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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Polisiära och lagstiftande åtgärder i syfte att öka gångtrafikanters trafiksäkerhet : En översiktsstudie / Police and legislative measures with the aim of increasing road safety for pedestrians : A scoping review

larsson, dennis January 2023 (has links)
Background: The whole of society is facing major challenges regarding the ongoing climate change and the possibility of creating sustainable development. This also largely applies to today's trafficsystem, which needs to change to more sustainable trffic system. Increased active travel is a nescessery for reaching the set goals that exist when it comes to sustainable travel. Increased active travel will lead to more unprotected road users in the trafficsystem, one group of unprotected road users are pedestrians. An increased number of pedestrians in the trafficsystem requires additional efforts to ensure traffic safety for that group. Method: An scoping review is carried out in which police and legislative measures aimed at increasing road safety for pedestrians are evaluated. The purpose of the study is to gain knowledge about what measures the current research proposes to increase traffic safety and to come up with proposals for additional areas where more research is needed. The study builds on two previous literature studies that superficially touched on the subject. Seven scientific articles are taken from these literature studies, a further 13 scientific articles are selected after a literature search. A total of 20 scientific articles that meet the inclusion criteria are included and analyzed. In order to assess whether Swedish authorities implement effective police and legislative measures with the aim of increasing traffic safety for pedestrians, a comparison is made between the measures proposed by the research and the measures that two Swedish authorities, the Swedish Transport Agency and the Swedish Police Agency, present in their documents Aktionsplan för säker vägtrafik 2022–2025 - 250 åtgärder som 33 myndigheter och aktörer avser att vidta för ökad trafiksäkerhet samt Polismyndighetens strategi inom trafiksäkerhetsarbetet. Results: The study shows that targeted police measures aimed at fining individuals who break traffic rules in a certain place during a certain time have a positive effect on pedestrian traffic safety. The focus should be on increasing rule compliance and reducing the number of speed limit violations by motorists, as well as encouraging pedestrians not to walk against red lights. The legislative measures that the scoping review shows have the best effect are lowering the speed limit and car-free zones on stretches of road where many pedestrians are moving. Conclusions: The conclusions that thos scoping review draws are that further research is required in the connection between reduced average speed and the number of traffic accidents which leads to personal injuries to pedestrians, as well as the part of police and legislative measures in different action programs that include several different measures that are implemented together. The police authority is working towards a reduced average speed of motorists through targeted police measures, which is in line with the measures proposed by the existing research in the area. However, there is nothing in the document about targeted police measures against pedestrians in order to increase rule compliance by that group, which is something that the Police Authority is recommended to develop. In the Swedish Transport Agency's action plan for the years 2022-2025, no measures are mentioned to increase pedestrian traffic safety linked to traffic accidents. Only measures to reduce the number of fall injuries are presented. The Swedish Transport Agency is therefore recommended to further develop its action plan and also have it include legislative measures such as reduced speed limits or car-free zones on road sections where many pedestrians move.

Modelle zur Bewertung der Verkehrssicherheit von Landstraßen / Models for evaluating the road safety of rural roads

Berger, Ralf 25 May 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertationsschrift enthält die Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Bewertung der Verkehrssicherheit von Streckenabschnitten auf Landstraßen außerhalb von Knotenpunkten. Dabei liegt das Augenmerk auf der Abbildung von Sicherheitsgraden maßgebender Querschnitte und der Identifikation und Quantifizierung von einflussnehmenden Merkmalen. Das Verfahren stellt einen Bezug zu den aktuellen Entwurfsrichtlinien für die Anlage von Landstraßen dar und verknüpft die Bewertungsmethodik mit den Zielen zukünftiger Bewertungsverfahren, wie sie im Entwurf des Handbuchs zur Bewertung der Verkehrssicherheit von Straßen enthalten sind. Grundlage bilden die Daten eines ca. 3.600 km umfangreichen Streckenkollektivs. Beruhend auf den Erkenntnissen der Literaturanalyse erfolgen die Einteilung des Streckenkollektivs in Netzelemente, die Festlegung und Kategorisierung mutmaßlicher Merkmale sowie die Klassifizierung von vier Bewertungsfällen. Die Anwendung Verallgemeinerter Linearer Modelle zur Beschreibung der Unfallhäufigkeit in Abhängigkeit verschiedener Variablen stellt eine Möglichkeit dar, Einschränkungen monokausaler Sicherheitsuntersuchungen aufzulösen. Darüber hinaus bietet das Verfahren die Möglichkeit, das Unfallgeschehen in einen nicht vermeidbaren – dieser entspricht einem Grundniveau – und einen vermeidbaren Teil – Zuschläge aufgrund von Defiziten und Streckeneigenschaften – zu unterscheiden. Im Rahmen einer vergleichenden Unfallanalyse erfolgt die räumliche Abgrenzung von Knotenpunkten, Einflussbereichen und der Freien Strecke. Plangleiche Knotenpunkte weisen eine feste Länge auf, während die Länge der Einflussbereiche variiert. Im ersten Teil der Analyse werden zur Beschreibung der Unfallhäufigkeit der Freien Strecke zwei Ansätze betrachtet. Sowohl für den Ansatz nach Unfallschwere als auch nach Unfalltyp erfolgte eine differenzierte Modellbildung auf Basis mehrerer Teilkollektive je Bewertungsfall. Dies erlaubt eine feinere Verknüpfung von Ursache und Wirkung. Allen Modellen liegt eine Prüfung auf allgemeine Anwendbarkeit zugrunde. Im Vergleich beider Ansätze zeigt sich, dass die unfalltypenfeine Betrachtung eine deutlichere konfliktbezogene Tiefe zwischen streckencharakteristischen Merkmalen und der Unfallhäufigkeit zulässt. Als maßgebend einflussnehmende Merkmale gelten neben der Relationstrassierung und der Querschnittsausprägung auch die Seitenraumgestaltung. Der ermittelte nichtlineare Zusammenhang zwischen Unfallgeschehen und Verkehrsstärke hat zur Folge, Zuschläge als Anteilswert bezüglich des Grundniveaus zu betrachten. Es existieren verschiedene Arten von Zuschlägen. Deren ermittelte Größenordnung variiert in Abhängigkeit von der Merkmalausprägung und der Verkehrsstärke. Im Resultat liegen für alle Bewertungsfälle ein monetär bewertetes Sicherheitsgrundniveau und Zuschlagstabellen vor. Zweiter Bestandteil der Analyse stellt die Bewertung der Einflussbereiche dar. Diese entsprechen dem Bindeglied zwischen den Streckenübergängen und der Freien Strecke. Unter der Annahme, dass die Verkehrssicherheit in diesen Bereichen sowohl von Merkmalen des Streckenübergangs als auch der Freien Strecke beeinflusst wird, erfolgt die Identifikation maßgebender Merkmale, welche den Streckenübergang charakterisieren. Im Resultat werden Einflussfaktoren ermittelt, die den Sicherheitsgrad von Freier Strecke und Einflussbereich ins Verhältnis setzen. Die Bewertung erfolgt ebenfalls auf Basis multipler Regres-sionen typendifferenzierter Unfallkollektive. Es zeigt sich, dass das Verhältnis für einige Arten von Übergängen eine Abhängigkeit von der Verkehrsstärke aufweist. Die Ergebnisse beider Analyseschritte münden in der Bereitstellung eines Verfahrens, welches die Sicherheitsanalyse von Streckenabschnitten unter gegebenen Randbedingungen ermöglicht und einen Variantenvergleich erlaubt.

Impact de la charge émotionnelle sur l’activité neurophysiologique et les processus de prise de décision : application à la conduite automobile / Impact of emotional load on neurophysiologic activity and decision-making processes : application to driving

Salvia, Emilie 04 December 2012 (has links)
L’activité neurovégétative est un corrélat de la charge mentale et émotionnelle, même lorsque les stimulations sontbrèves et de faible intensité. Elle est notamment sensible à la difficulté perçue mais aussi à une forme particulièred’induction affective, l’injustice. Par conséquent, nous avons utilisé ces mesures neurovégétatives comme variablesdépendantes de la charge mentale/émotionnelle subie par les conducteurs automobiles, dans des conditions plus oumoins astreignantes.Un freinage appuyé induit des réponses neurovégétatives longues et amples, corrélat d’une charge importante. Lafocalisation de l’attention est élevée dans des situations de conduite stressantes, nécessaire pour répondre auchangement possible de la couleur d’un feu tricolore.Nous avons montré, à partir d’enregistrements magnétoencéphalographiques, que sous forte contrainte temporelle,les conducteurs qui avaient tendance à enfreindre les feux présentaient une activation plus élevée au niveau ducortex dorsolatéral gauche. Ils opéraient en permanence un compromis entre le respect simultané du code de laroute et des consignes expérimentales ce qui complexifiait la sélection de la réponse motrice.L’activité végétative s’avère être un témoin fiable de l’activité centrale. L’activation du cortex cingulaire antérieurgauche semble être à l’origine d’une diminution de l’activité électrodermale et cardiaque.Du fait de l’altération de leurs capacités cognitives, les seniors pourraient devenir anxieux face à des situations deconduite pourtant considérées comme anodines pour les plus jeunes. Il est nécessaire de leur dispenser desrecommandations simples afin qu’ils abordent la route plus sereinement. / Autonomic activity is a correlate of mental and emotional load, even when stimulations are brief and of low intensity.This activity is especially sensitive to the perceived difficulty, but also to a particular form of emotional induction, theinjustice. Therefore, we used these autonomic measures as dependent variables of mental/emotional loadundergone by drivers, under more or less demanding conditions.A heavy braking elicited long and ample autonomic responses, correlate of a strong load. The focus of attention wasgreater in stressful driving conditions, needed to get ready to respond to the possible change of the color of thetraffic light.We showed, from magnetoencephalographic recordings, that under high time pressure, drivers who tended to breakthe lights showed higher activation in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. They continuously operated a trade-offbetween the simultaneous respect of the traffic law and of the experimental instructions thus making the motorresponse selection harder.We also evidenced that the autonomic activity reliably paralleled the central activity. The activation of the leftanterior cingulate cortex decreased both electrodermal and cardiac activities.Due to their impaired cognitive abilities, ageing citizens might become anxious during driving situations consideredbenign by young drivers. It is necessary to provide them simple recommendations in order that they address the roadmore serenely.

Propuesta de mejora de la seguridad vial en el entorno de la Institución Educativa Liceo Fermín Tangüis de San Juan de Lurigancho / Proposal to improve road safety in the environment of the Liceo Fermín Tangüis Educational Institution of San Juan de Lurigancho

Aymara Mamani, Luis Enrique, Bustinza Rodríguez, Carla Alexandra 09 January 2019 (has links)
La presente investigación engloba el tema de una Inspección de Seguridad Vial en la Institución Educativa Liceo Fermín Tangüis, ubicado en el distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, provincia de Lima. En ella se abordarán las problemáticas de seguridad vial identificadas en el área de estudio, tales como, la tasa de accidentes, exceso de velocidad, falta de educación vial, inadecuada infraestructura peatonal y ausencia de señalización vial. Estas problemáticas se lograron identificar con la obtención de datos en campo y su posterior análisis de la información. Dentro del trabajo de campo se realizaron inspecciones visuales, aforos vehiculares, aforos peatonales, medición de velocidades y verificación de la geometría existente. Como resultado se determinó que la velocidad vehicular de circulación en la vía es de 57 km/h, la cual es mayor a la velocidad máxima permitida en Zona Escolar (30 km/h). Además, las infraestructuras peatonales como las veredas y rampas se encuentran desalineadas unas de otras, y no cumplen con una pendiente máxima de 12% de acuerdo con lo estipulado en el RNE, por tanto, son un peligro para las personas con discapacidad. Así mismo, los cruceros peatonales y los paraderos informales no se encuentran ubicados correctamente. También, se pudo determinar que la mayor concentración de flujo de peatones se da en el ingreso y salida de la Institución Educativa. Considerando los problemas identificados, se propone elaborar una propuesta que tiene como objetivo mejorar la Infraestructura Vial y Peatonal, con la intención de aumentar la seguridad vial de los conductores y peatones en el entorno. Esta propuesta se basará en la normativa peruana, así como investigaciones de expertos para realizar un diseño vial incorporando señalética, infraestructura peatonal y vehicular, también se plantean intervenciones urbanas con el fin concientizar a los usuarios de la vía. Finalmente, cabe mencionar que la presente investigación puede ser de utilidad, como base para futuras investigaciones de micro simulación. / The present investigation includes the subject of a Road Safety Inspection at the Liceo Fermín Tangüis Educational Institution, located in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho, province of Lima. It will address the road safety issues identified in the study area, such as the accident rate, speeding, lack of road safety, inadequate pedestrian infrastructure and lack of road signs. These problems were identified with the obtaining of data in the field and its subsequent analysis of the information. Within the fieldwork, visual inspections, vehicle gaugings, pedestrian gaugings, velocity measurements and verification of the existing geometry were carried out. As a result, it was determined that the vehicular speed of traffic on the road is 57 km / h, which is greater than the maximum speed allowed in the School Zone (30 km / h). In addition, pedestrian infrastructures such as sidewalks and ramps are out of alignment with each other, and do not meet a maximum gradient of 12% according to the stipulations of the RNE; therefore, they are a danger for people with disabilities. Likewise, pedestrian cruises and informal stops are not located correctly. Also, it was determined that the highest concentration of pedestrian flow occurs in the entrance and exit of the Educational Institution. Considering the problems identified, it is proposed to prepare a proposal that aims to improve the Road and Pedestrian Infrastructure, with the intention of increasing road safety for drivers and pedestrians in the environment. This proposal will be based on Peruvian regulations, as well as expert investigations to develop a road design incorporating signage, pedestrian and vehicular infrastructure, urban interventions are also proposed in order to raise awareness among road users. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the present research may be useful as a basis for future micro simulation research. / Tesis

Análise custo-benefício de ondulações transversais e redutores eletrônicos de velocidade no Brasil / Benefit-cost analysis of Brazilian conventional and electronic speed humps

Schumacher, Florian Immanuel 30 January 2015 (has links)
Dado o grande impacto econômico e social dos acidentes de trânsito no Brasil, a eficácia comprovada de medidas de controle de velocidade em reduzir acidentes de trânsito, o uso frequente de algumas dessas medidas no Brasil, a falta de estudos sobre o impacto econômico dessas medidas no Brasil e a especificidade regional das análises de custo-benefício, o objetivo deste estudo é fazer uma avaliação econômica das intervenções de segurança viária ondulação transversal e redutor eletrônico de velocidade no Brasil. Desenvolve-se um método para avaliar o custo-benefício destas intervenções de segurança viária para um conjunto de condições de tráfego definidas pelas variáveis velocidade de fluxo livre, volume de tráfego e quantidade de acidentes com vítima, e avalia-se sob quais dessas condições cada intervenção é custo-eficiente. Os resultados mostram que a relação custo-benefício dos dispositivos redutores de velocidade depende fortemente da acidentalidade do local de implementação e que os dispositivos são tanto mais custo-eficientes quanto maior for a acidentalidade e quanto menor for o volume de tráfego. / Given the large economic and social impact of traffic accidents in Brazil, the proven effectiveness of speed control measures to reduce traffic accidents, the frequent use of some of these measures in Brazil, the lack of studies on the economic impact of these measures in Brazil and the inapplicability of cost-benefit analyzes conducted in other countries for the Brazilian reality, the objective of this study is to make an economic evaluation of road safety interventions speed hump and electronic speed hump in Brazil. We develop a method to evaluate the cost effectiveness of these interventions in road safety based on a reduced set of parameters and evaluate under what conditions of free flow speed, traffic volume and number of injury accidents each intervention is cost-effective. Results show that the cost-benefit ratio of the speed reducing devices strongly depends on the accident rate and that the greater the accident rate and the lower the traffic volume are, more cost effective the devices are.

SEGTRANS : sistema de gestão da segurança no trânsito urbano / SEGTRANS : safety management system in urban traffic

Simões, Fernanda Antonio 06 March 2001 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um modelo de sistema de gestão da segurança no trânsito urbano, denominado SEGTRANS, que visa a redução dos acidentes de trânsito e a minimização dos conflitos de tráfego, com conseqüente aumento da segurança e do conforto para os usuários. O SEGTRANS contempla a organização de um banco de dados com informações sobre acidentes, conflitos de tráfego, sistema viário e zoneamento urbano, em programas de planilha eletrônica e sistema de informações geográficas; o desenvolvimento de técnica mista de avaliação da segurança viária com dados de acidentes, conflitos de tráfego e meio ambiente viário; o tratamento dos dados com a produção de relatórios e mapas temáticos; a sistemática para a definição das ações a serem implementadas visando reduzir os acidentes; e o processo de avaliação das medidas adotadas. Alguns dos principais estudos desenvolvidos no trabalho foram: definição da técnica de conflitos de tráfego, seleção das variáveis e formação do banco de dados de acidentes com montagem de programa em Access para introdução dos dados, técnica mista de avaliação da segurança viária, técnica de avaliação por carro teste e caminhada teste e tratamento dos dados em programas de planilha eletrônica e sistema de informação geográfica. / This work presents a model of management system for urban traffic safety, denominated SEGTRANS, which seeks the reduction of traffic accidents and the reduction of traffic conflicts, with consequent increase of safety and comfort for the users. The SEGTRANS contemplates the organisation of a database with information on accidents, traffic conflicts, road system and urban zoning, in electronic spreadsheet programs and geographic information systems; a development of a mixed technique of evaluation of the road safety with data of accidents, traffic conflicts and road environment; a treatment of the data with the production of reports and thematic maps; system for definition of actions to be implemented seeking to reduce the accidents; and a process of evaluation of the adopted measures. Some of the main studies developed in this work included: definition of the traffic conflict technique, selection of variables and formation of a database of accidents with program assembly in Access for introduction of data, a mixed technique of evaluation of the road safety, an evaluation technique for car test and walking test and treatment of data in electronic spreadsheet programs and geographic information systems.

Desempenho de defensas rodoviárias sujeitas ao impacto de automóveis. / Performance of road restraint systems subjected to automobiles impact.

Neves, Renato Ramirez Viana 01 February 2013 (has links)
As defensas rodoviárias têm a finalidade de redirecionar com segurança um veículo fora de controle de uma colisão frontal ou trajetória mais perigosa. Secundariamente, a absorção de energia através da deformação do sistema de contenção ou outro método de dissipação da energia de impacto é ressaltado como um benefício em prol da segurança dos ocupantes. Considerando as premissas anteriores e os índices de severidade ao ocupante ASI, THIV e PHD, os desempenhos de uma defensa metálica e outras defensas de concreto são então classificados. Além disso, investiga-se o mecanismo de falha das conexões parafusadas e a sua influência no resultado do impacto de um automóvel leve contra uma defensa metálica. Importância é dada à modelagem do comportamento do material da defensa metálica sob baixas e altas taxas de deformação. Dessa forma, a necessidade de avaliar as propriedades dinâmicas do material motivou o projeto e construção de uma Barra de Hopkinson para testes de tração e compressão até 5000s-1. Adicionalmente, um modelo analítico simplificado da defensa metálica sob ação de uma força estática foi equacionado para validar um modelo em elementos finitos. Um estudo paramétrico da falha da conexão parafusada foi levantado através de diversas simulações estáticas e também do impacto de um veículo leve em uma defensa metálica de acordo com a norma EN 1317. Os resultados das simulações de impacto utilizando um modelo de veículo leve e diferentes sistemas de contenção foram comparados em função dos índices de severidade ao ocupante, indicando que a defensa metálica é mais segura do que uma defensa de concreto com perfil New Jersey ou vertical. / The main function of a road guardrail is to redirect an out of control vehicle avoiding a frontal collision or a dangerous veering off the road trajectory. Secondarily, the energy absorption measured by barrier deformation or any other energy dissipation method is beneficial to the car occupant safety. Considering the previous tasks and some severity occupant index like ASI, THIV and PHD, the performance of a guardrail and other concrete barriers are classified. Besides, it is investigated the fail mechanism of bolted connections and its influence on the guardrail impact result of an automobile. Special attention was taken into the material behavior modeling under low and high strain rates. Thereby, the need of accessing dynamic material properties motivated the design and manufacture of a Hopkinson Bar set-up for tension and compression tests up to 5000s-1. In addition, a simplified analytical model of a guardrail subjected to a static force was settled in order to validate a guardrail finite element model. A parametric study of the bolted connection failure was performed through several impact simulations of a light car model and a guardrail according to EN 1317 standard. The impact simulation results using a light vehicle car model and different barriers types were compared through the occupant severity index showing that the guardrail is a safer system than concrete barrier with New Jersey or vertical profile.

Modelagem microscÃpica aplicada na avaliaÃÃo do desempenho da seguranÃa viÃria em interseÃÃes urbanas / Microscopic modeling to analyze safety performance in urban intersections

Janailson Queiroz Sousa 17 July 2012 (has links)
nÃo hà / A modelagem microscÃpica do fluxo de veÃculos na infraestrutura viÃria urbana tem se constituÃdo uma potencial ferramenta para a anÃlise do desempenho da seguranÃa viÃria (DSV) frente aos tradicionais mÃtodos de anÃlise com base nos estudos observacionais. Para consolidar essa abordagem existem desafios prÃticos e metodolÃgicos que foram tratados como objetivos nesta pesquisa, dentre os quais se destacam: (i) a identificaÃÃo de indicadores proxy eficientes para as anÃlises de seguranÃa nesse ambiente; (ii) a anÃlise dos algoritmos de microssimulaÃÃo quanto a sua eficÃcia de representaÃÃo dos processos de conduÃÃo no meio urbano, (iii) a definiÃÃo de um procedimento sistemÃtico de estimaÃÃo do DSV com o uso de microssimuladores de trÃfego e (iv) a validaÃÃo dos indicadores sintÃticos usados para medir o DSV. Diante deste contexto, esta pesquisa tem como objetivo geral apresentar uma contribuiÃÃo metodolÃgica para a utilizaÃÃo da microssimulaÃÃo de trÃfego nas anÃlises do DSV no processo de planejamento tÃtico operacional dos sistemas de transporte com foco nas interseÃÃes urbanas. O procedimento metodolÃgico proposto considerou a realizaÃÃo de cinco etapas: 1) seleÃÃo e caracterizaÃÃo do local de estudo, 2) codificaÃÃo do local no microssimulador, 3) planejamento da simulaÃÃo, 4) calibraÃÃo e validaÃÃo do modelo e 5) estimaÃÃo dos indicadores. A aplicaÃÃo do procedimento considerou trÃs interseÃÃes semaforizadas da cidade de Fortaleza, utilizando a plataforma de microssimulaÃÃo de trÃfego VISSIM. Os resultados alcanÃados indicaram que foi possÃvel estimar o DSV com relativo nÃvel de confianÃa e um procedimento complementar de validaÃÃo dos indicadores revelou um nÃvel de consistÃncia entre o nÃmero estimado de conflitos de interaÃÃes longitudinais e o nÃmero observado de colisÃes traseiras observadas em campo. / The microscopic modeling of traffic flow in urban road infrastructure has proven to be a potential tool for analyzing the performance of road safety (DSV) compared to traditional methods of analysis based on observational studies. To consolidate this approach there are practical and methodological challenges that have been treated as objectives in this research, among which are: (i) the identification of efficient synthetic indicators for the analysis of safety in this environment, (ii) the analysis of the microscopic algorithms and their effectiveness in the representation of the driving processes in urban areas, (iii) the definition of a systematic procedure for estimating the DSV using a microscopic platform and (iv) concerning the validation of synthetic indicators used to measure the DSV. Given this context, this research intended to provide a general methodological contribution to the use of microscopic traffic simulators for the analysis of the DSV in tactical and operational transportation systems planning process with focus on urban intersections. The proposed methodological procedure considered the completion of five steps: 1) selection and site characterization study, 2) coding the site in microsimulator 3) planning of the simulation, 4) calibration and validation of the model and 5) estimation of the indicators. The procedure considered three signalized intersections in the city of Fortaleza, using VISSIM  as simulation platform. The results indicated that it was possible to estimate the DSV with relative confidence level and a complementary procedure for validation of the indicators showed a consistent level of consistency between the estimated number of conflicts of longitudinal interactions and observed number of rear end collisions observed in the field.

Melhoria do desempenho do tráfego em rotatórias com o emprego de semáfaros próximos na via principal / Traffic performance improvement at roundabouts with traffic lights near the main street

Diego Fernandes Neris 24 February 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho é avaliado o desempenho operacional de uma nova configuração idealizada para a operação de rotatórias de três pernas (prioridade para os veículos da via principal com semáforos próximos). Nesta avaliação é comparado o novo sistema de operação com outros dois usualmente empregados: (1) prioridade para os veículos que estão circulando na ilha central (rotatória convencional) e (2) prioridade para os veículos da via principal sem o emprego de semáforo, bem como, com base nos resultados das comparações realizadas, são estabelecidas as condições dos fluxos de tráfego em que é indicada uma ou outra configuração. Os valores obtidos nas simulações mostram, de forma inequívoca, o desempenho operacional superior da rotatória com prioridade para a via principal com semáforos próximos, adequadamente programados, no caso de fluxos altos. O emprego de semáforos próximos reduz significativamente o atraso na aproximação crítica e, em consequência, o tamanho da fila, como consequência do aumento expressivo da capacidade de tráfego da rotatória. Os resultados da simulação corroboram o que se pode observar nos sistemas implantados na cidade de Araraquara, onde a colocação de semáforos próximos de rotatórias de três pernas melhorou de forma significativa o desempenho operacional dos dispositivos, reduzindo o atraso crítico e o tamanho da fila crítica e aumentando a capacidade. O acompanhamento da acidentalidade nas rotatórias onde foram colocados semáforos próximos na cidade de Araraquara mostra uma redução dos acidentes graves de aproximadamente 90%. Uma explicação para essa redução pode ser devido ao aumento da paciência dos motoristas em esperar uma brecha maior para entrar na rotatória, pois sabem que, esporadicamente, há uma interrupção do fluxo na via principal. / In this study the operational performance is measured of a new idealized configuration for the operation in three-legged traffic circles (priority way for the vehicles from the main street with traffic lights nearby). This measured is compared the new operational system with two others usually systems: (1) priority for the circulating traffic (conventional roundabout) and (2) priority for vehicles from the main street without traffic lights. Also, based on the results from the comparisons, seek to establish what traffic flow conditions are better for a given configuration. The values obtained from the simulations demonstrate, clearly, the superior operational performance of the traffic circle with main road priority combined with properly programmed traffic lights nearby, in the case of high flows. The use of traffic lights reduces significantly the delay from the critical approach, and consequently, the queue length, as a consequence resulting on significant traffic capacity increase at the intersection. Simulation results validate what can be seen in Araraquara, where the installation of traffic lights near from the three-legged traffic circle improved significantly the operating performance of the devices, reducing the critical delay and critical queue size and increasing the effective capacity. Monitoring the accident rate in traffic circles where traffic lights nearby were placed in Araraquara shows a reduction of approximately 90% in serious accidents. An explanation of this reduction may be due to the increased of patience of drivers in wait for a larger gap to enter on the roundabout, because they know there will be an interruption on the main street, sporadically.

SEGTRANS : sistema de gestão da segurança no trânsito urbano / SEGTRANS : safety management system in urban traffic

Fernanda Antonio Simões 06 March 2001 (has links)
Neste trabalho é apresentado um modelo de sistema de gestão da segurança no trânsito urbano, denominado SEGTRANS, que visa a redução dos acidentes de trânsito e a minimização dos conflitos de tráfego, com conseqüente aumento da segurança e do conforto para os usuários. O SEGTRANS contempla a organização de um banco de dados com informações sobre acidentes, conflitos de tráfego, sistema viário e zoneamento urbano, em programas de planilha eletrônica e sistema de informações geográficas; o desenvolvimento de técnica mista de avaliação da segurança viária com dados de acidentes, conflitos de tráfego e meio ambiente viário; o tratamento dos dados com a produção de relatórios e mapas temáticos; a sistemática para a definição das ações a serem implementadas visando reduzir os acidentes; e o processo de avaliação das medidas adotadas. Alguns dos principais estudos desenvolvidos no trabalho foram: definição da técnica de conflitos de tráfego, seleção das variáveis e formação do banco de dados de acidentes com montagem de programa em Access para introdução dos dados, técnica mista de avaliação da segurança viária, técnica de avaliação por carro teste e caminhada teste e tratamento dos dados em programas de planilha eletrônica e sistema de informação geográfica. / This work presents a model of management system for urban traffic safety, denominated SEGTRANS, which seeks the reduction of traffic accidents and the reduction of traffic conflicts, with consequent increase of safety and comfort for the users. The SEGTRANS contemplates the organisation of a database with information on accidents, traffic conflicts, road system and urban zoning, in electronic spreadsheet programs and geographic information systems; a development of a mixed technique of evaluation of the road safety with data of accidents, traffic conflicts and road environment; a treatment of the data with the production of reports and thematic maps; system for definition of actions to be implemented seeking to reduce the accidents; and a process of evaluation of the adopted measures. Some of the main studies developed in this work included: definition of the traffic conflict technique, selection of variables and formation of a database of accidents with program assembly in Access for introduction of data, a mixed technique of evaluation of the road safety, an evaluation technique for car test and walking test and treatment of data in electronic spreadsheet programs and geographic information systems.

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