Spelling suggestions: "subject:"mené"" "subject:"rené""
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Atala de F.-R. de Chateaubriand : objet fictionnel pour une pédagogie chrétienneMello, Melissa Moura January 2013 (has links)
Ce mémoire est composé de deux parties distinctes: dans la première, on fait l’analyse d’Atala, ou Les Amours de deux sauvages dans le désert, ouvrage publié en 1801 et que François-René de Chateaubriand a utilisé pour illustrer sa défense du christianisme. Pour le faire, sont inclus dans cette première partie un résumé de la vie et de l’oeuvre de l’auteur, laprésentation et de brefs commentaires sur les préfaces qui accompagnent les différentes éditions et l’étude narratologique du roman dans le but de comprendre plus profondément le texte ainsi que les sens qu’il produit. Pour parvenir à cette dernière, on fait des considérations sur la théorie de la narratologie en utilisant une bibliographie concernant diverses propositions interprétatives du texte. Dans la deuxième partie, on propose une nouvelle traduction du Prologue de l’ouvrage pour le portugais car la dernière date de 1939. A partir de quelques aspects théoriques et de la comparaison de quelques extraits des traductions, on fait finalement quelques observations sur l’acte de traduction et sur les différences entre les deux textes en portugais en tenant compte de l’étude littéraire faite auparavant. / Esta dissertação é composta por duas partes distintas: na primeira, realiza-se uma análise de Atala, ou Les Amours de deux savages dans le désert, obra publicada em 1801 e a qual François-René de Chateaubriand utilizou para ilustrar sua defesa do cristianismo. Iniciase comum breve apanhado da vida e obra do autor, a apresentação e alguns comentários sobre os prefácios das diferentes edições e o estudo narratológico do romance com o objetivo de buscar uma maior compreensão do texto assim como os efeitos de sentido que produz. Utiliza-se referencial teórico sobre a narratologia, o qual é aplicado para a realização da análise, assim como bibliografia relacionada a diversas propostas interpretativas do texto. Na segunda parte, apresenta-se uma nova tradução para o português do prólogo da obra, visto que a última data de 1939. Com base em alguns aspectos teóricos e a partir da comparação de alguns trechos das duas traduções, são feitas algumas observações sobre o ato tradutório e as diferenças entre as duas traduções levando-se em consideração o estudo literário feito anteriormente.
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Malebranche e il metodo / Malebranche et la méthode / Malebranche and his methodLovascio, Tania 11 July 2017 (has links)
De la Méthode, le VIème et dernier livre de la Recherche de la Vérité, a été consacré par Malebranche à l’exposition de sa méthode. Ce traité est toutefois demeuré en dehors des cercles d’intérêt des études malebranchistes. Le premier objectif de notre travail consiste donc à tenter de suppléer à ce manque en proposant une étude de la méthode qui mette en lumière ses aspects fondamentaux, dont, en premier lieu, le rapport qu’elle entretient avec la doctrine cartésienne des Regulae ad directionem ingenii. L’hypothèse a été soulevée que Clerselier ait pu transmettre à Malebranche le manuscrit cartésien, encore non publié à l’époque de la rédaction de la Recherche. Pour approfondir cette question, nous avons reconstruit et analysé toutes les correspondances avec les Regulae présentes dans l’œuvre. Ce dossier montre que l’hypothèse mentionnée ci-dessus est fondée : Malebranche s’inspire profondément du texte cartésien dans l’élaboration de sa méthode. Un autre aspect nous ayant semblé digne d’intérêt est le rapport entre la méthode et le problème de l’erreur, auquel Malebranche consacre les cinq premiers livres de la Recherche. L’incidence de la doctrine cartésienne de la IVème Méditation n’émerge pas sans révéler l’originalité de certaines thèses et traités du parcours de l’oratorien. Apparaît également le thème de la science universelle, ou la question de l’ordre, des questions essentielles exigeant une comparaison avec Descartes. Une comparaison qui reste toujours en toile de fond : il ne pourrait pas en être autrement puisque Descartes n’est pas seulement à l’origine de la vocation philosophique de Malebranche, mais aussi de la constitution de sa méthode. / Malebranche dedicates the sixth and final book of the Recherche de la Vérité, entitled De la Méthode, to presenting his method. This treatise has been left outside of the sphere of interest for studies on Malebranche. The primary goal of my work is to fill this gap and provide a study on the method by highlighting some of its key aspects. The first of these concerns its relationship with the Cartesian doctrine of Regulae ad directionem ingenii. Clerselier is assumed to have notified Malebranche of the Cartesian manuscript, which had not yet been published at the time of writing the Recherche. To examine this very question, I have reconstructed and analysed all correlations with the Regulae found within the work. This dossier demonstrates the validity of the above assumption: that his knowledge of this Cartesian text greatly inspired Malebranche as he developed his method. Another noteworthy aspect I have explored is the method’s relationship with the issue of error, which is addressed by Malebranche in the first five books of the Recherche. The influence of the Cartesian doctrine of the fourth Meditation does not emerge without revealing the originality of certain arguments and certain parts of Malebranche's development. There is also the topic of universal science and that of order – essential issues that naturally allude to the comparison with Descartes. This comparison always and inevitably remains in the background: Descartes is found not only at the origin of Malebranche’s philosophical calling, but also in the construction of his method.
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Atala de F.-R. de Chateaubriand : objet fictionnel pour une pédagogie chrétienneMello, Melissa Moura January 2013 (has links)
Ce mémoire est composé de deux parties distinctes: dans la première, on fait l’analyse d’Atala, ou Les Amours de deux sauvages dans le désert, ouvrage publié en 1801 et que François-René de Chateaubriand a utilisé pour illustrer sa défense du christianisme. Pour le faire, sont inclus dans cette première partie un résumé de la vie et de l’oeuvre de l’auteur, laprésentation et de brefs commentaires sur les préfaces qui accompagnent les différentes éditions et l’étude narratologique du roman dans le but de comprendre plus profondément le texte ainsi que les sens qu’il produit. Pour parvenir à cette dernière, on fait des considérations sur la théorie de la narratologie en utilisant une bibliographie concernant diverses propositions interprétatives du texte. Dans la deuxième partie, on propose une nouvelle traduction du Prologue de l’ouvrage pour le portugais car la dernière date de 1939. A partir de quelques aspects théoriques et de la comparaison de quelques extraits des traductions, on fait finalement quelques observations sur l’acte de traduction et sur les différences entre les deux textes en portugais en tenant compte de l’étude littéraire faite auparavant. / Esta dissertação é composta por duas partes distintas: na primeira, realiza-se uma análise de Atala, ou Les Amours de deux savages dans le désert, obra publicada em 1801 e a qual François-René de Chateaubriand utilizou para ilustrar sua defesa do cristianismo. Iniciase comum breve apanhado da vida e obra do autor, a apresentação e alguns comentários sobre os prefácios das diferentes edições e o estudo narratológico do romance com o objetivo de buscar uma maior compreensão do texto assim como os efeitos de sentido que produz. Utiliza-se referencial teórico sobre a narratologia, o qual é aplicado para a realização da análise, assim como bibliografia relacionada a diversas propostas interpretativas do texto. Na segunda parte, apresenta-se uma nova tradução para o português do prólogo da obra, visto que a última data de 1939. Com base em alguns aspectos teóricos e a partir da comparação de alguns trechos das duas traduções, são feitas algumas observações sobre o ato tradutório e as diferenças entre as duas traduções levando-se em consideração o estudo literário feito anteriormente.
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La poursuite au cinéma : pérennité d’une forme esthétique / The chasing in movies : perenity of an aesthetic formMarcel, Philippe 26 June 2009 (has links)
La poursuite est une figure qui accompagne le cinéma depuis ses débuts jusqu’à en devenir, presque, la forme archétypale. Elle a constitué le principal mode de linéarisation des formes courtes du cinéma des premiers temps et reste un mode habituel de structuration des grands récits. Présence et absence de poursuites, existence sous des formes apparentées telles que la filature ou la déambulation, sont des éléments de caractérisation des films particulièrement intéressants. Leurs conditions d’élaboration et de réception sont à replacer dans leur contexte et à étudier dans une perspective d’une histoire des formes. Observer la place qui est donnée à la poursuite par quatre réalisateurs français, d’époques différentes, Louis Feuillade, René Clair, Jean-Pierre Melville et Philippe de Broca, conduit à mettre en évidence sa pérennité. L’analyse comparée de sa mise en scène chez ces cinéastes que tout, parfois, semble opposer, permet d’utiliser la poursuite comme un critère de distinction pour mettre en évidence la valeur symbolique et la signification intrinsèque de cette figure, tant comme forme esthétique que comme forme anthropologique. / The Notion of Chasing has been part of cinema life from the very beginning, so much so that it has almost become an archetypal form. It was the principal method of moving the plot forward in short films when cinema began and remained a normal method of structure for feature-films. The presence, or absence of chasing whether in a related form such as tailing someone or on foot, is an extremly interesting element of film characterisation. The condition of its elaboration and of reception must be put back into context and studied with the perspective of the history of the form. Studying the importance given to chasing by four French film directors of different eras, Louis Feuillade, René Clair, Jean-Pierre Melville et Philippe de Broca, will bring out the form’s perennity. Likewise comparing the director’s management of such scenes, especially since these four can on occasion seem like opposites, enables one to use chasing as an differentiating criteria that is particulary important when bringing out the value, both symbolic and intrinsic, of this form as an aesthetic and anthropological form.
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Folheando a obra (e a vida) do grão-senhor da Villa Fortunata: um estudo sobre René Thiollier / Browsing through the works (and life) of the master of Villa Fortunata: a study about René ThiollierValter Cesar Pinheiro 25 August 2014 (has links)
René de Castro Thiollier (1884-1968), advogado e jornalista paulista, publicou contos, estudos histórico-biográficos, crônicas e ensaios, além de um romance, estampado nas páginas da Revista da Academia Paulista de Letras, que não chegou a terminar. Esteve presente em dois dos mais representativos eventos de nosso Modernismo: a Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922 e a famosa viagem de redescoberta do Brasil em 1924. A proposta deste trabalho é analisar sua produção literária Senhor Dom Torres e A Louca do Juqueri, contos, e Folheando a Vida, o romance inacabado a partir do exame dos suportes de publicação (o objeto livro), dos paratextos e da configuração das instâncias narrativas. Há em Senhor Dom Torres, impresso em 1921, traços que anunciem os experimentos estéticos que despontarão nos anos subsequentes à Semana? As conquistas modernistas, resultado do árduo embate travado ao longo da década de 1920, têm lugar em A Louca do Juqueri, lançado em 1938, e em Folheando a Vida, cuja edição, em forma de folhetim, atravessa os anos quarenta? Vigorosas na primeira metade do século XX, as relações literárias Brasil-França, redobradas pela ascendência francesa de René Thiollier, evidenciam-se nestas obras. Por conseguinte, enumerar e analisar as referências aos escritores de língua francesa (dentre os quais sobressai o autor da Histoire contemporaine, Anatole France) citados nas narrativas ou à margem delas, em epígrafe também faz parte do escopo deste trabalho. / René de Castro Thiollier (1884-1968), lawyer and journalist born in São Paulo, Brazil, wrote short stories, historical/biographical studies, chronicles and essays, in addition to one novel, published on the pages of Revista da Academia Paulista de Letras, which was left unfinished. He was present at two of the most representative events of our Modernism: the Modern Art Week, in 1922, and the famous voyage to rediscover Brazil, in 1924. The purpose of the present study is to analyze his literary production Senhor Dom Torres and A Louca do Juqueri, which are short stories, and Folheando a Vida, his unfinished novel based on the examination of the publication means (the object book), of the paratexts, and of the configuration of the storytelling instances. In Senhor Dom Torres, printed in 1921, are there traces that anticipate the aesthetic experiments that will emerge in the years following the Modern Art Week? Are the modernist advances, a result of the fierce confrontation held during the 20´s, present in A Louca do Juqueri, published in 1938, and in Folheando a Vida, which was published in chapters in a magazine during the 40´s? Vigorous in the first half of the 20th century, the literary relations between Brazil and France, emphasized by René Thiollier´s French ancestry, are evident in his works. Therefore, the listing and analysis of the references to French-speaking writers (among which Anatole France, author of Histoire contemporaine, stands out) mentioned in the texts or marginally, in epigraphs is also part of the scope of this project.
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La dynamique animale dans les œuvres poétiques de Supervielle, Saint-John Perse et Char. Présence, surgissement, échappée / Animal dynamics in the poetic works of Supervielle, Saint-John Perse and Char. Presence, emergence, escapeSouchard, Flora 13 September 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse propose d’étudier les œuvres de Supervielle, Saint-John Perse et Char au prisme de la dynamique animale. Il confronte ces textes du XXe siècle à des problématiques plus récentes qui, dans le courant de la « zoopoétique » développée par Anne Simon, considèrent les bêtes littéraires dans leur aspect corporel, organique, mouvant, autant que symbolique. Au-delà de leur dimension métaphorique, les animaux innervent en effet les textes d’une force de création issue de leur qualité d’êtres vivants. Des insectes aux grands mammifères, l’éventail de la relation des bêtes au monde et à l’humain ouvre dans les textes de multiples problématiques sémantiques et stylistiques, appréhendées dans la première partie de ce travail, qui analyse l’influence des existences animales au cœur de l’écriture poétique et de ses rythmes particuliers. La faune apparaît, ainsi que l’approfondit la deuxième partie, comme vectrice d’une pensée élargie de l’environnement. S’appuyant sur des approches anthropologiques, ces analyses font ressortir un traitement particulier des notions de nature ou de paysage, montrant les animaux comme outils de modélisation de l’espace, mais aussi de la pensée. Par le surgissement constant de leur altérité, désirée ou perturbatrice, ils confrontent les poètes aux frontières floues de leur propre individualité. Dans une dernière partie, l’animalité concrète est étudiée en parallèle des facultés qu’a la poésie d’interroger son siècle et une langue élargie au contact des modalités de communication animale. Nous observons que le pistage d’une bête et l’appréhension d’une pensée poétique ressortissent à des herméneutiques proches, entre veille, émerveillement et distance, quittant parfois la rationalité du langage pour explorer les marges de la folie, dans une dynamique de l’oblicité. Est révélée dans ce rapprochement de la bête et du poème une constance de la faille, et une jouissance de l’échappée. / This thesis analyses the works of Supervielle, Saint-John Perse and Char through the prism of animal dynamics. It reads these twentieth-century texts in light of recent criticism, which, in the vein of "zoopoetics" developed by Anne Simon, considers the physical, organic, moving dimensions of literary animals as well as their symbolic significance. Beyond their metaphorical meanings, animals energize the texts with a creative force that stems from their quality as living beings. From insects to large mammals, the range of relationships that animals have to the world and to humans opens up multiple semantic and stylistic problems examined in the first part of this thesis, which analyses the influence of animal existence on poetic writing and poetic rhythm. Based on anthropological approaches, the second part argues that fauna serve as a vehicle for a broader thinking about the environment. This reading illuminates a particular treatment of nature and landscape that uses animals as tools for modelling space as well as thought : through the constant emergence of their desired or disruptive otherness, literary animals confront poets with the blurred boundaries of their own individuality. In the last part, concrete animality is studied alongside poetry’s power to question its own era and its language, which extends to the animalistic modes of communication. The tracking of a beast and the apprehension of a poetic thought emerge from similar hermeneutics, encompassing watchfulness, wonder, and distance, and sometimes leaving the rationality of language to explore the margins of madness in a dynamic of obliquity This kinship between poetry and animality is revealed in the persistence of gaps, and of the pleasures of escape.
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Svatá hora Alejandro Jodorowského a Hora analogie René Daumala: Od patafyziky k moci / Alejandro Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain and René Daumal's Mount Analogue: From Pataphysics to PowerKulbashna, Darya January 2020 (has links)
The thesis departs from the undetermined relation between René Daumal's unfinished novel Mount Analogue: A Novel of Symbolically Authentic Non-Euclidean Adventures in Mountain Climbing (1952) and its alleged adaptation, Alejandro Jodorowsky's 1973 film The Holy Mountain. The thesis discusses the two works from the perspective of Lacanian psychoanalysis, specifically, through the lens of the so-called Borromean knot that represents the three functions of the psyche: the Real, the Symbolic, and the Imaginary. The structure of the thesis supposes the following: the first chapter concentrates on the relevant terminology and aims to define such concepts as language and ideology for the purposes of the present thesis; the second chapter discusses the method of analysis that will be applied to Daumal's Mount Analogue and Jodorowsky's The Holy Mountain, namely, it explores the possibilities of psychoanalysis and considers the 'unscientific' approach of pataphysics that favours the particular over the general; through the concept of the sinthome the aspect of action is emphasized in the analysis of Mount Analogue, while the fourth chapter analyses The Holy Mountain from the perspective of the 'hypertrophied' Symbolic and simultaneously stresses the importance of the element of balance in the film; the final chapter,...
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Avmystifieringen av medvetandet : Daniel Dennetts Multiple Drafts Model / Demystification of consciousness : Daniel Dennett’s Multiple Drafts ModelPrem, Waltraud January 2024 (has links)
This paper compares two models of the philosophy of mind: René Descartes' substance dualism and Daniel Dennett's multiple-drafts model. Descartes posits that the body and consciousness are distinct substances capable of independent existence, with the pineal gland serving as the point of interaction between the physical and conscious realms. Conversely, Dennett rejects this dualist approach, proposing that consciousness and all mental activities emerge from complex, multitrack neurophysiological processes distributed across various brain regions. Additionally, the paper examines the knowledge argument as a significantchallenge to physicalism. The study aims to demonstrate that Dennett's physicalist model, grounded in contemporary neuroscience, offers a more plausible explanation for the emergence of consciousness through neuronal activity, whereas substance dualism fails to elucidate the phenomenon and instead contributes to its mystification. / I denna uppsats jämförs två modeller av medvetandefilosofin, den substansdualistiska modellen av René Descartes och the multiple drafts model av fysikalisten Daniel Dennett. Descartes ser kropp och medvetande som två skilda substanser som kan existera oberoende av varandra. Enligt Descartes är tallkottkörteln den fysiska platsen där det fysiska och medvetandet kommer i kontakt med varandra. Dennett förkastar Descartes teori och beskriver uppkomsten av medvetande och alla former av mental aktivitet som ett resultat av komplexa flerspåriga neurofysiologiska processer på olika platser i hjärnan. Uppsatsen tar också upp och analyserar ett viktigt argument mot fysikalismen, kunskapsargumentet eller Mary i det svartvita rummet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att visa att Dennetts fysikalistiska modell är en samtida, neurovetenskapligt välgrundad och lämplig modell för att förklara uppkomsten av medvetandet som en produkt av neuronal aktivitet i hjärnan och att substansdualism inte ger förklaringar till fenomenet medvetande, utan snarare stöder ämnets mystifiering.
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Traité de la flûte historique, technique et pedagogique: A Study of René Le Roy's Flute MethodRodriguez, Jennifer 05 1900 (has links)
In 1966, René Le Roy (1898-1985) and his student Claude Dorgeuille co-authored Traité de la flûte historique, technique et pedagogique. This treatise presents the culmination of Le Roy's career as a renowned performer and teacher in both Europe and North America. His approach to the study of music, as presented in the method, diverges from traditional French training, instructing teachers to compose exercises specific to the needs of the student and by using repertoire as source material. Claude Dorgeuille writes of the method, "...the Traité gives an outline analysis of the principal elements of technique, thus allowing exercises to be devised as appropriate to the needs of the individual." Using Le Roy's treatise, I demonstrate the application of his teaching to Jacques Ibert's Deux stèles orientées pour voix et flûte (1925), a work dedicated to and premiered by Le Roy, through the creation of individual exercises tailored to preparation of Ibert's work.
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Las ideas filosóficas de la "morfogénesis" y del "continuo" en el marco de la teoría de las catástrofes de René ThomPérez Herranz, Fernando Miguel 07 May 1993 (has links)
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