Spelling suggestions: "subject:"egional anesthesia"" "subject:"aregional anesthesia""
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The Effect of Dexamethasone on the Duration of Interscalene Nerve Blocks with Ropivacaine or BupivacaineCummings, Kenneth C., III January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Patientens perioperativa upplevelse vid regional anestesi : En intervjustudieJansson, Anna, Andersson, Rikard January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Regional anestesi innebär att patienten är vaken men bedövad under det kirurgiska ingreppet. Detta blir allt vanligare då metoden innebär flertalet fördelar, både medicinsk och ur ett patientperspektiv. Det är anestesisjuksköterskans uppgift att se till att patienten känner sig trygg under det kirurgiska ingreppet. Tidigare forskning visar på att sjuksköterskan under regional anestesi bör vara närvarande, engagerad och hela tiden ha kontakt med patienten. Genom att aktivt lyssna och kommunicera samt ge god information uppnås en bra kontakt. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka patientens perioperativa upplevelse vid regional anestesi. Metod: För denna studie valdes en kvalitativ inriktning med deskriptiv ansats. Ett lämplighetsurval gjordes på en ortopedavdelning med patienter som genomgått en operation i regional anestesi. Tio patienter inkluderades i studien. Semistrukturerade intervjuer med delvis öppna frågor användes. Intervjuerna analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra teman samt sex kategorier. Dessa teman var; Att uppleva negativa känslor, Preoperativa tankar, Perioperativ kommunikation samt professionellt bemötande. Kategorierna bestod av upplevelse av smärta och obehag, känslan av nervositet och övergivenhet, förväntningar, önskemål och delaktighet, information, känsla av säkerhet och trygghet samt att få ett bra bemötande. Slutsats: Denna studie, i enlighet med tidigare forskning visar på att patienter i högre grad upplevde trygghet vid regional anestesi när anestesisjuksköterskan informerar och hela tiden är närvarande hos patienten. Är anestesisjuksköterskan frånvarande minskar patientens känsla av trygghet och den regionala anestesin kan bli en negativ upplevelse. / Background: Regional anesthesia is becoming more common in surgical procedures, as the method involves several benefits, both from the patient's perspective and from a medical perspective. It is the task of the nurse anesthesia to ensure that the patient feels safe. Previous research shows that the nurse anesthesia should be present, committed and constantly in contact with the patient. By actively listening and communicating as well as providing valuable information, a good contact is achieved. If the nurse anesthetist is successful in this, the experience of regional anesthesia can be a good one. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the patient's perioperative experience in regional anesthesia. Methods: A qualitative study with a descriptive approach. An aptitude selection was conducted in an orthopedic department with patients undergoing surgery in regional anesthesia. Ten patients were included in the study. Semi-structured interviews with partially open questions were used. The interviews were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Results: The analysis resulted in four themes as well as six categories. These themes were; To experience negative feelings, Preoperative thoughts, Perioperative communication as well as Professional treatment. The categories consisted of experience of pain and discomfort, feeling of nervousness and abandonment, expectations, wishes and participation, information, a sense of safety and security, and to get a good treatment. Conclusions: Previous research shows, as does this study, that a nurse anesthesia who informs and is constantly present at the operation room will make the patient feel safer. If the nurse anesthesia is absenting the patient's sense of safety decreases and regional anesthesia can be a negative experience.
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Imagens ultrassonográficas do plexo braquial pela via axilar em cães / Ultrasonographic images of the axillary brachial plexus in dogsSilva, Luciano Cacciari Baruffaldi Almeida da 22 December 2016 (has links)
O uso da ultrassonografia na anestesia regional teve um crescimento vertiginoso nos últimos anos, devido ao grande progresso na resolução das imagens ultrassonográficas, permitindo a visibilização não só de vasos, mas de raízes nervosas e nervos periféricos. O objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu na avaliação ultrassonográfica do plexo braquial pela via axilar, bem como a identificação dos nervos em relação a artéria axilar. Foram utilizados 50 animais da espécie canina, sem distinção de raça, sexo e idade. Em todos os animais administrou-se propofol (3 mg/kg) através de um acesso venoso pré-instalado. Os animais foram mantidos sonolentos, porém facilmente despertáveis durante todo o procedimento. Após posicionamento do animal e iniciada a avaliação ultrassonográfica com a identificação das estruturas vasculares e nervosas, foi introduzida uma agulha eletricamente isolada guiada por estimulador de nervo periférico, obtendo-se, assim, resposta motora adequada para cada nervo visualizado por meio de uma corrente estimuladora de 0,5 mA. O exame teve como objetivo identificar a artéria axilar e os nervos radial, mediano e ulnar, e anotar suas posições. Para relacionar os nervos à artéria axilar, a região a ser estudada foi dividida em quatro setores. Em todos os pacientes estudados foram identificados os nervos: mediano localizado na região craniolateral (setor 4) em 8% dos pacientes e na região craniomedial (setor 1) em 92%; nervo radial na região craniomedial (setor 1) em 2% dos pacientes, caudomedial (setor 2) em 92% e caudolateral (setor 3) em 6%; nervo ulnar encontrado na região craniolateral (setor 4) em 2% dos animais e na região craniomedial (setor 1) em 98%. Diante dos resultados, conclui-se que a artéria axilar, na abordagem estudada, facilita a identificação e posicionamento dos nervos com o auxílio do estimulador de nervos periféricos e da ultrassonografia. / The use of ultrasonography in regional anesthesia has grown rapidly in recent years, due to the great progress in the resolution of ultrasound images, allowing the visualization not only of vessels, but of nerve roots and peripheral nerves. The objective of the present study consisted in the ultrasonography evaluation of the brachial plexus by the axillary way, as well as the identification of the nerves in relation to the axillary artery. Fifty animals of the canine species were used, without distinction of race, sex and age. Propofol (3 mg/kg) was given in all animals via pre-installed venous access. The animals were kept drowsy but easily aroused throughout the procedure. After the positioning of the animal and the ultrasound evaluation with the identification of the vascular and nervous structures, an electrically isolated needle guided by a peripheral nerve stimulator was introduced, thus obtaining adequate motor response for each nerve visualized through a stimulating current of 0.5 mA. The objective of the test was to identify the axillary artery and the radial, median and ulnar nerves, and note their positions. To relate the nerves to the axillary artery, the region to be studied was divided into four sectors. In all the patients studied, nerves were identified: median located in the craniolateral region (sector 4) in 8% of patients and in the craniomedial region (sector 1) in 92%; radial nerve in the craniomedial region (sector 1) in 2% of patients, caudomedial (sector 2) in 92% and caudolateral (sector 3) in 6%; ulnar nerve found in the craniolateral region (sector 4) in 2% of the animals and in the craniomedial region (sector 1) in 98%. In view of the results, it was concluded that the axillary artery, in the approach studied, facilitates the identification and positioning of the nerves with the aid of the peripheral nerve stimulator and the ultrasonography.
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Den oroliga ortopedpatienten : Anestesisjuksköterskors strategier för att lindra ortopedpatienters oro vid regional anestesi / The anxious orthopedic patient : The nurse anesthetists strategies to alleviate the orthopedic patients concerns with regional anesthesiaMellberg, Andreas, Sundberg, Matilda January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: En anestesisjuksköterska ska främja hälsa och förebygga ohälsa med respekt för patienternas värdighet och integritet. Regional anestesi är vanligt förekommande vid ortopedisk kirurgi. Det innebär att en eller flera av patienternas kroppsdelar bedövas, och försätter således patienterna i en utsatt situation med förlorad kroppskontroll. Detta kan ge upphov till oro och obehag för patienterna, och anestesisjuksköterskor bör ha kunskap om hur de genom olika omvårdnadsåtgärder kan lindra patienternas oro. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utforska och belysa anestesisjuksköterskors strategier för att lindra ortopedpatienters oro vid regional anestesi. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tio anestesisjuksköterskor som hade minst ett års klinisk erfarenhet samt erfarenhet av att vårda aktuell patientgrupp. Datamaterialet analyserades med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys, där meningsbärande enheter kondenserades och utmynnade i underkategorier och kategorier. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar att anestesisjuksköterskorna strävar efter att skapa en vårdande relation med patienten. Anestesisjuksköterskorna anpassar sitt förhållningssätt till patienten, bland annat genom ett bra bemötande och att värna om patientens delaktighet. Hjälpmedel som närhet till patienten, att skapa en trygg miljö, individanpassad information och att vid behov erbjuda lugnande läkemedel, framkommer från anestesisjuksköterskorna som strategier för att lindra ortopedpatienternas oro. Slutsats: Genom att använda de strategier som framkommer i studiens resultat kan anestesisjuksköterskor lindra ortopedpatienternas oro vid regional anestesi. Studiens resultat bekräftar flertalet tidigare studier, vilket styrker dess kliniska relevans. / Background: The nurse anesthetists role is to promote health and to prevent illness with respect for the patients dignity and integrity. Regional anesthesia is common during orthopedic surgery. This means that one or more of the patient´s body parts are anesthetized, which puts the patients in a vulnerable situation due to loss of body control, this can result in anxiety and discomfort for the patients. The nurse anesthetists should have knowledge about how they can relieve concerns in this situation through different strategies. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate and illustrate the nurse anesthetist´s strategies to alleviate the orthopedic patient´s concerns with regional anesthesia. Method: Semi structured interviews were held with ten nurse anesthetists which all had at least one year of clinical experience and had experience from the patient group in question. The data was analyzed with a qualitative content analysis, where meaningful units where condensed and gave subcategories and categories. Results: The results in this study show that the nurse anesthetists aim to create a caring relation with the patient. The nurse anesthetists adapt their approach to the patient, for instance through good communication and to encourage the patient participation. Tools like closeness to the patient, a safe environment, individualized information and to offer sedative if needed, reveals to be strategies used to alleviate the concerns of the orthopedic patients. Conclusions: By using the strategies revealed in the result from this study the nurse anesthetists can alleviate the orthopedic patient´s concerns with regional anesthesia. The result from the study is in many ways confirming former studies on the topic, which proves its clinical relevance
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Musikens inverkan på patienten vid regional anestesi : En systematisk litteraturstudieSvensson, Pamela, Hjalmarsson, Gabriel January 2018 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Det är känt att musik kan påverka personer och kan användas i syfte att främja läkning. Musik används bland annat för patienter med demens och för patienter som är vakna under operation. Regional anestesi i samband med operation medför flera fördelar för patienten som skall opereras. Det finns flera studier som visar musikens positiva effekt för patientens välbefinnande både innan och efter operation. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att sammanställa forskning avseende musikens inverkan på patienten vid regional anestesi under operation. Metod: Metoden var en systematisk litteraturöversikt. I resultatet inkluderades 13 stycken artiklar, både kvalitativa och kvantitativa. Analysmetod som användes var integrerad dataanalys och resultatet redovisades i form av kategorier och underkategorier. Resultat: Patienters oro och ångest minskade när de fick lyssna på musik under regional anestesi. Patienter beskrev att de upplevde en känsla av välmående och var mer tillfredsställda efter operation om de fått lyssna på musik. Vitalparametrar som blodtryck och pulsfrekvens visade sig minska vid användning av musik. En del patienter upplevde att smärtan minskade. Det fanns dock inkluderande studier som inte påvisade någon signifikant skillnad på respektive kategori. Diskussion: Musik kan ha en positiv inverkan under operation med regional anestesi. Det används olika instrument för att mäta ångest, vilket kan påverka resultatet. Vid vissa studier fick patienterna välja musik själva. Musiken spelades upp i varierande former, till exempel i hörlurar eller i operationssalen. Dessa faktorer gör att de blir svårt att dra ett generaliserbart resultat. Slutsats: Resultatet visar att musik kan ha en positiv inverkan både fysiskt och psykiskt på patienterna som fick lyssna på musik under operation. Anestesisjuksköterskor bör erbjuda musik vid regional anestesi och patienterna kan med fördel få välja musik själva då det visat sig ha bra effekt. / Abstract Background: Music is well known to affect people and has been used to promote healing. Music is used, for example, for patients with dementia and for patients waking up during surgery. Regional anesthesia associated with surgery brings several benefits to the patient to be operated. There are several studies showing the positive impact of music on patient wellbeing before and after surgery. Aim: The purpose of the literature study was to compile research into the impact of music on the patient in regional anesthesia during surgery. Method: The method was a literature review. In the result 13 articles were included, both qualitative and quantitative. The analysis method used was integrated data analysis and the results were presented in the form of categories and undercategories. Result: Patients' anxiety decreased when they listened to music under regional anesthesia. Patients described that they experienced a sense of well-being and were more satisfied after surgery if they had listened to music. Vital parameters such as blood pressure and pulse rate were found to decrease when using music. Some patients felt that the pain decreased. However, there were included studies that did not show any significant difference in the respective categories. Discussion: Music may have a positive effect during surgery with regional anesthesia. Different instruments are used to measure anxiety, which can affect the outcome. In some studies, patients were given the choice of music themselves. The music was recorded in various forms, such as headphones or in the operating room. These factors make it difficult to draw a generalizable result. Conclusion: The result shows that music can have a positive impact both physically and mentally on patients who listened to music during surgery. Nurse anesthetists should offer music at regional anesthesia and patients can benefit from choosing music themselves as it proved to be of good effect.
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Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Development: Selection of Local Anesthetics and the Additive Dexamethasone in Brachial Plexus BlocksMcGuire, Alexandra 28 March 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of Guidelines for Early Implementation of Regional Anesthesia in United States Personnel with Peripheral InjuriesBaker, Matthew R. January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Evidence-Based Practice Guidelines for the Surgical Patient with Obstructive Sleep ApneaMcNeilan, Aaron January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Postoperativ återhämtning efter ortopedisk dagkirurgisk operation i regionalanestesi : en kvantitativ empirisk studie / Post-operative recovery after orthopaedic day surgery in regional anaesthesia : a quantitative empirical studyLindberg Skutsjö, Hannes, Holmberg, Viktor January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: En ökad mängd operationer genomförs i dagkirurgi, vilket innebär att fler patienter skrivs ut till hemmet utan professionell vård under det förlängda postoperativa förloppet. Därför behövs forskning för att undersöka patienternas perspektiv av återhämtning. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att analysera postoperativ återhämtning hos patienter som har genomgått ortopedisk dagkirurgi i regionalanestesi. Metod: En kvantitativ, icke experimentell retrospektiv tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes. En enkät skickades ut till 252 potentiella deltagare tre veckor efter operation med frågor avseende psykometriska aspekter och demografiska data. Av dessa erhölls 126 svar. Genom ett validerat instrument kvantifierades resultaten och beräknades till en poäng mellan 10 och 100, där en hög poäng speglade en god återhämtning som mätt med instrumentet. Resultat: Ingen statistisk signifikans kunde identifieras mellan poäng och utbildningsnivå, typ av operation, om sedering erhållits (ja/nej), civilstånd eller kön. Deltagare som hade genomgått en operation tidigare visade ett högre mått av återhämtning än de som inte hade gjort det. En korrelation identifierades mellan pre- och postoperativ ångest och poäng. Även en korrelation mellan pre- och postoperativt illamående identifierades. Konklusion: Denna studie identifierade nyckelkomponenter som påverkar postoperativ återhämtning hos patienter som har genomgått dagkirurgi under regionalanestesi. Tidigare erfarenhet av operationer påverkade återhämtningen positivt relaterat till bättre förberedelse och strategier till postoperativa utmaningar. Medan en stark korrelation identifierades mellan postoperativ smärta och ångest, fanns inget signifikant samband mellan smärta eller illamående och generell återhämtning, vilket indikerar att andra faktorer kan spela större roll.
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Estudo aleatório e controlado para testar o efeito profilático da S(+)cetamina por via peridural na dor pós-operatória de pacientes pediátricos / Randomised controlled trial to test the prophylactic effect of S(+)ketamine on pediatric postoperative painConceição, Mario José da 08 March 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A cetamina por via regional ou sistêmica melhora a analgesia pós-operatória. A hipótese testada nesse estudo foi a de que o uso profilático da cetamina S(+) por via peridural é melhor que a cetamina S(+) administrada por via venosa durante toda a anestesia, para o controle da dor pós-operatória em crianças submetidas a operações ortopédicas. MÉTODOS: 60 pacientes pediátricos foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em dois grupos de 30 pacientes. Os pacientes do grupo I receberam por via peridural 1 ml.kg-1 de ropivacaína a 0,2%, acrescida de 0,5 mg.kg-1 de cetamina S(+). Os pacientes do grupo II receberam por via peridural a mesma dose de ropivacaína, e antes da incisão cirúrgica receberam por via venosa infusão contínua de cetamina S(+) na dose de 0,2 mg.kg-1.h-1, interrompida ao final da sutura da pele. A mesma técnica anestésica geral complementar foi utilizada para os dois grupos. A dor foi avaliada pela escala Oucher de faces. Também foi avaliado o tempo para a primeira dose do analgésico de resgate e o consumo de morfina nas primeiras 24 h. Os resultados receberam tratamento estatístico pelo teste t de Student, não pareado, para comparação entre os dados demográficos dos grupos, tempo de duração do ato cirúrgico e tempo para recuperação, o teste do Qui quadrado e o teste exato de Fisher para análise de dados não paramétricos, e o teste de análise de variância, para comparar os valores da pressão arterial e da frequência cardíaca. RESULTADOS: Não foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas quanto à intensidade da dor, o tempo para a primeira dose de analgésico de resgate e o consumo de morfina entre os grupos. O valor da frequência cardíaca foi estatisticamente maior no grupo II do que no grupo I. CONCLUSÕES: A intensidade da dor pós-operatória, o tempo para a primeira dose de analgésico de resgate e o consumo de morfina foi semelhante com o uso da cetamina S(+) por via peridural ou sistêmica. A incidência de efeitos adversos foi semelhante com o uso da cetamina por via peridural ou sistêmica, com exceção da frequência cardíaca que foi estatisticamente maior no grupo em que a cetamina S(+) foi empregada em infusão contínua por via venosa. / INTRODUCTION: Ketamine by neuroaxial as well as intravenousroute could improve postoperative analgesia. The hypothesis to be tested here was that the prophylactic epidural use the S(+) ketamine, added to a local anesthetic solution, would improve postoperative pain control after orthopedic surgical procedures in pediatric patients, when compared to intravenous administration. METHODS: 60 pediatric patients were randomly assigned to one of two groups of 30 patients each named I, and II. Before the surgical incision the patients of group I, received by epidural route 1 ml.kg-1 0.2% ropivacaine and 0.5 mg. kg-1 S(+) ketamine. Patients of group II received by epidural route the same ropivacaine dose and 0.2 mg.kg-1h-1 S(+) ketamine IV infusion through all surgical procedure long suspended after the skin suture. The same complement anesthesia technique was provided to all patients. The pain was assessed by Oucher scale, time elicited to first rescue analgesia and 24 h morphine consumption. All data were statistically managed as follow: t test for demographics, surgical procedure duration and time to postoperative recovery; square CHI and Fisher test for nonparametric data and ANOVA for comparing the values of arterial pressure and heart rate. RESULTS: there were no statistical differences on time elicited to the first rescue analgesia, degree of pain complaint or morphine consumption when compared groups I and II. Mild tachycardia was observed for group II with statistical differences when compared to group I (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: the time elicited to the first rescue analgesia, degree of pain complaint and morphine consumption were similar with S(+) ketamine, by epidural and intravenous either. The adverse effects incidence was similar except for the heart rate statistically higher for the group where S(+) ketamine was employed by continuous intravenous route.
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