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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La calidad de servicio y la atmósfera del local como determinantes de la intención de revisita en restaurantes temáticos en el sector AB en Lima Metropolitana / The quality of service and the atmosphere of the place as determinants of the intention to re-visit in themed restaurants in the AB sector in Lima Metropolitana

Casella Azañedo, Gianella Alexandra 08 July 2020 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación muestra la relación entre la calidad de servicio y atmósfera del local con la intención de revisita en los restaurantes temáticos, específicamente del sector AB en Lima Metropolitana. Mediante este trabajo se analizarán y evaluarán las diversas dimensiones que poseen las variables mencionadas. A su vez, se observarán las estrategias que utiliza este sector para incentivar el retorno al local. Los restaurantes temáticos son una tendencia actualmente en el mercado, puesto que se diferencian frente a los restaurantes tradicionales. Presentan una temática específica generando una experiencia diferente hacia el consumidor. Destacando su calidad de servicio, es decir, la atención personalizada, conocimiento de carta por parte del mesero y la calidad del producto; y atmósfera: el ambiente del local y elementos de diseño. Sin embargo, dichos elementos no son suficientes para que el exigente consumidor tenga intención de retornar al restaurante. A través del estudio cualitativo y cuantitativo, que incluían entrevistas al público objetivo, expertos en el tema de investigación y encuestas por Google Forms, se comprobó que existe una relación entre la calidad de servicio y atmósfera del local con la intención de revisita. El cliente cuenta con expectativas altas, las cuales el restaurante temático no estaba cumpliendo. Al ser un restaurante diferencial, se espera una atención sumamente personalizada, con buenos productos y un ambiente que traslade al comensal a la temática que propone el restaurante, así como una interacción entre local y consumidor generando que este tenga una buena experiencia y aumente la probabilidad de revisita. / This research work shows the relationship between the quality of service and atmosphere of the premises with the intention of revisiting in thematic restaurants, specifically the AB sector in Lima Metropolitana. This work will analyze and evaluate the various dimensions of the above variables. In turn, the strategies used by this sector to incentivize return to the premises will be observed. Themed restaurants are currently a trend in the market, as they differ from traditional restaurants. They present a specific theme generating a different experience towards the consumer. Highlighting its quality of service, that is, personalized attention, knowledge of the menu by the waiter and the quality of the product; atmosphere: the atmosphere of the place and design elements. However, those elements are not sufficient for the demanding consumer to intend to return to the restaurant. Through the qualitative and quantitative study, which included interviews with the target audience, experts on the subject of research and surveys by Google Forms, it was found that there is a relationship between the quality of service and atmosphere of the premises with the intention of revisit. The customer has high expectations, which the themed restaurant was not meeting. Being a differential restaurant, we expect a highly personalized attention, with good products and an atmosphere that brings the diner to the theme proposed by the restaurant, as well as an interaction between local and consumer generating that it has a good experience and increases the likelihood of revisit. / Trabajo de investigación

Factores asociados a la compra de pasajes low cost en hombres y mujeres de 20 a 50 años de Lima Metropolitana / Factors associated with the purchase of low cost tickets for men and women between the ages of 20 and 50 in Metropolitan Lima

Arciniega Giurcovich, Fadia 09 July 2020 (has links)
El formato de pasajes low cost es una tendencia que ha ido estableciéndose en el mercado peruano. No obstante, no han logrado tener la acogida esperada por parte de los consumidores peruanos, debido a diferentes aspectos. Por ello, en la presente investigación se analizarán factores asociados a la compra de pasajes low cost en hombres y mujeres de 20 a 50 años. De esta manera, se han seleccionado las variables valor hedónico, valor utilitario, influencia social, precio, promociones, página web, experiencia de compra y riesgo percibido. Con la finalidad de poder comprobar las hipótesis se ha desarrollado una investigación mixta. Por un lado, en el estudio cualitativo se realizaron dos focus groups al público objetivo y tres encuestas a profundidad a expertos en el sector. Por otro lado, para el estudio cuantitativo se aplicó un cuestionario a 355 personas. Cabe mencionar que se hizo un estudio de regresión lineal múltiple. De esta manera, se obtuvo que las variables valor hedónico, página web y experiencia de compra fueron que las que presentaron una relación con la intención de compra. Finalmente, es importante mencionar que la presente investigación es una de las pocas investigaciones realizadas sobre los factores que pueden presentar una relación sobre compra de pasajes low cost en el mercado peruano. / The low-cost ticket format is a trend that has been establishing itself in the Peruvian market. However, due to different aspects the low-cost airlines have not managed to achieve the expected reception by Peruvian consumers. For this reason, this research will analyze factors associated with the purchase of low-cost tickets for men and women between 20 and 50 years of age in Lima. In this way, we select the variables hedonic value, utility value, social influence, price, promotions, website, purchase experience and perceived risk. In order to be able to evaluate the hypotheses, a mixed investigation has been developed. On the one hand, the qualitative study will analyze two focus groups on the target audience and three in-depth surveys of experts in the sector. On the other hand, for the quantitative study, a questionnaire was applied to 355 people. It should be noted that a multiple linear regression study was done. In this way, it was obtained the variables hedonic value, website and purchase experience had a relationship with the purchase intention. Finally, it is important that this investigation be one of the few investigations carried out on the factors that may present a relationship on the purchase of low-cost tickets in the Peruvian market. / Trabajo de investigación

Motivaciones del consumidor en relación a la intención de compra de adultos jóvenes que alquilan alojamientos peer to peer / Consumer motivations regarding the purchase intention of young people who rent peer to peer accommodation

Valdivia Guevara, Claudia Vanessa 10 July 2020 (has links)
Actualmente, la economía compartida está ganando terreno en el sector del turismo, específicamente, en la industria hotelera, mediante las viviendas de uso turístico, también conocidas como alojamientos peer to peer (P2P). Bajo el concepto del consumo colaborativo, los alojamientos P2P representan ser una opción, tanto viable como atractiva, para los viajeros de hoy en día. Por ello, es de gran importancia comprender de mejor manera los factores que motivan a los consumidores a hospedarse en este tipo de alojamiento. En la presente investigación se estudiarán las motivaciones de los adultos jóvenes de 18 a 35 años de edad con relación al alquiler de viviendas de uso turístico. Los factores elegidos son: Beneficio económico, diversión, beneficio del alojamiento, autenticidad, beneficio social, e-wom y sostenibilidad. Para lograr comprobar las hipótesis planteadas, se ha realizado una investigación mixta: En el estudio cualitativo se realizaron focus grupales y entrevistas a expertos y, en el estudio cuantitativo; encuestas aplicadas a 258 personas. / Currently, the shared economy is gaining ground in the tourism sector, specifically in the hospitality industry, through tourist housing, also known as peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation. Under the concept of collaborative consumption, P2P accommodation represents being an option, both viable and attractive, for today's travelers. Therefore, it is of great importance to better understand the factors that motivate consumers to stay in this type of accommodation. This research will study the motivations of young adults between 18 and 35 years of age in relation to the rental of housing for tourist use. The chosen factors are: Economic benefit, fun, accommodation benefit, authenticity, social benefit, e-wom and sustainability. In order to verify the hypotheses presented, a mixed investigation was carried out: In the qualitative study, group focus and interviews with experts were carried out, and in the quantitative study; surveys to 258 people were applied. / Trabajo de investigación

Estrategia de precio elevado en productos orgánicos y la calidad percibida en relación con la intención de compra en tiendas orgánicas de Lima / High price strategy for organic products and quality perceived in accordance with purchase intention in organic stores

Villaseca Aparicio, Valeria 08 June 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación pretende analizar la estrategia de precio utilizada en las tiendas de productos orgánicos. Además, conocer de qué manera esta estrategia se encuentra relacionada con la calidad que perciben los consumidores de dichos productos. Es importante recalcar que se desea averiguar si estas dos variables influyen en la intención de compra de productos orgánicos. Se han realizado dos focus group con personas pertenecientes al público objetivo primario y dos entrevistas a profundidad a expertos en Marketing y Nutrición, los cuales brindaron información relevante para el análisis posterior que se realizó. La investigación es de carácter no concluyente, el tipo de la investigación será correlacional y el enfoque que se le dará será mixto. / This research work aims to analyze the price strategy used in organic products stores. In addition, knowing how this strategy is related to the quality perceived by consumers of these products. It is important to emphasize that is desired to find out if these two variables influence the intention to buy organic products. It has been realized two focus with people that belongs to the primary target audience and two in-depth interviews with experts in Marketing and Nutrition, which provided relevant information for the subsequent analysis thar was made. The research is inconclusive, the type of research will be correlational and the approach that will be given will be mixed. / Trabajo de investigación

Acciones de promoción en el mercado de vino peruano de baja gama en relación a la intención de compra en supermercados en Lima Metropolitana / Promotional actions in the Peruvian low-end wine market in relation to the purchase intention in supermarkets in Metropolitan Lima

López Cáceres, Maribel Luz, Mendoza Cuellar, Hector Jose 07 July 2020 (has links)
Esta investigación se centra en las promociones de venta de la categoría vitivinícola peruana y busca determinar el grado de importancia de la variedad percibida y real dentro de las acciones de promoción monetarias como las rebajas de precio y los descuentos frente a la intención de compra en los supermercados de Lima Metropolitana, donde actualmente el sector está siendo impulsado. Se profundizó en la sobrecarga de información causada por la gran variedad del vino mostrada en el estante, donde se determinó que las promociones de venta son un fuerte atractivo para que los jóvenes tomen una decisión frente a la góndola y realicen la compra final. Sin embargo, los beneficios de las acciones de promoción no serían percibidos por la complejidad frente a la elección. Asimismo, se determinaron hallazgos importantes como los hábitos de un consumidor joven, al cual no se le brinda la suficiente importancia dentro de la categoría. / This research focus on the sales promotion in order to the low-quality wine context. It searches to find the importance grade of the perceived and the real variety within the price reductions and the discounts against the purchase decision in the supermarkets of Metropolitan Lima, where actually the category is being driven. The study deepens in the overload information caused by the huge variety of the wine and the attributes that it has as a hedonic product, where the sales promotion are attractive for the young consumer in front of the display to take it to the final purchase. However, it the benefits are not perceived from the consumers because of the complexity versus the choice when they are looking at the display. Likewise, important findings were determined as the habits of a young consumer, who is not given sufficient importance within the category of wine. / Trabajo de investigación

La relación que tienen los factores extrínsecos de la publicidad online en social media con la intención de compra en el sector automotriz en jóvenes Millennials / The relationship that extrinsic factors of online advertising in social media have with the buying intention in the automotive sector in young Millennials

Rios Pacheco, Guillermo Jesús 31 July 2020 (has links)
En la actualidad, las estrategias de marketing digital son cada vez más usadas en el sector automotriz. Marcas de distintos segmentos se van dando cuenta de la efectividad de las mismas y les dan mucha importancia a estas, siendo en ocasiones, su principal arma contra la competencia. La siguiente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar cuál es la relación que tienen los factores extrínsecos de la publicidad online en social media con la intención de compra en jóvenes Millennials. De esta manera, puede servir como punto de referencia para la creación de estrategias de marketing digital y como pueden ser abordadas para generar un mejor impacto en el segmento señalado. El estudio cuenta con una investigación previa para analizar la situación del sector, apoyándose en investigaciones similares. Asi mismo, se realizaron estudios cualitativos, los cuales involucraban a entrevistas a profundidad a tres expertos en redes sociales en sí, como también del mismo sector automotriz. También, se hicieron focus groups de cinco integrantes cada uno al segmento Millennial con el fin de poder hacer un match entre lo mencionado por los expertos con la información de los jóvenes. Por el lado cuantitativo, se encuesto a 208 personas, que con sus respuestas se realizó un estudio a través de una regresión lineal múltiple en SPSS, el cual determinaba de manera certera diversos resultados sobre la relación de estos factores en estudio con la intención de compra en el segmento analizado. Finalmente, los resultados reflejaron que dos de las tres variables en cuestión si guaran una relación con la intención de compra en el segmento Millennial. Sin embargo, con el beta cuadrado se pudo demostrar que, a partir de los tres factores en estudio, el entretenimiento es el más relacionado con la intención de compra. Por ello, se recomienda utilizar las tendencias de consumo y comportamiento al momento de realizar estrategias de marketing digital, de tal manera se estará a la vanguardia del momento y generará intención de compra en el segmento. / Today, digital marketing strategies are increasingly used in the automotive sector. Brands from different segments are realizing their effectiveness and attach great importance to them, sometimes being their main weapon against competition. The following research aims to determine the relationship that extrinsic factors of online advertising in social media have with the intention of buying in young Millennials. In this way, it can serve as a point of reference for the creation of digital marketing strategies and how they can be addressed to generate a better impact in the indicated segment. The study has previous research to analyze the situation in the sector, relying on similar research. Likewise, qualitative studies were carried out, which involved in-depth interviews with three experts in social networks themselves, as well as from the same automotive sector. Also, focus groups of five members each were made to the millennial segment in order to be able to match those mentioned by the experts with the information of the young people. On the quantitative side, 208 people were surveyed, who with their answers carried out a correlational study through a multiple linear regression in SPSS, which accurately determined various results on the relationship of these factors under study with the intention of purchase in the analyzed segment. Finally, the results reflected that two of the three variables in question do have a relationship with the intention to buy in the Millennial segment. However, with the beta square it was possible to demonstrate that, from the three factors under study, entertainment is the most related to the intention to buy. Therefore, it is recommended to use consumer trends and behavior when making digital marketing strategies, in such a way you will be at the forefront of the moment and generate purchase intention in the segment. / Trabajo de investigación

The impact of brand equity on consumer buying behaviour among bottom of the pyramid consumers in South Africa: A case study of Parmalat yoghurt

Hlela, Sinegugu 12 March 2020 (has links)
There has been significant research done on the impact of branding on consumer buying behaviour over the years, however, consumers at the bottom of the pyramid (BoP) have been ignored and very little research has been done in the South African market. This study examines the impact of brand equity on purchase intention of Parmalat yoghurt in the South African BoP market using socio-economic status, price sensitivity and sales promotion as mediating variables. Data was collected from 289 South African BoP consumers residing in Soweto. The study tested six hypotheses using PLS- SEM. Data was analysed using SmartPLS software. The results show that of the six hypotheses tested, only three are supported, namely, the relationship between brand equity and socio-economic status, socio-economic status and purchase intention and price sensitivity and purchase intention. Socio-economic status as a mediator has the most significant impact on the relationship between brand equity and purchase intention. The findings of this study give some implications for managers and marketers of yoghurt brands. Brand equity influences on purchase intention of yoghurt products and socio-economic status has the strongest mediating influence suggesting that companies must build and maintain strong brand equity in order to create a positive influence on purchase intention for their brands. Managers need to understand the underlying reasons as to why consumers would choose a competitor’s brand. Based on this study, socio-economic status and price sensitivity are the two most influencing mediators in the purchase intention of yoghurt, thus it is imperative for managers to take this into consideration when devising and implementing branding strategies.

La relación de las estrategias de marketing digital con respecto a la intención de compra de planes nutricionales en personas de 25 a 35 años pertenecientes a Lima Metropolitana

Ramirez Mercado, Estefany Ivonne 10 July 2020 (has links)
Este trabajo de investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar que la importancia la relación de las estrategias de marketing digital con respecto a la intención de compra de planes nutricionales en Lima metropolitana. Nos enfocaremos en tres marcas en específico, ya que se encuentren de manera digital. Además, el contenido visual que manejan y la información nutricional que ofrecen a sus clientes para la captación y venta de sus productos. A lo largo de la investigación se darán detalles de diversas opiniones del público objetivo primarios, así como expertos de la categoría. De manera que se identificaran los principales hallazgos para que las marcas de planes nutricionales puedan reconocer y trabajar en ello en una mejor estrategia digital. / This research work aims to demonstrate the importance of the relationship of digital marketing strategies with respect to the purchase intention of nutritional aircraft in metropolitan Lima. We will focus on three specific brands, as they are found digitally. In addition, the visual content it handles and the nutritional information it offers to its customers for the acquisition and sale of its products. Throughout the investigation details will be given of various opinions of the primary target audience, as well as experts from the category. In order to identify the main findings for brands of nutritional plans, they will be able to recognize and work on a better digital strategy. / Trabajo de investigación

Consumer behavior towards green cosmetic products in Sweden

Stita, Ayham, Alkhayyat, Abdulmoaz January 2021 (has links)
Date: 2021-06-02 Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 hp Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Alkhayyat Abdulmoaz (97/01/01), Stita Ayham (93/06/18) Title: Consumer Behavior towards green cosmetic products Tutor: Michela Cozza Keywords: Green products, purchase intention, eco-awareness, green cosmetic products, consumer behavior Research question: What are the factors influencing consumer purchasing choices when choosing green cosmetic products over synthetic cosmetic products? Purpose: To study the consumer behavior towards green products by analyzing the attitudes of customers choosing to purchase organic cosmetics and to further investigate the factors that affect their purchasing behavior. Method: This research followed a quantitative approach with a deductive reasoning, done by conducting a survey to collect primary data and interpret the results in order to reach a reasonable conclusion. Conclusion: It was found that green cosmetic products are important in reaching the various needs of customers as consent remaining environmentally friendly and sustainable is concerned. There are possible factors that impact consumer behavior, such as the social influences and eco-awareness, causing a change in buying behavior and attitudes.

Influencer or Human Billboard? : A study on defining influencer credibility on the Swedish market

Bergh, Mikael, Eklöf, Albin, Rydén, Isak January 2021 (has links)
The drastic growth of the influencer market has spiked an interest in defining the significance of influencer credibility (IC). This thesis primarily aims to identify which drivers of IC are important to Swedishconsumers and how these can impact purchase intention (PI). The data was collected through a questionnaire shared on social media resulting in a sample size of 201 (N=201). After analyzing the data in SPSS through a nonparametric one sample and independent sample Chi-square test the following characteristics were found as impacting IC and PI. Expertise, trustworthiness, Image quality, entertainment value, and product and endorser fit influence IC and subsequently PI. The personal connection was also found to influence PI and when comparing different influencer sizes a smaller influencer generated substantial IC through a personal connection compared to larger.

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