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An Analysis of Collective Action on National Teachers' Association R.O.CHsieh, Pi-Ying 29 July 2004 (has links)
Collective Action , National Teachers' Association R.O.C
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我國報紙符號真實與客觀真實之分析與比較陳炳宏, CHEN, BING-HONG Unknown Date (has links)
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立法院預算審議制度之研究 / A Study of the Budget Approval System in the Legislative Yuan, R.O.C廖文正, Liaw , Wen-Jeng Unknown Date (has links)
本文之目的在探討我國立法院預算審議制度實務運作現況以及改革方向。以立法院審議九十二年度中央政府總預算案程序為經,相關審議法律規範為緯,分析探討預算審議制度、過程及結果。首先經由預算審議制度之理論及相關文獻進行探討,接著分析我國預算審議制度及實際運作情形,並以主要民主國家美國、日本及英國預算審議制度作探討與比較,最後依據對學者與專家深度訪談意見之彙總分析,提出檢討及強化立法院預算審議制度之建議。結果發現現行立法院預算審議制度之缺失:□委員會未建立資深專業制;□黨團協商存有組成門檻過低,無法反映各政黨在院會的代表性、延擱總預算案審議之時程、黨團協商紀錄只有結論而無過程致立法原意難以查考、黨團協商代表未貫徹利益迴避原則、黨團協商結論凌駕委員會之決定,致損害委員會之預算專業審查功能;□立法委員質詢偏離預算審查議題;□審查預算案未掌握審查重點及審查方式;□全院各委員會聯席會議審議預算功能不彰;□預算委員會委員游走各委員會參與預算審查之表決,影響專業預算審查;□預算審查之專業幕僚單位,有待強化;□預算書編製不夠詳實,預算資訊不夠公開與透明化,影響預算審議效率;□未能如期完成總預算案審議,影響預算執行進度。爰針對缺失提供下列建議:強化委員會專業預算審查機制,以強化其專業性及權威性;立法院預算審議要掌握預算重點;取消全院各委員會聯席會,以增加委員會審查時間;黨團協商機制之改進;強化專業的預算審查幕僚機構;預算編製內容應清晰詳實,預算資訊要公開透明;公開真實政府債務資訊,積極面對並處理。 / This paper is to study the current budget approval system and its possible reform in the Legislative Yuan, ROC. The budget approval system, process and outcomes were analyzed based on the 2003 Government Budgetary and related regulations.The assessments and enhancement suggestions to the budget approval system in the Legislative Yuan of ROC were based on the in depth study of public budgeting theories and literatures on the ROC’s current budget approval system and practice , on the comparative analysis of the budget approval systems of USA , Japan and the United Kingdom and interview with the scholars and budget professions.
Some shortcomings of the budget approval system in the Legislative Yuan of ROC were found out. First , the committees don’t build up the seniority professional system. Secondly , the negotiation among different parties has some defects : the low threshold of the negotiation results in unequal representatives of different parties ; the slow process of the negotiation delays the budget approval timetable ; it’s hard to trace the purposes of legislation since it only includes conclusions with no records of discussion process ; the negotiation representatives do not avoid the interests conflicts ; and the conclusion of the negotiation can exceed the decisions made by the committees , damaging the professional function of the committee’s budget approval. Thirdly , the interpellations of the legislators are not related to the issues of the budget approval. Fourthly , the legislators do not dominate the main points and the methods of the budget approval. Fifthly , the function of the Joint Session of All Committees doesn’t perform well. Sixthly , the legislators of the Budget and Final Accounts Committee engage in the budget approval votes of other committees , and it will influence the professional image of the legislators. Seventhly , the professional staff department of the budget approval need to be expanded and enhanced. Eighthly , the budget approval process can be more effective if the budget books are more detailed and the related information is more public. Finally , the delay of the budget approval timetable will impact the execution gradation of the budget.
Possible suggestions to overcome the shortcomings are presented as follows : The professional mechanism and the authority of the committees’ budget approval need to be strengthened. The Legislative Yuan should be able to catch up the key points of the budget in the process of the budget approval. The Joint Session of All Committees should be cancelled so that the committees can have enough time to proceed the budget approval. The mechanism of the negotiation among different parties should be improved. The staff department of the professional budget approval should be expanded and its function should be enhanced. The contents of the budget books should be clear and detailed and the information of the budget should be public. Finally , the government should proclaim the real information of the government debts and handle it more aggressively.
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民國史博士學位論文之引用文獻分析(2001-2010) / The citation analysis of doctoral dissertations on the history of Republic of China (2001-2010)施佩宜, Shih, Pei I Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對臺灣各大專院校中歷史學相關研究所於 2001年至2010 年所產出、研究主題以民國史為範疇之博士學位論文進行引用文獻分析,以觀察其書目資料特性以及引用文獻特性。具體研究項目包括:樣本論文數量、研究主題,被引用文獻之數量、形式類型、內容類型、核心期刊、老化情形、語文、出版地、典藏單位等。
根據上述研究成果,本研究之研究建議以及後續研究建議如下:研擬史學領域學術論著引用文獻著錄標準;鼓勵檔案典藏單位以多元管道開放史料;加強圖書館與檔案館之館際合作與資源整合。擴展史學領域之引用文獻分析範圍;以質性研究方法研究史學研究者之引用文獻行為。 / This study aims to analyze the citing phenomenon of the doctoral dissertations written in 2001-2010 on the topic of history of Republic of China. Specific research questions include: the number and research subjects of dissertations; the number, form types, content types, core journals, half-life, languages, publication locations, repositories of cited literature.
The findings are as follows. The most productive institute for the research of the R.O.C. history was National Chengchi University. Dissertations guided by two or more advisors account for 17%. The majority of research subjects of dissertations were social, political and cultural. Furthermore, the majority of sub-subjects of social research dissertations were social movements and women. The average citations of single dissertation were 317. The most cited form type of citations was Books (62.56%), followed by continuous publications (18.62%), and unpublished papers or manuscripts (9.50%). The most cited content type of cited books was monograph (54.67%), followed by compilation of historical materials and records (9.54%), and biographical materials (6.79%). The core journals about the R.O.C. history research were difficult to observe, because of the diversity of research topics and that single journal may largely cited by single dissertation. The half-life of cited books was 20.4 years, cited continuous publications was 25.02 year, and cited newspapers was 64.3 years. The main language of cited literature was Chinese (88.76%), followed by English (7.41%), and Japanese (3.71%). The main publication locations of cited Books were Taiwan and Mainland China, together accounting for 85.01%. The main repository of cited unpublished manuscripts and records were Academia Historica, followed by Archives, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Kuomintang Party Records
Archives, and Taiwan Historica.
The suggestions of this study are as follows. Developing standard academic citation format in the field of history. Encouraging archives repositories to open manuscripts and records in multi-ways. Enhancing cooperation and resources integration of libraries and archives. Expanding the scope of citation analysis in the field of history. Investigating the behavior of historical researchers by qualitative research methods.
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Generational Politics and Taiwan-U.S. SecurityIssues : How do the views of Taiwan’s generations compare on theU.S. security commitment?Blackmoor, Matthew January 2017 (has links)
Sovereignty over Taiwan remains one of the most contentious issues of the modern era, and disagreements on both sides of the Taiwan Strait persist to this day. The United States continues to have an active interest in the situation, often playing the role of arbiter between the governments of Beijing and Taipei. With Taiwan’s transition to a multi-party democracy in the late 80s and early 90s, there has been a growing body of research into public opinion on the island. Existing literature has found both party identification and independence/unification support to impact on public attitudes regarding cross-strait security issues. However, the impact of generation is comparatively under examined. The current study builds on recent research into Taiwan’s generational politics. A questionnaire was distributed to members of the public in Taiwan to determine how attitudes vary by generation on the security commitment between the United States and Taiwan. An analysis of survey responses failed to establish a correlation between generation and attitudes towards U.S. support. Nevertheless, generational politics adds nuance to our understanding of public opinion in Taiwan concerning cross-strait relations. / 摘要: 台灣的主權依然是現代最具爭議性的問題之一。至今,兩岸的意見分歧依舊 存在。美國對這樣情況仍然積極地介,而且美國經常扮演在北京政府和台北 之間的仲裁者角色。隨著台灣在八零年代末至九零年代初逐漸轉向自由民主, 對這座島上的輿論研究也越來越多。先前的研究發現,人民支持哪一個黨派, 支持獨立還是統一,影響著大眾對兩岸的輿論。然而,不同世代對於輿論影 響的研究卻比較少。本文所探討的主題是建立在對台灣的 世代政治 (generational politics)的研究上。向台灣民眾進行問卷調查,以了解不同的 世代對於台美安全關係法及其實施是否有不同的見解。從問卷調查分析結果 來看,並未能發現世代的不同與美國 對台灣安保做法的理解之間有顯著相關 性。不過,世代政治有助於了解台灣人民對於在美國介入下兩岸關係的看法。
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外籍學生在我國傳播行為與社會調適關聯性之研究李國煌, LI, GUO-HUANG Unknown Date (has links)
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冷戰後華盛頓-臺北-北京間之關係 / The Washington - Taipei-Beijing Relations after Cold War孫國祥, Sun, Kuo Shyang Unknown Date (has links)
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以國人旅遊調查資料探討國人於臺灣各縣市旅遊地選擇偏好之特性 / Using Survey Data of Travel by R.O.C. Citizens to Explore the Characteristics of T ourism Preference of Taiwanese in Taiwan韓鈺瑩 Unknown Date (has links)
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立法過程中國防部與立法委員互動關係—募兵制修法之個案分析 / The Interaction Between The Ministry of National Defense and Legislators — the case of the Amendment of“ the Voluntary Military Service System ”邱懷慧, Chiu, Huai Hui Unknown Date (has links)
八、立法委員為貫徹黨紀,必要時,個人政治理念須妥協,國防部在政策溝通上,除了立法委員個人意見外,亦須積極遊說黨團。 / The military service system in Taiwan, or the Republic of China (R.O.C) Military Service System, has been gradually heading from a predominantly-conscription mode of recruitment, first adopted during the Period of the Second Sino-Japanese War, toward a predominantly-voluntary recruitment plan.
To intiate such a transition and to keep the promises he gave before the 2008 presidential election, the president of the Taiwan (R.O.C.) Ma Ying-jeou urges that the Ministry of National Defense in Taiwan contrive a plan for the necessary modifications in the Taiwanese (R.O.C) law regarding the military service system.
Also relating to this, it is to note that a 50% reduction of the number of the seats in the Legislative Yuan in the 7th general election of legislators, from 226 to 113 seats, granted each legislator more autonomy and opportunity to extend his/her personal influence than before, and that Taiwan was hence led by a government whose executive and legislative power came hand in hand becuase the ruling party not only able to organize the Executive Yuan but it also comprised the absolute majority in the Legislative Yuan, after the 2008 election.
All taken into considertations, this dissertation aims to provide concrete suggestions as to the enhancement of the quality of the interactions between the Ministry of National Defense and legislators, from the analysis of such modifications. theoretically speaking, have to undergo the due processes to be implemented: the codification of law, a modification period, the abrogation of the inappropriate items of law, and a final evaluation by the Legislative Yuan.
The findings are as follows:
1.The legislators' complaints about the unsatisfactory results of military policymaking may arise from a lack of opportunity for them to participate in the early processes.
2.Failure in establishing complementary measures for voluntary military recruitment before it reaches the Legislative Yuan, as well as a flimsy theoretical basis on which the Ministry of National Defense argues for it, make it difficult to persuade legislators that they should implement the new policies.
3.Legislators’ common worries about an imminent though transient threat, of a laspe of national armed force, which is deemed to be highly likely to result from such a change, have not been officially accounted for by the Ministry of National Defense. This prevents the legislators from agreeing to it.
4.The lack of effective communication among stakeholders of the policy impedes its implementation.
5.The lack of careful evaluations and an inclusive framework, make it controversial and legislators hate it.
6.Legislators are not proficient in the policymaking in terms of national defense, so the need more communication.
7.Negotiations are sometimes based on other commercial purposes.
8.Individual legislators, if necessary, are coerced to conform to the ideology upheld by their greater political party. The Ministry of National Defense has also to take into accounts the benefits of political parties.
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台灣、中國與中美洲國家三邊關係之分析(2000年至2008年) / Trilateral Relations between Taiwan, China and Central America (2000-2008)陳翰民, Chen, Han Ming Unknown Date (has links)
2007年6月,與我建交長達60年以上之中美洲國家哥斯大黎加(Costa Rica)驟然宣佈與中國大陸建交,當時各界開始擔憂,台灣過去在中美洲頗為自豪之完整外交版圖在缺少了一角後,是否將發生骨牌效應?雖然事後證明此種疑慮並未成真,但已引起各界對我國維繫邦交成效之討論,也成為筆者之研究動機。
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