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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Čiuožimo trumpuoju taku sportinio rengimo metiniu ciklu charakteristika / The charakteristics of sportive preparation in Short Track Speed Skating

Vilčinskaitė, Virginija 15 June 2006 (has links)
Spread of popularity of short track speed skating in the world and in Lithuania, rapid rise of mastery and increasing concurrence and competition among sportsmen encourage a study of scientifically based technologies of preparation for the short track speed skating. The paper overviews the characteristics of the development of structure in short track speed skating long-term trainings together with methods of training, physical and functional development. The aim of the paper: to find out the peculiarities of short track speed skating sportive training i.e. preparation in Lithuania. People under investigation were the members of the national short track speed skating team of Lithuania – S.K., P.G. and A.S. Sportive achievements and the analysis of training strain of the skaters were observed. Laboratory research has been done in the laboratory at the main meso-cycle of special preparation in Vilnius Pedagogical University. It was the first time that the skater S.K. has taken part in the research that has been done in Lithuania. Examination of sportsmen’s physical development and sportive readiness was accomplished in general and the special meso-cycles of preparation. The results of the research correspond to the norms that are set to the sportsmen. A programme for a year’s period of sportive preparation to Lithuanian short track speed skating team was structured. The programme consists of the following issues: selection of sportsmen and groups of age, physical strains and... [to full text]

Pedagogų ir neaukštos kompetencijos darbuotojų kvalifikacijų kaita kaip tęstinio profesinio rengimo prielaida Panevėžio rajone / The fluctuation of the educators and low remit employees qualification as premise of continual training in Panevezys district

Turčinskienė, Dalia 27 June 2006 (has links)
Having a job occupies an important place in person’s life. At losing a job the person becomes an inferior citizen of the Republic of Lithuania. Thus it becomes important to learn. The object of research – the attitudes of educators and other social groups towards the development of continuous professional training and its improvement. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of professional training and requalification and their improvement as well as the assumption of lifetime learning in the context of village community. The theoretical part reviews and interprets the scientific literature, documents of educational system are analysed. The research results displayed as follows: - The necessity to improve qualification among the teachers of the province is formulated as the background to sustain the work positions however does not have deeper intrinsic motifs resultant. The need for requalification is understood by the unemployed in the village as an essential condition in order to get a job or a possibility to sustain it. - The operating structures and systems are designed for teachers as well as the unemployed in order to provide them with possibilities to improve qualification or to retrain. Thus neither working experience nor higher education among teachers reveal the fact that inner need for lifetime learning exists. Even respondents who have a university education do not think that once received their education can do enough for the whole span of their... [to full text]

Skambinimo fortepijonu įgūdžių vaidmuo rengiant kompetentingus bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos muzikos mokytojus / The role of skills playing the grand piano, preparing competent, general education school, music teachers

Masiukova, Liudmila 25 May 2005 (has links)
In this postgraduate conclusive work there is analyzed the role of skills playing the grand piano, preparing competent music teachers in the general education schools. The music teacher is not only the educator elucidating the secrets of music matters, but also a musician-performer, so his musical experience is very essential. The education reform obliges the latter-day educator to renew constantly, and today’s of today education process is polarized towards new content, methods and tenets. Therefore the training requirements for music teacher are particularly high and diverse. Performative skills are extremely important. And capability to readjust these skills for artistic educational purposes during lesson and out-of-school musical activity is necessary. Against all strides there is a set of unsolved problems musical education is still clashing with. Accordingly, not only theoretical but also practical readiness is very essential preparing forthcoming educators. It is seeking to analyze the level of skills playing the grand piano and using them in practice. Using method of literary analyze there are investigating the formation aspects of theoretical skills and using them in different conditions. As educational-psychological literary analyze had shown, moving the skill to other conditions is very complicated process of human being psychological activity, requesting disciplined training, long and thorough work and is directly dependent on activity, interest and more other... [to full text]

Šaulių individualaus rengimo optimizavimas / Optimization of shooters' individual training

Gulbinskienė, Vaida 26 February 2007 (has links)
The training of athletes is a multi-design process, where the physical, spiritual and intellectual powers of sports personalities and those seeking for sports results interact closely. The narrow and single-sided aspects of training process were mostly studied by the scientists, and revealed the contradictory results, which let manage the change of training to athletes only partially. With reference to the theory of athlete’s training and performance metamodel, using the diagnostic researches and a multi-design one alternative experiment were determined the training models of high performance shooters with training volume and intensity variation, interaction between training and sport performance. The created optimal models of high performance shooters’ can be optimal for junior age shooters as well. The educational mean of the dissertation consist of active shooters participation in the training, perfection of the sport performance, and education of the personality, training the self-education. The determined specific indices of the shooters’ training and the sport performance are defined by: 1) the reverse tough interaction of the inappropriate posture of the Lithuanian shooters (body mass center pathway pose with a gun and eyes open) and sports results (r = -0,95); 2) psychical fitness which is determined by not enough experience of international competitions (p < 0,001); 3) the determined 5 individual training and performance models of Lithuanian high performance shooters... [to full text]

Meninės gimnastikos sportininkių (11-15 metų) rengimo optimizavimas / Optimization of training 11-15 year old athletes in rhythmic gymnastics

Rutkauskaitė, Renata 06 March 2007 (has links)
Not enough research has been carried out on the rhythmic gymnasts’ adaptation to physical loads, intensity of training and competitive activities, peculiarities of energy demands during the competition. Research has not established models of training and sport performance (as well as their interaction) of rhythmic gymnastics athletes of different age and sport performance levels (basic and special). In the doctoral thesis for the solving of this problem were formulated following research problem questions: 1) What training programs of athletes in rhythmic gymnastics are effective for the dynamically changing model of their sport performance? 2) What are the most significant factors of training and indices of sport performance that would ensure the optimization of targeted long-term training of athletes in rhythmic gymnastics aged 11–15 years? 3) What management criteria would allow optimization of athlete’s sport performance in rhythmic gymnastics? Research aim was to establish the optimal model of training and sports performance of 11–15 year old athletes in rhythmic gymnastics, as well as the interaction of training and sports performance. In the research was revealed: 1) Models and interaction of basic period training and sport performance of 11–12 year old athletes; 2) Models and interaction of training and sport performance (12–13 year) in different periods; 3) Models and interaction of training and sport performance (13–14 year) in preparatory period; 4) Models and... [to full text]

Moterų futbolo komandos „Vėtra” žaidėjų fizinis ir techninis rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu bei jų žaidimo veikla / The players of women football team „Vėtra“ physical and technical training during the year cycle and game activity of players

Motiejūnaitė, Ramūnė 24 September 2008 (has links)
Darbe atlikta Vilniaus moterų futbolo komandos „Vėtra“ metinio treniruočių ciklo analizė, taip pat fizinio išsivystymo, funkcinio pajėgumo, fizinio ir techninio parengtumo kaita metiniu treniruočių metu. Atlikta MFK „Vėtra“ varžybų veiklos bei komandos eksperimentiniu laikotarpiu pasiektų rezultatų analizė. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti MFK „Vėtra“ žaidėjų rengimo struktūrą, fizinio, techninio parengtumo ir funkcinio pajėgumo kaitą bei jų žaidimo veiklą ir pasiektus varžybų rezultatus metiniu treniruočių ciklu. Metinio treniruočių ciklo analizė parodė, kad metinė treniruočių struktūra atitiko A. Stulos (1994) rekomendacijas. MFK „Vėtra“ žaidėjų metinis treniruočių krūvis pasiskirstė taip: parengiamaisiais laikotarpiais – 33 proc., varžybų – 58 proc., o pereinamaisiais laikotarpiais – 9 proc. MFK „Vėtra“ futbolininkių fizinio išsivystymo, fizinio ir funkcinio parengtumo testai parodė, jog 2007 metų sezone nežymiai gerėjo fizinio išsivystymo ir funkcinio parengtumo rodikliai. Tik fizinis parengtumas trečio tyrimo metu pablogėjo, nes futbolininkės turėjo ilgas vasaros atostogas, per daug dienų ilsėjosi. Funkcinio pajėgumo rodikliai gerėjo visų trijų tyrimų metu, tačiau nepatikimai (p>0,05). Per eksperimentinį laikotarpį techninio parengtumo testavimo rezultatai parodė, kad MFK „Vėtra“ žaidėjų techninio meistriškumo lygis mažėjo, bet statistiškai nepatikimai (p>0,05). Išliko nepakitę tik kamuolio žongliravimo ir 15 – 20 m perdavimo kaire koja rodikliai. Technikos rezultatų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A training year cycle of women a football team of Vilnius „Vėtra“ is investigated as well as change of physical development, functional power, physical and technical preparedness during the year cycle. The aim of the work research is analize the structure of training, physical and technical preparedness and change of funcional power, activity of the game and results of competitions of women football team „Vėtra“ duringthe year cycle. The analysis of training year cycle demonstrated A. Stula‘s (1994) recommendations followed in the system were of training the year cycle. The year cycle training strain of women football team „Vėtra“ distributed as following: preparing period – 33 percent, competition period – 58 percent, transition period – 9 percent. The testings of physical development, functional power, physical and technical preparedness of women football team „Vėtra“ showed the index of physical development and functional power improved little in the season of 2007. However the physical preparedness got worse in the time of the third test due to the reason of a long summer holiday. The index of functional power improved during three tests even though they were unreliable (p>0,05). During the experimental period the test results of technical preparedness test showed that the level of technical skills of women football team „Vėtra“ players diminshed however they were a statistically unrelialble (p>0,05). The results of ball jungglery and 15 – 20 m passing of a ball a... [to full text]

Socialinių darbuotojų rengimo Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje lyginamoji charakteristika / Comparative characteristic of social workers` training in Lithuania and Poland

Oberlian, Diana 29 June 2009 (has links)
Lietuvoje socialiniai darbuotojai yra rengiami nuo 1991- 1992 metu. Lenkijoje H. Radlinska ( 1879- 1954) yra socialinio darbo pradininkė, kuri 1925 metais įkūrė pirmąją aukštąją mokyklą ruošianti profesionalius socialinius darbuotojus. Socialinio darbo specialistų rengimo tema nėra nauja. Tačiau apie socialinių darbuotojų rengimą Lenkijoje, mūsų bibliotekose labai sunku rasti medžiagos. Šio darbo tikslas- atskleisti Lietuvos ir Lenkijos socialinių darbuotojų rengimo bendrybės ir skirtybės magistro lygmeniu. Siekiant tikslo buvo išnagrinėti socialinių darbuotojų rengimo Lietuvoje ir Lenkijoje raidos ypatumai, apžvelgti ir palyginti universitetų socialinio darbo magistrantūros studijų programos Lenkijoje ir Lietuvoje, parengtos rekomendacijos Lietuvos magistrantūros studijų programoms. Socialinio darbo specialistai šiandien yra labai reikalingi, nes kiek egzistuoja žmogus, teik jis susiduria su socialinėmis problemomis. / Social workers in Lithuania have been trained since 1991-1992. In Poland H.Radlinska initiated foundation of the first higher education school which would prepare professional social workers in 1925. H.Radlinska is an originator of the social work in Poland. Social work is a new booming sphere of activity the main goal of which is to support those members of our society who have encountered economic, social, psychological and other difficulties. Acquired knowledge in social work is one of the three keystones that enable to perform one`s duties with full competence. Training of the social workers is not a new theme, but it is very complicated in Lithuania to find out some information about social workers` training in Poland. So the goal of this M.A. thesis is to display similarities and differences of social workers` training in Lithuania and Poland. In order to obtain the goal, history of the social workers` training in Lithuania and Poland was studied and programs of master studies in both countries were compared. Term of the studies both in Lithuania and Poland is two years. In Lithuania, as well as in Poland, the students have to collect 80 credit points. In Lithuania master studies for social workers consist of common and elective subjects; in Poland- of compulsory and elective subjects respectively. The students in both countries have to prepare and defend their M.A. theses. Although the programs of the studies are different, social work is a professional job... [to full text]

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklų ir pedagogus rengiančių universitetų bendradarbiavimas švietimo kaitos procese / The Possibilities of School- University Partnership in the Course of Change of Education System

Knyvienė, Jolanta-Gertruda 15 June 2005 (has links)
Jolanta – Gertruda Knyvienė, a postgraduate of Vilnius Pedagogical University, Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy, Department of Educology has presented a thesis under the title ‘The Possibilities of School – University Partnership in the Course of Change of Education System’, that was written under the supervision of associated professor Loreta Žadeikaitė. The changing society has set and is still in progress with new requirements to an individual and at the same time to the education system, in which an individual is nurtured. In Lithuania’s and the European Union’s documents extensive attention is paid to the isolation of educational institutions and, thus, the objective is set to establish collaborative relationships among educational institutions, companies and institutions of scientific research. The changing concept of teachers’ and principals’ activity and teacher preparation program itself, has set the goal to redefine and establish partnership ventures between schools and universities which prepare teachers. The objective of this thesis is to research and analyze the possible modes and conditions for school-university partnerships as well as to evaluate their importance in the course of change of education system. Having followed the scientific-theoretical approach and examined the possibilities of school-university partnerships, it can be claimed that cooperation is important for both the institutions as it could help to ensure their further development based on... [to full text]

VPU „Šviesos“ futbolo komandos fizinis ir techninis rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu / Physical and technical training of VPU football team "Šviesa" during year cycle

Gražulis, Donatas 13 June 2006 (has links)
Analizuojamas studentų futbolo komandos žaidėjų rengimas metiniu treniruočių ciklu. / In the work we analyzed training year cycle (2004-2005) of students football team „Šviesa“. We analyzed variation of physical, functional, technical preparedness during year cycle. Aim of our work was to analyze alternation of physical, functional, technical preparedness of students football team „Šviesa“ during year cycle. The analysis of training year cycle showed that training year cycle represents A. Stula‘s (1994) recommendations. 2004-2005 year season was successful for football team „Šviesa“. Team „Šviesa -1“ won I place in „Žaibas“ tournament, III place in LSFL hall football championship, III place in LSFL championship. After results analysis, we can make assumption, that physical loads made in teams „Šviesa“ trainings trained aerobic capacity more than muscular strength and power. Laboratory tests showed that physical development changed slightly, except noticeable fat mass increase from 8,85 to 9,29 kg (p<0,05). Quickness tests indexes changed best of all physical preparedness tests results. Football players made 18 jumps from hexagon middle to outside, the result changed from 15,47 s to 13,93 s (p<0,025). During experimental period significant change of functions of cardiovascular and respiratory systems was observed. Index that reflect this well is Rufje index. This index got reliable better from 6.3 to 4.8 (p<0.025), though during third testing after summer holydays, this index returned to its present level (6.03). During year cycle indexes of pulse rate... [to full text]

Ritmo sistema ugdant atlikėjus liaudies instrumentais muzikos mokykloje / The system of rhythm when training performers with folk instruments at music school

Noreikienė, Gražina 10 July 2006 (has links)
Rhythm is one of the three most important music elements (rhythm, melody, harmony), which allows to understand and know music deeper. In master work „The system of rhythm when training performers with folk instruments at music school“ it is analyzed the system of rhythm, in which a student is placed at music school, and development of rhythm feeling during the learning process. Students’ music mature is predetermined by all music training systems. Coordinating complex effect of all subjects’ make music learning more effective. Especially the rhythm feeling is developed by „skudučiavimas“, to which strong rhythm basics, syncopation, dissonance accords are very characteristic. Research object. The system of rhythm in the basic and in the main music learning at music school. Research target. To analyze the rhythm training system when preparing students at music school. Research tasks: • to open a student‘s musical mature and develop his/her abilities to feel the rhythm; • to show the influence of „skudučiavimas“ to rhythm feeling developing in the basic and in the main music learning; • to compare abilities of students in the final music school class to use the rhythm elements of classical and pop music. In the master work it is analyzed students’ rhythm feeling and all of coordinated subjects’ influence in the basic and in the main learning process. Made analyses has proved hypothesis, that prepared rhythm system for music school effectively influences young musicians’... [to full text]

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