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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leadership and the effects of remote work : A case study of a Nordic insurance company / Ledarskap och effekterna av hemarbete

SVENSSON, DAVID, KOISTINEN, JOHAN January 2021 (has links)
Digitalization and technological development have created an opportunity to modernize traditional office-based workplaces. The Covid-19 pandemic became a breaking point when forcing companies to work remotely, which led to them being organizationally unprepared. Although several aspects of organizations were affected by this shift, this study focuses on leadership where the aspects of communication, self-leadership, coaching and control are examined. The first aim of this study is to address how leadership within organizations has been affected by this forced transition. The second aim is to provide guidelines on how to lead effectively when working remotely and reduce the negative effects. A qualitative exploratory study with a multi-method research design is done to fulfill the aim and answer the research questions. The study uses a Nordic insurance company as a case company. The qualitative research consists of semi-structured interviews with leaders and followers from the case company as well as leaders from benchmarked companies. The results are supported with quantitative research consisting of a survey towards the case company. The findings show that all examined aspects are affected, where the difficulties in digital communication become the foundation to the majority of negative effects and necessary changes. Leaders within the case company adapt to these changes differently depending on their leadership style, type of lead team and awareness of the effects. It is concluded that leaders have to devote more time to their followers when leading remotely to fulfill the needs of their followers. / Digitalisering och teknisk utveckling har möjliggjort för modernisering av det traditionella arbetsklimatet. Covid-19 pandemin blev en brytpunkt för skiftet till hemarbete genom att tvinga företag att arbeta hemifrån, vilket ledde till att företagen var organisatoriskt oförberedda. Även om flera aspekter av företag påverkades av detta skifte så fokuserar denna studie på att undersöka hur ledarskap påverkades av skiftet till hemarbete, där kommunikation, självledarskap, coaching och kontroll är fokuserade på. Syftet med denna studie är således första att adressera hur ledarskap har påverkats av skiftet från kontorsarbete till hemarbete. Vidare är syftet att förse företag med riktlinjer kring hur man ska leda medarbetare på ett effektivt sätt vid hemarbete. För att uppfylla syftet och svara på forskningsfrågorna så är denna kvalitativa och explorativa studie genomförd. Studien använder sig av ett nordiskt försäkringsbolag som fallföretag. Den kvalitativa studien innefattar semi-strukturerade intervjuer med ledare och medarbetare från fallföretaget samt intervjuer med ledare från andra företag. Resultaten är uppbackade med en kvantitativ delstudie i form av en enkät riktad mot ledare och medarbetare från fallföretaget.Resultaten visar att alla undersökta aspekterna av ledarskap påverkas av hemarbete där svårigheten med kommunikationen ligger till grund för majoriteten av negativa effekter. Resultaten visar också att ledare hanterar dessa effekter olika beroende på deras ledarskapsstil, vilken typ av grupp de leder och till vilken grad de är medvetna om effekterna. Det är sammanfattat ledare måste ägna mer tid till deras följare när dem arbetar hemma för att uppfylla behoven som uppkommer.

Effekterna av distansarbete : En fallstudie om chefer och anställdas upplevelser av distansarbete / The effects of remote work : A case study of managers’ and employees’ experiences of remote work

Magnusson, Moa, Mattis, Renée January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna fallstudie är att beskriva chefer och anställdas upplevelser av distansarbete efter en återgång till kontoret, genom att koppla till faktorer som organisatoriskt engagemang och produktivitet. Tidigare har forskningen varit inriktad på distansarbetets effekter under Covid-19-pandemin, däremot finns det en brist av forskning inom området efter pandemin. Studien bidrar till kunskap inom området genom att koppla upplevelser av distansarbete till den teoretiska ingången resursbaserat perspektiv. Studiens forskningsmetod är kvalitativ och semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Den övergripande slutsatsen av studien är att chefer och anställdas upplevelser av distansarbete har resulterat i en positiv inställning till arbetsmodellen. Det som däremot är den främsta orsaken till den positiva inställningen är den hybrida arbetsmodellen som företaget som ingår i studien använt. Chefer och anställda föredrar en kombination av både distans- och kontorsarbete. Detta har även gjort att faktorerna produktivitet och organisatoriskt engagemang har upplevts olika beroende på olika situationer av arbetsmodellerna. Studiens bidrag är därmed att belysa vikten av att kunna kombinera distansarbete och kontorsarbete. / The purpose of this case study is to describe managers’ and employees’ experiences of remote work after returning to the office, by connecting to factors like organizational commitment and productivity. Previous research has been focused on the effects of remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic. However, there is a dearth of research on this topic after the pandemic. This study contributes to knowledge on this area by connecting experiences of remote work to the theoretical model of resource-based perspective. The research method of this study is qualitative and semi-structured interviews have been conducted. The overall conclusion of the study is that managers’ and employees’ experiences of remote work have resulted in a positive attitude to the working model. Thefore most cause of this positive attitude is the hybrid model used by the company analysed in this study. Managers and employees prefer a combination of both remote and office work. This has also led to the factors of productivity and organizational commitment have been experienced differently due to different situations of the work models. The contribution of the study is thus to show the importance of being able to combine remote work and office work.

Beyond the Office Walls: Understanding Organizational Belonging in the Era of Remote Work : Exploring the Dynamics of Managerial Interactions and Their Impact on Remote Workers' Organizational Belonging

William, Philip, Davidovic, Nemanja January 2024 (has links)
The present-day working setting has endured many developments over a couple of centuries.These developments have provided us with new working settings, concepts, and roles. Withthe advancements in technology and the underlying instigator of COVID-19, the remotesetting has become a commonality for many organizations. Concepts such as organizationalbelonging have grown to become a vital focus for companies and a necessity for employees.The role of the manager which was once simple and direct has become complex andmultidimensional. The rise in remote workers, full-time and hybrid, during and post-COVID19 has caught the attention of many researchers. Yet, the profound implications surroundingremote workers have been neglected. This study wants to shed light on remote workers’ senseof belonging and the factors regarding the managerial role that interplays into the mentioned.The purpose is to unfold how to effectively utilize the remote setting while creating apleasant environment for the employees. An environment directed by managerial support,interactions, and culture transmission will foster productivity, motivation, job satisfaction,and finally the sense of belonging of the employees. Lastly, this exploratory qualitative studywill through a combination of the abductive and inductive approach and a thematic analysisfathom the managerial role in remote working employees’ sense of belonging. In conclusion,this study argues that managers do have the power to shape the remote working environmentand thus, strengthen employees’ sense of belonging. Tailored supportive practices, supportiveleadership approaches, more engagement, deeper relationships, and consistent feedback andrecognition would improve the remote setting experience and belonging for the employees.

Distansarbete och arbetsmiljö : Konsten att skilja på arbetsplats och hem / Remote work and work environment : The art of separating workplace and home

Perem, Melker January 2024 (has links)
Syfte - Studiens mål var att bidra med kunskap om arbetsmiljö vid distansarbete och saknaden av föreskrifter för arbete utanför arbetsgivarens lokaler. Vidare har arbetsmiljön forskats djupare i för att förstå vilka aspekter inom arbetsmiljö som distansarbetare drabbas mest av som grund för designarbete för en produkt som lösning till problemen. Metodologi - Studien har genomförts med användarcentrerad design, co-design samt ergonomi i fokus. Dessa teorier har varit nödvändiga för bakgrundskunskap samt designprocessen. Under studiens gång har deltagare använts som hjälp för att förstå personer som drabbas av problemområdets erfarenheter och åsikter om deras arbetsmiljö men även vid viktiga designbeslut i processen. Upptäckter - Deltagarna visade att de generellt var nöjda med sin arbetssituation vid distans. Dock fanns det vissa problem som de var mindre nöjda med som främst gällde sociala aspekter. Flera deltagare menade att de hade svårheter med att mentalt skilja på sin arbetsplats och hem. Det kunde leda till att arbete gjordes under tider på dagen där de vanligtvis hade varit lediga, att inte tillräckligt mycket raster togs under arbetsdagen, att de hade svårt att komma igång med arbetet på morgonen eller att de hade svårt att avsluta arbetsdagen på kvällen. Förslag - Ett förslag på en skrivbordslampa designades med samarbete tillsammans med studiens deltagare. Som lösning på problemen med att ha svårigheter att skilja på arbetsplats och hem har lampan en interaktion likt en fönsterpersienn. Tanken bakom interaktionen är att en mänsklig interaktion krävs för att komma in i läge för arbete, likt hur man drar upp persiennerna när man vaknar på morgonen. / Purpose - The aim of the study was to contribute to knowledge about the work environment in remote work settings and the lack of regulations for work outside the employer’s premises. Furthermore, the work environment has been researched in depth to understand which aspects within the work environment remote workers are most affected by, as a basis for designing a product to address these problems. Methodology - The study has been conducted using user-centered design, codesign, and ergonomics as the main focus. These theories have been essential for both background knowledge and the design process. Throughout the study, participants have been utilized to understand the experiences and opinions of individuals affected by the problem area regarding their work environment, as well as for making important design decisions during the process. Findings - Participants generally expressed satisfaction with their remote work situation. However, there were certain issues they were less satisfied with, primarily concerning social aspects. Several participants reported difficulties mentally separating their workspace from their home environment. This could lead to work being done during times of the day when they would typically be off, insufficient breaks taken during the workday, difficulty starting work in the morning, or trouble ending the workday in the evening. Suggestions - A proposal for a desk lamp was designed in collaboration with the study’s participants. As a solution to the difficulties in distinguishing between workspace and home environment, the lamp features an interaction similar to a window blind. The idea behind this interaction is that a human interaction is required to transition into work mode, similar to how one opens the blinds upon waking up in the morning.

Arbetsplatsen efter pandemin : En studie om medarbetares upplevelse av distansarbete / The Workplace after the Pandemic : A Study of Coworkers’ Experience of Remote Work

Bruhner, Carl Magnus, Carlstedt, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Sedan Sverige i januari 2020 fick sitt första bekräftade fall av covid-19 har stora förändringar skett gällande hur och var arbete bedrivs, med omfattande inslag av distansarbete. Denna uppsats har därför undersök hur distansarbete har påverkat balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv samt den nuvarande och framtida arbetssituationen för kontorsmedarbetare inom företaget Hemfrid. Befintlig forskning visar att distansarbete kan gynna såväl medarbetare som arbetsgivare; medarbetaren åtnjuter ökad flexibilitet och work–life balance, medan arbetsgivaren gynnas av en ökad arbetsintensitet och högre tillgänglighet. Studien är genomförd via en enkätundersökning i slutet av april 2021 med 76 svarande i målgruppen, vilket utgör en svarsfrekvens om 39 %. Enkätsvaren visar att medarbetare upplever att distansarbete har fungerat bra; ökat work–life balance med mer tid till familjen och hemmet, samt en ökad flexibilitet, effektivitet och mindre stress trots ökad arbetsbelastning. Den sociala distansen till kollegor och företaget gör dock sammanhållning sämre, vilket inte minst märks för nyanställda som får svårare att lära känna kollegor och komma in i kulturen. Arbetsmiljön har förbättrats för de som har tillgång till extrautrustning hemma, men försämrats för övriga. Vi rekommenderar Hemfrid att låta medarbetare arbeta 2–3 dagar i veckan på distans efter pandemin, vilket drar nytta av såväl kontors- som distansarbetets fördelar. Särskild hänsyn bör tas till nyanställda och hanteringen av arbetsmiljön på distans. Vårt bidrag till befintlig teori är ny kunskap om hur omfattande distansarbete fungerar i praktiken, och förslag på hur det kan organiseras i framtiden. För framtida studier rekommenderas bland annat att närmare undersöka en optimal uppdelning av arbetstid, samt hur kontoret bäst kan utformas för att understödja det uppdelade arbetssättet. / Since Sweden in January 2020 had its first confirmed case of COVID-19, major changes have been made regarding how and when work is conducted, with extensive elements of remote work. This thesis has investigated how remote work during the pandemic has affected the work situation and the balance between work and private life for office coworkers of the company Hemfrid. Existing research shows that remote work can benefit coworkers as well as employers; the coworker enjoys increased flexibility and work–life balance, while the employer benefits from increased work intensity and higher availability. The study is conducted via a survey conducted in the end of April 2021 with 76 respondents in the target group, which constitutes a response rate of 39%. The survey results show that coworkers feel that remote work has worked well; increased work–life balance with more time for the family and home, as well as increased flexibility, efficiency, and less stress despite increased workload. However, the social distance to colleagues and the company makes cohesion worse, not least for new employees who find it more difficult to get to know colleagues and get into the culture. The work environment has improved for those who have access to extra equipment at home but deteriorated for others. We recommend Hemfrid to let coworkers work 2–3 days a week remotely after the pandemic, which benefits from the advantages of both office and remote work. Special consideration should be given to new employees and the management of the work environment remotely. Our contribution to existing theory is new knowledge of how extensive remote work works in practice, and suggestions on how it can be organized in the future. For future studies, it is recommended, among other things, to closer investigate an optimal division of working hours, and how the office can best be designed to support the divided way of working.

Remote Innovation - Co-Creation During Times of Pandemic

Gerstheimer, Oliver, Schütz, Philipp, Englisch, Philipp, Wimmer, Erhard 09 September 2021 (has links)
Die COVID-19-Pandemie forderte 2020 die Wirtschaftswelt heraus und provozierte in vielen Unternehmen die Dezentralisierung und Digitalisierung der Denkarbeit. Co-Creation-Workshops mussten wirkungsvoll und schnell in Online-Formate übertragen werden. Für die Produktentwicklung und -innovation der Sartorius AG bedeutete dies die Entwicklung einer digitalen Plattform: Bestehende Inhalte und Prozesse wurden überarbeitet, verbessert, erweitert und in einer digitalen Infrastruktur zusammengeführt. Ausgehend von der Plattform erhalten Mitarbeiter:innen Zugang zu einem Methodenpool, Workshop-Vorlagen und Schulungsmaterialien. So können Teams weltweit produktiv zusammenarbeiten. Die digitale Plattform ist ganzheitlich und nachhaltig konzipiert und wird durch ein analoges Method Playbook und agile Schulungen, sowie eine Webcast-Serie ergänzt, in der weiterführende Informationen on-demand abgerufen werden können. Mit der Plattform wird die unternehmensweite Innovationskultur in Zeiten der Pandemie nicht nur erhalten, sondern sogar proaktiv ausgebaut und zusätzlich werden Zeit und Ressourcen gespart.

Using Enterprise Collaboration Systems During a Pandemic : What factors influence the value derived from the push to working through Enterprise Collaboration Systems during the Covid-19 pandemic?

Brundin, Nicklas Joar January 2021 (has links)
Why do individuals derive different value when working remotely using Enterprise Collaboration Systems during Covid-19? This mixed methodology research used a Service-Dominant Logic lens and undertook a literature review, qualitative interviews and a quantitative survey to identify the characteristics and variables that impacted perceived value for individual Australian Actors. To assist future studies it also developed an equivalency model of value and the desire to work remotely. The research found the strongest predictive variable is the suitability of the workspace, followed by a list of a dozen significant variables. By knowing these variables and their predictive weights, Actors can adjust them to optimise the value derived from working remotely through ECSs.

Estudio de la relación que existe entre el trabajo remoto y el bienestar laboral en trabajadores de empresas privadas de Lima Metropolitana / Study of the relationship between remote work and labor well-being in workers of private companies in Lima Metropolitana

Cardenas Pantoja de Vujevic, Sandra Catherina, Quispe Estrada, Inés, Reyes Ascurra, Gonzalo Enrique, Zaferson Mendoza, Laura Victoria 07 June 2021 (has links)
El objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación fue conocer la relación que existe entre el trabajo remoto y el bienestar laboral en trabajadores de Lima Metropolitana, sea este positivo o negativo; y desarrollar una serie de recomendaciones base que pueden ser tomados por empresas con similares características al momento de definir su política de trabajo remoto; manteniendo un balance entre productividad y bienestar laboral. Para lograr estos objetivos se empleó una metodología mixta para recolectar datos relevantes. En total participaron 190 colaboradores de diversas empresas privadas de Lima Metropolitana, 28 en los focus group y 162 en el sondeo virtual. Para este sondeo, se utilizó el cuestionario de bienestar laboral general de (Blanch, Sahagún, Cantera, & Cervantes, 2010) y una escala de preguntas elaborada por los investigadores específicamente para el presente trabajo. Los resultados obtenidos de ambas fuentes muestran una relación entre los efectos colaterales (negativos) y ciertas modalidades de trabajo rígidas; asimismo, se identificaron coincidencias entre características laborales y el bienestar laboral subjetivo (focus group) y evaluado (sondeo virtual). Adicionalmente se identificaron diferencias entre los resultados obtenidos según el puesto de trabajo del colaborador, pero que no guardan relación con la edad del mismo, implicando que el tipo de responsabilidad es una variable a considerar al momento de establecer las bases de una modalidad de trabajo remota. Finalmente se identificaron recomendaciones básicas para establecer una modalidad de trabajo mixta (preferida por los participantes). / The aim of the study was to identify the impact of remote working on the work well-being of workers from private companies in Lima Metropolitana, be it positive or negative, on work well-being, so a baseline can be developed for other private companies to build on their pursuit of the ideal remote working policy. To accomplish this goals, a mixed methodology evaluation was crafted to gather relevant data. In general, 190 workers from private companies participated on either the focus groups (28) or the online survey (162). For the online survey we used Blanch’s general work well-being questionnaire (qBLG) and a questionnaire specifically design for the study; on the other hand all focus groups were design and guided by our team of researchers. The results from both sources show a relation between collateral effects and rigid work policies; also, we identified coincidences between the characteristics that workers, from the focus groups and the online survey, prompted as positive and negative. Furthermore, the results show a link between the role of the worker in the company and his/her work well-being that did not take age into account, meaning that responsibility is an important variable to take in consideration when developing a remote working policy. Finally, we were able to establish base guidelines companies that wish to start remote working. / Trabajo de investigación

Ansiedad por COVID-19 y Apoyo Social Percibido en trabajadores en modalidad remota de Lima Metropolitana, y Callao / COVID-19 Anxiety and Perceived Social Support in remote workers in Lima Metropolitana and Callao

Cabrera Gómez, Lindsay Amelia, Valencia Allaín, Cinthya Mariana 27 September 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación buscó analizar la relación entre la Ansiedad por COVID-19 y el Apoyo Social Percibido, en una muestra de trabajadores en modalidad remota de Lima Metropolitana, y Callao. Participaron en el estudio 205 adultos, entre 20 y 60 años. Se utilizaron la Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS), traducida por Caycho-Rodríguez et al. (2020) y la adaptación peruana del Cuestionario MOS (Cruz, 2009). Se encontró una relación pequeña e inversa entre la ansiedad por COVID-19 y el apoyo social percibido, además de diferencias significativas en ambas variables, según género, grupo de edad y estado civil. / The present research aimed to describe the relationship between COVID-19 Anxiety and Perceived Social Support in remote workers in Lima Metropolitana and Callao. The study was carried out in 205 adults, ranging in age from 20 to 60 years. The Spanish translation of the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) made by Caycho-Rodríguez et al. (2020) and the Peruvian adaptation of the MOS Social Support Survey (Cruz, 2009) were used. A small and negative correlation was found between COVID-19 Anxiety and Perceived Social Support. In addition, significant differences were found regarding gender, age group and marital status. / Tesis

Cata de Vino Online

Bermúdez Cavero, María Eugenia, Camacho Bernal, Alejandro Neff, Del Castillo Vivanco, Alejandra, Ninaquispe Cayllahua, Angela Cristina 19 July 2021 (has links)
Cata de Vino Online, es un emprendimiento que tiene como objetivo lograr un negocio que ofrezca la experiencia de una cata de vino de manera online por medio de la plataforma Zoom Premium. Para ello, hemos realizado un trabajo previo de investigación el cual nos ha permitido identificar que como consecuencia de la pandemia de la covid-19, las empresas tuvieron que adaptarse al trabajo remoto, ya que actualmente, alrededor de 250,000 personas trabajan desde su casa. Como consecuencia, las empresas buscan motivar a los colaboradores y mantener a los equipos de trabajo integrados, por ello, están invirtiendo en actividades que puedan aportar en el bienestar y generar compromiso por parte de los trabajadores. Asimismo, dada la coyuntura esta actividad permite al trabajador mantener un estado emocionalmente positivo, puesto que permite que tengan un momento de interacción con su equipo de trabajo y puedan tener un momento recreativo. Por medio de entrevistas realizadas a medianas y grandes empresas, identificamos un potencial mercado de empresas dispuestas a invertir en nuestro servicio de cata online. A partir de esto iniciamos con el planteamiento del negocio, plan de marketing y ventas, plan de operaciones justificado con el plan financiero nos permite desarrollar un negocio con el objetivo de ofrecer un servicio de cata online donde los participantes recibirán un kit de formación completo, que incluye, un vino seleccionado junto con una clase online dictada por un experto sommelier, donde el cliente podrá vivir la experiencia de ser un catador en casa. / Cata de Vino Online, is an entrepreneurship that aims to achieve a business that offers the experience of a wine tasting online through the Zoom Premium platform. To do this, we have carried out a previous research which has allowed us to identify that as a consequence of the covid-19 pandemic, companies had to adapt to remote work, since currently, around 250,000 people work from home. As a result, companies seek to motivate employees and keep work teams integrated, therefore, they are investing in hiring activities that can contribute to the well-being and commitment of workers. In addition, given the situation, this activity allows the worker to maintain an emotionally positive state, since it allows them to have a moment of interaction with their work team and to have a recreational moment. Through interviews with medium and large companies, we identified a potential market of companies willing to invest in our online tasting service. From this we start with the business approach, marketing and sales plan, an operations plan justified with the financial plan allows us to develop a business with the aim of offering an online tasting service where participants will receive a complete training kit, which includes a selected wine along with an online class taught by an expert sommelier, where the client can live the experience of being a taster at home. / Trabajo de investigación

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