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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

HARCH sekų stacionarumo tyrimas / Investigation of stationarity of harch sequences

Skorniakov, Viktor 02 July 2014 (has links)
Darbe pateiktos alternatyvios ARCH(2) stacionarumo sąlygos, analogiškos egzistuojančioms. Taip pat suformuluotos hipotetinės HARCH(2) proceso stacionarumo sąlygos. / There are given alternative conditions of stationarity of ARCH(2) process similar to the existing ones. Also hypothetical conditions of stationarity of HARCH(2) are stated.

Mentalinių veiksmažodžių rekategorizacija / Recategorization of Mental Verbs

Kuklienė, Evelina 01 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of this work was to collect a body of evidence of the recategorization of mental verbs, and make an analysis of their meanings and grammar. The research showed that the most active in this respect were the verbs of perception. Depending on the grammatical and semantic co-text, the verbs of perception expressed a material, verbal, relational, existential or happening processes. The verbs of cognition were less active. Their secondary meanings often expressed the same process with a slight change of meaning. When recategorized, the verbs of cognition denoted material, existential, and verbal processes, as well as the processes of perception and affectivity. The verbs of affectivity were the least active. Most of them had only one or two meanings that denoted the same process.

Žinių valdymo įtaka įmonės inovatyvumui / Knowledge management influence on company’s innovation

Poškaitė, Lina 26 June 2014 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Kintančios situacijos verslo rinkoje reikalauja kaskart vis naujų žinių, mokėjimų ir įgūdžių. Žinių valdymas leidžia įmonei nuolat žinoti apie savo turimus žinių išteklius, juos atnaujinti, kurti naujas žinias. Neatsiejamai norėdama išlikti konkurencinėje rinkoje įmonė turi nuolat kurti naujus produktus, paslaugas, nuolat atsinaujinti, plėtotis naujomis kryptimis. Inovacijos yra vienas iš konkurencijos sėkmės veiksnių. Žinių valdymas įtakoja visus inovacinius procesus. Todėl įmonėje, kuri siekia palaikyti ir padidinti savo konkurencinį pranašumą žinių valdymas ir inovaciniai procesai turi būti nuolat vykstantys ir nenutrūkstantys procesai. Darbo objektas – žinių valdymo įtaka įmonės inovatyvumui. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti žinių valdymo įtaką įmonės inovatyvumui. Siekiant iškelto tikslo, yra nagrinėjami tokie uždaviniai: 1. Išskirti efektyvaus žinių valdymo proceso bruožus. 2. Apibrėžti inovacijų proceso efektyvumo kriterijus 3. Sukurti teorinį žinių valdymo įtakos įmonės inovatyvumui įvertinimo modelį. 4. Remiantis sukurtu Žinių valdymo įtaką įmonės inovatyvumui atspindinčiu modeliu atskleisti žinių valdymo įtaką kelių ir gatvių tiesimo, remonto, priežiūros ir gerbūvio darbus atliekančių įmonių inovacinėje veikloje. Suformuluotos hipotezės: 1. Socializacija yra pati svarbiausia inovacijų kūrimo procese. 2. Nuolat vykstantis žinių valdymo procesas teigiamai įtakoja įmonės inovatyvumą. 3. Kuo aukštesniame žinių valdymo brandumo lygyje yra įmonė, tuo ji... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Changeable situation in the business market requires ever increasing new knowledge, skills and abilities. Knowledge management allows the company to know about its knowledge, to update them, create new knowledge. Innovation is one of the competitive success factors. Any innovation process is inseparable from knowledge management. Knowledge management influence on all innovation processes. Therefore, the company that seeks to maintain and increase their competitive edge in knowledge management and innovation process must be ongoing and continuous process. The object of the paper - knowledge management influence on company‘s innovation The purpose of the paper - to establish a knowledge management influence on company‘s innovation. Objectives of the paper: 1. To exclude effective knowledge management process features. 2. To define performance criteria for the innovation process 3. To create a model which shows knowledge management influence on company‘s innovativion. 4. According to established model which reflects knowledge management influence on company‘s innovation, to expose the influence with knowledge management on road and street construction, repair, maintenance and welfare work out innovative activities of enterprises. According to Lithuanian and foreign scientists works, the model was developed, which shows a knowledge management influence on company‘s innovation. This model reveals the key aspects of knowledge management process and their impact on the company‘s... [to full text]

Verslo procesų, aprašytų BPMN notacija, transformavimas į PLA modelius / Transformation business process, described by BPMN, to PLA models

Slaninaitė, Lina 05 June 2006 (has links)
The notations of business processes can be used to design IT systems. If we want to reduce the expenses and the amount of mistakes of the bigger projects we need to create additional models, which can help us to find out whether the business processes are well understandable and correct. The question is how to reduce the expenses for creation of business process models. The purpose of thesis is to answer to this question: how to transform BPMN models to PLA method. The basic concepts was gathered and systemized, that will allow us to talk about business processes in a structured way. Also was made analysis of business process modeling languages (BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) and UML (Unified Modeling Language)). Also was described piece-linear aggregate (PLA) method, which is used for creation of dynamical models of business process. Was made BPMN model of ATM (automatic teller machine) business process, which was transformed to PLA model. The results of transformation was systemized and was made general requirements how to transform BPMN models to piece-linear aggregate.

Socialinių paslaugų namuose plėtra / The development of social services in home environment

Pečiulienė, Asta 30 June 2006 (has links)
Die in Litauen stattfindenden sozialen Prozesse, wie rasche demographische Alterung oder die Veränderung der Familienstrukturen, stellen den Staat vor die Aufgabe, für den schwächeren Teil der Bevölkerung zu sorgen, d.h. denjenigen zu helfen, denen es schwerer fällt, sich an die Herausforderungen des alltäglichen Lebens anzupassen, indem man die Fähigkeiten fördert selbständig den Alltag zu meistern und am gesellschaftlichen Leben teilzunehmen. Die sozialen Dienste zu Hause (Heimpflege) stellen eine der wichtigsten Unterstützungsformen für Pflegebedürftige dar, die aus verschiedenen Gründen, sei es Alter, Behinderung oder schwache Gesundheit, nicht in der Lage sind, für sich selbst zu sorgen. Die vorliegende Arbeit hatte die Untersuchung der Erweiterungsmöglichkeiten der sozialen Dienste in der Stadt Vilnius zum Ziel. Die Aufgaben der Untersuchung bestanden darin, die Bedeutung der sozialen Dienste zu Hause bei der Lösung gesellschaftlicher Probleme festzustellen, die Prinzipien und Bedingungen der sozialen Dienste zu Hause zu ergründen, ferner die Entwicklungstendenzen der sozialen Heimdienste zu analysieren, die Faktoren festzuhalten, die den Ausbau der sozialen Heimdienste beeinflussen sowie Vorschläge für das Modell einer komplexen Heimhilfe zu unterbreiten. In der Untersuchung wurden folgende Methoden angewandt: theoretische (Studium, Analyse sowie Verallgemeinerung sowohl der Gesetze, normativen Rechtsakte, die die sozialen Heimdienste reglementieren wie auch der... [to full text]

IT paslaugų valdymo procesų atitikties analizatorius / IT Service Management Process‘s Compliance Analyzer

Grigienė, Ilona 13 January 2006 (has links)
There are several process maturity measurement automation tools available on the market. Most of them have significant shortcomings: they collect many incorrect data, they lack of graphic representation, or they do not facilitate continuous comparison of achieved levels over time axis. In this situation UAB “Blue Bridge” has taken decision to investigate possibility to develop own software which is free of these shortcomings. Therein described system is targeted to automate and shorten time of the process maturity measurement. It is intended to be implemented in UAB “Blue Bridge” IT infrastructure and to be used as an automating tool for the Project Planning and Implementation process. Tasks which have been completed are: • Thorough analysis of available software pointing out advantages and disadvantages they have; • Identification and documentation of functional and usability requirements • Developed system architecture design • Database designed to store questionnaires and responses to them • Developed web-based user interface • Prepared system testing plan and estimated ways to implement it �� Developed system and user documentation set There is sought company management support to the implementation of this system and during it testing in production environment phase.

Išplėstoji UML notacija verslo procesams modeliuoti ir specifikuoti / Extended UML Notation for Modelling of e-Business Processes

Pašilskytė, Inga 24 May 2005 (has links)
Visual languages are used for understandability of business analysis, modeling and computerization processes for business analysts as soon as system developers. The advantages of visual modeling are standard notation, unified concepts, and intuitive use. There is no single language suitable for all phases of business process evolution. Three languages were analyzed: UML 2.0, BPMN and BPEL4WS, with regards to their possibilities to represent and execute e-business processes. It is proposed to extend UML 2.0 with BPMN stereotypes for e-business process modeling with succeeding transformation to execution language BPEL. The exclusive feature of proposed way of modeling lies in integration of business process model with object types of problem domain. In order to test the proposed method, scenario for modeling was prepared and three models were designed: two models using UML 2.0 notation, and one model using UML extended with BPMN stereotypes. Models were compared to show new method advantages. For implementation of proposed method, UML CASE tool MagicDraw was extended with stereotypes required for the proposed method of modeling. Extended user interface was proposed for specification of business rules governing the e-business process.

Priverstinės sinchronizacijos sistemos matematinio modelio sudarymas ir tyrimas / Working out and investigation of the mathematical model of the forced synchronization system

Simonaitytė, Irena 08 June 2005 (has links)
The mathematical model of the forced synchronization system, composed of four oscillators is investigated. The mathematical model of the system is the matrix differential equation with delayed arguments. The matrix differential equation is solved using method of steps and applying Laplace transform. Using this method and exact solution of the matrix differential equation with delayed arguments was obtained and exact expressions of the elements of the step responses matrix, of the synchronization system are got. On the base of derived formulas the transition processes of the system are investigated.

Vilniaus miesto gyventojų tautinių procesų raida 1989-2003 m / National processes in Vilnius in 1989-2003

Šablinska, Česlava 08 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of this work is to reveal the national processes taking place in Vilnius after restoration of Lithuania’s state self-dependence and predict the future trends. The work presents the ethnic problems in Vilnius in 1989-2003. The demographic and ethnic processes within the lands of Lithuania and Vilnius have had a definite, quite distinct specificity in terms of their historical and geographic aspects. Each of the historical periods mentioned exerted definite influence on the formation of the definite ethnic situation in Vilnius. The territory of Lithuania and Vilnius was inhabited, side by side with Lithuanians, by Poles, Jews, Russians, Germans and Belorussians. Under the influence of changing political conditions the proportions of numbers of particular ethnic groups changed as well, and the especially strong fluctuations concerned the relations among the representatives of various nations, languages and religious denominations. The works demonstrates that the change of political conditions and of the socio-economic system caused a change in the demographic and ethnic trends. After the regaining of independence the share of Lithuanian population started to increase systematically. Many Russians, Belorussians and Ukrainians would leave Vilnius. The differences between 1989 and 2001 are big, and they indicate that the new tendencies emerged, strengthening the position of Lithuanians in relation to the remaining ethnic groups, the minorities. The ethnic question will... [to full text]

Įmonių procesų efektyvumo vertinimas / Enterprise processes efficiency estimation

Žukauskaitė, Jurgita 09 July 2011 (has links)
Sparti ekonominės erdvės kaita ir globalizacijos spaudimas verčia įmones atsisakyti veiklos principo „čia ir dabar“. Naudojami darbo metodai tampa neefektyvūs, todėl įmonės turi keistis. Egzistuoja daug įmonių valdymo metodų, kurių tikslas – veiklos efektyvumo gerinimas. Efektyvumo vertinimo metodai veiklą vertina įvairiais rodikliais: rodikliai, pavyzdžiui, finansinė analizė, rodiklių sistema, pavyzdžiui, subalansuotų rodiklių metodas, vertinimo metodikos, veiksmų seka, pavyzdžiui, šešių sigmų metodas. Tačiau efektyvumo vertinimo metodai dažniausiai neatitinka esamos situacijos. Įvedus naują rizikos ir laiko lygmenį procesus būtų galima ne tik palyginti, bet ir iš anksto numatyti galimus finansinių rodiklių pokyčius. Šį naują įvestą lygmenį galima įdiegti informacinėse sistemose, skirtose procesams vertinti pagal subalansuotų rodiklių metodą. Naujasis procesų efektyvumo vertinimo modelis gali kompleksiškai ir efektyviai įvertinti procesų efektyvumą. / Rapid economic change and globalization processes forces companies to refuse the attitude “now and here”. Enterprise performance methods are becoming inefficient, therefore enterprises have to change. Routine activities and processes efficiency estimation methods often do not present the real situation. Enterprise business processes are very different - some processes may be sufficient to assess the financial analysis, for other processes can be adapted balanced scorecard approach. However, there are some processes that are strictly regulated and are associated with various risk and time management. For that reason, usually used processes and enterprise performance assessment methods can not reveal the efficiency of enterprise processes, so it is seek for other, more effective performance management - assessment methods, which could help business leaders properly evaluate process efficiency. An analysis of performance management - assessment methods showed their strengths and weaknesses. It can be argued that business processes can be assessed by balanced scorecard approach. However, this approach’s four prospects are insufficient for business processes evaluation. In the process dimension it is lack of risk and time management. And other methods currently used in processes efficiency estimation do not give integrated performance index. For this reason process estimation is subjective. The experimental study showed that the introduction of new risk and time management into... [to full text]

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