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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análisis en la eficiencia del trabajo remoto en el Poder Judicial / Analysis of the efficiency of remote work in the judiciary system

Arriola Guillén, Marcela, Neyra Motta, Hermelinda Clemencia 09 November 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación permitirá estudiar, analizar y explorar sobre la eficacia del trabajo remoto en el sistema judicial peruano, puntualmente en el Segundo Juzgado de Paz Letrado Laboral de la zona 01 de Lima Este. A partir de esta experiencia buscaremos encontrar las mejores prácticas y presentarlas para su potencial replica en otros módulos de justicia a fin de modernizar la tramitación de los procesos judiciales. A partir de la información de los colaboradores del juzgado se ha podido analizar las ventajas y desventajas del trabajo remoto. El contexto en el que se desarrolló este trabajo fue durante la declaración de pandemia pronunciada por la OMS, hecho que originó la dación de una serie de normas a fin de crear el marco legal que permita el desarrollo de las labores judiciales y sobre todo que éstas no se suspendan. Se propone que el trabajo remoto permanezca en el ámbito judicial, aunque se supere la pandemia. Dado que si bien, no hay la data suficiente aún para afirmar categóricamente sobre las ventajas, hay indicios de beneficios para el sistema, porque al haberse modificado algunos procesos se han hecho más modernos y eficientes y han reducido tiempos. Cabe resaltar que el trabajo remoto se encuentra alineado y es muy importante como medio para la transformación y digitalización del servicio judicial en el país. / This research will allow us to study, analyze and explore the effectiveness of remote work in the Peruvian judicial system, specifically in the Second Labour Court of the Peace in zone 01 of East Lima. Based on this experience we will seek to find the best practices and present them for potential replication in other justice modules in order to modernize the processing of judicial processes. From the information of the court collaborators we have been able to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of remote work. The context in which this work was developed was during the declaration of the pandemic by the WHO, which led to the creation of a series of norms to create the legal framework that allows the development of judicial work and, above all, to ensure that it is not suspended. It is proposed that the remote work remain in the judicial field, even if the pandemic is overcome. Although there is not enough data yet to categorically affirm the advantages, there are indications of benefits for the system, because as some processes have been modified they have become more modern and efficient and have reduced time. It should be noted that remote work is aligned and is very important as a mean for the transformation and digitalization of the judicial service in the country. / Trabajo de investigación

The Development of the Digital Nomad During the Course of the Pandemic : The digital nomad workforce, a study looking into the power of digital tools allowing people to work remotely

Ahlberg, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Due to the pandemic, along with the growth of current technology, working remotely is becoming more feasible. As a result digital nomadism has become a viable alternative as a career. The emerging literature on digital nomadism focuses mainly on lifestyle descriptions, with less attention given to potentially understand digital nomads and their needs (Wang et al. 2018). In this research the author will apply uses and gratification theory to describe the gratifications that motivates digital nomads and their means of communication combined with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to determine if the needs of digital nomads have changed during the course of the pandemic. The aim of this thesis is to provide terminological and philosophical insights on the idea of digital nomads and their future.   Since the start of the pandemic the discussions whether remote work is the future has been fluctuating to say the least. Big companies have introduced a “work from anywhere” model meaning that their employees will have the possibility to choose if they want to be remote after the pandemic (CNBC, 2021). Prior to this, digital nomads were already fully remote. This could be the ideal time and subject to study to gain further understanding if the digital nomad phenomenon has changed. Moreover, if there has been an increase or decrease in interest regarding a remote future while aiming to understand the future remote workforce.

Hur kan vi trivas i hemarbete? : En studie om den sociala arbetsmiljön under hemarbete på grund av coronapandemin / How to thrive while working from home? : A study on the social work environment while working from home during the corona pandemic

Thureson, Amanda, Alwadi, Laura January 2020 (has links)
En kvalitativ studie om förändringarna i den sociala arbetsmiljön under hemarbetet på grund av coronapandemin, utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv.   Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur den sociala arbetsmiljön har förändrats vid arbete hemifrån genom att lyssna på medarbetarnas hittills insamlade upplevelser om hemarbete under coronapandemin. Syftet besvaras med följande frågeställningar: 1. Hur har den sociala arbetsmiljön sett annorlunda ut under hemarbetet jämfört med arbete på arbetsplatsen enligt intervjupersonerna? 2. Vilka faktorer påverkar intervjupersonernas upplevelser om hemarbete enligt resultaten från intervjuerna, och på vilket sätt? Empirin består av tidigare forskning kring den sociala arbetsmiljön, och speciellt kring faktorer som har visats att påverka den sociala arbetsmiljön. De faktorerna som har valts ut att tillämpas i den här studien på grund av dess relevans är motivation, arbetsgruppen, kommunikation och socialt stöd. Återkommande forskare kring dessa ämnen är Heide, Rubenowitz, Lennéer Axelson och Thylefors. Datan samlades in genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem intervjupersoner från fem olika organisationer. De utvalda intervjupersonerna är medarbetare som jobbar vanligtvis i en kontorsmiljö, men har på grund av coronapandemin jobbat hemifrån i minst två månader på heltid under år 2020. Alla intervjuer hölls på distans på grund av att det var det enda alternativet med tanke på den rådande pandemin. Datan analyserades utifrån en kategorisering som grundade sig på de fyra relevanta teoretiska faktorerna som kan påverka den sociala arbetsmiljön: motivation, arbetsgruppen, kommunikation och socialt stöd. Författarna bytte intervjumaterialet efter transkriberingen så att den andra författaren fick göra analysen för att inte omedvetet påverka resultatet utifrån känslorna som vi fick i intervjuerna eftersom endast språket skulle analyseras. Studieresultaten visade att hemarbetet kan göras till en mer trivsam upplevelse för medarbetare genom att ordna regelbundna socialt distanserade tillfällen för audio-kontakt i arbetsgruppen, och genom att uppmuntra medarbetare till att tänka igenom deras egen kontorslösning vid hemarbete. Andra sätt att öka trivseln i hemarbete för medarbetare är att skapa tydliga online-rutiner för distanserad kommunikation inom organisationen, samt uppmuntra och stötta medarbetare i positivt tänkande. / This is the final assignment for a Bachelor's Degree in Leadership and Organization at Malmö University. The aim of this study is, through qualitative interviews with associates from different organizations, to examine the changes in the social work environment while working from home during the corona pandemic. The aim will be answered with the following research questions:    1. How do the interviewees describe the changes in the social work environment during work from home?   2. Which factors seem to affect the interviewees’ experiences of working from home, and in what ways do they affect their experiences of working from home?    The theoretical background consists of factors that have been detected to affect the social work environment in earlier studies considering the social work environment. The factors that have been chosen to be applied in this study are inner motivation, workgroup, communication and received social support. Researchers that are recurring in this study are Heide, Rubenowitz, Lennéer Axelson and Thylefors. The data was collected by five semi-structured interviews with five individuals from five different professions. All interviewees are associates (not leaders) and have been working from home due to the corona pandemic for at least two months full-time during 2020.  Data analysis was grounded on the four relevant theoretical factors that have in previous studies seen to affect the social work environment: motivation, workgroup, communication and received social support. Only the language was analyzed, and the writers did therefore switch the collected interview material after the transcript, to ensure that unconscious experiences from the interviews would not affect the analysis and therefore the results of the study. The results of the study indicated that making working from home a more positive experience for the associates can be done by focusing on organizing regular social distanced opportunities for audiocontact between the work group, and by encouraging associates to reflect on their own office set-ups during work from home. Other ways to make working from home a more positive experience for associates is creating online routines for distanced communication within the organization, as well as encouraging and supporting the associates in positive thinking.

Hantering av kursmjukvaror vid Linköpings universitet / Management of course software at Linköping University

Udd, Gustaf, Axelsson, Isak, Duvaldt, Jakob, Bergman, Oscar, Måhlén, Joar, Lundin, Oskar, Abrahamsen, Tobias, Sköldehag, Sara January 2020 (has links)
Denna kandidatrapport är skriven av åtta studenter i kursen Kandidatprojekt i mjukvaruutveckling, TDDD96, vid Linköpings universitet under våren 2020. Kandidatrapporten inkluderar en sammanfattning av det arbete som utförts i projektet. Till projektet tillhörde ett uppdrag på beställning av Digitala resursenheten vid Linköpings universitet. Uppdraget var att skapa en webbapplikation där examinatorer och handledare för kurser vid Linköpings universitet på ett enkelt och intuitivt sätt kan beställa mjukvara till sina respektive kurser. Projektgruppen jobbade agilt och byggde projektet i Python samt JavaScript. Applikationen nådde alla mål satta tillsammans mellan kunden och projektgruppen och resulterade i en fungerande produkt som kunde utökas och modifieras enligt kundens behov. Till kandidatrapporten inkluderas även individuella bidrag skrivna av vardera gruppmedlem som djupdykt inom ett specifikt ämne eller område.

Medarbetarskap i kontexten av ofrivilligt distansarbete : En beskrivande kollektiv fallstudie med sju medarbetare / Co-workership in the context of involuntarily remote work : A descriptive collective case study with seven employees

Carlén, Fanny, Mörfelt, Melinda January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Som en följd av Covid-19 behövde organisationer världen över ställa om från ett fysiskt kontorsarbete till ett ofrivilligt distansarbete. Tidigare forskning har framför allt konstaterat att medarbetare har både positiva och negativa upplevelser av det ofrivilliga distansarbetet. I dagsläget finns det däremot en avsaknad av forskning som belyser medarbetarnas ansvar, delaktighet och inflytande i arbetet, närmare bestämt medarbetarskapet, inom denna kontext. Eftersom medarbetarskap är kontextburet är en sådan kunskap kritisk att uppnå. Syfte: Att beskriva medarbetarskapet i kontexten av ett ofrivilligt distansarbete ur ett medarbetarperspektiv. Metod: Studien antar ett tolkande förhållningssätt och utgörs av en deduktiv teoriansats, kvalitativ forskningsdesign samt en kollektiv fallstudie där sju medarbetare utgör fallet. Forskningen har sin grund i fyra centrala teorier, vilket innefattar medarbetarskapets tre hörnstenar, medarbetarskapshjulet, det utvidgade medarbetarskapshjulet samt de fyra nivåerna av medarbetarskap. Insamling av empiri har genomförts med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet från datainsamlingen har analyserats genom en deduktiv tematisk analysmetod, där fyra huvudteman skapades: engagemang och meningsfullhet i arbetet, aktivt ansvarstagande, socialt samspel och relationer samt öppen och förtroendefull dialog. Slutsats: Studiens resultat beskriver att medarbetarskapet i kontexten av ofrivilligt distansarbete innefattar en god gemenskap, ett bra samarbete och öppen dialog. Resultatet visar dock att det krävs mer av medarbetaren själv för att upprätthålla detta vid distansarbete. Över lag har känslan av meningsfullhet varit stark och nivån av engagemang hög. Hängivenheten till arbetsgivaren har i grund och botten varit hög men det har periodvis varit svårt att upprätthålla denna känsla till följd av den fysiska distanseringen. Medarbetarskapet kan även beskrivas med en blandning av den följsamma, specialiserade och initiativrika nivån av medarbetarskap. / Background: Because of Covid-19, organizations had to switch from the traditional office setting to remote work. Previous research indicates that employees have had both positive and negative experiences of involuntarily remote work. However, there is a lack of research regarding the employee’s own responsibility, participation, and influence at work, more exactly the co-workership, in this context. Since co-workership is contextually bound, reaching such an understanding is critical. Purpose: To describe the co-workership in the context of involuntarily remote work from an employee perspective. Method: The study takes on an interpretative approach and consists of a deductive theory-approach, a qualitative research design, and a collective case study where the case consists of seven employees. Moreover, the study has its starting point in four central theories: the three cornerstones of co-workership, the co-workership wheel, the extended co-workership wheel, and the four levels of co-workership. Data has been collected through semi structured interviews. The results from the data collection have been analyzed with a deductive thematic analysis, where four main themes were produced: engagement and meaningfulness at work, social interactions and relationships, active responsibility-taking, and open and trustful dialogue. Conclusion: The result describes that co-workership in the context of involuntarily remote work is characterized by good fellowship, collaboration, and open dialogue. However, the result implies that more is required from the employees themselves to maintain this. Overall, there has been a strong sense of meaningfulness and a high level of engagement. The dedication toward the employer has been high but it has been periodically difficult to maintain this feeling because of the physical distancing. Finally, the co-workership can be described as a combination of the adaptable, specialized, and enterprising levels of co-workership.

Managing Employee Well-Being Remotely : An Explorative Study of Employee Well-Being When Working Remotely from a Leader Perspective

Lundmark, Moa, Zipfel, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a major shift towards remote work and its practices are predicted as here to stay. It entails many challenges since both the physical and psychosocial working conditions vastly differ from an office-setting, posing a threat for employee well-being. Leaders have the ability to control employee well-being through activities and their leadership style, emphasizing the importance of exploring the topic from a leader’s perspective.  Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore employee well-being in a remote work setting from a leader perspective, including the leadership activities used to manage it and how leaders adapt their leadership to the remote setting.  Method: The primary data is collected from ten in-depth, semi-structured interviews with leaders in both public and private organizations. The data have been analyzed and interpreted using an explorative approach and inductive thematic analysis.  Conclusions: This study adds multiple aspects within the common theoretical themes of the social context, communication, work-life balance and stress identified as affecting employee well-being remotely. Moreover, it expands the knowledge of leader activities used to enhance employee well-being remotely such as providing opportunities for social interactions. Lastly, the study suggests leaders to balance remote work’s demand for employee independence by providing job resources such as support and adapt their leadership not only to the employee readiness, but also the expectations set on them, their own readiness and the remote situation.

Concept development of a space-efficient aid for working remotely / Konceptutveckling av ett platsbesparande hjälpmedel vid arbete på distans

Fahlborg, Ida January 2022 (has links)
The way office work has been conducted has been reflected upon the society and historical moments. Due to the pandemic working from home has been applied on a large scale for the first time in history and some changes will certainly stay.  This project aimed to investigate and develop a product that could aid a better work environment while working from home. Therefore, a certain product was not defined beforehand.The goal was to explore product solutions that solved issues that users were facing. Since the aim was to design a product that was guided by the research, the final result did not only cover the field of working from home but also working from anywhere. The result did also cover a more sustainable solution by mainly using one material, and by being able to replace and repair parts. The main methods used in this thesis were Double Diamond, Design Thinking, and a Human-centered approach. The findings of the different methods and tools used in the project laid a foundation and guided the final result and outcome of the project.  The project was conducted together with Yellon, a Brand Experience – firm, as supervisor.

The effect of social relationships on employee retention in a remote working context : A qualitative case study on which Talent Management practices an organisation use to retain talented employees in a remote context / Effekten av sociala relationer för att behålla anställda i en kontext avdistansarbete : En kvalitativ fallstudie om vilka Talent Management-aktiviteteren organisation använder för att behålla talangfulla anställda i en kontext avdistansarbete

Svensson, Julia, Danielsson Wiksell, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Talent Management (TM) is a well-used practice to identify, attract, develop, and retain the most valuable resource in an organisation: talented employees. The concept TM emerged when organisations started to detect increased demands and technological changes in the business market. Additionally, due to the retirement of baby boomers, organisations have started to experience a shortage of talents creating “The War for Talent” (Chambers et al., 1998). However, ethical aspects create a demand for an inclusive approach of TM which includes all employees, as opposed to only focusing on a selected few. Responsible Talent Management (RTM) considers talent to be obtained and developed within the organisation. Employees who experience job satisfaction and commitment are more likely to stay in the organisation (Deery, 2008), whereas work-life balance, employee well-being, leadership, and learning have become important factorsfor increasing job satisfaction and commitment as well as employee retention (Radda et al., 2015: Deery, 2008). Especially due to new challenges associated with the working environment and social relationships in this new remote working context. Researchers express the need for further research regarding RTM as well as the inclusive approach. This thesis, therefore, aims to understand how an organisation work with TM practices to retain talented employees in a remote working context. Based on the scientific issue and the purpose, a qualitative case study was conducted. Eight employees within the HR department were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the empirical data identified a great need for genuine social relationships. Regardless of which TM retainment practices used, supporting employees with tools and opportunities to build and nurture social relationships may be an instrumental driver to retain talented employees in a remote working context. / Talent Management är ett välanvänt begrepp för att identifiera, attrahera, utveckla och behålla den mest värdefulla resursen i en organisation: talangfulla medarbetare. Begreppet TM blev uppmärksammat när organisationerna upptäckte ett ökat krav och teknologiska förändringar på marknaden. På grund av att generationen “babyboomers” har börjat gå i pension har organisationer börjat uppleva en brist på talang, vilket har skapat ”The War for Talent” (Chambers et al., 1998). Dock skapar de etiska aspekterna ett krav på ett inkluderande synsätt på TM som inkluderar alla anställda och inte bara fokuserar på ett fåtal utvalda. Begreppet Responsible Talent Management (RTM) anser att talang kan erhållas och utvecklas inom organisationen. Anställda som upplever jobbnöjdhet och engagemang är mer benägna att stanna kvar i organisationen (Deery, 2008), medan balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv, anställdas välmående, ledarskap och lärande har blivit viktiga faktorer för att öka jobbnöjdhet och engagemang samt att behålla de anställda (Radda et al., 2015: Deery, 2008). Framförallt med tanke på de nya utmaningarna gällande arbetsmiljön och de sociala relationerna i den nya kontexten av distansarbete. Forskare uttrycker ett behov av vidare forskning gällande RTM och det inkluderande synsättet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att förstå hur en organisation arbetar med aktiviteter inom TM för att behålla talangfulla medarbetare i en kontext av distansarbete. Baserat på forskningsproblemet och syftet har en kvalitativ fallstudie utförts. Åtta anställda tillhörande HR-avdelningen har intervjuats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. I analysen av empirin identifierades ett stort behov av genuina sociala relationer. Oavsett vilka aktiviteter inom TM som organisationen använder för att behålla talanger, så uppfattas organisationens stöd i termer av olika verktyg och möjligheter för att skapa och vårda sociala relationer, vara en stark drivkraft för att behålla talangfull kompetens i en kontext av distansarbete.

HOW TO MANAGE SELF-LEADERSHIP IN REMOTE ENVIRONMENTS : A qualitative study made on Swedish medium and large-sized organizations

Lindgren, Frida, Nyberg, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Covid-19 affected the world's population when the pandemic became a global problem at the start of 2020. The effects of the pandemic placed demands on various countries and their inhabitants. But also on organizations in sundries sectors. Globally, and specifically on the Swedish labor market, the effects of covid-19 have contributed to increased use of technology to enable continued work, elsewhere than physically on site. This has created opportunities but also challenges for managers to motivate subordinates and get them to work towards the organization's set goals. Self-leadership is thus a concept that is important to understand and handle in the current situation, as it can lead to increased motivation and performance of individuals. Previously published research points out how leaders can work to promote self-leadership. e.g. by adapting individuals' characteristics and commitment to the nature of the task. How self-leadership is promoted in the Swedish labor market, under digital conditions in remote work, is however still unclear. We know, from previously published research, that self-leadership, clear goals, motivation, and self-efficacy all have an influence on each other. They further serve as a prerequisite for organizational performance and goal fulfillment. But there is no answer as to how this can be promoted under current digital conditions. Swedish companies are moreover at the forefront when it comes to innovation development and the shift to digital resources, as a result of the pandemic. But there is no explanation for the connection between self-leadership and its new challenges with digital work, nor on the Swedish labor market. The intention of this study is therefore to fill the research gap with a qualitative and empirical study on Swedish medium and large-sized companies, where the effects of covid-19 proved to be extensive. The goal is moreover to answer the question and explain how Swedish medium-sized and large organizations manage self-leadership under presented conditions. This issue includes both leaders and employees, and the study groups have thus both been included in the study to create a holistic understanding of how self-leadership is handled in the above-mentioned contexts. The results, based on five employees, and four leaders in various sectors and organizations,  show that enabling recurring opportunities for social interactions, support and to convey a transparent culture with clear goals is necessary to manage self-leadership in remote environments. Having a thorough opportunity for support in the organization and creating opportunities for social interactions is something that this study has significantly contributed to the research. This is because these phenomena have not previously been presented of any particular importance, nor have they been promoted as necessary for the management of self-leadership in a remote context. In this study, however, it has been shown to be extremely necessary, from the point of view of both managers and employees. This, to enable self-leadership, increase motivation and self-efficacy in the Swedish labor market, which positively can affect individual- and organizational performance and goal fulfillment.

Säljarbete på distans, hur fungerar det? : En kvalitativ tvärsnittsstudie om Covid-19 pandemins påverkan på säljkårer. / Remote saleswork, how does it work?

Karlsson, Johan, Meyer, Fredrik January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Den pandemi som drabbade världen under 2020 tvingade många organisationer att ställa om till arbete på distans. Denna typ av plötslig omställning skapar många olika utmaningar, två av dessa är hur en säljkår skall styras samt hur själva försäljningsarbetet behöver anpassas. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att öka förståelsen för hur Covid-19 pandemin påverkade säljprocessen och säljstyrningen i B2B säljkårer samt vilka lärdomar som kan dras från detta. Metod: Studien utgår från den kritiska realismen och har ett abduktivt angreppssätt. Vidare använder studien sig av en kvalitativ metod där fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer har utförts med individer som arbetar med B2B försäljning. Studien är designad som en tvärsnittsstudie där fokus ligger på att hitta mönster och samband mellan de olika fallföretagen. Val av respondenter skedde genom ett målstyrt urval från författarnas professionella nätverk där krav utformades för att säkerställa att relevanta företag ställde upp. Slutsats: Studien mynnar ut i att hur säljkårer förändrar sig beror till stor det på vilken typ av försäljning som bedrivs samt vilka externa och interna faktorer som finns. Samtliga fallföretag genomförde någon form av förändring i styrningen, för att öka mätbarheten eller tydligheten i arbetet. Den sociala styrningen påverkades negativt och är en mycket viktig aspekt i styrningen av en säljkår som behöver hanteras när arbete sker på distans. Digitala möten fungerar bra för de flesta företag och kommer troligtvis vara något de fortsätter med i framtiden, i alla fall till en viss grad. Vid komplex försäljning fungerade digitala möten inte alltid lika bra på grund av den höga grad av tillit som krävs för sådana affärer / Background: During 2020 the world was struck by a pandemic, forcing many organizations to switch to remote work. A sudden change like this creates many different challenges, two of these are how a salesforce should be managed and how the sales-process should be adapted to this new scenario.  Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to increase the understanding of how Covid-19 affected the sales process and sales management control systems in B2B salesforces and what lessons can be drawn from this. Method: This study is based on critical-realism and has an abductive approach. Furthermore, the study uses a qualitative method for which four semi-structured interviews were executed with individuals working with B2B sales. The design of the study is cross-sectional were the focus lies on discovering patterns and connections between the different case-companies. The participants of the study were chosen from the authors professional networks where requirements were formed to make sure the participants were relevant.  Conclusion: The study shows that how salesforces change is largely dependent on what kind of sales they are performing and what internal and external factors are present. All investigated companies went through some type of change to increase the measurability or clarity of the work. Social control was affected in a negative way, it turns out that this is a very important aspect of sales management that needs to be addressed for a salesforce working remotely. Digital meetings worked well for most companies and will most likely be something they will be doing in the future, at least to some extent. However, during very complex sales, digital meetings did not work as well because of the high grade of trust required in that type of business.

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