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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecologia e evolução do sistema visual de serpentes caenophidia: estudos comparativos da morfologia retiniana e genética de opsinas / Not informed by the author

Hauzman, Einat 25 November 2014 (has links)
As estruturas oculares dos vertebrados apresentam diversas adaptações relacionadas aos hábitats e atividades das espécies. A infra-ordem Serpentes possui amplo número de espécies distribuídas em quase todas as regiões da Terra e seu sistema visual apresenta variações que apontam para adaptações ecológicas. O presente estudo teve por objetivo fazer uma análise comparativa do sistema visual de diferentes espécies de serpentes Caenophidia, das famílias Dipsadidae e Colubridae, centrada no potencial de visão de cores, na densidade e topografia celular da retina e na acuidade visual. Para tanto, foram identificados os genes de opsinas expressos nas retinas, e analisadas a densidade e distribuição dos diferentes tipos de fotorreceptores e das células da camada de células ganglionares (CCG). As serpentes obtidas junto ao Laboratório de Herpetologia do Instituto Butantan foram sacrificadas com dose letal do anestésico thiopental. Os olhos foram enucleados e as retinas dissecadas para estudos genéticos e morfológicos, com imunohistoquímica e coloração de Nissl. Para sequenciamento dos genes das opsinas SWS1, Rh1 e LWS, dois olhos de 17 espécies foram utilizados. A amplificação por PCR mostrou que os três genes são expressos nas retinas de todas as espécies analisadas; o pico de sensibilidade espectral (max) de cada opsina foi estimado a partir das sequências de aminoácidos. O max do fotopigmento SWS1 foi estimado em 360 nm (UV), para todas as espécies. O fotopigmento Rh1, apresentou três diferentes combinações de aminoácidos que geram picos de sensibilidade em 500 nm, 494 nm e 484 nm. Todas as espécies de serpentes diurnas apresentaram a combinação de aminoácidos que gerou o max 484 nm. O fotopigmento LWS apresentou 4 diferentes combinações de aminoácidos, com max variando entre 543 nm e 560 nm. Para os estudos morfológicos foram utilizadas 86 retinas de 20 diferentes espécies. Retinas íntegras foram marcadas com anticorpos específicos para quantificação e análise topográfica de fotorreceptores. A coloração de Nissl foi empregada em retinas planas para quantificação de células da CCG e cálculo da acuidade visual. As análises morfológicas em retinas de serpentes noturnas mostraram uma grande densidade média de fotorreceptores (82.042 ± 37.945 células/mm2), com predominância de bastonetes, enquanto espécies diurnas apresentaram baixa densidade média de fotorreceptores (11.290 ± 2.810 células/mm2) e ausência de bastonetes. Serpentes noturnas apresentaram densidade média mais baixa de células da CCG (7.653 ± 1.636 4 células/mm2) comparada às diurnas (9.575 ± 2.301 células/mm2). O poder de resolução espacial também foi maior em espécies diurnas (2,3 ± 0,7 cpg) do que nas noturnas (1,45 ± 0,4 cpg). A distribuição de fotorreceptores e células da CCG nas retinas mostrou a presença de area centralis em diferentes regiões das retinas de espécies noturnas, e faixa horizontal em retinas das espécies diurnas, com exceção da serpente aquática e diurna Helicops modestus, que apresentou area centralis. As diferenças de localização das areae centralis variaram de acordo com hábitat e características comportamentais das espécies. Serpentes fossoriais do gênero Atractus, por exemplo, apresentaram area centralis na região dorsal da retina, que favorece o campo de visão inferior e auxilia no comportamento de escavar. Os resultados obtidos neste abrangente estudo apontam para a complexidade das adaptações do sistema visual deste grupo de vertebrados. As variações do padrão de atividade (diurna ou noturna) e uso de hábitat parecem ser fatores de forte influência sobre as características do sistema visual, como a sensibilidade espectral dos pigmentos visuais, a densidade e distribuição de neurônios nas retinas e o poder de resolução espacial do olho / The structures of vertebrate eyes have many adaptations related to the habitats and activities of the species. The infra-order Serpentes has a large number of species distributed in almost all regions of the Earth and its visual system presents variations that point to ecological adaptations. This study aimed to compare the visual system of different species of Caenophidian snakes, from the Dipsadidae and Colubridae families. To do so, the opsin genes expressed in the retinas were identified and the density and distribution of the different types of photoreceptors and the cells of the ganglion cell layer (GCC) were analyzed. The snakes were colected from Butantan Institute and were sacrificed with a lethal dose of the anesthetic thiopental. The eyes were enucleated and the retinas dissected for genetic and morphological studies, using Nissl stainig technique and immunohistochemistry. For the sequencing the opsins genes SWS1, Rh1 and LWS, two eyes of 17 species were colected. PCR amplification showed that the three opsin genes are expressed in the retinas of all species analyzed; the maximum spectral sensitivity (max) of each opsin was estimated based on the amino acid sequences. The max of the SWS1 photopigment was estimated at 360 nm (UV), for all species. The photopigment Rh1 had three different combinations of amino acids that generate max at 500 nm, 494 nm and 484 nm. All diurnal species had the amino acid combination that generate the max at 484 nm. The photopigment LWS had 4 different combinations of amino acids with max ranging from 543 nm to 560 nm. For morphological studies, 86 retinas of 20 different species were analyzed. Wholemounted retinas were stained with specific antibodies for analysis of the photoreceptors density and topography. The Nissl stainig technique was used for quantification of GCL cells in flatmounted retinas and estimation of the spatial resolving power. Nocturnal snakes had retinas with higher photoreceptor densities (82,042 ± 37,945 cells/mm2), with predominance of rods, compared to diurnal species that had low photoreceptors density (11,290 ± 2,810 cells/mm2) and the absence of rods. On the other hand, diurnal snakes had higher density of GCL cells (9,575 ± 2,301 cells/mm2) and spatial resolving power (2.3 ± 0.7 cpd), compared to nocturnal (7,653 ± 1,636 cells/mm2 and 1.45 ± 0.4 cpg). The distribution of cells in the retinas had variations related to the circadian rhythm of the species, with the presence of area centralis in retinas of nocturnal species and horizontal streak in retinas of diurnal snakes, except for the diurnal and aquatic Helicops 6 modestus, that had an area centralis in the ventral retina. The location of the area centralis varies according the habitat and specific behavior of each species. The fossorial snake Atractus, for example, had an area in the dorsal retina, which improves the resolution of the inferior visual field and benefits the digging habit in this snake. The results of this comprehensive study point to the complexity of adaptations of the visual system of this group of vertebrates. The differences in the activity pattern (diurnal or nocturnal) and habitat seem to be of great influence on the characteristics of the visual system, such as the spectral sensitivity of the visual pigments, the density and distribution of neurons in the retina and the spatial resolving power of eye

Multi-Layered Oxygen Tension Maps of the Retina

Norige, Adam Stuart 30 April 2004 (has links)
Retinal hypoxia is associated with many retinal diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy. Current retinal research suggests that retinal hypoxia appears prior to the onset of diabetic retinopathy. The preliminary association of retinal hypoxia to the early stages of diabetic retinopathy is stimulating the development of new technologies to measure the oxygen content of retinal tissue. Frequency domain phosphoresence lifetime imaging (PLI) is a promising technology that enables the mapping of the oxygen content across the entire retina in the form of two-dimensional images. The two-dimensional images generated from the PLI process are a spatial mapping of the retinal tissue's oxygen tension. Currently, the phosphorescent based oxygen tension PLI measurements contain contaminating auto-fluorescent signals in addition to the desired phosphorescent signals. These auto-fluorescent signals artificially inflate the oxygen tension readings due to the nature of fluorescent signals in phosphorescent imaging. Additionally, the maps generated through PLI appear to contain oxygen tension information from both the retinal vasculature and the choroidal vasculature. The choroidal vasculature is situated directly behind the retina and can have a different oxygen tension value than the retinal vasculature. This research enhanced the PLI system by mathematically eliminating the contaminating auto-fluorescent signals and investigated the methods aimed at separating the PO2s of the retinal and choroidal vasculature beds. In addition, the application of the enhanced PLI technology to the investigation of retinal oxygen changes in a rat model of type I diabetes yielded results that suggest a hyperoxic to hypoxic trend prior to the onset of diabetic retinopathy.

Métabolisme des plasmalogènes dans les cellules gliales rétiniennes : interactions cellule-cellule au cours du développement vasculaire rétinien normal ou pathologique / Plasmalogen metabolism in retinal glial cells : interaction between cells during normal or pathological vascular development

Mazzocco, Julie 14 February 2017 (has links)
Dans les pays industrialisés, les pathologies oculaires à composante vasculaires, que ce soit la rétinopathie du prématuré (ROP), la rétinopathie du diabétique ou la dégénérescence lié à l’âge, représentent la première cause de cécité respectivement chez l’enfant, l’adulte et la personne âgée. Plusieurs études sur l’homme ou sur des modèles animaux ont souligné le rôle crucial joué des acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) au cours de ces rétinopathies et notamment l’action préventive des acides gras polyinsaturés oméga 3 (AGPI n-3) sur l’angiogenèse pathologique. Ces AGPI sont estérifiés dans les glycérophospholipides constituant les membranes cellulaires. On les retrouve également dans une classe particulière de glycérophospholipides, les plasmalogènes. La particularité des plasmalogènes réside dans leur liaison vinyl-éther en position sn-1 au lieu d’une liaison ester dans les autres glycérophospholipides. Les AGPI sont libérés des plasmalogènes par une phospholipase indépendante au calcium, la iPLA2, pour devenir des métabolites actifs. Les plasmalogènes via la libération des AGPI joueraient un rôle dans la mise en place et la maturation du réseau vasculaire rétinien et ce, notamment grâce à la bonne mise en place du réseau astrocytaire. Les astrocytes et les cellules de Müller sont les cellules macrogliales qui servent de soutien physique et métabolique à la rétine. De plus, les cellules de Müller participent au métabolisme des lipides. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse a été d’évaluer l’implication des plasmalogènes dans le métabolisme des cellules de Müller et des astrocytes mais aussi dans la communication entre ces cellules macrogliales. Nous avons également étudié le profil lipidique d’enfants prématurés pour mettre en évidence de potentielles altérations du métabolisme des plasmalogènes chez des nouveau-nés développant une rétinopathie à composante vasculaire, la rétinopathie du prématuré (ROP). Pour ce faire nous avons étudié les effets d’une diminution en plasmalogènes et/ou en iPLA2 sur des cellules de Müller en culture primaire après avoir préalablement vérifié l’expression de l’enzyme clef de la biosynthèse des plasmalogènes. Nous avons ensuite étudié les effets d’une diminution des teneurs en plasmalogènes sur la communication calcique entre les cellules de Müller et les astrocytes. Nos résultats ont montré que les cellules de Müller expriment l’enzyme-clé de synthèse des plasmalogènes et que ces cellules sont plus riches en plasmalogènes que la rétine entière. Les plasmalogènes seraient impliqués dans le contrôle de la migration des cellules de Müller par l’action de la voie ERK1/2 MAPK. Ces effets ne semblent pas passer par la libération des AGPI. De plus nos résultats suggèrent une dégradation de la communication entre les astrocytes et les cellules de Müller en cas de diminution des teneurs en plasmalogènes dans les cellules de Müller. Enfin chez l’homme nous avons mis en évidence une accumulation des AGPI n-6 au détriment des AGPI n-3 dans les érythrocytes des enfants développant une rétinopathie du prématuré et inversement dans le groupe d’enfants prématuré contrôle. L’ensemble de ces travaux confirme l’importance du métabolisme lipidique, et plus particulièrement celui des plasmalogènes, sur le fonctionnement de la rétine. / Retinal vascular disorders such as retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), diabetic retinopathy or age-related macular degeneration represent the first cause of vision loss at all ages in industrialized countries. Many epidemiological or animal studies have shown the involvement of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) in the regulation of vascular development and more specifically the beneficial properties of omega 3 PUFA (n-3 PUFA) against pathological vascularization. Those PUFA are esterified on glycerophospholipids (GP). GP are the primary constituents of the lipid bilayer of cell membranes. PUFA can be also esterified on a specific class of GP, called plasmalogens. Plasmalogens are characterized by the presence of a vinyl ether linkage at the sn-1 position of glycerol instead of an ester linkage as seen in other GP. PUFA are released from plasmalogens by a calcium-independent phospholipase (iPLA2). Free PUFA can be converted into biologically active metabolites. Plasmalogens may have an impact on the development and the maturation of retinal vascular network through the PUFA they release through the control of astrocyte template formation prior to vessel formation. Astrocytes and Müller cells are macroglials cells providing physical and metabolic supports to the retina. Müller cells are key actors of the retinal lipid metabolism. The aim of this work was to evaluate the involvement of plasmalogens in Müller cells and astrocytes metabolism as well as in the ability of these cells to communicate. On one hand, we have studied the effects of a decrease in plasmalogen biosynthesis and/or in iPLA2 activity on Müller cell physiology. Müller cells express a biosynthesis key enzyme of plasmalogen and reducing the biosynthesis of plasmalogens affects Müller cell ability to migrate through the ERK1/2 MAPK signalling. In a second series of studies, we studied the repercussions of such modifications on Müller cell physiology on their ability to communicate with retinal astrocytes through calcium signalling. Our results suggest that affecting plasmalogen metabolism in Müller cells alters the communication between astrocytes and Müller cells. Finally, and in order to investigate whether plasmalogen metabolism may be modified in a human disease displaying abnormal retinal vascular development, we performed a lipidomic study of circulating lipids in infants affected by retinopathy of prematurity. ROP was characterized by the accumulation of n-6 PUFA at the expense of n-3 PUFA, these changes being associated to plasmalogens. All these experiments confirm the importance of lipid metabolism, and especially plasmalogens, on the retina functioning.

Peripheral human colour vision : from cone contrast to colour perception

Panorgias, Athanasios January 2011 (has links)
It is well known that the colour preferences of ganglion and LGN cells do not match the four perceptually simple colours red, green blue and yellow. It is also known that although colour perception is distorted in the peripheral visual field, there are four hues that appear stable with eccentricity. These are defined as peripherally invariant hues. Both of these observations must in some way reflect the physiological substrate of neurons at different stages of the primary visual pathway. The experiments described here are aimed at understanding the link between the physiology and the perception of colour by studying the characteristics of peripheral colour visionThe following questions have been addressed; i) to what extent does colour matching rely on the retinal physiological substrate? ii) what is the reason for the discrepancy between invariant and unique green and how is cone contrast linked to this paradox? iii) how are the `special' hues (invariant and unique) related to human evolution? iv) how does peripheral colour vision vary between males and females?An asymmetric colour matching paradigm and a colour naming task have been employed. In the colour matching task, 24 chromatic axes of variable purity are used. Observers match the chromaticity of a 3 degree peripheral spot with that of a 1 degree parafoveal spot. The results are expressed in terms of hue rotation, saturation match and cone contrast. In the colour naming experiment the observers name 40 chromatic axes as either red, blue, green or yellow and colour naming functions are derived. The central maxima of these functions are defined as the unique hues. The results suggest that colour matching and cone opponency reflect the characteristics of the retinal neural network as they exhibit nasal-temporal asymmetries, similar to known physiological asymmetries. Although three of the peripherally invariant hues match the unique counterparts, invariant and unique green are markedly different for all observers. In an important control experiment unique hues are shown to be stable with eccentricity and purity. This confirms that these attributes are not confounding factors for the observed discrepancy between invariant and unique green. Unlike for the other 'special' hues the RMS cone contrast of invariant green differs markedly between parafoveal and peripheral targets. It is likely that the cone contrast remains unchanged only if the stimuli excite the same number of cones. Two invariant and two unique hues (blue and yellow) fall on the daylight locus suggesting that discrimination in these regions of the colour space is strongly influenced by terrestrial illumination. Moreover, the inter-individual variability is found to be minimised around the daylight locus showing that the blue-yellow system is more stable across colour normal populations than the red-green system. A statistically significant difference is demonstrated between the peripheral colour vision of males and females. This may be attributed to the M-cone polymorphism which in addition to X-chromosome inactivation, results in more than three cone types in the female retina.

Regulation of rapid signaling at the cone ribbon synapse via distinct pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms

Unknown Date (has links)
Background: Light-adaptation is a multifaceted process in the retina that helps adjust the visual system to changing illumination levels. Many studies are focused on the photochemical mechanism of light-adaptation. Neural network adaptation mechanisms at the photoreceptor synapse are largely unknown. We find that large, spontaneous Excitatory Amino Acid Transporter (EAATs) activity in cone terminals may contribute to cone synaptic adaptation, specifically with respect to how these signals change in differing conditions of light. EAATs in neurons quickly transport glutamate from the synaptic cleft, and also elicit large thermodynamically uncoupled Cl- currents when activated. We recorded synaptic EAAT currents from cones to study glutamate-uptake events elicited by glutamate release from the local cone, and from adjacent photoreceptors. We find that cones are synaptically connected via EAATs in dark ; this synaptic connection is diminished in light-adapted cones. Methods: Whole-cell patch-clamp was performed on dark- and transiently light-adapted tiger salamander cones. Endogenous EAAT currents were recorded in cones with a short depolarization to -10mV/2ms, while spontaneous transporter currents from network cones were observed while a local cone holding at -70mV constantly. DHKA, a specific transporter inhibitor, was used to identify EAAT2 currents in the cone terminals, while TBOA identified other EAAT subtypes. GABAergic and glycinergic network inputs were always blocked with picrotoxin and strychnine. Results: Spontaneous EAAT currents were observed in cones held constantly at -70mV in dark, indicating that the cones received glutamate inputs from adjacent photoreceptors. These spontaneous EAAT currents disappeared in presence of a strong light, possibly because the light suppressed glutamate releases from the adjacent photoreceptors. The spontaneous EAAT currents were blocked with TBOA, but not DHKA, an inhibitor for EAAT2 subtype, suggesting that a / non-EAAT 2 subtype may reside in a basal or perisynaptic area of cones, with a specialized ability to bind exocytosed glutamate from adjacent cones in dark. Furthermore, these results could be artificially replicated by dual-electrode recordings from two adjacent cones. When glutamate release was elicited from one cone, the TBOA-sensitive EAAT currents were observed from the other cone. Conclusions: Cones appear to act like a meshwork, synaptically connected via glutamate transporters. Light attenuates glutamate release and diminishes the cone-cone synaptic connections. This process may act as an important network mechanism for cone light adaptation. / by Matthew JM Rowan. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2011. / Includes bibliography. / Electronic reproduction. Boca Raton, Fla., 2011. Mode of access: World Wide Web.

Molecules involved in the retinal axon patterning at the optic chiasm of mouse embryos. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2002 (has links)
by Ling Lin. / "November 2002." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 149-168). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.

Identification and functional characterization of gene defects underlying congenital stationary night blindness (csnb) / Identification et caractérisation fonctionnelle de défauts génétiques à l'origine de la cécité nocturne congénitale stationnaire

Neuillé, Marion 27 June 2016 (has links)
Le processus visuel débute lorsque les photorécepteurs transforment la lumière en un signal biochimique qui est ensuite traité et transmis via la rétine. Notre groupe s'intéresse à élucider les défauts génétiques et les mécanismes à l'origine de pathologies rétiniennes comme la cécité nocturne congénitale stationnaire (CNCS), conséquence d'un défaut de transmission du signal entre les photorécepteurs et les cellules bipolaires. Cette thèse apporte de nouvelles connaissances sur la physiologie de cette première synapse visuelle. Nous avons identifié quatre nouvelles mutations dans SLC24A1, un échangeur ionique intervenant dans l'homéostasie du calcium dans les bâtonnets, à l'origine de la CNSC de type Riggs. Nous avons également identifié LRIT3 comme étant un nouveau gène impliqué dans la forme complète de CNCS. Nous avons décrit un modèle de souris invalidé pour Lrit3 avec un phénotype visuel similaire à celui des patients. Nous avons confirmé la localisation de LRIT3 aux extrémités dendritiques des cellules bipolaires ON, suggérant un rôle dans la cascade de signalisation mGluR6. Nous avons montré que LRIT3 était nécessaire à la localisation fonctionnelle de TRPM1. Nous avons de plus démontré un rôle additionnel de LRIT3 dans la formation de la synapse du cône n'impactant probablement que faiblement les voies OFF. Nous avons également réussi à détecter LRIT3 par spectrométrie de masse, ouvrant la voie à l'identification de ses partenaires. La meilleur connaissance de la physiologie et de la physiopathologie rétinienne doit mener non seulement à un meilleur diagnostic et conseil génétique des patients mais également au développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques. / The first steps in vision occur when rod and cone photoreceptors transform light into a biochemical signal, which gets processed through the retina. Our group investigates genetic causes and mechanisms involved in inherited retinal diseases as congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB), which reflects a signal transmission defect between photoreceptors and bipolar cells. This thesis gives several insights on the retinal physiology at this first visual synapse. We identified four novels mutations in SLC24A1 underlying the Riggs-type of CSNB, which has a role in calcium balance in rods. We subsequently identified a novel gene, LRIT3, which is mutated in the complete form of CSNB. We delivered a knock-out mouse model lacking Lrit3 which displays a phenotype similar to patients. We confirmed the localization of LRIT3 at the dendritic tips of ON-bipolar cells, suggesting a role of LRIT3 in the mGluR6 signaling cascade. We showed that LRIT3 is necessary for the functional localization of TRPM1. We also revealed that LRIT3 has an additional role in formation of the cone synapse but with probably only a minor effect on OFF-pathway functionality. We finally succeeded in immunoprecipitating and detecting LRIT3 by mass spectrometry, opening the way for the identification of LRIT3 partners. Improving knowledge about retinal physiology and physiopathology will lead to a better diagnosis and genetic counseling of the patients and to the development of novel therapeutic approaches.

Estudo computacional sobre a influência de sinapses elétricas entre bastonetes na faixa dinâmica escotópica da retina de vertebrados / A computational study on the influence of rod coupling by electrical synapses on the scotopic dynamic range of the vertebrate retina.

Rodrigo Publio 07 August 2008 (has links)
Recentes estudos sugerem a existência de sinapses elétricas mediadas por junções gap entre fotorreceptores na retina de vertebrados. Neste trabalho, descrevemos um modelo computacional dos circuitos primário e secundário mediados pelos bastonetes da retina de vertebrados. O modelo é composto pelas seguintes populações de células: bastonetes, cones, células bipolares dos bastonetes, células bipolares dos cones, células amácrinas do tipo AII e células ganglionares. As células do modelo estão acopladas entre si por sinapses químicas e elétricas segundo padrões realísticos de convergência e divergência. As sinapses elétricas ocorrem entre os bastonetes, entre os bastonetes e os cones, entre as células amácrinas AII e entre as células bipolares dos cones e a células amácrinas AII. O modelo assume que um estímulo luminoso de baixa intensidade, simulando condições escotópicas, atinge todos os bastonetes da camada receptora, porém menos da metade deles é excitada. A resposta dos bastonetes excitados é controlada por uma fotocorrente cuja amplitude pode ser alterada para simular estímulos de diferentes intensidades dentro da faixa escotópica. O modelo é utilizado para investigar os efeitos dos diferentes graus de acoplamento elétrico entre as células receptoras e entre as células amácrinas AII, além do efeito de diferentes valores de condutância do canal Ih ativado pela hiperpolarização nos bastonetes, sobre a faixa dinâmica da retina. Os resultados das simulações mostram que, para valores realísticos da condutância do canal Ih, a faixa dinâmica medida na camada receptora é maximizada para o índice de conectividade crítico para que haja percolação de ligação. No entanto, quando a faixa dinâmica é medida para as células bipolares ou ganglionares o valor máximo é obtido para um índice de conectividade subcrítico. Este resultado é conseqüência da alta convergência de sinapses químicas entre os bastonetes e células bipolares. / Recent studies suggest the existence of electrical synapses (gap junctions) connecting photoreceptors in the vertebrate retina. In this work we describe a computer model of the primary and secondary rod pathways in the vertebrate retina. The model is composed of the following cell populations: rods, cones, rod bipolar cells, cone bipolar cells, AII amacrine cells and ganglion cells. Cells of the model are connected via chemical as well as electrical synapses according to realistic convergence and divergence factors. There are electrical synapses between rods, rods and cones, AII amacrine cells, and cone bipolar cells and AII amacrine cells. The model assumes that low intensity stimuli simulating scotopic conditions reach all rods in the receptor array but less than half of them are excited. The excited rods response is controlled by a photocurrent waveform whose amplitude can be manipulated to simulate stimuli of different intensities within the scotopic range. The model is used to investigate the effects of different degrees of coupling among photoreceptors and among AII amacrine cells, as well as values of rod hyperpolarization activated current Ih on the dynamic range of the retina. Results show that for realistic values of Ih conductance the dynamic range of the rod array is maximized at the critical connectivity degree for bond percolation. However, the dynamic range of the rod bipolar and ganglion cells is maximized for a photoreceptor connectivity degree below the critical value. The latter result is a consequence of the high convergence of chemical synapses from rods to rod bipolar cells.

O fator de crescimento do nervo inibe o edema citotóxico de células de Müller e células bipolares da retina de rato por meio da liberação de citocinas gliais: participação do sistema glutamatérgico e purinérgico

GARCIA, Tarcyane Barata 03 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2015-06-08T17:45:22Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_FatorCrescimentoNervo.pdf: 4604382 bytes, checksum: f9b5eda58c060afdfa49a3e598187ac2 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Rosa Silva (arosa@ufpa.br) on 2015-06-17T16:36:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_FatorCrescimentoNervo.pdf: 4604382 bytes, checksum: f9b5eda58c060afdfa49a3e598187ac2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-06-17T16:36:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Tese_FatorCrescimentoNervo.pdf: 4604382 bytes, checksum: f9b5eda58c060afdfa49a3e598187ac2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O fator de crescimento do nervo (NGF) pode retardar a degeneração celular na retina de ratos em diferentes injúrias retinianas. O acúmulo de água em células da retina contribui para o desenvolvimento de edema retiniano e degeneração neuronal. Em atribuição ao seu efeito protetor, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar se o NGF influencia o edema celular osmótico em células de Müller e células bipolares. Assim, montagens planas, fatias de retina e células isoladas da retina de ratos foram superfundidas com solução hipo-osmótica na presença de BaCl2. Secções retinianas foram utilizadas para imunomarcações, e a liberação de adenosina foi medida por cromatografia líquida de alta eficácia, em montagens planas. A área de secção transversal celular foi medida antes e após a superfusão em meio hipo-osmótico, em fatias de retina e suspensões celulares. Tanto células de Müller quanto células bipolares foram imunopositivas para TrkA, mas somente células de Müller foram marcadas contra p75NTR e NGF. A hipo-osmolaridade induziu um rápido e significativo aumento da liberação de adenosina endógena em retinas controle, mas não em retinas perfundidas com BaCl2. O NGF inibiu o edema citotóxico em células de Müller e em células bipolares em fatias de retina controle e retinas pós-isquêmicas submetidas a condições hipo-osmóticas. Por outro lado, NGF impediu o edema citotóxico da célula de Müller isolada, mas não da célula bipolar isolada (em meio hipo-osmótico contendo íons Ba2+). Isto sugere que NGF induz a liberação de fatores por células de Müller, os quais inibem o edema citotóxico de células bipolares em fatias de retina. O efeito inibitório do NGF sobre o edema citotóxico de células de Müller foi mediado pela ativação do receptor TrkA, mas não de p75NTR, e foi anulado por bloqueadores de receptores metabotrópicos de glutamato, receptores de adenosina A1, e receptores do fator de crescimento de fibroblasto (FGF). O bFGF evitou o edema citotóxico de células de Müller isoladas, mas inibiu somente em parte o edema citotóxico de células bipolares isoladas. O bloqueio de FGFR impediu o efeito inibidor de edema celular da adenosina, sugerindo que a liberação de bFGF ocorre após à ativação autócrina/parácrina de receptores Al. Além de bFGF, GDNF e TGF431 reduziram em parte o edema citotóxico da célula bipolar. Estes dados sugerem que o efeito neuroprotetor do NGF é em parte mediado pela prevenção de edema citotóxico de células gliais e bipolares da retina. / Nerve growth factor (NGF) stimulates two types of receptors (TrkA and p75NTR), and it delays cell degeneration in rats under several retinal injuries, including retinitis pigmentosa, glaucoma and retinal ischemia. Because water accumulation in retinal neurons and glial cells are pathogenic factors involved in retinal degeneration under ischemic-hypoxic and inflammatory conditions, we tested whether NGF may influence the osmotic swelling of rat Müller glial and bipolar cells. Retinal slices and freshly isolated cells were perfused with hypoosmotic solution in the presence of BaCl2. Post-ischemic retinal cells were also superfused with hypoosmotic solution in the absence of BaCl2. We observed that NGF inhibits the osmotic swelling of rat retinal glial (Müller) and bipolar cells induced by superfusion of retinal slices with a hypoosmotic solution containing barium ions. NGF also reduced the hypoosmotic swelling of Müller and bipolar cells in the post-ischemic retina. On the other hand, NGF prevented the swelling of freshly isolated Müller cells, but not of isolated bipolar cells. This suggests that NGF induces a release of factors from Müller cells which inhibit the swelling of bipolar cells in retinal slices. The inhibitory effect of NGF on the Müller cell swelling was mediated by activation of TrkA, but not p 75NTR, and was prevented by blockers of metabotropic glutamate receptors, purinergic P2Y1 receptors, adenosine A1 receptors, and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors. bFGF fully prevented the osmotic swelling of isolated Müller cells, but inhibited only in part the swelling of isolated bipolar cells. Because inhibition of FGF receptors prevented the swelling-inhibitory effect of adenosine, it is suggested that NGF-induced autocrine/paracrine activation of adenosine A1 receptors induces a release of bFGF from Müller cells. In addition to bFGF, GDNF and TGF431 reduced in part the swelling of bipolar cells. Both Müller and bipolar cells displayed TrkA immunoreactivity, while Müller cells were also immunostained for p75NTR and NGF. The data may suggest that the neuroprotective effect of NGF in the retina is in part mediated by prevention of the cytotoxic swelling of retinal glial and bipolar cells.

Ontogenia do peixe de quatro olhos Anableps anableps: adaptações ósseas e oculares para a visão simultânea aérea e aquática

PEREZ, Louise Neiva 30 September 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Cássio da Cruz Nogueira (cassionogueirakk@gmail.com) on 2017-03-27T14:12:04Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_OntogeniaPeixeQuatro.pdf: 2300342 bytes, checksum: 312deadfba3a35fa7a2da220ec41e6b9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Edisangela Bastos (edisangela@ufpa.br) on 2017-04-10T13:23:47Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_OntogeniaPeixeQuatro.pdf: 2300342 bytes, checksum: 312deadfba3a35fa7a2da220ec41e6b9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-04-10T13:23:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Dissertacao_OntogeniaPeixeQuatro.pdf: 2300342 bytes, checksum: 312deadfba3a35fa7a2da220ec41e6b9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-30 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A evolução e desenvolvimento dos olhos tem intrigado cientistas por séculos. Além da perda parcial ou completa dos olhos, poucos vertebrados apresentam uma modificação substancial na morfologia do olho. Um exemplo é o peixe de quatro olhos (Anableps anableps). Esta espécie pode ser encontrada desde o Golfo de Paria na Venezuela até o Delta do Parnaíba no Brasil, apresenta fecundação interna e se reproduz continuamente ao longo do ano. O peixe de quatro olhos é um modelo interessante para o estudo de inovações morfológicas no contexto de evolução e desenvolvimento (Evo-Devo) por apresentar algumas estruturas oculares divididas, como córneas e pupilas. A retina é uma estrutura única dividida em duas regiões, dorsal (recebe informações luminosas aquáticas) e ventral (recebe informações luminosas aéreas). Estas características permitem que esses animais acomodem a visão aérea e aquática simultaneamente. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a descrição ontogenética dos estágios de desenvolvimento da espécie Anableps anableps, e a descrição morfológica e molecular da retina durante o processo de desenvolvimento ocular. Foram descritos seis estágios larvais. Os dois primeiros estágios, não apresentavam as córneas e pupilas divididas, e a partir do estágio 3, é possível observar o inicio da divisão. Também foi descrito o desenvolvimento e a expansão do osso frontal. O aparecimento do osso frontal também ocorre no estágio 3. Foi identificado o aparecimento de um septo inter-orbital cartilaginoso, a partir do estágio 4 de desenvolvimento ocular. Observou-se que no inicio do desenvolvimento da retina, as células ainda não estão organizadas, não sendo possível distinguir as camadas da retina. Durante o desenvolvimento é possível observar as camadas se organizando, foi possível identificar que a camada nuclear externa dorsal é menos densa que a camada nuclear interna ventral. O padrão de proliferação celular foi descrito em três estágio do desenvolvimento, antes e durante a divisão ocular, sendo observado na zona marginal ciliar. A proliferação celular é mais acentuada no inicio do desenvolvimento ocular e no estágio 5 de desenvolvimento, a quantidade de células em proliferação celular diminui. Os resultados deste trabalho irão elucidar a base genética das mudanças morfológicas presentes neste gênero. / The evolution and development of the eye has intrigued developmental biologists for centuries. Aside from partial or complete loss, few vertebrates display substantial modifications to the eye morphology. One example is the Four-eyed fish (Anableps anableps). This species is commonly found from Gulf of Paria in Venezuela to Delta of Parnaíba and reproduces throughout the year. The four-eyed fish consists in a unique model system to study eye Evo-Devo due to its distinctive feature of having divided eye structures, such as pupils and cornea. The retina is a unique structure divided into two regions, dorsal (receives aquatic luminous information) and ventral (receives aerial luminous information). The aim of this study was to describe larval stages of this species, and morphological and molecular description of the retina during eye development. Six larval stages were described. The two earlier stages did not split the cornea and pupil, and from stage three, it is possible to observe this division. It was also described the development and expansion of the frontal bone. The appearance of the frontal bone begins at stage three of development. It has been identified the appearance of an inter-orbital septum cartilaginous, starting four stage of the ocular development. It was observed that the early development of the retinal cellular layers are disorganized and is not possible to distinguish between them, but later during development, these layers become organized, with ventral outer nuclear layer thicker than the dorsal one, and the dorsal inner nuclear layer is thinner than the ventral. The pattern of retinal cell proliferation has been described in three stages of development, before and during ocular division. It was observed that the proliferation is greater at the beginning of the larval development and decreases on later stages. The result of this study will shed light on the molecular basis of this innovative feature.

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