Spelling suggestions: "subject:"5project 1earning"" "subject:"5project c1earning""
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An analysis of California Project Learning Tree workshops evaluation (1995)MacLeod, Susannah Mykelle 01 January 1997 (has links)
This project was undertaken to analyze workshop evaluation forms completed by just over 2000 participants who attended workshops in 1995 throughout California related to the Project Learning Tree (PLT) environmental education program. These workshops were designed for teachers and other educators working with students from preschool through eighth grade.
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Mississippi Teachers' Environmental Awareness and Usage of the Project Learning Tree Curriculum within Traditional ClassroomsCarroll, Kimberly Nicole 14 August 2015 (has links)
Project Learning Tree (PLT) is an international environmental education (EE) program designed for educators working with children and youth. In Mississippi, roughly 700 educators are trained yearly in using PLT curricula; however, how and if teachers use knowledge gained from these workshops remains unknown. This study addresses the environmental awareness and use of PLT curricula in traditional classroom of primary and secondary teachers in Mississippi. Using PLT participant survey data, individuals trained during the years 2009-2013 were surveyed using Qualtrics Survey Software. Mississippi teachers appear to have ecocentric worldviews, above average environmental knowledge, and have incorporated PLT lessons into their classroom curricula. Teachers’ subject areas appear not to affect their usage of PLT, while motivation for incorporating and attending PLT workshops appears to have minor effects. Results of this study can be used to increase the efficiency of PLT workshops, as well as mitigate barriers to incorporating PLT into classrooms.
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Projektové vyučování v rámci výuky pěstitelských prací na 1. stupni ZŠ / Project learning within the education of cultivation work at primary schoolHEGROVÁ, Eva January 2007 (has links)
This paper on Project learning within the education of cultivation work at primary school assesses educational project works, its brief history and types, as well as different point views on the matter. Not only does it deal with the problematic terminology, but also its introduction into the practical education. The three projects discussed are as follows: 1. What can be found on fields in autumn? 2. What is never abundant? 3. Weaving plants All of them have been brought into the practical use and can serve the teachers for inspiration. Understandably, the projects have been elaborated to suit the Project-based Education, combining more subjects and unifying them.
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Organizational learning: A practical approach on intra- and inter-project learning : A case study in tranmission development projectsHatzl, Franziska Anna, Henn, Corinna January 2020 (has links)
Knowledge management has become one of the most important challenges inorganizations’ pursuit of competitiveness and long-term success. Essentialaspects of managing knowledge are its creation, transfer and retention.Organizational learning, which comprises these three processes, aims forimproving an organization’s performance. Hence, having an effective approachto organizational learning is crucial. In the literature, numerous guides, models and opinions on organizational learning exist, yet organizations struggle to learn from their experiences. This can be explained by the fact that the theory focuses on how to capture rather than how to apply learnings. Moreover, a description of a practical approach is lacking. Therefore, this thesis aims to develop a holistic strategy for an effective use of organizational learnings. For this purpose, a case study at the transmission development department ofa large Swedish commercial vehicle manufacturer was conducted. The statusquo of organizational learning as well as potential barriers to and drivers andenablers for an effective learning approach were investigated qualitatively. The data gathered was analyzed under the lens of organizational learning viewed from the outpost of social learning theory. Furthermore, Law and Chuah’s (2015b) theoretical framework for the study of organizational learning was applied. Great similarities between this study and previously conducted studies werediscovered. The research confirmed that even though organizationsacknowledge the value of organizational learning, they tend to lack an effective learning strategy. Learnings are seldom captured and applied even more rarely. One of the main reasons found is that the drivers for organizational learning, i.e. strong leaders, and a shared vision and mission, are poorly developed. These findings subsequently fed into the development of a learning strategy, which was adapted iteratively. It is designed to facilitate organizational learning in order to improve the learning outcome. For the learning strategy, the authors describe concrete learning actions as well as the underpinning drivers and enablers. The results of this thesis can serve as a springboard for further studies. The thesis opens up the possibility to examine the effectiveness of diverse strategies and to determine practical approaches to how organizational learning can be promoted. This study provides a relevant example for the setup of such a strategy and accentuates the importance of organizational learning.
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Perman?ncias e perspectivas no ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil: uma an?lise a partir da produ??o cient?fica dos Semin?rios UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011)Barros, Amelia de Farias Panet 31 October 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-10-31 / O objeto de estudo desta tese ? o ensino de projeto de arquitetura no contexto acad?mico
brasileiro. O trabalho procura analisar esse objeto nos aspectos relativos ao ensinar a fazer e
ao aprender a fazer , por meio de uma perspectiva epistemol?gica e cognitiva, a partir da
produ??o cient?fica dos Semin?rios UFRGS (1985) e Projetar (2003-2011) sob o olhar de tr?s
estados constitutivos: conserva??o, perman?ncia e transforma??o. A metodologia de
investiga??o ? qualitativa e seus pressupostos s?o investigad os por meio do m?todo
hipot?tico-dedutivo em busca de um conhecimento aproximativo. Dentro do universo
pesquisado, as hip?teses conduzem: primeiro, ? investiga??o e caracteriza??o de estruturas
que se conservam; segundo, ? investiga??o e levantamento de valores e conceitos que
permanecem adequados por sua capacidade de adapta??o ?s mudan?as e paradigmas; e,
terceiro, por procurarem destacar pr?ticas pedag?gicas que indicam novos caminhos na
maneira de agir e de se pensar o ensino de projeto de arquitetura. A pesquisa demonstrou
que, embora em menores propor??es, ainda se conservam a??es e posturas pedag?gicas que:
valorizam os ideais funcionalistas e racionalistas da arquitetura; adotam posturas
deterministas, caminhos prescritivos ou intuitivos no ensino da concep??o arquitetural; n?o
apresentam clareza metodol?gica na abordagem da problem?tica arquitet?nica; os contextos
urbanos s?o pouco explorados na experimenta??o; utilizam um sistema de concep??o baseado
em princ?pios est?ticos can?nicos e universais, sem problematizar as causas da transforma??o
da arquitetura contempor?nea e qual o seu papel numa sociedade complexa e diversificada.
Com rela??o ?s novas perspectivas encontradas, a an?lise da produ??o cient?fica demonstrou
que a pr?tica pedag?gica do ensino de projeto de arquitetura no Brasil passa por
transforma??es cr?ticas valiosas. Essa constata??o foi percebida, por meio, tamb?m, de
reflex?es e de pr?ticas pedag?gicas que valorizam a integra??o de conte?dos; que possuem
um discurso cr?tico e conciliador com rela??o ? necessidade de renova??o de pr?ticas,
paradigmas, meios e conte?dos; que est?o abertas ?s posturas cooperativas e ?s estrat?gias
para a constitui??o de um corpo te?rico-pr?tico para o ensino do projeto que n?o se limite ao
campo da arquitetura; que reconhecem a import?ncia das novas tecnologias computacionais
na concep??o projetual e no ensino do projeto, assim como, as tecnologias e estrat?gias que
atualizam as solu??es projetuais no uso adequado dos recursos ambientais; que consideram o
espa?o acad?mico como um lugar prop?cio para as experi?ncias projetuais e pedag?gicas; que
manifestam um esfor?o em considerar a participa??o do usu?rio, assim como em realizar um
processo de apreens?o de contextos complexos como objeto de estudo, adotando uma
postura de valoriza??o do processo projetual. O trabalho conclui que a educa??o do arquiteto
deve estar atenta aos aspectos relativos ? inclus?o da realidade sociocultural e ambiental
como refer?ncia para o fazer arquitetural em detrimento da primazia dada ? racionalidade
t?cnica, uma vez que essa realidade permite a media??o, entre o ser e o mundo , como uma
estrat?gia que supera qualquer antecipa??o program?tica e viabiliza a transforma??o e a
constru??o do pr?prio ser e do mundo . Assim, se o aprender fazendo ? necess?rio para a
forma??o do arquiteto, que esse fazer seja refletido e retroalimente a pr?tica
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Možnosti dramatické výchovy ve vzdělávání studentů středních škol / Possibilities of Creative Drama in the education of secondary school studentsBRABCOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on Creative Drama and its applying to secondary school education, especially in Czech language, Literature and History lessons. It describes my own literary-dramatic project and introduces results of a research that surveys present situation and possibilities of Creative Drama at secondary schools.
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Rozvoj kvalifikace v informatice s využitím hybridního vzdělávání / Developing qualification in informatics using hybrid learningŠedivá, Zuzana January 2004 (has links)
Dissertation focuses on issues of ICT skills in relation to the development of hybrid forms of teaching (education), its potential application in developing skills, education and practice. The work focuses mainly on methodological issues and approaches to capacity, information and communication technologies to effectively deploy and use in improving skills of future and current workforce. The main goal of the thesis is based on the results of surveys and analysis of statistical data suggest methodological solutions for qualifying projects respecting the development of the newly defined needs of computer science, or other qualification, taking account of new technologies in ICT. The analytical part is devoted to a comprehensive view on the issue of education in computer science. The classification of roles and professions in computer science is defined, the knowledge domain and analytical conclusions followed with the application of job classification and specified uses. Concepts in project management qualification are analyzed and unified. Surveys of the current situation in the management skills of ICT professionals in the world and the CR are also presented and analyzed. There are identified trends in improving the management skills of projects in connection with the development and promotion of ICT technologies and tools. The application part is devoted to methodological design solutions and builds upon the results of the analysis. There are the major components of the methodology defined and the qualifying phase of the project at the conceptual level designed. The following are classified ICT tools supporting the educational processes in the project management skills. The final part of the doctoral thesis is focused on the evaluation of proposals processed and experience of implementing new approaches and technologies in education in computer science. This section summarizes and evaluates the results of the surveys carried out consecutively evaluated experiences are associated with implementations of qualifying projects using ICT technologies.
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Kunskapsspridning mellan projekt : en fallstudie om utvärdering och överförande av kunskap i en projektorganisation / Dissemination of knowledge among projects : a case study about the evaluation and transfer of knowledge in a project oriented organizationLevén, Amanda, Olsson Johansson, Rickard January 2014 (has links)
Att arbeta i projekt är en allt vanligare arbetsform som tillskrivs vara mer effektiv än den traditionella. Trots detta har projektorganisationer svårt att dra lärdomar av tidigare misstag, därför riskeras de att återupprepas i andra projekt. Det finns påtagliga brister i inhämtningen av kunskap från tidigare projekt, men också i lagrandet av dessa erfarenheter. Utvärdering är ett verktyg som syftar till att reflektera och samla in erfarenheter och kunskaper som genererats i ett projekt. Det är också en förutsättning för att de ska kunna vidareförmedlas. Syftet med studien är därför att ta reda på hur en projektorganisation använder sig av utvärdering för lärande mellan projekt. För att genomföra detta kontaktades en multinationell projektorganisation som hädanefter kallas CS. Vi genomförde en fallstudie där både intervjuer med projektledare och utvärderingsmaterial inhämtades. Det empiriska materialet analyserades och jämfördes med den teoretiska referensramen vilket resulterade i två modeller. Den första modellen beskriver det inter-projektuella lärandet som ligger till grund för kunskapsutbytet mellan projekt. Den andra modellen visar mer ingående utvärderingens kritiska punkter från ett projekt till ett annat. Studien stärker att utvärdering och lärande mellan projekt är ett eftersatt område i projektorganisationer. De uppfattas ofta som tråkiga, ostrukturerade och som att de saknar mottagare. Även andra kritiska punkter i processen som är vitala för att kunskap ska spridas mellan projekt har uppmärksammats. De är att ledningen stöttar genomförandet och inhämtandet av tidigare utvärderingsmaterial, att databasen är användarvänlig och att nätverk aktivt används. En reflekterande utvärdering bidrar till utökad individuell kunskap, men även utförligare dokument som kan lagras i organisationen. Detta är något som långsiktigt leder till kunskapsutveckling för organisationer. Studien visar också att kunskapsspridningen mellan parallellt pågående projekt varken prioriteras i forskning eller inom organisationer. Det finns däremot stor utvecklingspotential inom detta område. / Program: Civilekonomprogrammet
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Využití metod dramatické výchovy ve výuce prvouky v 1.ročníku ZŠ / Using of the drama education methods in teaching of elementary studies in the first grade of primary schoolSluková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
This Diploma thesis deals with possible connection a Drama Action Methods (Drama education) through the First Stage of Primary School Education. The Diploma thesis is divided into two parts:Theoretical and Practical ones. The Theoretical part is focused on issues concerning of using the Drama Action Methods as a teaching instrument at the First Stage of Primary school. The Practical part is focused on searching for topics just suitable to be part and parcel in the Framework Education - Programme for Elementary Education generally, where the Drama Action Methods as efficient as possible would be profitable. In the Practical part of Diploma thesis, there are also shown five lessons where is the Drama Action Method used and carried out.. The process of lessons itself is described and analysed. Key Words drama education
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Learning Mechanisms from Digital Innovation Projects : A Case Study of the Swedish Construction Industry / Inlärningsmekanismer från digitala innovationsprojekt : En fallstudie av den svenska byggbranschenHaugsten Hansen, Håkon, Loason, Niklas January 2018 (has links)
Today, organisations in multiple industries are faced with challenges connected to digitalisation. The construction industry is one of the sectors in Sweden that are struggling most to digitalise, despite their efforts. The construction industry consists of project-basedorganisations, which literature have proven to have difficulties with managing complexity. Furthermore, there is a lack of experience with innovation projects and digitalisation knowledge. The purpose of this study is to investigate how large-size construction companies utilise learning mechanisms to capture the knowledge obtained from digital innovation projects and retain it as an organisational memory. By increasing the focus on managing learning mechanisms with a suitable knowledge management strategy, it is possible to improve the organisational performance in relation to digital innovation. The theoretical approach of interproject learning is used to analyse the Swedish construction industry by doing a case-study of four large-size construction companies which are operating in Sweden. The data is gathered through semi-structured interviews of two different hierarchic members in each case company and through investigations of their webpages, annual reports and existing written materials. Additionally, interviews with experts and interest organisations are included in the data gathering. The investigation presents that digitalisation and digital innovation in the construction industry are connected to digital tools, such as BIM. We also see a shift in attention, where digital tools originally were supposed to solve concrete tasks, whereas they now have a more process oriented focus with changes in the organisations to smoother digital implementations. Creating standard digital tools, which is utilised in all the projects in the industry and are ready for use will smooth the implementation. The learning mechanisms that exist in digital innovation projects are presented in relation to the decentralised environment. The variety of individual knowledge codification is high, with an absence of knowledge articulation and a high presence of experience accumulation. From a project perspective, there is an evolvement from local to a more central focus for digital innovation initiatives. In an organisational perspective, there is no clear knowledge management strategy, but we argue to see a shift towards a more navigator learning landscape, where emphasises on knowledge articulation is increasing. A discussion of the shift in perception of digital innovation and the evolvement to a more central focus of innovation initiative will increase digitalisation is provided, with a conclusion where the importance of not losing the advantage of having a project-based approach is highlighted. The main limitation of this work is that the research only consists of large-sized companies; therefore, this investigation may not highlight the whole industrial organisational behaviour. Instead, it can provide an understanding of the different learning mechanisms in relation to digital innovation. Further work should investigate small- and medium-sized organisations in the construction industry. / Organisationer i flera branscher står idag inför utmaningar, där hanteringen av digitalisering ären av dem. Den svenska byggbranschen anses ha en stor utmaning med digitalisering. Byggbranschen utgörs till stor del av projektbaserade organisationer och litteratur visar att branschen har svårigheter att hantera komplexitet. Det finns också brist på erfarenheter av projekt relaterat till innovation och även en brist på kunskap om digitalisering. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur stora byggföretag samlar kunskaper från digitala innovationsprojekt genom att utnyttja inlärningsmekanismer och på så sätt behålla kunskapen som en lärdom inom organisationen. Genom att fokusera på hantering av inlärningsmekanismer med en lämplig kunskapsstrategi är det möjligt att förbättra organisationen i förhållande till den digitala innovationen. Den teoretiska aspekten för intern projektinlärning används för att analysera den svenska byggbranschen och detta görs genom en fallstudie av fyra stora byggföretag som är verksamma i Sverige. De data som används har erhållits genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av personer från två olika nivåer inom varje företag och via granskning av företagens hemsidor, årsredovisningar och befintligt skriftligt material. Dessutom ingår intervjuer med experter och intresseorganisationer i datainsamlingen. Studien visar att digitalisering och digital innovation inom byggbranschen är kopplad till digitala verktyg, såsom BIM. Studien visar också på ett skifte i fokus bland de undersökta företagen från ett tidigare fokus på digitala verktyg som löser konkreta problem ändras till ett mer processorienterat fokus. Detta innebär att inkludera förändringar i företagsorganisationen vilket förenklar implementeringen av digitala lösningar. Detta kan göras genom att ha ett utvecklingsfokus av de digitala verktyg som redan används. Dessa kan då delas mellan projekten och vara färdiga för att användas från projektstart. De inlärningsmekanismer som finns i digitala innovationsprojekt förklaras i förhållande till den decentraliserade miljön de ärverksamma inom. Mångfalden av individuell kunskapskodifiering är hög, liksom insamlandetav upplevelser. Däremot finns det en brist på kunskapsstrategier inom de studerade byggföretagen. Från ett projektperspektiv sker det en utveckling som går från ett lokalt till ett mer centraliserat fokus gällande digital innovation. Från ett organisatoriskt perspektiv finns detingen tydlig strategi för kunskapshantering, men vi argumenterar för att det ska ske ett skifte mot ett mer styrt lärandelandskap med en betoning på kunskapsledning. Vidare görs en diskussion huruvida denna utveckling är relevant och om den kommer att öka digitaliseringen. Slutsatsen poängterar vikten av att inte förlora fördelarna med ett projektbaserat arbetssätt. Begränsningen av denna studie är att enbart stora företag studerats. Därför kan studien inte fungera som en överblick för hela byggbranschens beteende, utan ger en förståelse för en utveckling av inlärningsmekanismer i samband med digital innovation. Framtida studier börbehandla även små och medelstora företag inom byggbranschen.
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