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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mitteilungen des URZ 3/1999

Clauß,, Dippmann,, Heik,, Hübsch,, Kempe,, Müller,, Seeger,, Ziegler, 14 September 1999 (has links)
Inhalt: Neuregelungen zur Inanspruchnahme kostenpflichtiger URZ-Dienste; Administrationsdienst für Windows NT und RedHat Linux; Aufbau eines Linux-Clusters am Institut für Physik; Neue AFS-Version verfügbar; Neues von MONARCH; Recherchieren von Datenbanken im Uni-Netz; ¨Zertifikat Internet-Nutzung¨ der TU Chemnitz

"Som en eldkraft inne i mig" : svenska romers berättelser om sitt politiska arbete

Helin, Elsa January 2016 (has links)
The Roma minority in Sweden are discriminated against at the labor market, housing, education, civil society and in political representation. Despite this discrimination several Roma activists have created an arena for themselves where they have played an important role in the struggle for human rights for Romas in Sweden. This thesis aims to explore the conditions under which Roma politicians and activists participate in the political dialogue in Sweden. Iris Marion Young's theories on inclusive democracy with the three nodes of greeting, rhetoric and narrative are used as theoretical framework. The method of the thesis may be described as a micro-ethnography, where five Roma politicians or activists are interviewed and participatory observation is conducted. The material was collected during the Swedish election 2014. The result of the study concludes that it appears as if the political arena is rather open to persons outside the majority normative. Many of the Romas are greeted and welcomed into the political sphere. The lack of a Roma narrative and the lack of tolerance for a rhetoric outside the normative, as well as difficulties due to lack of schooling, makes it difficult for Romas to fully participate and be includes in the political and democratic arena.

Chronological and geographical information in EDR present and future

Evangelisti, Silvia January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Library CD-ROM LAN Performance and Patron Use: a Computer Simulation Model

Xia, Hong 05 1900 (has links)
In this study, a computer simulation model for library CD-ROM LAN systems was created. Using this model, the system optimization problems were examined. The simulation model imitated the process of the actual decision variables changing their values and generated the corresponding results. Under a certain system environment, if the values of decision variables are changing, the system performances are getting changed also. This study investigated these relationships with the created model. The system users' interarrival time, service time, and other relevant data were collected on randomly selected days in a university library. For data collection, both of the observation and the system automatic metering software were used. According to the collected data, a discrete events simulation model was created with GPSS/H. The simulation model was proven valid and accurate by a pilot test and by the calculation with queuing theory. Statistical tests were used for data comparison and analysis. In addition, animation technique was used to show the simulation process by using Proof Animation. By this technique, the simulation process was monitored on the screen.

Der Autor und die Stadt. Die urbs Roma in den historiographischen Werken des Tacitus

Senkbeil, Friderike 17 December 2019 (has links)
Ziel der Arbeit war es, im Vergleich zu anderen literarischen Stadtbildern und dem materiellen Rom der mittleren Kaiserzeit das spezifisch taciteische Rombild herauszuarbeiten, das im Kontext der trajanischen Zeit im Zuge einer spezifischen Vergangenheits- und somit Erinnerungskonstruktion ein subjektives Romerlebnis widerspiegelt, welches exemplarisch ein wichtiges Zeugnis des damaligen Werte- und Normensystems darstellt. Dabei wurde konkret der Frage nachgegangen, wie die Stadt Rom, ihre urbanen Räume und Einzeltopographien in den beiden historiographischen Texten des Tacitus wahrgenommen, dargestellt, semantisiert und schließlich funktionalisiert werden. In beiden historiographischen Werken des Tacitus erscheint die Stadt Rom kaum als monumentaler physischer Raum („Anschauungsraum“). In diesem Sinne erscheint das Bild der Stadt sehr selektiv. In zentralen Passagen der Historien nimmt die Stadt Rom und ihre zentralen Räume, darunter vor allem das Forum Romanum, das Kapitol und der Palatin, einen zentralen Stellenwert mit memoralisierender Funktion ein. Besonders auffallend an diesen Passagen ist zudem der Umgang mit früheren Narrativen (v. a. Livius), indem alte Raumsemantiken zu etwas Neuem transformiert werden. Hierdurch entstehen neue literarische monumenta, die den Leser nicht nur an die schreckenerregenden Ereignisse des Bürgerkriegs aus dem Jahr 69 n. Chr. erinnern, sondern zugleich eine mahnende und somit didaktische Funktion aufweisen. In den Annalen erscheinen die Stadt Rom und ihre urbanen Räume weniger explizit. Erst in den Claudius- und Nerobüchern nehmen die topographischen Bezüge zu, wobei verstärkt das urbs-capta-Motiv zum Vorschein kommt. Die Stadt erscheint als „Aktionsraum“, in dem der moralische Niedergang seinen Höhepunkt erreicht. Die Stadt der Kaiserzeit wird zu einer „Heterotopie“ transformiert, die Tacitus dem Rom der Frühzeit entgegensetzt. / The aim of this project was to elucidate the specific Tacitean representation of the urbs Roma in comparison to other literary representations and the material Rome of the Tacitean age which as part of a specific construction of past and memory reflects a subjective “Romerlebnis” that exemplifies important aspects of former values and norms. In particular, the investigation focused on how Tacitus perceives, presents, connotes and functionalizes the city, its urban spaces and topographies. In both historiographical works of Tacitus, the city of Rome appears hardly as a monumental and physical space (“Anschauungsraum”). The image of the urbs appears therefore extremely selective. In pivotal passages of the Histories, Rome and its central urban spaces, most notably the Forum Romanum, the Capitol and the Palatine, form a central part in the narrative with a highly memorializing function. In these passages it is especially striking, how Tacitus reacts to former narratives (esp. Livy) by transforming their semantics of space into something new. In doing so, he creates new literary monumenta that do not only remind the reader of the horrible events of Civil war from 69 AD, likewise they act as reminder since they also imply didactic and moralizing effects. In the extant texts of the Annals, the city of Rome and its urban spaces appear less explicitly, and less dramatically than in the extant texts of the Histories. Whereas in the Tiberian narrative, the city – as the emperor – does not seem to be present at all, topographical references increase in the Claudian and especially in the Neronian narrative in which the urbs-capta motive becomes particularly obvious. The city appears as an “Aktionsraum“, a space of action, in which moral decline reaches its peak. Rome is transformed into a “Heterotopie“, that Tacitus contrasts with the idealized Rome from the early period.

Spiritualita mladých Romů / Spirituality of Young Romanies

Lorencová, Linda January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis on the topic "Spirituality of Young Romanies" disserts on spirituality amongst them. The spirituality is pursued in general and its levels, possibilities of saturation and ties to institutions are comprised. A chapter describing the history of the Romanies and phenomena associated with the spirituality of the Romanies is included. The aim of the thesis is to find out whether the phenomena are still relevant in connection with Romany religiosity and whether they differ in the Ústí nad Labem Region and in the East of Slovakia, where these traditions are still represented in the majority society. In my theses I also trace whether there is syncretism. For the practical part, I have chosen quantitative research with the technique of a questionnaire survey.

Rolls Royce, érotisme et débordements : enquêter sur l’esthétique des chanteurs et des chanteuses de manele en Roumanie

Panaite, Andreea-Cătălina 08 1900 (has links)
Les maneliști sont des chanteurs et des chanteuses connus en Roumanie pour la prestation de manele (sg. manea), un genre musical ethnopop à sonorité « orientale ». Généralement chantée par des hommes identifiés et s’identifiant comme Roms, cette musique est devenue aussi populaire que controversée depuis les années 1990. Dans leurs vidéo-clips YouTube, ils nous dévoilent un monde qui choque : femmes dénudées, champagne à profusion, liasses de billets de banque, automobiles luxueuses et mobilier somptueux. Ces célébrités ont un style particulier, distinctif, qui ne manque pas de faire réagir en Roumanie. Son caractère exubérant et débordant est souvent taxé de « kitsch », de « mauvais goût ». Dépassant le jugement de valeur, la présente étude s’articule autour d’un problème sociologique : pourquoi les maneliști se présentent-ils comme richissimes sur le Web et pourquoi le font-ils d’une manière si ostentatoire? Il s’agit de répondre à cette question en étudiant les mises en scène des chanteurs et des chanteuses de manele à partir de photographies publiées sur leur compte Instagram et de vidéo-clips sur YouTube. La parure, le mobilier, les rideaux ou les planchers que l’on y retrouve sont autant de traces matérielles permettant de cerner la manière dont les maneliști se présentent sur le Web. Sous la forme d’un idéaltype wébérien, cette recherche trace les contours de leur esthétique distinctive en la superposant au rococo français, un style décoratif reconnu pour sa somptuosité. L’idéaltype qui y est construit accentue le caractère ostentatoire du style des chanteurs et des chanteuses de manele. S’il permet de décrire leurs mises en scène sur le Web, en mettant en évidence comment la richesse s’y manifeste, il fait aussi apparaître une tension dans le personnage richissime : les maneliști y adhèrent et s’en détachent à la fois. Pourquoi? Dans un contexte où les présentations des maneliști sont vivement critiquées, notamment en raison de leur (auto-)identification comme Roms, ce mémoire montre que ces célébrités négocient avec leurs exubérants personnages. Ils font valoir qu’ils sont de « bonnes » personnes qui croient en Dieu et qui accordent une plus grande importance à la famille et à la bonté qu’à la fortune. En bref, ils semblent contraints de montrer leur respect des conventions sociales dominantes en Roumanie. Afin d’obtenir une considération sociale et de revendiquer leur appartenance à la « nation roumaine », les maneliști tempèrent leurs mises en scène et rappellent que l’ostentatoire et l’exubérance relèvent d’un personnage de scène, pas de la personne qui le joue. / This master thesis focuses on maneliști, singers well known in Romania for singing manele (sg. manea), an ethnopop music with an “oriental” twist. Generally sung by men identified and identifying has Roma, this music gained as much popularity as it caused controversy in the last decades. In their YouTube video clips, the maneliști reveal a shocking world: scantily dressed women, flowing champagne, banknote bundles, luxurious cars, and sumptuous furniture. These celebrities have a particular style that arouses vivid reactions in Romania. Exuberant and ostentatious, their style is often deemed “kitsch” or “tasteless.” Going beyond these value judgments, the current study revolves around a sociological problem: why do maneliști present themselves as wealthy and why do they do it in such an ostentatious manner? This thesis attempts to solve this problem by focusing on the way manele singers display themselves in photographs published on their Instagram accounts and in their YouTube video clips. The clothes, furniture, curtains, or floors shown in these media constitute material traces that allow us to identify the way manele singers present themselves online. In the form of a Weberian idealtype, this research outlines their distinctive style by comparing it to the French rococo, a decorative style well known for its sumptuousness. The ideal-type constructed accentuates the ostentatious dimension of the manele singers’ style. While it is useful to describe the way they display themselves online, highlighting how ostentatious wealth is a great part of it, it also reveals a tension: the maneliști adhere to this presentation while distancing themselves from it. Why? Bearing in mind that the maneliști’s self-presentation is largely criticized in Romania, especially due to their (auto-)identification has Roma, this study shows that manele singers negotiate their exuberant character. They demonstrate that they are “good” people who believe in God and place more importance on family and kindness than fortune. In short, they are compelled to show that they respect the dominant social conventions in Romania. To gain recognition from their peers and claim their belonging to the “Romanian nation,” maneliști temper their presentations and distinguish their everyday self from their stage persona.

Procedural Worlds : A proposition for a tool to assist in creation of landscapes byprocedural means in Unreal Engine 5

Sjögren, Viktor, Malteskog, William January 2023 (has links)
This thesis explores the possibilities of creating landscapes through procedural means within the game engine Unreal Engine 5. The aim is to provide a flexible procedural landscape tool that doesn't limit the user and that is compatible with existing systems in the engine. The research questions focuses on comparison to other work regarding landscape generation and generation of procedural roads. The process to achieve this was done through extensive implementation adding modules that both builds upon and adds to the source code. The implementation was divided into five major components, which was noise generation for terrain, biotope interpolation, asset distribution, road generation and a user interface. Perlin noise, utilizing Fractal Brownian Motion were a vital part of generating terrain with varying features. For interpolation a modified version of Lowpass Gaussian filtering was implemented in order to blend biotope edges together. Asset distribution and road generation were implemented in a way that uses pseudo-randomness combined with heuristics. The user interface was done to tie everything together for testing. The results shows potential for assisting in procedural landscape creation with a large amount of freedom in customization. There is however flaws in some aspects, namely the interpolation methods suffer from clear visual artefacts. Whether it is suitable for professional standards remains to be fully proven objectively as the testing in this thesis work was limited.

Ett förvandlat sinnelag : En studie över distinktionen mellan φρόνημα τῆς σαρκὸς och φρόνημα τοῦ πνεύματος i Romarbrevets åttonde kapitel / A transfigured mind-set : A study of the distinctionbetween φρόνημα τῆς σαρκὸς and φρόνημα τοῦ πνεύματοςin Romans

Berglund, Robert January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker, ur några olika perspektiv, distinktionen mellan Andens och köttets sinnelag i Rom 8. Ordet för sinnelag (φρόνημα), dess betydelse och Paulus användning av det studeras. För att belysa distinktionen mellan de olika sinnelagen så studeras Paulus text utifrån ett vid tiden vanligt filosofiskt sammanhang – det stoiska. Därtill tittar en receptionshistorisk undersökning på några utvalda tolkare av texten, för att se hur den har förståtts i kristen tradition. Uppsatsens kommer fram till, att distinktionen visar på utpräglat olika förhållningssätt till så väl Guds verk i världen som till medmänniskor. Något som får påverka hur man agerar.

Makt, Moderskap, Maskulinitet : En narrativ läsarorienterad analys av Perpetuas och Felicitas martyrium / Power, Motherhood, Masculinity : A Narrative Reader-Oriented Analysis of the Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas

Eriksson, Freja January 2021 (has links)
The objective of this study is to investigate what the narrative of The Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas (Passio Sanctarum Perpetuae et Felicitatis), read in english translation by Herbert Musurillo, seeks to persuade its reader about, and how. The study takes a theoretical starting point in professor Ross S. Kraemer’s critical perspective on ancient narratives about women as sources not necessarily communicating historical truths and actualities of real women in the ancient world, but are more likely to be narratives consciously constructed by male authors using female characters as rhetorical tools to discuss or explore differing subjects such as gender and identity. Through the method of narrative criticism and reader-response criticism this study answers the following research questions: how are women being described in the narrative of The Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas, and what function(s) do these descriptions of women have in the narrative of The Martyrdom of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas?  The study shows that women are described as either weak feminine mothers or, according to Greco-Roman antique conceptions of gender and sexuality, a masculine male, transformed from a former state of femininity and motherhood. The descriptions are closely tied to the bodies of the women and there is a clear hierarchy where the masculine martyr is ascribed a higher status with a point of view closely related to that of God’s. The descriptions of women have both ideological and theological functions as a way to discuss questions regarding power, motherhood and masculinity. The hierarchy between the characters functions as a rhetorical tool to exemplify what can stand in the way for christians to seek martyrdom, which in the perspective of the narrative is the way someone, through her body and masculine behaviour in the face of torture and sexual humiliation, can communicate the truth about God’s power to the assembled crowds of onlookers. Contrary to previous studies, this study shows that the text communicates ascetic tendencies towards its readers concerning motherhood and are not to be interpreted as a celebration of women or femininity. The descriptions of women functions as a way to demonise the empire - but not the empire's perspective on gender. This is also a contrast to previous feminist studies of the text. The masculine male transformed from a former phase of femininity and motherhood is the exception that proves the rule about the perception of female weakness and lower status in power. The text appropriates the gender power order and the Greco-Roman ancient construction of gender and sexuality to ascribe the martyrs and God the true power. The rhetoric of female weakness being transformed in to masculine strength, self-restraint and body control through the works of God, functions to convince readers about the narratives ideological perspective and message about the martyrs being the true rulers. The motive is that the antagonist, the empire, the main masculine power in the world, is defeated and proven to be false through submissive feminisation.

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