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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Vice President Research, Office of the January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

El Premio Nacional de Literatura en Chile: de la Construcción de una Importancia

Faúndez Morán, Pablo 19 October 2017 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht den Nationalpreis für Literatur („Premio Nacional de Literatura“) in Chile, der 1942 ins Leben gerufen wurde und mit welchem bis 2014 48 männliche und 4 weibliche Autoren prämiert wurden. Sein Bestehen über mehr als sieben Jahrzehnte und seine offizielle feierliche Verleihung hat durchgehend die Aufmerksamkeit des chilenischen literarischen Feldes erregt und bot im gleichen Zuge einen öffentlicher Anlass, den Wert der Literatur auf verschiedenen Ebenen neu zu denken und zu diskutieren. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist, ausgehend von dieser vielseitigen Diskussion eine Analyse der Inhalte und Grundlagen der Debatte über den Stellenwert von Literatur und von SchriftstellerInnen sowie deren Veränderungen in Chile vorzunehmen. Die Arbeit ist diachronisch angelegt und basiert auf der Sammlung und Kategorisierung offizieller Berichte, individueller Aussagen und öffentlicher Debatten, die alljährlich rund um die Vergabe des Nationalpreises publik werden. Die Ergebnisse der Forschungsarbeit zeigen, dass seit den 1940er Jahren in Chile Literatur tendenziell anhand der politisch-ethischen Position der AutorInnen astatt der Ästhetik der Texte bewertet wurde. Das heißt, in den meisten Fällen wurde ein Autor anhand seines gesellschaftlichen Engagements anstatt der Qualität seiner Texte ausgewählt. Dieser Sachverhalt erklärt sich durch die große Bedeutung, die der chilenische Staat bis heute als Plattform für Finanzierung, Ausbildung und Förderung künstlerischer Werdegänge, inne hat. / The present dissertation investigates the Chilean National Prize for Literature ("Premio Nacional de Literatura"), founded in 1942, which has been awarded to 48 male and 4 female authors to date. Its existence for more than seven decades and the solemnity of the official award ceremonies has attracted the attention of the Chilean literary field, offering a public occasion and forum to rethink and discuss the value of literature on different levels. The main objective of this research is to present and analyze the arguments that were used in this context to explain why writers and literature are important. The dissertation is diachronic and based on the collection and categorization of official reports, individual statements, and public debates, which were held annually around the awarding of the national prize between 1942 and 2014. The results of this investigation show that, since the 1940s, the arguments used to talk about the importance and value of literature tended to give more importance to the political-ethical profile of the writers, rather than an esthetic dimension. This means that in most of the cases writers were valued for their social engagement rather than the quality of their books. This has happened because of the State’s importance both as financial source for Chilean writers and as network for the development of their intellectual and artistic careers. / La presente investigación está dedicada al Premio Nacional de Literatura en Chile, fundado el año 1942 y que, hasta el año 2014, condecoró a 48 escritores y 4 escritoras. Su fundación hace más de 7 décadas, y su entrega y ceremonia oficiales han logrado concentrar año a año la atención del medio literario chileno, ofreciendo de paso una instancia pública y periódica donde discutir y reflexionar en torno al valor de la literatura y los escritores. El objetivo de esta investigación es, a partir de la organización y análisis de estas discusiones, presentar los argumentos que han fundado un discurso sobre la importancia de la literatura en Chile, y explicar cómo es que esos fundamentos se han transformado. La estructura de este trabajo es diacrónica y se basa en la exposición y categorización de los motivos recogidos en reportes oficiales, declaraciones de los escritores y la diversidad de artículos de prensa surgidos a propósito de la entrega del Premio Nacional. Los resultados de esta pesquisa informan que en el medio cultural chileno desde los años ’40 en adelante los criterios de valoración de lo literario tendieron a privilegiar la dimensión político-ética de los escritores, antes que la estética; es decir, que en la mayoría de los casos se les valoró por su compromiso social, antes que por la calidad de sus obras. Esto, a su vez, se ha explicado por la importancia que el Estado ha tenido hasta el día de hoy como plataforma de financiamiento, formación y acción para las carreras artísticas y literarias en Chile.

Giovanni Poleni (1683-1761) et l'Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris / Giovanni Poleni (1683-1761) and the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris

Le Gall, Céline 25 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse présente les traductions des trois traités de navigation écrits en latin (et restés à ce jour inédits) par Giovanni Poleni, professeur de mathématiques, physique, astronomie, philosophie mécanique expérimentale, navigation et construction navale à l’université de Padoue : La meilleure manière de mesurer sur mer le chemin d’un vaisseau, indépendamment des observations astronomiques (1733), Dissertations latines sur les ancres portant sur La figure optimale selon laquelle les ancres peuvent être formées, De la technique la plus performante pour forger les ancres, La manière d’éprouver la force des ancres, soit leur résistance (1737), le troisième traité concerne l’amélioration de l’usage du cabestan : De Ergatae Navalis praestabiliore, facilioreque Usu, Dissertatio (1741). Ces trois traités furent primés par l’Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris (prix Rouillé de Meslay). Un corpus traduit de la correspondance latine de Poleni avec les savants européens, la traduction des programmes latins de ses cours de navigation ainsi qu’une enquête in situ à Venise, Vérone ou à Padoue furent nécessaires pour contextualiser les traités. La reconstitution grandeur nature de deux machines de navigation de Poleni : le cabestan et la machine pour mesurer la force du vent, réalisée par des étudiants de BTS Développement Réalisation Bois et des élèves de CAP Serrurerie Métallerie furent testées en mer. Le premier volume propose une biographie de Giovanni Poleni, les « appels à projets » de l’Académie Royale des Sciences de Paris (1733-1741), les traductions commentées des trois traités de Poleni ainsi que la reconstitution de ses machines. Le second tome regroupe les fac-similés des manuscrits ou des imprimés originaux de l’universitaire padouan. / This doctoral thesis presents the translation of the three shipping essays written in latin (and never translated until now) by Giovanni Poleni, professor of mathematics, physics, astronomy, mechanical and experimental philosophy, shipping and shipbuilding in the University of Padua: La meilleure manière de mesurer sur mer le chemin d’un vaisseau, indépendamment des observations astronomiques (1733), Dissertations latines sur les ancres about La figure optimale selon laquelle les ancres peuvent être formées, De la technique la plus performante pour forger les ancres, La manière d’éprouver la force des ancres, soit leur résistance (1737), the third essay relates how to improve the use of the ship's capstan: De Ergatae Navalis praestabiliore, facilioreque Usu, Dissertatio (1741).These three essays were rewarded by the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris (prize Rouillé de Meslay). A translated corpus of the Poleni's latin correspondence with the others European scholars, the translation of the latin programmes of his shipping courses and an on-site survey in Venice, Verona and Padua were required in order to contextualize the essays. The full-scale reconstruction of Poleni’s shipping machines: the capstan and the machine to measure the wind force, made by the students of BTS Development Achievement Wood and the pupils of CAP Metal Forming and Ironwork were tested in sea. The first volume provides a biography of Giovanni Poleni, the “Calls forProjects” of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris (1733-1741), the translations commented of the Poleni’s three shipping essays and the reconstruction of his shipping machines. The second one collects the manuscripts or original printouts' facsimile written by the Paduan academic.

開放取用系統與商業資料庫之書目計量比較研究-以諾貝爾生物醫學獎為例 / A Bibliometric Study on Open Access Systems and Commercialized databases: The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Literature Approach

潘梓其, Pan, Tzu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
自2003年布達佩斯宣言公佈起,國際間學術文獻開始開放取用的趨勢。於此背景下,本研究以諾貝爾生物醫學獎近十年23位得主為研究樣本,評比在商業資料庫(SCIE、Scopus)及開放取用系統(生物醫學類:Pubmed、Highwire;綜合類:Google Scholar)的文獻收錄狀況,除了比較其內部重複性與完整性,並交叉比對五個資料庫與系統的重複性、獨特性及完整性,同時也觀看能否取得全文的比率,來了解現今開放取用文獻的狀況,進而觀察開放取用系統和商業資料庫兩者是否可以互補,或是開放取用系統有代替商業資料庫的可能性。 研究結果顯示五個資料庫及系統的檢索形式多元。針對作者檢索而言,Scopus最完善,資料收錄也較齊全;SCIE及Pubmed兩者則是檢索結果最為相似。如果以學術出版收錄而言,則是Highwire較完整;至於Google Scholar的獨特性較高。整體而言,開放取用系統比商業資料庫的全文收錄比例高,但Scopus是收錄最多全文的資料庫。本研究同時也發現PNAS是五個資料庫與系統之重複來源及獨特來源。另外,使用PubMed及Highwire檢索生物醫學文獻會比Google Scholar來得專業。 根據研究結果建議,商業資料庫可考慮將網路開放資源納入收錄範圍,以便妥善整理及應用網路資源的書目及全文。開放取用系統則應改善索引書目之正確性及著錄完整性。另外,針對圖書館的服務宜採取以下之因應措施:(1)加強推廣商業資料庫之正確檢索方式及使用時機;(2)教導如何正確使用開放取用系統的檢索模式;(3)平衡商業資料庫和開放取用系統的使用,以達成圖書館經費的合理運用。 本研究後續可延伸至生物醫學領域的臨床及實證醫學上,以了解生物醫學中兩個最具時效性的學術文獻系統是否達到開放取用的立即性及實用性。再者,使用者對開放取用的滿意度研究是學術出版界急欲了解的課題,也是後續研究可加強努力的方向。 / The International Scholarly Communication has gradually forwarded open access system since the publication of Budapest Declaration in 2003. Under this research background, this study uses biomedical Nobel Prize winners in recent years for the study of 23 samples of appraisal in the commercial database (SCIE, Scopus) and open access systems (biomedical categories: Pubmed, Highwire ; Comprehensive: Google Scholar) literature collection status, in addition to comparing repeatability and integrity of its internal and cross-comparison of the five databases and system repeatability, uniqueness and integrity, while also viewing the ability to obtain the ratio of text to understand current status of open access literature, and then observe the open access systems and commercial databases whether the two can complement each other, or open access database system instead of commercial possibilities. The results showed that five databases have different retrieval systems in many different forms. For the purposes of retrieval, Scopus collections are more complete; SCIE and Pubmed are the most similar two databases in the search results. Inclusion academic publishing purposes, Highwire is the most complete one. For Google Scholar, the collection’s uniqueness is the highest. Overall, comparing the open access system with commercial database, open access system contains a high proportion of full text. Scopus is the most one of full text collections. The PNAS study also found that five of the duplicate database and system sources and unique source. In addition, the use of PubMed and Highwire retrieved biomedical literature is more professional than Google Scholar. According to the study results suggest that commercial databases can be considered included in the scope of network resources into the open, in order to properly organize network resources and application of bibliographic and full-text. Open access system should improve the accuracy and bibliographic indexing bibliographic completeness. In addition, for the library service should take the following measures in response to: (a) enhance the promotion of commercial database retrieval methods and the use of proper timing; (2) to teach the proper use of open access system retrieval mode; (3) Balance Business open access database and use of the system, in order to achieve rational use of library funds. The follow-up research of this study can be extended to the field of clinical and biomedical evidence-based medicine research. The follow-up research results can be used to understand the biomedical literature’ timeliness, whether the system reaches an open access immediate or practicality. Furthermore, users' satisfaction with open access scholarly publishing research is also an anxious subject to know, and the follow-up study will strengthen efforts.


Vice President Research, Office of the 12 1900 (has links)
UBC's Drs. Walter Hardy, Doug Bonn and Ruixing Liang were awarded the 2006 Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering. A partnership between Dr. Helen Burt's reseach laboratory and Angiotech Pharmaceuticals has earned the 2006 NSERC Synergy Award for Innovation.

Von der Wirkung zur Wertung / Formal-ästhetische Werte in den Diskussionen des Ingeborg-Bachmann-Wettbewerbs 1999-2009 / Effect and Evaluation / Aesthetic Judgment in the Jury Discussions of the Ingeborg-Bachmann-Prize 1999-2009

Rahmann, Kathrin 19 July 2017 (has links)
No description available.

O problema do caixeiro alugador com coleta de bonus: um estudo algoritmico / Prize Collecting Traveling Car Renter Problem: an Algotithm Study

Menezes, Matheus da Silva 21 March 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T15:48:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MatheusSM_TESE.pdf: 3657538 bytes, checksum: 05bf71663b044728a1e70b6db57b834e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-21 / This paper introduces a new variant of the Traveling Car Renter Problem, named Prizecollecting Traveling Car Renter Problem. In this problem, a set of vertices, each associated with a bonus, and a set of vehicles are given. The objective is to determine a cycle that visits some vertices collecting, at least, a pre-defined bonus, and minimizing the cost of the tour that can be traveled with different vehicles. A mathematical formulation is presented and implemented in a solver to produce results for sixty-two instances. The proposed problem is also subject of an experimental study based on the algorithmic application of four metaheuristics representing the best adaptations of the state of the art of the heuristic programming.We also provide new local search operators which exploit the neighborhoods of the problem, construction procedures and adjustments, created specifically for the addressed problem. Comparative computational experiments and performance tests are performed on a sample of 80 instances, aiming to offer a competitive algorithm to the problem. We conclude that memetic algorithms, computational transgenetic and a hybrid evolutive algorithm are competitive in tests performed / Este trabalho apresenta uma nova variante do problema do Caixeiro Alugador ainda n?o descrita na literatura, denominada de Caixeiro Alugador com Coleta de Pr?mios. Neste problema s?o disponibilizados um conjunto de v?rtices, cada um com um b?nus associado e um conjunto de ve?culos. O objetivo do problema ? determinar um ciclo que visite alguns v?rtices coletando, pelo menos, um b?nus pr?-de nido e minimizando os custos de viagem atrav?s da rota, que pode ser feita com ve?culos de diferentes tipos. ? apresentada uma formula??o matem?tica e implementada em um solver produzindo resultados em sessenta e duas inst?ncias. O problema proposto tamb?m ? objeto de um estudo algor?tmico experimental baseado na aplica??o de quatro metaheur?sticas de solu??o, representando adapta??es do melhor do estado da arte em programa??o heur?stica. Nesse trabalho tamb?m apresentamos a constitui??o de novos operadores que exploram as vizinhan?as do problema, procedimentos construtivos e adapta??es, criados especifi camente para o problema abordado. Experimentos computacionais comparativos e testes de desempenho s?o realizados sobre uma amostra de 80 inst?ncias, visando oferecer um algoritmo de solu??o competitivo para o problema. Conclui-se que algoritmos com abordagem mem?tica, transgen ?tica e evolucion?ria h?brida obtiveram resultados competitivos nos testes efetuados. Palavras-chave: Caixeiro Alugador com Coleta de Pr?mios. Metaheur?sticas. GRASP/VNS. Algoritmo Mem?tico. Transgen?tica Computacional. Computa??o Evolucion?ria

Řízení stavební zakázky ve stavebním podniku / Building Order Management in the Building Company

Eis, Jan January 2013 (has links)
The master's thesis describe system of management construction project and elaboration prize offer from the perspective of contractor of building. Objectiv of this work is to introduce whit specific principles, procedures and methods, that are needed to prepare and management of construction contracts and their subsequen application to specific construction work - new building of locksmith in Chotěboř.

Aplikace nekonvenčních paprskových technologií(LASER/plazma)ve strojírenství / Application of unconventional jet technology (LASER/plasma) in machine

Šebela, Pavel January 2008 (has links)
The description and characteristic of the material cutting process technology by means of laser and plasma beams. The safety of both technologies. Technical-economic comparison of both material cutting methods. The evaluation of the cutting quality according to ČSN EN ISO 9013 Standard.

Nobelova cena míru pro Evropskou unii: Analýza euroskepticismu / Nobel Peace Prize for European Union: The Analysis of Euroscepticism

Meissner, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The topic of the master thesis is putting together two subjects that always sharply polarize academic, but also political and public debate - euroscepticism and Nobel Peace Prize. Through an analysis of primarily negative debate that followed after awarding Nobel Peace Prize to European Union in 2012 the master thesis is aiming to answer the question to what extent it was the topics typical for euroscepticism that shaped this debate. The paper is operating with a hypothesis that it was this critical phenomenon, typical only for EU, being the main component of the negative debate overshadowing expected criticism with regard to the purpose of the award. For the second hypothesis which anticipates that the topics of euroscepticism make the EU specific laureate is necessary to compare this case with three other international organizations (and their criticism) that were recently awarded with the Nobel Peace Prize. These organizations include Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (laureate in 2013), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007) and United Nations (2001). The first chapter introduces the Nobel Peace Prize and its specifications. The topics typical for euroscepticism are generated in the second part through academic debate on both party politics euroscepticism and public...

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