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An Inquiry Into Different Urban Transformation Models In The Context Of Rent And Property Transfer: The Case Of Ankara-mamak DistrictYilmaz, Mahir 01 July 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The transformation of urban space is determined by the social and economic relations in every mode of production. Under the condition of capitalist accumulation, the transformation of squatter areas is a significant debate. Therefore, the transformation of squatter areas should be analyzed in respect to the rent and the rent distribution by considering structure and agency relationship. In order to understand the rent distribution, political interest groups and capitalist power holders should be scrutinized. In other words, this thesis has focused the transformation of squatter areas in the capitalist production relations.
Urban space is the most significant field in which the neoliberal policies are embedded. In the squatter areas, various urban transformation processes have realized post 1980. Two basic legal regulations constitute the frame of these transformation models. These are Law Numbered 2981 which entails the improvement plans and the 73th article of Law Numbered 5393 which facilitates the urban renewal projects.
The basic motivation of the thesis is to indicate the differences between the development rights given to squatter owners in the transformed areas in accordance with these laws. After the discussion of urban transformation in terms of rent and property concepts, different transformation areas implemented in Ankara-Mamak District are analyzed comparatively. Then, difference of the development rights of squatter owners in urban renewal projects is indicated by considering the transformation process in Ilker Neighborhood.
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noneChen, Li-Yan 29 July 2002 (has links)
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The Study of Institutional Change of CSC Privatization From the Perspectives of New Institutional EconomicsLi, Szu-Hung 06 July 2003 (has links)
In the economic development of Taiwan, the privatization of state-run enterprise has a very important mission in government policy. In the process of Taiwan¡¦s privatization of state-run enterprise, China Steel Corporation (CSC) has plays an essential role among the privatized institutions, and shapes the way and view of the privatization. Past researches were restricted to the enterprise evaluation happened before and after privatization, and stressed the use of the abstract modeling and mathematics, however, the relation between theory and practice has been touched very little in terms of the institutional change of privatization.
This study is to explore the privatization of CSC from the perspective of new institutional economics. The methodology used is qualitative approach, which differes from the qualitative approach. The primary approach is document analysis, and supplemented by Gadamer¡uQ&A logic¡v.
Under the self-adjustment to the change of internal institution and the adaptation to the change of external environment, the present analysis of CSC privatization, from the perspective of the change of property right and institution, will result in comparative prices change and new transaction profit, and new institution will create some arrangements, inspiration effect, etc.
The result of this research can be summarized as two points, which we hope may offer some contributions.
1. From the perspective of property right, the behavior of rent-seeking resulting from the involvement of interest groups during the CSC privatization process may easily cause the phenomenon of increasing transaction cost. Therefore, in the future plan for institutional change, we must consider the institutional environment and strategy to reduce the possibility of that phenomenon.
2. From the perspective of institutional change, the present study analyzed from the imposed institutional change of state-run CSC to the induced institutional change of privatization, and it can give a clear understanding in that the cultural change of enterprise has a critical influence to the institutional change.
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Determining transit impact on Seoul office rent and land value: an application of spatial econometricsKim, Jin 17 February 2005 (has links)
This study posits that there may be a systematic bias in measuring the transits
endogenous impact on land values in a built up area due to discrimination by location in
the city. Studies of transit value-added effect report mixed results about the capitalization
of station proximity. The question is not whether a transit station influences nearby
land values, but how and where location determines the impacts.
Examining 731 office rentals and land values in Seoul, this study finds that value
premium over better accessibility to a station decays with increasing distance from the
central business district (CBD) and significantly depends on the development density of
the station area. Overall, station benefits seem to exist in Seoul, but they look more
notable in centers with higher centrality. This makes a hierarchy of regression
coefficients for station proximity by location, i.e. the beta in the CBD is the highest and
those in the subcenters are next, while that in other areas is the lowest. Study findings
imply that the potential of more compact and denser developments within station areas
seems higher in a dense inner city, providing evidence for the concept of compact city.
Questions concerning model specification in the hedonic approach are raised: in
research sampled heavily from the suburbs, the coefficient may be underestimated where
this benefit actually exists. Also, due to the incongruence of station area with station
value-added area, using a dummy variable seems intrinsically risky.
This study shows that estimation with spatial models outperforms OLS
estimation in the presence of spatial autocorrelation. Also, there is a strong spatial
autocorrelation even in the SAR residuals where the omission of key variables still
influences the estimation. Overall, spatial lag and error term variables greatly improve
the fitness of regression equations; however, the latter seemed more useful than the
former in this study. One thing to note is that the latter seems more sensitive to the
choice of weight matrix than the lag variable. There may exist a unique weight scheme
proper for the data structure which cannot be known in advance.
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Commercial Real Estate : Different aspects of rent settingEliasson, Karin, Ahlberg, Kristin, Dyvnäs, Malin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Background</p><p>The Swedish economy is currently in a boom and due to the fact that the commercial rental market is closely correlated with the development in the Swedish economy and its economic indicators, commercial real estate companies are successful. Commercial real estate companies generate their main revenue out of rents from their tenants, therefore the set-ting of rent and the factors affecting the procedure are of great importance. The report will not only examine the commercial rental market but also the composition of the lease con-tracts, factors affecting the rent setting and risks associated with commercial leases.</p><p>Purpose</p><p>To analyze the commercial rental market comprising of several different lease contracts. The focus will be to analyze the setting of rents and the factors affecting the procedure.</p><p>Method</p><p>A deductive approach and a qualitative research method is used in order to get reliable and valid data to be able to fulfill our purpose. The data is collected from interviews done with three different real estate companies, situated in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The sample include Håkan Hellström representing Castellum, Lovisa Lindberg representing Landic Property and Roddy Carlsson representing Vasakronan.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>As could be expected, the commercial rental market is closely correlated with supply and demand in the Swedish economy. Currently, demand is increasing due to a growing employment rate and a strong GDP growth. Market rents are increasing, since the demand is continuing to accelerate and vacancy rates are falling. The vacancy rates are currently below the natural level since rents are increasing in both Stockholm and Gothenburg. It is shown that the vacancy level is lower in Gothenburg compared to Stockholm.</p><p>Location is the most important factor affecting the setting of rents apart from supply and demand. Rent for office space is highest in the cities’ Central Business District. Additional factors are attributes that make the premises more attractive and client care that enables for satisfied tenants and long lasting tenant relationships.</p> / <p>Bakgrund</p><p>Den svenska ekonomin är idag i en högkonjunktur och på grund av att den kommersiella hyresmarkanden är starkt korrelerad med utvecklingen i den svenska ekonomin och dess ekonomiska indikatorer, är kommersiella fastighetsbolag framgångsrika. Kommersiella fastighetsbolags intäkter består till största del av hyror från deras hyresgäster. Därför är hyres-sättningen och dess påverkande faktorer av stor vikt. Rapporten kommer inte enbart undersöka den kommersiella hyresmarkanden, utan även komponenter i kommersiella hyreskontrakt, faktorer som påverkar hyressättning och risker associerade med kommersiella hyreskontrakt.</p><p>Syfte</p><p>Att analysera den kommersiella hyresmarknaden bestående av flera hyreskontrakt, med fokusering på hyressättning och dess påverkande faktorer.</p><p>Metod</p><p>För att kunna uppfylla vårt syfte och för att få så tillförlitlig och giltig information som möjligt används ett deduktivt synsätt och en kvalitativ forsknings metod. Informationen tillförskaffas genom intervjuer med tre fastighetsbolag, i Stockholm och Göteborg. Urvalet består av Håkan Hellström som representerar Castellum, Lovisa Lindberg som representerar Landic Property and Roddy Carlsson som representerar Vasakronan.</p><p>Slutsats</p><p>Den kommersiella hyresmarknaden är som väntat, starkt korrelerad med den svenska ekonomins utbud och efterfrågan. Efterfrågan ökar idag på grund av en ökad sysselsättningsgrad och en stark tillväxt av BNP. Marknadshyrorna stiger eftersom efterfrågan ökar och vakansgraden minskar. Vakanserna är i nuläget lägre än normalt eftersom hyresnivåerna ökar i både Stockholm och Göteborg. Det visade sig att vakansgraden är lägre i Göteborg jämfört med Stockholm.</p><p>Hyressättningens viktigaste faktor som påverkar hyresnivån förutom utbud och efterfrågan, är läge. Hyran för kontorslokaler är som högst i städernas Central Business District. Hyressättningen påverkas av ytterligare faktorer som gör kontorslokalen mer attraktiv och kundvård som möjliggör långa kund relationer med nöjda kunder.</p>
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Eigentumsentwicklung an Boden - Analyse, Ursachen, Wirkungen der Eigentumsentwicklung an Boden nach RechtsformenWinkler, Brigitte, Hofmann, Elke, Ullrich, Falk, Heinrich, Katrin 18 February 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Der Bodenmarkt hat seit 2005 eine dynamische Entwicklung genommen. Durch die globale Wirtschaftskrise wurden die Investitionen in werthaltige Güter, d.h. auch in Boden befördert. Die Anzahl Verkaufsfälle und die gehandelte Fläche stiegen seit 2005 stetig an. Der Kaufpreis erhöhte sich um 17 Prozent.
Während in den Niederlanden mit 444 Euro/ha oder Dänemark mit 551 Euro/ha die höchsten Pachtpreise erzielt werden, liegt Deutschland im Durchschnitt bei 205 Euro/ha. Trotz Steigerung um 51 Euro/ha seit 1991 liegt der sächsische Pachtpreis nur bei 116 Euro/ha. Der deutlichere Anstieg bei Grünland kann Ursache der Entkopplung der Direktzahlungen, d.h. dem Überwälzeffekt der Grünlandprämie geschuldet sein.
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Empirical studies of property appraiser behaviour and of location value in office rentsNetzell, Olof January 2007 (has links)
<p>In the first paper the effect of accessibility upon rent is investigated for office properties located in Downtown Stockholm. Starting from the firm’s cost minimization problem, a translog hedonic model is derived. The results suggest the model has good predictive power in explaining the variation in the log of the rent. A negative rent gradient is obtained with a base approximately 90 meters from the postulated focal point. It appears as if Space Syntax adds important information to the understanding of the intraurban office rent pattern.</p><p>The second paper investigates assumed capitalisation rates in 3026 discounted cash flow valuations of office properties in Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö during the time period 1998-2004. The study investigates determinants of property-level variation in cap rates and how going in and exit cap rates relate to each other.</p><p>Exit cap rates exhibit substantial variation across properties. Part of this cross-sectional variation can be attributed to the location of the property, part of it is due to other characteristics of the property. Exit cap rates are differentiated between properties of the same type on the same market segment, which shows that valuers apply property level fine-tuning when setting exit cap rates. Properties with low market rent and high long-run vacancy assumption typically have high exit cap rates. Properties in peripheral parts of a city typically have higher exit cap rates than properties in central parts.</p><p>The implicitly assumed going-in cap rate (defined as assumed net operating income year one divided by estimated market value) follows a similar pattern as the exit cap rate but exhibits more temporary, property-specific variation. Going-in cap rates are strongly influenced by temporary deviations of vacancy rates and rents from assumed “normal” levels of vacancy and rent. The difference between going-in and exit cap rates is influenced by assumed short-run growth in net operating income in the way stipulated by theory: high assumed short-run growth is associated with going-in cap rates being lower than exit cap rates.</p>
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Grön Flagg, en studie av miljöcertifiering av skolan / Eco-Schools, a study of an Enviromental Management system of schoolsCarlsson, Sara January 2002 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete handlar om miljöcertifiering i skolan. Syftet med mitt arbete har varit att ta reda på hur miljöcertifiering av skolor går till. En specifik skola har studerats och jag har undersökt om den specifika skolan når upp till målet med miljöcertifieringen, att skapa en bättre miljö genom att skapa aktiva och deltagande samhällsmedborgare. Arbetet består av en litteraturstudie och en intervjustudie. </p><p>För att erhålla utmärkelsen Grön Flagg, att bli miljöcertifierad, krävs att skolan gör en anmälan till organisationen Håll Sverige Rent, arbetar för att förbättra miljön genom att följa vissa riktlinjer och principer och slutligen lämnar in en rapport där resultaten redovisas. </p><p>Resultatet av min intervjustudie visade att skolan som jag undersökte nådde upp till målet med Grön Flagg-arbetet, som innebär att skapa en bättre miljö genom att skapa aktiva och deltagande samhällsmedborgare.</p>
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Why governments fail to capture economic rent : the unofficial appropriation of rain forest rent by rulers in insular southeast Asia between 1970-1999 /Brown, David W., January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2001. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 313-344).
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Feasibility study on rent allowance scheme to non-elderly waiting listapplicants for public housing岑玉琼, Shum, Yuk-king, Clara. January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Housing Management / Master / Master of Housing Management
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