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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aprendendo a ser professora: um estudo sobre a socialização profissional de professoras iniciantes no município de Curitiba / Learning to be a teacher: a study on the professional socialization of beginning teachers in the city of Curitiba

Knoblauch, Adriane 27 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:33:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Adriane Knoblauch.pdf: 3525095 bytes, checksum: 5342f10d7ec705e3fae37b51fd6a8ce2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present work discusses the professional socialization of teachers in the first years of career in the Fundamental Level in the city of Curitiba. Based on the studies of Pierre Bourdieu, professional socialization means the process through which occurs the incorporation of aspects of the habitus of a certain professional group, based on the origin of the agents. The habitus is understood here as the aspects present in the school´s culture which guide actions and behavior in the interior of a professoral group. The purpose if this study was understand the means by which occurs the professional socialization of beginning teachers, because such aspects belong to a major process of formation of the teacher. The final objective was to contribute with the theories of teacher professionalization. Data were collected by the observation of five teachers in the beginning if their career in a school in the outskirts of Curitiba, during planning time, meetings and other groupal activities in the school, so as to accompany their behavior in relation to other teachers. The five teachers were also interviewed so as to try to establish characteristics of their original habitus, considering financial, cultural and social aspects of their families, as well as their school history and the beginning of the career as a teacher. Other personnel of the school were interviewed, so as to learn how the beginning teachers are seen by them. The analysis of the data, subsidized by studies of Bourdieu and Elias, signaled that, in the professional socialization process, three aspects of the relation between the original habitus of the teachers and the internal school dispositions combine: there are dispositions which need to be incorporated, because they are completely new, such as terms by which the new teachers will need to describe their students´ development, which shows their lack of linguistic capital, necessary for teaching; other dispositions were already a part of their habitus, but needed to be adapted because the teachers learned them when they were students themselves; and there are dispositions in the original habitus which were maintained the submission to the superiors in school, the moral of effort, which comes from their vision of work and the ethics of care and tenderness, which comes from their feminine memory. Such adapted, new and maintained dispositions guided the teachers actions in the beginning of their professional life / Este trabalho discute a socialização profissional de professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental em início de carreira do município de Curitiba. Com base nos estudos de Pierre Bourdieu, entende-se por socialização profissional o processo pelo qual ocorre a incorporação de aspectos do habitus próprio de um grupo profissional que se dá a partir do habitus de origem dos agentes. Em se tratando do grupo docente, o habitus está sendo entendido aqui por aspectos presentes na cultura da escola que orientam ações e comportamentos em seu interior. O objetivo do trabalho foi compreender o modo pelo qual ocorre a socialização profissional de professores iniciantes por entender que tais aspectos fazem parte do amplo processo de formação de professores, com vistas a contribuir para a teorização sobre profissionalização docente. Os dados foram coletados por meio da observação de cinco professoras em início de carreira de uma escola da periferia de Curitiba durante os horários de planejamento, de reuniões e de outros momentos de convívio no interior da escola para acompanhar a atuação delas perante outras professoras. Além disso, foram realizadas entrevistas com elas para tentar estabelecer facetas do habitus de origem delas no que se refere ao capital econômico, cultural e social de suas famílias, à trajetória escolar delas e ao início da carreira docente. Entrevistas também foram realizadas com outros profissionais da escola a fim de reconhecer a forma como as professoras em início de carreira eram vistas por eles. A análise dos dados, subsidiada por estudos de Bourdieu e Elias, apontou para um processo de socialização profissional em que três aspectos se complementam na relação entre o habitus de origem das professoras e as disposições para a docência instaladas no interior da escola: há disposições que precisaram ser incorporadas que são completamente novas, tais como a incorporação novos termos por parte das professoras iniciantes para descrever o desenvolvimento de seus alunos, o que revela desconhecimento delas em aspectos lingüísticos do capital cultural necessário para a docência; outras disposições já estavam instaladas no habitus, mas precisaram ser adaptadas tendo em vista que foram vivenciadas pelas professoras enquanto alunas, tais como a organização do tempo escolar; e há, ainda, disposições presentes no habitus de origem das professoras iniciantes que foram mantidas no processo de socialização profissional, quais sejam, a submissão frente à esfera de poder da escola, a moral do esforço decorrente da visão de trabalho presente nas professoras e a ética do cuidado e carinho, decorrente da memória feminina delas. Tais disposições - adaptadas, novas e mantidas - orientaram ações das professoras no início da carreira docente

Lärande i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av lärande under Specialistutbildning inom Anestesisjukvård / Learning in clinical education : Nurses' experiences of learning in Specialist Nursing Programme in Anesthetic Nursing

Bucht, Kerstin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Studiens syfte var att få kunskap om hur sjuksköterskor under specialistutbildning inom akutsjukvård med inriktning mot anestesisjukvård upplever förväntningar, möjligheter och hinder för lärande under deras verksamhetsförlagda utbildning. I bakgrunden finns beskrivet specialistutbildningens uppläggning och mål. Några av anestesisjuksköterskans centrala arbetsuppgifter fokuseras: mötet med patienten inför anestesi och operation och den fria luftvägen. För studien användes en kvalitativ metod med intervjuer av tio studenter. Intervjuerna bearbetades och analyserades utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, vilken utgör studiens teoretiska ram. Analysen koncentrerades mot lärande som social praxis där fyra teman framkom vilka berörde praktikplatsen, yrkesidentiteten, samspelet med handledare, patient, arbetsteam och skola i lärandesituationer samt utvärderingen. Dessa teman anknöts till Nielsen och Kvales huvudaspekter på mästarlära och situerat lärande som beskriver lärande i en praxisgemenskap, lärande som utveckling av en yrkesidentitet, lärande utan formell undervisning och utvärdering genom praxis. Resultatet visade att samspelet med handledaren hade mycket stor betydelse för studenternas möjligheter till lärande och för utvecklingen av yrkesidentiteten. De kvaliteter som studenterna ansåg viktigast hos handledaren var motivation för handledaruppdraget, aktuella yrkeskunskaper, kommunikationsförmåga och ett pedagogiskt förhållningssätt. Praktikplatsen ansågs även ha stor betydelse för studenternas möjligheter till lärande där miljön, tillträde till lärandesituationer, gemenskapen och samspelet med teamet upplevdes ge goda förutsättningar. Utvärdering i form av feedback i samband med lärandesituationer och efterföljande reflektion av utförda handlingar upplevde studenterna vara nödvändigt för lärandets progress.</p>

Lärande i verksamhetsförlagd utbildning : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av lärande under Specialistutbildning inom Anestesisjukvård / Learning in clinical education : Nurses' experiences of learning in Specialist Nursing Programme in Anesthetic Nursing

Bucht, Kerstin January 2008 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att få kunskap om hur sjuksköterskor under specialistutbildning inom akutsjukvård med inriktning mot anestesisjukvård upplever förväntningar, möjligheter och hinder för lärande under deras verksamhetsförlagda utbildning. I bakgrunden finns beskrivet specialistutbildningens uppläggning och mål. Några av anestesisjuksköterskans centrala arbetsuppgifter fokuseras: mötet med patienten inför anestesi och operation och den fria luftvägen. För studien användes en kvalitativ metod med intervjuer av tio studenter. Intervjuerna bearbetades och analyserades utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande, vilken utgör studiens teoretiska ram. Analysen koncentrerades mot lärande som social praxis där fyra teman framkom vilka berörde praktikplatsen, yrkesidentiteten, samspelet med handledare, patient, arbetsteam och skola i lärandesituationer samt utvärderingen. Dessa teman anknöts till Nielsen och Kvales huvudaspekter på mästarlära och situerat lärande som beskriver lärande i en praxisgemenskap, lärande som utveckling av en yrkesidentitet, lärande utan formell undervisning och utvärdering genom praxis. Resultatet visade att samspelet med handledaren hade mycket stor betydelse för studenternas möjligheter till lärande och för utvecklingen av yrkesidentiteten. De kvaliteter som studenterna ansåg viktigast hos handledaren var motivation för handledaruppdraget, aktuella yrkeskunskaper, kommunikationsförmåga och ett pedagogiskt förhållningssätt. Praktikplatsen ansågs även ha stor betydelse för studenternas möjligheter till lärande där miljön, tillträde till lärandesituationer, gemenskapen och samspelet med teamet upplevdes ge goda förutsättningar. Utvärdering i form av feedback i samband med lärandesituationer och efterföljande reflektion av utförda handlingar upplevde studenterna vara nödvändigt för lärandets progress.

D'improbables ouvriers ? Les ouvriers d'industrie poitevins, entre dissolution et recomposition des collectifs / Improbable workers ? The poitevins workers in industry, between dissolution and reorganization of collectives

Aunis, Émilie 16 May 2014 (has links)
Les ouvriers de l'industrie, largement étudiés par la sociologie puis peu à peu délaissés au profit d'autres catégories du salariat, méritent pourtant qu'on porte à nouveau le regard sur eux. D'une part parce que les transformations du monde industriel et les récurrentes fermetures d'usine impactent les manières d'être au travail. D'autre part, parce qu'ils ont longtemps été observés dans des bastions industriels. Or la communauté d'agglomération poitevine présente la spécificité d'être largement sous-industrialisée. La singularité des ouvriers poitevins mérite d'être interrogée, sous l'angle de l'appréciation du travail et sur le plan de l'action collective. La recherche a porté sur quatre usines localement implantées : Michelin, Sagem, Saft, Schneider Electric. L'usine étant à la fois lieu de travail et de socialisation, elle modèle et façonne les manières d'être et de faire de ses ouvriers de sorte qu'être ouvrier chez Michelin, ce n'est pas tout à fait la même chose que d'être ouvrier chez Schneider, à la Saft ou à la Sagem. A cette première ligne de partage s'en ajoutent d'autres : affaiblissement des collectifs à l'aune des transformations de l'organisation du travail, clivages générationnels, appréhensions différenciées du travail et de l'emploi. L'érosion des collectifs a pour conséquence de rendre improbables les mobilisations. Pourtant, elles émergent çà et là, prenant des formes différentes selon les contextes. Tout porte ainsi à croire que le contexte grandissant de précarisation peut contre toute attente faire renaître les mobilisations salariales à l'aune de configurations spécifiques. L'ouvrier poitevin est-il un ouvrier contestataire ou un salarié ordinaire ? / The industrial workers - widely studied by sociology then gradually abandoned in favor of other categories of wage labor - deserve that we look at them again. On the one hand because the transformations of the industrial world and recurrent factory closings have an impact on the ways of being at work. On the other hand, because they have long been observed in industrial bastions. But the Poitiers conurbation has the specificity to be largely under- industrialized. The singularity of Poitiers workers deserves to be raised in terms of the appreciation of the work and in terms of collective action. The research focused on four factories locally based : Michelin, Sagem, Saft, Schneider Electric. The factory is a workplace which plays a part in socialization, she build ways of being and doing of his workers so being a worker at Michelin is not quite the same as to be a worker at Schneider, the Saft or Sagem. here are other dividing lines : weakening collective in terms of changes in the organization of work, generational cleavages, differentiated labor and employment concerns. The erosion of collective has the effect of making mobilizations improbable. Yet they emerge here and there, taking different forms in different contexts. And it really seems that the growing context of insecurity can against all expectations revive mobilizations in specific configurations. Is the worker of Poitiers a protest worker or an ordinary employee ?

The influence of the hidden curriculum on professional socialisation of student nurses in a military nursing context

Zägenhagen, Karen 11 1900 (has links)
The South African Military Health Service (SAMHS) Nursing College offers a four-year integrated nursing programme leading to registration as a professional nurse at the South African Nursing Council (SANC). Student nurses assume a dual role when entering the SAMHS to commence with nurse training – that of a soldier and a nurse. Because student nurses have to assume dual roles, hidden aspects of military culture may influence the professional socialisation of student nurses in one way or another. With a view to determining whether the military environment does indeed impose any influence on student nurses’ professional socialisation, this study set out to explore the multifaceted context in which these students find themselves. Given the organisational and locational complexity of the SAMHS Nursing College, its campuses and the three military hospitals in South Africa, the population was narrowed down to an accessible target population comprising nurse educators and student nurses of the SAMHS Nursing College (Main Campus). Included in the two samples were nurse educators at the SAMHS Nursing College who had at least three years’ experience as nurse educators and who were registered with the SANC as nurse educators, and student nurses registered at the SANC for the fouryear Integrated Nursing Programme and who were in their fourth year of training. A qualitative constructivist grounded theory study was conducted based on the researcher’s philosophical assumptions. The researcher made use of focus groups and critical-incident narratives to collect data. In keeping with the constructivist paradigm adopted for this study, Charmaz’s (2014) data-analysis approach was followed. Concepts derived from the qualitative data were used to develop a substantive model to create an awareness of the existence of a hidden curriculum, to guide role players through the impact of the hidden curriculum on students’ professional socialisation and to help them to understand how their contribution could improve the outcome of the professional socialisation process / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health studies)

As instituições formadoras e a identidade profissional da enfermagem : mimetismo ou metamorfose / Training institutions and the professional identity of nursing: mimicry or metamorphosis

Elaine Franco dos Santos 05 March 2001 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objeto do presente estudo consiste nos papéis exercidos pelas instituições formadoras de profissionais de enfermagem, pelo mercado de trabalho e pelas entidades de classe da enfermagem no processo de profissionalização e de construção de sua identidade profissional. Este estudo tem por objetivo reescrever o processo de construção da identidade profissional da enfermagem a partir das discussões travadas pelos profissionais, nas instituições formadoras, acerca de sua especialização, a luz dos fatos sócio-históricos que desencadearam, ao longo do tempo, a passagem de uma enfermagem generalista para outra especialista. O trabalho discute o processo de profissionalização da enfermagem nas instituições formadoras tendo como pano de fundo as idéias clássicas da sociologia das profissões. Para ela, a enfermagem é vista coma uma semiprofissão, uma vez que não possui os quatro atributos fundamentais de uma verdadeira profissão: autonomia, corpo esotérico de conhecimentos, ideal de serviço e monopólio de saber e do fazer. Na tentativa de conquistar estes quatro atributos, ou alguns deles, para, então, ascender ao patamar de profissão, a enfermagem hoje vive um momento de transição na formação de seus profissionais: generalistas (tradicionais) ou especialistas (modernos). Em um outro aspecto, concluímos que, até o momento, o processo de legitimação, ou melhor, de construção social da identidade profissional da enfermagem especializada ainda não se consolidou, ou seja, as instituições formadoras, construtoras sociais do campo profissional da enfermagem, ainda não se definiram pela figura de um só perfil - generalista ou especialista - e, por isso, esta construção ainda encontra-se inacabada.

As instituições formadoras e a identidade profissional da enfermagem : mimetismo ou metamorfose / Training institutions and the professional identity of nursing: mimicry or metamorphosis

Elaine Franco dos Santos 05 March 2001 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O objeto do presente estudo consiste nos papéis exercidos pelas instituições formadoras de profissionais de enfermagem, pelo mercado de trabalho e pelas entidades de classe da enfermagem no processo de profissionalização e de construção de sua identidade profissional. Este estudo tem por objetivo reescrever o processo de construção da identidade profissional da enfermagem a partir das discussões travadas pelos profissionais, nas instituições formadoras, acerca de sua especialização, a luz dos fatos sócio-históricos que desencadearam, ao longo do tempo, a passagem de uma enfermagem generalista para outra especialista. O trabalho discute o processo de profissionalização da enfermagem nas instituições formadoras tendo como pano de fundo as idéias clássicas da sociologia das profissões. Para ela, a enfermagem é vista coma uma semiprofissão, uma vez que não possui os quatro atributos fundamentais de uma verdadeira profissão: autonomia, corpo esotérico de conhecimentos, ideal de serviço e monopólio de saber e do fazer. Na tentativa de conquistar estes quatro atributos, ou alguns deles, para, então, ascender ao patamar de profissão, a enfermagem hoje vive um momento de transição na formação de seus profissionais: generalistas (tradicionais) ou especialistas (modernos). Em um outro aspecto, concluímos que, até o momento, o processo de legitimação, ou melhor, de construção social da identidade profissional da enfermagem especializada ainda não se consolidou, ou seja, as instituições formadoras, construtoras sociais do campo profissional da enfermagem, ainda não se definiram pela figura de um só perfil - generalista ou especialista - e, por isso, esta construção ainda encontra-se inacabada.

Profissionais desviantes no condado : um estudo sobre carreiras

Silva, Sebastião Victor Oliveira Acioli da 30 November 2015 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This thesis aims, broadest, analyze the career of women who exercise prostitute craft in private establishments in the Shire. The empirical universe therefore consists the adult female prostitution exercised in enclosed spaces and not in open environments such as the street. More specifically, it was taken as central to understanding how someone becomes a prostitute, that is, what are the steps, the routes and the contingencies that contribute to lead someone to exercise this office, and often seek success in career? To cope with this issue, this work is between the sociology of professional groups and the sociology of deviance, once it is the socialization in an occupation highly stigmatized and deviant and that involves in the process informality as a backdrop. / Essa dissertação tem como objetivo, mais amplo, analisar a carreira das mulheres que exercem o ofício de prostituta em estabelecimentos privados no Condado. O universo empírico consiste, portanto, na prostituição feminina adulta exercida em espaços fechados e não em ambientes abertos como é o caso da rua. De maneira mais específica, tomou-se como elemento central a compreensão de como alguém se torna prostituta, ou seja, quais são as etapas, os percursos e as contingências que contribuem para levar alguém a exercer esse ofício, e muitas vezes buscar o sucesso na carreira? Para dar conta dessa questão, esse trabalho se situa entre a sociologia dos grupos profissionais e a sociologia do desvio, uma vez que se trata da socialização e atuação em um grupo social que galga profissionalismo em uma atividade altamente estigmatizada e desviante e que envolve em seu processo a informalidade como pano de fundo.

Guidelines for professional socialisation of student nurses

De Swardt, Hester Cathrina 11 1900 (has links)
An increase in reports of undesirable professional behaviour in the nursing profession has prompted the question: How could the internalisation of skills, knowledge, values and beliefs be guided in student nurses to help them become effectively socialised as professional nurses? Using a sequential exploratory mixed-methods approach, the study addressed the above question. The researcher used focus-group interviews and field notes to explore and describe the perceptions of professional nurses and experiences of student nurses regarding the professional socialisation of students. The data generated from these findings were further used to determine and describe educators’ (N=128) perceptions on their teaching and facilitation of professional socialisation of students, using a self-administered questionnaire. The findings of both the qualitative and quantitative data were integrated to develop and validate guidelines to support educators and professional nurses in the professional socialisation of students. To establish rigour, the researcher applied measures of trustworthiness and performed validity and reliability tests. The qualitative data were analysed by utilising Tesch’s method of data analysis. The themes that emerged as influential in the professional socialisation of students were related to the professional nurse as role model, clinical supervisor, the educator, clinical learning environment, values and beliefs of the nursing profession and cultural and gender orientations. The quantitative data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Educators’ teaching and facilitation strategies revealed that the educator as a role model, the clinical environment, teaching approaches and cultural awareness were important social determinants in the professional socialisation of students. The qualitative and quantitative data were integrated to develop guidelines that were validated by field and guideline experts. The guidelines for educators and professional nurses addressed issues such as the professional nurse as role model and clinical supervisor, the creation of a positive clinical learning environment, the educator as role model, the teaching and support of students, the work ethic of the professional nurse and educator, the students’ behaviour and cultural awareness. These guidelines propose recommendations for educators and professional nurses to support the professional socialisation of students. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Examining facilitators for men during nursing education: development and psychometric testing of the survey of facilitators for men (SFM)

Clark-Ott, Dorothy G. January 2015 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Despite outstanding employment opportunities and high demand to address the global nursing shortage, men who consider becoming nurses are less likely to enroll in and to graduate from nursing programs. Many barriers that men commonly encounter during nursing education have been found in the literature; however, there is a lack of theoretically based research that examines factors that help men succeed as they study nursing. Based on a conceptual model derived from O’Lynn’s construct of male friendliness in nursing education and Frankl’s theory of will to meaning and purpose in life, this study examined facilitators for men during nursing education. This was accomplished through the development and psychometric testing of the Survey of Facilitators for Men (SFM) in a sample of 145 men in nursing. Strong evidence of reliability and validity was provided for the SFM consisting of three subscales (Internal facilitators, External Connections facilitators, and Institutional facilitators). Internal facilitators consist of intrapersonal strengths, experiences, and motivators. External Connections facilitators are interpersonal connections that emerge from relationships that men develop. Institutional facilitators involve structural or organizational aspects of institutions that ease barriers. Testing provided satisfactory evidence of internal consistency (α = .85) and test-retest reliability (intraclass coefficient = .72; confidence interval = 0.57–0.83). Dimensionality of three facilitator subscales was supported by Principle Axis Factoring with Varimax rotation and satisfactory factor loadings (.49–.72). Support for the conceptual model was provided using multiple regressions explaining 17% of the variance in purpose in life [F(4, 140) = 6.99, p < .001], 13% of the variance in GPA [F(6, 114) = 2.88, p < .01], and 49% of the variance in perception of nursing success [F(9, 128) = 13.42, p < .001]. Purpose in life was associated with Internal facilitators and comfortable income, GPA was associated with External Connections facilitators and age at BSN, while perception of nursing success was associated with purpose in life, holding an MSN, having a comfortable income, and having children. Future research is warranted to determine the usefulness of the SFM in designing strategies to recruit and retain men in nursing programs.

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