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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cyberespace & cybermonde : réflexion philosophique sur le rapport au monde & la technique / Cyberespace et cybermonde

Mussi, Sébastien 12 November 2021 (has links)
Le rapport que l'être humain entretient avec son monde est modifié par l'apparition de nouveaux savoirs, la réalisation de nouveaux exploits ou l'utilisation de nouvelles techniques. Le cyberespace, cette hallucination consensuelle comme le définit le romancier américain William Gibson, et déjà maintenant l'Internet, mettent en jeu des bouleversements de ce genre. La notion philosophique d'espace, perçue à travers Descartes, Kant et Husserl, nous permettra de comprendre comment s'établit et se modifie pour une subjectivité la relation à une objectivité et une extériorité. Elle nous servira d'outil conceptuel pour envisager les conséquences de l'avènement du cyberespace sur notre incarnation dans le monde.

Retour à la 5e méditation cartésienne : la théorie husserlienne de l'empathie et la question de l'intersubjectivité transcendantale

Otabe, Martin 12 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2007-2008. / En tant qu'introduction à sa pensée philosophique, les Méditations Cartésiennes de Edmund Husserl constituent l'un de ses ouvrages les plus lus. Par ailleurs, la 5e Méditation Cartésienne resta pendant longtemps l'un des rares textes où Husserl nous présentait de façon systématique sa théorie de l'empathie (Einfiïhlung) et sa conception de l'intersubjectivité transcendantale, et fut à ce titre la cible de plusieurs critiques bien connues de nos jours. Toutefois, depuis la parution dans les années 1970 des volumes XIII, XIV et XV des Husserliana portant sur la question de l'intersubjectivité, notre compréhension de cet aspect de la pensée husserlienne s'est grandement améliorée. Ce mémoire de maîtrise constitue donc une relecture de la 5e Méditation Cartésienne à la lumière de ces connaissances élargies, en vue de mieux saisir son propos, et la confronter à neuf à certaines des critiques classiques (Schutz, Ricœur) formulées à son égard.

Sujet et représentation : essai sur le transcendantalisme, son sens problématique, topologique et relationnel

Quinn, Andrew. 13 November 2021 (has links)
La philosophie classique va trouver chez Sartre, malgré les prétentions les plus révolutionnaires de ce dernier, son plus grand défenseur. S'il faut parler, à propos de Descartes, d'un centrement "cartésien" du sujet, et ce, en pleine révolution Copernici enne, il importe de comprendre que Sartre va redoubler, par sa théorie de l'intentionnelité, l'effet de centrement opéré par Descartes, lui aussi en pleine époque de décentrements. En effet, à l'instar de Descartes qui assure la primauté ontologique de la conscience contre le malin génie, le Dieu trompeur, la folie et le rêve, Sartre va réassurer la primauté ontologique d'un être qui , dorénavant, n'est que "pour-soi", et ce, contre tout déterminisme, qu'il soit d'ordre psychanalytique, sociologi que, économique ou autre. Par sa théorie du néant, Sartre ne fait au fond qu'infi ni ti ser la substance cartésienne à un degré d'être qui manque justement de tout ce qu'il faut pour "être". Ainsi, cet être ne saurait être déterminé autrement que par une reprise intentionnelle. Par là, et bien qu'il évacue de la conscience toute représentation pour laisser ouvert le vide stratégique qu'est le néant, Sartre n'en garde pas moins toute sa portée à la pensée représentât!ve, dans la mesure justement où le substrat de la Représentation, à savoir le Sujet, est maintenu intact, comme est demeurée intacte la théorie de l'adéquation qui assure que le connaissant "n'ajoute rien à la nature du connu". En ce sens, dans la mesure où l'ordre des valeurs prime sur l'ordre du réel , il nous faut parler, sur le plan épistémologique, du cartésianisme de Sartre. Sartre demeure un penseur pré-critique et ce, jusqu'au tout dernier tome de son étude sur Flaubert. Il faudra attendre le transcendantalisme kantien, la constitution philosophique de la finitude, pour que le sujet cartésien soit véritablement ébranlé et le régime de l'adaequatio bouleversé, par le schématisme notamment. Nous voulons dire par là, et d'une manière plus générale, que la révolution copernicienne opérée par Kant constitue le seuil de notre modernité. l'épistémè structurale y trouve ses premiers fondements, ceux justement que Sartre va chercher à contourner. La philosophie du sujet se voit chez Kant retirer tout privilège. On ne retrouvera donc pas, comme chez le penseur de Koenisberg, d'"assomption du sujet" comme on a trop souvent l'habitude de le répéter, mais bien, comme le diront Lacoue-Labarthe et Nancy, son "exténuation". La subjectivité transcendantale ne doit pas être soumise à une lecture cartésienne. Il nous est apparu que par le transcendantalisme se trouve ouverte une problématique du sens en dehors de la pensée représentative, le sens comme "production de sens”. C'est là, dans ce qui nous semble constituer une "théorie générale des productions" (Deleuze), que la pensée structurale trouve son unité la plus profonde, désinvestissant le sujet libre, conscient et volontaire ainsi que le régime classique de l 'adaequa t i o. Ainsi, sur un même sol, ou si l'on préfère, dans un même espace, vont converger des penseurs aussi différents que Foucault, Deleuze, Lévi-Strauss, Bourdieu, Faye, Althusser... Nous croyons, en effet, que le "recours" au transcendanta l i sme kantien permet d'éclairer, comme le montre J. Petitot, d'un regard nouveau les apories constitutives des sciences de l'homme en leur caractère structural et dynamique, à condition d'admettre que l'anthropologie kantienne qui constitue la première grande représentation de l'homme, fonctionne aussi comme son désinvestissement systématique. Le sujet kantien répondant à l'exigence première de sa philosophie est "problématique". A fortiori, nous ne saurions retrouver chez Kant, après la première Critique, quelque retour en force de la théologie. Celle-ci se verra, comme le sujet, transcendantalisée. seront soumis au règne d'une analysis situs. Di eu et l'homme Dès lors, le sens devra répondre à des exigences topologiques et relationnelles. Kant a ouvert une époque, la nôtre.

Réadaptation des enfants perturbés selon M.A. Ribble, R.A. Spitz, B. Bettelheim et F. Redl

Bonneau, Gilles 25 April 2018 (has links)
Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2014

Le lieu de l'hivernement de l'expédition Dollier-Galinée en 1669-1670

Paradis, Jean-Marc 25 April 2018 (has links)
Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2012

René Cassin et les droits de l'homme

Gingras, Denis 07 January 2022 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d'analyser la conception des droits de l'homme proposée par René Cassin, ses principes de base, ses caractéristiques, son contenu qui est inséparable d'une conception intégrale de la personne humaine, et de faire connaître ses sources philosophiques et religieuses. Puisque la dignité humaine constitue le fondement de la Déclaration universelle des droits de l'homme de 1948, une attention particulière est portée à ce thème ainsi qu'aux objections qu'on soulève contre lui. Le dernier chapitre est consacré au problème du droit des peuples à disposer d'eux-mêmes, droit qui, en fait, est la conséquence et la condition sine qua non de la reconnaissance des droits individuels.

Félix Eboué, 1884-1944 : mythe et réalités coloniales / Félix Eboué, 1884-1944 : myth and colonial realities

Capdepuy, Arlette 16 October 2013 (has links)
Descendant d’esclaves, Félix Éboué est né dans le milieu de la petite bourgeoisie de Cayenne (Guyane) en 1884. Il termine ses études secondaires à Bordeaux puis ses études supérieures à Paris : il sort diplômé de l’École coloniale en 1908. A sa demande, il est affecté en Oubangui-Chari (colonie de l’AEF). Il reste en brousse vingt deux ans avant de devenir administrateur en chef (1931). Il est ensuite nommé à différents postes : secrétaire général de la Martinique (1932-1934), secrétaire général du Soudan français (1934-1936), gouverneur de la Guadeloupe (1936-1938), gouverneur du Tchad (1938-1940). A l’été 1940, il choisit le camp de la Résistance avec de Gaulle. Le ralliement du Tchad donne au chef de la France libre un territoire français en Afrique, d’une importance stratégique capitale. En novembre 1940, de Gaulle le nomme gouverneur général de l’AEF à Brazzaville et Compagnon de la Libération. Jusqu’à février 1944, grâce à sa maîtrise de l’administration coloniale, il gère les hommes et les ressources de l’AEF pour le plus grand profit de la France libre et des Alliés. Épuisé et malade, il décède au Caire en mai 1944.La mémoire d’État s’empare de sa mémoire pour en faire rapidement une icône : il entre au Panthéon en mai 1949. Mais, Félix Éboué ne se réduit pas à son mythe : s’il est un personnage emblématique de la IIIe République, il est un homme ancré dans son époque par son appartenance à des réseaux de pouvoirs et par ses idées. Sa spécificité est d’avoir espéré réformer le système colonial et d’avoir cru qu’il était possible de lutter contre le préjugé de couleur, contre le racisme au nom des valeurs de la République. S’il fut un pionnier, c’est par le domaine du sport qui était pour lui un outil par excellence de l’intégration et d’épanouissement de l’individu. / Descendant of slaves, Felix Eboue was born in the middle of the lower middle class of Cayenne (Guiana) in 1884. He finished high school in Bordeaux and his graduate studies in Paris: he graduated from the “Ecole coloniale” in 1908. At his request, he was assigned in Oubangui-Chari (AEF colony). It remains in the bush twenty two years before becoming Chief (1931). He was appointed to various positions: Secretary General of Martinique (1932-1934), Secretary General of the French Sudan (1934-1936), governor of Guadeloupe (1936-1938), governor of Chad (1938-1940). In the summer of 1940, he chose the side of the Resistance with de Gaulle. The rallying Chad gives the leader of Free France, a French territory in Africa, a strategic importance. In November 1940, de Gaulle appointed Governor General of the AEF in Brazzaville and Companion of the Liberation. Until February 1944, thanks to his mastery of the colonial administration, he manages people and resources of the AEF for the benefit of Free France and the Allies. Exhausted and ill, he died in Cairo in May 1944. The memory State seizes his memory to make an icon rapidly enters the Pantheon in May 1949. But Felix Eboue is not limited to the myth: it is an iconic character of the Third Republic, he is a man rooted in his time by his membership in networks of power and ideas. Its specificity is to be hoped reform the colonial system and have believed it was possible to fight against the prejudice of color against racism on behalf of the values of the Republic. If he was a pioneer, this is the sport that was for him an ideal tool for the integration and development of the individual.

Contribuições da psicanálise para a educação : o grupo como sujeito da criação / Contributions from psychoanalysis to education : the group as the subject of creativity

Levisky, Flavia Blay 25 April 2008 (has links)
Em pleno século XXI cabe a nós educadores, pensadores da Educação, refletirmos sobre novas formas de investimento para a melhoria da qualidade do Ensino. Inúmeras contribuições de naturezas distintas poderiam ser relatadas a fim de contribuir para tal, mas o que proponho nessa investigação é o investimento no que é a essência do humano: o vínculo. Há tempos se sabe sobre a importância das relações interpessoais na constituição do sujeito, mas será que no dia-a-dia das instituições educacionais existe, de fato, um investimento efetivo nesse olhar para dentro de si e para o outro? A escola enquanto espaço público, de primazia coletiva, lida cotidianamente com os vínculos no grupo; o mesmo ocorre em tantos outros ambientes educativos, que propõem projetos sociais, artísticos e esportivos para milhares de crianças e jovens de nosso país. Quantos educadores tiveram a oportunidade de estabelecer um diálogo mais próximo com a psicologia e com a psicanálise durante sua formação? Que conhecimentos puderam construir a respeito dos funcionamentos grupais e das possibilidades de manejar os conflitos e resistências que emergem no grupo? Com referência nas idéias de três autores de base psicanalítica - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott e R. Kaës - relato e analiso duas experiências vivenciadas em pequenos grupos pertencentes a duas instituições escolares de grande porte. Em A Cortina de Miçangas Musical, compartilho a experiência que vivi como professora, na Escola Vera Cruz. Em A Reabertura da Biblioteca, socializo a experiência vivida junto a um grupo de adolescentes, pais e funcionários da Escola Estadual Salvador Moya, como coordenadora do Projeto Abrace Seu Bairro. Que elementos no manejo grupal podem facilitar ou obstaculizar o nascimento de criações coletivas resultantes do encontro das intersubjetividades de seus integrantes? A reflexão - teórica, prática e sensível - é instrumento essencial para que os sons e os ruídos do grupo, possam ser transformados em música; para que o timbre de cada instrumento (indivíduo) possa aparecer sem encobrir o timbre do outro; para que os músicos dessa orquestra (grupo) possam tocar juntos, ora com melodias mais harmônicas, ora com novos padrões tonais. Reflexão esta: sobre os movimentos do educador, dos alunos e do grupo; sobre a maneira com que os vínculos são estabelecidos no coletivo; sobre os papéis e sobre as tarefas de cada um imerso nessa grupalidade; sobre a presença de uma relação horizontal ou hierarquizada entre seus integrantes; sobre o amadurecimento das relações; sobre a função continente que o grupo pode assumir; sobre a existência ou não do sentimento de pertencimento, enfim, sobre a possibilidade do educador construir um olhar clínico e uma escuta sensível-reflexiva, sobre o grupo, de forma que ele, o grupo, possa ser reconhecido como sujeito da criação. / In the 21st century it is up to us, educators who carry out research, to think about new forms of investments to improve the educational system. In that sense, many contributions of different areas can be reported. However, my proposal in this research is to focus on what is, in my opinion, the essence of humanity: relationships. We have known for a long time of the importance of inter-personal relationships in the formation of the subject. Our question, however, is whether in the daily life of educational institutions there is an effective investment in looking inwards and outwards. The school as a public space, where the concept of group prevails, deals day by day with group links. The same thing occurs in many other educational establishments that have social, artistic and sports activities to thousands of children and teenagers in our country. How many educators have had the opportunity to establish a closer dialogue with psychology and psychoanalysis in their education? What kind of knowledge they were able to form about group functioning and about the possibilities of managing the conflicts and barriers that emerge in a group? Regarding the ideas of three authors of the psychoanalysis school - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott and R. Kaës - I report and analyze two experiences lived by small groups of two big schools. In The Curtain of Musical Beads I share the experience I have had with my students as a teacher in the Vera Cruz School in kindergarten (first year of the EFI). In the Reopening of the Library I share the experience lived with a group of teenagers, parents and employees of the Salvador Moya State School in my post as coordinator of the project Embrace your Neighborhood. What managing elements can make easier or harder the emergence of collective creativity that results of the interaction of several subjectivities? Thought - whether theoretical, practical and based on sensibility - is a fundamental tool for the sounds and noises of a group to become music; for the tone of each musical instrument (individual) can emerge without concealing the others; for the musicians of this orchestra (group) to be enabled to play together with either more harmonic or with new tonal melodies? What are the movements the educator should follow regarding the students and the group? How the collective links are established? What are the roles and the tasks of each one in the group? Is there a horizontal or hierarchy based relationship among them? What is the connective function that the group may exert? Is there a feeling of belonging to the group? What is the possibility of the educator forming a clinical regard and a sensible-reflexive hearing about the group so that the group itself can be recognized as the subject of the creativity?

Contribuições da psicanálise para a educação : o grupo como sujeito da criação / Contributions from psychoanalysis to education : the group as the subject of creativity

Flavia Blay Levisky 25 April 2008 (has links)
Em pleno século XXI cabe a nós educadores, pensadores da Educação, refletirmos sobre novas formas de investimento para a melhoria da qualidade do Ensino. Inúmeras contribuições de naturezas distintas poderiam ser relatadas a fim de contribuir para tal, mas o que proponho nessa investigação é o investimento no que é a essência do humano: o vínculo. Há tempos se sabe sobre a importância das relações interpessoais na constituição do sujeito, mas será que no dia-a-dia das instituições educacionais existe, de fato, um investimento efetivo nesse olhar para dentro de si e para o outro? A escola enquanto espaço público, de primazia coletiva, lida cotidianamente com os vínculos no grupo; o mesmo ocorre em tantos outros ambientes educativos, que propõem projetos sociais, artísticos e esportivos para milhares de crianças e jovens de nosso país. Quantos educadores tiveram a oportunidade de estabelecer um diálogo mais próximo com a psicologia e com a psicanálise durante sua formação? Que conhecimentos puderam construir a respeito dos funcionamentos grupais e das possibilidades de manejar os conflitos e resistências que emergem no grupo? Com referência nas idéias de três autores de base psicanalítica - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott e R. Kaës - relato e analiso duas experiências vivenciadas em pequenos grupos pertencentes a duas instituições escolares de grande porte. Em A Cortina de Miçangas Musical, compartilho a experiência que vivi como professora, na Escola Vera Cruz. Em A Reabertura da Biblioteca, socializo a experiência vivida junto a um grupo de adolescentes, pais e funcionários da Escola Estadual Salvador Moya, como coordenadora do Projeto Abrace Seu Bairro. Que elementos no manejo grupal podem facilitar ou obstaculizar o nascimento de criações coletivas resultantes do encontro das intersubjetividades de seus integrantes? A reflexão - teórica, prática e sensível - é instrumento essencial para que os sons e os ruídos do grupo, possam ser transformados em música; para que o timbre de cada instrumento (indivíduo) possa aparecer sem encobrir o timbre do outro; para que os músicos dessa orquestra (grupo) possam tocar juntos, ora com melodias mais harmônicas, ora com novos padrões tonais. Reflexão esta: sobre os movimentos do educador, dos alunos e do grupo; sobre a maneira com que os vínculos são estabelecidos no coletivo; sobre os papéis e sobre as tarefas de cada um imerso nessa grupalidade; sobre a presença de uma relação horizontal ou hierarquizada entre seus integrantes; sobre o amadurecimento das relações; sobre a função continente que o grupo pode assumir; sobre a existência ou não do sentimento de pertencimento, enfim, sobre a possibilidade do educador construir um olhar clínico e uma escuta sensível-reflexiva, sobre o grupo, de forma que ele, o grupo, possa ser reconhecido como sujeito da criação. / In the 21st century it is up to us, educators who carry out research, to think about new forms of investments to improve the educational system. In that sense, many contributions of different areas can be reported. However, my proposal in this research is to focus on what is, in my opinion, the essence of humanity: relationships. We have known for a long time of the importance of inter-personal relationships in the formation of the subject. Our question, however, is whether in the daily life of educational institutions there is an effective investment in looking inwards and outwards. The school as a public space, where the concept of group prevails, deals day by day with group links. The same thing occurs in many other educational establishments that have social, artistic and sports activities to thousands of children and teenagers in our country. How many educators have had the opportunity to establish a closer dialogue with psychology and psychoanalysis in their education? What kind of knowledge they were able to form about group functioning and about the possibilities of managing the conflicts and barriers that emerge in a group? Regarding the ideas of three authors of the psychoanalysis school - S. Freud, D. W. Winnicott and R. Kaës - I report and analyze two experiences lived by small groups of two big schools. In The Curtain of Musical Beads I share the experience I have had with my students as a teacher in the Vera Cruz School in kindergarten (first year of the EFI). In the Reopening of the Library I share the experience lived with a group of teenagers, parents and employees of the Salvador Moya State School in my post as coordinator of the project Embrace your Neighborhood. What managing elements can make easier or harder the emergence of collective creativity that results of the interaction of several subjectivities? Thought - whether theoretical, practical and based on sensibility - is a fundamental tool for the sounds and noises of a group to become music; for the tone of each musical instrument (individual) can emerge without concealing the others; for the musicians of this orchestra (group) to be enabled to play together with either more harmonic or with new tonal melodies? What are the movements the educator should follow regarding the students and the group? How the collective links are established? What are the roles and the tasks of each one in the group? Is there a horizontal or hierarchy based relationship among them? What is the connective function that the group may exert? Is there a feeling of belonging to the group? What is the possibility of the educator forming a clinical regard and a sensible-reflexive hearing about the group so that the group itself can be recognized as the subject of the creativity?

De fransöske handtwerkarne vid Stockholms slott 1693–1713 : Yrkesroller, organisation, arbetsprocesser / French Sculptors and Painters at the Royal Palace in Stockholm 1693–1713 : Roles, contexts and practices

Hinners, Linda January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with French sculptors and painters active around 1700 at the Royal Palace in Stockholm. They were summoned from Paris by the architect Nicodemus Tessin the younger (1654–1728). This study analyses the Frenchmen’s professional roles, how Tessin organised their work and the working methods applied in the decoration of the Gallery of Charles XI and the adjoining parade rooms. It also involves questions concerning the artist’s roles and the status of artistic professions at the early modern period. The artisans were a group of some fifteen sculptors, painters, founders and a goldsmith. Several of them were accompanied by family members, some of whom were active in the workshop. In France these sculptors and painters had worked in the Bâtiments du Roi  and particularly at the Gobelins. Although they were not part of the artistic elite at the Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture they had vital knowledge in classical pattern/design, le bon goût and drawing. The artisans were also members of the guild system and were thus permitted to accept private commissions. My aim has been to clarify the artisans’ background in Paris and the recruitment undertaken by the diplomat Daniel Cronström (1655–1719). With regard to their activities in Sweden, it has been important to clarify their conditions in the building organisation at the Royal Palace, including social contexts such as their family situation and the possibility to practise their Catholic faith. Equally important is the professional relationship between the Frenchmen and Tessin, who was appointed Superintendent in 1697. Through detailed archival studies, the working practices and the creative process are analysed, especially the collaboration between Tessin and the painter Jacques Foucquet and the sculptors René Chauveau (1663–1722) and Jacques Foucquet (1639–1731).

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