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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bi-directional Work-Family Affective Spillover: A Daily Diary Study

Gazica, Michele Wilk 30 June 2016 (has links)
This study drew upon the affective events and mood-congruent cognition theories to help explain how one domain influences the other. Affective events are things that happen to which people react emotionally and state affect is a result of those affective experiences. This study proposed that state affect generated in one domain would spillover and influence mood-congruent experiences in the receiving domain. Through an integration of organizational stressor-strain models (e.g., job-resources demand theory) and positive psychology, this study further proposed that positive events are resource-building and will work to prevent or buffer against strain responses to resource-depleting negative events. Finally, this study explored how individual differences in domain integration and work- and family-role salience moderate the foregoing relationships, particularly because studies investigating these effects have produced mixed results. To address these empirical questions, this study used the daily diary method to examine daily affective spillover effects from work-to-family and from family-to-work in a full-time working sample over the course of two weeks. This method was employed to help bolster confidence about the temporal precedence of work-family affective spillover and employee health and wellbeing outcomes. One-hundred and forty-four participants filled out diary questionnaires three times daily during the work week and one time daily during the weekend. Daily diaries assessed the participants’ exposure to a number of domain-specific affective events, state affect, physical symptoms, and sleep quality. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to test this study’s hypotheses. Overall, the results of this study support affective spillover as the linking pin between the two domains, which has health and wellbeing implications for employees. Specifically, tests of this study’s hypotheses indicated that exposure to affective events throughout the workday was related to state affect at the end of the workday, which then related to the number of valence-congruent affective events within the family domain. Exposure to those family-related affective events was related to corresponding changes in state affect, which not only persisted to the next morning but impacted employee health and wellbeing in terms of psychosomatic complaints. These findings are in line with both the affective events and mood-congruent theories. Only one significant moderating effect was observed. There was a positive relationship between negative affect at the end of the workday and the number of negative family affective events endorsed by participants who were lower on domain integration, but not among those who were higher on domain integration. The direction of this effect was surprising and may suggest that setting up strong boundaries between life domains creates unattainable expectations, which may increase negative outcomes for an employee. In sum, family-related affective experiences are an important variable to consider when investigating the effects of affective spillover on work-related experiences and health and wellbeing. The failure to do so may result in a considerable loss of information and contribute to mixed study results.

Sind psychische Störungen in den neuen Bundesländern häufiger?

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Lachner, Gabriele, Perkonigg, Axel, Hoeltz, J. 02 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen einer Reanalyse von vier Erhebungen an jugendlichen und erwachsenen Probanden in den neuen und alten Bundesländern in den Jahren 1990 bis 1991/92 wurden Angaben zu Indikatoren für Depressivität, Angst/psychosomatische Beschwerden und Substanzgebrauch in Ost- und Westdeutschland verglichen. Zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchungen gab es im Gegensatz zu der von einzelnen Autoren angeführten Erwartung keine eindeutigen Hinweise auf eine insgesamt erhöhte psychiatrische Morbidität in den neuen Bundesländern. Depressive Symptome und der Gebrauch von illegalen Drogen und Medikamenten sind durchgängig in den alten Bundesländern häufíger nachzuweisen als in den neuen Bundesländern. Allenfalls ergaben sich für die Stichproben Ost für einzelne depressionstypische sowie einzelne psychovegetative Symptome und für Alkoholgebrauch statistisch signifikant erhöhte Werte. Da keine Diagnosekriterien erhoben wurden, muβ die Aussagekraft der Daten dahingehend eingeschränkt werden, daβ lediglich Indikatoren für psychische Auffälligkeiten erhoben wurden.

Skolstress och somatiska besvär hos ungdomar i gymnasiet : Finns det skillnader mellan studie- och yrkesförberedande program? / School-related stress and somatic complaints amongadolescents in high school : Are there differences between academic and vocationalprograms

Haldorsen, Alexandra January 2014 (has links)
I uppsatsen undersöktes faktorer som bidrar till skolstress och somatiska symtom hos ungdomar på studieförberedande- och yrkesförberedande gymnasium av båda könen. Deltagarna var 105, varav 59 från de studieförberedande programmen, 23 elever var killar och 36 var tjejer samt, 46 var från de yrkesförberedande programmen, varav 25 var killar och 21 var tjejer. Undersökningen var kvantitativ och enkäter skapades som innehöll 42 frågor varefter 10 variabler skapades av dessa och en fråga analyserades med kvalitativ ansats. Resultaten visade att studenterna på de studieförberedande programmen generellt upplevde mer skolstress. Tjejerna upplevde mer skolstress, externa krav, somatiska-, psykosomatiska besvär och de ansåg sig ha för höga krav på sig själva. Korrelationen mellan somatiska besvär och skolstress var positiv och resultatet var signifikant. Studien visade att elever led av både Skolstress, Somatiska- och Psykosomatiska besvär och dessa borde tas i åtanke av både vårdnadshavare och lärare i skolsituationer. Relibiliteten för alla variabler utom Somatiska besvär var god och eftersom reliabiliteten var låg fanns risk för att samband inte var signifiktanta . Det fanns även en risk att Skolstressen var högre på grund av att det var nära terminsavslut. Förslag till vidare studier var att undersöka varför killar inte upplever samma besvär som tjejer. / The essay investigated factors that could contribute to school-related stress and somatic complaints among adolescents at academic- and vocational programs in high school in both sexes. There were 105 participants, whereof 59 from the academic programs, 23 where boys and 36 were girls and 46 from the vocational programs, whereof 25 were boys and 21 were girls. The study was a quantitative one and questionnaires were created from which contained 42 questions after which 10 variables were created and one question was analyzed with a qualitative approach. The results showed that students at the academic programs generally experienced more school-related stress. Girls experienced more school-related stress, external demands, somatic- and psychosomatic complaints and they thought they had too much demands on themselves. The correlation between somatic complaints and school-related stress was positive and the result was significant. The study showed that students suffered from both school-related stress, somatic- and psychosomatic complaints and this should be taken into consideration from both caregivers and teachers in school situations. The reliability for all variables other than Somatic complaints was good. There was a risk that the school-related stress was high because of closeness to end of semester. A suggestion for further studies was to examine why boys does not experience the same difficulties as girls

Vyresniojo mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių ir jaunimo sveikatos savivertė ir sveikatą sąlygojančių veiksnių įvertinimas / Self-Health evaluation of senior schoolchildren and youth and evaluation of factors affecting health

Pašvenskaitė, Rasa 09 July 2011 (has links)
Viena aktualiausių visuomenės sveikatos problemų yra vaikų ir jaunimo sveikata. Šiandien dominuojantys neigiami socialiniai, elgsenos ir aplinkos veiksniai žaloja jauno žmogaus sveikatą, ilgainiui sukeldami neigiamas pasekmes – somatinius ar psichinius sveikatos sutrikimus. Pastaraisiais metais Lietuvoje atlikti moksleivių, jaunimo elgesio ir gyvenimo būdo tyrimai parodė didelį psichosomatinių negalavimų ir sveikatos sutrikimų paplitimą. Tyrimų duomenys taip pat rodo ir tendenciją, kad didėjant amžiui, jaunuoliai savo sveikatą vertina prasčiau. Tyrimo tikslas: palyginti vyresniojo mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių ir jaunimo sveikatos savivertę, psichosomatinių negalavimų ir vaistų vartojimo paplitimą ir įvertinti sveikatą sąlygojančius veiksnius. Užsibrėžtam tikslui pasiekti buvo iškelti šie uždaviniai: 1. Palyginti vyresniojo mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių ir jaunimo savo sveikatos įvertinimą. 2. Palyginti psichosomatinių negalavimų ir vaistų vartojimo paplitimą tarp vyresniojo mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių ir jaunimo. 3. Įvertinti vyresniojo mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių ir jaunimo sveikatą įtakojančius veiksnius. Atsitiktinės atrankos būdu, naudojant anoniminę anketą, buvo apklausta 220 respondentų iš įvairių Lietuvos regionų, iš kurių 88 moksleiviai (23 vaikinai ir 65 merginos) ir 132 jaunimo atstovai (51 vaikinas ir 81 mergina). Moksleivių amžius 14 – 17 metų, o jaunimo atstovų 18 – 24 metai. Atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad dauguma vyresniojo mokyklinio amžiaus moksleivių (53,4... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / One of the most topical society‘s health problems is the health of youth and children. Negative social, behavioural and environmental factors dominating today cripple the health of a young person generating eventually negative consequences – somatic and psychological health disorders. Researches of schoolchildren and youth behaviour and lifestyle performed in Lithuania in these latter years revealed a wide spread of psychosomatic complaints and health disorders. Also research data indicates the tendency that with age young people estimate their health worse. The aim of the research: compare self-health evaluation of senior schoolchildren and youth as well as the spread of psychosomatic complaints and usage of medicine, evaluate factors affecting health. Tasks set to achieve the aim of the research: 1. Compare self-health evaluation of senior schoolchildren and youth. 2. Compare the spread of psychosomatic complaints and usage of medicine among senior schoolchildren and youth. 3. Evaluate factors affecting health of senior schoolchildren and youth. Using random selection and anonymous questionnaire 220 respondents from various regions of Lithuania were surveyed. 88 of them are schoolchildren (23 boys and 65 girls) and 132 are representatives of youth (51 boys and 81 girls). Schoolchildren are 14 – 17 years of age, youth – 18 to 24. The research showed that most senior schoolchildren (53,4%) and youth (46,2%) think their health is good (p>0,05). 19,3% of schoolchildren and 15... [to full text]

Work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints : A quantitative study done among working adults in Sweden

Loi Grahn, Jesper January 2020 (has links)
The workplace is an arena that most individuals spend time at. Work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints are problems for the society. Work-related stress has increased in Sweden over the past decades. The aim was to investigate the difference between men and women in work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints among working adults in the Swedish population, and to see if there is a relationship between work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints. The author posted an online survey on Facebook and Discord and 95 adults answered the survey. The result showed that there is a relationship between work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints. Psychosomatic complaints are more common among those who experience more work-related stress. There were no differences between men and women when it comes to work-related stress and psychosomatic complaints. The model Job demand control support model was used in this study. The model is measured with scales such as workload, time pressure and role conflicts. It can be used to see the relationship between job decision latitude and stress indicators. Psychosomatic complaints are more common among those who experience more stress. There are no differences between men and women when it comes to psychosomatic complaints and work-related stress.

Sind psychische Störungen in den neuen Bundesländern häufiger?

Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich, Lachner, Gabriele, Perkonigg, Axel, Hoeltz, J. January 1994 (has links)
Im Rahmen einer Reanalyse von vier Erhebungen an jugendlichen und erwachsenen Probanden in den neuen und alten Bundesländern in den Jahren 1990 bis 1991/92 wurden Angaben zu Indikatoren für Depressivität, Angst/psychosomatische Beschwerden und Substanzgebrauch in Ost- und Westdeutschland verglichen. Zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchungen gab es im Gegensatz zu der von einzelnen Autoren angeführten Erwartung keine eindeutigen Hinweise auf eine insgesamt erhöhte psychiatrische Morbidität in den neuen Bundesländern. Depressive Symptome und der Gebrauch von illegalen Drogen und Medikamenten sind durchgängig in den alten Bundesländern häufíger nachzuweisen als in den neuen Bundesländern. Allenfalls ergaben sich für die Stichproben Ost für einzelne depressionstypische sowie einzelne psychovegetative Symptome und für Alkoholgebrauch statistisch signifikant erhöhte Werte. Da keine Diagnosekriterien erhoben wurden, muβ die Aussagekraft der Daten dahingehend eingeschränkt werden, daβ lediglich Indikatoren für psychische Auffälligkeiten erhoben wurden.

Weight status and psychosomatic complaints in Swedish adolescent boys and girls: examining the buffering role of family support.

Venäläinen, Jasmin January 2023 (has links)
Introduction: Psychosomatic complaints have increased among adolescents in recent decades, as well as overweight and obesity rates, which have become a public health issue. The associations between weight status and psychosomatic complaints are not clear, therefore further research is needed. The aim of this study was to explore the associations between weight status and psychosomatic complaints among Swedish adolescents, and the possible buffering effect of family support. Methods: This study was based on cross-sectional data of the Swedish Health Behavior in School-aged Children (HBSC) of 2017/18, that included 3,133 boys and girls aged 11, 13 and 15 years. Weight status was based on self-reported information on weight and height, which was used to calculate body mass index (BMI) and construct the categories “non-overweight”, “overweight” and “obese”. Psychosomatic complaints were based on information on the frequency of eight different complaints, that was summed to an index. Family support was measured by three items that described the received support. An index was constructed which was dichotomized into two categories, low and high family support. Gender, age and family affluence were included as covariates. Linear regression analyses were performed to investigate the associations between weight status and psychosomatic complaints. Interaction analyses were used to see whether family support moderates the main association. Additional family support- and sex-stratified analyses were conducted. Results: The results revealed that obesity is associated with higher levels of psychosomatic complaints. Being non-overweight or overweight did not show any significant associations with the outcome. Girls reported higher levels of psychosomatic complaints compared to boys. Family support could buffer against obese girls’ psychosomatic complaints. Conclusions: The findings of this study highlight the importance of public health actions to prevent childhood obesity and additionally the significant role of family support in decreasing obese adolescents’ psychosomatic complaints. Furthermore, more research is needed for better understanding of these associations.

Perceived parental alcohol problems and psychosomatic complaints : A cross-sectional study of adolescents in Sweden

Syed, Numan Raza January 2022 (has links)
This study examined the association between Swedish adolescents’ self-reported psychosomatic health complaints and parental alcohol drinking problems controlling for sociodemographic characteristics. Data was obtained from a nationally representative sample from 2021, the national survey of the Swedish Council for Information on Alcohol and Other Drugs (CAN) survey. Our study sample had 9,032 students from grades 9 (15-16 years) and 11 (17-18 years) from randomly selected 350 schools in Sweden. Adolescents’ self-reported psychosomatic complaints were coded into dependent variable. The main independent variable was adolescents’ perceived parental alcohol drinking problems, measured by the Children of Alcoholics Screening Test (CAST-6) scale. Adolescents’ self-reported sociodemographic characteristicswere were control variables. We performed a chi2 significance test and binary logistic regression analysis. Adolescents with perceived parental drinking problems had higher odds of reporting psychosomatic complaints than adolescents with no perceived parental drinking problems. This association remained statistically significant in a fully adjusted model with all control variables. The association was stronger among grade 9 adolescents than grade 11 adolescents. Adolescents with perceived parental drinking problems were more likely to report subjective psychosomatic health complaints. Besides universal programes, this vulnerable group of adolescents and parents might benefit more from targeted interventions in schools and healthcare centres.

The Influence of multiple determinants on health related quality of life and mental health of a Spanish representative sample of adolescents and youths

Villalonga Olives, Ester 30 November 2011 (has links)
The thesis is based on the Kidscreen Follow-up study. A representative sample of Spanish adolescents and youths and one of their parents were assessed twice (3 years apart) to evaluate adolescents and youths health related quality of life and mental health. The specific objectives of this thesis were to assess the effect of life events, and family and social variables (parents' mental health and home life) on three different health related outcomes: heath related quality of life, mental health, and psychosomatic complaints of adolescents and youths. The Coddington Life Events Scales were adapted into Spanish using the translation and back-translation process. Multiple linear regression and structural equation modelling were used to analyze the effect of the determinants selected. Life events and parents' mental health acted as risk factors for the outcomes selected, specially on mental health outcomes, whereas family factors like the relation with family members in home life were protective factors. Social factors inside the family should be promoted and reinforced to protect adolescents and youths from the effect of risk factors. / Aquesta tesi és part de l'estudi KIDSCREEN Follow-up. Utilitzant una mostra representativa d'adolescents i joves de l'estat espanyol, es van mesurar diferents aspectes relacionats amb la salut, avaluant la mostra dues vegades (amb una separació de 3 anys). Concretament, l'objectiu de la tesi va ser avaluar l'efecte dels aconteixements vitals i factors familiars i socials (salut mental dels pares i vida familiar) en tres resultats en salut: la qualitat de vida relacionada amb la salut, la salut mental i els problemes psicosomàtics dels adolescents i joves. Per això, es va adaptar l'escala Coddington Life Events Scales seguint la metodologia de traducció-retrotraducció. Es van utilizar models de regressió i models d'equacions estructurals per analitzar l'efecte dels determinants en salut. Els aconteixements vitals i la salut mental dels pares van ser dos factors de risc importants, especialment en la salut mental dels adolescents i joves. Per altra banda, les variables familiars com la relació dels membres de la família van actuar com a factors protectors. La cohesió dels membres de la família s'ha de promoure per tal de protegir els adolescents i joves de l'efecte de factors de risc.

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