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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einfluss von GnRH Analoga auf die Metastasierung humaner Mammakarzinomzellen in vitro und in vivo / Effect of GnRH analogs on the metastasis of human breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo

Schubert, Antje 25 October 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Colonization of maize with Fusarium spp. and mycotoxin accumulation / Besiedlung und Mykotoxinbildung durch Fusarium spp. in Mais

Nutz, Sabine 15 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Mitochondriale DNA Mutationen und Untersuchungen zum oxidativen Stress beim idiopathischen Parkinsonsyndrom

Sonnenschein, Anka 14 September 2006 (has links)
Bis heute ist die Ätiopathogenese der Parkinson Krankheit noch nicht geklärt. Verschiedene Abweichungen im Stoffwechsel von Betroffenen konnten zwar detektiert werden (z.B. Komplex I-Mangel, erhöhte Eisen- und 8-OHdG Werte im Gehirn), aber bis heute gibt es keine eindeutigen Hinweise, wodurch es zur Entstehung der Krankheit kommt. Da es am wahrscheinlichsten ist, dass die Krankheit multifaktoriell bedingt ist, könnten auch Mutationen der mitochondrialen DNA eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Entscheidende Hinweise darauf lieferten Experimente mit Cybrid–Zellen. Bisherige Screeninguntersuchungen des mitochondrialen Genoms konnten allerdings noch keine eindeutigen krankheitsspezifischen Mutationen nachweisen. Die Theorie, dass oxidativer Stress in Verbindung mit der Parkinsonschen Krankheit stehen könnte, fand Unterstützung, als signifikant erhöhte Produkte der Lipidperoxidation (Malondialdehyd, Lipidhydroperoide) in der Substantia nigra (Dexter et al., 1989 b, 1994) und ein abnormaler Eisenstoffwechsel in den Basalganglien des Gehirns (Dexter et al., 1987; Dexter et al., 1989a; Cadet, 2001; Hirsch et al., 1991) einiger Patienten nachgewiesen worden. Erhöhte Eisenwerte in Neuromelaninaggregationen, sowie verringerte Ferritinspiegel unterstützen diese Untersuchungen (Cadet, 2001; Dexter et al., 1987, 1989b; Riederer et al., 1989; Sofic et al., 1988). Besonders anfällig für reaktive Sauerstoffverbindungen im Gehirn ist die Substantia nigra. Zum einen kommt es während des Dopaminstoffwechsels zur Freisetzung von Wasserstoffperoxid, des weiteren enthält sie Neuromelanin, welches selektiv Metalle (z.B. Eisen) bindet. Reduziertes Eisen kann mit Wasserstoffperoxid via Fentonreaktion reagieren und das äußerst schädliche Hydroxylradikal bilden (Klein & Ackerman, 2003). Die Menge der in den Mitochondrien frei werdenden Radikale ist von einer Reihe von verschiedenen Faktoren abhängig. Umwelteinflüsse und Ernährungsfaktoren spielen dabei eine ebenso wichtige Rolle, wie der mitochondriale Stoffwechsel selbst (Adachi et al., 1993; Simic, 1991; Menegon et al., 1997). Als ein Biomarker für den oxidativen Stress hat sich in den letzten Jahren 8-Hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosin (8-OHdG) etabliert, welches als Folge von Angriffen des Hydroxyl-Radikals auf die Doppelbindungen der DNA-Basen am häufigsten gebildet wird (Simic, 1991; Dizdaroglu et al., 1991, Kasai, 1997). 8-OHdG ist in der Lage sich mit Adenin zu paaren (ca. 1% der Fälle), was wiederum bei der nächsten Replikation zu einer Transversion von Guanin zu Thymin führt (Richter, 1992; Croteau & Bohr, 1997).

Study the possible mechanisms of plant growth promotion by wheat diazotrophic bacteria grown in Uzbekistan soil

Juraeva, Dilafruz 30 May 2011 (has links)
Das Pflanzenwachstum fördernde Bakterien (PGPB) kommen ubiquitär sowohl an der Wurzel als auch am Spross der Pflanzen vor und sie können über direkte oder indirekte Mechanismen einen bedeutenden Beitrag zur Stickstoffernährung der Pflanzen leisten. Die vorliegende Arbeit umfasst a) die Isolierung von PGPB, welche das Wachstum verschiedener Pflanzenarten fördern und durch Fusarien verursachte Pflanzenkrankheiten bekämpfen, b) die Analyse der Möglichkeiten Probleme der Pflanzenernährung durch den Einsatz von PGPB zu lösen, c) die Entwicklung neuer molekularbiologischer Methoden zur Messung der Diversität und Aktivität der PGPB. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Methoden zur Beschreibung der Diversität von rhizosphären PGPB entwickelt und verbessert um Verbindungen zwischen applizierten PGPB und deren Aktivitäten zu prüfen. Die sensitive quantitative real-time-PCR Methode wurde zur Quantifizierung bzw. zum Nachweis der inokulierten PGPB und zum Nachweis des nitrogenase-reduktase-Gens (nifH), des Markergens für potentiell diazotrophe Bakterien. Bakterienartspezifische Primer wurden aus dem Sequenzvergleich der 16S-23S ISR ausgewählter Bakterienstämme selektiert und Protokolle zur Quantifizierung dieser Bakterienarten erarbeitet. Die nifH Gen Quantifizierung an Pflanzen eröffnet die Möglichkeit Schlüsselorganismen in der assoziativen biologischen Luftstickstoffbindung zu identifizieren und kurzfristige Reaktionen der Bakteriengesellschaften auf Umweltveränderungen und Regulationsmechanismen in situ zu analysieren. / Plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB) are ubiquitous in both plant root and shoot, and are important contributors to the nitrogen-input of plants exerting their positive effects on plant growth directly or indirectly through different mechanisms. The present work focuses on a) the isolation of PGPB, which promotes the growth of different plant cultures and controls plant diseases caused by Fusarium species, b) the prospects of PGPB to solve plant nutritional problems, c) developing new molecular methods for the assessment of their diversity and activity. In the frame of this thesis, the methods for the description of the diversity of root colonizing PGPB have been developed and improved to provide links between introduced PGPB abundance and activities. The approach used was based on the sensitive real – time PCR detection/quantification of introduced PGBP and the nitrogenase reductase gene (nifH), which served as a marker gene for potential diazotrophs. The amplified 16S-23S ISR sequences of studied bacteria were subjected to strain – specific primer design and a highly specific bacteria quantification protocol were developed. The bacteria quantification protocol was based on real – time PCR using strain specific primers in order to evaluate the colonization ability of studied bacteria, which were inoculated to plant roots. The results presented in this thesis have shown that monitoring of nifH amount in plant root is a suitable and promising approach to link inoculated diazotrophic bacteria abundance and its potential activity. The study of nifH gene abundance in plant offers the opportunity to identify key players in asymbiotic nitrogen fixation, to study short-term community responses in changing environments, or to analyze the effect of regulation in situ.

Identifizierung und Charakterisierung von Muskeldystrophie Duchenne modifizierenden Genen und Stoffwechselwegen

Grunwald, Stefanie 04 March 2010 (has links)
Hintergrund und Zielsetzung: DMD ist die häufigste Form der Muskeldystrophie im Kindesalter und bis heute unheilbar. Sie wird durch das Fehlen des Proteins Dystrophin verursacht, welches verschiedene Signaltransduktionswege beeinflusst. Das Anliegen der Arbeit ist die Untersuchung und Modulation von Signaltransduktionswegen, die als alternative Therapiestrategie den Verlust von Dystrophin kompensieren könnten. Experimentelle Strategie: Für die Charakterisierung von Dystrophin nachgeschalteten Prozessen wurden mRNA-Expressionsanalysen in Muskelgeweben von DMD-Patienten und einem DMD-Brüderpaar mit einem infrafamiliär unterschiedlichen Verlauf der DMD durchgeführt. Aus diesen Expressionsdaten wurde erstmalig ein Petri-Netz entwickelt, welches Dystrophin mit in diesem Zusammenhang bisher unbekannten Signaltransduktionswegen verknüpft. Das Petri-Netz wurde auf Netzwerkintegrität und –verhalten mittels Invarianten- (INA) und theoretischen Knockout- (Mauritius Maps) Analysen untersucht. Durch beide Methoden läßt sich der maßgebliche Teilsignalweg bestimmen. In diesem Signalweg wurden die Proteinaktivität und die Genexpression durch siRNA, Vektor-DNA und chemische Substanzen in humanen SkMCs moduliert. Anschließend wurden die Proliferation und die Vitalität der Zellen sowie auch die Expression auf mRNA- und Protein-Niveau untersucht. Ergebnisse: RAP2B und CSNK1A1 waren in dem DMD-Brüderpaar differentiell exprimiert und konnten erstmalig in einem neuen, komplexen Signalweg in Zusammenhang mit Dystrophin nachgeschalteten Prozessen dargestellt werden. Mittelpunkt dieses Signalweges ist die De- und Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NFATc. Seine Zielgene umfassen neben anderen den negativen Proliferationsfaktor p21, das Dystrophin homologe UTRN und den Differenzierungsfaktor MYF5. Folglich würde ein Anstieg von UTRN eine unerwünschte Reduktion der Proliferationsrate von Myoblasten implizieren. Letzteres konnte bereits nachgewiesen werden und stellte das Motiv für weitere Studien dar. Jedoch zeigten siRNA- und Vektor-DNA-Experimente, daß NFATc nicht der ausschlaggebende Faktor für diese Zielgene ist. Die Substanzen Deflazacort (DFZ) und Cyclosporin A (CsA) wurden dagegen beschrieben, die Aktivierung von NFATc zu beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, daß beide Substanzen die Proliferation von Myoblasten erhöhen können. Die gleichzeitige Applikation von DFZ und CsA führte zu einem Anstieg der UTRN-Expression. Schlußfolgerung: Die Modulation der Proliferation und UTRN-Expression ist unabhängig von einander möglich. Entsprechend der Grundidee der Arbeit zeichnet sich eine neue Therapiestrategie ab, welche Dystrophin nachgeschaltete Prozesse einbezieht. / Background and aim: DMD is the most common muscular dystrophy in childhood and incurable to date. It is caused by the absence of dystrophin, what influences several signal transduction pathways. The thesis is interested in the investigation and modulation of signal transduction pathways that may compensate the lack of dystrophin as an alternative therapy strategy. Experimental strategy: To study Dystrophin downstream pathways the mRNA expression of DMD patients and two DMD siblings with an intra-familially different course of DMD were analysed in muscle tissue. On the basis of these expression data a Petri net was first developed implicating signal transduction pathways and Dystrophin downstream cascades. Invariant (INA) and theoretical knockout (Mauritius Maps) analyses were applied for studying network integrity and behaviour. Both methods provide information about the most relevant part of the network. In this part modulation of protein activity and of gene expression using siRNA, vector-DNA, and chemical substances were performed on human SkMCs. Subsequently, the cells were studied by proliferation and vitality tests as well as expression analyses at mRNA and protein level. Results: RAP2B and CSNK1A1 were differently expressed in two DMD siblings, and first are part of a signal transduction pathway implicating Dystrophin downstream processes. The central point of this pathway is the de- and activation of the transcription factor NFATc. Its target genes are, among others, the negative proliferation factor p21, the Dystrophin homologue UTRN, and the differentiation factor MYF5. Consequently, an increase in UTRN implicates an undesirably reduced myoblast proliferation rate. Latter was found in DMD patients and was target for further studies. But, siRNA and vector DNA experiments showed that NFATc is not the decisive factor for the target genes. Deflazacort and cyclosporin A are known to influence the activation of NFATc. The results first showed that both substances do induce myoblast proliferation. The use of deflazacort in combination with cyclosporin A resulted in an increase of UTRN expression. Conclusion: The modulation of proliferation and UTRN-expression independently of each other is possible. According to the basic idea of this study, a new therapeutic strategy becomes apparent, which considers Dystrophin downstream processes.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis : new methods for the detection of genetic abnormalities in human preimplantation embryos

Konstantinidis, Michalis January 2013 (has links)
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) refers to the testing of embryos produced through in vitro fertilization (IVF) in order to identify those unaffected by a specific genetic disorder or chromosomal abnormality. In this study, different methodologies were examined and developed for performance of PGD. Investigation of various whole genome amplification (WGA) methods identified multiple displacement amplification as a reliable method for genotyping single cells. Furthermore, this technology was shown to be compatible with subsequent analysis using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) microarrays. Compared to conventional methods used in this study to perform single cell diagnosis (e.g. multiplex PCR), WGA techniques were found to be advantageous since they streamline the development of PGD protocols for couples at high risk of transmitting an inherited disorder and simultaneously offer the possibility of comprehensive chromosome screening (CCS). This study also aimed to develop a widely applicable protocol for accurate typing of the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) region with the purpose of identifying embryos that will be HLA-identical to an existing sibling affected by a disorder that requires haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Additionally, a novel microarray platform was developed that, apart from accurate CCS, was capable of reliably determining the relative quantity of mitochondrial DNA in polar bodies removed from oocytes and single cells biopsied from embryos. Mitochondria are known to play an important role in oogenesis and preimplantation embryogenesis and their measurement may therefore be of clinical relevance. Moreover, real-time PCR was used for development of protocols for CCS, DNA fingerprinting of sperm samples and embryos and the relative quantitation of telomere length in embryos (since shortened telomeres might be associated with reduced viability). As well as considering the role of genetics in terms of oocyte and embryo viability assessment and the diagnosis of inherited genetic disorders, attention was given to a specific gene (Phospholipase C zeta) of relevance to male infertility. A novel mutation affecting the function of the resulting protein was discovered highlighting the growing importance of DNA sequence variants in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility.

Metagenomic analyses of marine new production under elevated CO2 conditions

Meakin, Nicholas G. January 2009 (has links)
A mesocosm experiment was carried out in a Norwegian fjord near Bergen in May 2006, with the main objective being the study of the effects of increasing concentrations of atmospheric CO2 (and associated effects such as increased acidification) on blooms of natural marine coastal plankton. Three mesocosms were bubbled with CO2(g) to achieve a high (~700ppm) CO2 concentration (pH ~7.8) to simulate predicted future conditions as a result of rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Another three mesocosms were treated as controls and bubbled with ambient air to represent a near pre-industrial scenario (atmospheric CO2 concentration ~300ppm, surface seawater pH ~8.15). Blooms in the mesocosms were stimulated by the addition of nutrients at a near-Redfield ratio ([N:P] ≈ [16:1]), and scientific measurements and analyses were carried out over the course of the blooms for approximately one month. Of particular interest in this study were the autotrophic plankton. The diversity and activities of these microorganisms under the two treatments was therefore investigated. By designing and using new degenerate primers specifically targeting ‘Green-type’ (Form IA and IB), ‘Red-type’ (Form IC and ID) and Form II RuBisCO, analysis of primary producers was carried out using PCR and either gDNA or cDNA (mRNA) templates from key time points spanning the complete duration of the blooms throughout the mesocosm experiment. Over 1250 novel RuBisCO large subunit sequences have been fully annotated and deposited in the NCBI GenBank® database. These sequences revealed distinct changes in the diversity of primary producers both over the courses of the blooms and between treatments. Particularly striking was the effect of acidification on the community structure of the eukaryotic picoplankton, Prasinophytes. A clade of prasinophytes closely related to Micromonas pusilla showed a distinct preference for the high CO2 conditions; a laboratory-based experiment confirmed the high tolerance of Micromonas pusilla to lower pH. Conversely, a clade related to Bathycoccus prasinos was almost entirely excluded from the high CO2 treatments. Clades of form II RuBisCO-containing dinoflagellates were also abundant throughout the experiment in both treatments. The high similarity of some of these clades to the toxin-producing species Heterocapsa triquetra and Gonyaulax polyedra, and apparent high tolerance of some clades to high CO2 conditions, is perhaps cause for concern in a high CO2 world and demands further research. In parallel with the RubisCO work, new primers were designed that target the gene encoding the Fe protein of nitrogenase (NifH). 82 Bergen genomic nifH sequences have been annotated and submitted to GenBank®. These sequences include those from organisms related to Alpha, Beta, and Gammaproteobacteria, and Cluster II and Cluster III sequences that align most closely with anaerobic Bacteria, Gram positive, and/or sulphur-reducing Bacteria. The biggest surprise, however, was the apparent abundance and significance of a Rhodobacter sphaeroides-like microorganism throughout the duration of the experiment in both treatments. Whilst this clade was unsurprisingly absent in the RuBisCO cDNA libraries, all but two of 128 nifH cDNA clones analysed were identical to the gene from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. This shows that this clade was potentially fixing N2 throughout the entire experiment, even in the presence of combined N added to both sets of mesocosms at the start of the experiment. A group of Rhodobacter sphaeroides-like microorganisms present at Bergen may therefore have been an unexpected source of new N during the experiment and contributed to the maintenance of the mesocosm communities as nutrients became depleted. One organism dominated the autotrophic communities after the blooms in both treatments. Synechococcus spp. Form IA rbcL clones most closely related to the coastal strain Synechococcus sp. strain CC9902 were recovered throughout the experiment but were particularly numerous toward the end of the experiment and dominated the “Green-type” libraries at this time. Initially, rbcL clones from these cyanobacteria were mostly derived from the ambient CO2 mesocosms but were equally distributed between treatments by the end of the experiment. This suggests that cyanobacteria related to strain CC9902 may be less tolerant of elevated CO2 (which was greatest at the beginning rather than the end of the experiment). However, despite the mesocosms being Pi-limited at the end of the experiment, several Synechococcus species (including those related to strain CC9902 and another coastal strain, CC9311) thrived. Following on from this observation, Pi uptake and assimilation mechanisms in a Synechococcus species were investigated in the laboratory. This led to the sequencing and characterisation of a pstS gene from the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. WH 8103. Unlike conventional pstS, it was discovered that the pstS II gene in this organism is constitutively expressed and unresponsive to or only weakly regulated by Pi supply. The use of PstS/pstS as a marker for P-limitation in natural samples, therefore, should be interpreted with caution.

Determination of viral load and integration status of HPV 16 in normal and LSIL exfoliated cervical cells

de Morais, Otelinda 09 1900 (has links)
L’intégration du génome du virus papilloma humain (VPH) a été reconnu jusqu’`a récemment comme étant un événnement fréquent mais pourtant tardif dans la progression de la maladie du col de l’utérus. La perspective temporelle vient, pourtant, d’être mise au défi par la détection de formes intégrées de VPH dans les tissus normaux et dans les lésions prénéoplasiques. Notre objectif était de déterminer la charge virale de VPH-16 et son état physique dans une série de 220 échantillons provenant de cols uterins normaux et avec des lésions de bas-grade. La technique quantitative de PCR en temps réel, méthode Taqman, nous a permis de quantifier le nombre de copies des gènes E6, E2, et de la B-globine, permettant ainsi l’évaluation de la charge virale et le ratio de E6/E2 pour chaque spécimen. Le ratio E6/E2 de 1.2 ou plus était suggestif d’intégration. Par la suite, le site d’intégration du VPH dans le génome humain a été déterminé par la téchnique de RS-PCR. La charge virale moyenne était de 57.5±324.6 copies d'ADN par cellule et le ratio E6/E2 a évalué neuf échantillons avec des formes d’HPV intégrées. Ces intégrants ont été amplifiés par RS-PCR, suivi de séquençage, et l’homologie des amplicons a été déterminée par le programme BLAST de NCBI afin d’identifier les jonctions virales-humaines. On a réussi `a identifier les jonctions humaines-virales pour le contrôle positif, c'est-à-dire les cellules SiHa, pourtant nous n’avons pas detecté d’intégration par la technique de RS-PCR dans les échantillons de cellules cervicales exfoliées provenant de tissus normaux et de lésions de bas-grade. Le VPH-16 est rarement intégré dans les spécimens de jeunes patientes. / Integration of human papillomavirus (HPV) has, until recently, been a frequent but late event in cervical carcinogenesis. The temporal view has, however, been challenged lately as integrated forms of HPV have been detected even in normal and preneoplastic lesions. Our objective was to describe HPV 16 load and physical state in a series of 220 normal and low grade cervical samples. We used quantitative real-time PCR, Taqman method, targeting E6, E2 and B-globin to calculate the HPV 16 load and the E6/E2 ratio in each sample. An E6/E2 ratio of 1.2 was used as a surrogate marker of integration. The site of integration was determined by restriction site PCR. Results show that the average viral load was 57.5±324.6 copies of DNA per cell, while E6/E2 ratio identified 9 samples with integrants. These integrants underwent amplification by restriction site PCR, followed by sequencing and nucleotide blast to identify the human-viral junctions. In conclusion, although it was possible to identify viral-host junctions with the integration positive control, that is, the SiHa cell line, the exfoliated cells of normal and low grade cervical lesions were negative for integration site by RS-PCR. HPV-16 is seldom integrated in specimens from young patients.

Campylobacter dans différents environnements aquatiques : quantification et génotypage afin de mieux évaluer les risques potentiels d’infection pour l’être humain

Gosselin-Théberge, Maxime 05 1900 (has links)
Campylobacter est l’agent pathogène zoonotique responsable de la majorité des gastro-entérites d’origine bactérienne chez l’homme. Les produits de volaille représentent la principale source d’infection; toutefois, l’exposition peut également découler de contacts directs avec les animaux ou avec l’eau. Une forte variation saisonnière est présente dans les cas rapportés, qui n’est toujours pas élucidée : les eaux environnementales, sources d’infection connues, sont soupçonnées. Cette étude transversale a été réalisée dans la région Sud-Est du Québec (Canada) où Campylobacter fut quantifié et génotypé à partir de différentes sources d’eau (eaux de captage, récréatives et usées) et de cas cliniques afin d’évaluer les risques potentiels posé par l’eau environnementale. Différents essais PCR en temps réel furent appliqués à l’eau environnementale et comparés: 2 ont été sélectionnés pour leur spécificité et sensibilité de quantification. Les courbes standards ont été calibrées en utilisant la PCR digitale pour déterminer précisément les concentrations. Les isolats environnementaux et cliniques furent comparés génétiquement en utilisant le CGF (« comparative genomic fingerprinting »). Les eaux usées étaient plus contaminées que les eaux de captage et récréatives (3.9Log, 1.7Log et 1.0Log cellules/L en moyenne, respectivement). Six pour cent des isolats d’eaux environnementales étaient génétiquement similaires (100 % homologie) aux isolats cliniques. Les cas cliniques de campylobactériose d’été montraient des isolats avec davantage de similarités génétiques avec les isolats retrouvés dans l’eau environnementale comparativement aux autres saisons (p<0.01). Les faibles concentrations et similarités génétiques entre les isolats d’eau et cliniques suggèrent un risque de transmission possible, mais faible. / Campylobacter is a zoonotic pathogen that is responsible for the majority of cases of bacterial gastroenteritis. Among the numerous Campylobacter transmission routes including direct contact, food and water, poultry consumption has been recognized as the major route. A strong seasonal variation in campylobacteriosis cases exists for reasons that are not well understood; environmental water is suspected to be involved. This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Southeastern region of Quebec (Canada), wherein Campylobacter from different waters (drinking water source, recreational and sewage) and clinical sources was quantified and genotyped in order to evaluate the potential risks posed by environmental water. Several real-time PCR assays were compared for specific application to environmental water: two were selected for their specificity and sensitivity of quantification. Standard curves were calibrated using digital PCR to accurately determine concentrations. Campylobacter isolates from clinical and water sources were genetically compared using CGF (comparative genomic fingerprinting). Sewage waters showed the highest Campylobacter concentrations, while drinking water source and recreational waters showed the lowest (average of 3.9Log, 1.7Log and 1.0Log cells/L, respectively). CGF revealed that 6% of water isolates were genetically similar (100% homology) to clinical isolates. Summer cases of campylobacteriosis revealed isolates showing more genetic similarities with environmental water isolates compared to other seasons (p<0.01). The low Campylobacter concentrations and genetic similarities between water and clinical isolates from the same region, suggests that these environmental waters pose a real, but low risk of transmission.

Pandémie grippale A/H1N1 2009/2010 : Diagnostic et épidémiologie au laboratoire hospitalier de microbiologie clinique à Marseille

Nougairede, Antoine 12 January 2012 (has links)
Fin avril 2009, un nouveau virus grippal A/H1N1 d'origine porcine émerge dans le monde causant la première pandémie grippale du XXIème siècle. Les différents travaux présentés dans cette thèse retracent la gestion de cette situation au laboratoire de virologie des hôpitaux publics de Marseille. D'avril 2009 à avril 2010, nous avons analysé plus de 13 000 prélèvements issus de cas suspects. Nous avons dû adapter continuellement les moyens mis en œuvre pour effectuer le diagnostic et la mise en place d'une stratégie 'Point of Care' s'est avérée très utile. Nos résultats montrent que l'usage des tests rapides en complément de la RT-PCR en temps réel permet de réduire significativement le délai de rendu des résultats pour les patients infectés. Les données épidémiologiques sur les nombreux cas suspects dépistés ont également permis d'obtenir en temps réel des informations précieuses sur l'épidémiologie de cette pandémie comme l'estimation de l'incidence par classe d'âge, la proportion de patients hospitalisés et la mortalité. Enfin, nous avons réalisé une étude de séroprévalence qui montre qu'environ 12% de la population française a été infectée par ce nouveau virus en 2009-2010 et que les taux d'attaque les plus élevés ont été observés chez les enfants et les jeunes adultes. / In late April 2009, a new swine-origin A/H1N1 Influenza virus emerged and spread rapidly worldwide causing the first influenza pandemic of the 21st century. This work describes how we coped with this emergency situation in the virology laboratory of Marseille public hospitals. From April 2009 to April 2010, we analyzed more than 13,000 samples from suspected cases. We needed to adapt continuously the organization to maintain diagnostic capacity and the implementation of a point of care strategy revealed very useful to achieve this goal. Our results support the use of rapid Influenza detection tests in combination with real-time RT-PCR because it reduces significantly the delay from sample to result for positive cases, thus giving the opportunity to improve patient management. Epidemiological data from all suspected cases tested allowed us to obtain timely precious information about the epidemiology of this pandemic as the estimation of (i) the incidence by age group, (ii) the rate of hospitalization and (iii) the mortality rate among tested patients. Finally, we set up a serological study and showed that around 12% of the French population had been infected by this new virus in 2009-2010 with higher attack rates observed in children and young adults.

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