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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of constructivist-based teaching method on secondary school lerners' errors in algebra

Owusu, James 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the comparative effects of Constructivist-Based Teaching Method (CBTM) and the Traditional Teaching Method (TTM) on Grade 11 Mathematics learners’ errors in algebra. The constructivist learning theory (CLT) was used to frame this study. Mainly, CLT was used to influence the design of CBTI to hone participants’ errors in algebra that militate against their performance in Mathematics. The study was conducted in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa with a four-week intervention programme in each of the two participating secondary schools. Participants consisted of n=78 Grade 11 Mathematics learners and one Grade 11 Mathematics teacher. A non-equivalent control group design consisting of a pre-test and post-test measure was employed. The Grade 11 teacher in the control school employed the TTM while the researcher implemented CBTM in the experimental school. The main aspects of CBTM entailed participants’ construction of their own knowledge from the base of prior knowledge and through group learning approach and exploratory talk in which discussions included argumentation, verbalising explanations, justifications and reflections. Participants in experimental school became familiar with the basic principles of CBTI such as group work, which enhanced the construction of conceptual understanding of algebraic concepts. This reduced most of the errors they commit in algebra and elevated their performance in Mathematics. The principal instruments for data collection consisted of a standardised Algebra Concept Achievement Test and lesson observations. The pre-test was used to determine participants’ initial errors in algebra before the intervention. A post-test was given at the end of intervention to ascertain change in participants’ errors in algebra over a four-week intervention period. Using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, the study found that participants in experimental school significantly reduced their errors in algebra than those in control school. The study showed that CBTM was a more effective pedagogy that improved the errors Grade 11 learners commit in algebra than the TTM. / College of Education / M. Ed. (Mathematics Education)

Mathematics anxiety as a variable in the constructivist approach to the teaching of secondary school mathematics

Hawkey, Peter Leonard 11 1900 (has links)
Mathematics anxiety is a personal characteristic which is widespread and continuing. It has a debilitating effect on mathematics performance and contributes to perceptions and attitudes that perpetuate a dislike for mathematics and a lack of confidence when dealing with mathematical problems. An investigation of relevant literature on mathematics anxiety identifies sources and symptoms and emphasises a need for a comprehensive approach to remediation. The historical development of an appropriate measuring instrument is documented and statistical evidence is used to create a mathematics anxiety rating scale suitable for measuring anxiety levels of secondary school pupils and student teachers. The extensive literature interest, research publications and remedial programmes emphasise the problem of mathematics anxiety and thus the need for a comprehensive approach to remediation. Mathematics teaching and curriculum design is expounded to provide the necessary direction to the alleviation of mathematics anxiety. General perspectives on curriculum design are discussed and a cyclical systems approach is recommended. Elements of this approach are detailed and are linked to important personal characteristics to add a humanistic and socio-cultural view of curriculum design in mathematics. The didactic viability of constructivism as an approach to mathematics curriculum design is investigated. Constructivism embodies a philosophy and a methodology which addresses the critical aspects influencing mathematics anxiety. Classroom topics and activities are reviewed in terms of a constructivist approach and the sources of mathematics anxiety are discussed from a constructivist perspective. A longitudinal case study of pupils during their five years at secondary school as well as a study involving student teachers was undertaken. Mathematics performance, perceptions, attitudes and levels of anxiety were investigated by means of tests, questionnaires, and mathematics anxiety rating scales. The statistical results of this research provide evidence to support a comprehensive approach to the remediation of mathematics anxiety. Constructivism is seen as the synthesis of critical aspects of teaching and curriculum development which will stem the perpetuation of mathematics anxiety. Constructivism provides the didactic approach to develop each individual's intellectual autonomy and mathematics power, by instilling a problem solving attitude and a self-confidence when doing mathematics. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didactics)

The impact of constructivist-based teaching method on secondary school lerners' errors in algebra

Owusu, James 02 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the comparative effects of Constructivist-Based Teaching Method (CBTM) and the Traditional Teaching Method (TTM) on Grade 11 Mathematics learners’ errors in algebra. The constructivist learning theory (CLT) was used to frame this study. Mainly, CLT was used to influence the design of CBTI to hone participants’ errors in algebra that militate against their performance in Mathematics. The study was conducted in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa with a four-week intervention programme in each of the two participating secondary schools. Participants consisted of n=78 Grade 11 Mathematics learners and one Grade 11 Mathematics teacher. A non-equivalent control group design consisting of a pre-test and post-test measure was employed. The Grade 11 teacher in the control school employed the TTM while the researcher implemented CBTM in the experimental school. The main aspects of CBTM entailed participants’ construction of their own knowledge from the base of prior knowledge and through group learning approach and exploratory talk in which discussions included argumentation, verbalising explanations, justifications and reflections. Participants in experimental school became familiar with the basic principles of CBTI such as group work, which enhanced the construction of conceptual understanding of algebraic concepts. This reduced most of the errors they commit in algebra and elevated their performance in Mathematics. The principal instruments for data collection consisted of a standardised Algebra Concept Achievement Test and lesson observations. The pre-test was used to determine participants’ initial errors in algebra before the intervention. A post-test was given at the end of intervention to ascertain change in participants’ errors in algebra over a four-week intervention period. Using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques, the study found that participants in experimental school significantly reduced their errors in algebra than those in control school. The study showed that CBTM was a more effective pedagogy that improved the errors Grade 11 learners commit in algebra than the TTM. / College of Education / M. Ed. (Mathematics Education)

Komparační studie čtyř romských životních příběhů / Komparační studie čtyř romských životních příběhů

Ryvolová, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to do a comparative analysis of four Romany life-stories in prose from different parts of the world and identify features which may justly be called characteristic of Romany writing. The comparison of Victor Vishnevsky's Memories of a Gypsy, Mikey Walsh's Gypsy Boy and Gypsy Boy on the Run, Andrej Giňa's Paťiv. Ještě víme, co je úcta and Irena Eliášová's Naše osada yields valuable insights into how Romany writers construct their identity and to what extent their current work relates to the existing literary genres. Because of Romany studies' multidisciplinary nature, the extensive introduction lays the theoretical foundations for the analysis. I proceed from the characteristics of Romany studies in general in part 1.2 to the way it was practised during my undergraduate years in Prague as opposed to the Western tradition (part 1.3). Using a case study of the schism Romany studies are currently facing in the Czech Republic, in part 1.4 I attempt to illustrate the more general epistemological challenges the field has been grappling with between essentialist/primordialist and radical constructivist views. As there is a definite scarcity of theoretical literature conceptualising Romany writing, in part 1.5 of the introduction the existing body of work is assessed and found...

Perceptions of primary school student teachers regarding the practical application of constructivism

Mavesere, Benjamin 23 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Venda / Constructivism is a relatively recent theory of learning which focuses on using learner-centred strategies in learning. Reform efforts in education in Zimbabwe have been aimed at incorporating constructivist-inspired strategies in the classroom, with mixed results. Some teachers continue to prefer traditional approaches to learning in their classrooms, despite these being teacher-centred and generally looked down upon. The study examined the perceptions of primary school student teachers regarding the practical application of constructivism in the classroom. A qualitative research design was adopted, and the study was grounded in a constructivist and interpretivist paradigm aimed at understanding perceptions emanating from the lived experiences of the student teachers. In all, eight student teachers were sampled for the study by means of purposive, convenience and stratified random sampling. Data was collected through a literature review, lesson observations and semi-structured individual interviews. The rigour of the study was maintained by ensuring trustworthiness and the credibility of the findings. Ethical issues were adhered to. Data was analysed using Tesch’s method of data analysis, through which the researcher identified categories and themes, and reported on in narrative format. The study findings indicate that student teachers have a positive perception of the practical application of constructivism in learning. Participants expressed the view that the practical application of constructivism leads to deeper learning and greater understanding by learners. Participants nevertheless stated that in their efforts to implement constructivism in learning and teaching during their practicums they experienced a lack of support from mentor teachers and shortages of resources. Considering these findings, the researcher made several recommendations to various stakeholders with the aim of helping student teachers to be more effective constructivist teachers. The recommendations include the need to carry out more research on the constructivist learning theory and its practical application in the classroom as well as encouraging teachers to apply constructivist learner-centred strategies in their classrooms. The researcher also made recommendations for further research. / Konstruktivisme is ʼn leerteorie wat betreklik nuut is en wat fokus op die gebruik van leerdergesentreerde strategieë vir leer. Inisiatiewe vir opvoedingshervorming in Zimbabweis daaropgerig om konstruktivisme-geïnspireerde strategieë in die klaskamer te inkorporeer – met gemengde resultate. Sommige onderwysers verkies om steeds tradisionele benaderings tot leer in hul klaskamers te volg, al is dit onderwysergesentreerde benaderings waarop daar oor die algemeen neergesien word. In hierdie studie is die persepsies van laerskool studentonderwysers rakende die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme in die klaskamer ondersoek. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gebruik en die studie is gegrond in ʼn konstruktivistiese en interpretivistiese paradigma wat ten doel het om die persepsies vanuit studentonderwysers se werklike (‘lived’) ervarings, te verstaan. ʼn Steekproef is onder altesaam agt studentonderwysers gedoen deur middel van doelbewuste steekproefneming, gerieflikheidsteekproefneming en gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproefneming. Data is ingesamel deur middel van ʼn literatuurstudie, leswaarnemings en semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude. Die akkuraatheid van die studie is gehandhaaf deur betroubaarheid en die geloofwaardigheid van die bevindinge te verseker. Algemeen ooreengekome etiekvoorskriftewat by die meeste instellings geld, is nagekom.Data is ontleed met behulp van Tesch se metode van data-ontleding, en sodoende kon die navorser kategorieë en temas identifiseer en in narratiewe formaat daaroor verslag doen. Die navorsingsresultate toon dat studentonderwysers ʼn positiewe persepsie van die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme in leer het. Deelnemers het hul oortuiging gedeel dat die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme, tot ʼn dieper vlak van leer en beter begrip by leerders lei. Deelnemers het egter ook aangedui dat hulle ʼn gebrek aan ondersteuning van mentoronderwysers, sowel as ʼn tekort aan hulpbronne, ondervind het in hul pogings om konstruktivisme in leer en onderrig te implementeer tydens hul praktiese onderwys. Met inagneming van hierdie bevinding doen die navorser verskeie aanbevelings aan verskillende belanghebbers, met die doel om studentonderwysers te help om meer doeltreffend in konstruktivistiese onderwys te wees. Die navorser hetook aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing gedoen. / Thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswai tou vha thyeori ya u guda ya zwinozwino yo sedzaho kha zwiṱirathedzhi zwo ḓisendekaho nga mugudi kha u guda. Nungo dza u vhuedzedza pfunzo Zimbabwe dzo livhiswa kha u ṱanganyisa zwiṱirathedzhi zwa u fhaṱa zwo ṱuṱuwedzwaho kiḽasini, na mvelelo dzo ṱanganyiswaho. Vhaṅwe vhadededzi vha khou bvela phanḓa na u takalela u shumisa maitele a kale a u guda kiḽasirumuni, naho izwi zwi tshi ḓisendeka nga mudededzi na u dzhielwa fhasi. Ṱhoḓisiso yo sedzulusa kuvhonele kwa vhadededzi vha matshudeni vha tshikolo tsha phuraimari musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u shumisa nyito ya thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kiḽasirumuniHo shumiswa kuitele kwa ṱhoḓisiso ya khwaḽithathivi, ngudo yo ḓitika nga tshiedziswa tsha u fhaṱa nḓivho na muhumbulo miswa na u ṱalutshedzayo livhiswaho kha u pfesesa kuvhonele kubvaho kha tshenzhemo ine ya khou itea zwenezwo nga vhadededzi vha matshudeni.Kha vhadededzi vha matshudeni vhoṱhe vha malo, vhe vha itwa tsumbonanguludzwa kha ngudonga nḓila ya zwine zwa khou sedzwa khazwo, u swikelelea na tshigwada tshiṱuku tsho nangwaho. Data yo kuvhanganywa nga kha u sedza hafhu maṅwalwa, u sedza ngudo na inthaviwu dza u vhudzisa muthunga muthu dzo dzudzanywaho. Ndeme na u itwa nga vhuronwane ha ngudo zwo itwa nga u vhona zwauri hu na u fulufhedzea na u khwaṱhisedzwa ha mawanwa. Mafhungo a vhuḓifari e a tendelaniwa khao nga u angaredza nga zwiimiswa zwinzhi o tevhedzwa. Data yo saukanywa hu tshi shumiswa kuitele kwa Tesch kwa u saukanya data, hune muṱoḓisisi a topola khethekanyo na thero, na u vhigwa nga nḓila ya u tou ṱalutshedza. Mawanwa a ngudo o sumbedzisa uri vhadededzi vha matshudeni vha na mbonalo yavhuḓi ya nyito i re khagala ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kha u guda. Vhadzheneleli vho bvisela vhupfiwa havho khagala uri nyito dzi re khagala dza u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa zwi livhisa kha vhudzivha ha u guda na u pfesesa huhulwane nga vhagudiswa. Vhadzheneleli naho zwo ralo vho bula zwauri kha nungo dzavho dza u shumisa thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kha u guda na u funza nga tshifhinga tshavho tsha ngudo dza nyito vho tshenzhela u shaya thikhedzo u bva kha vhadededzi vhane vha khou guda khavho na ṱhahelelo ya zwiko. Musi hu tshi khou dzhielwa nṱha mawanwa aya, muṱoḓisisi o ita themendelo dzo vhalaho kha vhadzhiamikovhe vho fhambanaho hu na nḓivho ya u thusa vhadededzi vha vhagudiswa uri vha vhe vhadededzi vha re na vhukoni kha u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa. Muṱoḓisisi o dovha a themendela ṱhoḓisiso i yaho phanḓa. / Psychology of Education / Ph. D. (Psychology of Education)

Gute Nation oder Europa? / Euroskeptizismus in Norwegen und in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz

Hille, Jochen 09 December 2005 (has links)
Norwegen und die Schweiz sind keine EU-Mitgliedstaaten, weil die Bevölkerungen die Integration mehrheitlich in Referenden ablehnte. Die enorme Mobilisierung und Emotionalisierung in den nationalen Integrationsdebatten kann weder durch ökonomische noch durch politische Umstände hinreichend erklärt werden, zumal die Eliten beider Länder mehrheitlich die Integration unterstützen. Die Hauptmobilisierungsressource von Euroskeptikern liegt vielmehr darin, tief verwurzelte nationale Selbst- und Fremdbilder zu reaktivieren. Diese Diskursanalyse beschreibt vergleichend, auf welche Art und Weise die größten euroskeptischen Akteure der Schweiz und Norwegens diesen Rückgriff auf das Nationale in Integrationsdebatten herstellen. Gefragt wird, wie die „Aktion für eine Unabhängige und Neutrale Schweiz“ (AUNS) und die eng mit ihr verbundene „Schweizerische Volkspartei“ (SVP) einerseits, und die norwegische Bewegung „Nein zur EU“ (norwegisch: Nei Til EU) andererseits, ihren Integrationswiderstand mittels nationaler Narrationen und Bildersprachen als sinnvoll darstellen. Hierzu werden umfangreiche euroskeptische Bild- und Textquellen referiert und gedeutet. Damit wird ein Beitrag zur Forschung über das Selbstverständnis, die Denkweise, die Rhetorik und das Tugendsystem anti-integratorischer Bewegungen geleistet. Denn Euroskeptiker verstehen sich primär als Verteidiger der guten nationalen Gemeinschaft. Diese Gemeinschaft und dessen Nationalstaat beschreiben sie als wärmer, natürlicher, näher, gerechter, effizienter, friedlicher und demokratischer als das integrierte Europa, welches als ferner, kalter, bürokratischer Superstaat EU dargestellt wird. / Norway and Switzerland are not member states of the EU, since the majority of the people rejected integration in several referenda. The emotionality and the enormous mobilisation in national debates on integration cannot sufficiently be explained by economic and political reasons, since the majority of the elites are supporting integration. Instead, the main resource of mobilisation for Eurosceptics lies in reactivating deeply rooted descriptions of national self and other. For carving out these collective images, this discourse-analysis compares how the major Eurosceptical actors of Switzerland, the “Action for an Independent and Neutral Switzerland” (AUNS) together with the tightly connected “Swiss People’s Party” (SVP), on one hand, and the Norwegian movement “No To EU” (NEI TIL EU), on the other hand, describe their actions as meaningful in their iconography and narrations. In doing so, the study refers to and interprets extensive material from Eurosceptical actors and contributes to the understanding of Eurosceptical self-perception, ways of thinking, rhetoric and virtue system. Here Eurosceptics perceive themselves mainly as defenders of the national community and its nation-state, which are regarded as warm, natural, close, justified, efficient, peaceful and democratic, while Europe is perceived as the cold, distant, bureaucratic superstate EU.

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