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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Identifying and Improving Quality of Care at an Emergency Department : Patient and healthcare professional perspectives

Muntlin, Åsa January 2009 (has links)
Background: Patients in the emergency department are not always satisfied with the care received and the nursing care in the emergency department is sometimes described as instrumental and non-holistic. Structured quality improvement work and evidence-based practice are needed. Aim: The overall aim was to emphasize general patients in the emergency department to enhance the knowledge on how they perceive the quality of care and how the care could be improved through collaboration with the healthcare professionals. Methods: Four studies, with quantitative and qualitative designs, were conducted in a Swedish emergency department. Two hundred patients answered a questionnaire, after which 22 healthcare professionals comprising five focus groups were interviewed, and finally 200 patients were included in an intervention study. Results: The following five areas for improvement were identified: “information, respect and empathy”, “pain relief”, “nutrition”, “waiting time” and “general atmosphere”. Of these areas, the healthcare professionals prioritized “information, respect and empathy”, “waiting time” and “pain relief” to be highlighted in the quality improvement work. Although goals and suggestions for changes were stated, barriers to quality improvement at different levels in the health care were detected. The results of the intervention study showed that structured nursing assessment of the patients’ abdominal status and nurse-initiated intravenous opioid analgesic could increase frequency of analgesic and reduce time to analgesic in the emergency department. Patients perceived lower pain intensity and improved quality of care in pain management. Conclusions: An uncomplicated nursing intervention, related to pain management, based on the results from a patient questionnaire and interviews with healthcare professionals, can improve the care process and pain management in the emergency department, as well as patients’ perceptions of the quality of care in pain management. To succeed with continuous quality improvement work, barriers to change should be addressed.

Juventude universitária e seus rumos à profissionalização : caminhos que se constroem

Sacramento, Hellen Rejane dos Santos 15 August 2014 (has links)
This work presents analyses which punctuate the relationship-work-education and youth as ´ settles ´ for academics linked to the course of pedagogy of the Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS). Vocational perspectives are presented and ´construct´ of the subjects as students and workers who is based on contributions from authors such as Maria Helena Abramo, MaríliaSpósito, Machado Pais, Alain Coulon that guiding discussions about youth in Brazil, Portugal and France. Contributions that signaling distinct ways of identifying, building and youth experiences enjoyed in three chapters to understand possible meanings of being young and industrious, University paths that have been drawn or not have been planned in the set of experiences that are (or have been) subjected the young investigated in these interviews. The search is to explore aspects of living at graduation, and future propositions from personal experience of the investigated in both universes elected as a research center, as the people build their academic and professional identity by establishing relationship with these two fields, realizing their movement, their experience in doing the work and the course. Search exposure is as follows: chapter I is about the youth vis-à-vis social, perspectives around the theme, the understanding of youth and troubles that tend to surround them. Chapter II scores about logical and challenges established by the market despite offers, demands of employability and binding. Chapter III brings possible reflections related to graduation as a likely way to professional career ways, structuring elements of the course of Pedagogy, curriculum, training composition perpetrated as a way to better understand their requirements to the students and their progress in understanding of the language of the subject. / O trabalho tem como objeto a relação juventude - trabalho - educação. Para tanto, elegeu-se como objetivo geral explorar aspectos ligados à vivência na graduação, e proposições de futuro a partir da experiência pessoal dos investigados nos dois universos eleitos como centro da pesquisa, como os sujeitos constroem uma identidade acadêmica e profissional mediante a relação que estabelecem com esses dois campos, perceber seu movimento, sua experiência no fazer-se pelo trabalho e pelo curso. Essa pesquisa justifica-se pelo interesse de enveredar no ideário de acadêmicas a respeito da graduação e do curso. Para alcançar os objetivos dessa pesquisa foram realizadas entrevistas com seis jovens acadêmicas para compreender essa representação de acordo com o relato das estudantes. São apresentadas perspectivas de formação profissional e construção‟ dos sujeitos como estudantes e trabalhadores baseadas em contribuições de autores como Maria Helena Abramo, Marília Spósito, Machado Pais, Alain Coulon que orientam discussões sobre juventude no Brasil, Portugal e França. Aportes que sinalizam maneiras distintas de identificação, construção e vivências juvenis apreciadas em três capítulos para entender possíveis significados de ser jovem universitário e trabalhador, caminhos traçados que tenham ou não sido planejados no conjunto de experiências a que estão (ou estiveram) sujeitos as jovens investigadas e conforme delineiam em entrevistas. A busca consiste em explorar aspectos ligados à vivência na graduação, e proposições de futuro a partir da experiência pessoal das investigadas nos dois universos eleitos como centro da pesquisa, como os sujeitos constroem uma identidade acadêmica e profissional mediante a relação que estabelecem com esses dois campos, perceber seu movimento, sua experiência no fazer-se pelo trabalho e pelo curso. A exposição da pesquisa dá-se da seguinte forma: O capítulo I volta um olhar para a juventude como construção social, perspectivas em torno da temática, o entendimento de juventude e problematizações que tendencialmente cercam-na, conjecturas pontuadas ao lidarmos com jovens universitários. O capítulo II pontua-se a respeito de lógicas e desafios estabelecidos pelo mercado de trabalho em que pesem ofertas, demandas de empregabilidade e vinculação. O capítulo III traz possíveis reflexões, sobretudo ligadas à carreira acadêmica como provável caminho direcionador à carreira profissional, elementos estruturadores do curso, composição curricular, formação perpetrada como forma de melhor compreender as suas exigências aos estudantes e seu desenrolar na compreensão das falas dos sujeitos. O Curso de Pedagogia surge nas falas como caminho a gerar oportunidades variadas.

Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonals upplevelser av att bemöta personer med münchausens syndrom : litteraturöversikt

Nordin, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The number of visits in health care increases every year. It leads to higher standards of health care professionals the skills to be able to prioritize and distinguish those who are most in need of medical care. And requires ability to take a professional approach. Treatment tends to be a unique experience that can be of great significance for the individual. All individuals have in responding different conditions, benefits and limitations. Fraudulent behavior such as cheat- ing and lies occurs in the encounter between people daily in society. Tax fraud, illegal work, exam cheating and stealing are society everyday events. There is no exception in health care, health care professionals is to assist the suffering people, some time to cure, often to relieve and always comfort. It happens that patients seeking for medically unexplained symptoms, with cleverly imitated symptoms try to fool themselves to care, This is based on a pathologi- cal need for affirmation, which is achieved by taking the patient role. These patients are re- ferred with Münchausen syndrome or artificial interference. These patients, as well as a pa- tient safety risk to the other patients because they occupy large resources, moreover, they are a danger to themselves by frequent unwarranted examinations and treatments. The aim was to describe the health professionals' experiences of treatment of Münchausen patients in health care. As the approach chosen a literature review where relevant articles have been collected from the databases PubMed, CINAHL, Medline AND Psychinfo. The result of the literature review showed that health care professionals are experiencing the meeting with Münchausen patients with challenging available a feeling of being uncomfortable in responding. Feelings of frustration, skills shortages and the feeling that the relation becomes unnatural and disor- dered occurs. Additionally tend Healthcare professionals to question their own competence both theoretically and clinically. / Antalet besök inom hälso- och sjukvården ökar varje år. Det leder till högre krav på hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens kompetens att kunna prioritera och urskilja de som är i störst behov av sjukvård. Samt ställer krav på förmåga till professionellt bemötande av vårdpersonal. Bemötande tenderar vara en unik upplevelse som kan ha stor betydelse för den enskilda indi- viden. Alla individer har i bemötandet olika förutsättningar, fördelar och begränsningar. Be- drägligt beteende så som fusk och lögner förekommer i mötet mellan personer dagligen i samhället. Skattebedrägerier, svartjobb, tentamensfusk och stölder är samhällets vardag. Det är inget undantag inom hälso- och sjukvården, hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens uppgift är att bistå lidande människor, någon gång bota, ofta lindra och alltid trösta. Det förekommer att patienter söker för medicinskt oförklarbara symtom, med skickligt imiterade symtom försöker de lura sig till vård, detta grundar sig i ett sjukligt behov av bekräftelse, vilket uppnås genom att inta patientrollen. Dessa patienter benämns med Münchausen syndrom eller factitious disorder. Dessa patienter är dels en patientsäkerhetsrisk gentemot andra patienter eftersom de upptar stora resurser, dessutom är de en fara för sig själv genom ofta förekommande obefo- gade undersökningar och behandlingar. Syftet var att beskriva hälso- och sjukvårdspersonals upplevelser av bemötande av patienter med Münchausen syndrom inom hälso- och sjukvår- den. Som metod valdes en litteraturöversikt där relevanta artiklar har samlats in från databa- serna PubMed, CINAHL, Medline och PsykINFO. Resultatet av litteraturöversikten visade att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal upplever mötet med Münchausen patienter utmanande men också med känslor av att vara obekväma i bemötandet. Känslor av frustration, kompetensbrist samt känslor av att bemötandet blir onaturligt och rubbat uppstår. Dessutom tenderar hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalen ifrågasätta sin egen kompetens både teoretiskt och kliniskt.

Vielfalt bringt Erfolg / With Diversity to Success. Professional Perspectives für Humanities and Social Scientists

Genz, Christian, Fischer, Anna 26 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Ein abgeschlossenes Studium ist die grundlegende Voraussetzung für den erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg. Insbesondere die Absolventen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Studiengänge haben mit deutlich schlechteren Einstiegschancen zu kämpfen als ihre Kommilitonen aus den technischen und wirtschaftlichen Studiengängen. So ist nicht selten die Phase der Jobsuche länger, der Stellenumfang geringer und das Einstiegsgehalt niedriger. Dabei haben Geistes-, Sozial- oder Erziehungswissenschaftler Fähigkeiten und Stärken, die in der Gesellschaft, aber auch in Teilen der freien Wirtschaft gebraucht werden. Entsprechend existiert ein weitaus breiteres Spektrum an Einstiegsmöglichkeiten, als es vielen Studierenden bewusst ist. Deshalb bietet die vorliegende Broschüre Informationen zur Berufsorientierung und Ansätze für einen erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg. Wir wollen Erfahrungen, die in der Realität getestet sind, bündeln und weitergeben, um dem Leser Zeit und Frust in der Phase des Berufseinstiegs zu ersparen. • Der Inhalt der Broschüre orientiert sich an folgenden Fragen: • Was können Geisteswissenschaftler (besser als andere Absolventen)? • In welchen Berufsfeldern oder Branchen werden diese Fähigkeiten gebraucht? • Welche Zusatzqualifikationen sind sinnvoll? • Welche Herausforderungen kommen in der Phase des Berufseinstiegs auf Absolventen zu und von welchen Institutionen kann ich Unterstützung erwarten?

Vielfalt bringt Erfolg: Berufliche Perspektiven für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaftler

Genz, Christian, Fischer, Anna 26 October 2010 (has links)
Ein abgeschlossenes Studium ist die grundlegende Voraussetzung für den erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg. Insbesondere die Absolventen geistes- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Studiengänge haben mit deutlich schlechteren Einstiegschancen zu kämpfen als ihre Kommilitonen aus den technischen und wirtschaftlichen Studiengängen. So ist nicht selten die Phase der Jobsuche länger, der Stellenumfang geringer und das Einstiegsgehalt niedriger. Dabei haben Geistes-, Sozial- oder Erziehungswissenschaftler Fähigkeiten und Stärken, die in der Gesellschaft, aber auch in Teilen der freien Wirtschaft gebraucht werden. Entsprechend existiert ein weitaus breiteres Spektrum an Einstiegsmöglichkeiten, als es vielen Studierenden bewusst ist. Deshalb bietet die vorliegende Broschüre Informationen zur Berufsorientierung und Ansätze für einen erfolgreichen Berufseinstieg. Wir wollen Erfahrungen, die in der Realität getestet sind, bündeln und weitergeben, um dem Leser Zeit und Frust in der Phase des Berufseinstiegs zu ersparen. • Der Inhalt der Broschüre orientiert sich an folgenden Fragen: • Was können Geisteswissenschaftler (besser als andere Absolventen)? • In welchen Berufsfeldern oder Branchen werden diese Fähigkeiten gebraucht? • Welche Zusatzqualifikationen sind sinnvoll? • Welche Herausforderungen kommen in der Phase des Berufseinstiegs auf Absolventen zu und von welchen Institutionen kann ich Unterstützung erwarten?:Inhalt 1. Einstieg - Hochzeit mit Hindernissen 4 1.1 Die Sicht des Bewerbers – Das Angebot 5 1.2 Die Sicht des Arbeitgebers – Die Nachfrage 6 1.3 Nachfrage + Angebot = Job 7 2. Können und Sollen 10 2.1 Kompetenzen 11 2.2 Defizite 12 2.3 Defizite beheben 13 2.4 Wichtig für den Berufseinstieg 17 3. Berufsfelder und Möglichkeiten 20 3.1 Bildung 21 3.2 Medien 22 3.3 Internationale Organisationen 22 3.4 Unternehmensberatung 24 3.5 Personalberatung 25 3.6 Personalbereich 25 3.7 Stiftungen & Co. 26 3.8 Parteien 26 3.9 Existenzgründung 27 3.10 Wissenschaftliche Karriere 27 3.11 Weitere Berufsfelder 28 4. Karrieren und Hindernisse 30 4.1 Klare Ziele 31 4.2 Networking 32 4.3 Ohne Umwege zum Job 33 4.4 Einstieg durch Praxis 34 4.5 Von der Lehre in die Wirtschaft 35 4.6 Zielsetzung Personalwesen 35 4.7 Einstieg über Kontakte 37 5. Career Service 38 5.1 „Mission“ Career Service 39 5.2 Informieren 39 5.3 Beraten 40 5.4 Qualifizieren 40 5.5 Vermitteln 41 5.6 Das Team 42 5.7 Kontaktmöglichkeiten 42 6. Informationsmöglichkeiten 44 6.1 Ansprechpartner 45 6.2 Literaturtipps 46 6.3 Links 47 7. Impressum 49

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