Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gendering"" "subject:"lendering""
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Kvalitní zobrazení stínů pro složité světelné zdroje / High-Quality Shadow Rendering from Complex Light SourcesNavrátil, Jan January 2016 (has links)
V interaktivních aplikacích jsou stíny tradičně zobrazovány s pomocí algoritmu založeným na stínových mapách. Nevýhodou toho algoritmu je, že stínová mapa, reprezentovaná texturou, má pouze omezené rozlišení. To může vést k nepěkným vizuálním artefaktům objevujících se na hranách stínů. Tato práce představuje postup, který je založen na vylepšené deformaci textury. To umožní zobrazit scénu obsahující složité světelné zdroje, zredukovat artefakty na hranicích stínů a také vylepšit kvalitu stínů bez ohledu na typu scény a její konfiguraci.
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Performance comparison of WebGPU and WebGL in the Godot game engineFransson, Emil, Hermansson, Jonatan January 2023 (has links)
Background. For rendering graphics on the web, WebGL has been the standard API to employ over the years. A new technology, WebGPU, has been set to release in 2023 and utilizes many of the novel rendering approaches and features common for the native modern graphics APIs, such as Vulkan. Currently, very limited research exists regarding WebGPU:s rasterization capabilities. In particular, no research exists pertaining to its capabilities when used as a rendering backend in game engines.Objectives. This paper aims to investigate performance differences between WebGL and WebGPU. This is done in the context of the game engine Godot, and the measured performance is that of the CPU and GPU frame time. The tests consist of six games for analyzing real-world cases and a number of synthetic test cases that target specific parts of the rendering pipeline. To perform the comparisons a WebGPU backend Rasterizer was implemented with the intended scope of being ableto render basic 2D games.Method. The existing WebGL Rasterizer in Godot was deconstructed to match the scope of the intended rendering functionality. The WebGPU Rasterizer was then implemented in its image and the performance of the implementations was measured in different scopes. These scopes include the frame time on the GPU and CPU and some essential rendering functions on the CPU side. Lastly, the means were calculated, and a t-test was performed to validate the significance of the difference between Rasterizers.Results. The results show that WebGPU performs better than WebGL when used as a rendering backend in Godot, for both the games tests and the synthetic tests. The comparisons clearly show that WebGPU performs faster in mean CPU and GPU frame time. This held true also for 95% lowest frame time. The results varied for the cases of the mean 1% high frame time, with WebGPU generally performing better. The results for the essential rendering functions saw WebGL performing consistently better.Conclusions. In conclusion, WebGPU outperformed WebGL. In most of the tests conducted, substantially and with high statistical significance. In order to better realize the performance benefits of WebGPU in the environment of game engines the implementation could be further expanded on in order to support more advanced games and 3D scenes. Still, the findings of this thesis show WebGPU as a strong contender to WebGL for web rendering. / Bakgrund. För att rendera grafik på webben har WebGL varit det vanliga API:et att använda under åren. En ny teknik, WebGPU, är planerad att släppas 2023 och använder många av de nya renderingstekniker- och funktioner som är vanliga för moderna grafik-API:er, som Vulkan. För närvarande finns mycket begränsad forskning om WebGPU:s rasteriseringsförmåga. I synnerhet finns ingen forskning gällande dess användning som renderingsbackend i spelmotorer.Syfte. Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka prestandaskillnader mellan WebGL och WebGPU. Det görs i sammanhanget av spelmotorn Godot, och den uppmätta prestandan är bildtid på CPU:n respektive GPU:n. Testerna består av sex spel för att analysera mer verkliga sammanhang samt ett antal syntetiska testfall som riktar sig mot specifika delar av renderingspipelinen. För att utföra jämförelserna implementerades en WebGPU rasteriserare med den begränsade förmågan att kunna rendera grundläggande 2D-spel.Metod. Den befintliga WebGL-rasteriseraren i Godot demonterades för att matcha omfattningen av den avsedda funktionaliteten. WebGPU-rasteriseraren implementerades sedan i dess avbild och prestandan för implementationerna mättes i de olika testen. Mätningarna inkluderar bildtiden på GPU och CPU samt några viktiga renderingsfunktioner på CPU-sidan. Slutligen beräknades medelvärden och ett t-test för att validera signifikansen av skillnaden mellan rasteriserarna.Resultat. Resultaten visar att WebGPU presterar bättre än WebGL när den används som renderingsbackend i Godot, både för speltesterna och de syntetiska testerna. Jämförelserna visar tydligt att WebGPU presterar genomsnittligt bättre. Detta gällde även för de 95% lägsta bildtiderna. Resultaten varierade mer för fallen med den genomsnittliga 1% höga bildtiden. Resultaten för de specifika renderingsfunktionerna visade dock att WebGL konsekvent presterade bättre.Slutsatser. Sammanfattningsvis överträffade WebGPU WebGL. I de flesta genomförda tester avsevärt och med hög statistisk signifikans. För att bättre inse prestandafördelarna med WebGPU i spelmotormiljö kan implementeringen utökas ytterligare för att stödja mer avancerade spel och 3D-scener. Ändå visar resultaten i denna avhandling att WebGPU är ett bra alternativ till WebGL för webbrendering.
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Shape depiction using Local Light Alignment : Evaluating the shape enhancement capabilities of the Local Light Alignment technique at multiple scales / Formskildring med hjälp av Local Light Alignment : Utvärdering av den formskildringsförbättrande förmågan hos Local Light Alignment över en skal-rymdAhlsén, Edvard January 2023 (has links)
Local Light Alignment is a new shading based technique in the field of shape depiction, a field which concerns itself with techniques to represent and enhance the three-dimensional (3D) shape of objects in two-dimensional (2D) visual media. The main idea of Local Light Alignment is to locally adjust the incoming direction of light to create contrast in a way that enhances the perception of shape and surface detail. It is aimed at visual artists and uses a multiple scale approach, where the user can tune the enhancement of geometric shapes of different sizes. Local Light Alignment was published together with a new objective metric for measuring shape depiction called the congruence score. This thesis strives to increase knowledge about both these new techniques by investigating how varying several parameters for Local Light Alignment affect the congruence score at different scales and strengths of enhancement. The parameters investigated are the range and spatial parameters for the bilateral filter in the scale space construction as well as the enhancement strength parameter of the main Local Light Alignment algorithm. The thesis also tries to identify any common visual characteristics for images that score high, to give a better intuition of what the congruence score represents. The tests are performed using four models, each representing a different field of application. For each model, several viewpoints are tested, and for every viewpoint, 244 differently parameterized renders are produced and scored. The results notably show that the spatial and range parameters both affect controllability of the algorithm by shifting the scores toward the finer end of the scale space with higher values, without affecting the total score. The enhancement strength parameter is shown to affect the congruence score positively, but with diminishing returns as values approach 1. It is also shown by example that the images showing the largest improvement in congruence score tend to exhibit such high degrees of exaggeration that they would probably not be considered good examples of shape depiction by human standards. This is identified as an interesting area to perform subjective evaluations in future research. These investigations will be valuable to those who will create application software that features Local Light Alignment, as well as those wanting to employ the congruence score metric. / Local Light Alignment är en ny skuggningsbaserad teknik inom området formskildring, ett område som är befattar sig med olika tekniker för att förbättra den tredimensionella formåtergivningen av objekt i tvådimensionella medier. Huvudidén bakom Local Light Alignment är att lokalt justera riktningen av inkommande ljus på ett sätt som skapar ytterligare kontrast och förstärker uppfattningen av form och ytdetaljer. Tekniken riktar sig mot designers och använder sig av en flerskalig approach, där användaren kan justera förbättringen av geometriska former av olika storlekar. Local Light Alignment publicerades tillsammans med en kvantitativ metrik för att mäta formskildring, kallad ”congruence score”, eller kongruenspoängtal på svenska. Denna uppsats eftersträvar att öka kunskapen kring båda dessa nya tekniker genom att undersöka hur parameterrymden för Local Light Alignment påverkar kongruenspoängtalet vid olika skalor och förbättringsstyrkor. De undersökta parametrarna är omfångs- och spatialparametrarna som tillhör det bilaterala filtret som används i konstruktionen av skal-rymden, samt parametern för förbättringsstyrka tillhörandes den centrala delen av Local Light Alignment algoritmen. Upptatsen försöker också att identifiera gemensamma visuella uttryck för bilder som visar stor förbättring i kongruenspängtalet, för att kunna ge en intuition om vad kongruenspoängtalet representerar som modell. Studien är genomförd med 4 olika 3D-modeller, där varje modell representerar ett separat område där Local Light Alignment skulle kunna användas. För varje modell så undersöks flera åskådningsvinklar, och för varje åskådningsvinkel så produceras 244 olika parameteriserade renderingar som sedan utvärderas med kongruenspoängtal. Resultaten visar att omfångs- och spatialparametrarna båda påverkar kontrollerbarheten hos algoritmen genom att skifta massan av poäng från den grövre delen av skal-rymden, mot den finare. Detta utan att nämnvärt påverka totalpoängen. Förbättrinsstyrkeparametern visas påverkar kongruenspoängtalet positivt, men med avtagande effect då värdet närmar sig 1. Det demonstreras också visuellt hur de bilder som visar störst förbättring i kongruenspoängtal också uppvisar så höga nivåer av överdriftseffekter att de knappast kan anses vara goda exempel av förbättrad formskildring. Detta identifieras som en intressant riktning för framtida forskning med stöd av subjektiva utvärderingar.
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Real-time Realistic Rendering And High Dynamic Range Image Display And CompressionXu, Ruifeng 01 January 2005 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on the many issues that arise from the visual rendering problem. Of primary consideration is light transport simulation, which is known to be computationally expensive. Monte Carlo methods represent a simple and general class of algorithms often used for light transport computation. Unfortunately, the images resulting from Monte Carlo approaches generally suffer from visually unacceptable noise artifacts. The result of any light transport simulation is, by its very nature, an image of high dynamic range (HDR). This leads to the issues of the display of such images on conventional low dynamic range devices and the development of data compression algorithms to store and recover the corresponding large amounts of detail found in HDR images. This dissertation presents our contributions relevant to these issues. Our contributions to high dynamic range image processing include tone mapping and data compression algorithms. This research proposes and shows the efficacy of a novel level set based tone mapping method that preserves visual details in the display of high dynamic range images on low dynamic range display devices. The level set method is used to extract the high frequency information from HDR images. The details are then added to the range compressed low frequency information to reconstruct a visually accurate low dynamic range version of the image. Additional challenges associated with high dynamic range images include the requirements to reduce excessively large amounts of storage and transmission time. To alleviate these problems, this research presents two methods for efficient high dynamic range image data compression. One is based on the classical JPEG compression. It first converts the raw image into RGBE representation, and then sends the color base and common exponent to classical discrete cosine transform based compression and lossless compression, respectively. The other is based on the wavelet transformation. It first transforms the raw image data into the logarithmic domain, then quantizes the logarithmic data into the integer domain, and finally applies the wavelet based JPEG2000 encoder for entropy compression and bit stream truncation to meet the desired bit rate requirement. We believe that these and similar such contributions will make a wide application of high dynamic range images possible. The contributions to light transport simulation include Monte Carlo noise reduction, dynamic object rendering and complex scene rendering. Monte Carlo noise is an inescapable artifact in synthetic images rendered using stochastic algorithm. This dissertation proposes two noise reduction algorithms to obtain high quality synthetic images. The first one models the distribution of noise in the wavelet domain using a Laplacian function, and then suppresses the noise using a Bayesian method. The other extends the bilateral filtering method to reduce all types of Monte Carlo noise in a unified way. All our methods reduce Monte Carlo noise effectively. Rendering of dynamic objects adds more dimension to the expensive light transport simulation issue. This dissertation presents a pre-computation based method. It pre-computes the surface radiance for each basis lighting and animation key frame, and then renders the objects by synthesizing the pre-computed data in real-time. Realistic rendering of complex scenes is computationally expensive. This research proposes a novel 3D space subdivision method, which leads to a new rendering framework. The light is first distributed to each local region to form local light fields, which are then used to illuminate the local scenes. The method allows us to render complex scenes at interactive frame rates. Rendering has important applications in mixed reality. Consistent lighting and shadows between real scenes and virtual scenes are important features of visual integration. The dissertation proposes to render the virtual objects by irradiance rendering using live captured environmental lighting. This research also introduces a virtual shadow generation method that computes shadows cast by virtual objects to the real background. We finally conclude the dissertation by discussing a number of future directions for rendering research, and presenting our proposed approaches.
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Methods for Automated Creation and Efficient Visualisation of Large-Scale Terrains based on Real Height-Map DataKühnert, Kurt 15 December 2022 (has links)
Real-time rendering of large-scale terrains is a difficult problem and remains an active field of research. The massive scale of these landscapes, where the ratio between the size of the terrain and its resolution is spanning multiple orders of magnitude, requires an efficient level of detail strategy. It is crucial that the geometry, as well as the terrain data, are represented seamlessly at varying distances while maintaining a constant visual quality. This thesis investigates common techniques and previous solutions to problems associated with the rendering of height field terrains and discusses their benefits and drawbacks. Subsequently, two solutions to the stated problems are presented, which build and expand upon the state-of-the-art rendering methods. A seamless and efficient mesh representation is achieved by the novel Uniform Distance-Dependent Level of Detail (UDLOD) triangulation method. This fully GPU-based algorithm subdivides a quadtree covering the terrain into small tiles, which can be culled in parallel, and are morphed seamlessly in the vertex shader, resulting in a densely and temporally consistent triangulated mesh. The proposed Chunked Clipmap combines the strengths of both quadtrees and clipmaps to enable efficient out-of-core paging of terrain data. This data structure allows for constant time view-dependent access, graceful degradation if data is unavailable, and supports trilinear and anisotropic filtering. Together these, otherwise independent, techniques enable the rendering of large-scale real-world terrains, which is demonstrated on a dataset encompassing the entire Free State of Saxony at a resolution of one meter, in real-time.
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Förståelsen mellan pixlarna : En studie om sinnesstämningar i visualiseringar / The understanding between pixles : A study on moods in visualizationsLandi, Olivia, Jennfors, Alfred January 2023 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker hur olika element i visualiseringsbilder kan justeras för att bättre vägleda kunden vid köp av nyproducerade lägenheter. I dagsläget finns bristande förståelse för hur sinnesstämningar kan användas för att skapa visualiseringar bättre anpassade för ändamålet. Denna undersökning studerar hur människans olika sinnen samarbetar med varandra och hur dessa kan kopplas till upplevelsen av arkitektur, rent fysiskt men även genom tredimensionella digitala miljöer. Genom sinnesstämningar skapar vi miljöer som tydligare behagar intresserade spekulanter formade av vår samtid. Genom metoder som litteraturforskning, observationer och tester med fokusgrupper har vi fått en klarare bild kring sinnenas påverkan över hur saker hänger ihopmen framför allt hur vi upplever vår värld. Vi har studerat samtidens marknad och användandet av färg och andra detaljer för att skapa en specifik stämning. Genom dessa marknadsundersökningar har nyttig kunskap upptäckts vilket lett fram till en djupare förståelse inom området. I samarbete med fokusgrupper har visionsbildens betydelsen för valda målgruppen: den unga vuxna människan klarnat, en inblick i marknaden för dem samt givande respons i utbyte. Resultatet visar att det går att dirigera ögats fokus och utifrån den hela upplevelsen av en visualiserad bild. Ögat reagerar på specifika element så som färg, dock inte riktigt så tydligt som först uppskattat. Det är även svårt att dra slutsatser inom området då en stor del av resultatet beror på upplevelsen. För varje individ skiljer sig upplevelsen och därav resultatet. Det finns dock övergripande kopplingar över vad människor tycker om och dessa element kan användas. Bostadsmarknaden är anpassad efter ett svenskt ideal vilket beskriver dess enkelhet, funktionalitet samt tydliga minimalistiska stil. Detta är attribut som förstärker dess sterila uppbyggnad, både fysiskt men även i digital marknadsföring. Flera olika sinnesstämningar kan skapa flera olika scenarier, trots detta faller det ideala resultatet tillbaka på varma soliga sommardagar. / This study investigates how different elements in visualization images can be adjusted to better guide the customer when buying newly constructed apartments. At present, there is a lack of understanding of how moods can be used to create more appropriate visualizations. This research studies how the different human senses cooperate with each other and how these can be linked to the experience of architecture, physically but also through three-dimensional digital environments. Through sensory moods, we create environments that more clearly appeal to interested speculators shaped by our time. Through methods such as literature research, observations and tests with focus groups, we have gained a clearer picture of the influence of the senses on how things are connected, but above all how we experience our world. We have studied the contemporary market and the use of colour and other details to create a specific mood. Through this market research, useful knowledge has been discovered, leading to a deeper understanding of the field. In collaboration with focus groups, the significance of the vision image for the chosen target group: the young adult has been clarified, an insight into the market for them and rewarding feedback in return. The results show that it is possible to direct the eye’s focus and from there the whole experience of a visualized image. The eye reacts to specific elements such as colour, but not quite as clearly as first estimated. It is also difficult to draw conclusionsin this area because a large part of the result depends on the experience. For each individual, the experience differs and hence the result. However, there are general links to what people like and these elements can be used. The housing market is adapted to a Swedish ideal which describes its simplicity, functionality and clear minimalist style. These are attributes that reinforce its sterile structure, both physically and in digital marketing. Several different moods can create several different scenarios, yet the ideal outcome falls back on warm sunny summer days.
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Interactive in situ visualization of large volume dataGupta, Aryaman 10 January 2024 (has links)
Three-dimensional volume data is routinely produced, at increasingly high spatial resolution, in computer simulations and image acquisition tasks. In-situ visualization, the visualization of an experiment or simulation while it is running, enables new modes of interaction, including simulation steering and experiment control. These can provide the scientist a deeper understanding of the underlying phenomena, but require interactive visualization with smooth viewpoint changes and zooming to convey depth perception and spatial understanding. As the size of the volume data increases, however, it is increasingly challenging to achieve interactive visualization with smooth viewpoint changes.
This thesis presents an end-to-end solution for interactive in-situ visualization based on novel extensions proposed to the Volumetric Depth Image (VDI) representation. VDIs are view-dependent, compact representations of volume data than can be rendered faster than the original data. Novel methods are proposed in this thesis for generating VDIs on large data and for rendering them faster. Together, they enable interactive in situ visualization with smooth viewpoint changes and zooming for large volume data.
The generation of VDIs involves decomposing the volume rendering integral along rays into segments that store composited color and opacity, forming a representation much smaller than the volume data. This thesis introduces a technique to automatically determine the sensitivity parameter that governs the decomposition of rays, eliminating the need for manual parameter tuning in the generation of a VDI. Further, a method is proposed for sort-last parallel generation and compositing of VDIs on distributed computers, enabling their in situ generation with distributed numerical simulations. A low latency architecture is proposed for the sharing of data and hardware resources with a running simulation. The resulting VDI can be streamed for interactive visualization.
A novel raycasting method is proposed for rendering VDIs. Properties of perspective projection are exploited to simplify the intersection of rays with the view-dependent segments contained within the VDI. Spatial smoothness in volume data is leveraged to minimize memory accesses. Benchmarks are performed showing that the method significantly outperforms existing methods for rendering the VDI, and achieves responsive frame rates for High Definition (HD) display resolutions near the viewpoint of generation. Further, a method is proposed to subsample the VDI for preview rendering, maintaining high frame rates even for large viewpoint deviations.
The quality and performance of the approach are analyzed on multiple datasets, and the contributions are provided as extensions of established open-source tools. The thesis concludes with a discussion on the strengths, limitations, and future directions for the proposed approach.
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Computer Technologyin The Design ProcessMontague, Gregory 01 January 2010 (has links)
This is a study of computer technology's impact on the theatrical design process. The tools of communication provided by technology were studied, and an analysis was conducted in the classroom of Digital Rendering, Digital Rendering Videos, and 3d CADD. After-wards, these tools were applied to an actual production of West Side Story where, with the addition of 3d light simulation software, the tools were used to communicate the design ideas from the lighting designer to the director. The goal of this process was to provide a 'real to life' virtual representation of the show to the director with the least amount of confusion. An additional goal was to test the limits and functions of the software; trying to learn all the benefits that could be provided to the process of mounting a theatrical production.
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Lightscape as a Design Tool for Thematic Daylighting DesignThurnauer, Mark H. 11 October 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Evaluating Environmental Consciousness Amongst Users of a Video Creation Service / Utvärdering av miljömedvetenheten hos användare av en tjänst för videoskapandeHåkansson, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
The increasing levels of comfort have caused an increased electricity consumption over the last couple of years, leading to an increase in carbon dioxide emissions. At the same time, the interest and awareness regarding sustainability and climate change is growing, imposing a pressure on companies to incorporate sustainable businessmodels in their business. While the new levels of comfort might be difficult to change, bringing awareness to one's consumption and its' impact is still possible and can bedone through an Eco-Feedback Technology. However, this requires an understanding of the users' environmental consciousness and willingness to adapt their behaviour. To understand the effect that the environmental consciousness has on the design of an Eco-Feedback Technology and the risks and benefits said technology may pose on abusiness, interviews were conducted and a survey was distributed to gain an understanding of the environmental consciousness of the users of an video creationservice. The results were analysed using theoretical frameworks concerning environmental consciousness and the value-action gap. Additionally, experiments were conducted to calculate the environmental impact of the video creation process. The results indicated a high overall environmental consciousness amongst the users. However, the consciousness was found to be lower regarding the impact of electricity consumption and video creation. This suggests that the consciousness is dependent on the context of the users and the three aspects of consciousness should be viewed separately too, upon which the Eco-Feedback Technology should be adapted. Additionally, the users were not fully convinced an increased awareness would cause a behavioural change, suggesting a gap between attitude and action. The two mainbarriers for the gap were identified as lack of information and shift of responsibility which should be targeted by the Eco-Feedback Technology / Den ökande nivån av komfort i samhället är en av orsakerna till en ökning av elektricitetanvändningen de senaste åren, vilket har lett till ökade koldioxidutsläpp. Samtidigt växer intresset och medvetenheten gällande hållbarhet och klimatförändringar i samhället vilket sätter press på företag att integrera hållbara affärsmodeller i företaget. Trots att den ökade komfortnivån kan vara svår att förändra går det ändå att öka medvetenheten kring ens konsumtion och dess effekter, vilket är möjligt genom en Eko-Feedback Teknologi. Detta kräver dock en uppfattning av användares miljömedvetenhet och vilja att förändra deras beteende. För att undersöka effekten av miljömedvetenhet på designen av en Eko-FeedbackTeknologi samt eventuella risker och möjligheter som teknologin kan utgöra har intervjuer utförts och en enkät distribuerats för att få en förståelse för miljömedvetenheten hos användare av en tjänst för videoskapande. Resultaten analyserades med hjälp av teoretiska ramverk angående miljömedvetenhet och valueactiongap. Dessutom utfördes experiment för att beräkna och uppskatta miljöpåverkan av att skapa och rendera en video. Resultaten indikerade en hög övergripande miljömedvetenhet hos användarna. Däremot var medvetenheten gällande påverkan av elektricitetkonsumtion och videoskapande lägre. Detta föreslår att medvetenheten beror på sammanhanget avanvändarna och att de tre delarna av medvetenhet bör även analyseras separat utifrånvilket Eko-Feedback Teknologin ska anpassas. Dessutom var användarna inte övertygande om att en ökad medvetenhet skulle leda till en förändring i deras beteende gällande videoskapande, vilket föreslår ett gap mellan attityd och beteende. Studien identifierade två huvudbarriärer för gapet; brist på information och ansvarsförskjutning;som båda bör bemötas av Eko-Feedback Teknologin.
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