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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socio-cultural factors and practices that impede upon behavioural change of Zimbabwean women in an era of HIV/AIDS

Nyoni, Chamunogwa 30 June 2008 (has links)
Women throughout the world are suffering the brunt of HIV/AIDS. They carry the unenviable tag of being the suffering group who are at risk. Women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS is a subject that has not received adequate attention to date. This empirical study examines the socio-cultural factors and practices that impede upon behavioural change of Zimbabwean women in an era of HIV/AIDS. Firstly, a sample of 1002 women respondents is purposefully drawn from the six major Zimbabwean ethnic groups to participate in this research study. A survey questionnaire is administered to respondents in the age group 18 to 59 years to quantify the levels and magnitude of the HIV/AIDS problem among women. Secondly, fifty in-depth interviews with key informants are conducted to assess the nature of the problem confronting and impeding upon women's quest to attain good reproductive health. Thirdly, six focus group discussions for each of the respective six ethnic groups are conducted with forty-eight mature women to understand broadly the concepts of the study. This study employs a combination of mainly qualitative and some quantitative methods of data collection and analysis, which is called triangulation. Underlying the methodology of this study is an overarching functionalist theoretical perspective, also referring to gender development theory which serves as the basis for data analyses. The main findings of this study include the view that power dynamics, gender roles and cultural practices have impacted negatively on women's quest to attain safe sexual behaviour. The problem of HIV/AIDS remains a complicated and awesome one among Zimbabwe's ethnic groups. For Zimbabwean women the HIV/AIDS problem begins with a total lack of control over sexual lives and behaviour of their husbands especially outside marriage. The women have noted that the majority stay faithful to their husbands and partners according to cultural prescriptions and roles, while their husbands do not comply. Women noted that cultural prescriptions in their various ethnic settings condone male infidelity but expect women to stay faithful to their partners. As a result it is found that women sometimes contract HIV/AIDS straight on their matrimonial beds. / SOCIOLOGY / Thesis (D. Phil. (Sociology))

Embolização seletiva das artérias prostáticas no tratamento da hiperplasia protática benigna / Selective arterial prostatic embolization to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia

Motta Leal Filho, Joaquim Mauricio da 17 February 2014 (has links)
Hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) é considerada a neoplasia masculina mais comum, além de ser a principal causa de sintomas do trato urinário baixo (STUB) em homens idosos. Se não tratada ou mal tratada, poderá levar o paciente a quadro de retenção urinária aguda, incontinência e infecção do trato urinário, progredindo em gravidade com a idade. Apesar do desenvolvimento de técnicas alternativas, a ressecção transuretral da próstata (RTU) continua sendo considerada o tratamento cirúrgico padrão ouro para HPB. Não obstante, a RTU pode estar associada a muitas comorbidades como, sangramento, sintomas urinários irritativos, disfunção sexual e ejaculação retrógrada. Por essa razão, o desenvolvimento de modalidades de tratamentos minimamente invasivos para o tratamento de HPB constitui um campo interessante de pesquisa clínica. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: (1) avaliar a viabilidade, a segurança e a eficácia da embolização das artérias prostáticas (EAP) nos pacientes com retenção urinária devido à HPB, (2) avaliar a porcentagem de redução volumétrica da próstata e a qualidade de vida após a EAP nos pacientes com retenção urinária devido à HPB. No presente estudo, Fase I prospective centro único, 11 pacientes portadores de retenção urinária devido à HPB foram tratados por meio da EAP entre agosto de 2009 e novembro de 2011. Exame físico, questionários de sintomas e qualidade de vida (International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) e Quality of Life (QoL)), dosagem do antígeno prostático específico (PSA), exames de imagens de ultrassom (US) e ressonância magnética (RM), e estudos urodinâmicos foram realizados antes e 1, 3, 6, e 12 meses depois da EAP. O tamanho da próstata variou de 30 a 90 gramas, e as embolizações foram realizadas com microesferas (Embospheres) de 300-500?m. O sucesso técnico (EAP bilateral) foi atingido em 75%, e o sucesso clínico (retirada do cateter vesical de demora e melhora dos sintomas) foi obtido em 91% (10 de 11 pacientes) dos casos. Síndrome pósembolização manifestou-se com dor leve no períneo, retropúbica e uretral. Não foram observadas complicações maiores. Ao final do primeiro ano de seguimento, sintomas eram leves com a média do IPSS de 2,8 pontos (p = 0,04), a média da QoL era de 0,4 pontos (p = 0,001), a média do PSA diminuiu de 10,1 para 4,3 ng/mL (p = 0,003), a média do volume prostático reduziu de 69,7 para 46,3 gramas (p = 0,002) e de 62 para 42,7 gramas (p = 0,004) medidos por RM e US, respectivamente, a média do pico de fluxo máximo (Qmax) aumentou de 4,2 para 10,8 mL/sec (p = 0,009), a média da pressão detrusora (Pdet) diminuiu de 85,7 para 51,5 cmH2O (p = 0,007), a média do resíduo final pós-miccional diminuiu de 160,5 para 60ml (p = 0,04) e não foi observada disfunção sexual. A EAP para o tratamento da retenção urinária causada por HPB demonstrou ser um procedimento viável, seguro e eficaz, além de poder reduzir o volume prostático em mais de 30% e melhorar os STUB e a qualidade de vida / Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is considered the most common neoplasm in men and is the main cause of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in the aging male. If left untreated or not effectively treated, can lead to acute urinary retention, incontinence, and urinary tract infections, progressing in severity with age. Despite the development of alternative techniques, transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is still considered the gold standard surgical treatment for BPH. However, TURP procedures can be associated with substantial morbidities such as bleeding, irritative urinary symptoms, erectile dysfunction and ejaculatory disorders. For this reason, the development of minimally invasive modalities for treatment of BPH has constituted an interesting field of research. The study objectives were: (1) to evaluate the feasibility, safety and efficacy of the prostatic artery embolization (PAE) in patients with urinary retention due to BPH, (2) to evaluate the percentage of reduction in prostate volume and quality of life after PAE in patients with urinary retention due to BPH. In the present study, a single-center prospective phase I study, 11 patients with urinary retention due to BPH were treated by PAE between August 2009 and November 2011. Physical examination, International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and Quality of Life (QoL), prostate specific antigen (PSA) measurement, ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and urodynamic tests were performed at baseline, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after PAE. Prostate size ranged from 30 to 90g, and embolizations were performed with 300- 500-?m Embosphere microspheres. Technical success (ie, bilateral PAE) was obtained in 75%, and clinical success (ie, catheter removal and symptom improvement) was obtained in 91% (10 of 11patients) of the cases. Postembolization syndrome manifested as mild pain in the perineum, retropúbica area, and/ or urethra. No major complications were observed. At the first year follow-up, symptoms were mild with the mean IPSS score was 2.8 points (p = 0.04), mean QoL was 0.4 points (p = 0.001), mean PSA decreased from 10.1 to 4.3 ng/mL (p = 0.003), mean prostate volume reduce from 69.7 to 46.3g (p = 0.002) and from 62 to 42.7 (p = 0.004) by MRI and US respectively, maximum urinary flow (Qmax) improved from 4.2 to 10.8 mL/sec (p = 0.009), detrusor pressure (Pdet) decreased from 85.7 to 51.5 cmH2O (p = 0.007), post-void residual decreased from 160.5 to 60ml (p = 0.04) and no erectile dysfunction was observed. PAE for the treatment of urinary retention caused by BPH demonstrated to be a feasible, safe and effective procedure. PAE can reduce the prostate volume greater than 30% and improve clinical symptoms and QoL

Análise da relação entre as condutas dos profissionais enfermeiros, técnicos e auxiliares de enfermagem com os processos éticos profissionais junto ao COREN SP / Study of nurses, technicians and assistants conduct within the Ethical Processes at COREN SP

Penna, Moira Helena Maxwell 16 September 2013 (has links)
Objetivo: Identificar as questões antiéticas, aéticas e iatrogênicas dos Profissionais da Enfermagem através da análise qualitativa dos processos ético-profissionais abertos junto ao COREN SP no período de 1º de janeiro de 2001 a 31 de dezembro de 2004. Quantificar o número de processos ético-profissionais abertos; identificar o perfil dos profissionais denunciados; relacionar as infrações éticas com os artigos elencados no Código de Ética dos Profissionais de Enfermagem; analisar os processos ético-profissionais, sistematizando os resultados de modo a obter os principais tipos de denúncia, seus locais de ocorrência e a identificação dos tipos de denunciantes; discutir a iatrogenia como fator predominante da infração ética. Método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, documental e de corte qualitativo baseada na coleta de dados contidos nos autos dos processos ético-profissionais, no âmbito do COREN SP, no período de 1º de janeiro de 2001 a 31 de dezembro de 2004, por meio da utilização de um questionário, o questionário se encontra no Anexo 1. Do material coletado foram excluídos os processos ético-profissionais cujos dados não permitiram o preenchimento completo do questionário. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise estatística. Resultados e Conclusões: Foram analisados 189 (cento e oitenta e nove) processos ético-profissionais no período de 1º de janeiro de 2001 até 31 de dezembro de 2004, período de 4 (quatro) anos. A coleta desses dados foi feita no Conselho Regional de Enfermagem de São Paulo - COREN SP, nos anos de 2010 e 2011. A maioria das ocorrências chega ao CORENSP por meio de denuncia feita pelas CEEs, com relação à distribuição do número de descritores agrupados em tipos de infrações éticas envolvidos na denúncia, dos Processos Ético- Profissionais analisados houve uma predominância da iatrogenia 38,83% dentre os descritores dos processos analisados. As denúncias são feitas em sua grande maioria dentro de hospitais públicos, as denúncias entre a cidade de São Paulo e cidades do interior do estado de São Paulo de acordo com a pessoa jurídica (CEE) como parte denunciante indicam um maior número de denúncias feitas pelas Comissões de Ética de Enfermagem - CEEs do interior do estado de São Paulo. As denúncias de pessoas físicas ocorreram no interior em 63,64% do estado de São Paulo e 36,36% na capital, indicando, portanto um maior número de denúncias feito por pessoa física no interior. Houve uma maior caracterização da parte denunciada como pessoa física na capital do que no interior do estado de São Paulo. As pessoas que denunciam 52% são pacientes, seguidos por acompanhantes 32%. A maioria das pessoas físicas como parte denunciada foram os auxiliares de enfermagem em 55,56%, enquanto enfermeiros foram denunciados 33,9%. Com relação à distribuição dos artigos infringidos do Código de Ética dos Profissionais de Enfermagem, segundo o número e a porcentagem em ordem decrescente o artigo mais infringido, artigo 16, aconteceu em 11,13%. Outras importantes variáveis foram estudadas e serão analisadas em trabalhos futuros / Objective: Identify the unethical, non-ethical and iatrogenic issues of the Nursing staff through qualitative analysis of the ethical legal proceedings taken at COREN SP during the period of January 1st 2001 to December 31st 2004. Quantify the number of ethical processes taken; identify the profile of the professionals accused; relate the ethical infractions with articles listed in the Code of Ethics of Professional Nursing; analyze the ethical and professional proceedings, systematizing the results in order to obtain the main types of complaint, their places of occurrence and identify the types of informers; discuss iatrogeny as a predominant factor of ethical offence. Method: This was an exploratory, documentary and qualitative research based on the collection of data in the record of proceedings within the ethical processes under COREN SP during the period January 1st 2001 to December 31st 2004, by use of a questionnaire, which is in Annex 1. Ethical processes whose data did not allow the complete filling out of the questionnaire were excluded. The data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results and Conclusions: One hundred and eighty-nine (189) ethical proceedings from the period of January 1st 2001 to December 31st 2004 were analyzed, a period of four (4) years. The collection was taken at the Regional Council of Nursing São Paulo - COREN SP, within the years 2010 and 2011. Most occurrences reach CORENSP through complaints made by the Nursing Ethics Committees (NEC). With respect to the distribution of the number of descriptors grouped into types of ethical violations involved in the complaint, there was a prevalence of 38.83% of iatrogenic descriptors in the analyzed processes. Complaints are mostly made within public hospitals. The complaints from the city of São Paulo and other cities in the state, in accordance with the legal person (NEC) indicate a greater number of complaints made by Ethics Committees in Nursing - in the state of São Paulo, not in the capital. Reports from individuals occurred in 63.64% within the state of São Paulo, while in the capital it were 36.36%, thus indicating a greater number of complaints made by individuals within the state of São Paulo. There was a greater characterization of the individual as reported in the capital than in the state of São Paulo. People who complain are 52% patients, followed by 32% companions. Most individuals reported were nursing assistants: 55.56%, while nurses were reported by 33.9%. The most violated article in the Code of Ethics of Professional Nursing was Article 16, which means 11.13%. Other important variables were studied and will be analyzed in a future research

Embolização seletiva das artérias prostáticas no tratamento da hiperplasia protática benigna / Selective arterial prostatic embolization to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia

Joaquim Mauricio da Motta Leal Filho 17 February 2014 (has links)
Hiperplasia prostática benigna (HPB) é considerada a neoplasia masculina mais comum, além de ser a principal causa de sintomas do trato urinário baixo (STUB) em homens idosos. Se não tratada ou mal tratada, poderá levar o paciente a quadro de retenção urinária aguda, incontinência e infecção do trato urinário, progredindo em gravidade com a idade. Apesar do desenvolvimento de técnicas alternativas, a ressecção transuretral da próstata (RTU) continua sendo considerada o tratamento cirúrgico padrão ouro para HPB. Não obstante, a RTU pode estar associada a muitas comorbidades como, sangramento, sintomas urinários irritativos, disfunção sexual e ejaculação retrógrada. Por essa razão, o desenvolvimento de modalidades de tratamentos minimamente invasivos para o tratamento de HPB constitui um campo interessante de pesquisa clínica. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: (1) avaliar a viabilidade, a segurança e a eficácia da embolização das artérias prostáticas (EAP) nos pacientes com retenção urinária devido à HPB, (2) avaliar a porcentagem de redução volumétrica da próstata e a qualidade de vida após a EAP nos pacientes com retenção urinária devido à HPB. No presente estudo, Fase I prospective centro único, 11 pacientes portadores de retenção urinária devido à HPB foram tratados por meio da EAP entre agosto de 2009 e novembro de 2011. Exame físico, questionários de sintomas e qualidade de vida (International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) e Quality of Life (QoL)), dosagem do antígeno prostático específico (PSA), exames de imagens de ultrassom (US) e ressonância magnética (RM), e estudos urodinâmicos foram realizados antes e 1, 3, 6, e 12 meses depois da EAP. O tamanho da próstata variou de 30 a 90 gramas, e as embolizações foram realizadas com microesferas (Embospheres) de 300-500?m. O sucesso técnico (EAP bilateral) foi atingido em 75%, e o sucesso clínico (retirada do cateter vesical de demora e melhora dos sintomas) foi obtido em 91% (10 de 11 pacientes) dos casos. Síndrome pósembolização manifestou-se com dor leve no períneo, retropúbica e uretral. Não foram observadas complicações maiores. Ao final do primeiro ano de seguimento, sintomas eram leves com a média do IPSS de 2,8 pontos (p = 0,04), a média da QoL era de 0,4 pontos (p = 0,001), a média do PSA diminuiu de 10,1 para 4,3 ng/mL (p = 0,003), a média do volume prostático reduziu de 69,7 para 46,3 gramas (p = 0,002) e de 62 para 42,7 gramas (p = 0,004) medidos por RM e US, respectivamente, a média do pico de fluxo máximo (Qmax) aumentou de 4,2 para 10,8 mL/sec (p = 0,009), a média da pressão detrusora (Pdet) diminuiu de 85,7 para 51,5 cmH2O (p = 0,007), a média do resíduo final pós-miccional diminuiu de 160,5 para 60ml (p = 0,04) e não foi observada disfunção sexual. A EAP para o tratamento da retenção urinária causada por HPB demonstrou ser um procedimento viável, seguro e eficaz, além de poder reduzir o volume prostático em mais de 30% e melhorar os STUB e a qualidade de vida / Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is considered the most common neoplasm in men and is the main cause of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in the aging male. If left untreated or not effectively treated, can lead to acute urinary retention, incontinence, and urinary tract infections, progressing in severity with age. Despite the development of alternative techniques, transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is still considered the gold standard surgical treatment for BPH. However, TURP procedures can be associated with substantial morbidities such as bleeding, irritative urinary symptoms, erectile dysfunction and ejaculatory disorders. For this reason, the development of minimally invasive modalities for treatment of BPH has constituted an interesting field of research. The study objectives were: (1) to evaluate the feasibility, safety and efficacy of the prostatic artery embolization (PAE) in patients with urinary retention due to BPH, (2) to evaluate the percentage of reduction in prostate volume and quality of life after PAE in patients with urinary retention due to BPH. In the present study, a single-center prospective phase I study, 11 patients with urinary retention due to BPH were treated by PAE between August 2009 and November 2011. Physical examination, International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and Quality of Life (QoL), prostate specific antigen (PSA) measurement, ultrasound (US) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and urodynamic tests were performed at baseline, 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after PAE. Prostate size ranged from 30 to 90g, and embolizations were performed with 300- 500-?m Embosphere microspheres. Technical success (ie, bilateral PAE) was obtained in 75%, and clinical success (ie, catheter removal and symptom improvement) was obtained in 91% (10 of 11patients) of the cases. Postembolization syndrome manifested as mild pain in the perineum, retropúbica area, and/ or urethra. No major complications were observed. At the first year follow-up, symptoms were mild with the mean IPSS score was 2.8 points (p = 0.04), mean QoL was 0.4 points (p = 0.001), mean PSA decreased from 10.1 to 4.3 ng/mL (p = 0.003), mean prostate volume reduce from 69.7 to 46.3g (p = 0.002) and from 62 to 42.7 (p = 0.004) by MRI and US respectively, maximum urinary flow (Qmax) improved from 4.2 to 10.8 mL/sec (p = 0.009), detrusor pressure (Pdet) decreased from 85.7 to 51.5 cmH2O (p = 0.007), post-void residual decreased from 160.5 to 60ml (p = 0.04) and no erectile dysfunction was observed. PAE for the treatment of urinary retention caused by BPH demonstrated to be a feasible, safe and effective procedure. PAE can reduce the prostate volume greater than 30% and improve clinical symptoms and QoL

Aderência à terapêutica com  antimicrobianos administrados por via oral em adultos com osteomielite / Adherence to oral antimicrobial therapy antimicrobial in adults with osteomyelitis

Paula, Adriana Pereira de 23 July 2013 (has links)
A osteomielite possui elevada prevalência e morbidade. O tratamento depende de apropriada terapia antimicrobiana por tempo prolongado e frequentemente requer cirurgia para remoção de tecidos necróticos. A aderência dos pacientes com osteomielite à prescrição do antibiótico, embora fundamental para o sucesso terapêutico, tem sido pouco estudada. O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar a aderência à terapia antimicrobiana oral em pacientes adultos com osteomielite; identificar se alguns fatores relacionados na literatura estavam associados com a não aderência; estabelecer o valor preditivo dos fatores associados a não aderência ao tratamento em pacientes com osteomielite. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, fundamentado na avaliação por meio de métodos indiretos da aderência para 83 pacientes. Foram considerados pelo menos 30 dias de uso do antimicrobiano à entrevista e os pacientes foram classificados como aderentes de acordo com o questionário de Morisky, que é constituído por 4 questões com respostas dicotômicas para avaliar a aderência. Os pacientes com < 2 pontos foram considerados de baixa aderência e os que obtiverem > 3 pontos, de alta aderência. O presente estudo identificou uma prevalência de alta aderência de 83,1% (n=63). O ajuste dos modelos de regressão logística múltipla não resultou em variáveis conjuntas influenciando a aderência ao tratamento, porém pacientes do gênero masculino sugeriram apresentar maior frequência de baixa aderência ao tratamento em relação aos pacientes do gênero feminino (p = 0,053). Com relação à idade, a análise dos dados mostrou que os pacientes com idade entre 31 e 59 anos possuíam probabilidade de baixa aderência 68% menor que pacientes com idade entre 18 e 30 anos. A aderência observada foi semelhante à encontrada na literatura. Os fatores sociodemográficos podem interferir na aderência de pacientes em uso de antibióticos orais para tratamento de osteomielite / Osteomyelitis is a highly prevalent disease and a major cause of morbidity. Clinical treatment is based on appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Adherence of patients with osteomyelitis to the prescribed treatment, although critical for successful treatment, has been little studied. The aim of the study was: to measure the adherence to oral antimicrobial therapy in adult patients with osteomyelitis; to identify whether some of the factors listed in health literature were associated with non-adherence; to establish the predictive values associated with non-adherence to antimicrobial therapy in patients with osteomyelitis. We conducted a cross-sectional study, based on evaluation through indirect methods of adherence for 83 patients. We included patients receiving at least 30 days of antimicrobial use. Patients were interviewed and classified as adherent according to the Morisky questionnaire, that consists of 4 questions with dichotomous responses to assess adherence. Patients with 3 points, with high adherence. This study identified a prevalence of high adherence of 83.1% (n = 63). The multivariate logistic regression analysis did not result in multiple variables influencing adherence to treatment. Gender was the only variable with an suggested association with low adherence, male gender was more associated with low adherence than female (p = 0,053). Regarding age, data analysis showed that patients aged between 31 and 59 years had low adherence probability 68% lower than patients aged between 18 and 30 years. The high adherence observed in this study was similar than previous reported in the literature. Social and demographic factors may interfere in the adherence with patients using oral antibiotics for the treatment of osteomyelitis

Aspectos do desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual em pacientes com distúrbios do desenvolvimento sexual (DDS) 46, XY expostos no período pré-natal e concentrações normais ou reduzidas de testosterona / Aspects of psychological, social and sexual development in patients with disorders of sex development (DSD) 46, XY exposed to normal or reduced levels of testosterone during prenatal period

Oliveira Junior, Ari Alves de 18 October 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da exposição a níveis normais ou reduzidos de testosterona durante a vida intrauterina no desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual dos pacientes com DDS 46, XY. Pacientes e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo. Os 53 participantes são pacientes portadores de DSD 46,XY devido a defeitos de produção de testosterona ou deficiência da 5alfa-RD2, todos eles com genitália ambígua que resultou na atribuição do sexo feminino ao nascimento. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (G1) - pacientes com DDS 46, XY, devido a defeito na produção de testosterona, constituído por 29 pacientes, 8 deles com deficiência de 17beta-HSD3, 7 com hipoplasia das células de Leydig, 7 com disgenesia gonadal parcial, 6 com deficiência 17alfa-hidroxilase e 1 com deficiência 3beta-HSD2; Grupo 2 (G2) - constituído por 24 pacientes com deficiência de 5alfa-RD2. Foi utilizado um questionário com 32 perguntas abrangendo aspectos do desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual destes pacientes. Resultados: Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa nos seguintes aspectos do desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual dos participantes do estudo: maior incidência de masturbação, fantasias eróticas e desejo de ter filhos em pacientes com deficiência da 5alfa-RD2 com sexo social masculino. Nas pacientes com sexo social feminino o desejo de ter filhos foi maior naquelas com DDS 46, XY por defeitos na produção de testosterona do que naquelas com deficiência da 5alfa-RD2 (p < 0,05), enquanto que o desejo de ter filhos foi maior nos homens com deficiência 5alfa-RD2 (p > 0,05). O número de indivíduos casados foi significativamente maior no grupo dos pacientes com DDS 46, XY por defeitos na produção de testosterona do que no grupo dos pacientes com DDS 46, XY por deficiência da 5alfa-RD2 (p = 0,003). Em conclusão, nossos resultados indicam uma possível influência da exposição aos andrógenos durante a vida pré-natal no desenvolvimento psicológico e social, bem como em aspectos da vida sexual dos pacientes adultos com DDS 46, XY / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of exposure to normal or reduced levels of testosterone during intra-uterine life in psychological, social, and sexual development of patients with DSD 46, XY. Patients and methods: This is a retrospective study. The 53 participants were patients with DSD 46, XY due to defects in production of testosterone or deficiency of 5alfa-RD2, all of them with ambiguous genitalia and female sex assignment at birth. These patients were divided into two groups: Group 1 (G1) - patients with DSD 46, XY, due to a defect in the production of testosterone, consisting of 29 people, 8 with deficiency of 17beta-HSD3, 7 with Leydig cell hypoplasia, 7 with partial gonadal dysgenesis, 6 with 17alfa-hydroxylase deficiency ,1 with 3beta-HSD2 deficiency, Group 2 (G2) - consisting of 24 patients with deficiency of 5alfa-RD2. We used a questionnaire with 32 questions covering aspects of psychological, social and sexual development of these patients. Results: A significant difference was found in the following aspects of psychological, social and sexual development of these patients: higher incidence of masturbation, erotic fantasies and desire for children in patients with deficiency of 5alfa-RD2 with male social sex. In patients with female social sex, the desire to have children was higher in those with DSD 46, XY by defects in the production of testosterone than in those with deficiency of 5alfa-RD2 (p < 0.05), while the desire to have children in men was higher in those with 5alfa-RD2 (p > 0.05). The number of married individuals was significantly higher in the group of patients with DSD 46, XY by defects in the production of testosterone than in the group of patients with DSD 46, XY by deficiency of 5alfa-RD2 (p = 0.003). In conclusion, our results indicate a possible influence of exposure to androgens during prenatal life in psychological and social development, as well as in aspects of sexual life of adult patients with DSD 46, XY

Socio-cultural factors and practices that impede upon behavioural change of Zimbabwean women in an era of HIV/AIDS

Nyoni, Chamunogwa 30 June 2008 (has links)
Women throughout the world are suffering the brunt of HIV/AIDS. They carry the unenviable tag of being the suffering group who are at risk. Women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS is a subject that has not received adequate attention to date. This empirical study examines the socio-cultural factors and practices that impede upon behavioural change of Zimbabwean women in an era of HIV/AIDS. Firstly, a sample of 1002 women respondents is purposefully drawn from the six major Zimbabwean ethnic groups to participate in this research study. A survey questionnaire is administered to respondents in the age group 18 to 59 years to quantify the levels and magnitude of the HIV/AIDS problem among women. Secondly, fifty in-depth interviews with key informants are conducted to assess the nature of the problem confronting and impeding upon women's quest to attain good reproductive health. Thirdly, six focus group discussions for each of the respective six ethnic groups are conducted with forty-eight mature women to understand broadly the concepts of the study. This study employs a combination of mainly qualitative and some quantitative methods of data collection and analysis, which is called triangulation. Underlying the methodology of this study is an overarching functionalist theoretical perspective, also referring to gender development theory which serves as the basis for data analyses. The main findings of this study include the view that power dynamics, gender roles and cultural practices have impacted negatively on women's quest to attain safe sexual behaviour. The problem of HIV/AIDS remains a complicated and awesome one among Zimbabwe's ethnic groups. For Zimbabwean women the HIV/AIDS problem begins with a total lack of control over sexual lives and behaviour of their husbands especially outside marriage. The women have noted that the majority stay faithful to their husbands and partners according to cultural prescriptions and roles, while their husbands do not comply. Women noted that cultural prescriptions in their various ethnic settings condone male infidelity but expect women to stay faithful to their partners. As a result it is found that women sometimes contract HIV/AIDS straight on their matrimonial beds. / SOCIOLOGY / Thesis (D. Phil. (Sociology))

The impact of the Boko Haram terrorist group on the socio‐economic well‐being and livelihood of the population in North‐Eastern Nigeria

Ebi, Lawrence Eka 07 1900 (has links)
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 130-136) / The study focuses on the impact of the Boko Haram Muslim terrorist group on the socioeconomic well‐being and livelihood of the population in the north‐east of Nigeria. To research the social, economic, religious and political impact of attacks leading to the disruption of people in the north‐east who fled their homes for the safety of southern refugee camps, the study relies on three research questions to be answered, namely: Does the Boko Haram terrorist group pose a threat to the socio‐economic well‐being of people in north‐eastern Nigeria? How have Boko Haram terrorist attacks impacted on the livelihood of the population? What is a viable solution or intervention strategy to deal with the impact of and fight against terrorism in Nigeria in particular? The study adopts an in‐depth qualitative methodology. Different related research techniques are used in data collection and analysis. Focus group discussions, in‐depth interviews and documentary sources have different complementary strengths, which are more comprehensive when used together. Questionnaires will guide the discussions with groups of internally displaced people, who are the units of analysis. Data is gathered through snowball sampling of willing, available respondents to understand and explain their personal views and experiences, creating the meanings they have constructed around their disrupted livelihoods and well‐being in refugee camps. An overarching, broad conflict perspective is chosen, related to Dahrendorf’s views on power struggles of dominant interest groups, authority, inequality and marginalisation of opponents, which also includes complementary concepts of religiously inspired fundamentalist theory focusing on indoctrination, dominance, manipulation and marginalisation of interest groups. This broad conflict perspective will investigate the social, economic, political and religious impacts of Boko Haram in Nigeria. The findings indicate that the Boko Haram attacks had a negative effect on the livelihood of citizens and displaced persons in refugee camps, as well as on the social cohesion and development of the north‐eastern Nigerian state. Conflict resolution and intervention strategies will be implemented to curb the violence. Societal transformation is recommended for infrastructural development and job creation to solve poverty and gainfully cater for educated, unemployed youths, now recruited into the ranks of the Boko Haram Muslim sect. / Sociology / M.A. (Sociology)

Aderência à terapêutica com  antimicrobianos administrados por via oral em adultos com osteomielite / Adherence to oral antimicrobial therapy antimicrobial in adults with osteomyelitis

Adriana Pereira de Paula 23 July 2013 (has links)
A osteomielite possui elevada prevalência e morbidade. O tratamento depende de apropriada terapia antimicrobiana por tempo prolongado e frequentemente requer cirurgia para remoção de tecidos necróticos. A aderência dos pacientes com osteomielite à prescrição do antibiótico, embora fundamental para o sucesso terapêutico, tem sido pouco estudada. O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar a aderência à terapia antimicrobiana oral em pacientes adultos com osteomielite; identificar se alguns fatores relacionados na literatura estavam associados com a não aderência; estabelecer o valor preditivo dos fatores associados a não aderência ao tratamento em pacientes com osteomielite. Foi realizado um estudo transversal, fundamentado na avaliação por meio de métodos indiretos da aderência para 83 pacientes. Foram considerados pelo menos 30 dias de uso do antimicrobiano à entrevista e os pacientes foram classificados como aderentes de acordo com o questionário de Morisky, que é constituído por 4 questões com respostas dicotômicas para avaliar a aderência. Os pacientes com < 2 pontos foram considerados de baixa aderência e os que obtiverem > 3 pontos, de alta aderência. O presente estudo identificou uma prevalência de alta aderência de 83,1% (n=63). O ajuste dos modelos de regressão logística múltipla não resultou em variáveis conjuntas influenciando a aderência ao tratamento, porém pacientes do gênero masculino sugeriram apresentar maior frequência de baixa aderência ao tratamento em relação aos pacientes do gênero feminino (p = 0,053). Com relação à idade, a análise dos dados mostrou que os pacientes com idade entre 31 e 59 anos possuíam probabilidade de baixa aderência 68% menor que pacientes com idade entre 18 e 30 anos. A aderência observada foi semelhante à encontrada na literatura. Os fatores sociodemográficos podem interferir na aderência de pacientes em uso de antibióticos orais para tratamento de osteomielite / Osteomyelitis is a highly prevalent disease and a major cause of morbidity. Clinical treatment is based on appropriate antimicrobial therapy. Adherence of patients with osteomyelitis to the prescribed treatment, although critical for successful treatment, has been little studied. The aim of the study was: to measure the adherence to oral antimicrobial therapy in adult patients with osteomyelitis; to identify whether some of the factors listed in health literature were associated with non-adherence; to establish the predictive values associated with non-adherence to antimicrobial therapy in patients with osteomyelitis. We conducted a cross-sectional study, based on evaluation through indirect methods of adherence for 83 patients. We included patients receiving at least 30 days of antimicrobial use. Patients were interviewed and classified as adherent according to the Morisky questionnaire, that consists of 4 questions with dichotomous responses to assess adherence. Patients with 3 points, with high adherence. This study identified a prevalence of high adherence of 83.1% (n = 63). The multivariate logistic regression analysis did not result in multiple variables influencing adherence to treatment. Gender was the only variable with an suggested association with low adherence, male gender was more associated with low adherence than female (p = 0,053). Regarding age, data analysis showed that patients aged between 31 and 59 years had low adherence probability 68% lower than patients aged between 18 and 30 years. The high adherence observed in this study was similar than previous reported in the literature. Social and demographic factors may interfere in the adherence with patients using oral antibiotics for the treatment of osteomyelitis

Aspectos do desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual em pacientes com distúrbios do desenvolvimento sexual (DDS) 46, XY expostos no período pré-natal e concentrações normais ou reduzidas de testosterona / Aspects of psychological, social and sexual development in patients with disorders of sex development (DSD) 46, XY exposed to normal or reduced levels of testosterone during prenatal period

Ari Alves de Oliveira Junior 18 October 2013 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da exposição a níveis normais ou reduzidos de testosterona durante a vida intrauterina no desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual dos pacientes com DDS 46, XY. Pacientes e métodos: Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo. Os 53 participantes são pacientes portadores de DSD 46,XY devido a defeitos de produção de testosterona ou deficiência da 5alfa-RD2, todos eles com genitália ambígua que resultou na atribuição do sexo feminino ao nascimento. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (G1) - pacientes com DDS 46, XY, devido a defeito na produção de testosterona, constituído por 29 pacientes, 8 deles com deficiência de 17beta-HSD3, 7 com hipoplasia das células de Leydig, 7 com disgenesia gonadal parcial, 6 com deficiência 17alfa-hidroxilase e 1 com deficiência 3beta-HSD2; Grupo 2 (G2) - constituído por 24 pacientes com deficiência de 5alfa-RD2. Foi utilizado um questionário com 32 perguntas abrangendo aspectos do desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual destes pacientes. Resultados: Foi encontrada uma diferença significativa nos seguintes aspectos do desenvolvimento psicológico, social e sexual dos participantes do estudo: maior incidência de masturbação, fantasias eróticas e desejo de ter filhos em pacientes com deficiência da 5alfa-RD2 com sexo social masculino. Nas pacientes com sexo social feminino o desejo de ter filhos foi maior naquelas com DDS 46, XY por defeitos na produção de testosterona do que naquelas com deficiência da 5alfa-RD2 (p < 0,05), enquanto que o desejo de ter filhos foi maior nos homens com deficiência 5alfa-RD2 (p > 0,05). O número de indivíduos casados foi significativamente maior no grupo dos pacientes com DDS 46, XY por defeitos na produção de testosterona do que no grupo dos pacientes com DDS 46, XY por deficiência da 5alfa-RD2 (p = 0,003). Em conclusão, nossos resultados indicam uma possível influência da exposição aos andrógenos durante a vida pré-natal no desenvolvimento psicológico e social, bem como em aspectos da vida sexual dos pacientes adultos com DDS 46, XY / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of exposure to normal or reduced levels of testosterone during intra-uterine life in psychological, social, and sexual development of patients with DSD 46, XY. Patients and methods: This is a retrospective study. The 53 participants were patients with DSD 46, XY due to defects in production of testosterone or deficiency of 5alfa-RD2, all of them with ambiguous genitalia and female sex assignment at birth. These patients were divided into two groups: Group 1 (G1) - patients with DSD 46, XY, due to a defect in the production of testosterone, consisting of 29 people, 8 with deficiency of 17beta-HSD3, 7 with Leydig cell hypoplasia, 7 with partial gonadal dysgenesis, 6 with 17alfa-hydroxylase deficiency ,1 with 3beta-HSD2 deficiency, Group 2 (G2) - consisting of 24 patients with deficiency of 5alfa-RD2. We used a questionnaire with 32 questions covering aspects of psychological, social and sexual development of these patients. Results: A significant difference was found in the following aspects of psychological, social and sexual development of these patients: higher incidence of masturbation, erotic fantasies and desire for children in patients with deficiency of 5alfa-RD2 with male social sex. In patients with female social sex, the desire to have children was higher in those with DSD 46, XY by defects in the production of testosterone than in those with deficiency of 5alfa-RD2 (p < 0.05), while the desire to have children in men was higher in those with 5alfa-RD2 (p > 0.05). The number of married individuals was significantly higher in the group of patients with DSD 46, XY by defects in the production of testosterone than in the group of patients with DSD 46, XY by deficiency of 5alfa-RD2 (p = 0.003). In conclusion, our results indicate a possible influence of exposure to androgens during prenatal life in psychological and social development, as well as in aspects of sexual life of adult patients with DSD 46, XY

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