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Energy and money in new frameworks for macro-dynamics / L'énergie et l'argent d'un nouveau cadre de modélisation macroéconomiqueMc Isaac, Florent 14 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis la stagflation observée consécutivement à la forte hausse du prix du pétrole en 1973 et 1979, les chocs pétroliers sont considérés comme l’une des sources de fluctuations potentiellement les plus importantes aux États-Unis comme dans de nombreux pays industrialisés. De nombreux articles ont étudié le rôle des chocs pétroliers dans la fluctuation des principales variables macroéconomiques à savoir, la croissance, le chômage, l’inflation et les salaires. Cependant, ces travaux n’ont pas encore permis d’aboutir à un consensus. Le débat s’est même intensifié au cours de cette dernière décennie, en raison d’une absence de réaction forte de l’économie réelle pendant la période d’augmentation du prix du pétrole entre 2002 et 2007. En effet, la récession qu’aurait dû engendrer une telle hausse des prix ne fut observée qu’au moment de la crise des subprimes en 2008. Plusieurs hypothèses furent avancées pour expliquer la différence entre les crises des années 1970 et 2000. Blanchard & Gali (2009) et Blanchard & Riggi (2013) évoquent, par exemple, la réduction de la quantité de pétrole utilisée dans la production, la plus grande flexibilité des salaires réels et une meilleure crédibilité de la politique monétaire. Hamilton (2009) et Kilian (2008) suggèrent quant à eux de l’expliquer par l’origine différente des deux chocs pétroliers : un choc d’offre pendant les années 70 et un choc de demande pendant les années 2000. L’objectif original de la thèse était de réexaminer l’impact des chocs pétroliers sur l’économie réelle par le canal de la dette. [...]Le développement de ces travaux entamés dans la thèse pourra aboutir à un cadre alternatif de modélisation décisif pour l’intelligence de la macroéconomie. Il devrait permettre une meilleure compréhension de l’évaluation des relations réciproques entre la sphère financière, la réalité des cycles macroéconomiques réels, l’énergie et le climat dans ce qui est sans aucun doute l’enjeu de notre génération : la transition écologique. / Ever since the stagflation that followed the oil price run-ups of 1973 and 1979, oil price shocks have been considered one of the most influential sources of economic fluctuation in the United States and other developed countries. A large body of literature has analyzed oil price shocks as sources of variation for leading macroeconomic variables such as GDP growth, unemployment rate, inflation, and wages. However, scholars have yet to reach a consensus as to the true impact of oil shocks on the macroeconomic environment. Furthermore, the last decade has seen the debate intensify as the results of the relatively (in comparison with the 1970s) muted reaction of the real economy during the 2002-6 oil price run-up. Indeed, the recessionary effect was only observed during the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008-9. Numerous hypotheses have been put forward to explain the difference in impact during the 1970s versus the 2000s. For instance, Blanchard & Gali (2009) and Blanchard & Riggi (2013) evoked the reduction of the quantity of oil used of a unit of production, more flexible real wages, and a better credibility of the monetary policy. Hamilton (2009) and Kilian (2008) pinpointed a difference in the nature of the shock: whereas the oil shocks of the 1970s were driven by supply, that of the 2000s was led by demand. The original aim of this thesis was to reevaluate the impact of the oil shock in the 2000s through the debt channel. First, based on the work of Banchard & Gali, we proposed a new dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model (DSGE), which includes oil as an input of production as well as a consumption good. By relaxing some of the hypotheses of Blanchard & Gali, especially the decoupling of the output elasticity of oil with the cost-share in the production, our work demonstrated that oil is still a fundamental variable of the GDP in the United States. Furthermore, we found that energy efficiency is a key factor that explains the muted macroeconomic impact of an increase in oil prices. A third line of inquiry that may explain the difference between the shocks of the 1970s and the 2000s considers the extra costs implied by a higher price of oil that were absorbed by private debt (which was itself exacerbated by low interest rates set by the Federal Reserve in the 2000s). However, we found that DSGE modeling is unable to replicate the macroeconomic environment that led to the subprime mortgage crisis. In light of these considerations, I reoriented my thesis along the lines of a new angle of research that seeks to represent economic mechanisms differently. Under this new frame-work, private debt is at the core of macroeconomic analysis. It provides an alternative view of the financial crisis that occurred in the 2000s.[...]The conclusions of this thesis demonstrate great potential for providing foundations for new perspectives in macroeconomic modeling. The papers included in the thesis allow, in particular, for a better understanding of situations that most macroeconomic models are not able to cope with, including the over indebtedness crisis. As a result, the framework introduced here may provide an alternative and improved perspective for public policy. Further development of the research presented in this thesis may lead to the improvement of other frameworks in the field of macroeconomics. This would allow for a better understanding of complex interactions between the financial sphere, real business cycles, energy, and climate in what is certainly the biggest challenge of our generation : the ecological shift.
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Estudos dos aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos da ?gua e do sedimento no baixo curso do Rio Pitimbu (RN)Kobayashi, Rafael Takeshi 11 September 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-09-11 / Urban growth of metropolitan areas has produced impacts of considerable importance on environment and water resources. Such impacts are in general associated with human activities, such as basin area uncontrolled development. In this context, Pitimbu river watershed, located at Natal metropolitan area, has been affected by uncontrolled development caused by urban expansion. Indeed, such effects have been reflected on water quantity and quality, which may produce social consequences. Pitimbu river is an important water supplier for human consumption, actually supplying a 2600 m3/h water discharge. This study aims to analyze the qualitative and quantitative aspects of water and sediment on Pitimbu river lowland portion. For this purpose, physical-chemical water properties were analyzed, and sediment macro invertebrates benthonic were monitored in two cross sections in a period between November 8th, 2007 and October 3rd, 2008. Monitoring methodology consisted of water and sediment sampling for laboratory analysis. Water quality analysis included Dissolved Oxygen, Oxygen Biochemical Demand, Nitrate, pH and Alkalinity, Suspended and Total Solids. The analysis of heavy metals in the sediment included Cadmium, Cobalt, Copper, Chrome, Silver and Nickel. Dry season water discharge data were measured and used to adjust recession function parameters, whose values reveal quick recession and strong river-aquifer unconfined interaction. Water quality analysis revealed the absence of degradation by organic composites. However, DO and BOD levels indicate that more consistent results could be provided if sampling time interval were reduced. Biomonitoring showed signs of aquatic ecosystem degradation by the absence of sensitive and abundance of resistant benthic organisms. Obtained results demonstrate the urgent need of effective management measures to provide environmental protection. The increase of environmental degradation will certainly make impracticable the use of water for human consumption / A expans?o urbana das regi?es metropolitanas tem produzido impactos negativos de grande import?ncia no meio ambiente e nos recursos h?dricos. Esses impactos est?o relacionados com as atividades antr?picas na bacia hidrogr?fica, refletidas no descontrole do uso e ocupa??o do solo. Nesse contexto, a Bacia Hidrogr?fica do rio Pitimbu, situada na regi?o metropolitana de Natal, tem sido objeto de ocupa??o desordenada, motivada pela expans?o urbana. Os efeitos dessa ocupa??o tem se refletido na qualidade e quantidade da ?gua desse rio, com conseq??ncias sociais importantes. O rio Pitimbu ? manancial de abastecimento, suprindo atualmente uma vaz?o de 2600 m3/h. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar aspectos quali-quantitativos da ?gua e do sedimento no baixo curso do rio Pitimbu. Para isso, foram realizadas an?lises f?sico-qu?micas da ?gua e biomonitoramento envolvendo macro-invertebrados bent?nicos em duas se??es transversais no per?odo de 8/11/2007 a 3/10/2008. O monitoramento consistiu na coleta de amostras da ?gua e do sedimento fluvial e posterior analise em laborat?rio. Foram analisados Oxig?nio Dissolvido, Demanda Bioqu?mica de Oxig?nio, Nitrato, pH, Alcalinidade, S?lidos Suspensos e Totais, al?m dos teores de C?dmio, Cobalto, Cobre, Cromo, Prata e N?quel. O monitoramento da descarga l?quida no per?odo seco permitiu o ajuste dos par?metros da fun??o de recess?o, demonstrando recess?o r?pida com forte intera??o rio-aqu?fero n?o confinado. A an?lise da qualidade da ?gua revelou aus?ncia de degrada??o por subst?ncias org?nicas. Apesar disso, os n?veis de OD e DBO indicam que resultados mais conclusivos poderiam ser obtidos se o intervalo entre coletas fosse reduzido. O biomonitoramento revelou sinais de degrada??o do ecossistema aqu?tico pela aus?ncia de bent?nicos sens?veis e abund?ncia de resistentes. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a necessidade de que sejam adotadas medidas eficientes de gerenciamento que resultem na prote??o ambiental na bacia. O aumento do n?vel de degrada??o inviabilizar? o uso da ?gua para consumo humano no futuro
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Estudos sobre eficácia e efeitos adversos da escovação dentária / Studies'of'efficacy'and'adverse'effects'on'toothbrushingRanzan, Nicolle January 2016 (has links)
Sabe-se que o controle do biofilme supragengival por meio da escovação dentária é fundamental para prevenção de gengivite e cárie dentária. Entretanto, a literatura ainda é escassa quanto a características de um modelo de escova manual ideal, que seja t.1o efetiva no controle de placa, quanto segura. O objetivo desta dissertação foi avaliar a eficácia de duas escovas manuais na remoção do biofilme supragengival, bem como investigar a relação entre dureza de cerdas e formato da ponta de escovas manuais quanto a efeitos adversos da escovação. Esta dissertação é compost.'l por dois estudos, um ensaio clínico randomizado (ECR) e uma revisão sistemática da literatura. O ECR comparou a eficácia na remoção de biofilme supragengival de duas escovas macias em 70 voluntários que foram randomizados para os grupos Colgate SlimSoft ou Curaprox CS5460. O exame de placa por meio do Índice de Placa da Marinha, modificado por Rustogi foi realizado no momento inicial pré- e pósescovação supervisionada por 1 minuto, bem como após 7 dias de utilização da escova e dentifrício fornecidos. A escova SlimSoft apresentou uma maior redução de escores de placa interproximais e de boca toda, tanto na pós-escovação inicial (p<O.OS), quanto após 7 dias, em que houve um incremento na redução de placa dessas áreas, quando comparado a escova Curaprox (p<O.OS). Assim, a escova SlimSoft apresentou uma maior eficácia para remoção do biofilme supragengival quando comparada à Curaprox. A revisão sistemática da literatura investigou se a dureza e a ponta das cerdas de escovas manuais estão associadas com efeitos adversos da escovação. Para isso, três bancos de dados eletrônicos foram acessados utilizado uma estratégia de busca pré-estabelecida. Dois pesquisadores analisaram a inclusão dos títulos, resumos, leitura completa e extração de dados dos artigos e, se um consenso não fosse possível. um terceiro pesquisador estaria incluído neste processo. De 126 artigos lidos na íntegra, 11 foram elegíveis para inclusão. Cinco estudos analisaram ponta das certas das escovas, dois a dureza e quatro investigaram tanto a ponta da cerda quanto a dureza de escovas. Ainda, quatro estudos apresentaram efeito adverso como desfecho primário. Observou-se mais lesões gengivais quanto maior a dureza das cerdas das escovas. As lesões de recessão gengiva! permaneceram estáveis ao longo do tempo e o número de lesões de abrasão gengiva! foram semelhantes com o uso de escovas macias, tanto com cerdas afiladas, quanto arredondadas. Os estudos que tiveram segurança como desfechos secundários não reportaram efeitos adversos. Assim, sugeriu-se que o uso de escovas macias e extra-macias, independentemente da ponta da cerda, pareceram não apresentar riscos clínicos relevantes para os tecidos moles bucais. / Jt is known that toothbrushing is an excellent method for mechanical supragingival biofilm remova! and it is associated with prevention of both gingivitis and dental caries. However, the literature is still scarce regarding the characteristics of an ideal manual toothbrush, which is as effective in plaque contrai as safe. The aim o f this dissertation was to evaluate the efficacy oftwo manual toothbrushes in supragingival biofihn remova), as well as to investigate the relation of bristle stiffness and bristle end-shape with potential adverse effects. The present work is composed of two studies, a randomized controlled trial (RCT) and a systematic review of the literature. The RCT compared the efficacy in supragingival plaque remova! of two soft-bristle toothbrushes in 70 volunteers that were randomly allocated to the Colgate SlimSoft or Curaprox CS5460 toothbrush groups. Subjects underwent plaque examination using the Rustogi Modification of the Navy Plaque Index with pre- and post-brushing examinations under supervision at baseline and after 7 days of daily oral hygiene with their assigned toothbrush and dentifrice provided. The mean plaque score presented a greater reduction of whole-mouth and interproximal plaque scores in the SlimSoft group after a single toothbrushing at baseline (p<O.OS) and after 7 days compared to the Curaprox group (p<O.OS). Thus, the SlimSoft toothbrush presented greater efficacy in supragingival plaque remova) than did the Curaprox CS5460 toothbrush. The systematic review investigated if bristle stiffness and bristle end-shape of manual toothbrushes are associated with toothbrushing adverse effects. Three electronic data bases were searched and a pre-established search strategy was performed. Inclusion of titles, abstracts, full textanalysis and data extraction was dane by two reviewers, and when a consensus was not possible, a third researcher was included in this process. From 126 potentially relevant articles for full-text analysis, only 11 were included. Five studies analyzed toothbrush endendshape, two studies investigated toothbrnsh bristle stiffness and four articles examined both the end-shape and bristle stiffness ofmanual toothbrushes. Moreover, four studies presented safety as a primary outcome. Hard toothbrush appeared to produce more gingival lesions when compared to soft and medium bristles. The majority of gingival recessions remained stable over time and new gingival abrasion lesions were observed with the use of both endrounded and tapered toothbrushes. Nane of the studies that evaluated safety as a secondary outcome presented adverse effects. Thus, soft and extra-soft toothbrushes tended to be safe and both tapered and end-rounded bristles might not present a clinically relevant concern to oral soft tissues.
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A Comparative Communication Discourse Analysis Examination of the Economic Crisis of 1929 and the Mortgage Crisis of 2008 Through the Analysis of Mainstream and Alternative Media DiscoursesJanuary 2013 (has links)
abstract: The economic crisis in 2008 triggered a global financial shockwave that left many wondering about the origins of the crisis. Similarly, in the early twentieth century, Wall Street faced catastrophic losses that set the stage for the Great Depression, which resulted in a decade of economic depression, leaving millions of people out of work. Using discourse analysis to understand how economic crisis is framed through the mainstream press, this research project analyzed the stock market crash of 1929-1932 and the mortgage-backed financial crisis of 2007-2009 through the lens of two mainstream publications, The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Comparative analysis focused on explanations for the causes of the crises, attributions of blame, culprits, and proposed solutions emerging in news coverage of the 1929 panic and the 2007-2009 financial crises. Mainstream media accounts of the 2007-2009 crisis are then compared with `alternative media' accounts of crisis causes, culprits, and solutions. These comparative analyses are contextualized historically within economic paradigms of thought, beginning with the classical economists led by Adam Smith and transitioning to the Chicago School. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.A. Communication Studies 2013
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Avaliação do recobrimento radicular pela técnica de enxerto conjuntivo subepitelial e condicionamento radicular com ácido cítrico associado à tetraciclina ou terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana - ensaio clínico randomizado / Analysis of root coverage by subepithelial connective tissue graft associated to root conditioning with citric acid plus tetracycline or antimicrobial photodynamic therapy a randomized clinical trialPaula Stephania Brandão Hage Karam 23 June 2017 (has links)
Este estudo teve o objetivo de comparar os efeitos da biomodificação radicular por ácido cítrico associado à tetraciclina (AC) ou terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (aPDT) no recobrimento de recessões gengivais pela técnica do enxerto de tecido conjuntivo subepitelial (ETCS). Para o estudo paralelo foram selecionados 60 sítios em 17 pacientes com recessões de classe I e II de Miller de 2 a 5 mm, múltiplas e isoladas, as quais foram divididas em 3 grupos: grupo controle (C) - apenas raspagem, grupo AC raspagem e, aplicação de gel de ácido cítrico associado à tetraciclina (90s) e o grupo aPDT - raspagem e aplicação da terapia fotodinâmica antimicrobiana (Azul de toluidina O 100g/ml + laser vermelho). Os parâmetros clínicos profundidade de sondagem (PS), nível clínico de inserção (NCI), altura da recessão (AR), largura mucosa ceratinizada (LMC), espessura de mucosa ceratinizada (EMC), índice de sangramento à sondagem (ISS), índice de placa (IPI) e porcentagem de recobrimento radicular (%REC) foram avaliados por um examinador cego e calibrado no baseline e 3, 6 e 12 meses de pós-operatório. Avaliou-se a hiperestesia dentinária (HIPER) e a percepção estética (EST) do paciente através de escala analógica visual no baseline e após 7 e 14 dias e 1, 3, 6 e 12 meses. A análise estatística dos dados de NCI foi feita pelo teste ANOVA complementado por Tukey. O teste de Friedman complementado por Wilcoxon foi aplicado para análise intra-grupos. O teste de Kruskal-Wallis foi aplicado para as diferenças entre os grupos, complementado por comparações múltiplas entre os três grupos. Para a %REC foi realizado o teste de Kruskal-Wallis complementado por Dunnet (p<0,05). Observou-se ganho do NCI em todos os grupos, mas este ganho foi maior para os grupos AC (0,55±1,68) e aPDT (0,80±2,11) em relação ao C (2,50±1,99) (p<0,05). Houve redução na AR em todos os grupos, porém o grupo AC (0,40±0,62) teve maior redução quando comparado C (1,15±1,04) (p<0,05). Houve aumento na LMC em todos os grupos e aumento na EMC também em todos os grupos, sendo que a EMC nos grupos aPDT (2,80±0,733) e AC (2,33±0,60) foram iguais com melhores resultados que o C (1,99±0,65) (p<0,05). Para a PS não foram observadas diferenças significantes entre os grupos e nem entre os períodos (p>0,05). A %REC foi maior nos grupos AC (82%±30%) e aPDT (82%±28%) do que no grupo C (58%±40%) (p<0,05). De maneira geral C, AC e aPDT foram semelhantes entre si e entre eles ao longo do tempo para o ISS e IPI (p>0,05). Houve redução significante da HIPER ao longo do tempo e entre os grupos, sendo que em AC (1,20±2,23) e aPDT (0,70±1,15) a diminuição da sensibilidade foi maior do que em C (2,63±2,22) (p<0,05). Houve melhora na EST ao longo do tempo e para o grupo AC (9,40±0,96) foi maior do que o C (8,58±1,07) (p<0,05), sendo que o grupo aPDT foi igual ao C. Concluiu-se que o uso de biomodificadores radiculares, como o AC e aPDT favorecem o recobrimento de recessões, resultando em redução da hipersensibilidade dentinária, maior porcentagem de recobrimento radicular e mais sítios com recobrimento completo, mantendo os resultados a longo prazo. / The aim of this study was to compare root biomodification by a combination of citric acid with tetracycline (CA) or antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT) on root coverage by subepithelial connective tissue graft (SCTG). Sixty sites with Millers class I or II recessions were divided in three groups: Control (C) scaling only, CA scaling and root conditioning with a combination of citric acid and tetracycline (gel 90s), aPDT scaling and antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (toluidine blue O 100 g/ml and red laser). Periodontal clinical parameters as probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL), recession height (RH), keratinized mucosa height (KMH), keratinized mucosa width (KMW), bleeding on probing (BOP), plaque index (PI) and percentage of root coverage (%RC) were evaluated by a blinded calibrated examiner at baseline, 3, 6, 12 months. Dentinal hyperestesia (HYPER) and patient esthetic perception (EST) were recorded in a visual analogic scale at baseline, 7 and 14 days, 1, 3, 6,and 12 months. Statistical analysis of CAL values was done with ANOVA complemented by Tukey. Friedmans complemented by Wilcoxons test evaluated intragroup data, while Kruskal-Wallis was applied for intergroup data. Comparison for %RC was done by Kruskal-Wallis complemented by Dunnet (p<0.05). Reduction in CAL was observed in all groups, with higher numbers for CA (0.55±1.68) and aPDT (0.80±2.11) in relation to C (2.50±1.99) (p<0.05). A higher reduction in RH was observed for CA (0.40±0.62) compared to C (1.15±1.04) (p<0.05). There was an improvement of KMH and KMW for all groups, but with higher values of KMW for aPDT (2.80±0.733) and CA (2.33±0.60) in relation to C (1.99±0.65) (p<0.05). There were no differences for PD (p>0.05). There was a significant higher %RC for CA (82%±30%) and aPDT (82%±28%) in relation to C (58%±40%) (p<0.05). In general, BOP and PI were similar for all groups and periods (p>0.05). There was a significant reduction in hyperestesia along time, but for CA (1.20±2.23) and aPDT (0.70±1.15) the reduction was higher than C (2.63±2.22) (p<0.05). Esthetic perception was improved along time with higher values for CA (9.40±0.96) than C (9.40±0.96) (p<0.05). In conclusion, root biomodification agents as CA and aPDT favored recession coverage by STCG, resulting in reduction of dentin hypersensitivity, higher percentage of root coverage and more sites with total coverage. Additionally, these results had a long-term stability.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Gingival abrasions resulting from brushing are reversible epithelial lesions, presenting a superficial or exposed tissue. These lesions have been considered subrogated outcome of gingival recession, although the mechanisms by which gingival abrasion result in apical migration of the junctional epithelium, bone loss, gum recession and consequently, have not yet been known. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the type of filament of soft bristle brushes (round and tapered), and the presence dentifrice. Gingival abrasion is the primary endpoint and secondary is the ability to remove plaque. The experimental design was crossed. Thirty-nine patients with gingival health abstained from oral hygiene for 72 hours. The following contralateral quadrants were randomized to be brushed with a toothbrush rounded or tapered filaments, each quadrant for 30 seconds, totaling to two minutes. In the first period was used fluoridated toothpaste, brushing the second period was performed with water only. "Washout" of a week between the periods will be held. Evaluation of Stained Plaque and gingival abrasion were performed before and after brushing. The results of this study demonstrated that both bristle brushes soft, rounded or conical, were effective in removing plaque (p <0.05), and promoted significantly more gingival abrasion injuries comparing the baseline period and after brushing (p <0.05), but no statistically significant difference between the brushes evaluated. The use of the dentifrice contributed to greater removal of plaque (p> 0.05) and increased number of injuries abrasion gum (p <0.05), most of the sites evaluated. The rounded brush filament showed higher levels of gingival abrasion injury, but was more effective at removing plaque stained. Both brushes used in the study were effective and safe. / Abrasões gengivais decorrentes de escovação são lesões epiteliais reversíveis, apresentando-se de forma superficial ou com exposição do tecido conjuntivo. Essas lesões têm sido consideradas desfecho sub-rogado de recessão gengival, embora os mecanismos pelos quais a abrasão gengival resultaria em migração apical do epitélio juncional, perda óssea, e consequente recessão gengival, não tenham sido ainda entendidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito do tipo de acabamento das cerdas de escovas macias (arredondado e cônico), e da presença dentifrício tendo como desfecho primário a abrasão gengival e secundário a remoção de placa. O desenho experimental utilizado foi cruzado, randomizado e cego. Trinta e nove pacientes com saúde gengival absteram-se de higiene bucal por 72 horas. A seguir, tiveram os quadrantes contralaterais randomizados para serem escovados com uma escova de filamentos arredondados e cônicos, durante 30 segundos cada quadrante, totalizando-se dois minutos. No primeiro período foi utilizado dentifrício fluoretado, no segundo período a escovação foi realizada apenas com água. Washout de uma semana entre os períodos foi realizado. Avaliações de Placa Corada e Abrasão Gengival foram realizadas pré e pós escovação. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que o tipo de acabamento de cerdas de escovas macias, arredondadas ou cônicas, não influenciou na remoção de placa e abrasão gengival (p>0,05). O uso do dentifrício contribuiu para maior remoção de placa (p>0,05) e maior número de lesões de abrasão gengival (p<0,05), na maioria dos sítios avaliados. Os resultados do presente estudo demonstraram que ambas as cerdas de escovas macias, arredondadas ou cônicas, foram eficazes na remoção de placa (p<0,05), e promoveram significativamente mais lesões de abrasão gengival comparando-se no período baseline e pós escovação (p<0,05), porém não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as escovas avaliadas. O uso do dentifrício contribuiu para maior remoção de placa (p>0,05) e maior número de lesões de abrasão gengival (p<0,05), na maioria dos sítios avaliados. A escova de filamento arredondado mostrou maiores índices de lesão de abrasão gengival, porém foi mais eficaz na remoção de placa corada. Ambas as escovas utilizadas no estudo foram eficazes e seguras.
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Adoption of survival strategies by agro-small and medium enterprises in the challenging rural environment in ZimbabweShoko, Dumisani 11 December 2014 (has links)
MRDV / Institute for Rural Development
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Organizational Culture and Firm Performance: Evidence from the Restaurant IndustryHong Soon Kim (9001169) 23 June 2020 (has links)
This study investigated the
effect of organizational culture on firm performance in the restaurant
industry. Despite the importance of organizational culture in the
organizational functioning, empirical evidence for the organizational
culture-performance relationship remains fragmented. The inconsistency in the
literature was aroused from a lack of theoretical development, a negligence of
industry-specific factors, a small sampling issue, and a lack of longitudinal
examination. Therefore, this study proposed to use text analysis in measuring
organizational culture and examined the organizational culture-restaurant performance
with a consideration of moderating effect of service orientation, franchising,
and economic condition. This study found that different
organizational culture influences restaurant performance differently.
Specifically, the result of this study reveals that: clan culture immediately
increases restaurant productivity; adhocracy culture decreases
restaurant growth; and hierarchy immediately decreases restaurant productivity. In terms of moderating role of service orientation,
this study found that: that tangible service
orientation positively moderates both hierarchy culture-profitability and
hierarchy culture-productivity relationships. This result implies that tangible
service orientation works better with the hierarchy culture in improving
restaurant performance than intangible service orientation. As for the
moderating effect of franchising on the organizational culture-performance
relationship, this study found that franchising positively moderates the
clan culture-profitability relationship and the clan culture-productivity
relationship. This result implies that operational and economic benefit of
franchising could be passed on to create synergetic effect with the clan
culture and maximize the positive clan-productivity relationship while offset
the clan-profitability relationship. Last, this study found that recession
positively moderates the hierarchy culture-profitability relationship and the
hierarchy culture-productivity relationship. Theoretically, this study
contributes to the literature by: providing logical link between the
organizational culture and firm performance; providing empirical evidence that reveals
the performance implication of the organizational culture; and by using
alternative organizational culture measurements based on text analysis of
firms’ 10K filings. Practically, this study offers insightful implications for
industry professionals in understanding the effect of organizational culture on
restaurant performance.
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Deprimerad på grund av depressionen? : En ekonomisk studie om psykisk hälsa och konjunkturcykeln / Depressed because of the depression? : An economic study on mental health and the business cycleWahlund, Johanna, Yemane, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att utreda om det finns något samband mellan den psykiska ohälsan och konjunkturcykeln i Sverige. Relationen är viktig att undersöka på grund av att en försämring av psykisk hälsa som ett resultat av ekonomiska kriser, skulle kunna leda till ytterligare kostnader såsom förlorad produktion. För att kunna sätta in relevanta insatser och eventuellt lindra negativa effekter, studeras det också om det finns skillnader mellan män och kvinnor. Indikatorer för psykisk ohälsa som används för att besvara syftet är förekomsten av suicid, användning av antidepressiva, depression samt psykiatriska tillstånd. Som konjunkturmått används bruttoregionprodukt och arbetslöshet. Ytterligare kontrollvariabler som andel utrikesfödda, befolkningstäthet och andel av befolkningen med högre utbildning inkluderas också. Regressionsanalyser görs på två olika modeller, där modell 1 fångar upp sambandet mellan ohälsa och konjunkturförändringar och modell 2 fångar upp skillnaden mellan könen. Resultatet är att under lågkonjunktur minskar användningen av antidepressiva, men ingen förändring för depression eller psykiatriska tillstånd observeras. Resultatet angående suicid är att under lågkonjunktur minskar suicidgraden mer för kvinnor än för män. Detta innebär att det delvis finns ett samband mellan konjunkturförändringar och psykisk ohälsa i Sverige. / The purpose of this study is to investigate if mental health in Sweden is connected to the business cycle. The relationship is important to investigate since deterioration of mental health, due to economic crises, could lead to additional costs in the form of losses in production. To be able to make relevant decisions to mitigate any negative effects, the question of whether there is a difference between men and women is also studied. The four different indicators that are used to describe mental illness are: suicide, antidepressants, depression, and psychiatric conditions. Gross regional product and unemployment are used as economic indicators. Additional control variables such as the share of foreign-born individuals, population density, and the share of individuals with tertiary degrees are also included. Furthermore, the regression analyses are made based on two types of models. Model number one captures the relation between mental illness and changes in business cycle, while model number two captures the difference in mental illness between genders. The results show that during recessions the consumption of antidepressants decreases while there is no change in depression and psychiatric conditions. Whereas results regarding suicide show that during recessions suicide for women decrease more than for men. This means that there is a partial relationship between cyclical changes and mental illness in Sweden.
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Investigating price performance on initial public offers: a comparative analysis of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the Nigerian Stock ExchangeMutemeri, Pauline 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The advancement and development of the financial sector is fundamental for building an efficient economic system that enhances foreign and domestic investments. The aim of this study was to compare the relationship between the price performance of initial public offerings and macroeconomic indicators in the South African and the Nigerian economy. With the increase of IPO listing on both stock exchanges, it is of paramount importance that an analysis and examination of IPO performance and its contribution to the economy is conducted. Using the 91 and 19 initial public offerings that were listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the Nigerian Stock Exchange respectively during the years 2005 to 2015, price performance was measured by using the market-adjusted abnormal returns and the wealth relative model. The linear ordinary least squares regression model was used to measure the relationship between initial public offering performance and macroeconomic indicators. Based on the mean market adjusted returns, initial public offerings listed between 2005 and 2015 were under-priced. The regression model established that the first day, week and month price changes in Nigeria were 0.19, 0.48 and 0.77 times higher respectively than to South Africa. The regression analysis found that inflation and interest rates were positively correlated with price changes at the end of the first month of trade, whereas gross domestic product growth was not statistically significant. Therefore, to evade financial loss, investment decision making processes should consider factors such as geographic location, interest rates, inflation and the industry prior to making the decision. / Die bevordering en ontwikkeling van die finansiële sektor is fundamenteel vir die ontwikkeling van ʼn doeltreffende ekonomiese stelsel wat buitelandse en binnelandse investering aanmoedig. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verhouding tussen die prysprestasie van aanvanklike openbare aanbiedinge en makro-ekonomiese aanwysers in die Suid-Afrikaanse en Nigeriese ekonomie te vergelyk. Met die toename in AOA-notering op albei aandelebeurse, is dit uiters belangrik dat ’n ontleding van en ondersoek na AOA-prestasie en sy bydrae tot die ekonomie uitgevoer word. Deur gebruikmaking van die 91 en 19 aanvanklike openbare aanbiedinge wat onderskeidelik op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs en die Nigeriese Effektebeurs gedurende die tydperk 2005 tot 2015 genoteer is, is prysprestasie gemeet deur gebruikmaking van die markaangepaste abnormale opbrengste en die rykdomrelatiewe model. Die lineêre gewone kleinste kwadrate-regressiemodel is gebruik om die verwantskap tussen die prestasie van aanvanklike openbare aanbod en makro-ekonomiese aanwysers te meet. Op grond van die gemiddelde markaangepaste opbrengste was aanvanklike openbare aanbiedinge wat tussen 2005 en 2015 genoteer is, onderprys. Die regressiemodel het vasgestel dat die eerste dag-, week- en maandprysveranderinge in Nigerië onderskeidelik 0.19, 0.48 en 0.77 keer hoër as in Suid-Afrika was. Die regressieontleding het bevind dat inflasie en rentekoerse ’n positiewe korrelasie gehad het met prysveranderinge aan die einde van die eerste handelsmaand, terwyl bruto binnelandse produk se groei nie statisties beduidend was nie. Derhalwe, om finansiële verlies te ontduik, behoort investeringbesluitnemingsprosesse faktore soos geografiese ligging, rentekoerse, inflasie en die bedryf in aanmerking te neem voordat besluite geneem word. / Ukuqhubekela phambili kanye nentuthuko yomkhakha (sector) yezezimali kubalulekile ekwakheni inqubo yezomnotho esebenza kahle neqhubekela phambili ukutshalwa kwezimali zangaphandle kanye nezangaphakathi ezweni. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqhathanisa ubuhlobo phakathi kokusebenza kwentengo yama-initial public offerings kanye nezinkomba zama-macroeconomic kumnotho weNingizimu Afrika kanye nowase-Nigeria. Ngokwenyuka kwe-IPO listing kuwo womabili ama-stock exchange, kubaluleke kakhulu ukuthi kwenziwe uhlaziyo nohlolo lokusebenza kwe-IPO kanye nomthelela wakho kumnotho kumele kwenziwe. Ngokusebenzisa ama-initial public offerings ka 91 no 19 kwi-Johannesburg Stock Exchange kanye nakwi-Nigerian Stock Exchange ngokuhambisana phakathi kweminyaka ka 2005 kanye no 2015, ukusebenza kwamanani entengo kwakalwa ngokusebenzisa ama-market-adjusted abnormal returns kanye ne-wealth relative model. Imodeli ye-linear ordinary least squares regression model kwasetshenziswa ukukala ubuhlobo phakathi kwama-initial public offering performance kanye nezinkomba ze-macroeconomic. Ngokulandela i-mean market-adjusted returns, ama-initial public offerings okwafakelwa kuhla phakathi kweminyaka ka 2005 kanye no 2015 kwakufakelwe ngentengo ephansi. I-regression model yathola ukuthi ngosuku lokuqala, ngeviki, kanye nenyanga, ukushintsha kwamanani entengo eNigeria, kwakungu 0.19, 0.48 kanye ne 0.77 ngezihlandla eziphezulu kuneNingizimu Afrika. Uhlaziyo lwe-regression analysis lwathola ukuthi i-infleshini kanye namazinga enzalo achaphazeleka ngendlela enhle ngokuhambisana noshintsho lwentengo ekupheleni kwenyanga yokuqala yokuhwebelana, lapho khona ukukhula kwe-gross domestic project kwakungakhulile kakhulu ngokwezibalo. Ngakho-ke, ukugwema ulahlekelo kwezezimali, izinqubo zokuthatha izinqumo ngotshalo-mali kumele kubonelele izinto ezifana nendawo okuyi-geographical location, amazinga enzalo, i-infleshini kanye nemboni ngaphambi kokuthatha isinqumo. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Business Management)
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