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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mysteriet kring den ointresserade eleven : En studie om relationen mellan elever, ämnesplanen och undervisningen i ämnet religionskunskap på gymnasiet

Johansson, Eva, Larsson, Elin January 2013 (has links)
Elevens ointresse för religionskunskapsämnet är ett känt fenomen som tyder på att det någonstans finns motsättningar. Denna studie syftar till att genom mer kunskap om elevernas intressen inom religionskunskap på gymnasiet skapa bättre förutsättningar att ge en intressant och relevant religionsundervisning till eleverna. Genom en enkätundersökning har elevernas intressen inom religionskunskap kunnat kartläggas för att veta vilket innehåll i undervisningen som de helst föredrar och om det stämmer överens med vad ämnet ska innehålla enligt ämnesplanen samt den undervisning de får. Resultatet visar att elevernas intressen för olika områden inom religionskunskap skiljer sig åt och vår tolkning är därmed att ämnesplanen täcker in elevernas önskemål om innehåll. Däremot tycks det finnas en klyfta mellan eleven och undervisningen, den undervisning som bedrivs förhåller sig inte till elevernas intressen i den mån den bör göra.

Religionsdidaktik i teori och praktik : En kvalitativ undersökning av Religionskunskap 1 i gymnasieskolan

Skog, Simon January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att skapa kunskap om vilka religionsdidaktiska teorier som influerat formuleringarna i ämnesplanen för Religionskunskap 1. Vidare var syftet att få kunskap om vilken slags religionsdidaktik som kommer till uttryck i klassrummen, och huruvida den religionsdidaktiken tangerar den som ämnesplanen uttrycker. Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes med en metodtriangulering. Först gjordes en textanalys av ämnesplanen för Religionskunskap 1 och därefter semistrukturerade intervjuer med religionslärare. På de transkriberade intervjuerna gjordes en innehållsanalys. Studien visade att bland de olika religionsdidaktiska teorierna var det Robert Jacksons tolkande religionsdidaktik som framförallt influerat formuleringarna av ämnesplanen för Religionskunskap 1 även om andra religionsdidaktiska teorier kunde skönjas. Den tolkande religionsdidaktiken vad även den teori som mestadels framträdde i innehållsanalysen av de transkriberade lärarintervjuerna. En av slutsatserna av studien var att ämnesplanen för Religionskunskap 1 varken kan sägas förorda en bestämd religionsdidaktisk teori eller uttrycka någon enhetlig religionsdidaktik. En annan slutsats var att den religionsdidaktik som kommer till uttryck i klassrummen utifrån innehållsanalysen av intervjuerna med respondenterna i stora drag tangerar den religionsdidaktik som enligt textanalysen dominerar ämnesplanen för Religionskunskap 1.

Hur de osynliga får betydelse : En normkritisk innehålls- och diskursanalys av läromedel för religionskunskap 1 på gymnasiet

Emelie, Karlsson January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv analysera läromedel avsedda för religionskunskap 1 på gymnasiet. Genom studien undersöks det vilka normer som framträder i böckerna samt hur undersökningsgrupperna värderas. Genom Kevin K. Kumashiros teori om antiförtryckande undervisning undersöks ett flertal sätt vilka eleverna kan känna sig förtryckta på i läromedel, vilket sedan tittas på ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv. Resultatet visar på att det finns en trend till en större normmedvetenhet i nyare läromedel men att de ofta fortfarande exkluderar grupper av individer och privilegierar andra.

Vad frågar du efter? : En studie om hur tydligt förmågorna i the big five efterfrågas inom olika examinationsformer på olika program i kursen   religionskunskap 1

Larsson, Teodor, Stegå, Carin January 2019 (has links)
This essay is about how thinking skills are requested in examinations in the course religion 1 in Swedish upper secondary schools. To investigate this an analysis template has been created which is constructed from Göran Svanelids theory the big five, who explains which abilities the Swedish curriculum demands. The main question for this study is How clear and to what extent are the abilities who Göran Svanelids theory the big five points out in exams within the course religion 1? To answer this, three support questions has been made. The First is about how these abilities change between the program they are used. The second one is how the form of examination affects the possibilities to show the abilities and lastly how the kind of question affects the possibility to show the abilities. The analysis template and theory derive from the Swedish curriculum and the lecturer Göran Svaneldis analysis of the curriculum. He found five thinking skills or abilities which all subjects value and who the pupils are supposed to learn. These are; concept skills, the skill to analyse, communicative skills, the ability to perform a procedure and metacognition. These abilities have been operationalized to become a theory to inspect how well and to what extent they are asked for in an examination. Therefore, this study is based on text interpretation of the examinations, with an aim of being both qualitative and quantitative. Out of the total amount of 106 emails sent to principals, teachers and administrative personnel at upper secondary school’s total of 38 examinations were collected1. 14 out of these were written tests, 16 were written essays and eight were oral examinations. The result displays that all examinations ask for the abilities but not all types of questions in the examinations ask for all abilities. The closed type of question only gives the opportunity to show concept skills. The concept skill is the most visible ability in all exams, the secondly most visible skill is the communicative skill, thirdly the analysis skill, fourthly is the skill of procedure and fifth and lastly, the metacognitive skill. The conclusion is that programs who aim to ensue further studies ask for all abilities to a larger extent and with a higher level of clarity. While the vocational program who aim to ensure a working career after upper secondary school ask for the abilities with a lesser clarity. Written essays are the best form of examination to ask for the abilities to a larger extent and with a higher clarity than oral examinations or written tests.

Världsreligionerna i en digitaliserad tid : En innehållsanalytisk undersökning av fem pedagogiska utbildningsfilmer om världsreligionerna utgivna av Sveriges utbildningsradio. / The world religions in a digital age. : A content analysis study of five pedagogical educational films about the world religions published by Sveriges utbildningsradio

Wahlström, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
This study looks at previous research that studies aspects of religious pedagogy. It also looks at research regarding how film can be used as pedagogical material. One of the theoretical concepts of this paper is therefore the term religious pedagogy. The second concept concept that constitutes the theory is the term world religions, which is present bboth in the m<terial for the study as well as in Skolverkets policy documents for the course Religionskunskap 1. These two theoretical terms are present throughout the whole study. The method consists of a content analysis with both qualitive and quantitative aspects as the study try to examine and review five films in the series Religionskunskap förklarad published by Sveriges utbildingsradio in 2021. The study strives to shed light on which aspects of the basic requirements for the course are represented, which are not and how they are presented. The result of the study shows that there is a dominating occurrence of the first four goals in the central content and then especially goal 1 that handles religious attributes etc, and goal 4 that handels how religion shapes both groups and individuals. In parallel,, goals 5 to 7 will have an extremely limited representation were goal 7 is not present at all.

"50 poäng är inte mycket" : En intervjustudie om religionslärares kritiska perspektiv på styrdokumentens innehåll för Religionskunskap 1

Sandström, Abigail January 2023 (has links)
Upper secondary education has a clear purpose within the Swedish school system: to prepare young adults for their lives as active, democratic citizens in Swedish society. There is a vast amount of information an upper secondary student should be privy to by the end of their pre-college education, and teachers have had to take enormous strides to interpret and implement these guidelines when teaching. This essay’s purpose is to critically discuss the documents which form the guidelines for the subject Religion Studies 1 in upper secondary school in Sweden with the help of teachers’ vast pool of practical experience. Additionally, this study searches for a common denominator amongst the critical feedback. This feedback was collected during interviews. Using the sociocultural perspective, the results of this study were analyzed and fenomenographically presented for ease of the reader’s understanding. The results of this study were that students struggled by far the most with the ability to reason and relate to the course material, within the respective areas “religion and science”, and “individuals’ religious views in relation to their socioeconomic status, gender, and sexuality”. The teachers who took part in this study actively sought out solutions to their criticisms, not specifically deeming the educational plan as flawed but rather larger systems, such as the transference of knowledge from year to year or the diffuse nature of the subject Religion Studies.

Individ är inte bara unik, utan i själva verket helig : En studie om hur multiple religious belonging framställs i läromedel för Religionskunskap 1

Hübinette Eriksson, Madeline January 2023 (has links)
Forskning visar på att individualismen ökar i det svenska samhället. Individen anses idag som både unik och helig vilket även är uppsatsens rubrik som är tagen från ”Nyreligiositet i Sverige: Ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv” skriven av Liselotte Frisk. En del av denna individualism är att individen idag plockar ihop sin egen livsåskådning där hen tar element från flera etablerade livsåskådningar och skapar sin egen privata livsåskådning. Multiple religious belonging är ett etablerat begrepp som växer i västvärlden som beskriver denna typ av kombination. Tidigare forskning visar på att läroböckerna i religionskunskapen inte aktualiserat och förklarat denna typ av öppenhet och individualism. Det är detta dilemma som denna uppsats utgått ifrån. Med hjälp av en innehållslig idéanalys har tre läroböcker för religionskunskap 1 analyserats utifrån det teoretiska ramverk och läroplanen för religionskunskap 1. Teorierna som uppsatserna kommer att använda är livsåskådningsbegreppet och multiple religious belonging som innebär att individen tar in element från flera livsåskådningar i sin egen livsåskådning. Det finns dock inget tydligt mål för att begreppet multiple religious belonging måste framställas i läroplanen även om fenomenet växer idag i västvärlden. Det var också i den linjen resultaten visade sig. Samtliga läroböcker konstaterade att individer är olika och tillhör olika livsåskådningar. Man kunde se vaga framställningar som skulle kunna kopplas till multiple religious belonging men i och med att det var vaga och inte systematiskt uppradade blir det en didaktisk begräsning för läraren att anamma begreppet i sin undervisning, eftersom läraren behöver leta efter underliggande budskap som kan kopplas ihop med begreppet, vilket det ofta inte finns tid för. Det åläggs ett praktiskt ansvar både av läraren och av läroböckerna om de väljer att anamma begreppet eller inte

Religionskunskapslärares tolkning av sitt ämne och dess syfte : En kvalitativ undersökning av religionskunskapslärares tolkning och didaktiska tillämpning / Religious studies teachers'interpretation of their subject and its purpose. : A qualitative studie of Religious studies teachers'interpretation and didactic implementation.

Abrahamsson, Judit January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this qualitative study is to examine how teachers comprehend and interpret the subject of Religious Studies in Sweden; and how these interpretations manifest themselves practically in their teachings. The theoretical framework of the subject Religious Studies can be perceived and interpreted in different ways. This interpretation, as well as its practical implementation, is a process that is largely determined by a teacher’s knowledge of: pedagogical content knowledge, subject matter knowledge and curricular knowledge. The examination is based on eight semi-struc-tured interviews with Religious Studies teachers. Perceptions and methods were explored with each of them, the output of which has been analysed and themed. The result of the study clearly demonstrated that the main purpose of Religious Studies teaching was to increase the acceptance and tolerance of its students. It also revealed that due to the breadth and complexity of subject matter, the practical implementation of their teaching approaches varied significantly. Furthermore, its effectiveness is not only influence by the teaching approach itself, but also by individual’s own personal development.

Vad blev av religionskunskapens syfte? : En intervjustudie om religionskunskapslärares ämnesförståelse i relation till undervisningstid / What is the purpose of studies of religions? : an interview study of subject comprehension in relation to time by Swedish upper secondary teachers in religious knowledge

Lindblad, Ilona January 2023 (has links)
This essay explores what happens to the Swedish ethics and religious education in upper secondary school correlated to the amount of scheduled classroom time at hand for teachers and students. To explore this field, five interviews were conducted with licensed teachers of ethics and religions, where they were able to share their own experience in organising their teaching. The result shows that all the teachers have to prioritize their time in such a way that not all parts of what they are supposed to teach according to the national curriculum was given due space within the given time frame. The hermeneutic analysis of the result tells us that the purpose taught in ethics and religious education for upper secondary school tends to be more oriented towards facts about religions contrary to an emphasis on understanding of religions and religiosity.

Lärande utan läraren : Internetkällors framställningar av judendomar / Teaching Without the Teacher : Depictions of Judaisms in Online Sources

Mårtensson, Christoffer January 2023 (has links)
As the digital age takes root, more and more students use the internet to acquire information for their studies. Common sources in Sweden are online encyclopedias like Wikipedia, SO-rummet and Nationalencyklopedin (NE). Seeing as these online encyclopedias can fill the role of teaching aids it is prudent to examine their contents to evaluate if they hold up to the standards established by the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket). Focusing on the subject “religion” and the topic “Judaism”, this study evaluates the contents and framing used in the main articles about Judaism from both Swedish and English versions of the collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia as well as the Swedish sources NE which is state sponsored and the commercial actor SO-rummet. Additionally this paper discusses how these sources compare with the central contents of the course Religionsvetenskap 1 (Religious Studies 1) for Swedish upper secondary school. The results show that the articles from NE and Swedish Wikipedia mostly state facts without elaborating and are more likely to give the reader a homogeneous picture of Judaism. SO-rummet is the most beginner friendly source while English Wikipedia is the most nuanced but perhaps most difficult source for students to comprehend. Generally, the sources fail to portray diversity within the tradition, with the exception being English Wikipedia. The sources that compare the best with the central contents for Religionsvetenskap 1 were in the following in descending order: English Wikipedia, SO-rummet, Swedish Wikipedia and lastly NE. This is problematic because previous studies show that students have greater faith in NE than they do in Wikipedia. It is worth keeping in mind however, that students are likely to use more than one source, especially if it is a group assignment. It is up to the teacher to recommend good sources, fill in the blanks and to guide the students with their own teaching.

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