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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudio de los efectos de los inhibidores de mTOR en el trasplante renal

Ruiz San Millán, Juan Carlos 15 February 2010 (has links)
Los resultados del trasplante renal a largo plazo están limitados por la pérdida a largo plazo del injerto y la muerte con injerto funcionante. Los inmunosupresores tienen gran importancia por su efecto sobre el injerto (control de la respuesta inmunológica y nefrotoxicidad) y sobre los factores de riesgo cardiovascular y el desarrollo de neoplasias. Los nuevos inmunosupresores apuntan a un mejor perfil en este sentido para reducir estos dos tipos de complicaciones y prolongar la supervivencia del injerto y del paciente, siendo los fármacos del grupo mTOR los más prometedores en este sentido. La presente tesis doctoral analiza los efectos de este grupo de fármacos inmunosupresores (Sirolimus y Everolimus) en pacientes trasplantados renales.Se analizan los efectos del uso de inhibidores de mTOR en pacientes trasplantados renales sobre el daño crónico del injerto en biopsias de protocolo, sobre la aparición de proteinuria como complicación de su uso en pacientes estables y sobre la formación de células T reguladoras circulantes en sangre periférica. / Long-term results of kidney transplantation are limited by the chronic graft failure and the death of the patient with a functioning kidney. Immunosuppressive drugs have an important role due to its effects on the graft (control of immune response and nephrotoxicity) and on vascular risk factors and the development of neoplasms. New immunosuppressive drugs, specially mTOR inhibitors have a better profile and are able to reduce both types of complications, increasing graft and patient survival. The present doctoral thesis analyzes the effects of this group of immunosuppressive drugs (Sirolimus and Everolimus) in renal transplant recipients.The effects of mTOR inhibitors over chronic graft damage in protocol kidney biopsies, on the appearance of proteinuria as a complication of its use in stable patients and on the formation of circulating regulatory T-cells in renal transplant patients are analyzed

Effet du bosentan sur les niveaux d'inflammation systémique et rénale chez des patients avec néphropathie diabétique traités par bloqueurs de récepteurs de l'angiotensine II

Tubail, Zead 05 1900 (has links)
Outre les facteurs métaboliques et hémodynamiques, l’inflammation est actuellement considérée comme un facteur pathogénique potentiel de la néphropathie diabétique (ND), pouvant contribuer à l’initiation et à la progression de la maladie. Les mécanismes menant au développement de l’inflammation rénale dans la ND sont encore peu connus, bien qu’une augmentation d’activité des systèmes rénine angiotensine (RAS) et de l’endothéline (ET) semble y contribuer. L’objectif général de cette étude mono-centre, à double aveugle, randomisée et incluant un groupe placebo était de démontrer que l’inhibition simultanée du RAS et du système de l’ET chez des patients avec ND induisait des effets rénoprotecteurs et anti-inflammatoires supérieurs à ceux observés par blocage du RAS seul. L’objectif spécifique de notre étude était d’évaluer la possibilité que l’administration d’un bloqueur des récepteurs de l’ET-1, le bosentan, à des patients atteints de ND et traités par bloqueurs des récepteurs de l’angiotensine II (BRA), réduisait, chez ces derniers, la protéinurie et les marqueurs inflammatoires systémiques et rénaux. Ce travail constitue un rapport d’un cas clinique et illustre les résultats obtenus suite à l’administration pendant 16 semaines du bosentan chez un patient diabétique de type 2 avec néphropathie clinique traité au long cours par BRA. Le protocole de recherche comprenait 6 visites médicales à 4 semaines d’intervalle, la première visite (V1) correspondant au recrutement du patient, la deuxième visite (V2) constituant le temps 0 de l’étude et la dernière visite (V6) représentant la fin de l’étude. Des échantillons de sang et d’urine étaient prélevés à 3 reprises soit à V2, V4 c’est-à-dire 8 semaines après le début du traitement et à V6 soit 16 semaines après le début du traitement pour mesure des taux sériques et urinaires de divers facteurs pro-inflammatoires incluant l’ET-1, le facteur de nécrose tumorale alpha (TNF-α), l’interleukine-6 (IL-6), le facteur chémoattractant des monocytes-1 (MCP-1), la molécule d’adhésion intracellulaire-1 (ICAM-1), la molécule d’adhésion vasculaire-1 (VCAM-1) et la protéine C-réactive (CRP). Un profil lipidique était aussi déterminé au début et à la fin de l’étude. La fonction rénale était mesurée aux visites V1, V2, V4 et V6 par détermination du taux de filtration glomérulaire (TFG) et de l’excrétion urinaire d’albumine (UAE). Des tests biochimiques de routine étaient aussi faits à chaque visite. La corrélation entre les paramètres inflammatoires et rénaux sous étude et la filtration glomérulaire était enfin déterminée. Nos résultats chez ce sujet ont démontré que le bosentan réduisait l’UAE de 32 % et 35% aux semaines 8 et 16, et ce, sans affecter la pression artérielle ou la filtration glomérulaire. L'effet anti-protéinurique du bosentan était associé à une réduction des concentrations urinaires de VCAM-1, ICAM-1, IL-6, TNF-α et d’ET-1 ainsi qu’à une diminution des concentrations sériques de TNF-α. Le changement dans la protéinurie était corrélé de manière positive avec les changements des niveaux urinaires de VCAM-1 (r=0.86), ICAM-1 (r=0.88), ET-1 (r=0.94), et du TNF-α (r=0.96) ainsi qu’avec les changements des niveaux sériques de TNF-α (r=0.98). Ces données suggèrent que l’inhibition du système de l’ET induit dans la ND des effets rénoprotecteurs additifs à ceux observés par blocage du RAS seul. Ils supportent le concept que l’activation du système de l’ET au niveau rénal, par ses effets inflammatoires, puisse jouer un rôle important dans la pathogenèse de la ND. L’effet anti-inflammatoire et anti-protéinurique du bosentan constitue une découverte intéressante susceptible d’engendrer dans le futur une alternative thérapeutique et préventive dans la prise en charge de la ND. / Apart from metabolic and hemodynamic factors, inflammation has recently been introduced as a potential key pathogenic mechanism involved in the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy (DN). The mechanisms by which renal inflammation occurs in DN are still poorly understood, yet increased renal activity of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) and endothelin (ET) system may play a key role. The main objective of this mono-centre, double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study was to demonstrate that concomitant blockade of the RAS and ET system in patients with DN produces greater renal protective effects and exerts greater anti-inflammatory changes than those seen with blockade of the RAS system alone. The specific aim of the study was to evaluate whether administration of bosentan to patients with DN on angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARB) reduces systemic and renal inflammation and improves glomerular filtration. The work presented herein illustrates the results obtained in one type 2 diabetic patient with clinical DN and treated with ARB following the administration of bosentan for 16 weeks. The study protocol included 6 medical visits at 4 weeks interval, with the first visit (V1) being the screening visit and the second visit (V2) being the baseline and randomization visit. Blood and urine samples were taken at V2, after 8 weeks of treatment (V4), and at the end of the study (V6) for determination of serum and urinary inflammatory markers including ET-1, tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1), intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and C-reactive protein (CRP). Lipid profile was done at the beginning and end of the study. Renal function was assessed at V1, V2, V4 and V6 by determination of glomerular filtration rate and urinary albumin excretion (UAE). Routine biochemical analyses were done at each visit. Correlation between serum and urinary inflammatory markers and UAE was determined. Our results demonstrated that bosentan administration to this patient reduced UAE by 32% and 35% at weeks 8 and 16, respectively, without affecting blood pressure and glomerular filtration. The anti-proteinuric effect of bosentan was associated with a reduction in urinary levels of VCAM-1, ICAM-1, IL-6, TNF- and ET-1 and a reduction in serum TNF- levels. Change in UAE was positively correlated with changes in urinary levels of VCAM-1 (r=0.86), ICAM-1 (r=0.88), ET-1 (r=0.94), and TNF- (r=0.96) and with change in serum TNF- levels (r=0.98). Our data suggest that blockade of the ET system in top of RAS inhibition exerts additive renoprotective effects in DN. They support the notion that activation of the ET system, by promoting renal inflammation, may play a role in the pathogenesis of DN. The anti-inflammatory and anti-proteinuric effect of bosentan represents an interesting finding which may leads in the future to an alternate therapeutic and preventive for the treatment of DN.

Erkennung diagnostischer Frühmarker der Nierenfibrose beim Tiermodell des Alport-Syndroms mittels proteomischer Methoden / Detection of early diagnostic markers in an animal model of Alport syndrome with renal fibrosis via proteomics

Schmidt-Eylers, Imke 22 April 2013 (has links)
Das Alport-Syndrom ist eine erbliche, progredient verlaufende Nierenerkrankung, bei der es infolge von charakteristischen Veränderungen der glomerulären Basalmembran zu Hämaturie und Proteinurie kommt. Es gelangen Proteine in den Urin, welche die Erkrankung möglicherweise frühzeitig anzeigen können. In diesem Projekt soll der Urin von Wildtyp- und COL4A3-Knockout-Mäusen zum Zeitpunkt von 4,5 und 6 Wochen untersucht werden. Ziel ist es, diagnostische Proteinmarker zu finden, die im Urin von Alport-Mäusen klinisch relevant hochreguliert sind. Zur Erreichung dieses Ziels wird sich proteomischer Verfahren, Western-Blot und histologischer Schnitte bedient.

Efeito de uma disfunção da barreira glomerular sobre a imunidade inata de células tubulares proximais / Effect of dysfunction acute barrier glomerular on the innate immunity of proximal tubular cells

Viviane Dias Faustino 27 March 2018 (has links)
A sobrecarga de proteínas nas células tubulares proximais pode levar a lesão intersticial por mecanismos não claros que podem envolver a ativação da imunidade inata. Nós investigamos a hipótese de que a exposição prolongada de células tubulares a altas concentrações de proteínas estimula a imunidade inata, desencadeando inflamação intersticial progressiva e lesão renal. Além disso, investigamos se a inibição específica da imunidade inata ou adaptativa proporcionaria renoproteção em um modelo estabelecido de proteinúria maciça, nefropatia por adriamicina (ADR). Os ratos adultos Munich-Wistar receberam uma dose única de ADR (5 mg / kg iv), sendo acompanhados por 2, 4 e 20 semanas. A albuminúria maciça foi associada à ativação precoce das vias da imunidade inata NF-?B e NLRP3, cuja intensidade correlacionou-se fortemente com a densidade da infiltração de linfócitos. Além disso, os ratos ADR exibiram sinais claros de estresse oxidativo renal. Vinte semanas após a administração de ADR, observaram-se fibrose intersticial intensa, glomerulosclerose e perda da função renal. A administração de micofenolato de mofetil (MMF), 10 mg / Kg / dia, impediu a ativação da imunidade inata e adaptativa, bem como do estresse oxidativo renal e fibrose renal. Além disso, o tratamento MMF foi associado com a mudança de MØ do tipo M1 para o fenótipo M2. Nas células cultivadas de NRK52-E, o excesso de albumina aumentou o teor de proteína de TLR4, NLRP3, Caspase-1, IL6, IL1-beta, MCP-1, alfa-SMA e COLL-1. O silenciamento do TLR4 e / ou NLRP3 mRNA atenuou esse comportamento proinflamatório / profibrótico. A ativação simultânea de imunidade inata e adaptativa podem ser fundamentais para o desenvolvimento de lesão renal em doenças altamente proteinúricas. A inibição da imunidade inata e/ou adaptativa podem constituir uma estratégia para prevenir a DRC nesse contexto / Protein overload of proximal tubular cells can promote interstitial injury by unclear mechanisms that may involve activation of innate immunity. We investigated the hypothesis that prolonged exposure of tubular cells to high protein concentrations stimulates innate immunity, triggering progressive interstitial inflammation and renal injury. In addition, we investigated whether specific inhibition of innate or adaptive immunity would provide renoprotection in an established model of massive proteinuria, adriamycin (ADR) nephropathy. Adult male Munich-Wistar rats received a single dose of ADR (5 mg/kg iv), being followed for 2, 4 or 20 weeks. Massive albuminuria was associated with early activation of both the NF-kB and NLRP3 innate immunity pathways, whose intensity correlated strongly with the density of lymphocyte infiltration. In addition, ADR rats exhibited clear signs of renal oxidative stress. Twenty weeks after ADR administration, marked interstitial fibrosis, glomerulosclerosis and renal functional loss were observed. Administration of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF), 10 mg/Kg/day, prevented activation of both innate and adaptive immunity, as well as renal oxidative stress and renal fibrosis. Moreover, MMF treatment was associated with shifting of M0 from the M1 to the M2 phenotype. In cultivated NRK52-E cells, excess albumin increased the protein content of TLR4, NLRP3, Caspase-1, IL6, IL- 1beta, MCP-1, alpha-actin and collagen-1. Silencing of TLR4 and/or NLRP3 mRNA abrogated this proinflammatory/profibrotic behavior. Simultaneous activation of innate and adaptive immunity may be key to the development of renal injury in heavily proteinuric disease. Inhibition of innate and/or adaptive immunity may constitute a strategy to prevent CKD in this setting

Efeito da associação de enalapril e losartan sobre proteinúria e marcadores inflamatórios na nefropatia diabética: ensaio clínico em DM tipo 2 / The effect of enalapril and losartan association therapy on proteinuria and inflammatory biomarkers in diabetic nephropathy: clinical trial on type 2 DM

Silvia Maria de Oliveira Titan 16 February 2009 (has links)
O tratamento combinado com IECA e BRA foi proposto como alternativa para o tratamento da ND. Nosso objetivo foi avaliar se o tratamento IECA+BRA era superior ao tratamento com IECA em termos de proteinúria e excreção urinária de marcadores inflamatórios. Cinqüenta e seis pacientes com ND iniciaram o uso de enalapril. Após 4 meses, os pacientes passaram a receber losartan (Grupo E+L) ou placebo (Grupo E). As incidências de hipercalemia (HK) e deterioração aguda da função renal (DAFR) foram avaliadas. A análise de ANOVA de medidas repetidas não revelou diferença entre os grupos, mas, após ajustes, a progressão da proteinúria foi pior no Grupo E+L. A proteinúria final mostrou-se significativamente maior no Grupo E+L (proteinúria final estimada de 1,2 vs 2,6 g/d/1.73m2, p= 0.03). Os resultados foram confirmados nos modelos de regressão logística. Ocorreram 7 eventos de HK (12,6%) e 9 de DAFR (16,1%). Nossos dados sugerem que, em ND avançada, o tratamento combinado IECA+BRA não seja superior ao tratamento com IECA isoladamente em relação à proteinúria e marcadores inflamatórios. / Combined treatment with an ACE inhibitor (ACEI) and an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) has been proposed for diabetic nephropathy (DN) treatment. In this study we compared the effect of association therapy versus ACEI on proteinuria progression and on urinary inflammatory biomarkers in DN. Fifty-six patients with DN were started on enalapril. After 4 months, losartan (Group E+L) or placebo (Group E) treatment was started. Incidences of hyperkalemia (HK) and acute kidney function deterioration (AKFD) were monitored. Unadjusted repeated measures ANOVA revealed no difference between groups. After adjustment, proteinuria progression was significantly higher in the E+L Group. In addition, final proteinuria was significantly higher in the E+L Group (predicted adjusted final proteinuria 1,2 vs 2,6 g/d/1,73m2, p=0,03). Finally, logistic regression models showed the same results. We observed 7 HK events (12,6%) and 9 AKFD events (16,1%). These results suggest that, at least in advanced DN, association therapy is not superior to ACEI monotherapy in terms of proteinuria and inflammatory biomarkers.

Henoch-Schönlein purpura in children: long-term outcome and treatment

Ronkainen, J. (Jaana) 15 November 2005 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this work was to evaluate the outcome of childhood Henoch-Schönlein purpura (HSP), the effectiveness of Cyclosporine A (CyA) for treating severe HSP nephritis (HSN), and more particularly the possibility for influencing the course of HSP disease by early prednisone treatment. A total of 47 adults who had had childhood HSP were evaluated after a mean of 24.1 years (16.4–35.6). The outcome was highly dependent on the renal symptoms at onset, since 7 out of 20 adults (20%) who had severe renal symptoms at onset had renal impairment as adults, compared with 2 out of 27 (7%) with mild or no renal symptoms at onset (relative risk 4.7; 95% CI 1.3–18.7). 70% of pregnancies in women after childhood HSN were complicated by hypertension or proteinuria. The annual incidence of HSN with nephrotic-range proteinuria was 2 per million children under 15 years. After a mean follow-up of 4.6 years, only three patients out of 19 were in complete remission. Kidney biopsy did not predict the outcome in these patients. CyA seemed to be promising for the treatment of severe HSN with nephrotic-range proteinuria, since four out of seven patients treated with CyA achieved stable remission and three had preserved their renal function after a mean follow-up of 6.0 years. Treatment at an early stage in the disease was associated with stable remission. The efficacy of early prednisone treatment was evaluated in a randomized double-blind trial involving 171 patients (84 prednisone, 87 placebo). Prednisone, given at a dose of 1 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks, with weaning over the next two weeks, was effective in reducing the intensity of abdominal pain (pain score 2.5 vs. 4.8; t-test p = 0.029) and shortening its duration (1.5 days vs. 2.7 days; t-test p = 0.028) compared with the placebo. The mean scores for joint pain were lower in the prednisone group (4.6 vs. 7.3; t-test p = 0.030) and the improvement from joint symptoms was faster (log rank p = 0.007). Prednisone did not prevent the development of renal symptoms but it was effective in treating them, since renal symptoms resolved in 61% of the prednisone patients after treatment compared with 34% of the placebo patients (difference 27%, 95% CI 3–47%, p = 0.024). Prednisone was most effective for children aged 6 or more with renal symptoms at onset, since only two patients needed to be treated in order to save one from renal involvement (95% CI's for NNT 2–6). The long-term outcome of HSP is dependent on renal symptoms. Severe renal symptoms indicate early immunosuppressive treatment for HSN, and patients with renal involvement at the acute phase need long-term follow-up, especially women during and after pregnancy. Early treatment with prednisone is effective in reducing the abdominal and joint symptoms involved in HSP and is also effective in altering, but not preventing, the course of renal involvement. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää lapsuusiän Henoch-Schönleinin purppuran (HSP) pitkäaikaisennustetta, Siklosporiini-A:n (CyA) tehoa vaikean HSP-nefriitin hoidossa ja tutkia varhain aloitetun prednisonihoidon hyötyä HSP-taudin oireisiin. HSP:n pitkäaikaisennustetta selvitettiin tarkastamalla 47:n lapsena HSP-taudin sairastaneen aikuisen terveystilanne keskimäärin 24.1 vuoden (16.4-35.6) seuranta-ajan jälkeen. HSP-taudin ennuste oli vahvasti riippuvainen munuaisoireen vaikeusasteesta: 20 % niistä, joilla taudin alussa oli vaikeat munuaisoireet, kärsi vielä aikuisiällä munuaisoireista; vastaava luku munuaisoireettomilla ja niillä, joilla oli ollut vain lievää veri- tai valkuaisvirtsaisuutta, oli 7 %, (RR 4.7; 95 % CI 1.3–18.7). Raskauskomplikaatiot olivat yleisiä lapsuusiällä HSP-taudin sairastaneilla naisilla, sillä 70 % raskauksista komplisoi korkea verenpaine tai valkuaisvirtsaisuus. Vuosittain 2 lasta miljoonasta sairastuu vaikeaan nefroottistasoiseen HSP-nefriittiin Suomessa. Vain kolme nefroottistasoiseen HSP-nefriittiin sairastuneesta 19 lapsesta oli 4.6 vuoden seurannan jälkeen parantunut oireettomaksi. Ensimmäisen munuaisbiopsian vaikeusaste ei ennakoinut selviytymistä. CyA näytti olevan lupaavan tehokas lääke vaikean HSP-nefriitin hoidossa, sillä neljä seitsemästä CyA-hoitoa saaneesta lapsesta, oli oireeton 6.0 vuoden seurannan jälkeen. Mitä aikaisemmin vaikean nefriitin hoito oli aloitettu, sen parempi hoitotulos oli. Varhain aloitetun prednisonihoidon hyötyä HSP-taudin oireisiin selvitettiin satunnaistetulla kaksoissokkotutkimuksella, johon satunnaistettiin 171 lasta (84 prednisoni, 87 lumelääke) saamaan joko prednisonia 1 mg/kg/päivä 2 viikon ajan tai lumelääkettä. Prednisoni vähensi tehokkaasti vatsa- ja nivelkipuja ja se lyhensi merkitsevästi myös niiden kestoa. Prednisoni ei estänyt munuaisoireen kehittymistä lapselle, mutta niiltä, joille se kehittyi, oireet hävisivät merkitsevästi nopeammin lumelääkitykseen verrattuna (61 % versus 34 %, 95 % CI 3–47 %, p = 0.024). Kaikkein tehokkainta prednisoni oli yli 6 vuotiaille lapsille, joilla oli munuaisoire heti taudin alussa (NNT 2, 95 % CI 2–6). Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että lapsuusiällä HSP-nefriitin sairastaneet lapset tarvitsevat seurantaa aikuisiällä, erityisesti naiset raskauden aikana. HSP-nefriitin varhainen hoitaminen on tärkeää. Varhainen prednisonihoito ei estä munuaisoiretta, mutta hoitaa jo kehittynyttä nefriittiä ja vähentää vatsa- ja nivelkipuja tehokkaasti.

"Doença óssea em glomerulopatia primária" / Bone disease in primary glomerulophaty

Dias, Cristiane Bitencourt 13 April 2006 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o metabolismo ósseo de pacientes com proteinúria glomerular sem uso prévio de drogas que afetassem esse metabolismo. Dezessete pacientes foram estudados com biópsia óssea para análise histomorfométrica e fragmentos ósseos foram obtidos para cultura de célula (n=13) na qual nós avaliamos proliferação de osteoblasto. A comparação dos achados histomorfométricos a controles de literatura demonstrou uma diminuição da remodelação óssea e comprometimento de sua microarquitetura. Corroborando com esse resultado houve diminuição da proliferação dos osteoblastos dos pacientes quando comparados a controles (n=5) doadores de órgãos. Análise bioquímica revelou correlação negativa da 25(OH)D3 com a proteinúria e positiva com a proliferação dos osteoblastos em cultura / The objective of this study was to analyze bone metabolism in proteinuria glomerular patients not having previously used drugs affecting bone metabolism. Seventeen patients were studied with histomorphometric analysis of bone biopsies and bone fragments were obtained for cell culture (n = 13), in which we evaluated osteoblastic proliferation. Comparing patients to controls of literature indicate reduced bone remodeling and altered bone microarchitecture. In corroboration, mean osteoblast proliferation was lower in patient samples when compared with those for normal osteoblasts obtained from age-matched, gender-matched donor organs (n = 5). Concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin-D3 correlated negatively with proteinuria and positively with osteoblast proliferation in culture

RBP urinária e sérica: associação com doença renal crônica e fatores de risco cardiovascular / Urinary and serum RBP: relationship with chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular risk factors

Domingos, Maria Alice Muniz 21 January 2016 (has links)
A RBP urinária tem seu papel bem definido como marcador de progressão de doença renal em tubulopatias, em glomerulopatias e em pacientes transplantados. No entanto, seu papel em DRC lato senso foi pouco estudado. Por sua vez, a dosagem de RBP sérica, caracterizada recentemente como biomarcador de resistência insulínica, também não teve seu papel esclarecido em população portadora de DRC. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a relação entre a RBP (urinária e sérica) e a função renal, assim como sua relação com fatores de risco cardiovascular em população de DRC. Para tanto, foram analisados os dados da linha de base da Coorte PROGREDIR, constituída por 454 participantes portadores de DRC, oriundos do Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo. Inicialmente, além de estar inversamente relacionada às medidas de depuração de creatinina, a RBP urinária mostrou-se relacionada a diversos fatores de risco cardiovascular e variáveis associadas à função renal, como proteinúria, metabolismo ósseo, anemia, acidose, albumina, RPB sérica, Hb glicada, HOMA, lípides, velocidade de onda de pulso (VOP), átrio esquerdo (ECO AE), diâmetro diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo (ECO-Ddve), diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo (ECO-Dsve) e fração de ejeção (ECO-Fe). Entretanto, após diversos modelos de regressão, permaneceram como variáveis independentemente associadas à RBP urinária a função renal, a pressão arterial sistólica, a albuminúria, a acidose e a medida do AE. Esse resultado se manteve quando o modelo foi repetido mediante estratificação por albuminúria, sugerindo que mesmo em população normoalbuminúrica a RBP urinária correlacione-se inversamente com função renal. Além disso, a relação inversa de RBP urinária com dilatação cardíaca sugere que, em população com DRC já estabelecida, a RBP urinária possa ter um papel em identificar mecanismos etiológicos, possivelmente por distinguir mecanismos hemodinâmicos daqueles onde há uma patologia renal intrínseca. Por sua vez, a RBP sérica relacionou-se inversamente à função renal e idade, e positivamente a triglicérides, albumina e potássio. Curiosamente, a RBP sérica não se mostrou associada às medidas de metabolismo de carboidrato, sugerindo que seu papel como biomarcador de resistência insulínica seja atenuado na DRC. Também não foram encontradas relações entre RBP urinária ou sérica e calcificação coronária ou espessura de carótidas. Nossos resultados sugerem que a RBP urinária deva ser melhor explorada como marcador de função renal e, possivelmente, como marcador de risco de progressão da DRC / The role of urinary RBP as a biomarker of tubular injury and CKD progression in tubulopathies, glomerulopathies and in transplantation is well established. However, its role in CKD is less studied. In addition, serum RBP has been recently characterized as an insulin resistance marker, but controversial results have been shown. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association of both urinary RBP and serum RBP with kidney function and other variables related to the uremic syndrome and cardiovascular risk in a CKD population. We used the baseline data from the PROGREDIR Cohort, which comprehends 454 participants with CKD, recruited from Hospital das Clínicas, Sao Paulo. In univariate analysis, urinary RBP was inversely related to renal function. In addition, it was also related to albuminuria, SBP, anemia, mineral metabolism, acidosis, albumin, serum RPB, glycated hemoglobin, HOMA, lipids, pulse-wave velocity, left atrium diameter, left ventricle diastolic diameter, left ventricle systolic diameter and ejection fraction. However, in the multivariate analysis, only SBP, albuminuria, acidosis, left atrium diameter and renal function remained significantly associated to urinary RBP. After stratification for albuminuria levels, the same relationship was observed, suggesting that even in the normoalbuminuric population urinary RBP is significantly related to renal function. Interestingly, the inverse association between urinary RBP and cardiac dilation suggests that urinary RBP may play a role in identifying mechanisms related to CKD, by differentiating vascular/cardio-renal conditions versus more intrinsic kidney disease and possibly tubule-interstitial fibrosis. The serum RBP was positively related to renal function, triglycerides, albumin, age and potassium, but not to measurements of carbohydrate metabolism. No relationship between urinary or serum RBP and coronary calcification or carotid thickness was found. Our results suggest that urinary RBP should have its role as a marker of CKD and CKD progression further explored

Θεραπευτικές παρεμβάσεις στη μεμβρανώδη σπειραματονεφρίτιδα και εκτίμηση της αποτελεσματικότητάς τους με βάση δείκτες εξέλιξης της νόσου / Treatment regimens for membranous glomerulonephritis and evaluation of their effectiveness according to disease progression indicators

Κουτρούλια, Ελένη 30 March 2015 (has links)
Η Ιδιοπαθής Μεμβρανώδης Σπειραματονεφρίτιδα (ΙΜΣ) ή νεφροπάθεια, η πιο συχνή αιτία νεφρωσικού συνδρόμου στους ενήλικες, συνήθως αντιμετωπίζεται με τη χορήγηση κορτικοειδών και κυτταροτοξικών φαρμάκων ή κυκλοσπορίνης (cyclosporine-A, CsA). Σκοπός της μελέτης ήταν η εκτίμηση της αποτελεσματικότητας της μακροχρόνιας χορήγησης CsA στην πρόκληση ύφεσης του νεφρωσικού συνδρόμου και των ιστολογικών αλλοιώσεων σε επαναληπτικές βιοψίες νεφρού μετά τη χορήγηση του δυνητικά νεφροτοξικού αυτού φαρμάκου. Επιπλέον, εκτιμήθηκε η αποτελεσματικότητα του Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) ως σχήματος θεραπείας της ΙΜΣ σε μικρό αριθμό ασθενών και η προγνωστική αξία των επιπέδων του αυξητικού παράγοντα TGF-β1 στα ούρα και στο πλάσμα ως δεικτών εξέλιξης της νόσου. Μελετήθηκαν 32 ασθενείς με ΙΜΣ οι οποίοι εμφάνιζαν νεφρωσικό σύνδρομο και είχαν ικανοποιητική νεφρική λειτουργία κατά τη διάγνωση της νόσου και στους οποίους χορηγήθηκε συνδυασμός πρεδνιζολόνης και CsA. Παρατηρήθηκε πλήρης ύφεση του νεφρωσικού συνδρόμου σε 18 (56%) και μερική ύφεση σε 10 ασθενείς (31%) μετά από 12 μήνες θεραπείας (συνολικά στο 87% των ασθενών). Επεισόδια υποτροπών παρατηρήθηκαν στο 39% και 60% των ασθενών με πλήρη ή μερική ύφεση αντίστοιχα, και πολλαπλές υποτροπές στο 25% των ασθενών, οι οποίοι παρουσίασαν βαθμιαία μείωση της απαντητικότητας στη CsA και επιδείνωση της νεφρικής λειτουργίας. Επαναληπτική βιοψία νεφρού έγινε σε 18 ασθενείς με ύφεση του νεφρωσικού συνδρόμου μετά από 24 μήνες θεραπείας για να εκτιμηθεί η δραστηριότητα της νόσου και οι πιθανές ιστολογικές αλλοιώσεις σε πλαίσια τοξικότητας από κυκλοσπορίνη. Στις επαναληπτικές βιοψίες παρατηρήθηκαν: εξέλιξη του σταδίου της νόσου, επιδείνωση της σπειραματοσκλήρυνσης και της διαμεσοσωληναριακής βλάβης στο 60% των ασθενών. Δεν παρατηρήθηκαν χαρακτηριστικές αλλοιώσεις νεφροτοξικότητας από την κυκλοσπορίνη. Η βαρύτητα των ιστολογικών αλλαγών συσχετίστηκε με το χρονικό διάστημα που είχε παρέλθει από την πρώτη βιοψία νεφρού (r = 0.452, p < 0.05) και θεωρήθηκε ως φυσική εξέλιξη της νόσου. Ικανοποιητικά αποτελέσματα διαπιστώθηκαν από τη χορήγηση Mycophenolate Mofetil σε 6 ασθενείς με ΙΜΣ, στους οποίους το MMF χρησιμοποιήθηκε σε συνδυασμό με μικρή δόση πρεδνιζολόνης, είτε λόγω ανθεκτικότητας του νεφρωσικού συνδρόμου στην CsA, είτε ως αρχική θεραπεία σε περιπτώσεις αντένδειξης στην χορήγηση CsA. Ύφεση του νεφρωσικού συνδρόμου παρατηρήθηκε σε 4 από τους 6 ασθενείς. Τα επίπεδα του TGF-β1 στα ούρα ασθενών με ΙΜΣ και λευκωματουρία ήταν σημαντικά υψηλότερα συγκριτικά με αυτά υγιών εθελοντών και ασθενών με άλλες σπειραματοπάθειες που δεν παρουσίαζαν λευκωματουρία και μειώθηκαν σημαντικά μετά από χορήγηση κορτικοειδών και κυκλοσπορίνης. Η συγκέντρωση του TGF-β1 στο πλάσμα δε διέφερε σημαντικά μεταξύ υγιών εθελοντών και ασθενών με ΙΜΣ και νεφρωσικό σύνδρομο, καθώς και μεταξύ ασθενών με ή χωρίς ύφεση της λευκωματουρίας μετά από τη θεραπευτική αγωγή. / Idiopathic membranous nephropathy (IMN), the most common cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults, is usually treated with a combination of corticosteroids with cytotoxic drugs or cyclosporin A (CsA). The aim of this study was the estimation of the effectiveness of long-term use of CsA in the remission and relapse rate of nephrotic syndrome along with histological changes in repeat renal biopsies after treatment with this potentially nephrotoxic drug, and the evaluation of Mycophenolate Mofetil (MMF) as a treatment regimen for IMN. In addition, urinary and plasma TGF-β1 levels were evaluated as markers of progression of kidney disease. Thirty-two nephrotic patients with well-preserved renal function treated by prednisolone and CsA were studied. Complete remission of nephrotic syndrome was observed in 18 (56%) and partial remission in 10 patients (31%) after 12 months of treatment (total 87%). Relapses were observed in 39% and 60% of patients with complete and partial remission, respectively, and multiple relapses in 25% of patients, who showed gradual unresponsiveness to CsA and decline of renal function. A repeat biopsy was performed in 18 patients with remission of nephrotic syndrome, after 24 months of treatment, to estimate the activity of the disease and features of CsA toxicity. Progression of the stage of the disease, more severe glomerulosclerosis and tubulointerstitial injury were recognized in 60% of patients in repeat renal biopsies. Features of CsA nephrotoxicity were not observed. The severity of histological changes was related to the time elapsed from the first biopsy (r = 0.452, P < 0.05). MMF was proved effective in a small number of nephrotic patients with IMN and well-preserved renal function. MMF in combination with small dose of prednisolone was given in 6 patients with either persistent nephrotic syndrome to CsA or as initial therapy because of contraindication to CsA administration. Remission of nephrotic syndrome was observed in 4 out of 6 MMF treated patients. Urinary and plasma TGF-β1 levels were examined as markers of progression of the disease. TGF-β1 levels in the urine of patients with proteinuria were significantly higher compared with those of healthy individuals and patients with other types of nephropathy without proteinuria. Furthermore, urinary TGF-β1 of nephrotic patients with membranous nephropathy significantly reduced after treatment with CsA and corticosteroids. Plasma TGF-β1 levels showed no difference between patients and healthy subjects as well as between patients with and without remission of proteinuria after treatment.

RBP urinária e sérica: associação com doença renal crônica e fatores de risco cardiovascular / Urinary and serum RBP: relationship with chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular risk factors

Maria Alice Muniz Domingos 21 January 2016 (has links)
A RBP urinária tem seu papel bem definido como marcador de progressão de doença renal em tubulopatias, em glomerulopatias e em pacientes transplantados. No entanto, seu papel em DRC lato senso foi pouco estudado. Por sua vez, a dosagem de RBP sérica, caracterizada recentemente como biomarcador de resistência insulínica, também não teve seu papel esclarecido em população portadora de DRC. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a relação entre a RBP (urinária e sérica) e a função renal, assim como sua relação com fatores de risco cardiovascular em população de DRC. Para tanto, foram analisados os dados da linha de base da Coorte PROGREDIR, constituída por 454 participantes portadores de DRC, oriundos do Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo. Inicialmente, além de estar inversamente relacionada às medidas de depuração de creatinina, a RBP urinária mostrou-se relacionada a diversos fatores de risco cardiovascular e variáveis associadas à função renal, como proteinúria, metabolismo ósseo, anemia, acidose, albumina, RPB sérica, Hb glicada, HOMA, lípides, velocidade de onda de pulso (VOP), átrio esquerdo (ECO AE), diâmetro diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo (ECO-Ddve), diâmetro sistólico do ventrículo esquerdo (ECO-Dsve) e fração de ejeção (ECO-Fe). Entretanto, após diversos modelos de regressão, permaneceram como variáveis independentemente associadas à RBP urinária a função renal, a pressão arterial sistólica, a albuminúria, a acidose e a medida do AE. Esse resultado se manteve quando o modelo foi repetido mediante estratificação por albuminúria, sugerindo que mesmo em população normoalbuminúrica a RBP urinária correlacione-se inversamente com função renal. Além disso, a relação inversa de RBP urinária com dilatação cardíaca sugere que, em população com DRC já estabelecida, a RBP urinária possa ter um papel em identificar mecanismos etiológicos, possivelmente por distinguir mecanismos hemodinâmicos daqueles onde há uma patologia renal intrínseca. Por sua vez, a RBP sérica relacionou-se inversamente à função renal e idade, e positivamente a triglicérides, albumina e potássio. Curiosamente, a RBP sérica não se mostrou associada às medidas de metabolismo de carboidrato, sugerindo que seu papel como biomarcador de resistência insulínica seja atenuado na DRC. Também não foram encontradas relações entre RBP urinária ou sérica e calcificação coronária ou espessura de carótidas. Nossos resultados sugerem que a RBP urinária deva ser melhor explorada como marcador de função renal e, possivelmente, como marcador de risco de progressão da DRC / The role of urinary RBP as a biomarker of tubular injury and CKD progression in tubulopathies, glomerulopathies and in transplantation is well established. However, its role in CKD is less studied. In addition, serum RBP has been recently characterized as an insulin resistance marker, but controversial results have been shown. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association of both urinary RBP and serum RBP with kidney function and other variables related to the uremic syndrome and cardiovascular risk in a CKD population. We used the baseline data from the PROGREDIR Cohort, which comprehends 454 participants with CKD, recruited from Hospital das Clínicas, Sao Paulo. In univariate analysis, urinary RBP was inversely related to renal function. In addition, it was also related to albuminuria, SBP, anemia, mineral metabolism, acidosis, albumin, serum RPB, glycated hemoglobin, HOMA, lipids, pulse-wave velocity, left atrium diameter, left ventricle diastolic diameter, left ventricle systolic diameter and ejection fraction. However, in the multivariate analysis, only SBP, albuminuria, acidosis, left atrium diameter and renal function remained significantly associated to urinary RBP. After stratification for albuminuria levels, the same relationship was observed, suggesting that even in the normoalbuminuric population urinary RBP is significantly related to renal function. Interestingly, the inverse association between urinary RBP and cardiac dilation suggests that urinary RBP may play a role in identifying mechanisms related to CKD, by differentiating vascular/cardio-renal conditions versus more intrinsic kidney disease and possibly tubule-interstitial fibrosis. The serum RBP was positively related to renal function, triglycerides, albumin, age and potassium, but not to measurements of carbohydrate metabolism. No relationship between urinary or serum RBP and coronary calcification or carotid thickness was found. Our results suggest that urinary RBP should have its role as a marker of CKD and CKD progression further explored

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