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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La liberté dans la morale de Descartes

Francis, Martine 12 November 2021 (has links)
Le présent mémoire a pour but d'exposer la conception de la liberté dans la pensée de René Descartes. À travers ses principaux ouvrages tels le Discours de la Méthode, les Principes de la Philosophie et les Méditations Métaphysiques transparaît une vision conservatrice de la liberté de la morale. Par contre, la lecture de la vaste correspondance du philosophe fait apparaître une image de la liberté et de la morale tout à fait nouvelle. Nous pensons que c'est dans sa correspondance que Descartes exprime ses vraies opinions sur ces deux sujets controversés à l'époque. Le libre arbitre et la conduite personnelle ne relèvent plus d'une autorité extérieure mais sont ramenés totalement au sujet, unique juge de la validité des critères guidant son agir. La pensée de Descartes sur ce point engendrera la conception de la liberté dans la doctrine existentialiste de Jean Paul Sartre.

Analyse des impacts opérationnels et financiers d'un aménagement écosystémique dans la région de la Côte-Nord : le cas de l'Île René-Levasseur

Volpé, Sylvain 12 April 2018 (has links)
L'aménagement écosystémique est un concept d'aménagement qui est à l'avant plan de la foresterie québécoise depuis quelques années (Coulombe et al, 2004; Jette, 2006). Cependant, jusqu'à maintenant, personne n'a fait la preuve que le concept pouvait être transposé en pratique, surtout à grande échelle. Un des principaux défis de l'aménagement écosystémique est d'assembler un grand nombre de traitements sylvicoles qui doivent permettre de concilier les volets écologique, social et économique. Le choix de ces traitements sylvicoles doit passer le test de la validation autant écologique que social, mais surtout, dans l'objet de ce mémoire, celui de la faisabilité opérationnelle et financière. Cette étude de cas de la stratégie d'aménagement écosystémique développée pour l'île René-Levasseur (IRL) a permis d'obtenir la même possibilité forestière (260 000 m3 /an) que celle obtenue par la stratégie de coupe en mosaïque (CMO) présentement en vigueur sur ce territoire. Cependant, le coût d'approvisionnement de la stratégie écosystémique est de 16 % supérieur à celui de la stratégie CMO.

Epistémologie du meurtre en série / An epistemology of serial murder

Wilmes, Andréas 22 November 2014 (has links)
A partir de la fin du XIXe siècle, et notamment à travers les travaux de Richard Von Krafft-Ebing, de nouvelles représentations des perversions sexuelles humaines se mettent en place. La prise en compte de ces dynamiques dans l’homicide modifie les modes de classification des scènes de crime. Au XXe siècle, ces changements historiques conduisent à l’étude d’un phénomène rare et singulier : le meurtre sexuel sériel. Durant les années 1980, le F.B.I acquiert le monopole des savoirs et pratiques concernant la problématique des « serial killers ». De nos jours, ce monopole est remis en cause. Les profileurs du Bureau d’Investigation seraient les représentants d’une pratique pseudo-scientifique. Le serial killer serait avant tout une construction sociale initiée par la politique conservatrice des années Reagan. Selon certains psychiatres-psychanalystes, le F.B.I, en affirmant la place centrale des fantasmes sexuels dans la dynamique des crimes, aurait donné une image trompeuse du meurtre en série. A l’opposé, la présente étude entend démontrer que le principal enjeu n’est peut-être pas de déconstruire les discours du F.B.I, mais plutôt de confronter ces derniers à l’actualité des recherches scientifiques. Le profilage désignerait plutôt une méthode d’enquête dont les éléments de base sont susceptibles d’être corrigés et complétés. Sous cet angle, les modèles théoriques concurrents, notamment ceux défendus par la psychanalyse française, semblent également souffrir d’un certain nombre de difficultés. Certes, l’intensité des fantasmes sadiques ne peut pas être la seule dimension des actes criminels. Mais les fantasmes interagissent probablement avec les désirs et croyances des meurtriers. Si l’homicide sexuel sériel s’apparente, comme la plupart des commentateurs s’accordent à le dire, à une succession d’actes ritualisés, une approche anthropologique du phénomène pourrait avoir une certaine légitimité. Sous cet angle, des concepts tels que la psychopathie, la pulsion de mort ou l’omnipotence narcissique dissimulent peut-être l’existence d’un mécanisme victimaire à travers lequel les meurtriers engendrent leur propre religion ou mythologie. / From the late Nineteenth Century, in particular through Richard von Krafft-Ebing’s studies, new concepts have shaped the representations of sexual perversion. The study of the sexual dynamics in homicide cases changes the common methods of crime scene classification. In the Twentieth Century, these historical approaches lead to the study of a rare and particular phenomenon: serial sexual homicide. During the 1980s, the F.B.I dominates the field of practices and knowledge concerning the serial murder issue. Today, that domination is challenged. The F.B.I’s profiling methods are qualified as pseudo-scientific practice. Serial murder is nowadays more perceived as a simple social construction initiated by the Conservative politics of the Reagan years. According to some psychiatrists, the motivational model of the F.B.I has given a misleading picture of serial murder. The aim of the present work is to show that the main issue may not be to deconstruct the F.B.I’s studies, but to compare these first studies with current scientific research. Criminal profiling might be a method whose basic elements are likely to be corrected and completed. In this perspective, competing theoretical models, especially those held by psychoanalysis, also raise a number of difficulties. Of course, the intensity of sadistic fantasies can’t be the only dimension of criminal behavior. But fantasies probably interact with the desires and beliefs of the murderers. If serial sexual homicide appears to be, as most commentators agree, as a series of ritualistic acts, an anthropological approach may be legitimate. From this point of view, concepts such as “psychopathy”, “death drive” or “narcissism” do probably conceal the existence of a scapegoat mechanism by which killers are creating their own religion or mythology.

Cultura de corte no Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (BnF, ms. Fr. 2695) de René d\'Anjou / Court Culture in the Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (BnF, ms. fr. 2695) by René dAnjou

Roma, Barbara Lopes 02 September 2016 (has links)
O Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. Français 2695) escrito por volta de 1460 pelo duque René dAnjou (1409-1480) merece destaque por sintetizar em um único trabalho práticas da cultura de corte principesca tardo-medieval e pela originalidade em combinar material textual e iconográfico para transmitir a mensagem pretendida pelo autor. Optamos pelo trabalho com o códice em questão devido à difusão de documentos através dos meios eletrônicos, pela singularidade da obra e carência de edições modernas. Manuscritos medievais são objetos foco de diferentes campos de pesquisa, o que nos leva a restringir o escopo do nosso trabalho à análise textual a partir da nossa transcrição paleográfica. O objetivo desse trabalho será examinar a dupla funcionalidade do ms. Fr. 2695 por meio da análise do discurso. Mediante o exame qualitativo e quantitativo do corpus lexical, e da comparação com fontes externas, investigaremos primeiramente a função do códice em registrar a prática do torneio para estabelecer como seria o combate idealizado pelo duque e quão longe estaria da prática corrente. Em seguida, procuraremos decifrar o influxo de escritos corteses, cavaleirescos e principescos no interior do tratado para determinar a construção ideológica, de maneira a persuadir o leitor a adotar um determinado comportamento frente à sociedade. / The Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. Français 2695) written around 1460 by the Duke René d\'Anjou (1409-1480) is noteworthy for synthesizing in a single work practices from princely court culture of the Late Middle Ages and the originality of combining textual and iconographic material in order to convey a message intended by the author. We opted for working with the codex in question due to the dissemination of documents by electronic means, by the uniqueness of the work and lack of modern editions. Medieval manuscripts are objects focus of different research fields, which leads us to narrow the scope of our work to textual analysis from our paleographic transcription. The aim of this study is to examine the dual functionality of the ms. Fr. 2695 through discourse analysis. Through qualitative and quantitative examination of the lexical corpus, and the comparison with external sources, first we will investigate the function of the codex to record the practice of the tournament, and then establish how the fight would be devised by the Duke and how far was from current practice. Second, we will try to decipher the influence of courtly, knightly and princely literature within the treatise in order to determine the ideological construction to persuade the reader to adopt a certain behavior in society.

René Chars tragische Lyrik

Renfert, Christof 12 March 2005 (has links)
Das Anliegen der Arbeit besteht darin, zu zeigen, dass der französische Dichter René Char (1907-1988) ausgehend von den ästhetischen Konzepten, die in der Schrift von Friedrich Nietzsche „Die Geburt der Tragödie aus dem Geiste der Musik“ formuliert sind, ein künstlerisches Selbstverständnis begründet, das auf einer tragischen Ästhetik ruht, und dass diese Ästhetik Chars Dichtung in hohem Maße prägt. In einem ersten Schritt wird das Konzept der tragischen Ästhetik entfaltet. Diese ist als Verschränkung der Prinzipien des Apollinischen und des Dionysischen zu verstehen. Das Konzept eines Zusammenspiels zweier gegensätzlicher Prinzipien,- des Apollinischen und des Dionysischen-, die nach Nietzsche das Phänomen der Kunst überhaupt möglich machen, ist der Höhepunkt einer langen europäischen Tradition ästhetischer Reflexion, welche die Ästhetik im Sinne einer doppelten Ästhetik denkt, als Zusammenspiel zwischen dem Schönen und dem Erhabenen. In einem zweiten Schritt wird untersucht, inwieweit diese doppelte Ästhetik als Tiefenstruktur die Lyrik Chars durchzieht. Es wird zunächst das apollinische Prinzip in der Lyrik Chars herausgearbeitet, z.B. die Bedeutung des Traums in seinen Gedichten und die daraus folgende Nähe Chars zu dem Surrealismus. In einem dritten Schritt wird das ästhetische Zusammenspiel zwischen Apollinischem und Dionysischem in Chars Dichtung analysiert. Dieses Zusammenspiel ist als dichterische Transfiguration der Negativität zu denken. Transfiguration der Negativität bedeutet in diesem Zusammenhang vor allem die poetische Umsetzung derjenigen Negativität, die vom Nationalsozialismus ausging, und die Char als Widerstandskämpfer erfahren hat. Bei der Untersuchung stellte sich heraus, dass Chars Lyrik eine ethische Dimension enthält, die in einer tragischen Ästhetik wurzelt, sodass man von einer im Ästhetischen begründeten Ethik sprechen kann, deren Kern die Gerechtigkeit ist. / The purpose of this work is to show that the french poet René Char (1907-1988) develops his esthetic comprehension of poetry through the concepts of Nietzsches early work „The birth of tragedy“ and that Chars poetry is essentially tragic. I first analyse the concept of tragic esthetic. Tragic esthetic consists in two principles, the apollinian and the dionysian. These principles constitute the dynamic of tragic esthetic. These principles are other forms of what the european esthetic tradition calls the beautiful and the sublime, and Nietzsches concepts result from this tradition. In a second step I analyse how these principles constitute the basics of Chars poetry. First I analyse the apollinian dimension of his poems, particularly the importance of dream and the surrealistic aspect of Chars poems. Then I analyse deeper the working of the dynamic of these two principles. This esthetic dynamic has to be understood as a transformation of negativity. Transformation of negativity means in Chars poetry first of all a poetic transformation of the nationalsocialist negativity, against which Char fought. By analysing this context, it appeared that Chars poetry contains an ethical dimension, which result from the tragic esthetic. And the heart of this ethical tragic esthetic is justice.

Folheando a obra (e a vida) do grão-senhor da Villa Fortunata: um estudo sobre René Thiollier / Browsing through the works (and life) of the master of Villa Fortunata: a study about René Thiollier

Pinheiro, Valter Cesar 25 August 2014 (has links)
René de Castro Thiollier (1884-1968), advogado e jornalista paulista, publicou contos, estudos histórico-biográficos, crônicas e ensaios, além de um romance, estampado nas páginas da Revista da Academia Paulista de Letras, que não chegou a terminar. Esteve presente em dois dos mais representativos eventos de nosso Modernismo: a Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922 e a famosa viagem de redescoberta do Brasil em 1924. A proposta deste trabalho é analisar sua produção literária Senhor Dom Torres e A Louca do Juqueri, contos, e Folheando a Vida, o romance inacabado a partir do exame dos suportes de publicação (o objeto livro), dos paratextos e da configuração das instâncias narrativas. Há em Senhor Dom Torres, impresso em 1921, traços que anunciem os experimentos estéticos que despontarão nos anos subsequentes à Semana? As conquistas modernistas, resultado do árduo embate travado ao longo da década de 1920, têm lugar em A Louca do Juqueri, lançado em 1938, e em Folheando a Vida, cuja edição, em forma de folhetim, atravessa os anos quarenta? Vigorosas na primeira metade do século XX, as relações literárias Brasil-França, redobradas pela ascendência francesa de René Thiollier, evidenciam-se nestas obras. Por conseguinte, enumerar e analisar as referências aos escritores de língua francesa (dentre os quais sobressai o autor da Histoire contemporaine, Anatole France) citados nas narrativas ou à margem delas, em epígrafe também faz parte do escopo deste trabalho. / René de Castro Thiollier (1884-1968), lawyer and journalist born in São Paulo, Brazil, wrote short stories, historical/biographical studies, chronicles and essays, in addition to one novel, published on the pages of Revista da Academia Paulista de Letras, which was left unfinished. He was present at two of the most representative events of our Modernism: the Modern Art Week, in 1922, and the famous voyage to rediscover Brazil, in 1924. The purpose of the present study is to analyze his literary production Senhor Dom Torres and A Louca do Juqueri, which are short stories, and Folheando a Vida, his unfinished novel based on the examination of the publication means (the object book), of the paratexts, and of the configuration of the storytelling instances. In Senhor Dom Torres, printed in 1921, are there traces that anticipate the aesthetic experiments that will emerge in the years following the Modern Art Week? Are the modernist advances, a result of the fierce confrontation held during the 20´s, present in A Louca do Juqueri, published in 1938, and in Folheando a Vida, which was published in chapters in a magazine during the 40´s? Vigorous in the first half of the 20th century, the literary relations between Brazil and France, emphasized by René Thiollier´s French ancestry, are evident in his works. Therefore, the listing and analysis of the references to French-speaking writers (among which Anatole France, author of Histoire contemporaine, stands out) mentioned in the texts or marginally, in epigraphs is also part of the scope of this project.

Fotografia, narrativa e grupo : lugares onde pôr o que vivemos / Photograph, narrative and group : places where we put what we lived

Volpe, Altivir João 30 November 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a criação de um dispositivo grupal diferenciado e arealização de entrevistas nos quais foram utilizadas fotos e construções narrativas suscitadas por elas, como formações intermediárias que ocorrem em um espaço/tempo entre-dois. As conclusões sugerem a coexistência nos sujeitos de uma relação ambígua entre um ideal imaginário de relações estáveis e reasseguradoras, como em sua infância, e o que é vivido hoje por eles, sob o impacto das fortes mudanças ocorridas nas últimas décadas: insegurança e fragmentação dos laços sociais e incerteza com relação ao futuro. Algumas intuições de Walter Benjamin são confirmadas e acentuadas as contribuições de René Kaës no estudo dos processos grupais. Com a contribuição desses autores, enfatiza-se aqui a necessidade de reinventar metodologias articuladas a dispositivos diferenciados ao tratar das questões intersubjetivas, para responder às demandas sociais diante do sofrimento e das situações disruptivas. É sempre entre o risco contínuo da perda de referências e a possibilidade da constituição de novos espaços reasseguradores, que se vai processando a intensa construção da narrativa humana, particularmente na contemporaneidade. / The main objective of this work was the creation of a different group device and the conduction of interviews in which were used photographs and narratives aroused by them as intermediary formations that occur in a time/space between two. The conclusions suggest the coexistence in the subjects of a ambiguous relation between an ideal imaginary of stable and reassured relations, as in their childhood, and what is lived today by them, under the impact of the brutal changes that occurred in the last decades: insecurity and fragmentation in the social bonds and uncertainty in relation to the future. Some Walter Benjamin\'s intuitions are confirmed and René Kaës\' contributions are stressed in the group process studies. With the contribution from these authors, it is emphasized here the necessity of reinvent methodologies and different devices when dealing with intersubjective questions, in order to answer the social demands towards the suffering and the disruptive situations. It is always between the continuous risk of the references loss and the possibility of new reassured spaces constitution, that gets processed the human narrative intense construction, particularly in the contemporaneity.

Comment peut-on être classique au tournant des XIXe et XXe siècles? / How to be a classicist in the late ninetieth century?

Dufour, Élodie 24 November 2017 (has links)
Les recherches portent sur Anatole France, Henri de Régnier et René Boylesve, auteurs souvent jugés passéistes et anachroniques par la postérité. Au croisement de deux disciplines, les études littéraires et linguistiques, je me propose d'interroger la curieuse et paradoxale démarches d'auteurs qui, en pleine modernité, ont délibérément continué d'entretenir des liens avec le classicisme - avec toute la plasticité que recèle la notion -, un classicisme dont ils adaptent d'ailleurs la formule (et qui n'est ni celui de Paul Valéry, ni celui de la NRF, ni celui des maurrassiens) .Un questionnement sur le classicisme, la modernité, la contemporanéité, l'héritage, la transmission et la postérité sous-tend donc ces travaux. Au XXe siècle qui s’ouvrait sur les avant-gardes, miser sur le classicisme pour lutter contre « l’obsolescence programmée » de la littérature était sans doute une erreur d’appréciation à moyen terme. Mais avec un siècle de recul, il semble que notre relation aux avant-gardes soit en train de changer, qu’une certaine valeur patrimoniale du classicisme résiste aux sirènes tapageuses de la nouveauté absolue, et qu’il existe un espace original de création pour des écrivains qui se veulent aussi des passeurs. / My research deal with the work of Anatole France, Henri de Régnier and René Boylesve, oftenly described as passeist. Using both linguistic and literary viewpoints, I tackle the curious paradox unifying these authors who, during the Belle Epoque, declared themselves classicists. A questionning on concepts such as modernity, contemporaneity and legacy underlies this project.

Cultura de corte no Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (BnF, ms. Fr. 2695) de René d\'Anjou / Court Culture in the Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (BnF, ms. fr. 2695) by René dAnjou

Barbara Lopes Roma 02 September 2016 (has links)
O Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. Français 2695) escrito por volta de 1460 pelo duque René dAnjou (1409-1480) merece destaque por sintetizar em um único trabalho práticas da cultura de corte principesca tardo-medieval e pela originalidade em combinar material textual e iconográfico para transmitir a mensagem pretendida pelo autor. Optamos pelo trabalho com o códice em questão devido à difusão de documentos através dos meios eletrônicos, pela singularidade da obra e carência de edições modernas. Manuscritos medievais são objetos foco de diferentes campos de pesquisa, o que nos leva a restringir o escopo do nosso trabalho à análise textual a partir da nossa transcrição paleográfica. O objetivo desse trabalho será examinar a dupla funcionalidade do ms. Fr. 2695 por meio da análise do discurso. Mediante o exame qualitativo e quantitativo do corpus lexical, e da comparação com fontes externas, investigaremos primeiramente a função do códice em registrar a prática do torneio para estabelecer como seria o combate idealizado pelo duque e quão longe estaria da prática corrente. Em seguida, procuraremos decifrar o influxo de escritos corteses, cavaleirescos e principescos no interior do tratado para determinar a construção ideológica, de maneira a persuadir o leitor a adotar um determinado comportamento frente à sociedade. / The Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. Français 2695) written around 1460 by the Duke René d\'Anjou (1409-1480) is noteworthy for synthesizing in a single work practices from princely court culture of the Late Middle Ages and the originality of combining textual and iconographic material in order to convey a message intended by the author. We opted for working with the codex in question due to the dissemination of documents by electronic means, by the uniqueness of the work and lack of modern editions. Medieval manuscripts are objects focus of different research fields, which leads us to narrow the scope of our work to textual analysis from our paleographic transcription. The aim of this study is to examine the dual functionality of the ms. Fr. 2695 through discourse analysis. Through qualitative and quantitative examination of the lexical corpus, and the comparison with external sources, first we will investigate the function of the codex to record the practice of the tournament, and then establish how the fight would be devised by the Duke and how far was from current practice. Second, we will try to decipher the influence of courtly, knightly and princely literature within the treatise in order to determine the ideological construction to persuade the reader to adopt a certain behavior in society.

Fotografia, narrativa e grupo : lugares onde pôr o que vivemos / Photograph, narrative and group : places where we put what we lived

Altivir João Volpe 30 November 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo a criação de um dispositivo grupal diferenciado e arealização de entrevistas nos quais foram utilizadas fotos e construções narrativas suscitadas por elas, como formações intermediárias que ocorrem em um espaço/tempo entre-dois. As conclusões sugerem a coexistência nos sujeitos de uma relação ambígua entre um ideal imaginário de relações estáveis e reasseguradoras, como em sua infância, e o que é vivido hoje por eles, sob o impacto das fortes mudanças ocorridas nas últimas décadas: insegurança e fragmentação dos laços sociais e incerteza com relação ao futuro. Algumas intuições de Walter Benjamin são confirmadas e acentuadas as contribuições de René Kaës no estudo dos processos grupais. Com a contribuição desses autores, enfatiza-se aqui a necessidade de reinventar metodologias articuladas a dispositivos diferenciados ao tratar das questões intersubjetivas, para responder às demandas sociais diante do sofrimento e das situações disruptivas. É sempre entre o risco contínuo da perda de referências e a possibilidade da constituição de novos espaços reasseguradores, que se vai processando a intensa construção da narrativa humana, particularmente na contemporaneidade. / The main objective of this work was the creation of a different group device and the conduction of interviews in which were used photographs and narratives aroused by them as intermediary formations that occur in a time/space between two. The conclusions suggest the coexistence in the subjects of a ambiguous relation between an ideal imaginary of stable and reassured relations, as in their childhood, and what is lived today by them, under the impact of the brutal changes that occurred in the last decades: insecurity and fragmentation in the social bonds and uncertainty in relation to the future. Some Walter Benjamin\'s intuitions are confirmed and René Kaës\' contributions are stressed in the group process studies. With the contribution from these authors, it is emphasized here the necessity of reinvent methodologies and different devices when dealing with intersubjective questions, in order to answer the social demands towards the suffering and the disruptive situations. It is always between the continuous risk of the references loss and the possibility of new reassured spaces constitution, that gets processed the human narrative intense construction, particularly in the contemporaneity.

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