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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pojetí smrti v existencialistickém myšlení / The concept of death in existentialist mean

NAGYOVÁ, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
The main question of this work is which view existentialists philosophers have about the death. The main intentension of this work is to demonstrate the different kinds of understanding the death by individual authors. We look for the answers of the questiones, if we can find the different forms of the death. The questiones, which way authors akcept the dead in their works, or if being of the death affect their work. At the end I want to refer of the question of life after the death. If authors belived in the life after the dead or if they didn´t. The work is written with consciousness, that the death has its own secret, that is hardly to answer.

O Rio de Janeiro de Coelho Neto : do Império à República

Gonçalves, Márcia Rodrigues January 2016 (has links)
Coelho Neto escreveu muito: produções para crianças (com o cunho educativo e cívico), peças teatrais, poesia, crônicas, contos e romances. Foi o escritor mais lido e aclamado no final do século XIX e início do XX não só no Brasil, mas também em Portugal. Escolhido o Príncipe dos Prosadores Brasileiros e indicado ao prêmio Nobel de Literatura, representando Brasil e Portugal, recebeu todas as láureas que alguém poderia conceber. Foi agente por ocasião dos principais momentos da História brasileira: a abolição e a República. Mesmo com esse currículo glamoroso, seu nome não consta nos livros didáticos da atualidade; sua fortuna crítica foi sendo retomada lentamente no final do século XX e ainda provoca divergência nos dias que seguem. A dualidade de opiniões deve-se à abundância de produções porque muitas delas, escritas por encomenda para poder sustentar a família numerosa, carecem de qualidade. Coelho Neto transitou entre várias escolas literárias sem, no entanto, filiar-se a nenhuma, preso em seu próprio estilo – outra dificuldade de aceitação pelos historiadores da Literatura Brasileira Quando se dedicou a observar a realidade local, preocupado em registrar o momento social e político em que vivia, no entanto, propiciou uma “crônica romanceada”, escritos nos quais a figura do escritor está refletida direta ou indiretamente. Este estudo pretende analisar três obras desse autor, quais sejam: A conquista (1899), A capital federal (1893) e O morto (1898), seguindo a cronologia histórica a que se remetem e não a data de publicação, as quais, por terem como pano de fundo acontecimentos seminais da História brasileira, como a abolição, a República e a Revolta da Armada, em conjunto, tecem um panorama sociológico e histórico da cidade do Rio de Janeiro, durante esse período. / Coelho Neto wrote a lot: he wrote for children (educational and civic texts), plays, poetry, essays, short stories and novels. He was the most widely read and acclaimed writer in the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century not only in Brazil but also in Portugal. He was named as “Prince of Brazilian Prose Writers” and was nominated for the Nobel Prize of Literature, representing Brazil and Portugal, having received all the honors that anyone could conceive. He was also active on the occasion of the key moments of the Brazilian history: the abolition of slaves and the Republic. Even with this glamorous resume, his name does not appear in the textbooks of today; his critical fortune was slowly taken up at the end of the twentieth century and still causes divergence. The duality of opinions is due to the abundance of productions since many of them, written by order as a mean to support the family, lack quality. Coelho Neto moved between various literary schools without, however, getting affiliated to any, trapped in his own style – another difficulty of acceptance by historians of Brazilian literature When he dedicated himself to observe the local reality, concerned to register the social and political moment in which he lived, however, he provided a “romanticized chronic”, texts in which the writer's figure is directly or indirectly reflected. This study aims to analyze three works of this author, namely: Conquest (1899), The Federal Capital (1893) and The Dead (1898), following the historical chronology to which they refer and not the date of their publication. The three of them have as background main events of Brazilian history, such as the abolition, the Republic and the Revolt of the Armada (a Navy uprising); together they weave a sociological and historical overview of the city of Rio de Janeiro during this period.


Santos, Wagner Serafini dos 17 February 2016 (has links)
This master degree s conclusion study is part of History Heritage and Cultural Heritage Research Line of Professional Masters Course in Cultural Heritage of Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. The purpose of this study was carrying out a photographic exhibition about the military revolt that took place in Santa Maria city (RS) in November 1926, from research conducted in Correio da Serra, Gaspar Martins, Diário do Interior and O Castilhista newspapers, in photographs and several documents of that time in order to spread this local history chapter. It was surveyed the collections of the Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Santa Maria, the library of the Colégio Marista Santa Maria (Biblioteca Irmão Daniel), Casa de Memória Edmundo Cardoso, Centro Histórico Coronel Pillar, Memorial Mallet and the Museu Educativo Gama d Eça. The revolt began with the uprising of two Brazilian Army barracks, the 5º Regimento de Artilharia Montada (current 3º Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha Autopropulsado Regimento Mallet) and the 7º Regimento de Infantaria (current 7º Batalhão de Infantaria Blindado Regimento Gomes Carneiro), which attacked the 1º Regimento de Cavalaria of the Brigada Militar (current 1º Regimento de Polícia Montada Regimento Coronel Pillar) forces, resulting in a bombardment over downtown area. The battle ended with the withdrawal of the rebellious military, who left Santa Maria due to the Brigada Militar resistance. We worked to show the military revolt events from the Santa Maria´s press viewpoint of that time, alongside the focus of books describing the fact. The exhibition was created to be displayed on a mobile way in Santa Maria town. According to the placed methodology, the research is applied, exploratory, bibliographic and documentary. The dissertation reports as newspapers, pictures and other surveyed documents relate to Santa- Mariense cultural heritage, reproduces the information collected in these sources and contextualizes the military revolt of 1926 history, showing that this was part of the tenentista movement of the 1920s. / Este trabalho de conclusão de mestrado faz parte da Linha de Pesquisa Patrimônio História e Patrimônio Cultural do Mestrado Profissional em Patrimônio Cultural da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar uma exposição fotográfica sobre a revolta militar ocorrida na cidade de Santa Maria (RS) em novembro de 1926, a partir de pesquisa realizada nos jornais Correio da Serra, Gaspar Martins, Diário do Interior e O Castilhista, em fotografias e documentos diversos daquela época, a fim de divulgar ao público esse capítulo da história local. Foram pesquisados os acervos do Arquivo Histórico Municipal de Santa Maria, da biblioteca do Colégio Marista Santa Maria (Biblioteca Irmão Daniel), da Casa de Memória Edmundo Cardoso, do Centro Histórico Coronel Pillar, do Memorial Mallet e do Museu Educativo Gama d Eça. A revolta começou com a sublevação de dois quartéis do Exército Brasileiro, o 5º Regimento de Artilharia Montada (atual 3º Grupo de Artilharia de Campanha Autopropulsado Regimento Mallet) e o 7º Regimento de Infantaria (atual 7º Batalhão de Infantaria Blindado Regimento Gomes Carneiro), os quais atacaram as forças do 1º Regimento de Cavalaria da Brigada Militar (atual 1º Regimento de Polícia Montada Regimento Coronel Pillar), resultando num bombardeio sobre a região central da cidade. A batalha terminou com a retirada dos militares rebelados, que saíram de Santa Maria devido à resistência da Brigada Militar. Trabalhamos para mostrar os acontecimentos da revolta militar a partir do enfoque da imprensa de Santa Maria daquela época, paralelamente ao enfoque dos livros que descrevem o fato. A exposição foi criada para ser exibida de forma itinerante na própria cidade de Santa Maria. De acordo com a metodologia empregada, a pesquisa é aplicada, exploratória, bibliográfica e documental. A dissertação informa como os jornais, as fotografias e outros documentos pesquisados relacionam-se com o patrimônio cultural santamariense, reproduz as informações coletadas nessas fontes e contextualiza a história da revolta militar de 1926, mostrando que esta fez parte do movimento tenentista da década de 1920.

Naděje a smysl člověka: srovnání pojetí lidské existence u Gabriela Marcela a Alberta Camuse / Hope and Meaning of Human Existence: Comparing the Approach to Human Existence of Gabriel Marcel and Albert Camus

Klimešová, Pavlína January 2020 (has links)
73 Abstract The first part of my dissertation deals with the philosophy of Gabriel Marcel. It begins with the basic information about the philosopher as well as with his thinking placed within the context of the philosophy's history. Next step is Mr. Marcel's ideas about the feeling of the essence of life which is significant to experience in one man's life in order to set off the journey of englightenment. The feeling of the essence of life is unfortunately being silenced in nowadays people. After that I introduce the philosopher's conception of the imprisonment of a human being. This imprisonment is the cornerstone of his explanation of the metaphysics of hope. At the end of the first part I submit the power and the importance of hope in a human's state of mind which can be so stable that even the death of the beloved doesn't mean the end of hope. As mentioned before, the second part begins with the information about Mr. Albert Camus and I also put his philosophy in the context of the history. The most important step is to introduce his feeling of the futility without which the philosophy of Mr. Camus cannot be understood. The next vital part is his understanding and asking of one man's life relevance and also the philosopher's perception of a suicide. The cost of human life is the focal point of...

The Choreopolitics of Liberation and Decolonization

Goodall, Harrison M, III 01 January 2016 (has links)
This thesis examines dance as a means of social and political revolt in the AIDS epidemic. The course of the AIDS epidemic within the United States was inexorably shaped by the way dancers and choreographers used their art form to rebel against concepts of masculinity, sexuality and disease transmission. Through confronting their audiences with the reality of their loss and humanizing themselves and their loved ones that passed away, dancers were able to change the image of the epidemic and push for necessary political and social reform. This paper also analyzes the ways that norms of masculinity and the stigma of effeminacy in modern society developed, through tracing the development and disappearance of the male dancers on stages across the world. This examination explores the connection between dance and queerness, as well as effeminacy and sexuality, and calls into question the ways in which our bodies and movements are colonized. These were concepts that were all explored during the AIDS epidemic as well as dance and social revolutions through out the earlier part of the 20th century.

Albert Camus et l'art de philosopher

Massé, Olivier 08 1900 (has links)
L’objectif poursuivi dans ce mémoire de maîtrise est de proposer une réflexion sur la problématique trop souvent ignorée de la « nature » de la philosophie. Défendant une position historiciste et non essentialiste, la philosophie ne pouvant être comprise, définie et expliquée qu’à partir de ses formes historiques, j’ai décidé d’étudier la présence de la philosophie dans la vie et dans l’oeuvre d’Albert Camus, surtout reconnu pour être un homme de lettres. La pensée de Camus se positionnant contre la philosophie abstraite et théorique de ses contemporains, il sera question de l’examiner à la lumière des travaux de Pierre Hadot sur la philosophie antique. La comparaison avec les Anciens sera précieuse sur plus d’un plan. Elle prouvera que Camus réactualise l’idéal de la philosophie comme mode de vie, dont les thèses directrices seront explicitées dans les prolégomènes. J’espère ainsi faire voir la possibilité d’une conception « moderne » de la philosophie ancrée dans la pratique. Le présent travail se divisera en trois parties : la première visera à clarifier le sens des concepts et des différentes parties du Mythe de Sisyphe; la deuxième tâchera de rapprocher sa philosophie de l’absurde des thèses directrices de la philosophie comme mode de vie, offrant une interprétation novatrice de son Sisyphe; la troisième exposera succinctement sa philosophie de la révolte à partir d’une analyse de L’Homme révolté, de façon à démontrer que sa morale s’inscrit aussi dans le sillage de cet idéal philosophique. / The purpose of this master’s thesis is to propose a reflection on the all-too-often ignored issue of philosophy’s “nature”. Defending a historicist and non-essentialist position since philosophy cannot be understood, defined and explained without studying its historical forms, I decided to examine the presence of philosophy in the life and in the work of Albert Camus, who is essentially known as a man of letters. The thinking of Camus, which is positioned against the abstract and theoretical philosophy of his contemporaries, will be studied in light of the works of Pierre Hadot on ancient philosophy. The comparison with the classical Greeks will be precious in many ways. It will prove that Camus extends the ancient ideal of philosophy as a way of life, which guiding theses will be presented in the prolegomena. I therefore wish to bring forward the possibility of a “modern” conception of philosophy that is anchored in practicality. This research will be divided into three parts : the first will aim to clarify the meaning of the concepts and various parts of the Myth of Sisyphus; the second will seek to liken his philosophy of the absurd to the guiding theses of philosophy as a way of life, offering an innovative interpretation of his Sisyphus; the third will briefly present its philosophy of revolt from an analysis of The Rebel in order to demonstrate that its moral can also be likened to philosophy as a way of life.

Shakespeare and Black Masculinity in Antebellum America: Slave Revolts and Construction of Revolutionary Blackness

Mayer, Elisabeth 01 January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores how Shakespeare was used by Antebellum American writers to frame slave revolts as either criminal or revolutionary. By specifically addressing The Confessions of Nat Turner by Thomas R. Gray and "The Heroic Slave" by Frederick Douglass, this paper looks at the way invocations of Shakespeare framed depictions of black violence. At a moment when what it means to be American was questioned, American writers like Gray and Douglass turned to Shakespeare and the British roots of the English language in order to structure their respective arguments. In doing so, these texts illuminate how transatlantic identity still permeated American thought. This thesis also argues that the conscious use of British literature, Shakespeare in particular, by abolitionists constitutes a critique of the unfulfilled American ideals they believe slavery undermines. In addressing depictions of slave revolts and black masculinity in this period, this thesis explores how allusions to Shakespeare helped frame the historiography surrounding how slave revolts in America were and are remembered.

La plume et le glaive : Caligula et la création littéraire chez Camus

Nadeau, Jean-Philippe 08 1900 (has links)
Pour Albert Camus, la littérature était à la fois une activité essentielle à son bonheur et un objet de réflexion. Afin de saisir quelle conception de la littérature et quelle vision du rôle de l’écrivain se dégagent de son oeuvre, ce mémoire aborde dans un même mouvement ses deux principaux essais, Le Mythe de Sisyphe et L’Homme révolté, et une pièce de théâtre, Caligula. Notre premier chapitre consiste dans la recherche de ce qui, pour Camus, fait de la création artistique une activité privilégiée dans l’horizon de la pensée de l’absurde et de la révolte. Dans le deuxième chapitre, les différents commentaires émis par la critique à propos de Caligula seront examinés. La pièce, malgré l’opinion dominante, ne raconte pas l’histoire d’un empereur absurde qui se révolte contre son destin. L’importance du thème de la création littéraire dans cette pièce a également été grandement sous-estimée. Enfin, le troisième chapitre de ce mémoire présente notre propre analyse de la pièce. La confrontation de la fiction avec la théorie révèle une grande concordance entre les deux aspects de l’oeuvre de Camus. L’accord n’est cependant pas parfait, et l’étude des points de friction découverts permet d’apporter des éclaircissements sur un des points les plus obscurs des essais de Camus : l’éthique du créateur placé dans une situation où il doit choisir entre tuer et mourir. / For Albert Camus, literature was both an activity crucial to his happiness and a study object. In order to understand what conception of literature can be found in Camus’ writings and the responsibilities of the writer that this definition implies, this memoir studies his two main essays, The Myth of Sisyphus and The Rebel, and one play, Caligula. Our first chapter consist in a research of what makes artistic creation an exceptional activity in the light of Camus’ thoughts on absurd on revolt. In our second chapter, the critics’ various commentaries about Caligula are examined. In spite of what is still the opinion of a majority of critics, the play is not the tale of an absurd emperor who would revolt against his destiny. Also, the theme of literary creation has not been sufficiently studied in that play, in which it plays a determinant role. Finally, the third chapter of this memoir presents our own analysis of the play. The confrontation of fiction and theory reveals a great similarity between the two aspects of Camus’ writings. However, the match is never perfect, and the study of the friction points allows us to shed light on one of the most obscure part of Camus’ essays: the ethic of the creator placed in a situation where he must kill or be killed.

American Interests in the Cuban Revolt, 1868-1878

Watkins, Holland Dempsey 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis describes the Cuban revolt of 1868-1878 and the interest it caused in the United States.

Factions et robes rouges : parlements et politique provinciale de Richelieu à la Fronde (1624-1654) / Factions and red robes : parliaments and provincial policy from Richelieu to the Fronde (1624-1654)

Servanton, Mathieu 07 June 2017 (has links)
Au travers de cette thèse, nous nous sommes attachés à comprendre la politique gouvernementale menée par Richelieu vis-à-vis des parlements méridionaux (Toulouse, Bordeaux et Aix), ainsi que ses conséquences jusqu’aux guerres civiles de la Fronde. De 1624 – date de l’accès du premier cardinal ministre au Conseil de Louis XIII – à 1654 – date de rétablissement d’un parlement à Bordeaux après la Fronde –, ces années cardinales furent celles du choix de la guerre contre la monarchie espagnole. Elles furent aussi marquées par la constitution d’une alliance politique au sommet de l’État entre Richelieu et le prince de Condé. Une alliance robuste qui laissa la place à un système polycratique instable durant les années de la régence d’Anne d’Autriche, organisé autour du triumvirat Condé, Mazarin, Orléans. Ce double contexte, militaire et politique, eut d’importants échos dans les provinces méridionales et leurs parlements. Cependant, nous n’avons pas limité notre champ d’investigation au seul point de vue gouvernemental. Nous avons veillé à reconstruire les dynamiques politiques provinciales afin de comprendre au mieux les prises de position au sein des parlements. Pour cela, nous avons mis les factions et le factionnalisme au cœur de notre analyse en tentant de produire une véritable « histoire-cabales » des parlements méridionaux durant les années cardinales. Nous avons défini les factions parlementaires comme des coalitions temporaires, nébuleuses de magistrats ou de familles de magistrats, dont on pouvait distinguer un noyau dur d’adhérents fortement impliqués dans les confrontations et des marges plus ou moins actives en fonction des enjeux et des recompositions d’alliances. Leurs interactions et leurs affrontements caractérisaient le factionnalisme. Notre étude a donc porté dans une première partie sur le cadre de la vie politique provinciale. Nous y avons reconstitué le microcosme politique dans lequel évoluaient les magistrats et dans lequel se formaient leurs factions. Une attention particulière a ainsi été portée à reconstruire les tensions institutionnelles, les différents réseaux, ainsi que le contexte politique des années cardinales à la cour comme en province. Dans une seconde partie, la politique de Richelieu vis-à-vis des parlements méridionaux a été analysée. Trois séquences politiques ont été ainsi reconstruites avec minutie afin de faire apparaître comment le cardinal et ses hommes exploitaient les conflictualités locales à leur profit, y attisant le factionnalisme. Enfin, dans une dernière partie, l’ébranlement du système Richelieu et les conséquences de ce phénomène dans les guerres civiles de la Fronde ont été analysés au travers du prisme des factions. Ce travail vise ainsi à mettre les factions et le factionnalisme au cœur de l’analyse de la politique parlementaire sous l’Ancien Régime. / Through this thesis, we endeavoured to understand Richelieu's government policy towards the southern parliaments (Toulouse, Bordeaux and Aix), as well as its consequences until the civil wars of the Fronde. From 1624 – date of the first cardinal minister's access to the Council of Louis XIII – to 1654 – date of re-establishment of a parliament in Bordeaux after the Fronde – these cardinal years were those of the choice of war against the Spanish monarchy. They were also marked by the constitution of a political alliance at the summit of the State between Richelieu and the Prince de Condé. A robust alliance that gave way to an unstable polycratic system during the years of the regency of Anne of Austria, organized around the triumvirate Condé, Mazarin, Orléans. This dual context, military and political, had important echoes in the southern provinces and their parliaments. However, we have not limited our scope of investigation solely to the government's point of view. We have been working to rebuild provincial political dynamics in order to better understand the positions taken by parliaments. To this end, we have put factions and factionalism at the heart of our analysis by attempting to produce a genuine "cabal story" of the southern parliaments during the cardinal years. We have defined parliamentary factions as temporary coalitions, nebulas of magistrates or families of magistrates, of which we could distinguish a hard core of members strongly involved in confrontations and margins more or less active according to the stakes and recompositions of alliances. Their interactions and confrontations characterized factionalism. Our study therefore focused in a first part on the framework of provincial political life. We have reconstituted the political microcosm in which the magistrates evolved and in which their factions were formed. Particular attention has been paid to reconstructing the institutional tensions, the different networks and the political context of the cardinal years at court and in the provinces. In a second part, Richelieu's policy towards southern parliaments was analyzed. Three political sequences were thus carefully reconstructed in order to show how the cardinal and his men exploited local conflicts for their benefit, fuelling factionalism. Finally, in a final section, the shock of the Richelieu system and the consequences of this phenomenon in the civil wars of the Fronde were analyzed through the prism of the factions. This work aims to put factions and factionalism at the heart of the analysis of parliamentary policy under the Old Regime France.

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