orthodox reading of the UK Constitution which best describes and explains the present constitutional arrangement: the UK Parliament is a sovereign institution sitting at the apex of the UK Constitution and vested with the right to make and unmake any law whatsoever. In the second place, that, notwithstanding the above, this very reading of the UK Constitution is currently deficient in terms of internal cohesion, is plagued by ingrained anachronistic dogmas and enjoys only a limited adaptability. From these premises emerges a third proposition; namely, that the UK constitutional discourse as a whole would stand to lose greatly should alternative constitutional theories that are less suited to describe and explain the current constitutional arrangement replace the orthodox reading of the Constitution by exploiting these conspicuous drawbacks. Thus, the present treatise argues that the orthodox reading should after critical evaluation be readjusted in the various ways to be proposed so as to be rendered coherent, consistent, impervious to the numerous challenges it currently faces and, ultimately, capable of continuing to offer the canonical account of the ever-changing UK Constitution.
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Journalistic monitoring and privilege in the era of new telecommunications technologies under the Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and the Constitution of the Republic of Poland / Vigilancia y privilegio periodístico en la era de las nuevas tecnologías de las telecomunicaciones bajo la Convención de Derechos Humanos y Libertades Fundamentales y la Constitución de la República de PoloniaPodkowik, Jan 10 April 2018 (has links)
The digital age has reconfigured the security services, especially the forms of mass surveillance aimed at preventing various threats to society. However, this scenario may become problematic from the perspective of protecting the freedom of the media and journalistic privilege. The author of this article offers an overview of the scope of the protection of the journalistic privilege pursuant to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, as well as its management in Poland from the developments prepared by its Constitutional Court. / La era digital ha reconfigurado los servicios de seguridad, sobre todo las formas de vigilancia masiva que buscan prevenir distintas amenazas para la sociedad. No obstante, este escenario puede convertirse en problemático desde la perspectiva de la protección de la libertad de los medios de comunicación y del privilegio periodístico. El autor del presente artículo nos ofrece un panorama sobre los alcances de la tutela del privilegio periodístico en el Convenio Europeo para la Protección de los Derechos Humanos y de las Libertades Fundamentales, así como sobre su tratamiento en Polonia a partir de los desarrollos realizados por su Tribunal Constitucional.
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Law, Psychiatry and psychology : a selection of constitutional, medico-legal and liability issuesSwanepoel, Magdaleen 30 June 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to develop a comprehensive process for identifying and addressing primarily constitutional, medico-legal and liability issues, and in addition ethical, social and scientific issues related to the psychiatric and psychology professions in South Africa. In fulfilling this purpose, a comprehensive search is conducted of relevant historical, ethical, philosophical and clinical aspects pertaining to psychiatry and psychology, as well as an evaluation of the current juridical framework regarding the legal liability of the psychiatrist and psychologist balanced against the constitutional rights of the mentally disordered patient in South Africa. Recommendations are made for the establishment of any new controls needed to mitigate and prevent the exposure of mentally disordered patients, further attempting to provide specific remedies to adapt the current juridical framework in South Africa. The examination is conducted within the framework of the South African and United Kingdom's legal systems. Focus is placed on aspects of medical law, human rights law (as envisaged in the Bill of Rights in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996), criminal law and the law of delict and, to a lesser extent, administrative law and the law of evidence. / Law / LL.D.
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Endothelial FasL in lymph nodes and in intestinal lymphatic tissueKokkonen, T. (Tuomo) 29 March 2016 (has links)
The function of the transmembrane protein FasL is to complex with the Fas receptor in a target cell and induce target cell apoptosis. Fas/FasL-mediated apoptosis plays important role in immunoregulation. FasL expression is mostly seen in activated lymphocytes. We have characterized endothelial FasL expression in different functional compartments of lymph nodes and gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Furthermore, we have explored the functional role of endothelial FasL expression by analyzing correlation with apoptosis of lymphocyte subpopulations in lymph nodes and by assessing endothelial expression under different conditions by activation of immune functions in gastrointestinal mucosa.
Immunohistochemical stainings (Fas, FasL, CD3, CD20, CD19, CD23, CD56, FVIII) were performed on 20 reactive lymph node tissues (I and II), 60 pediatric endoscopy biopsy samples (III) or 60 samples from gut resections (IV). A double-staining method combining apoptosis detection with the TUNEL-method and lymphocyte classification with FasL, Fas and cell lineage markers was optimized. Patient groups included non-pathological lymph nodes, pediatric cow’s milk-sensitive enteropathy, pediatric celiac disease, appendicitis, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease. Control groups included normal biopsy samples from pediatric patients and non-pathological resecate samples from the appendix, colon or ileum to correspond to patient groups. Quantitative analysis (positive vessels or cells per mm2) was performed thoroughly for each anatomical region. In a subset of patients, soluble FasL in the serum was quantified with standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
In reactive lymph nodes FasL expression was predominantly present in high endothelial venules located in the paracortical area, where apoptotic T and B lymphocytes, some expressing Fas, were subsequently found. In the gut wall vascular FasL expression was seen in high endothelial vessels near lymphoid follicles. Serum FasL was elevated in children with an abundance of mucosal lymphoid follicles. In IBD, vascular FasL was upregulated in ulcers and in the submucosa of colons affected by Crohn’s disease.
The results indicate that endothelial FasL is characteristically present in high endothelial venules of lymphoid tissues. Detection of apoptotic Fas expressing lymphocytes adjacent to such vessels supports the idea that endothelial FasL functions as a selective gatekeeper by inducing apoptosis of Fas+ lymphocytes entering from the blood stream. / Tiivistelmä
Solukalvon läpäisevän proteiinin, FasL:n, tehtävä on sitoutua kohdesolun Fas-reseptoriin ja indusoida kohdesolun apoptoosi. Fas/FasL-välitteinen apoptoosi on merkittävä tekijä immunologisessa säätelyssä. FasL ilmentyy pääsääntöisesti aktivoituneissa lymfosyyteissä. Olemme kuvanneet tutkimuksessamme FasL:n endoteelistä ilmentymistä imukudoksen eri toiminnallisissa alueissa ja suoliston lymfaattisessa kudoksessa. Lisäksi kartoitimme endoteelin FasL:n toiminnallista merkitystä analysoimalla sen yhteyttä lymfosyyttien alaryhmien apoptoosiin imusolmukkeissa ja arvioimalla FasL:n endoteelistä ilmentymistä suoliston limakalvon immunologisesti erilaisissa sairauksissa.
Teimme immunohistokemiallisia värjäyksiä (Fas, FasL, CD3, CD20, CD19, CD23, CD56 ja FVIII) 20 reaktiiviselle imusolmukkeelle (I ja II), 60 lapsen endoskooppiselle biopsianäytteelle (III) sekä 60 suoliresekaattinäytteelle (IV). Optimoimme kaksoisvärjäysmenetelmän, missä yhdistettiin apoptoosin havainnointimenetelmä TUNEL ja FasL-, Fas- tai solulinjamarkkeri. Potilasryhmiin kuului potilaita, joilla oli normaalit imusolmukkeet, sekä potilaita, jotka sairastivat lasten viivästynyttä lehmänmaitoallergiaa, lasten keliakiaa, umpilisäketulehdusta, haavaista paksusuolitulehdusta tai Crohnin tautia. Verrokkiryhmiin kuului normaaleja biopsianäytteitä lapsipotilailta sekä terveitä resekaattinäytteitä umpilisäkkeestä sekä paksu- tai sykkyräsuolesta potilasryhmien mukaisesti. Jokaiselle anatomiselle alueelle suoritimme perusteellisen määrällisen analyysin (positiivista suonta tai solua per mm2). Osalle ryhmistä suoritimme seerumin liukoisen FasL:n määrityksen entsyymivälitteisellä immunosorbenttimäärityksellä.
Reaktiivisissa imusolmukkeissa FasL:n ilmentyminen näkyi pääsääntöisesti parakortikaalialueen korkeaendoteelisissä venuleissa, missä myös apoptoottiset T- ja B-lymfosyytit (joista osa ilmensi Fasia) sittemmin näkyivät. Suoliston seinämässä havaitsimme verisuoniperäistä FasL:n ilmentymistä korkeaendoteelisissä suonissa lymfaattisten itukeskusten lähettyvillä. Niillä lapsipotilailla, joilla havaitsimme limakalvon lymfaattisten itukeskuksien lisääntymistä, oli myös seerumin FasL-pitoisuus koholla. Tulehduksellisissa suolistosairauksissa verisuoniperäinen FasL oli lisääntynyt limakalvon haavaumissa sekä Crohnin tautia sairastavien potilaiden submukoosassa.
Tulokset osoittavat verisuoniperäisen FasL:n tyypillisesti ilmentyvän imukudoksen korkeaendoteelisissa suonissa. Apoptoosin havaitseminen Fasia ilmentävissä lymfosyyteissä näiden suonien läheisyydessä tukee ajatusta siitä, kuinka verisuoniperäinen FasL toimii valikoivana portinvartijana ja aiheuttaa Fas-positiivisten lymfosyyttien apoptoosin estämällä niiden pääsyn verenkierrosta.
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The intersection of power, knowledge, shared perspectives, and participatory processes in organizational direction-setting: a study of a churchWollf, Randy 05 1900 (has links)
The abuse of power, dominance of certain shared perspectives, and reduction of personal values into so-called organizational core values are problems that plague traditional organizational direction setting. The purpose of this study was to explore how power intersects with the knowledge formation process, shared perspectives, and participatory processes within organizational direction setting.
The study used an ethnographic case study approach to focus on a church that went through a yearlong direction setting process. The church had lost its senior pastor and wanted to determine its direction before hiring a new pastor. The researcher was a participant in that process. His field notes and other documentation provided one source of data. The researcher also interviewed 20 people who participated in the process.
In terms of the intersection of power and knowledge formation, the study revealed that the discursive practices of the facilitator along with the voices of those in privileged groups, the outspoken, and those who had engendered trust in others carried considerable weight during the process.
At the intersection of power with shared perspectives, there were two major perspectives representing subgroup cultures: a traditional perspective that resisted change and a progressive perspective that wanted change. The progressives dominated the church’s privileged groups and exerted extensive influence on the direction setting process. The organizational symbols of church staff and worship music style served to galvanize some people in the battle over which perspective would prevail. Transparency functioned as a bridge that brought some on either side of the conflict closer together.
The research revealed two major types of power related to the intersection of power with participatory processes: the power of pain and intimidation. Both minimized the participation of some women, youth, and traditionalists.
All three intersections featured deployments of power that influenced the construction of directional knowledge. This knowledge helped to inform the rules of “appropriate” conduct within the organization’s emerging truth regime.
The study revealed that, in this case, robust directional knowledge would have accommodated personal, subgroup, and widely shared values in a state of dynamic equilibrium.
The researcher concluded with a discussion of implications for organizational leaders. / Education, Faculty of / Educational Studies (EDST), Department of / Graduate
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Návrh a implementace elektronického obchodu společnosti / E-shop design and implementation of companyHorsák, David January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work characterizes and analyzes the business company. It contains method of solving problems, consequent on the analysis, solving implementation problems and it is project tools for improve future position of company on market by means of electronic market. For further, it is describe economics analysis of design e-shop and it is implementation in chosen company.
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Exploring the Lived Experiences of Black, Indigenous, and Women of Color Leaders' Perceptions On and Access to Opportunities that Support Positional Leadership at a Catholic, Marianist, Predominately White Institution: A Critical Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study.Coleman-Stokes, Vernique J. 10 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Myth of Endless Accumulation: A Feminist Inquiry Into Globalization, Growth, and Social ChangeMiser, Martha Freymann 10 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Identitet, makt och drama : en undersökning av DRACON-programmet i Sverige ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv / Drama, power and identity : a research of the Swedish DRACON-project from a norm-critical point of veiwHawerman, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Den här studien vill bidra med kunskap kring normkritisk pedagogik inom dramapedagogiken i Sverige. Det genom att belysa det svenska DRACON-projektet ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv. Det svenska DRACON-projektet är en del av det internationella DRACON-projektet vars övergripande syfte var att bygga en bro mellan drama och konflikthantering. I bakgrunden till den här studien beskrivs dramapedagogik, svensk dramaforskning och internationell dramaforskning utifrån kritiska teorier. Normkritisk pedagogik är en kritisk pedagogik som vänder blicken mot maktstrukturer och privilegier istället för att fokusera på minoriteter eller förtryckta grupper. I det teoretiska perspektivet förklaras och fördjupas begreppet normkritisk pedagogik utifrån feministisk teori, queerteori, postkolonial teori och kritiska vithetsstudier, funktionalitet, intersektionalitet och kritisk pedagogik. Syftet med den här undersökningen var att genom ett kritiskt makt- och identitetsperspektiv belysa det svenska DRACON-programmet. Det utifrån forskningsfrågorna: Vilka föreställningar om makt och identitet finns inbyggda det svenska DRACON-programmet? Hur förhåller sig dessa föreställningar till den normkritiska pedagogikens syn på makt och identitet? Studien genomfördes utifrån textanalys av boken DRACON i skolan. Analysen strukturerades med hjälp av en analysmall. Resultatet tyder på att DRACON-programmet i Sverige är inkluderande och försöker ta tillvara på alla deltagares erfarenheter. Samtidigt verkar programmet sakna ett ifrågasättande av kön och genus och fördjupade analyser kring makt. Spår av postkolonialism framträder i någon enstaka lek. / The general aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of, so called, norm-critical pedagogy (normkritisk pedagogik) as part of Drama in Education in Sweden. This through looking at the Swedish DRACON-project from a norm-critical point of view. The Swedish DRACON-project is a part of the international DRACON-project which aimed at building a bridge between drama in education and conflict management. Norm-critical pedagogy is a Scandinavian term for critical pedagogy that focuses on the structures of power and privilege, rather than the oppressed. The pedagogy is explained in this paper and has its roots in queer pedagogy, queer theory, feminist theory, postcolonial theory and intersectional perspectives. The aim of this study was to look at the Swedish DRACON-project from the critical point of view of power, privilege and identity. The study examines the following questions: What conceptions of power and identity can be found in the Swedish DRACON-program? How do these conceptions relate to norm-critical perspectives of power, privilege and identity? The examination is done through text analysis of the book DRACON i skolan(DRACON in school). The results indicate that the Swedish DRACON-project is inclusive and tries to seize the experiences of all participants. At the same time the project seems to lack the questioning of gender and the immersing of analyzing power structures.
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