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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att ge matematikläxor i årskurs 1-3 : En kvalitativ studie av lärares syn på läxor i matematik / Giving math homework in grades 1-3 : A qualitative study of teachers views on homework in mathematics

Elisabet, Persson January 2016 (has links)
Homework or no homework has been frequently occurring discussions in society over the years. Today, more teachers than ever have taken sides about homework. But which purpose do the teachers that provide homework have, and can they see the advantage with homework? The purpose with this essay is to examine why teachers at younger ages provide homework in mathematics and what the benefits are? To reach some answers in order to find out some answers to my questions I have made a qualitative study by interviewing six teachers, teaching classes from grades1-3. I have also been studying some other research and literature that are dealing with these questions. The result shows that despite that the teachers have chosen to provide homework they cannot always see any effects. The most common type of homework has the purpose to repeat what has been taught at school. The pupils are supposed to manage to do their homework on their own without any help from their parents. Other purposes that are mentioned in the research are joy, motivation, responsibility and to create a link between school and the domestic environment. The follow-up of the homework consists of the teacher marks the homework and sometimes gives it back to the pupils with comments. / Läxor eller inte läxor har varit vanligen förekommande diskussioner i samhället genom åren. Idag har fler lärare tagit ställning för eller emot läxor än tidigare. Hur tänker då de lärare som ger läxor och vilka vinster ser de med läxor? Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att undersöka varför lärare som undervisar i de yngre åldrarna ger läxor i matematik och vilka vinster de ser med läxor? För att söka svar har jag genomfört kvalitativa intervjuer med sex lärare som undervisar i matematik i årskurserna 1-3. Jag har även tagit del av forskning och litteratur som behandlar frågorna. Resultatet visar att trots att lärarna valt att ge läxor så ser inte alla att den ger någon effekt. Den vanligaste läxan som ges handlar om färdighetsträning. Eleverna ska själva klara av de läxor som ges utan föräldrars inblandning. Andra syften som nämns handlar om glädje, motivation, ansvarstagande samt att skapa en länk mellan hem och skola. Den uppföljning som främst används är att läxan lämnas in för rättning och ibland lämnas tillbaka med kommentarer.

Capturing Information and Communication Technologies as a General Purpose Technology / Les technologies de l'information et de la communication, une technologie générique

Le Hir, Boris 20 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (TIC) en tant que Technologie Générique (TG) ainsi que leur rôle dans l'évolution de la productivité du travail aux Etats-Unis et en Europe durant les dernières décennies. La thèse est constituée de trois parties axées chacune sur l'une des trois propriétés fondamentales des TG: le progrès rapide de la technologie, l'ubiquité de la technologie et la capacité à créer des opportunités technologiques. La première partie décrit, dans un premier chapitre, l'innovation dans le domaine des TIC, en commençant par un bref historique de ces technologies, suivie d'une analyse des données contemporaines sur l'innovation dans ce domaine. Elle montre en particulier comment les Etats-Unis ont été, jusqu'à présent, plus performants que les pays Européens dans le développement des TIC. Dans un deuxième chapitre, cette première partie inventorie les difficultés de mesures induites par la vitesse et la nature du changement généré par ces technologies. La seconde partie de la thèse traite de la nature ubiquitaire des TIC. Elle décrit d'abord la diffusion des TIC au cours du temps à travers les pays et les secteurs économiques, puis, établit une revue de la littérature sur la contribution directe de la diffusion des TIC à la croissance de la productivité du travail aux US et en Europe. Le second chapitre de cette partie s'intéresse au comportement de demande de facteurs de production dans les secteurs producteurs de TIC ou intensifs en utilisation des TIC. Enfin, la troisième partie de la thèse se concentre sur la capacité des TIC à générer des opportunités d'innovation. Pour cela elle identifie d'abord la nature des innovations complémentaires et les efforts menant à ces innovations. Elle montre alors la nécessité d'améliorer la comptabilité nationale afin de prendre en compte ces efforts comme des investissements. Cette partie révèle ensuite que, dans les onze pays européens étudiés, le problème est particulièrement concentré sur quelques pays qui investissent peu en TIC et en actifs innovants et que ces deux types d'efforts sont complémentaires. / This thesis aims to study Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a General Purpose Technology (GPT) and their role in the labor productivity evolution in the United States and Europe during recent decades. This thesis is organized in three parts corresponding to the fundamental GPT features: the wide possibilities for development, the ubiquity of the technology and the ability to create large technological opportunities. The first part depicts, at first, the innovation in ICT, beginning with a short historical review of ICT inventions followed by the analysis of current data on innovation in this field. In particular, it shows how the US was better than the European countries in inventing ICT until now. Second, this first part makes an inventory of measurement difficulties due to the rate and the nature of the change created by such technologies. The second part of the thesis deals with the ubiquitous nature of ICT. It first describes the ICT diffusion across countries and industries and reviews the economic literature on the direct contribution of ICT on labor productivity growth in the US and Europe. The next chapter studies the factor demand's behaviour in sectors that are either ICT producers or ICT intensive users. The third part focuses on the ICT ability to create opportunities for complementarity innovations. Firstly, it identifies the nature of ICT complementary innovations and the corresponding efforts. It shows, then, that national accounts must be improved in order to take these efforts into account as investments. Secondly, this part shows that, among the eleven European countries studied, the problem is highly concentrated in a few countries that invest less both in ICT and in innovative assets and that these two types of effort are complementary.

Varumärkesuppbyggnad : Via syftesdriven marknadsföring? / BRANDING : Through purpose driven marketing?

Westin, Jenny, Dilexit, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur företag arbetar för att bygga upp sitt varumärke via syftesdriven marknadsföring. Studien kommer granska företagens kommunikation och CSR-arbete för att på så vis utreda om företagen använder sig av syftesdriven marknadsföring. För att uppnå syftet kommer intervjuer att genomföras med utvalda företag inom tre olika branscher. Metod: För att uppfylla studiens syfte genomfördes en kvalitativ undersökning med en komparativ design. Genom halvstrukturerade livsvärldsintervjuer hos sex olika företag i tre olika branscher söktes förståelse kring företags varumärkesbyggande med hjälp av fenomenet syftesdriven marknadsföring. För att analysera empirin utgick studien delvis från modellen PCDL som kompletterades med ytterligare teorier och tidigare forskning. Slutsatser: Hos studiens undersökta företag konstaterades det att alla företag i studien arbetar med CSR i någon form och att endast ett fåtal av studiens företag använder sig av syftesdriven marknadsföring. / Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how companies build their brand through purpose-driven marketing. The study will also examine the companies communication and CSR work in order to investigate if the companies are using purpose-driven marketing. To achieve the purpose, interviews will be conducted with selected companies in three different industries. Method: To fulfill the purpose of the study, a qualitative study with a comparative design was used. Six different semi-structured interviews with companies in three different industries was carried out to seek more understanding of their branding through the phenomenon purpose-driven marketing. In order to analyze the empirical data, the study was partly based on the model PCDL and were supplemented by additional theories and previous research. Conclusions: In the study's investigated companies, it was found that all companies in the study work with CSR in some form and that only a few of the study companies use purpose-driven marketing.

Armored with strength: Sense of purpose, critical consciousness, and social support among college students of Color

Walsh-Blair, Lynn Y. January 2015 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Maureen E. Kenny / The relationship between race-related stress (RRS) and negative mental health outcomes has been well documented in research (Carter, 2007; Pinterse, Carter, Evans, & Walter, 2010). Emerging adulthood is a pivotal and challenging time when college students of color enrolled in predominantly White institutions (PWI) encounter RRS in college settings that are microcosms of the larger social environment. Despite the risks associated with RRS, students of color demonstrate a multitude of psychological strengths and well-being. The current study applies developmental contextual and strength-based frameworks to better understand the factors that contribute to positive psychological outcomes despite the presence of RRS. More specifically, this study examined the contributions of social support, sense of purpose, and critical consciousness to well-being and the role of these factors in moderating the relationship between race-related stress (RRS) and well-being. A sample of 196 undergraduate students of color attending a PWI in the Northeast participated. Students completed an on-line survey assessing their subjective experiences of RRS, social support, sense of purpose, critical consciousness, depressive symptoms and self-esteem. Hierarchical multiple regressions revealed that social support moderated the relationship between RRS and psychological well-being, decreasing the strength of the relationship. Lower depression and higher self-esteem were associated with sense of purpose and critical consciousness. The current study confirms the relationship between RRS and negative psychological well-being and identifies individual strengths (e.g., sense of purpose and critical consciousness) that explain well-being beyond the negative effects of RRS. This study adds to existing research with students of color in higher education by utilizing a strengths-based perspective and highlighting the strengths of students of color. Implications for theory, research, and practice in the college setting are explored. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2015. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Counseling, Developmental and Educational Psychology.

Critérios jurídicos-normativos na determinação da pena: análise dos discursos em torno da finalidade da punição / Normative gaps in the determination of the penalty: analysis of the speeches on the purpose of punishment

Santos Junior, João Bosco Leite dos 05 June 2014 (has links)
Esse trabalho sintetiza a busca por uma orientação alternativa para o tratamento teórico-prático da determinação judicial da pena, com destaque especial para as particularidades referentes à fixação da pena-base. Para tanto, de saída, foi revisitado o discurso tradicional sobre a punição, de sorte a explicitar, já a partir desse campo de legitimação da pena, algumas das principais limitações das abordagens ditas oficiais a respeito dos fundamentos e finalidades atribuídos à reprimenda penal. Em seguida, buscou-se empreender uma crítica materialista da punição, o que foi feito por meio de uma abordagem histórico-social da pena e das instituições penais, das quais se examinou a origem e consolidação, até o desaguar no atual quadro de encarceramento em massa. Por fim, analisou-se as principais contribuições teóricas ao debate sobre a determinação da punição, de maneira a que fossem aduzidas as suas mais graves insuficiências, e, ao cabo, esboçou-se indicações, ainda que gerais, voltadas a uma atuação penal fundamentalmente referenciada na necessidade de se minorar os efeitos reconhecidamente dessocializadores do cárcere. / This paper summarizes the search for an alternative orientation to the theoretical and practical treatment of judicial sentencing, with particular attention to the particularities regarding the base sentencing. To do so, the traditional discourse on punishment was revisited, in order to clarify, from this field of penalty legitimacy, some of the main limitations of the so called official approach concerning the foundations and purposes attributed to criminal reprimand. Next, we sought to undertake a materialist critique of punishment, which was done through a socio-historical approach of sentences and penal institutions, whose origin and consolidation was examined, to the current flow of mass incarceration. Finally, the main theoretical contributions to the debates on the determination of punishment were analyzed, so that they were put forward to its most serious shortcomings, and indications were laid out, albeit general, geared primarily to a criminal action referenced on the need to mitigate the well known disocialisating effects of the jail.

O avesso do tributo: incentivos e renúncias fiscais no direito brasileiro / The other side of taxes: tax incentives and expenditures in Brazilian law

Correia Neto, Celso de Barros 18 February 2013 (has links)
O texto discute o conceito e o regime jurídico dos incentivos e das renúncias fiscais no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Essas medidas jurídicas resultam do exercício da mesma competência legislativa que fundamenta a cobrança de tributos, mas os problemas jurídicos que suscitam não são exatamente os mesmos que se apresentam ordinariamente no debate tributário. Mais do que simplesmente normas tributárias, as leis que instituem incentivos fiscais configuram instrumentos para intervir na realidade social e modificá-la e precisam ser assim examinadas. Já não se trata apenas de resguardar o interesse privado do contribuinte contra a tributação indevida, excessiva ou intempestiva. O conflito entre fisco e contribuinte dá lugar à cooperação, e a norma tributária converte-se em ferramenta jurídica de indução de comportamentos e transformação da sociedade. Por isso, no estudo do tema, destaca-se não apenas a maneira como a regra de incentivo opera em relação ao dever fiscal, para eliminá-lo ou reduzi-lo, mas especialmente o modo como ela afeta a arrecadação fiscal e a conduta dos destinatários legais. Para tanto, propõe-se modelo de análise atento a três elementos: finalidade, regra e efeito externo. É fundamental considerar os propósitos que orientam a formulação da regra de incentivo, assim como os resultados concretos que produz. Essa forma de enxergar o fenômeno da exoneração fiscal favorece o controle de resultados e permite dar conta dos incentivos e renúncias fiscais como dois aspectos do mesmo fenômeno jurídico. / The text discusses the concept and legal regime of tax expenditure and tax incentives in the Brazilian Legal Framework. These measures derive from exercise of same legislative competency which establishes tax exaction, but the legal problems that derive from it are not exactly the same as those that included in revenue issue. More than simple fiscal rules, laws that constitute tax incentives are instruments of intervention and transformation of social reality, and need to be examined in this manner. It is no longer a question of safeguarding the taxpayers private interest against undue, excessive or hastily taxation. The conflict between the Public Treasury and taxpayers is replaced by cooperation, and the tax rule is converted into a legal instrument used to induce behaviors and to transform society. Hence, while studying the topic, not only how incentives rules relate to fiscal duty in order to eliminate or reduce it matter, but especially how they affect tax exaction and the conduct of its legal receiver. Therefore, an analytical model composed of the following three elements is proposed: purpose, rule and external effect, It is also fundamental to consider the intentions that guide formulation of incentives rule and its actual results. The way of foreseeing the fulfillment a tax duty enhances control over its results and allows rendering tax waivers incentives as two aspects of the same legal phenomenon.

Projetos de vida, felicidade e escolhas profissionais de jovens brasileiros: um estudo na perspectiva da teoria dos modelos organizadores do pensamento / Purposes, happiness and professional choices of young brazilians: a study based on the organizing models of thinking

Gonçalo, Mariana Fancio 14 September 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e compreender os projetos de vida de jovens brasileiros estudantes do ensino médio, bem como suas concepções sobre felicidade. Além disso, foi apresentado um conflito hipotético envolvendo a escolha profissional do jovem e a opinião de sua família. Buscou-se especificamente analisar os processos psíquicos subjacentes às projeções de futuro dos jovens, bem como suas concepções ligadas ao bem-estar e à felicidade. A partir dos dados coletados com 120 estudantes de escolas públicas das cinco regiões brasileiras, procurou-se identificar as possíveis relações entre projetos de vida, significados de felicidade e resolução do referido conflito. Os dados foram analisados de acordo com os pressupostos da Teoria dos Modelos Organizadores do Pensamento, exigindo um trabalho minucioso e sem categorias prévias de análise. Foi utilizada a concepção de purpose desenvolvida por William Damon, que, embora comporte flexibilidade, define-se como uma intenção estável que envolve o self e, consequentemente, o mundo para além do self. Os resultados indicaram que a maior parte dos participantes apresentou estruturas frágeis em relação a seus projetos de vida. No que se refere à felicidade, foi significada pela maioria em termos de relações interpessoais, ligada à convivência, seja com a família, seja com amigos ou pessoas significativas. No que tange à resolução do conflito, destaca-se o fato de que a maioria dos jovens escolheria sua profissão de acordo com seus interesses pessoais (afinidade) e não de acordo com a opinião da família. Ainda em relação ao conflito, ressalta-se que em nenhum protocolo foram evocados sentimentos positivos de maneira espontânea. Considerando que a escolha da profissão é uma das grandes decisões relativas ao início de uma possível concretização dos projetos de vida, os resultados encontrados podem contribuir de forma significativa para que pais e educadores orientem os jovens na construção de projetos de vida nobres e autênticos, bem como promovam a felicidade e o bem-estar. / This study aims to identify and understand the beliefs that young people have in relation to their projections for their future and what they consider happiness. Moreover, we presented a hypothetical conflict involving the professional choice and the familys opinion. We sought to specifically analyze the mental processes underlying the projections of future of the youth, as well as their concepts related to the well-being and happiness. From the data collected with 120 students from public schools of five Brazilian regions, we sought to identify the possible relations between life projects, meanings of happiness and the resolution of that conflict. The research was based on the Organizing Models of Thinking theory as a theoretical and methodological framework, and also on the concept of purpose developed by William Damon, which is defined as a stable intention, although capable of flexibility, which involves the self and consequently the world beyond the self. The results indicated that most participants showed fragile structures in relation to their purposes. About happiness, it was meant by the majority in terms of interpersonal relations, whether with family, friends or significant people. With respect to resolution of the conflict, of note is the fact that the majority of young people choose their profession according to their personal interests (affinity) and not according with the opinion of the family. Still in relation to the conflict, it should be emphasized also that was not mentioned any positive feeling, in a spontaneous way, in all protocols. Considering the professional choice is one of the major decisions regarding the initiation of a possible realization of purposes, the results can significantly contribute to that parents and educators can guide young people in the construction of noble and authentic purposes, as well as promote the happiness and well-being.

Testing Momentum Enhancement Of Ribbon Fin Based Propulsion Using A Robotic Model With An Adjustable Body

Unknown Date (has links)
A robotic ribbon fin with twelve independent fin rays, elastic fin membrane, and a body of adjustable height was developed for this thesis specifically to test the 1990 theory put forth by Lighthill and Blake that a multiplicative propulsive enhancement exists for Gymnotiform and Balisiform swimmers based on the ratio of body and fin heights. Until now, the theory has not been experimentally tested. Proof of such a momentum enhancement could have a profound effect on unmanned underwater vehicle design and shed light on the evolutionary advantage to body-fin ratios found in nature, shown as optimal for momentum enhancement in Lighthill and Blake’s theory. Thrust tests for various body heights were conducted in a recirculating flow tank at different flow speeds and fin flapping frequencies. When comparing different body heights at different frequencies to a ’no-body’ thrust test case at each frequency no momentum enhancement factor was found. Data in this thesis indicate there is no momentum enhancement factor due to the presence of a body on top of an undulating fin. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Validity of Linear Position Transducers Versus the Optotrak Certus 3D Motion Capture System

Unknown Date (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity of linear position transducers (LPTs), The Open Barbell System (OBS) and Tendo Weightlifting Analyzer System (TWAS), in comparison to criterion measure Optotrak Certus (OC3D). Further, we aimed to compare LPTs against each other. Twenty-five resistance-trained males were recruited, and reported to the laboratory for one day of data collection. Subjects performed one-repetition maximum (1 RM) testing of the squat, then had a standardized rest before completing one set to failure with 70% 1 RM. There was no significant difference in average velocity (AV) between either LPT vs. OC3D. T-tests revealed significant differences between LPTs and OC3D peak velocity (PV) (OBS: p=0.02080; TWAS: p<0.01). A significant difference was detected between OBS and TWAS PV (p<0.01). OBS and TWAS demonstrated concurrent validity compared to OC3D for AV (OBS: p=0.2014; TWAS: p=0.5466). Neither LPT was a valid measure ofPV (OBS: p=0.0208; TWAS: p<0.01). / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2016. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Relação entre realização de tarefas domésticas, projetos de vida e gênero em adolescentes de nível socioeconômico baixo

Wichmann, Fredericko January 2017 (has links)
Esta dissertação objetivou investigar a relação entre o nível de realização de tarefas domésticas e as áreas de interesse dos projetos de vida na adolescência. Diante do exposto pela literatura investigada, três hipóteses nortearam o estudo: (H1) o nível de realização de tarefas domésticas apresentará relação com os diferentes tipos de projetos de vida citados pelos adolescentes; (H2) o nível de realização de tarefas domésticas apresentará relação negativa com o desempenho escolar; e (H3) serão observadas diferenças de gênero quando essas mesmas relações forem analisadas separadamente para adolescentes do sexo masculino e feminino. Participaram 113 adolescentes brasileiros (61,9% do sexo feminino), todos alunos de escolas municipais de Porto Alegre – RS. Utilizaram-se uma ficha de dados biossociodemográficos, o Questionário de Tarefas Domésticas e de Cuidado entre Irmãos (QTDCI) e um depoimento escrito sobre projetos de vida. As análises das correlações de Pearson indicaram, para a amostra geral, uma associação positiva entre nível de tarefas domésticas e projetos de vida relacionados a bens materiais, e nenhuma associação entre tarefas domésticas e as variáveis de desempenho escolar. Contudo, quando estratificada a amostra por gênero, as associações encontradas foram diferentes para adolescentes dos sexos masculino e feminino. Os resultados sugerem que a realização de tarefas domésticas pode ser fator de influência na elaboração dos projetos de vida de adolescentes, e que importantes questões de gênero se fazem presentes nesta relação. / The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the relation between household responsabilities level and the areas of interest on adolescents’ life purposes. Considering the literature foundings, three hypotheses guided the study: (H1) the household responsabilities level will be related to the different areas of interest of life purposes cited by the adolescents; (H2) the level of household responsabilities will be negatively related to school performance; and (H3) gender differences will be observed when these same relations are analyzed separately for male and female adolescents. Participants were 113 Brazilian adolescents (61,9% female), all students from municipal schools in Porto Alegre - RS. The instruments were a record of biosocio-demographic data, the Household and Sibling Care Questionnaire, and a written testimony of life purpose. Pearson's correlations for the general sample indicated a positive association between household responsabilities level and purposes related to material goods, and no association between household responsabilities level and school performance variables. However, when the sample was stratified by gender, different associations were found for each group. The results suggest that the accomplishment of household tasks can influence the development of life purpose in adolescents, and that important gender issues are present in this relation.

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