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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

\"Alterações na imunidade inespecifica subsequentes à indução de estresse agudo em indivíduos com fobia social e pessoas sem patologias psiquiátricas\" / Alterations in inespecific immunity subsequent to the induction of acute stress in individuals with social phobia and persons without psychiatric disorders

Faustino, Alessandra Fernandes 18 April 2005 (has links)
As interações entre o sistema nervoso central e os sistemas imune e endócrino são o objeto de estudo da psiconeuroimunologia. Protocolos de indução de estresse têm sido amplamente utilizados como métodos confiáveis de investigação da relação entre transtornos psiquiátricos, aspectos psicológicos, traços de personalidade, ansiedade e a resposta imune. O procedimento de simulação de falar em público (SFP) é um protocolo experimental validado que reconhecidamente é capaz de ativar o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HPA) e produzir respostas de estresse em sujeitos humanos. Esse método foi utilizado para: 1) Comparar a reatividade imunológica de indivíduos com diagnóstico de fobia social com a de indivíduos sem qualquer diagnóstico psiquiátrico; 2) Investigar se ocorrem alterações imunes subseqüentes à exposição a um estressor agudo induzido em laboratório e 3) identificar e correlacionar parâmetros imunológicos com traços de personalidade, humor, níveis de ansiedade e medidas fisiológicas. Os traços de personalidade foram investigados por meio dos seguintes instrumentos: Inventário de Temperamento e Caráter (TCI), Escala de Afeto Positivo e Negativo (PANAS), Inventário de Ansiedade Traço (IDATE-T), Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), Inventário de Estratégias de ?Coping? de Folkman e Lazarus e Adaptação da Escala de Percepção de Estresse (PSS). Os sintomas de ansiedade foram avaliados por meio da Escala Analógica Visual de Humor (VAMS), da Escala de Sintomas Somáticos (ESS) e do IDATE-Estado. As variáveis psicofisiológicas avaliadas foram pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD), batimentos cardíacos (BPM), resposta galvânica da pele (GSR) e temperatura. Os níveis plasmáticos de catecolaminas (adrenalina, noradrenalina e dopamina) e hormônios do eixo HPA (cortisol e ACTH) também foram dosados. Realizou-se a contagem de células imunes polimorfonucleares e mononucleares no sangue periférico e mediu-se a atividade citotóxica de células NK e neutrófilos. Dosou-se proteínas de fase aguda e imunoglobulinas (A, D, G, M e E) a produção de citocinas no sangue por ELISA e RT-PCR. Os dados foram submetidos a análises de variância para dados com medidas repetidas testando efeitos de grupo, sexo, momento experimental e interações. As correlações entre as variáveis foram testadas por regressões múltiplas e coeficientes de correlação de Pearson. Os resultados apontam que o SFP foi eficiente para induzir estresse e produzir alterações detectáveis em diversos dos parâmetros investigados. As diferenças entre fóbicos sociais e controles são significativas para traços de personalidade e atuam ao longo do tempo para as medidas psicofisiológicas. Alterações imunes e hormonais estiveram mais frequentemente associadas ao gênero do que ao grupo experimental, e afetaram mais homens. Além disso, as alterações imunes foram de pequena magnitude afetando componentes inespecíficos da resposta imune. Conjuntamente, os resultados apontam uma relativa ativação do eixo HPA em fóbicos mas que não corresponde a alterações imunes de mesma magnitude. Mais estudos com uma amostra maior e a investigação de outros parâmetros são necessários para compreender melhor como a fobia social afeta o sistema imune de homens e mulheres e investigar se as alterações podem aumentar a susceptibilidade a doenças nesse grupo de sujeitos. Uma vez que essa interação seja melhor compreendida poderá subsidiar estratégias mais adequadas para abordar e elaborar estratégias de prevenção e intervenção capazes de promover comportamentos saudáveis. / Interactions among the nervous, immune and endocrine systems are the object of study of Psychoneuroimmunology. Stress protocols have been broadly used as reliable means to investigate the relationship among psychiatric disorders, psychological aspects, personality traits, anxiety and immune response has been studied using these interactions. The Simulated Public Speaking (SPS) is a validated experimental procedure known to activate the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis and produce stress responses in human subjects. This method was used to: 1) compare the immune reactions of individuals with a diagnosis of social phobia to that of individuals without any psychiatric diagnosis; 2) investigate if immune alterations occur subsequent to the exposure to an acute laboratory induced stressor; 3) identify and correlate immune parameters with personality traits, mood, anxiety levels and physiologic measures. Personality traits were investigated with Cloninger?s Temperament and Character?s Inventory (TCI), Positive and Negative Affects Scale (PANAS), State-Trait Anxiety Scale (STAI?T), Beck?s Depression Inventory (BDI), Lazarus?s Coping Strategies Inventory, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Anxiety symptoms were investigated along the procedure with the Bodily Symptoms Scale (ESS), STAI-E and the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS). Psychophysiologic variables assessed were Systolic (PAS) and Diastolic (PAD) Blood Pressure, Heart Rate (BPM), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and temperature. Plasmatic circulating levels of cathecolamines (Adrenaline, Noradrenaline and Dopamine) and HPA axis hormones (Cortisol, ACTH) were assessed. Peripheral blood cell population counts were obtained for polymorphonuclear (PMN) and mononuclear cells. Cytotoxic activity of neutrophils and NK cells was assessed, as well as cytokine production by ELISA and RT-PCR. Acute phase proteins and immunoglobulins (A, D, G, M, and E) were dosed on peripheral blood. Data was submitted to variance analysis for data with repeated measures testing effects of group, sex, experimental moment and interactions on variables. Correlations among variables were tested by multiple regressions and Pearson?s correlation deltas. The results show SPS was efficient in inducing stress and produce detectable alterations in several of the parameters investigated. Differences between social phobics and controls are significant for personality traits and, along time for psychophysiologic measures. Hormonal and immune alterations were more often associated to gender rather than to the group subjects belonged to, with men being more susceptible to the procedure. Also, immune changes were of small magnitude, usually affecting inespecific components of the response. Together, the results point to a relatively higher activation of the HPA-axis in social phobics, but one that does not correspond to immune responses of the same magnitude. Further studies with a larger sample and investigation of other parameters are necessary to better understand how social phobia affects the immune system of men and women and to investigate if the alterations can increase susceptibility to diseases in this group of individuals. Once this interaction is better understood it may provide the basis for an improved design to approach and elaborate prevention/intervention strategies and promote healthy behaviours.

Efeito do sumatriptano no teste da simulação de falar em público / Effect of sumatriptan in the simulated public speaking test.

Marcos Gonçalves de Rezende 31 January 2012 (has links)
O Teste da Simulação de Falar em Público (SFP) é um teste sensível a drogas que interferem com a neurotransmissão mediada por serotonina (5-HT), e algumas evidências sugerem que ele possa recrutar os mesmos sistemas neuronais envolvidos na fisiopatogenia do Transtorno do Pânico (TP). Diferentes fármacos que, direta ou indiretamente, modulam receptores serotoninérgicos, já foram testados em voluntários saudáveis submetidos ao SFP, mas nenhum estudo, até o momento, utilizou drogas que permitissem avaliar o papel de receptores do tipo 5-HT1D na ansiedade. O sumatriptano, um agonista específico de receptores 5-HT1D, parece ser um bom candidato como sonda farmacológica, tendo em vista sua ampla utilização na prática clínica para o tratamento de enxaqueca, com segurança e boa tolerabilidade. A hipótese testada neste estudo foi a de que, devido à ativação de receptores pré-sinápticos 5-HT1D e conseqüente redução na liberação de 5-HT, o sumatriptano aumentaria o medo provocado pelo SFP. Para tanto, foi conduzido um estudo duplo cego, randomizado, utilizando 36 voluntários saudáveis do sexo masculino, distribuídos em três grupos de tratamento: placebo (n = 12), 50mg (n = 12) ou 100mg (n = 12) de sumatriptano, administrado duas horas antes do SFP. Antes, durante, e após o SFP, medidas subjetivas de ansiedade foram registradas através da Escala Analógica Visual do Humor (VAMS) e da Escala dos Sintomas Somáticos (ESS). Também foram tomadas medidas fisiológicas de ansiedade (pressão arterial, freqüência cardíaca, dosagem hormonal e eletrocondutância da pele). Os resultados foram submetidos à análise multivariada de variância, sendo a medida basal utilizada como covariada (MANCOVA). O grupo tratado com 100mg de sumatriptano apresentou aumento mais pronunciado da ansiedade subjetiva do que os grupos tratados com 50mg de sumatriptano e com placebo durante as fases de preparação e de desempenho. O grupo tratado com 100 mg de sumatriptano também mostrou-se mais alerta na fase de preparação e desempenho do que o grupo placebo. Não foram observados efeitos significativos do tratamento sobre as medidas de pressão arterial, freqüência cardíaca e eletrocondutância da pele. O sumatriptano provocou redução dos níveis de prolactina, independentemente da fase da sessão experimental, mas não interferiu nos níveis de cortisol plasmático. Por outro lado, observou-se um amento dos níveis de cortisol plasmático imediatamente após o SPF, em comparação com os níveis pré-teste, independente do grupo de tratamento. A redução da disponibilidade de 5-HT levou a um aumento do medo provocado pelo SFP, o que está de acordo com a proposição de que a diminuição de 5-HT na matéria cinzenta periaquedutal dorsal (MCPD) aumenta o medo incondicionado. Devido a esse efeito ansiogênico do uso agudo do sumatriptano também poder ocorrer na prática clínica, em pacientes com migrânea, deve-se atentar para a possibilidade da manifestação de sintomas semelhantes aos de ataque de pânico em pacientes ansiosos. A diminuição da função 5-HT também provocou redução dos níveis plasmáticos de prolactina, provavelmente pela facilitação da transmissão dopaminérgica. Por sua vez, embora discreto, o aumento dos níveis plasmáticos do cortisol sugerem uma atuação do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HHA) pelo SFP. A interpretação da resposta do cortisol ao estresse psicológico é complexa e depende de vários fatores, como tema do discurso, tipo de avaliação social, falta de controle da situação, tamanho amostral e estratégias de regulação emocional do voluntário. Mais estudos são necessários para elucidar o papel dos receptores 5-HT1D na ansiedade e para compreender a resposta do cortisol ao estresse psicológico. / The Simulated Public Speaking Test (SPS) is an experimental model sensitive to drugs that interfere with the neurotransmission mediated by serotonin (5-HT). It has been proposed that the SPS recruits the same neural systems involved in the pathophysiology of panic disorder (PD). Different drugs that directly or indirectly modulate serotonin receptors, have been tested in healthy volunteers submitted to the SFP, but no study have been carried out so far for assessing the role of 5-HT1D receptors in anxiety. Sumatriptan, a specific agonist of 5-HT1D receptors, seems to be a good candidate as a probe drug, given its wide use in clinical practice for the treatment of migraine, with good safety and tolerability. The hypothesis tested in this study was that, due to the activation of presynaptic 5-HT1D receptors and consequent reduction in the release of 5-HT, sumatriptan would increase the fear caused by the SPS. To that end, we conducted a double-blind, randomized study using 36 healthy male volunteers who were divided into three treatment groups: placebo (n = 12), 50mg (n = 12) or 100mg (n = 12) of sumatriptan, administered two hours before the SFP. Before, during, and after the SPS, subjective measures of anxiety were recorded by Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS) and the Bodily Symptom Scale (BSS). Physiological measures were also taken for anxiety (blood pressure, heart rate, hormone dosage and skin conductance). The results were submitted to multivariate analysis of variance (MANCOVA) with the baseline measures as covariate. The group treated with 100 mg of sumatriptan was more anxious than, respectively, 50mg and placebo groups during the test, and also proved to be more alert in preparation and performance than the placebo group. There were no significant effects of treatment on measures of blood pressure, heart rate and skin eletrocondutance. Sumatriptan caused a reduction of prolactin levels, independently of the experimental phase of the session, but did not interfere with plasma cortisol levels. On the other hand, there was an increased of plasma cortisol levels immediately after the SPF, compared with the pre-test, independently of treatment group. The reduced availability of 5-HT led to an increase of fear caused by the SFP, which is consistent with the proposition that a reduction of 5-HT in the dorsal periaqueductal gray (MCPD) increases unconditioned fear. Because of this anxiogenic effect of acute use of sumatriptan also can occur in clinical practice in patients with migraine should be alert to the possibility of manifestation of symptoms similar to panic attacks in patients anxious. The decreased function of 5-HT also caused a reduction in plasma levels of prolactin, probably by facilitating dopamine transmission. In turn, although slight, the increase in plasma cortisol levels suggest a role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) for the SFP.The interpretation of the cortisol response to psychological stress is complex and depends on several factors, such as theme of the discourse, type of social assessment, lack of control of the situation, sample size, emotional regulation strategies of the volunteer. Further studies are needed to elucidate the role of 5-HT1D receptors in anxiety and to understand the cortisol response to psychological stress.

Efeito do sumatriptano no teste da simulação de falar em público / Effect of sumatriptan in the simulated public speaking test.

Rezende, Marcos Gonçalves de 31 January 2012 (has links)
O Teste da Simulação de Falar em Público (SFP) é um teste sensível a drogas que interferem com a neurotransmissão mediada por serotonina (5-HT), e algumas evidências sugerem que ele possa recrutar os mesmos sistemas neuronais envolvidos na fisiopatogenia do Transtorno do Pânico (TP). Diferentes fármacos que, direta ou indiretamente, modulam receptores serotoninérgicos, já foram testados em voluntários saudáveis submetidos ao SFP, mas nenhum estudo, até o momento, utilizou drogas que permitissem avaliar o papel de receptores do tipo 5-HT1D na ansiedade. O sumatriptano, um agonista específico de receptores 5-HT1D, parece ser um bom candidato como sonda farmacológica, tendo em vista sua ampla utilização na prática clínica para o tratamento de enxaqueca, com segurança e boa tolerabilidade. A hipótese testada neste estudo foi a de que, devido à ativação de receptores pré-sinápticos 5-HT1D e conseqüente redução na liberação de 5-HT, o sumatriptano aumentaria o medo provocado pelo SFP. Para tanto, foi conduzido um estudo duplo cego, randomizado, utilizando 36 voluntários saudáveis do sexo masculino, distribuídos em três grupos de tratamento: placebo (n = 12), 50mg (n = 12) ou 100mg (n = 12) de sumatriptano, administrado duas horas antes do SFP. Antes, durante, e após o SFP, medidas subjetivas de ansiedade foram registradas através da Escala Analógica Visual do Humor (VAMS) e da Escala dos Sintomas Somáticos (ESS). Também foram tomadas medidas fisiológicas de ansiedade (pressão arterial, freqüência cardíaca, dosagem hormonal e eletrocondutância da pele). Os resultados foram submetidos à análise multivariada de variância, sendo a medida basal utilizada como covariada (MANCOVA). O grupo tratado com 100mg de sumatriptano apresentou aumento mais pronunciado da ansiedade subjetiva do que os grupos tratados com 50mg de sumatriptano e com placebo durante as fases de preparação e de desempenho. O grupo tratado com 100 mg de sumatriptano também mostrou-se mais alerta na fase de preparação e desempenho do que o grupo placebo. Não foram observados efeitos significativos do tratamento sobre as medidas de pressão arterial, freqüência cardíaca e eletrocondutância da pele. O sumatriptano provocou redução dos níveis de prolactina, independentemente da fase da sessão experimental, mas não interferiu nos níveis de cortisol plasmático. Por outro lado, observou-se um amento dos níveis de cortisol plasmático imediatamente após o SPF, em comparação com os níveis pré-teste, independente do grupo de tratamento. A redução da disponibilidade de 5-HT levou a um aumento do medo provocado pelo SFP, o que está de acordo com a proposição de que a diminuição de 5-HT na matéria cinzenta periaquedutal dorsal (MCPD) aumenta o medo incondicionado. Devido a esse efeito ansiogênico do uso agudo do sumatriptano também poder ocorrer na prática clínica, em pacientes com migrânea, deve-se atentar para a possibilidade da manifestação de sintomas semelhantes aos de ataque de pânico em pacientes ansiosos. A diminuição da função 5-HT também provocou redução dos níveis plasmáticos de prolactina, provavelmente pela facilitação da transmissão dopaminérgica. Por sua vez, embora discreto, o aumento dos níveis plasmáticos do cortisol sugerem uma atuação do eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HHA) pelo SFP. A interpretação da resposta do cortisol ao estresse psicológico é complexa e depende de vários fatores, como tema do discurso, tipo de avaliação social, falta de controle da situação, tamanho amostral e estratégias de regulação emocional do voluntário. Mais estudos são necessários para elucidar o papel dos receptores 5-HT1D na ansiedade e para compreender a resposta do cortisol ao estresse psicológico. / The Simulated Public Speaking Test (SPS) is an experimental model sensitive to drugs that interfere with the neurotransmission mediated by serotonin (5-HT). It has been proposed that the SPS recruits the same neural systems involved in the pathophysiology of panic disorder (PD). Different drugs that directly or indirectly modulate serotonin receptors, have been tested in healthy volunteers submitted to the SFP, but no study have been carried out so far for assessing the role of 5-HT1D receptors in anxiety. Sumatriptan, a specific agonist of 5-HT1D receptors, seems to be a good candidate as a probe drug, given its wide use in clinical practice for the treatment of migraine, with good safety and tolerability. The hypothesis tested in this study was that, due to the activation of presynaptic 5-HT1D receptors and consequent reduction in the release of 5-HT, sumatriptan would increase the fear caused by the SPS. To that end, we conducted a double-blind, randomized study using 36 healthy male volunteers who were divided into three treatment groups: placebo (n = 12), 50mg (n = 12) or 100mg (n = 12) of sumatriptan, administered two hours before the SFP. Before, during, and after the SPS, subjective measures of anxiety were recorded by Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS) and the Bodily Symptom Scale (BSS). Physiological measures were also taken for anxiety (blood pressure, heart rate, hormone dosage and skin conductance). The results were submitted to multivariate analysis of variance (MANCOVA) with the baseline measures as covariate. The group treated with 100 mg of sumatriptan was more anxious than, respectively, 50mg and placebo groups during the test, and also proved to be more alert in preparation and performance than the placebo group. There were no significant effects of treatment on measures of blood pressure, heart rate and skin eletrocondutance. Sumatriptan caused a reduction of prolactin levels, independently of the experimental phase of the session, but did not interfere with plasma cortisol levels. On the other hand, there was an increased of plasma cortisol levels immediately after the SPF, compared with the pre-test, independently of treatment group. The reduced availability of 5-HT led to an increase of fear caused by the SFP, which is consistent with the proposition that a reduction of 5-HT in the dorsal periaqueductal gray (MCPD) increases unconditioned fear. Because of this anxiogenic effect of acute use of sumatriptan also can occur in clinical practice in patients with migraine should be alert to the possibility of manifestation of symptoms similar to panic attacks in patients anxious. The decreased function of 5-HT also caused a reduction in plasma levels of prolactin, probably by facilitating dopamine transmission. In turn, although slight, the increase in plasma cortisol levels suggest a role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) for the SFP.The interpretation of the cortisol response to psychological stress is complex and depends on several factors, such as theme of the discourse, type of social assessment, lack of control of the situation, sample size, emotional regulation strategies of the volunteer. Further studies are needed to elucidate the role of 5-HT1D receptors in anxiety and to understand the cortisol response to psychological stress.

\"Alterações na imunidade inespecifica subsequentes à indução de estresse agudo em indivíduos com fobia social e pessoas sem patologias psiquiátricas\" / Alterations in inespecific immunity subsequent to the induction of acute stress in individuals with social phobia and persons without psychiatric disorders

Alessandra Fernandes Faustino 18 April 2005 (has links)
As interações entre o sistema nervoso central e os sistemas imune e endócrino são o objeto de estudo da psiconeuroimunologia. Protocolos de indução de estresse têm sido amplamente utilizados como métodos confiáveis de investigação da relação entre transtornos psiquiátricos, aspectos psicológicos, traços de personalidade, ansiedade e a resposta imune. O procedimento de simulação de falar em público (SFP) é um protocolo experimental validado que reconhecidamente é capaz de ativar o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HPA) e produzir respostas de estresse em sujeitos humanos. Esse método foi utilizado para: 1) Comparar a reatividade imunológica de indivíduos com diagnóstico de fobia social com a de indivíduos sem qualquer diagnóstico psiquiátrico; 2) Investigar se ocorrem alterações imunes subseqüentes à exposição a um estressor agudo induzido em laboratório e 3) identificar e correlacionar parâmetros imunológicos com traços de personalidade, humor, níveis de ansiedade e medidas fisiológicas. Os traços de personalidade foram investigados por meio dos seguintes instrumentos: Inventário de Temperamento e Caráter (TCI), Escala de Afeto Positivo e Negativo (PANAS), Inventário de Ansiedade Traço (IDATE-T), Inventário de Depressão de Beck (BDI), Inventário de Estratégias de ?Coping? de Folkman e Lazarus e Adaptação da Escala de Percepção de Estresse (PSS). Os sintomas de ansiedade foram avaliados por meio da Escala Analógica Visual de Humor (VAMS), da Escala de Sintomas Somáticos (ESS) e do IDATE-Estado. As variáveis psicofisiológicas avaliadas foram pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD), batimentos cardíacos (BPM), resposta galvânica da pele (GSR) e temperatura. Os níveis plasmáticos de catecolaminas (adrenalina, noradrenalina e dopamina) e hormônios do eixo HPA (cortisol e ACTH) também foram dosados. Realizou-se a contagem de células imunes polimorfonucleares e mononucleares no sangue periférico e mediu-se a atividade citotóxica de células NK e neutrófilos. Dosou-se proteínas de fase aguda e imunoglobulinas (A, D, G, M e E) a produção de citocinas no sangue por ELISA e RT-PCR. Os dados foram submetidos a análises de variância para dados com medidas repetidas testando efeitos de grupo, sexo, momento experimental e interações. As correlações entre as variáveis foram testadas por regressões múltiplas e coeficientes de correlação de Pearson. Os resultados apontam que o SFP foi eficiente para induzir estresse e produzir alterações detectáveis em diversos dos parâmetros investigados. As diferenças entre fóbicos sociais e controles são significativas para traços de personalidade e atuam ao longo do tempo para as medidas psicofisiológicas. Alterações imunes e hormonais estiveram mais frequentemente associadas ao gênero do que ao grupo experimental, e afetaram mais homens. Além disso, as alterações imunes foram de pequena magnitude afetando componentes inespecíficos da resposta imune. Conjuntamente, os resultados apontam uma relativa ativação do eixo HPA em fóbicos mas que não corresponde a alterações imunes de mesma magnitude. Mais estudos com uma amostra maior e a investigação de outros parâmetros são necessários para compreender melhor como a fobia social afeta o sistema imune de homens e mulheres e investigar se as alterações podem aumentar a susceptibilidade a doenças nesse grupo de sujeitos. Uma vez que essa interação seja melhor compreendida poderá subsidiar estratégias mais adequadas para abordar e elaborar estratégias de prevenção e intervenção capazes de promover comportamentos saudáveis. / Interactions among the nervous, immune and endocrine systems are the object of study of Psychoneuroimmunology. Stress protocols have been broadly used as reliable means to investigate the relationship among psychiatric disorders, psychological aspects, personality traits, anxiety and immune response has been studied using these interactions. The Simulated Public Speaking (SPS) is a validated experimental procedure known to activate the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (HPA) axis and produce stress responses in human subjects. This method was used to: 1) compare the immune reactions of individuals with a diagnosis of social phobia to that of individuals without any psychiatric diagnosis; 2) investigate if immune alterations occur subsequent to the exposure to an acute laboratory induced stressor; 3) identify and correlate immune parameters with personality traits, mood, anxiety levels and physiologic measures. Personality traits were investigated with Cloninger?s Temperament and Character?s Inventory (TCI), Positive and Negative Affects Scale (PANAS), State-Trait Anxiety Scale (STAI?T), Beck?s Depression Inventory (BDI), Lazarus?s Coping Strategies Inventory, Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Anxiety symptoms were investigated along the procedure with the Bodily Symptoms Scale (ESS), STAI-E and the Visual Analogue Mood Scale (VAMS). Psychophysiologic variables assessed were Systolic (PAS) and Diastolic (PAD) Blood Pressure, Heart Rate (BPM), Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and temperature. Plasmatic circulating levels of cathecolamines (Adrenaline, Noradrenaline and Dopamine) and HPA axis hormones (Cortisol, ACTH) were assessed. Peripheral blood cell population counts were obtained for polymorphonuclear (PMN) and mononuclear cells. Cytotoxic activity of neutrophils and NK cells was assessed, as well as cytokine production by ELISA and RT-PCR. Acute phase proteins and immunoglobulins (A, D, G, M, and E) were dosed on peripheral blood. Data was submitted to variance analysis for data with repeated measures testing effects of group, sex, experimental moment and interactions on variables. Correlations among variables were tested by multiple regressions and Pearson?s correlation deltas. The results show SPS was efficient in inducing stress and produce detectable alterations in several of the parameters investigated. Differences between social phobics and controls are significant for personality traits and, along time for psychophysiologic measures. Hormonal and immune alterations were more often associated to gender rather than to the group subjects belonged to, with men being more susceptible to the procedure. Also, immune changes were of small magnitude, usually affecting inespecific components of the response. Together, the results point to a relatively higher activation of the HPA-axis in social phobics, but one that does not correspond to immune responses of the same magnitude. Further studies with a larger sample and investigation of other parameters are necessary to better understand how social phobia affects the immune system of men and women and to investigate if the alterations can increase susceptibility to diseases in this group of individuals. Once this interaction is better understood it may provide the basis for an improved design to approach and elaborate prevention/intervention strategies and promote healthy behaviours.

Il fattore personale dell'argomentazione: una prospettiva retorico-antropologica / Dimension personnelle de l'argumentation: une perspective rhétorique-anthropologique

Zagarella, Roberta 25 March 2014 (has links)
Dans le cadre d’une approche philosophique et épistémologique, qui privilège le point de vue rhétorique sur l’argumentation et la ligne de pensée Aristote-Vico-Perelman, la thèse essaye d’analyser la construction de la subjectivité dans le discours argumentatif. Je cherche à montrer qu’il est possible de tracer une théorie de l’argumentation dans laquelle subjective n’est pas synonyme de fallacieuse.<p>En général, la thèse analyse le rôle de celui qui parle et de celui qui écoute dans l’argumentation et dans tous les discours. Je vais soutenir est que la dimension personnelle n’est pas un élément qu’il faut supprimer mais, au contraire, un élément essentiel du discours argumentatif.<p><p>Une approche rhétorique au problème du sujet se base sur une intuition fondamentale de la rhétorique d’Aristote .Comme nous le savons, dans le premier livre de la Rhétorique, Aristote affirme que le discours (logos) est composé (synkeimai) de trois éléments :l’orateur, le sujet traité et l’auditoire .Au même temps la rhétorique est composée des trois éléments :Logos, Pathos et Ethos. La pratique linguistique inclut la dimension émotive, l’orateur et l’auditoire, qui sont des éléments discursifs. De même, l’ethos et le pathos ne sont pas des moyens de preuves irrationnelles ou des fallacies. On verra que cette idée implique un système philosophique et épistémologique assez différent du système normativiste des théories contemporaines :cela implique de revenir sur le concept de rationalité et sur le rapport entre la rationalité, la praxis et son incertitude essentielle.<p><p>Pour question de temps, la thèse ne parle pas de pathos. Elle s’occupe de l’ethos soit du point de vue de celui qui parle (Partie I) soit du point de vue de l’auditoire (Partie II).<p><p>Dans la première partie, on analyse la question de la rationalité rhétorique et des paralogismes et les définitions historiques de la dimension personnelle de l’argumentation (ethos, personne, ad hominem).<p><p>Dans la deuxième, on analyse le rapport entre la dimension personnelle, le sens commun, la vérité, la certitude et la fides.<p>En conclusion, on soutiendra que l’ethos est soit une pistis technique de la rhétorique, soit une des conditions préalables du discours même.<p> / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Speaking of Myself: Independence, Self-Representation, and the Speeches of Rudyard Kipling

Wilkes, Jacob M. 25 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Rudyard Kipling is a man of immense diversity. He successfully managed to write for over half a century in a variety of genres: short story, travelogue, ballad, personal narrative, and news reporting, to name only a few. While doing so, Kipling readily interacted with a range of subjects and created a multitude of ideas. Likewise, on a personal level, Kipling led an immensely diverse life. He could easily claim four separate continents as home, living variously in India, the United States, England, and South Africa. By profession he was a writer, but as an observer he was so skilled that he learned by heart a variety of professions ranging from street beggar to statesman. Both before and after his life, this variety and complexity has been a subject of debate. Some ignore it, others focus on a particular side of it, but for all it represents an interesting challenge in both studying and classifying Kipling. This thesis seeks to address that challenge by focusing on how Kipling's varying and competing images and ideas work together to assert Kipling's independence. In doing so, this work will look specifically at how Kipling uses multifaceted techniques in his public speeches. In looking at the speeches, the thesis explores three ways in which multiplicity reinforces independence: the combination of privacy and creation, the refashioning of expert detail and self-image, and the fusion of simplistic structure and subtle complexity.

What is the Efficacy of Peer Presentation for English Languag Learners?

Roy, Courtney 01 August 2014 (has links)
This study investigates whether the learning strategy of Peer Presentations may positively influence an English Language Learner’s (ELL's) relationship with peers, and personal perspec-tives with pertinence to the sciences, public discourse, and their institution. Data collection in-struments included a developed pre- and post-sociometric survey to quantitate each classroom's social status, and a pre- and post-qualitative oral interview to acquire individual perceptions con-cerning enjoyment and contentment of academic topics. Three ELLs from two learning environ-ments participated with the eight day intervention, comprising of 45 minute instructive sessions to become proficient with demonstrating an arrangement of invigorating yet harmless scientific experiments. After the Peer Presentation, analysis of pre- and post-sociometric results demon-strated an overall increase of more intimate friendships. Examination of the ELLs' oral inter-view responses indicated growth of enjoyment regarding their institution and public discourse. Overall recommendations and suggestions of utilizing Peer Presentations are discussed for those involved with educating students.

Le discours sur l'espace judiciaire européen: analyse du discours et sémantique argumentative

Menuet, Laetitia 04 December 2006 (has links)
La recherche menée dans cette thèse traite du discours de l’Union européenne sur l’espace judiciaire européen entre 1996 et 1999. En convoquant l’analyse du discours et la lexicométrie dans un cadre théorique de la sémantique argumentative, elle analyse le sens des mots autour de l’expression « espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice ». L’objectif est de définir comment s’élabore la réappropriation de valeurs universelles au profit du discours et de l’identité européenne véhiculée par les procédés argumentatifs utilisés pour représenter l’espace judiciaire européen. Le contexte politique et les théories linguistiques de la méthode d’analyse exposés, cette thèse porte sur les conditions de communication du discours et de sa particularité sémantique, en montrant qu’il construit une identité en triade renvoyant aux trois valeurs de son emblème triptyque (« liberté, sécurité et justice ») :les institutions, la criminalité organisée et les citoyens. Elle révèle les indices linguistiques de cette construction identitaire avec ses enjeux politiques et de légitimation en introduisant la notion de « normalisation discursive ». Celle-ci adopte un schéma linguistique très marqué conduisant à la mise en œuvre d’un processus de « manipulation argumentative » défini et démontré dans ce travail. Les résultats illustrent que la normalisation et la manipulation engendrent une circularité du discours reposant sur le conflit de deux orientations discursives :celle d’un discours sécuritaire et celle d’un discours sur l’État de droit et la démocratie.<p><p>This thesis studies the discourse of the European Union about the European Judicial Network between 1996 and 1999. Using discourse analysis and lexicometrics within the theoretical framework of argumentative semantics, it explores the meaning of words associated with the expression of « area of freedom, security and justice ». The research mainly aims at understanding how the discourse reappropriate universal values in order to construct, through argumentative processes, a European identity that embodies the European Judicial Network. After presenting the political context and the linguistic theories used in the analysis methods, the thesis examines the conditions of discourse production and its semantic particularities. It argues that the discourse constructs an identity based on the values (liberty, security and justice) conveyed by the three pillars of the European Judicial Network :institutions, organised crime and citizens. The thesis then puts forward the idea of a “discursive normalisation” that helps, through its linguistic forms, to legitimate the identity construction and its political issues. It also defines a process of “argumentative manipulation” resulting from this “discursive normalisation” implementing a very distinctive linguistic frame. According to those results, the research concludes that normalisation and manipulation generate circularity of the discourse, which is based on the conflict between two discursive orientations, on the one hand security and on the other hand democracy and the Rule of law. / Doctorat en philosophie et lettres, Orientation langue et littérature / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Does Virtual Reality Elicit Physiological Arousal In Social Anxiety Disorder

Owens, Maryann 01 January 2013 (has links)
The present study examined the ability of a Virtual Reality (VR) public speaking task to elicit physiological arousal in adults with SAD (n=25) and Controls (n=25). A behavioral assessment paradigm was employed to address three study objectives: (a) to determine whether the VR task can elicit significant increases in physiological response over baseline resting conditions (b) to determine if individuals with SAD have a greater increase from baseline levels of physiological and self-reported arousal during the in vivo speech task as opposed to the VR speech task and (c) to determine whether individuals with SAD experience greater changes in physiological and selfreported arousal during each speech task compared to controls. Results demonstrated that the VR task was able to elicit significant increases in heart rate, skin conductance, and respiratory sinus arrhythmia, but did not elicit as much physiological or self-reported arousal as the in vivo speech task. In addition, no differences were found between groups. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed

La rhétorique des institutions européennes: le débat sur les perspectives financières 2007-2013 / Rhetoric in the European institutions: the debate on the financial perspectives 2007-2013

Paparouni, Evgenia 22 November 2013 (has links)
Abstract (version française suit)<p>Although the EU is a privileged point of focus for political science studies, its discursive activity has not received all the attention it deserves. This corpus analysis adopts a descriptive approach, based on the Neo-Aristotelian trend in argumentation theory, by using both analytical categories of classical rhetoric and (emic or etic) categories that belong to the conceptualization of the debate entertained by its own participants. The corpus consists of public interventions by representatives of the three main EU Institutions (Commission, European Council and Parliament). The speeches were pronounced between June and December 2005. Since it is discussed every seven years, the topic of the Financial Perspectives offers the possibility of making diachronic comparisons; it also allows identifying values, projects and means of the European construction at a rhetorical level. The last six months of 2005 followed two significant events: the conflicting attitudes of European Governments regarding the Iraq war and the rejection of the Constitutional Treaty by referendums.<p>In the absence of any other metaphysical or natural foundation, the technocratic enterprise provides the European project with a rational and secular justification that is not always assumed as such, though, by the presidents of the Commission. The conceptual metaphors stemming from the preambles to the treaties convey the idea that European integration will be achieved by triggering a gradual process that should lead to the realization of an ultimate aim.<p>From a rhetorical point of view, the Financial Perspectives are in need of legitimacy. In 2005, the rhetorical invocation of dates/milestones, abundantly used by former presidents of the Commission, does not seem to work anymore. Both the requirement of unanimity in the legislative procedure and the habitus of European deliberation make it necessary to find an agreement; this consequently promotes “consensus” as a meta-communicational argument. The notion of a “consensus” runs against such theoretical (epistemological) and pragmatic objections that it proves imperious to wonder about its origin and roots. One should take into account not only scholarly conceptions of “consensus” (Habermas, the Deliberative Democracy movement), but also naïve and popular visions of it.<p>The EU Institutions are aware of the difficulty they meet in awakening citizens’ interest, and they have developed their Communication Policy in order to give themselves the means to overcome this obstacle. A systematic reflection on their strategy should take into account the divergent opinions of Moravscik and Hix, as well as the possibility of grounding the EU project anew on a revival of ancient homonoïa.<p>DISCLAIMER. The content of this thesis represents solely the views of its author and cannot in any circumstances be regarded as the official position of the European Commission.<p><p><p><p><p><p><p>Résumé<p>Quoique l’Union Européenne (UE) soit un objet de prédilection pour les politologues, son activité discursive n’a pas reçu toute l’attention méritée.<p>La thèse offre une analyse de corpus effectuée sur base d’une grille de lecture incluant des catégories rhétoriques étiques et émiques. Elle adopte une approche descriptive puisée dans le versant néo-aristotélicien de l’étude de l’argumentation. Le corpus a été constitué d’interventions publiques tenues par les représentants des trois principales Institutions Européennes (Commission, Conseil Européen, Parlement Européen) entre juin et décembre 2005. Le sujet des Perspectives Financières, débattu à intervalles réguliers, permet des comparaisons diachroniques ;il permet aussi de contraster les valeurs, les projets et les moyens de la construction européenne. La conjoncture des six derniers mois de 2005 présente la particularité supplémentaire que le projet de Traité Constitutionnel venait d’être rejeté et que les gouvernements européens s’étaient auparavant divisés sur l’intervention en Irak.<p>En l’absence d’un fondement métaphysique ou naturel, l’entreprise technocratique fournit au projet politique européen une justification rationnelle et laïcisée, même si elle n’est pas assumée explicitement en tant que telle par tous les présidents de la Commission. Les métaphores conceptuelles mobilisées dans les préambules des traités traduisent le fait que l’unification européenne devrait s’accomplir à la fois par l’entremise de réalisations progressives et à travers la poursuite d’un objectif lointain.<p>Sur le plan rhétorique, les Perspectives Financières sont en manque d’une légitimité emblématique. La clause des rendez-vous, des étapes cruciales, abondamment utilisée dans le passé par les présidents de la Commission, cesse de fonctionner en 2005. La nécessité d’un accord, issue tant de la lettre de la procédure législative par unanimité que de la coutume des délibérations, est devenue matière à un argument méta-communicationnel qui en est arrivé à englober toute circonstance susceptible de faciliter le « consensus ». Cette dernière notion soulève des réticences théoriques (épistémologiques) et pragmatiques qui imposent de s’interroger sur son origine. La problématisation que nous avons opérée tient compte non seulement des conceptions savantes du « consensus » (Habermas, courant de la Démocratie Délibérative), mais aussi de ses variantes populaires ou vulgarisées.<p>Les Institutions Européennes sont conscientes de la difficulté qu’il y a à motiver l’intérêt citoyen, et elles ont voulu, à travers leur Politique de Communication, se donner les moyens de dépasser cet obstacle. La thèse mène, à ce propos, une réflexion plus générale qui tient compte des avis opposés de Moravcsik et Hix, et d’une éventuelle refondation dans l’homonoïa de la rhétorique classique.<p>DISCLAIMER. Le contenu de cette thèse représente le point de vue de son seul auteur et ne peut en aucune circonstance être considéré comme la position officielle de la Commission Européenne. <p> / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

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