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Caractérisation et modélisation du comportement thermodynamique du combustible RNR-Na sous irradiation / Characterization and modelling of the thermodynamic behavior of SFR fuel under irradiationPham thi, Tam ngoc 15 October 2014 (has links)
Au-dessus d'un taux de combustion seuil ≥ 7 at %, les produits de fission volatils Cs, I, et Te ou métalliques (Mo) sont partiellement relâchés hors du combustible et finissent par constituer une couche de composés de PF qui remplit progressivement le jeu existant entre la périphérie de la pastille et la surface interne de la gaine en acier inoxydable. Nous appelons cette couche JOG pour Joint Oxyde-Gaine. Mon sujet de thèse est axé sur l'étude thermodynamique du système (Cs, I, Te, Mo, O) + (U, Pu) ainsi que sur l'étude de la diffusion de ces produits de fission à travers le combustible vers le jeu combustible-gaine pour former le JOG.L'étude thermodynamique constitue la première étape de mon travail. Sur la base d'une analyse critique des données expérimentales issues de la littérature, les systèmes Cs-Te, Cs-I, Cs-Mo-O ont été modélisés par la méthode CALPHAD. En parallèle, une étude expérimentale a été entreprise pour valider la modélisation CALPHAD du système binaire Cs-Te. Dans une deuxième étape, les données thermodynamiques résultant de la modélisation CALPHAD ont été introduites dans la base de données du code de calcul thermodynamique ANGE (code interne au CEA dérivé du logiciel SOLGASMIX) dont la finalité est le calcul de la composition chimique du combustible irradié. Dans une troisième étape, le code de calcul thermodynamique ANGE (Advanced Numeric Gibbs Energy minimiser) a été couplé avec le code de simulation du comportement thermomécanique du combustible des RNR-Na GERMINAL V2. / For a burn-up higher than 7 at%, the volatile FP like Cs, I and Te or metallic (Mo) are partially released from the fuel pellet in order to form a layer of compounds between the outer surface of the fuel and the inner surface of the stainless cladding. This layer is called the JOG, french acronym for Joint-Oxyde-Gaine.My subject is focused on two topics: the thermodynamic study of the (Cs-I-Te-Mo-O) system and the migration of those FP towards the gap to form the JOG.The thermodynamic study was the first step of my work. On the basis of critical literature survey, the following systems have been optimized by the CALPHAD method: Cs-Te, Cs-I and Cs-Mo-O. In parallel, an experimental study is undertaken in order to validate our CALPHAD modelling of the Cs-Te system. In a second step, the thermodynamic data coming from the CALPHAD modelling have been introduced into the database that we use with the thermochemical computation code ANGE (CEA code derived from the SOLGASMIX software) in order to calculate the chemical composition of the irradiated fuel versus burn-up and temperature. In a third and last step, the thermochemical computation code ANGE (Advanced Numeric Gibbs Energy minimizer) has been coupled with the fuel performance code GERMINAL V2, which simulates the thermo-mechanical behavior of SFR fuel.
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低價小筆記型電腦市場區隔研究-以華碩Eee PC為例 / The research of market segmentation for low-price laptop--taking ASUS Eee PC for example蔡桂賓, Tsai, Kuei Pin Unknown Date (has links)
Eee PC的低價小筆記型電腦的銷售成功,小筆記型電腦衍然己被筆記型電腦廠商視為下一個藍海市場,以產品生命週期來看,Eee PC由萌芽期進入成長期,而早期辨出消費者中的創新使用者及早期採用者,在新產品發展階段有策略上的重要意義,本研究目的在進一步辨識出消費者及其使用習慣,讓市場行銷人員能選定目標市場及制定適當的行銷策略。
本研究以消費者決策歷程(Consumer Decision Process, CDP)為基礎,在配合科技接受理論TAM (Technology Acceptable Model)當中的有用知覺(Perceived Usefuless, PU) 及易用知覺 (Perceived Eas of Use, PEOU) 發展成本研究的研究架構,並以線上問卷便利取樣己購買Eee PC的消費者,以AIO生活型態做為Eee PC消費者使用者行為的市場區隔基礎,以市場區隔理論(Segmentation)及創新擴散理論將消費者予以區隔,利用因素分析、集群分析、變異數分析、卡方檢定及區別分析等統計方法做為分析方法的工具,試圖分辨出購買Eee PC的使用者並了解Eee PC購買者的使用習慣。
(1)Eee PC消費者具有創新者與早期使用者的特性
(2)依Eee PC消費者之購買行為資料分析,消費者最重視的產品屬性
(3)Eee PC消費者資訊搜尋對象以網站為主,但購買仍以實體通路為
(4)Eee PC消費者購買用途以休閒娛樂及工作課業需要為主,不同族
(6)依知覺程度來看,各族群在知覺程度上有所不同。 / The success of selling of ASUS’s Eee PC, the low-priced laptop, led Eee PC be taken as the next blue ocean for notebook manufactures. In the product life cycle of Eee PC, it has been changed from the introduction stage to growth stage. Early identification of the innovators and early adoptors is a strategical important meaning for new product development. The research is to identify the the consumers and their consuming habits, so that the marketing departments can select an ideal market segment and to employ effective marketing tactics.
The research is based on the conceptual framework for the consumer decision process proposed by Kolter & Keller (2007) and combines the perspective from the Technology Acceptance Model proposed by Davis(1989) to identify the consumer of Eee PC and explores their satisfacation and how they use Eee PC. Finally, the research uses the traditional stastics tool to differentiate Eee PC buyers based on Psychology variables from AIO theory proposed by Plummer(1974) and segmentation theory proposed by Wind(1978).
The research obtains the following findings:
(1) Eee PC buyers can be distinguished as innovator and rearly adoptor.
(2) According to the data analysis from Eee PC, the features that consumers highly concerned are easy and light for hand-carry instead of cheap price.
(3) Eee PC buyers use internet to search information, but they buy Eee PC via the physical channel or stores
(4) Eee PC buyers use Eee PC for entertainment and academic or job
(5) As the point of view in demographic, two clusters are significance different.
(6) As the point of view in perspective, two clusters are significance different.
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猫霧捒社(Babusaga)的研究 ——猫霧捒社非猫霧捒族考 / Study of Babusaga:Babusaga Village not Babuza Tribe簡史朗, Jean, Shih Lang Unknown Date (has links)
類為Babuza,甚至於以社名「猫霧捒」做為Babuza 的漢文族名,稱呼Babuza
傳統認知裡「Papora 分布於大肚山以西」及「Papora 包含大肚社、水裡社、
沙轆社、牛罵社等四大社群」的說法均應予以修正。本論文認為Papora 的組成
應該再加入猫霧捒社。而「Papora 的原始分布範圍」為:西邊從清水海岸平原起,
地一帶為Pazeh 族群(朴仔籬社、烏牛欄社、阿里史社)的領域之外,絕大部分
都都屬於Papora 的原始分布領域。
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The ghost story across cultures : a study of Liaozhai Zhiyi by Pu Songling and the Celtic Twilight by William Butler Yeats / Study of Liaozhai Zhiyi by Pu Songling and the Celtic Twilight by William Butler YeatsWong, Kuok January 2008 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of English
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Neue Entwicklungen bei Berechnung und Anwendung von Sandwichfassaden aus TextilbetonHorstmann, Michael, Hegger, Josef, Büttner, Till, Tomoscheit, Silke, Pachow, Ulrich 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Anwendung von textilbewehrtem Beton ermöglicht vorgefertigte, filigrane und leichte Betonkonstruktionen von hoher Dauerhaftigkeit und Oberflächenqualität. Stand der Technik in der Anwendung sind hinterlüftete Fassadenplatten mit Dicken von 20-35 mm und Größen von bis zu 12,3 m², die aufgrund der geringen Querschnittssteifigkeiten nur mit metallischen oder monolithischen Aussteifungen realisierbar sind. Steife, tragfähige und dennoch leichte Querschnitte lassen sich mit Sandwichkonstruktionen erreichen, die große Spannweiten und zusätzliche Einsparpotentiale im Betoneinsatz und der Gesamtbauteilstärke ermöglichen. Insbesondere selbsttragende Sandwichkonstruktionen bieten ein hohes Anwendungspotenzial im Fassadenbereich. Der vorliegende Beitrag berichtet über Lastannahmen, Tragverhalten, Herstellung und Anwendung beim Hallenneubau des Instituts für Textiltechnik, RWTH Aachen.
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Influence du potentiel d'oxygène sur la microstructure et l'homogénéité U-Pu des combustibles U1-yPuyO2±xBerzati, Ségolène 02 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Les phénomènes de diffusion se produisant lors du frittage des oxydes mixtes d'uranium et deplutonium (MOX) dépendent du potentiel d'oxygène de l'atmosphère du four, qui détermine lanature et la concentration des défauts ponctuels dans le matériau. Les travaux de thèse ont porté surune meilleure compréhension de l'influence du potentiel d'oxygène sur la densification, la formationde la solution solide et l'interdiffusion U-Pu lors du frittage des combustibles MOX. Pour cela, unlarge domaine de potentiel d'oxygène a été étudié, entre -600 et -100 kJ.mol-1 à 1700°C, afin demettre en évidence les différents mécanismes diffusionnels et leur impact sur la microstructurelorsqu'on s'éloigne de la composition stoechiométrique i.e. lorsque la concentration en défautsaugmente.Les études ont montré que plus le potentiel d'oxygène augmente, plus la densification du mélange70 % UO2+x + 30 % PuO2 s'effectue à basse température. Lors du chauffage, les oxydes de départ(UO2+x et PuO2-x) densifient dans un premier temps puis la solution solide se forme à une températureplus élevée d'environ 200°C. La solution solide apparaît à plus basse température quand le potentield'oxygène augmente, avec une cinétique de formation plus rapide. L'étude de l'interdiffusion U-Puindique qu'un traitement thermique avec un potentiel d'oxygène supérieur à -150 kJ.mol-1 à 1700°Cpermet d'obtenir un coefficient d'interdiffusion supérieur d'un à deux ordres de grandeur à ceuxobtenus entre -550 et -350 kJ.mol-1 à 1700°C et conduit donc à une homogénéisation U-Pu accrue.Cette étude permet de donner des recommandations sur le choix de l'atmosphère et de proposer uncycle de frittage optimisé en fonction de l'application ou de la caractéristique souhaitée.
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Vládní komunikace v České republice: Organizace, vnímání a nový teoretický model / Government Communication in the Czech Republic: Organisation, Perception, and New Theoretical ModelSoukeník, Štěpán January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation thesis titled 'Government Communication in the Czech Republic: Or- ganisation, Perception, and New Theoretical Model' is a seminal, exploratory work which contextualizes and maps the development of government communication in the Czech Republic from its foundation to the present time with a primary research emphasis on the years between 2015 and 2017. Stemming from interdisciplinary theoretical sources within media and communication, public policy, and management scholarship, the thesis rede- fines the way of thinking about government communication. It applies stakeholder theory paradigm by researching government institutions, private sector, and news media as three important actors of government communication. Analysing the organization, perception, and tensions of government communication, the dissertation thesis aims to introduce new theoretical model of government communication and provide the government, private sector, and other societal actors with challenging perspectives on their practices and status quo.
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Avaliação do impacto da utilização de parceria público-privada para construção e operação de unidades municipais de educação infantil em Belo HorizonteRodrigues, Bruno da Costa Lucas 16 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Bruno da Costa Lucas Rodrigues (brunor270@gmail.com) on 2016-01-18T08:25:33Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-12-16 / School Infrastructure Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are being increasingly used over the globe. However, the literature that analyzes the role and impact of PPP models in education is still incipient. The present study aims to contribute to the literature investigating the impact of a school infrastructure PPP contract used in municipal schools in Belo Horizonte. The methodology was based in the comparison of 46 schools under two models, being 27 schools under a PPP model and 19 schools built and operated under traditional public procurement model. The results show that the time to build schools under the PPP Model is 45% shorter and that 79% of the schools under traditional model were delivered out of the contracted term of 13 months, while all PPP units were delivered below this time. In the same vain, the satisfaction level regarding maintenance services is substantially higher under PPP than under traditional model. Specifically in relation to IT services it was not observed positive results for PPPs. Finally, principals in PPP schools have 25% more time to focus on pedagogical activities, as they spend less time with the management of non- pedagogical services. One limitation of this study is not to provide a comparative analysis between the two models in terms of costs. This study aims to contribute to the improvement of PPP regulatory models used in the education and to the discussion of the role that could be played by PPPs in the reduction of school infrastructure deficit. / As Parcerias Público-Privadas (PPP) de infraestrutura escolar são cada vez mais utilizadas no mundo, entretanto as avaliações de impacto desse modelo ainda são escassas. O presente estudo contribui para essa área do conhecimento ao avaliar o impacto da utilização de PPP tanto na construção como na operação das Unidades Municipais de Educação Infantil (UMEIs) de Belo Horizonte (BH). A metodologia de pesquisa foi baseada na comparação de 46 UMEIs, sendo 27 unidades de PPP e 19 unidades construídas e operadas no modelo tradicional de contratação pública. Em relação ao impacto na construção, os principais resultados são que o tempo de obra das unidades de PPP foi 45% menor e que 79% das unidades tradicionais foram entregues fora do prazo contratado de 13 meses, enquanto que nenhuma PPP foi entregue acima deste prazo. Além disso, a PPP permitiu aumentar a escala na construção das UMEIs, superando as limitações do modelo tradicional. Dentre as principais evidências encontradas quanto ao impacto na operação, pode-se citar que os diretores de unidades de PPP afirmam ter 25% mais tempo para focar nas atividades pedagógicas, pois gastam menos tempo na gestão dos serviços não pedagógicos, e que o grau de satisfação com os serviços de manutenção das instalações físicas é substancialmente maior nessas unidades. Os resultados positivos para PPP só não apareceram em relação aos serviços de manutenção de TI. Uma limitação deste trabalho foi não conseguir realizar a comparação de custos das duas modalidades. O estudo pretende contribuir para o aprimoramento dos modelos regulatórios de PPPs em educação e para a discussão sobre o papel que pode ser desempenhado pelas PPPs na redução do déficit de infraestrutura escolar.
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Epigenetická regulace genu PU.1 v rezistenci na léčbu 5-azacytidinem u akutní myeloidní leukémie / Epigenetic control of PU.1 gene transcription during development of 5-Azacytidine resistance in acute myeloid leukemiaKřtěnová, Petra January 2017 (has links)
Hematopoiesis is a highly orchestrated process, in which a single hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) gives a rise to all blood cellular components. For myeloid and lymphoid development precise controlled expression of the PU.1 transcription factor is needed. Deletion of PU.1 gene in mouse is lethal and its dysregulation during hematopoietic differentiation is associated with blood malignancies including acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). MDS and AML are serious blood disorders characterized by expansion of immature blood cells and lack of differentiated functional cells. Not only genetic but also epigenetic aberrations represent a very important field for studying pathophysiology of leukemia genesis and dysregulation of the PU.1 gene represents intensively studied candidate mechanism. Modern therapy of selected MDS and subset of AML patients is based on treatment with DNA hypomethylating agent Azacytidine (AZA) interfering in PU.1 gene regulatory mechanism. However, poor response or resistance to this therapy often occurs. In this thesis we present data obtained from AZA-resistant clones of MDS/AML cell line OCI-M2. We analysed DNA methylation and DNA hydroxymethylation at the key regulatory element of the PU.1 gene (URE). We found that these epigenetic modifications at URE...
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Analýza požadavků na CRM pro podporu obchodních týmů / Requirements Analysis of CRM System for Sales TeamsFraněk, Filip January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to clarify the reasons and consequences of failed implementations and poor adoption of CRM / SFA tools in sales teams, that have been recorded in recent years. Almost 70% of initiatives to introduce new technologies for sales teams have failed in the return on investments. The goal of the thesis is to create requirements for a new CRM / SFA, which will support salesmen and sales teams in a better way. It describes the way the sales team work, it describes business cases and determinates its key activities. Using perceived usefulness, I create a set of system requirements for CRM / SFA tool, which will support salesmen and improve their sales performance.
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