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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of dietary estimates calculated using food frequency questionnaires on micronuclei formation in European pregnant women: a NewGeneris study

Vande Loock, K., Botsivali, M., Zangogianni, M., Anderson, Diana, Baumgartner, Adolf, Fthenou, E., Chatzi, L., Marcos, R., Agramunt, S., Namork, E., Granum, B., Knudsen, L.E., Nielssen, J.K.S., Meltzer, H.M., Haugen, M., Kyrtopoulos, S.A., Decordier, I., Plas, G., Roelants, M., Merlo, F., Kleinjans, J.C., Kogevinas, M., Kirsch-Volders, M. 07 October 2014 (has links)
No / The use of biomarkers of early genetic effects, predictive for cancer, such as micronuclei (MN) in lymphocytes, may help to investigate the association between diet and cancer. We hypothesised that the presence of mutagens in the diet may increase MN formation. A 'pooled' standardised analysis was performed by applying the same experimental protocol for the cytokinesis block micronucleus assay in 625 young healthy women after delivery from five European study populations (Greece, Denmark, UK, Spain and Norway). We assessed MN frequencies in mono- and binucleated T-lymphocytes (MNMONO and MNBN) and the cytokinesis blocked proliferation index using a semi-automated image analysis system. Food frequency questionnaires (FFQs) were used to estimate intake of fatty acids and a broad range of immunotoxic and genotoxic/carcinogenic compounds through the diet. Pooled difference based on delivery type revealed higher MNMONO frequencies in caesarean than in vaginal delivery (P = 0.002). Statistical analysis showed a decrease in MNMONO frequencies with increasing calculated omega-6 PUFA concentrations and a decrease in MNBN frequencies with increasing calculated omega-3 PUFA concentrations. The expected toxic compounds estimated by FFQs were not associated with MN formation in mothers after delivery. In pregnant women, an omega-3 and -6 rich diet estimated by FFQ is associated with lower MN formation during pregnancy and delivery.

Ytvalidering av den svenska versionen av Australian Hospital Patient Experience Question Set - Parent : En kvalitativ studie / Assessing the face validity of the Swedish version of the  Australian Hospital Patient Experience Question Set - Parent : A qualitative study

Ahlin, Isabella, Ronkainen, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den pediatriska omvårdnad som specialistsjuksköterskan bedriver bör utgå från ett familjecentrerat förhållningssätt där familjens behov, delaktighet och åsikter tas hänsyn till. En validerad, nationell utvärdering av pediatrisk vårdkvalité saknas idag i Sverige. Australian Hospital Patient Experience Question Set-Parent (AHPEQS-P) är en engelskspråkig enkät som undersöker vårdkvalité ur ett föräldraperspektiv. Enkäten har översatts till svenska men är inte utvärderad i svensk kontext, vilket bör göras för att säkerställa en korrekt utvärdering av vårdkvalitén. Syfte: Syftet var att bedöma ytvaliditeten av den svenska versionen av AHPEQS-P. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med deduktiv ansats genomfördes där kognitiva intervjuer i tre fokusgrupper genomfördes. Urvalet bestod av elva föräldrar till barn med varierande erfarenhet av slutenvård. Analysen utgick från kvalitetsbegreppen relevans, nytta, lämplighet och konstruktion. Resultat: Resultatet visade att enkäten uppfyllde sitt syfte och att enkätfrågorna till största del var lätta att förstå och ansågs relevanta för utvärdering av vårdkvalitén. Vissa ord tolkades olika och alternativa varianter föreslogs för att förtydliga och förbättra språket. Slutsatser: Efter en viss modifiering bedöms ytvaliditeten av AHPEQS-P vara tillräcklig för att gå vidare till nästa fas av implementeringen. Enkäten anses mäta vårdkvalité ur ett familjecentrerat perspektiv och att lyssna till familjen är en viktig aspekt i specialistsjuksköterskan profession. / Background: Pediatric care should be based on a family-centered approach where the family's needs, participation and opinions are accounted for. Yet there is no validated, national survey that measures quality of pediatric care in Sweden. The Australian Hospital Patient Experience Question Set-Parent (AHPEQS-P) is a questionnaire in English that examines quality of care from a parental perspective. The survey is translated into Swedish but has not been evaluated in Swedish context, which should be done to ensure a correct evaluation of the quality of care. Purpose: The purpose was to assess the face validity of the Swedish version of AHPEQS-P. Method: A qualitative study with a deductive approach was conducted. The Swedish version was evaluated through cognitive interviews in three focus groups. The sample consisted of eleven parents to children with varying experiences from inpatient care. The analysis was based on the quality criteria relevance, utility, appropriateness and construction. Results: The results showed that the survey fulfilled its purpose, the questions were mostly easy to understand and were considered relevant for evaluation of the quality of care. Single words were discussed, and alternative versions were suggested to clarify and improve language. Conclusions: After some modification, the face validity of the AHPEQS-P is assessed to be adequate to proceed to the next phase of implementation. The survey measures quality of care from a familycentered perspective and listening to the family is an important aspect of the specialist nurses’ profession.

Toolbox from the EC FP7 HOSANNA project for the reduction of road and rail traffic noise in the outdoor environment

Forsséna, J., Hornikx, M., Van Der Aa, B., Nilsson, M., Rådsten-Ekmanc, M., Defrance, J., Jean, P., Koussa, F., Maillard, J., Van Maercke, D., Attenborough, K., Bashir, I., Taherzadeh, S., Benkreira, Hadj, Horoshenkov, Kirill V., Khan, Amir, Kang, J., Smyrnova, Y., Botteldooren, D., De Coensel, B., Van Renterghem, T., Klæboe, R., Mosslemi, M., Veisten, K., Männel, M., Vincent, B., Jeon, J.Y., Jang, H.S., Hong, J.Y. January 2014 (has links)
yes / This paper offers a brief overview of innovative methods for road and rail traffic noise reduction between source and receiver. These include using new barrier designs, planting of trees, treatments of ground and road surfaces and greening of building façades and roofs using natural materials, like vegetation, soil and other substrates in combination with recycled materials and artificial elements. The abatements are assessed in terms of numerically predicted sound level reductions, perceptual effects and cost–benefit analysis. Useful reductions of noise from urban roads and tramways are predicted for 1-m-high urban noise barriers and these are increased by adding inter-lane barriers. A 3 m wide 0.3 m high lattice ground treatment, a carefully planted 15-m-wide tree belt and replacing 50 m of paved areas by grassland are predicted to give similar reductions. Tree belts are shown to be very cost-effective and combining tall barriers with a row of trees reduces the negative impact of wind. Green roofs may significantly reduce the noise at the quiet side of buildings.

Parenting styles affecting the behaviour of five-year olds

Latouf, Natacha Carina Duarte Sequeira 29 February 2008 (has links)
The main aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between parenting styles, as used by the pre-school parent and the social behaviour of the five-year old. Specific attention was given to three main parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. The eight developmental perspectives applicable for the five-year old were also discussed. The research was conducted according to the quantitative approach. The Parental Styles Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) was completed and returned by a sample of 30 parents (N=30) from Evergreen Pre-primary in Gauteng. The representative sample of five-year olds being observed by the teacher were 24 pupils (N=24). The teacher rated the five-year olds' behaviour using the Behavioural Questionnaire (BQ). These results indicated primarily that the Authoritative Parenting Style was most used by the parents of the five-year old group and that this Parenting Style tends to lead to more acceptable social behaviour among the five-year olds. / Social Work / M. Diac.(Play Therapy)

Parenting styles affecting the behaviour of five-year olds

Latouf, Natacha Carina Duarte Sequeira 29 February 2008 (has links)
The main aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between parenting styles, as used by the pre-school parent and the social behaviour of the five-year old. Specific attention was given to three main parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian and permissive. The eight developmental perspectives applicable for the five-year old were also discussed. The research was conducted according to the quantitative approach. The Parental Styles Dimensions Questionnaire (PSDQ) was completed and returned by a sample of 30 parents (N=30) from Evergreen Pre-primary in Gauteng. The representative sample of five-year olds being observed by the teacher were 24 pupils (N=24). The teacher rated the five-year olds' behaviour using the Behavioural Questionnaire (BQ). These results indicated primarily that the Authoritative Parenting Style was most used by the parents of the five-year old group and that this Parenting Style tends to lead to more acceptable social behaviour among the five-year olds. / Social Work / M. Diac.(Play Therapy)

The use of the draw a person (DAP) and DAP variations to explore the self in educational psychology

Weideman, Junita Grezelda 02 1900 (has links)
During her theoretical training as an educational psychologist, the researcher was intrigued and fascinated by the expositions on the functioning of the self. With this study she pursued her goal to gain a clearer understanding of the formation and development of the self in a child, with the focus on the child in middle childhood (6 -12 years). In this study, she mainly focused on understanding the connection between the three crucial components of the self, self-concept and self-esteem. Her passion for art inspired her to be inventive and apply artistic creative methods of drawing, painting and clay human modelling as projective means to access the child’s unconscious mind, revealing pivotal experiences and emotions, revealing how the child relates to his or her self. According to this qualitative arts-based research study, the DAP (Draw a Person) and variations of PAP (Paint a Person) and CAP (Create a Person) with the use of appropriate DAP, PAP and CAP questionnaires, seem relevant therapeutic projective measures to assist in educational psychology in exploring the child’s self. / Further Teacher Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Personality traits of learners with special education needs : implications in an inclusive education setting

Visser, Tracey 11 1900 (has links)
An American study used the High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ) as a predictive tool when placing learners in special classes. The personality characteristics of these learners were found to have a pervasive influence on learning. As the policy regarding the provision of education in South Africa has changed, with the emphasis on the accommodation of all learners in one inclusive education system,· further study of the personality traits of South African learners with special education needs was deemed necessary, before devising classroom management strategies that could be employed within an inclusive education system. This study provides the results of a literature and an empirical investigation into the personality traits of learners with special education needs. The educational implications are addressed, with specific reference to the education of learners with special education needs in an inclusive education system, and practical strategies for educators, parents and the Educational Psychologist are presented. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

The assessment of learning programmes for the senior phase at environmental education centres in Mpumalanga

Maila, Mago William 02 1900 (has links)
The researcher thinks that there is a need to assess learning programmes for the Senior Phase learners at Environmental Education Centres (EEC' s) in Mpumalanga in order to ensure that resources provided by the Department of Agriculture Conservation and Environment in Mpumalanga(DACEM) are utilized for what they are intended. Thus the dissertation investigation is about whether learning programmes for the Senior Phase learners in Mpumalanga are assessed for their quality, namely, effectiveness and relevancy within the Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) system. Each directorate or section of the Mpumalangas' Department of Agriculture Conservation and Environment is obliged to ensure that appropriate policy guidelines are put in place to assist Environmental Officers (EO' s) to implement the Core Functions of the Environmental Education (EE) Directorate. Sometimes EO's need assistance in implementing policy guidelines. In this investigation EO' s were provided with an opportunity to translate policy into action by participating in the workshops conducted by the researcher. The participation of the EO' s meant that they had to learn how to develop learning programmes that are strongly guided by the EE Directorate's policy guidelines and Core Functions. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Environmental Education)

The characteristics that make girls more susceptible to bullying

Thomas, Nicole 07 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain an awareness of the behavioural characteristics, physical mannerisms and relational techniques exhibited by young adolescent girls in South Africa who may be susceptible to, or have been traumatised by being bullied. A literature study and an empirical investigation were conducted to establish whether victims of bullying have distinct personality traits, as well as to determine if specific parenting styles affect the vulnerability of their adolescent daughters. The effectiveness of bullying prevention strategies in adolescent relationships was also explored. A questionnaire was developed to ascertain how adolescents perceive victims of bullying. Eight semi-structured interviews using photographs and a cartoon as projective techniques were conducted with victims to gather data and to enrich the findings. This study has demonstrated that international research about victimisation is pertinent to South African children. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Uticaj sindroma gornjeg otvora grudnog koša na spavanje / Impact of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome on Sleep

Milenović Nataša 09 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Uvod - Etiologija sindroma gornjeg otvora grudnog ko&scaron;a (thoracic outlet syndrome- TOS) je udruženost vi&scaron;e faktora koji su posledica naru&scaron;avanja anatomsko-topografskih odnosa u nivou gornjeg otvora grudnog ko&scaron;a: kostoklavikularnog prostora, prednjeg skalenskog otvora, kao i same mehanike rebarnih zglobova i hrskavica, koji dovode do suženja prostora kroz koje prolaze neurovaskularne strukture, njihove kompresije, a samim tim i iritacije neurovaskularnih struktura. Sindrom gornjeg otvora grudnog ko&scaron;a je kompleks simptoma uzrokovanih kompresijom brahijalnog spleta, vene subklavije, arterije subklavije i simpatičkih vlakana, koji karakteri&scaron;u bol, parestezije, mi&scaron;ićna slabost i osećaj nelagodnosti u ruci/rukama koji se pojačava podizanjem ruke/ruku ili prekomernim pokretima glave i vrata, te dovode do smanjenja funkcionalne sposobnosti ruke/ruku i pote&scaron;koća u obavljanju svakodnevnih aktivnosti. Pored toga imaju često izraženu tahikardiju, osećaj stezanja u grudima, glavobolju, vrtoglavicu, zujanje u u&scaron;ima. Navedene tegobe su izraženije ponekad noću i dovode do poremećaja spavanja (problemi usnivanja, hrkanje, ka&scaron;ljanje, osećaj toplo/hladno, apnea, poremećaj dnevno/noćnog ritma- hronotipizacija, itd). Kao posledica lo&scaron;eg spavanja moguća je pojava depresivnih simptoma. U raspoloživoj literaturi, spavanje i kvalitet spavanja se uglavnom posmatraju kroz prizmu drugih bolesti i stanja. Materijal i metode - Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno ukupno 181 (sto osam deset jedna) osoba. Od tog broja 53 mu&scaron;karca i 128 žena. Test grupu sačinjavalo je 82 ispitanika sa dijagnostikovanim TOS, a 99 zdravih osoba/osoba oba pola koji nemaju simptomatologiju TOS, je predstavljalo kontrolnu grupu. Grupe su bile ujednačene po polu i starosti (od 18 do 65). Tokom studije ispitanici su podvrgnuti kliničkom pregledu &ndash; fizikalnom i neurolo&scaron;kom pregledu. Pregled je podrazumevao pregled posture obolelog (posmatranje mi&scaron;ića regije vrata, ramena i ruku- trofika, tonus, konzistencija, mobilnost i kontraktilnost), posmatranje promena na koži (sa posebnim osvrtom na promene boje kože, trofičkih promena kože i noktiju i temperature kože ruku - &scaron;aka), testiranje refleksa, ispitivanje senzibiliteta u regijama inervacije odgovarajućih spinalnih korenova brahijalnog spleta. Takođe vr&scaron;ena je analiza stanja uhranjenosti (telesna visina, telesna masa, indeks telesne mase) i izvođenje provokativnih testova (Adson manevar, Rus test, Halsted test, Elvi test i Kostoklavikularni test). Kao deo ispitivanja obavljeno je i radiolo&scaron;ko snimanje vratne kičme kao i pregled oscilografom. Ispitanici su imali za zadatak da ispune sledeće upitnike: Upitnik o nesposobnosti ruke, ramena i &scaron;ake (DASH), Pitsbur&scaron;ki indeks kvaliteta spavanja (PSQI), Upitnik o hronotipizaciji (MEQ), Bekov upitnik o depresiji (BDI II). Na kraju ispitanici su davali odgovore na pitanja iz vodiča za istraživača sastavljenog sa ciljem evaluacije različitih aspekata spavanja. Rezultati - Rezultati su pokazali da su upotrebljene skale dale zadovoljavajuću pouzdanost. Pokazalo se da osobe sa dijagnozom TOS pored bogate simptomatologije imaju jo&scaron; i probleme sa spavanjem. Analizom rezultata do&scaron;lo se do zaključka da osobe sa dijagnozom TOS su starije, imaju vi&scaron;e problema sa spavanjem i veću nesposobnost ruke, ramena i &scaron;ake. Nije se pokazala razlika u hronotipizaciji kod osoba sa TOS u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. Takođe može se zaključiti da osobe koje imaju izraženu nesposobnost ruku, ramena i &scaron;ake imaju značajno veću &scaron;ansu da imaju sindrom gornjeg otvora grudnog ko&scaron;a. Ove osobe pri tom imaju i veću &scaron;ansu da razviju depresiju i poremećaj spavanja, te se zaključuje da ova dva parametra svoj uticaj na TOS ostvaruju preko problema sa funkcionisanjem ruke, ramena i &scaron;ake. Dobar prediktor za postavljanje dijagnoze TOS može biti testiranje osoba DASH skalom. Zaključak - Rezultati studije mogu biti putokaz daljim istraživanjima, koja bi otvorila vrata formiranju protokola i opservaciji kvaliteta života osoba sa sindroma gornjeg otvora grudnog ko&scaron;a, sa posebnim osvrtom na poremećaje spavanja.</p> / <p>Etiology of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) is an association of several factors which are the result of disruption in the anatomical-topographical relations, in the level of superior thoracic aperture: costoclavicular space, anterior scalene aperture, as well as the mechanics of rib joints and cartilage, causing narrowing of space through which the neurovascular structures pass, their compression, and thus the irritation of neurovascular structures. Thoracic outlet syndrome is a complex of symptoms caused by the compression of the brachial plexus, subclavian vein, subclavian artery and sympathetic fibres, which is characterized by pain, parasthesias, muscle weakness and a feeling of discomfort in the arm / arms, which increases with raising the arm/arms or by excessive head and neck movements leading to a reduction of functional capabilities of the hands / arms and difficulties in everyday activities. In addition, patients often have expressed tachycardia, feeling of tightness in the chest, headache, dizziness, tinnitus. These problems are more pronounced at night and sometimes lead to sleep disorders (difficulty in falling asleep, snoring, coughing, feeling hot/cold, apnea, day/night rhythm disorder - Morningness/Eveningness disorder, etc.). As a result of poor sleeping depressive symptoms may occur. In the available bibliography, sleep and quality of sleep are mainly viewed through other diseases and conditions. The study included a total number of 181 (one hundred eighty one) people. Out of that 53 men and 128 women. The test group consisted of 82 patients diagnosed with TOS, and 99 healthy persons of both genders who had no symptoms of TOS, and constitute the control group. Groups were equalled by gender and age (18 to 65). Throughout the study subjects underwent clinical examination - both physical and neurological. This included an assessment of posture of the patient (observation of muscles in region of the neck, shoulders and arms - trophic, muscle tone, consistency, mobility and contractility), observation of changes on the skin (with a special emphasis on skin colour changes, trophic changes of the skin, nails and skin temperature of arms - hands), reflex testing, sensitivity testing in regions of innervations which correspond to spinal roots of the brachial plexus. Moreover, an analysis was conducted on the body composition analysis (body height, body weight, body mass index) as well as provocative tests (Adson manoeuvre, the Roos test, Halstead test, Elvy test and Costoclavicular test). Radiology scan of the cervical spine as well as oscillograph testing was conducted as a part of the test. The subjects were asked to fulfil the following questionnaires: Questionnaire on Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH), Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), The Morningness / Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ), Beck Questionnaire on Depression (BDI II). Finally the subjects answered questions that researcher had drawn up in order to evaluate different aspects of sleep. The results showed that the scales used were reliable. It proved that persons diagnosed with TOS in addition to numerous symptoms also had problems with sleep. By analyzing the results it was concluded that people diagnosed with TOS are older, have more problems with sleep and greater disability of arms, shoulders and hands. There was no difference in Morningness/Eveningness type in patients with TOS in comparison to the control group. It can also be concluded that people who have pronounced disability of arms, shoulders and hands have a significantly greater chance of having thoracic outlet syndrome. These persons are more likely to develop depression and sleep disorders therefore those two entities impact TOS through the problems with the functioning of the arms, shoulders and hands. A good predictor in diagnosis of TOS may be testing people with DASH scale. The study findings can serve as a guideline for further research, opening the door into forming protocols and observation of the quality of life of people with the thoracic outlet syndrome, with special emphasis on sleep disorders.</p>

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