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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les acteurs du procès civil en contrefaçon / The players of the civil lawsuit for counterfeiting

Donaud, Flora 06 December 2016 (has links)
De toutes les judiciarisations, le procès civil en contrefaçon est l’un de ceux qui durant ces dernières années a pris le plus d’ampleur, car au-delà de l’atteinte que le fléau de la contrefaçon porte aux monopoles d’exploitation, il rejaillit aussi sur tous les secteurs de notre économie, à savoir les emplois, la santé, la sécurité des consommateurs ou bien encore l’investissement. C’est par l’analyse du rôle que les acteurs ont à tenir dans le procès civil en contrefaçon, que l’on se propose d’étudier la singularité de ce procès au regard du droit commun procédural et d’envisager une possible théorie du procès civil en contrefaçon. Les recherches s’attachent alors à effectuer, tout d’abord, une analyse approfondie de la charge des parties dans le procès civil en contrefaçon ; l’enjeu est de mettre ici en évidence le pouvoir particulier d’impulsion des parties en identifiant les facteurs de divergence ou d’unité de la matière. Parallèlement à l’examen de ce pouvoir d’initiative, il s’agit aussi de mettre l’accent sur les mesures auxiliaires originales, telles que la saisie-contrefaçon ou la retenue en douane ouvertes aux parties afin de leur permettre de mieux prouver ou de mieux anticiper le procès au fond, sans forcément rompre l’équilibre procédural des droits entre les parties. Le sujet nous emmène, ensuite, à mettre à jour l’office du juge dans le procès civil en contrefaçon. Assurément, après que la préparation et l’initiative de l’instance en contrefaçon aient été laissées à la diligence des parties, c’est en effet au juge étatique qu’il appartient de « prendre la main » sur le procès et il convient alors d’étudier sa compétence dérogatoire en matière de contrefaçon, compétence qui se révèle tantôt concentrée, tantôt éclatée en cas de conflit de juridictions, tantôt concurrencée aussi par un juge « privé ». La réflexion conduit in fine à rechercher si le pouvoir qu’a le juge de trancher le litige, en allouant des dommages et intérêts ou en réintégrant la victime dans l’intégralité de son droit de propriété, témoigne ou non de la nature hybride des droits de propriété intellectuelle dépassant la simple sphère privative pour rejoindre une autre dimension plus largement collective. Telles sont les pistes de réflexion menant à l’édification d’un régime commun procédural. / In all trials, the civil lawsuit for counterfeiting is one of those which is on the increase because, beyond violate a monopoly, the counterfeiting also spills over into all sectors of our economy, ie employment, health, consumer safety or even investment. It’s by analyzing the role that players have in the civil lawsuit for imitation, we will study the specific feature of this case compared with the procedural law and we will consider a possible theory of civil trial for counterfeiting. The research lead to make, first of all, a thorough analysis of the burden of the parties in the civil lawsuit for imitation. The challenge is to highlight the particular impetus of the parties by identifying divergence factors or convergence about the subject. We have also to stress that the original auxiliary measures allow the parties to better prove or to anticipate the trial without break necessarily the procedural balance. Afterwards, we have to study the role of the judge in the civil lawsuit for counterfeiting. Indeed, after the parties have prepared and taken legal action, the judge has to "take over" the trial and it’s then necessary to examine its derogatory competence, which is sometimes concentrated, sometimes exploded in a conflict of jurisdictions, sometimes challenged by a "private" judge. Finally the subject leads to determine if the judge’s power, allocating damages for example, show the dual prism of intellectual property law wich overstep the private monopoly to belong to a wider collective dimension. These are the lines of thought leading to the building of a common procedural regime.

Native American Empowerment Through Digital Repatriation

Fitch, Michelle L 01 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Following the Enlightenment, Western adherence to positivist theory influenced practices of Western research and documentation. Prior to the introduction of positivism into Western scholarship, innovations in printing technology, literary advancements, and the development of capitalism encouraged the passing of copyright statutes by nation-states in fifteenth century Europe. The evolution of copyright and positivism in Europe influenced United States copyright and its protection of the author, as well as the practice of archiving and its role in interpreting history. Because Native American cultures practiced orality, they suffered the loss of their traditional knowledge and cultural expressions not protected by copyright. By incorporating postmodern perspectives on archiving and poststructuralist views on the formation of knowledge, this thesis argues that Native American tribes now use Western forms of digital technology to create archives, record their histories, and reclaim control of their traditional cultural expressions.

The (In)ability of the International Intellectual Property Regime to Adequately Protect Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions : A Legal Analysis on the Intellectual Property Protection of Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions in the Context of Sustainable Development

Makipour, Sanam January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Compensation for expropriation under the constitution

Du Plessis, Wilhelmina Jacoba (Elmien) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD (Public Law))—University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / Since the advent of constitutional democracy in 1994 South African courts have been faced with new interpretive imperatives.

Building encroachments and compulsory transfer of ownership

Temmers, Zsa-Zsa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD (Private Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African courts seem to be adopting a new approach to the problem of building encroachments. For pragmatic and policy reasons courts are now inclined to exercise its discretion in favour of leaving building encroachments in place, against compensation, despite the common law right to demand removal. It has been widely accepted that courts indeed have the discretion to award damages instead of removal of the building encroachment. However, the circumstances involved and the consequences of these orders are uncertain and hence these orders result in confusion. It is unclear how this discretion is exercised. Furthermore, it is uncertain whether this discretion includes the power to order transfer of the encroached-upon land to the encroacher. There are doctrinal and constitutional implications that may be triggered by these court orders that leave building encroachments in place. The doctrinal issues centre on what happens when an encroachment is not removed and nothing is said about the rights of the respective parties after the order is made. Possible solutions are investigated to provide a doctrinally sound outcome in encroachment disputes. It is clear that the encroacher is allowed to continue occupying the portion of property on which the encroachment is erected. It seems as though a use right is indirectly created when the encroachment remains in place. The constitutional difficulty lies in the fact that the court orders may result in infringements that conflict with section 25 of the Constitution. The focus is specifically to determine whether these orders result in the compulsory loss of property or property rights. With reference to Germany, the Netherlands and Australia, a comparative perspective is provided in order to support the doctrinal and policy arguments. The comparative law provides a source of guidelines for what may work effectively and informs the ultimate suggestion of this project, namely the need for legislation to regulate building encroachments in South Africa. The legislation envisaged would have to prescribe with at least some sort of certainty how and in which circumstances the discretion should be exercised. It should also provide clarity with regard to the right that is created when the encroachment is not removed and how the compensation that is awarded in exchange for removal, should be determined. The unnecessary confusion and uncertainty that result from court orders made in the context of building encroachments may be cleared up by legislation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid Afrikaanse howe begin al hoe meer om ‘n nuwe benadering te volg ten opsigte van oorskrydende bouwerke. Dit lyk asof howe meer geneig is om hul diskresie uit te oefen ten gunste daarvan om die oorskryding vir pragmatiese en beleidsredes teen vergoeding in stand te hou, ten spyte van die gemeenregtelike reg om verwydering te eis. Daar word algemeen aanvaar dat howe wel die diskresie het om in die konteks van oorskrydende bouwerke skadevergoeding toe te ken in plaas van verwydering. Die omstandighede betrokke by en die nagevolge van hierdie beslissings is egter onseker en daarom lei dit tot verwarring. Dit is nie altyd duidelik hoe hierdie diskresie uitgeoefen word nie. Daarbenewens is daar ook onsekerheid oor of die diskresie die bevoegdheid insluit om oordrag van die grond waarop die oorsrkryding staan, te gelas. Die beslissings kan ook doktrinêre en grondwetlike implikasies hê. In terme van die doktrinêre probleem is daar vrae oor wat gebeur as die oorskryding nie verwyder word nie en niks word gesê oor die regte van beide partye in die dispuut nie. Oplossings word ondersoek om die beste moontlike doktrinêre verduideliking te probeer vasstel. Die eienaar van die oorskrydende bouwerk mag voortgaan om die grond waarop die oorskryding staan te okkupeer. Dit lyk asof ‘n gebruiksreg indirek geskep word ten gunste van die oorskryder wanneer die oorskryding nie verwyder word nie. ‘n Grondwetlike probleem mag veroorsaak word deur die moontlike oortreding van artikel 25 van die Grondwet. Die beslissings mag lei tot die gedwonge verlies van grond of regte, wat aan die vereistes van artikel 25 moet voldoen. ‘n Vergelykende perspektief met verwysing na Duitsland, Nederland en Australië word verskaf om die doktrinêre en beleidsargumente te ondersteun. Die vergelykende reg bied ‘n bron van riglyne vir wat effektief kan werk en het dus die wetgewing wat in hierdie proefskrif voorgestel word geïnspireer. Die wetgewing wat beoog word sal moet voorskryf hoe en onder watter omstanghede die diskresie uitgeoefen moet word. Dit moet ook sekerheid gee ten opsigte van die reg wat geskep word as die oorskryding nie verwyder word nie en hoe die skadevergoeding bepaal moet word. Die onnodige verwaring en onsekerheid wat veroorsaak word deur hierdie hofbeslissings kan opgeklaar word deur die promulgering van wetgewing om oorskrydende bouwerke te reguleer.

Suing dragons? : taking the Chinese state to court

Givens, John Wagner January 2013 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the ability of Chinese lawyers to use administrative litigation to protect individuals and groups from an authoritarian state that frequently infringes on their rights. These plaintiffs fill administrative courts in China, opposing the overzealous tactics of police, challenging the expropriation of their land, and disputing the seizure and demolition of their homes. Empirically, it relies on several unique data sources in a mixed-methodological approach. Qualitative and small-n quantitative data from 126 interviews with a random sample of Chinese lawyers and 52 additional interviews are supplemented by documentary sources. These findings are then tested against official data and a large survey of Chinese lawyers. This research demonstrates that administrative litigation is part of a polycentric authoritarian system that helps the Chinese state to monitor its agents, allows limited political participation, and facilitates economic development (Chapter One). By giving ordinary Chinese a chance to hold their local governments accountable in court, administrative litigation represents a significant step towards rule of law, but its limited scope means that it has not been accompanied by dramatic liberalisation (Chapter Three). In part, this is because the most prolific and successful administrative litigators are politically embedded lawyers, insiders who challenge the state in court but eschew the most radical cases and tactics (Chapter Four). The tactics that allow politically embedded lawyers to successfully litigate administrative cases rely on and contribute to China’s polycentric authoritarianism by drawing in other state, quasi-state, and non-state actors (Chapter Five). Multinationals in China are largely failing to contribute to the development of China’s legal system because they readily accept preferential treatment from the Chinese state as an alternative to litigation (Chapter Six). While administrative litigation bolsters China’s polycentric authoritarianism in the short term, it offers tremendous potential for rationalisation, liberalisation, and even democratisation in the long term.

International law in the interpretation of sections 25 and 26 of the Constitution

Slade, Bradley Virgill 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM (Public Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The protection of human rights is one of the main aims of international law. Since the Second World War, the United Nations and various other international organs have recognised the protection of human rights in various treaties. These treaties protect citizen.s rights against possible infringement on the side of the state. South Africa was isolated from the development that occurred in international human rights law due to the system of apartheid. When South Africa became a democracy in 1994, international law had to be made part of South African law so that South Africa could once again take its place in the international community. Therefore, the Constitution of 1996 contains various sections that deal with international law and its place within the South African legal system. In particular, section 39(1)(b) of the Constitution places an obligation on courts, tribunals and forums to consider international law in interpreting the bill of rights. With regard to section 39(1)(b), this thesis questions whether the Constitutional Court fulfils its obligation when interpreting the right to property and housing in sections 25 and 26 of the Constitution respectively. Through a discussion of Constitutional Court cases on the right to property, it is discovered that the Court does not optimally use the international law sources that are available. The Court does not reflect on the status of international law sources and confuses international law with foreign law. Therefore, the sources relating to the right to property in international and regional international law are outlined. On the basis of the available sources in international law that relate to the right to property, it is argued that there is no justification for the Court not considering the relevant international law sources. With regard to the right of access to adequate housing in section 26 of the Constitution and the case law relating to the right, the Constitutional Court is more willing to consult international law to aid its interpretation of the right. This is partly attributable to fact that the right to adequate housing is a well developed right in international law. As a result, the Court refers to a wide range of international law sources when interpreting the right of access to adequate housing. However, the Court does not indicate the status of the various international law sources it uses to interpret the right to adequate housing. Therefore, it is argued that in the instances where there are relevant international law sources available to aid the interpretation of the rights to property and adequate housing, they should be considered. In the event that the Constitutional Court uses international law sources, their status within South African law and their relevance to the rights in question should be made clear. As a result, a method for the use of international law as a guide to interpretation is proposed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die beskerming van menseregte is van groot belang in internasionale reg. Na afloop van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog het verskeie internasionale agente, met die Verenigde Nasies in die voorgrond, menseregte begin erken in verskeie internasionale konvensies. Omdat Suid-Afrika die apartheidstelsel toegepas het, was die Suid-Afrikaanse reg geïsoleerd van die ontwikkeling rakende die beskerming van menseregte in internasionale reg. Met die koms van demokrasie was Suid-Afrika genoodsaak om internasionale reg deel te maak van Suid-Afrikaanse reg om te verseker dat Suid-Afrika weer die internasionale gemeenskap kon betree. Gevolglik bevat die Grondwet van 1996 verskeie artikels wat met internasionale reg handel. In besonder plaas artikel 39(1)(b) 'n verpligting op howe, tribunale en ander forums om internasionale reg te gebruik wanneer enige reg in die handves van menseregte geïnterpreteer moet word. In hierdie tesis word daar besin oor die vraag of die Grondwetlike Hof die verpligting in terme van artikel 39(1)(b) nakom wanneer die regte tot eiendom en toegang tot geskikte behuising in artikels 25 en 26 onderskeidelik geïnterpreteer word. Na 'n bespreking van die grondwetlike sake wat verband hou met die reg tot eiendom, word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die Grondwetlike Hof nie die verpligting in terme van artikel 39(1)(b) konsekwent nakom nie. Die Hof verwys nie na relevante internasionale of streeks- internasionale reg nie. Verder verwar die Hof internasionale reg met buitelandse reg. In die gevalle waar die Hof wel gebruik maak van internasionale reg, word die status van dié reg in die Suid-Afrikaanse regstelsel nie duidelik uiteengesit nie. Na aanleiding van die grondwetlike sake wat verband hou met die reg van toegang tot geskikte behuising, is dit duidelik dat die Grondwetlike Hof meer gewillig is om internasionale reg in ag te neem. 'n Moontlike rede hiervoor is die feit dat die reg tot behuising goed ontwikkel is in internasionale reg. Gevolglik maak die Grondwetlike Hof geredelik van internasionale reg gebruik om artikel 26 van die Grondwet te interpreteer. Nietemin, die status van die internasionale reg bronne wat die Hof wel gebruik word nie uiteengesit nie. Daarom word daar aangevoer dat indien daar internasionale reg beskikbaar is wat relevant is tot die geskil, behoort die Grondwetlike Hof sulke reg in ag te neem. Indien die Hof wel internasionale reg gebruik om die regte tot eiendom en toegang tot geskikte behuising te interpreteer, moet die status van die bronne uiteengesit word. Daarom word daar ook in die tesis 'n voorstel voorgelê hoe howe te werk moet gaan indien internasionale reg bronne geraadpleeg word.

Грађанскоправна одговорност за имисије / Građanskopravna odgovornost za imisije / Civil liability for immissions

Gajinov Tamara 30 September 2015 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији су детаљно размотрена битна обележја, правни значај и правци развоја грађанскоправне одговорности за имисије. Целокупна тематика је анализирана у ширем историјском контексту и кроз поређење системских решења која постоје у домаћем и упоредном праву.<br />Правно уређење имисија сагледано је у контексту међународног права, наднационалног права Европске уније и кроз решења која постоје у појединим националним правним системима. Посебна пажња посвећена је теоријским поставкама, нормативним решењима и правној пракси у Републици Србији.<br />У правним системима европско континенталног типа институт имисија је, по правилу, део стварноправне материје и спада у домен суседских права. Међутим, у неким земљама постоје другачија нормативна решења. Имисије не представљају засебан правни институт, али је материја на коју се оне односе обухваћена правилима о службеностима и сл. Сметања изазвана имисијама у земљама англоамеричког правног система представљају део деликтног права.<br />Традиционално поимање имисија, наслеђено из римског права, знатно је проширено, а сам правни институт у значајној мери трансформисан.<br />У раду је посебна пажња посвећена новим видовима имисионог деловања, насталим услед технолошког развоја, индустријализације и урбанизације.<br />Предмет упоредноправне анализе су била и основна мерила за утврђивање нивоа прекомерности имисија, јер у вези са тим у правној пракси постоје многобројни проблеми.<br />У Републици Србији прекорачења граница имисионог деловања подразумева, најпре, одговорност за опасност од штете, којом се широко афирмише принцип превенције, као и одговорност за проузроковану штету, у случају да је услед имисија дошло до оштећења или уништења заштићених добара. И поред низа специфичности у односу на традиционалне штете, све штетне последице настале услед имисија се отклањају класичним средствима одштетног права.<br />Посебно поглавље посвећено је осигурању од одговорности за штете проузроковане имисијама.<br />У раду су анализиране могућности за реализацију вансудске, као и судске имисионе заштите којa се остварујe путем државинске, негаторне, тзв. популарне и класичне облигационоправне тужбе. Уз то, указано је на потребу реформисања постојеће регулативе, када су у питању колективни механизми заштите интереса у овој области и увођења посебних правила која би се односила на имисионе парнице.<br />У закључним разматрањима је констатовано да институт имисија данас превазилази оквире суседског права у које се традиционално сврстава и представља важно ограничење права својине у општем интересу којим се обезбеђује и заштита животне средине. Одговорност за имисије се самим тим више не може везивати искључиво за недопуштене утицаје на суседну непокретност, него мора нужно проширити и на оне случајеве у којима неко емитује нешто штетно у околину, што угрожава ширу друштвену заједницу. Поред тога указано је и на потребу увођења мобилијарних имисија као посебне категорије. Уз то, у овој области долази и до све већег функционалног повезивања имисионе заштите са појединим гранама јавног права. Поред тога, грађанско право се постепено прилагођава савременим еколошким изазовима, уз све већи државни интервеционизам у домену својинских односа. Све ово указује на правце у којима ће већ трансформисано имисионо право наставити да се развија, пружајући значајан допринос, како заштити својинских овлашћења власника непокретности, тако и заштити животне средине.</p> / <p>U disertaciji su detaljno razmotrena bitna obeležja, pravni značaj i pravci razvoja građanskopravne odgovornosti za imisije. Celokupna tematika je analizirana u širem istorijskom kontekstu i kroz poređenje sistemskih rešenja koja postoje u domaćem i uporednom pravu.<br />Pravno uređenje imisija sagledano je u kontekstu međunarodnog prava, nadnacionalnog prava Evropske unije i kroz rešenja koja postoje u pojedinim nacionalnim pravnim sistemima. Posebna pažnja posvećena je teorijskim postavkama, normativnim rešenjima i pravnoj praksi u Republici Srbiji.<br />U pravnim sistemima evropsko kontinentalnog tipa institut imisija je, po pravilu, deo stvarnopravne materije i spada u domen susedskih prava. Međutim, u nekim zemljama postoje drugačija normativna rešenja. Imisije ne predstavljaju zaseban pravni institut, ali je materija na koju se one odnose obuhvaćena pravilima o službenostima i sl. Smetanja izazvana imisijama u zemljama angloameričkog pravnog sistema predstavljaju deo deliktnog prava.<br />Tradicionalno poimanje imisija, nasleđeno iz rimskog prava, znatno je prošireno, a sam pravni institut u značajnoj meri transformisan.<br />U radu je posebna pažnja posvećena novim vidovima imisionog delovanja, nastalim usled tehnološkog razvoja, industrijalizacije i urbanizacije.<br />Predmet uporednopravne analize su bila i osnovna merila za utvrđivanje nivoa prekomernosti imisija, jer u vezi sa tim u pravnoj praksi postoje mnogobrojni problemi.<br />U Republici Srbiji prekoračenja granica imisionog delovanja podrazumeva, najpre, odgovornost za opasnost od štete, kojom se široko afirmiše princip prevencije, kao i odgovornost za prouzrokovanu štetu, u slučaju da je usled imisija došlo do oštećenja ili uništenja zaštićenih dobara. I pored niza specifičnosti u odnosu na tradicionalne štete, sve štetne posledice nastale usled imisija se otklanjaju klasičnim sredstvima odštetnog prava.<br />Posebno poglavlje posvećeno je osiguranju od odgovornosti za štete prouzrokovane imisijama.<br />U radu su analizirane mogućnosti za realizaciju vansudske, kao i sudske imisione zaštite koja se ostvaruje putem državinske, negatorne, tzv. popularne i klasične obligacionopravne tužbe. Uz to, ukazano je na potrebu reformisanja postojeće regulative, kada su u pitanju kolektivni mehanizmi zaštite interesa u ovoj oblasti i uvođenja posebnih pravila koja bi se odnosila na imisione parnice.<br />U zaključnim razmatranjima je konstatovano da institut imisija danas prevazilazi okvire susedskog prava u koje se tradicionalno svrstava i predstavlja važno ograničenje prava svojine u opštem interesu kojim se obezbeđuje i zaštita životne sredine. Odgovornost za imisije se samim tim više ne može vezivati isključivo za nedopuštene uticaje na susednu nepokretnost, nego mora nužno proširiti i na one slučajeve u kojima neko emituje nešto štetno u okolinu, što ugrožava širu društvenu zajednicu. Pored toga ukazano je i na potrebu uvođenja mobilijarnih imisija kao posebne kategorije. Uz to, u ovoj oblasti dolazi i do sve većeg funkcionalnog povezivanja imisione zaštite sa pojedinim granama javnog prava. Pored toga, građansko pravo se postepeno prilagođava savremenim ekološkim izazovima, uz sve veći državni intervecionizam u domenu svojinskih odnosa. Sve ovo ukazuje na pravce u kojima će već transformisano imisiono pravo nastaviti da se razvija, pružajući značajan doprinos, kako zaštiti svojinskih ovlašćenja vlasnika nepokretnosti, tako i zaštiti životne sredine.</p> / <p>The dissertation provides a thorough review of significant features, legal importance and ways of development of the civil liability for immissions. The whole matter is analyzed in the wider historical context and through the comparison of international and national law sources.<br />The legal regulation of the institution of immission was scrutinized with the help of international, law sources of European Union, and national legal solutions. The special focus is on the theoretical approach, law sources and legal practice in Republic of Serbia.<br />In the continental European legal systems, the institution of immission is usually the part of property law and represents a kind of neighboring rights. However, there are some countries in which there are no special rules for the immissions, and thus they are treated as specific rules of servitutes. In the Anglo-Saxon legal systems, the institution of immission falls under the tort law.<br />The traditional determination of immission inherited from the Roman law has been considerably extended, and the legal institution itself has been significantly transformed.<br />The dissertation is also devoted to modern forms of immissions which are the consequence of technological development, industrialization and urban development.<br />Another subject of comparative analysis is the basic criteria for measuring the exceeding of the set immission limits. Many problems concerning these issues are encountered in legal practice.<br />In Republic of Serbia the exceeding of the set immission limits is primarily related to the responsibility for hazards that might lead to damage. This generally underlines the principle of prevention. If the immission causes harm or a total damage of someone&rsquo;s goods, this will also give the right to redress the damage. Compared to traditional damages, the damages caused by immissions have many specifics. However, the compensation is based on general tort law.<br />The special chapter of dissertation is devoted to the liability insurance against damages caused by immissions.<br />There is also the analysis of the protection from immissions, that can be achived out of as well as in the court, by means of the lawsuit for disturbance of possession, possessory action (action negatoria), the so-called popular action, as well as by means of the classical obligation lawsuit. Moreover, the author provides some particular suggestions for the reform of the current legislation in the field of collective lawsuits, as well as for introducing special rules for the immission litigation.<br />In the conclusion, the author points out that nowadays the institution of immission exceeds the framework of neighboring rights, where it has traditionally belonged to, and represents an important limitation to the right to property in public interest that also provides for the environmental protection. Thus, the liability for immissions cannot exclusively refer to an illegal impact on the neighboring property rights any more, but has to be extended to include those cases in which someone emits something harmful into the environment, which affects the common society. Moreover, the author points out to the need of introducing mobiliar immissions as a special category. There is also more and more functional interconnection between immission protection and other public law disciplines in this field. Civil law is adapting to meet the contemporary environmental challenges and there is a considerable and recognizable state interventionism in the proprietary rights field. All these circumstances point to the ways in which the transformed immission law is going to develop and contribute to the protection of proprietary rights of the property owners, as well as to environmental protection.</p>

The liability of internet intermediaries

Riordan, Jaani January 2013 (has links)
Internet intermediaries facilitate a wide range of conduct using services supplied over the layered architecture of modern communications networks. Members of this class include search engines, social networks, internet service providers, website operators, hosts, and payment gateways, which together exert a critical and growing influence upon national and global economies, governments and cultures. This research examines who should face legal responsibility when wrongdoers utilise these services tortiously to cause harm to others. It has three parts. Part 1 seeks to understand the nature of an intermediary and how its liability differs from the liability of primary defendants. It classifies intermediaries according to a new layered, functional taxonomy and argues that many instances of secondary liability in English private law reflect shared features and underlying policies, including optimal loss-avoidance and derivative liability premised on an assumption of responsibility. Part 2 analyses intermediaries’ monetary liability for secondary wrongdoing in two areas of English law: defamation and copyright. It traces the historical evolution of these doctrines at successive junctures in communications technology, before identifying and defending limits on that liability which derive from three main sources: (i) in-built limits contained in definitions of secondary wrongdoing; (ii) European safe harbours and general limits on remedies; and (iii) statutory defences and exceptions. Part 3 examines intermediaries’ non-monetary liability, in particular their obligations to disclose information about alleged primary wrongdoers and to cease facilitating wrongdoing where it is necessary and proportionate to do so. It proposes a new suite of non-facilitation remedies designed to restrict access to tortious internet materials, remove such materials from search engines, and reduce the profitability of wrongdoing. It concludes with several recommendations to improve the effectiveness and proportionality of remedies by reference to considerations of architecture, anonymity, efficient procedures, and fundamental rights.

Manželské majetkové právo / Law regulating property of spouses

Němečková, Adéla January 2017 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is "Law regulating property of spouses". The diploma thesis concerning marital property law is focused mainly on community property. This institute comes into power as a result of entering into a marriage. The aim of the diploma thesis is to describe ways how to secure separate property of spouses in a marriage. The thesis consists of seven chapters, the first chapter is an introduction to this topic and the seventh chapter is a conclusion. The second chapter of my thesis is devoted mainly to the historical development of the community property since 1811 to the current legislation often called as the "new" Civil Code (no. 89/2012). The diploma thesis describes in its third chapter which property consists of community property and which property is excluded from community property. The fourth chapter is focused on a division of community property in case of dissolution of a marriage. Community property can be divided equally between spouses (a husband and a wife) or differently. Spouses can agree on the division of property or it could be decided by court ruling. If either of the spouses does not ask for court decision, the division of community property is achieved by legal presumption (the rules set in the Civil Code for the division of property used after certain...

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