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YouTube och Musikbranschen : En studie i hur artisters användande av YouTube som marknadsföringskanal ser ut i en allt mer digital musikbransch.

Falck, Lina, Thörlind, Moa January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats syfte är att analysera hur musikartister använder sig av YouTube som marknadsföringsverktyg, samt vilken betydelse YouTube har för dessa artisters marknadsföring. En kvalitativ och induktiv metod har tillämpats, medan ett antal intervjuer samt en innehållsanalys genomförts som grund till det empiriska materialet. Detta för att få en inblick i musikbranschens syn på ämnet, samt även ge en objektiv bild av hur plattformen används som marknadsföringsverktyg. Slutligen menade studien att ge artister och andra arbetande inom musikbranschen, en bild av hur användandet av denna marknadsföringskanal kan förbättras för att skapa en mer effektiv marknadsföring.    Den teoretiska referensramen har utgått från tidigare teorier kring YouTubes betydelse, roller och potential inom musikartisters marknadsföring. Teorier kring YouTubes möjliggörande för artister att upptäckas av A&R personer eller nya fans, YouTubes påverkan på musikvideons roll som marknadsföringsmedel, samt teorier kring plattformens påverkan på maktbalansen inom branschen har legat som grund. Även teorier kring ett nytt fokus på opinion leaders; vem och när, samt teorier gällande relationsmarknadsföring, kommunikation, feedback och sampling har tillämpats. Slutligen har teorier kring YouTubes negativa aspekter, såsom svårigheter att sticka ut och illegal spridning setts till. I redogörelsen av det empiriska materialet ingår svar från de intervjuer som genomförts med musikartister samt nyckelpersoner inom branschen. Här redogörs även resultatet från den innehållsanalys som genomförts av de intervjuade artisternas respektive YouTube-kanaler.   I analysen sammankopplas den teoretiska referensramen med det empiriska materialet i en diskussion och analys. Detta för att jämföra tidigare teorier med branschens nuvarande syn på forskningsfrågan samt artisternas faktiska användande av plattformen. Även för att belysa vad musikartisterna har för möjligheter att förbättra sin marknadsföring via YouTube, för en mer framgångsrik marknadsföring.   De slutsatser som uppsatsen sedan mynnar ut i menar att YouTube har utvecklats till en stark marknadsföringskanal för musikartister. Plattformen är av stor betydelse för musikartisters exponeringsmöjligheter, men det krävs dock andra marknadsföringsaktiviteter för att klipp ska hittas av A&R avdelningar och nya fans. Musikvideon har en fortsatt viktig roll för artisternas exponeringsmöjligheter. YouTube skapar en möjlighet till relationsbyggande mellan artister och fans, men denna möjlighet utnyttjas ej till fullo av artisterna. Feedback via kommentarsfält skulle dock kunna nyttjas för större grad av lärande, samt för starkare relationsbyggande. En nackdel är att YouTube dock tycks vara illegal spridning av material, samt minskad kontroll över eget material. Makten över kreativiteten tycks med YouTube ha flyttats mer mot artisterna själva, men de stora aktörernas nätverk och resurser tycks dock fortsatt viktiga för att ge möjligheter att sticka ut i det enorma mediaflödet. / This paper aims to analyze how music artists use YouTube as a marketing tool, and the importance YouTube has for these artists' marketing. A qualitative and inductive approach was used, while a number of interviews and a content analysis conducted as the basis for the empirical material. This to get an insight into the music industry's views on the topic, and also give an objective picture of how the platform is used as a marketing tool. Finally, the study is meant to give artists and others working in the music industry a picture of how the use of this marketing channel can be improved to create a more effective marketing.   The theoretical framework was based on earlier theories of YouTube's importance, roles and potential in music artists' marketing. Theories on how YouTube enables artists to be discovered by A & R people or new fans, YouTube's impact on the music video's role as a marketing medium, and theories about the platform's impact on the balance of power within the industry has been the foundatioin. Theories about a new focus on opinion leaders; whom and when, as well as theories on relationship marketing, communication, feedback and sampling have also been applied. Finally, theories of YouTube's negative aspects, such as difficulties to stand out and illegal distribution has been looked into. In the account of the empirical material responses from the interviews with music artists and key people in the industry are included, as well as the results from the content analysis conducted by the interviewed artists' respective YouTube channels.   In the analysis the theoretical framework is linked to the empirical material in a discussion and analysis. This is to compare previous theories with the industry's current opinions on the research question and the performers' actual usage of the platform, also to illustrate how music artists could improve their marketing through YouTube for more successful marketing.   The conclusions of the essay is of the opinion that YouTube has evolved into a powerful marketing channel for music artists. The platform is of great importance for music artists interms of opportunities of exposure, but additional marketing activities are  however required gor the material to be found by A & R departments and new fans. The music video has a continued important role for artists' exposure opportunities. YouTube creates an opportunity to build relationships between artists and fans, but this opportunity is generally not utilized fully by the artists. Feedback via the comment field could be utilized for greater levels of learning, and for stronger relationship building. One negative aspect of YouTube is that it can be considered as a way to illegaly distribute content, and it does add to reduced control over the artists own material. The creative authority seems with YouTube have moved more towards the artists themselves rather than their labels or management, but networks and resources available to the major labels seem to remain important to provide opportunities to be able stand out in the masses f available media on YouTube.

Men vad håller de på med? : En kvalitativ studie av fem svenska universitetsbiblioteks användning av Facebook och Twitter.

Wiklund, Alexis January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine and evaluate how five Swedish university libraries use Facebook and Twitter. The paper is intended to determine what reasons there are for university libraries to use social media, what information they intended to convey through them, and whether different media was used for different purposes. The libraries idea of how they used social media is then correlated to the information published and how the libraries communicated through Facebook and Twitter. The theoretical framework consists of the base and convergence model of communication and Gummessons relationship marketing theory. The method contained four different parts; an examination of the library's Facebook and Twitter profiles, a web survey, a qualitative content analysis of the libraries published Facebook and Twitter posts during the fall semester 2015 and a content analysis of the library's media policies. The results of the survey shows that the libraries use Twitter and Facebook for different purposes. Facebook was used primarily to promote the university libraries as well as to communicate with and build relationships towards the users. Twitter, on the other hand, was used to communicate with researchers and external monitoring. The content analysis showed that university libraries have an overall accurate idea of how they published material on social media but lacked de- tailed knowledge. The libraries also exhibit a lack of an strategy of how they should advertise through social media and how to initiate a two-way communication with their users. The analysis revealed that the libraries contact attempts over Facebook and Twitter primarily results in one-way communication. Passive user feedback, like Fa- cebook likes and web traffic, were common whereas active user feedback as comments and private messages were rare. University libraries seemed perplexed of the reasons behind the target groups' communicative disinterest and appeared unsure of how to respond. The author draws conclusions concerning the university libraries attitude towards marketing and communi- cation through social media. The analysis shows that academic libraries seems to consider marketing synonymous with providing information about the library resources. Such a mindset might set limits to the libraries marketing strategies and restrict innovative thinking about how social media can be used for public relations. Libraries also seem to want to establish a dialogue with their users, but what kind of communication the dialogue should consist of and what subjects it should contain seem to be unclear to them. The thesis ends with a discussion about how university libraries can use relationship marketing, social media etiquette and brand development for strategic marketing and to engage the library users on social media.

Marknadsföringsstrategier inom småföretag : Intuition eller taktiskt val?

Wangärd, Sofie, Hultqvist, Martina January 2016 (has links)
Small businesses are the largest employers in Sweden and employ most people on the labour market. Therefore they are considered one of the most important components for an economic growth in a country. However small businesses have problems regarding profitability and survival on the market. It is also considered hard to conduct business for smaller companies, where the lack of restricted resources is a crucial factor. The purpose of this study is to, through a producer perspective and with a qualitative approach, review whether and in what way small businesses uses marketing strategies in their planning. This will be done by answering the following research question: “In what sense do small businesses implement marketing strategies in their work with marketing?” The following conclusions were drawn from the study: • Small businesses implement marketing strategies in their everyday work in the sense that almost all of the small businesses that participated in the study have thought about the factors relating to the selection of target group and the company's own market position in relation to its competitors • Small businesses formulate its marketing strategies mentally rather than having a formal written strategy. • Small businesses mainly choose to segment the market by using geographic and demographic factors. • Small businesses opt out the use of price leadership as their competitive strategy. Instead small businesses try to stand out from their competitors in some unique way and their focus lies on quality rather than quantity. • Small businesses are working diligently to retain existing customers because it is a cheaper approach than trying to attract new customers. • Small businesses can benefit from being apart of a network with other active small, but the study also shows that most benefits can be drawn from startups that not yet enhold a solid knowledge about the market. / Småföretag är Sveriges största arbetsgivare och sysselsätter flest människor på arbetsmarknaden och anses vidare vara en av de viktigaste komponenterna för en ekonomisk tillväxt. Trots det har småföretag problem gällande lönsamhet och överlevnad på marknaden. Det är även svårt att bedriva verksamhet för mindre företag, där bland annat brist på resurser är en återkommande kritisk faktor. Syftet med studien är att, baserat på en kvalitativ metod och genom ett producentperspektiv, ta hjälp av fem stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer för att kartlägga huruvida och på vilket sätt småföretag använder sig av marknadsföringsstrategier i sitt planeringsarbete. Detta genom att besvara forskningsfrågan: “I vilken bemärkelse implementerar småföretag marknadsföringsstrategier i sitt arbete med marknadsföring?” Följande slutsatser kunde dras av studien: • Småföretag implementerar marknadsföringsstrategier i sitt vardagliga arbete i den bemärkelsen att nästan alla av de småföretag som deltog i studien funderat kring faktorer som rör val av målgrupp och företagets egen position på marknaden i relation till dess konkurrenter • Småföretag formulerar marknadsföringsstrategier mentalt i huvudet, snarare än att ha en formell nedskriven strategi. • Småföretag väljer att segmentera marknaden utefter geografiska- och demografiska faktorer. • Småföretag väljer bort användandet av ett prisledarskap som konkurrensstrategi. Istället väljer småföretag att försöka utmärka sig från sina konkurrenter på något unikt sätt och fokus ligger på ett kvalitetstänk snarare än kvantitet. • Småföretagen arbetar flitigt med att behålla befintliga kunder då det är billigare än att försöka attrahera nya kunder. Dock pågår det ett ständigt arbete att försöka locka till sig nya kunder samtidigt. • Småföretag kan dra nytta av att involveras i nätverk med andra verksamma småföretag, men studien visar på att mest fördelar finns att dra nytta av för nystartade småföretag som ännu inte besitter en gedigen kunskap om marknaden.

Bankerna i en ny miljö : Den teknologiska utvecklingens påverkan på svenska bankers marknadsföring

Saha, Robin, Ivsjö, Alexander January 2014 (has links)
Datum: 2014-06-02 Nivå: Magisteruppsats i företagsekonomi 15 HP Institution: Akademi för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik EST Författare: Alexander Ivsjö Robin Saha Titel: Bankerna i en ny miljö - Den teknologiska utvecklingens påverkan på svenska bankers marknadsföring Handledare: Sikander Khan Nyckelord: Marknadsföring, relationsmarknadsföring, transaktionsmarknadsföring, kundkontakt, kundlojalitet, kundnöjdhet, banker Frågeställning: Har och i så fall hur har bankernas marknadsföring mot privatkunden förändrats med tanke på den tekniska förändringen som har skett på den svenska bankmarknaden? Har och i så fall hur har bankernas syn på kundrelationer och kundlojalitet förändrats med avseende på den tekniska förändringen som har skett på den svenska bankmarknaden? Syfte: Syftet är att skapa en bild över hur bankerna använder sin marknadsföring mot privatkunder, samt att hur det har förändrats med tanke på den tekniska förändringen på den svenska bankmarknaden. Metod: Denna studie är uppbyggd av en deduktiv forskningsansats då författarna har gjort en förstudie för att få en förståelse av den svenska bankmarknaden. Studien har inslag av en kvantitativ metod, men huvudfokus ligger i en kvalitativ metod. Primärdata insamlades genom intervjuer med anställda och chefer på Handelsbanken och Nordea. Slutsats: De svenska storbankerna bedriver en relationsmarknadsföring med i vissa fall inslag av transaktionsmarknadsföring.Efter den tekniska utvecklingen har svenska storbankerna gått från att bedriva någon form av transaktionsmarknadsföring / Date: June 2, 2014 Level: Master thesis in Business Administration 15 ECTS Institution: The School of Business, society and engineering Authors: Alexander Ivsjö Robin Saha Title: The banks in a new environment - the technological developments’ impact on the marketing of banks in Sweden Tutor: Sikander Khan Keywords: Marketing, relationship marketing, transaction marketing, customer contact, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, banks Research Question: Has the marketing on the banking market towards private costumers in Sweden changed, and if so how, depending on the technological development? Has the view on customer relationships and customer loyalty changed on the banking market in Sweden, depending on the technological development and if so, how has it changed? Purpose: The aim of this study is to understand banks marketing efforts towards the private costumer and how it has changed on the banking market in Sweden depending on the technological development. Method: This is a study with a deductive approach based on a feasibility study of the situation on the banking market in Sweden. The study is mainly based on a qualitative approach but has also element from a quantitative approach. The primary data were collected through interviews with personal at Handelsbanken and Nordea. Conclusion: The major Swedish banks’ marketing is relationship marketing that in some case has elements of transaction marketing.Depending on the technological developments the marketing on the banking market in Sweden has gone from transaction marketing to relationship marketing.

Säljares personliga egenskaper vid tjänstefiering : Behovet av förtroende och relationer

Groppfeldt, Philip, Frisk, Oscar January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund/problem: Produktföretag skapar nya erbjudanden utformade som tjänster och helhetslösningar. Företaget säljer paket inkluderande produkten samt tillhörande. Kärnverksamheten utvidgas. Kräver dessa lösningar en annan typ av säljare än den som idag är dominant på tillverkande företag? Syfte: Med denna uppsats vill vi finna ifall dagens säljare ser att det finns vissa personliga egenskaper som är anses vara mer gynnsamma än andra vid försäljning av dessa helhetslösningar. Metod: Det är en komparativ flerfallsstudie med en kvalitativ forskningsansats. Med hjälp av sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer på med säljare på tre olika företag har vi insamlat empirisk data. Data har vi sedan analyserat med hjälp av en egen analysmodell. Resultat/bidrag: Resultatet har visat att med de nya formerna av att sälja tjänster och produkter förändras även den nya säljaren och vilka egenskaper som anses vara gynnsamma för byggandet av förtroende, relationer och i slutändan för en lyckad försäljning. Hur säljarna väljer att belysa olika egenskaper går att härleda från deras bakgrunder och personlighetstyper. / Background/problem: Product businesses create new offerings designed as services and comprehensive solutions. The company sells packages that include the product and related. Core business expand. These solutions requires a different type of sellers than that of today, who is dominant in manufacturing companies? Purpose: With this paper, we want to find if today’s sellers see that there are certain personal characteristics that are considered to be more favorable to the sale of these integrated solutions. Method: This is a comparative case study with a qualitative approach. With the help of six semi-structured interviews with sellers in three different companies, we have collected empirical data. The data were then analyzed using a self-analysis model. Results/contribution:The results have shown that with the new forms of selling services and products change even the new vendor and which properties are considered to be favorable for the building of trust, relationships and ultimately for a successful sale. How sellers choose to highlight different properties can be derived from their backgrounds and personality types.

Inovação no varejo: diretrizes para implementação de estratégia de gestão de clientes em ambiente multicanal / Innovation in retail: guidelines for implementation of customer management strategy in multichannel environment

Bonilha, Eduardo 11 October 2016 (has links)
O setor de varejo brasileiro passa por um grande processo de transformação, em ambiente de alta competição e forte tendência de atuação multicanal, com surgimento de novas tecnologias e observação de mudanças no comportamento dos consumidores. Diante deste cenário, existe oportunidade para criar diferenciais competitivos por meio de estratégia de gestão de clientes, assim como já ocorre em outros setores. O objetivo deste estudo é identificar e analisar as diretrizes para implementação dos principais processos da estratégia de gestão de clientes em organizações de varejo em ambiente multicanal, de qualquer segmento de atuação, bem como entender desafios, restrições, oportunidades e outros aspectos relevantes. Após relato da experiência profissional do autor em projetos de gestão de clientes, em especial nos setores de serviços e varejo, buscou-se na teoria os principais temas relacionados - Varejo Multicanal, Consumidor Omnichannel e Gestão de Clientes - para posterior análise, comparação com a prática e direcionamento da pesquisa empírica. Como método de pesquisa, escolheu-se a abordagem exploratória e qualitativa, por meio de entrevista pessoal em profundidade com 13 especialistas em varejo e gestão de clientes, utilizando roteiro semiestruturado. Para avaliação das respostas obtidas, foram considerados os procedimentos de análise de conteúdo, que resultaram em 7 categorias temáticas: i) cenário competitivo do varejo brasileiro; ii) mudanças no comportamento dos consumidores; iii) características e integração do varejo multicanal; iv) processo de desenvolvimento da estratégia de clientes; v) processo de gestão da informação / conhecimento dos clientes; vi) processo de criação de valor / experiência dos clientes; vii) processo de avaliação de desempenho e resultados. À luz da experiência relatada e referencial teórico, as diretrizes para implementação da estratégia de gestão de clientes foram analisadas e consolidadas, alcançando os objetivos propostos e contribuindo para a prática em organizações de varejo multicanal, bem como para a inovação de marketing e organizacional. Como contribuição para a teoria, a pesquisa abordou alguns temas e conceitos ainda pouco explorados na literatura acadêmica, abrindo também espaço para o desenvolvimento de novos estudos. / Brazilian retail sector undergo a considerable transformation process, in high competition environment and strong trend of multichannel operation, with emergence of new technologies and changes in consumers behavior. In this scenario, there is opportunity to create competitive advantages through customer management strategy, as already in other sectors. The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the guidelines for implementation of the main processes of customer management strategy in retail organizations in multichannel environment, in any business segment, as well as understand the challenges, constraints, opportunities, and other relevant aspects. After reporting author\'s professional experience in customer management projects, especially in services and retail, it was researched in theory the main issues - Multichannel Retail, Omnichannel Consumer and Customer Management - for later analysis, comparation to practice and direction of empirical research. As a research method was chosen exploratory and qualitative approach, through personal in-depth interviews with 13 specialists in retail and customer management, using semi-structured script. For evaluation of the obtained responses, content analysis procedures were considered, which resulted in seven thematic categories: i) competitive landscape of the Brazilian retail sector; ii) changes in consumers behavior; iii) characteristics and integration of multichannel retail; iv) customer strategy development process; v) information management process / customer knowledge; vi) creating value process / customer experience; vii) performance evaluation and results process. In light of the reported experience and theoretical reference, guidelines for implementation of customer management strategy were analyzed and consolidated, achieving the proposed goals and contributing to the practice in multichannel retail organizations, as well for marketing and organizational innovation. As a contribution to the theory, this research addressed some issues and concepts still few explored in academic literature, also making room for the development of new studies.

Estilos de apego a marca: análise do relacionamento de corredores de rua a marcas de artigos esportivos / Brand attachment styles: relationship analysis of street runners to sporting goods brands

Antonini, Giovanna Aragão 23 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-10-09T16:25:48Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - GIOVANNA ARAGÃO ANTONINI.pdf: 1888963 bytes, checksum: 1d8ecd33db3c9d86ada1ccf7e82104dc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Alves Rodrigues (aalves@espm.br) on 2018-10-09T16:26:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - GIOVANNA ARAGÃO ANTONINI.pdf: 1888963 bytes, checksum: 1d8ecd33db3c9d86ada1ccf7e82104dc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Debora Cristina Bonfim Aquarone (deborabonfim@espm.br) on 2018-10-09T18:21:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - GIOVANNA ARAGÃO ANTONINI.pdf: 1888963 bytes, checksum: 1d8ecd33db3c9d86ada1ccf7e82104dc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-09T18:21:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MPCC - GIOVANNA ARAGÃO ANTONINI.pdf: 1888963 bytes, checksum: 1d8ecd33db3c9d86ada1ccf7e82104dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-23 / The number of amateur runners and the value of sportswear market is growing in Brazil, making the study of these market and community even more important. The purpose of this work is to understand how this group establish long-term relationships with sportswear brands considering their brand attachment styles. To address this objective, a bibliographic research was made. It focused on the relationship marketing concepts evolution until the appropriation of attachment concept, originally born in psychology studies. This research also covers the definition of brand attachment and its differences versus other marketing constructs and an explanation regarding brand attachment characteristics and brand attachment styles. Scales used in other studies were adapted to be applied in a quantitative research with amateur runners (340 valid answers). The results show that, in the same way as the overall population, inside the amateur runners community, the persons have different brand attachment styles. The style has a significant influence in individuals’ brand preference for closeness and in their characteristics of attachment. A segmentation per brand attachment style of amateur runners and the description of each segment according to their preference for closeness and attachment characteristics is the main contribution of this work. The segments names are: loyal, anxious, distrustful and fearful. Anxious runners get attached more intensively, while the distrustful group does not get that much attached. Overall, all segments seek for closeness to the brand, but the distrustful group is the exception. Hedonism and nostalgia are attachment characteristics appreciated by all segments. It is important to highlight that demographic and sports routine characteristics are not discriminants among the segments. It is expected that this work enriches brand attachment styles theory and provides insights for companies to evolve on their relationship marketing strategies. / O crescimento da prática de corrida de rua e do mercado de artigos esportivos no Brasil torna o estudo desse público e mercado cada vez mais relevante. Diante disto, o propósito desta dissertação é entender como este grupo estabelece relacionamentos de longo prazo com marcas esportivas considerando seus estilos de apego a marcas. Para isso, foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica que abordou a evolução de conceitos dentro de marketing de relacionamento até a apropriação por marketing do conceito de apego a marca que teve origem na psicologia. São abordados também a definição de apego a marca e sua diferença em relação a outros constructos de marketing de relacionamento e uma explanação sobre características do apego a marca e também sobre estilos de apego a marca. Escalas utilizadas em outros estudos foram adaptadas para uma pesquisa exploratória com corredores amadores (amostra: 340 respondentes válidos). Com os resultados obtidos, pode-se dizer que, assim como na população geral, dentro do grupo corredores amadores existem indivíduos com diferentes estilos de apego a marca. O estilo de cada um possui relação significativa na preferência por aproximação de marcas e nas características de formação do apego. Este trabalho traz como contribuição uma segmentação de corredores amadores por estilo de apego a marca e a descrição de cada segmento de acordo com preferência por aproximação e características de apego. Os segmentos foram nomeados como leais, ansiosos, desconfiados e medrosos. Corredores ansiosos se apegam com maior intensidade à marca, enquanto desconfiados se apegam menos. No geral, todos buscam aproximação à marca, menos os desconfiados. Hedonismo e nostalgia são características de apego que todos possuem. É importante ressaltar também que características demográficas e de prática esportiva não são discriminantes nesses segmentos. Espera-se que esta dissertação enriqueça os estudos sobre estilos de apego a marcas e forneça insumos para empresas melhorarem suas estratégias de marketing de relacionamento.

An??lise da cadeia de valor entre fabricantes, distribuidores e clientes industriais na ind??stria el??trica brasileira

Wolf, Fernando Sergio Boscoli 14 December 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:32:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernando_Sergio_Boscol_Wolf.pdf: 667438 bytes, checksum: 543c3e17bd9c94f216a13a918a0ec815 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-12-14 / This research aimed to evaluate the perception of the industrial customers and distributors as regards to the inter-organizational relationship with three manufacturers of low voltage electrical equipment. The purpose was to identify the level of this relationship in terms of technical support, products and services and verify to which extent these companies of the electrical sector are improving or not their network inter-organizational relationship. After the literature review, a questionnaire was prepared in order to establish the variables representing the relationship among the companies and twenty one questions to be answered through a Likert??s scale of five alternatives were presented. The data were evaluated using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software, release 12, through the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Factorial Analysis. As a result, it was verified that the service and the technical support provided by the manufacturers are not in the same level as the products, thus highlighting that the industrial customers give more importance to the characteristic and performance of the product than to the service and technical support provided by the manufacturer and characterizing the current demand for low voltage electrical equipment in the Brazilian market. / O presente trabalho de pesquisa teve como finalidade avaliar a vis??o dos clientes industriais e distribuidores a respeito do relacionamento inter-organizacional com tr??s fabricantes de equipamentos el??tricos de baixa tens??o. Objetivou-se identificar o grau desse relacionamento em termos de suporte t??cnico, produtos e servi??os, e em que dimens??es essas empresas integrantes do setor el??trico est??o tendo melhor ou pior desempenho no que se refere ao relacionamento inter-organizacional em rede. Ap??s elabora????o do referencial te??rico foi elaborado um instrumento de pesquisa (question??rio) para defini????o das vari??veis representativas do relacionamento entre as empresas e vinte e uma assertivas para serem respondidas mediante a escolha de cinco alternativas com a escala de Likert. Os dados resultantes foram analisados com o apoio do software SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) base 12, atrav??s do teste de Kruskal-Wallis e de An??lise Fatorial. Como resultado da pesquisa foi observado que o servi??o e o suporte t??cnico dos fabricantes n??o est??o no mesmo patamar seus produtos. Em decorr??ncia fica ressaltado que os clientes industriais atribuem maior import??ncia ?? caracter??stica e desempenho do produto que o servi??o e suporte t??cnico do fabricante, caracterizando dessa forma, o est??gio atual da demanda no mercado brasileiro de equipamentos el??tricos de baixa tens??o.

O uso de mídias sociais pelo mercado B2B com foco no marketing de relacionamento / The use of social media for b2b market with focus on relationship marketing

Silva, Isabel Schmidlin Fajardo 24 June 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivos estudar como as empresas do mercado B2B estão utilizando as mídias sociais nas suas atividades de marketing de relacionamento e avaliar os fatores antecedentes do nível de satisfação de usuários clientes e prospects perante a mídia social dos fornecedores de TI. Para alcançar este objetivo foi realizado um referencial teórico com foco nos conceitos relativos ao marketing de relacionamento e mídias sociais, bem como o entendimento das características específicas do mercado B2B. Para aprofundar o conhecimento foi necessária uma pesquisa de campo. Como método para pesquisa de campo determinou-se o estudo de caso e survey, por ser o mais adequado para o foco deste trabalho. Tendo em vista que as empresas de tecnologia da informação buscam desenvolver um relacionamento com os seus clientes que podem ir além dos estipulados em contrato, este foi o setor escolhido para a realização da pesquisa de campo. As empresas pesquisadas são HBSIS, TOTVS e XTI. As três empresas foram escolhidas por possuírem grande presença dentro das mídias sociais. Com a pesquisa foi possível identificar que a utilização das mídias sociais por essas empresas ainda está numa fase inicial. Verifica-se também que, embora as empresas pesquisadas não utilizem as mídias sociais com foco no relacionamento, algumas ações podem auxiliar nas atividades de marketing de relacionamento dessas empresas. Constata-se também uma grande dificuldade dessas empresas mensurar os resultados obtidos pelo uso das mídias sociais, contudo, as três empresas ressaltam a potencialidade das mídias sociais em atingir seus clientes e possíveis clientes. A partir do levantamento bibliográfico e estudo de caso foi desenvolvido um framework teórico com a identificação de 12 constructos que exercem influência na satisfação do cliente perante a mídia social. A partir da survey realizada com empresas de todo o país foi possível validar o framework proposto que destacou a importância dos constructos feedback, identificação do usuário, comunicação em momento de crise e engajamento na satisfação do cliente com o uso das mídias sociais por empresas de TI. / This work aimed to study how the companies in the B2B market are using social media in their marketing relationship activities and also to evaluate the preceding factors of customer and prospect satisfaction level in relation to social media vendors. To achieve this goal we performed a literature review focused on concepts related to relationship marketing, social media, as well as the understanding of the specific characteristics of the B2B market. A field study was necessary to acquire further knowledge. For the field research, the case study method was determined to be the most suitable for the focus of this work. Given that information technology companies seek to develop a relationship with their customers, who can be other than those stipulated in the contract, Information Technology was the sector chosen for the research field. The surveyed companies are HBSIS, TOTVS and XTI. These three companies were chosen because they are widely present on social media. Through this research, we found that the use of social media by these companies is still at an early stage. It also appears that, although the surveyed companies do not use social media to focus on the relationship, some actions can assist in the relationship marketing activities of these companies. It was also noted that there is a great difficulty for these companies to measure the results obtained from the use of social media; however, the three companies emphasize the potential of social media to reach their customers and prospects. From the literature review and case study we developed a theoretical framework to identify 12 constructs that influence on the customer satisfaction in relation to social media. From the survey conducted with companies all over the country, it was possible to validate the proposed framework, which emphasized the importance of feedback constructs, user identification, communication in times of crisis and commitment to customer satisfaction with the use of social media for IT companies.

Criação de valor para o cliente: um estudo exploratório sobre programas de Key Account Management (KAM) / Customer value creation: an exploratory study on Key Account Management (KAM) programs

Rego, Bruno Bordeaux 13 April 2016 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, a maturidade de alguns mercados, a globalização e o crescente poder de barganha dos clientes aumentam ainda mais a necessidade das empresas em manterem e desenvolverem de forma eficaz seus clientes mais importantes. Neste contexto, ganham relevância os programas de Key Account Management (KAM), iniciativas corporativas que tratam de forma especial os clientes mais importantes do fornecedor. Para obter o desempenho financeiro superior, o programa de KAM precisa criar valor para o cliente para posterior apropriação de valor pelo fornecedor. Contudo, a maioria dos estudos enfatiza a apropriação de valor pelo fornecedor, porém poucas pesquisas investigam a criação de valor para o cliente em programas de KAM. Além disso, a maioria das pesquisas em marketing de relacionamento ainda foca muito nos impactos positivos do relacionamento. Dessa forma, é importante analisar empiricamente como é a implementação da criação de valor para o cliente em programas de KAM, identificando as principais dimensões e os fatores críticos. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o processo de criação de valor para o cliente em programas de Key Account Management (KAM) e propor um modelo de criação de valor para o cliente segundo a perspectiva da empresa fornecedora. As análises e o modelo são elaborados a partir de um processo de investigação abdutiva, ou seja, a combinação entre a fundamentação teórica sobre o conceito de valor e programas de KAM e a análise de conteúdo de 22 entrevistas em profundidade com especialistas em programas de KAM, profissionais de marketing/vendas que trabalham por pelo menos cinco anos com programas de KAM em grandes empresas no Brasil. O modelo proposto explica de forma integrada e sistemática como é a criação de valor para o cliente em programas de KAM segundo cinco dimensões (Desenvolvimento de relacionamentos; Entendimento dos direcionadores de valor; Desenvolvimento da proposta de valor; Comunicação da proposta de valor; e mensuração de valor), quatro moderadores (Orientação relacional do cliente; Formalização do programa de KAM para o cliente; Abordagem do fornecedor: \"orientada ao cliente\" vs. \"orientar o cliente\"; e Fit estratégico entre o fornecedor e o cliente) e três riscos (Não entrega do valor básico para o cliente; Rotatividade do Key Account Manager; e Sentimento de injustiça do cliente). Contribui-se com a teoria sobre o tema, ao incluir uma dimensão específica no modelo para desenvolvimento de relacionamentos do nível da díade (organização-organização) e indivíduo (funcionário-funcionário), e ao abordar não somente aspectos positivos do relacionamento, mas também os aspectos negativos (ou riscos da criação de valor para o cliente). Contribui-se também para a prática, ao prover uma visão mais ampla, sistemática e integradora dos diversos elementos da criação de valor para o cliente aos executivos das empresas que possuem programas de KAM, e ao recomendar práticas organizacionais que servem como guias para a tomada de decisão dos gestores de programas de KAM. Ademais, como a parte empírica do estudo é baseada no contexto brasileiro, amplia-se o conhecimento sobre KAM no Brasil. Por fim, apresentam-se as limitações do estudo com a agenda de pesquisas futuras / In recent decades, with the maturity of some markets, globalization and increasing power of the customers is becoming more important for the companies to maintain and develop effectively their most important customers. In this context, increases the relevance of Key Account Management (KAM) programs, a corporate initiative that performs special treatment to the most important supplier\'s customers. To obtain the superior financial performance, the KAM program improves the customer value creation for the value appropriation by the supplier. However, the majority of studies emphasize the value appropriation by the supplier, but few researches investigate the customer valuer creation on KAM programs. In addition, most of relationship marketing research still focuses much on the positive impacts of the relationship. Thus, it is important to empirically analyze how the implementation of customer value creation on KAM programs, identifying the main dimensions and the critical factors. The aim of this study is to analyze the customer value creation process on Key Account Management programs (KAM) and to propose a model of customer value creation from the supplier perspective. The analysis and the model are made through an abductive research process that combines the theoretical framework of the value concept and KAM programs, and content analysis of 22 in-depth interviews with experts on KAM programs, marketing or sales professionals who work for at least five years with KAM programs in large companies in Brazil. The proposed model explains in an integrated and systematic way the customer value creation on KAM programs according to five dimensions (Relationships development; Value drivers understanding; Value proposition development; Value proposition communication; and Value measurement), four moderators (Customer relational orientation; Formalization of the KAM program for the customer; Supplier approach: \"customer driven\" vs. \"customer driving\"; and strategic fit between the supplier and the customer) and three risks ( Not delivering the basic customer value; the Key Account Manager turnover; and Perceived injustice by the customer). The study contributes to the KAM theory through the inclusion of a specific dimension for the development of dyad relationships (organization-organization) and individual relationships (employee-employee) in the model, and through not only addressing the positive aspects of the relationship, but also the negatives (or customer value creation risks). It contributes also to the practice by providing a broader, systematic and integrating view of the several elements of customer value creation to executives of companies that have KAM programs, and recommending organizational practices that can be drivers for the decision making of KAM programs managers. Moreover, as the empirical part of the study is based in the Brazilian context, it broadens the knowledge of KAM in Brazil. Finally, we present study limitations with the future research agenda

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