Spelling suggestions: "subject:"replacement 20therapy"" "subject:"replacement bodytherapy""
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Perfil clínico e nutricional de pacientes submetidos à ressecção pancreática em terapia de reposição de enzimas pancreáticas / Clinical and nutritional profile of patients undergoing pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy after pancreatic resectionAnna Victoria Borges Fragoso Rodrigues da Silva 11 July 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Após a cirurgia pancreática, a função exócrina é determinada pela extensão da ressecção e a quantidade de tecido pancreático remanescente, sendo recomendável a avaliação da insuficiência pancreática exócrina (IPE) em todos os pacientes. A reposição de enzimas pancreáticas é o pilar do tratamento da IPE, pois melhora a absorção de gordura, diminui os sintomas relacionados com a má absorção e melhora a qualidade de vida (QV). OBJETIVO: Sabendo que o ajuste da dose de enzimas pancreáticas é realizado com base nos sinais clínicos relatados pelo paciente, o presente estudo visa aprofundar a avaliação clínica destes e avaliar o atual protocolo de tratamento, mantendo ou melhorando a QV dos pacientes. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal em que foram avaliados adultos com histórico de ressecção pancreática há 6 meses ou mais. No tempo 1 foi realizada avaliação nutricional antropométrica e recordatório alimentar, avaliação clínica de qualidade de vida (questionário SF-36), investigação hábitos intestinais e exames laboratoriais. No tempo 2 foi realizada nova consulta para discussão dos resultados e orientação nutricional individualizada. Para análise de correlações foi usado o teste de Pearson, para associações o teste de Fisher e para comparação de médias o teste Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 39 pacientes, 22 (56,4%) do sexo feminino; 33 (84,6%) >=60 anos; tempo pós operatório 14,1± 6,8 anos; exames bioquímicos: em todas as dosagens a maioria dos pacientes apresenta resultados dentro dos valores de referência, mas há alta prevalência de deficiência de vitaminas lipossolúveis; os pacientes têm bom estado nutricional já que grande parte apresenta eutrofia segundo o IMC (46,1%) e segundo a porcentagem de gordura (35,9%); no geral não relatam sintomas gastrointestinais adversos: 61,5% com fezes formadas, 53,8% sem dor abdominal, 84,6% sem esteatorreia; adequação no consumo de macronutrientes: 51,3% consumo adequado de carboidratos e lipídios, e 64,1% de consumo excessivo de proteínas; correlações positivas: a dose de enzimas se correlaciona com a dor (p= 0,004) e o IMC (p= 0,009), ou seja, pacientes que relatam mais dor e que pesam mais são os que recebem as maiores doses de enzimas pancreáticas; correlações negativas: capacidade funcional e parâmetros de avaliação nutricional como IMC (p=0,004), e porcentagem de gordura (p=0,028), e também parâmetros clínicos como a dose de enzimas (p=0,022) e o número de evacuações por dia (p=0,024); associações: a inadequação do consumo de lipídios na dieta está associada com importantes sintomas gastrointestinais como a consistência amolecida das fezes (p=0,005) e flatulência (p=0,012) e ressalta a importância da orientação nutricional aos pacientes em reposição de enzimas pancreáticas. CONCLUSÃO: A maioria dos pacientes apresentou bons resultados de exames bioquímicos, qualidade de vida, consumo de macronutrientes, estado nutricional e sintomas gastrointestinais. Observaram-se importantes correlações e associações que demonstram que o estado nutricional, o consumo alimentar e a dose de enzimas interferem nos sintomas gastrointestinais e na auto-percepção de qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Sendo assim, o atual protocolo é válido, mas deve ser associado a orientação nutricional individualizada / BACKGROUND: After pancreatic surgery, exocrine function is determined by the extent of resection and the amount of remaining pancreatic tissue, and all patients should be evaluated for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI). Pancreatic enzyme replacement is the mainstay of EPI treatment, since it improves fat absorption, reduces symptoms related to malabsorption and improves quality of life (QoL). OBJECTIVE: Knowing that the adjustment of pancreatic enzymes dose is based on the clinical signs reported by the patient, the present study aims to deepen the clinical evaluation and to evaluate the current protocol of treatment, maintaining or improving patients quality of life. METHODS: A cross-sectional study in which adults were evaluated 6 months or more after pancreatic resection. At time 1, anthropometric evaluation and food recall, clinical evaluation of quality of life (SF-36 questionnaire), intestinal habits and laboratory tests were performed. At time 2 a new consultation was conducted to discuss the results and to provide individualized nutritional guidance. For the correlations analysis the Pearson test was used, for associations the Fisher test and for comparison of means the Mann-Whitney test. RESULTS: 39 patients were evaluated, 22 (56.4%) female; 33 (84.6%) >= 60 years; Time after surgery 14.1 ± 6.8 years; Biochemical tests: at all dosages most patients present results within the reference values, but there is a high prevalence of fat-soluble vitamins deficiency; The patients have good nutritional status since a great part presents eutrophy according to the BMI (46.1%) and according to the percentage of body fat (35.9%); In general they do not report adverse gastrointestinal symptoms: 61.5% with feces formed, 53.8% without abdominal pain, 84.6% without steatorrhea; Adequacy in macronutrient consumption: 51.3% adequate consumption of carbohydrates and lipids, and 64.1% excessive consumption of proteins; Positive correlations: enzyme dose correlates with pain (p = 0.004) and BMI (p = 0.009); that is, patients who report more pain and who weigh more are those who receive the highest doses of pancreatic enzymes; Negative correlations: functional capacity and nutritional assessment parameters such as BMI (p = 0.004), and body fat percentage (p = 0.028), as well as clinical parameters such as enzyme dose (p = 0.022) and number of bowel movements per day p=0.024); Associations: the dietary lipid consumption inadequacy is associated with important gastrointestinal symptoms such as soft stool consistency (p=0.005) and flatulence (p=0.012), and emphasizes the importance of nutritional guidance to patients on pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy. CONCLUSION: Most patients presented good results of biochemical tests, quality of life, macronutrient consumption, nutritional status and gastrointestinal symptoms. Significant correlations and associations have been observed that evidence that nutritional status, food intake and enzyme dose interferes with gastrointestinal symptoms and self-perceived quality of life of patients. Therefore, the current protocol is valid, but should be associated with individualized nutritional guidance
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Ghrelin and atherosclerosis:human, experimental animal and cell culture studiesKellokoski, E. (Eija) 20 October 2009 (has links)
Atherosclerosis is the major cause of cardiovascular diseases and the leading cause of death globally. Atherosclerosis is a complex, chronic disease characterized by lipid accumulation and inflammation within the intima layer of vessel wall. Novel biomarkers and therapeutics are still being sought to provide both better diagnosis and treatment. Ghrelin represents an attractive target for studies into atherosclerosis. Ghrelin is a gastric peptide hormone, which has multiple functions, including regulation of appetite and energy metabolism. Emerging evidence suggests that it may also have a role in the cardiovascular and immune systems.
The aim of the present study was to explore the role of ghrelin in atherosclerosis. The specific aims were 1) to investigate the association between the plasma ghrelin level and early atherosclerosis as determined by carotid artery intima media thickness (IMT) in a large (n = 1024) cross-sectional population-based study of middle-aged subjects, 2) to measure the associations between plasma ghrelin levels and already established risk factors of atherosclerosis in human subjects, 3) to assess the effects of ghrelin on atherogenesis in vitro by analyzing monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL) binding and acetylated LDL uptake using macrophages, and 4) to study the influence of ghrelin on atherosclerosis using ghrelin vaccination in a mouse model of atherosclerosis.
Plasma total ghrelin levels were positively associated with carotid IMT in male subjects. Association studies demonstrated plasma ghrelin levels to be negatively associated with total and LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride concentrations as well as with body mass index (BMI), and positively assocated with high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentration in postmenopausal women and in a population-based study. In addition, estrogen increased plasma acylated ghrelin levels in postmenopausal women. Cell culture studies demonstrated that ghrelin could increase the binding of oxidized LDL and monocytes to endothelial cells. Interestingly, when endothelial cells were stimulated with tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), then ghrelin prevented monocyte adhesion. The study with LDL receptor knockout mice, revealed that ghrelin vaccination could increase plasma ghrelin levels but had no effects on the development of atherosclerosis. However, the plasma MCP-1 level decreased in mice immunized with ghrelin vaccine. In conclusion, these studies suggest that ghrelin has modulatory functions in the vascular system and atherogenesis though the effect may not be as dominant as that of the known traditional risk factors. Whether this effect of ghrelin is positive or negative in atherogenesis will be clarified in further studies. / Tiivistelmä
Sydän- ja verisuonitaudit ovat suurin kuolinsyy niin Suomessa kuin useimmissa länsimaissakin. Näiden sairauksien taustalla on yleensä valtimonkovettumatauti eli ateroskleroosi, joka voi kliinisesti ilmentyä mm. sepelvaltimotautina, aivoveritulppana ja laskimotautina. Ateroskleroosissa tulehdussoluja ja kolesterolia kertyy verisuonen seinämään muodostaen ahtauman eli ateroomaplakin valtimoon. Valtimonkovettumataudin riskitekijäitä tunnetaan jo hyvin, mutta uusia tautia ennustavia merkkiaineita sekä hoitomuotoja tarvitaan yhä. Greliini on mahalaukusta eritettävä peptidihormoni, joka osallistuu elimistössä mm. ruokahalun, energiametabolian, tulehdustekijöiden sekä sydän- ja verenkiertoelimistön toiminnan säätelyyn.
Tämän työn tavoitteena oli tutkia greliinin yhteyttä ihmisen valtimonkovettumatautiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin käyttämällä kahta eri potilasaineistoa, soluviljelykokeita sekä valtimonkovettumataudin hiirimallia. Laajassa väestöpohjaisessa potilasaineistossa tutkittiin veren greliinipitoisuuden yhteyttä kaulavaltimon seinämän paksuuteen, jota pidetään valtimonkovettumista kuvaavana tekijänä. Veren greliinipitoisuuden yhteyttä valtimonkovettumataudin tunnettuihin riskitekijöihin tutkittiin myös laajassa potilasaineistossa sekä vaihdevuosi-ikäisillä naisilla, joille annettiin estrogeenikorvaushoitoa. Solukokeilla selvitettiin greliinin vaikutusta tärkeisiin valtimonkovettumataudin syntyvaiheisiin käyttäen monosyytti-, endoteelisolu- sekä makrofaagi-soluviljelmiä. Greliinin vaikutusta ateroskleroosiin in vivo selvitettiin rokottamalla LDL-reseptoripuutteiset hiiret greliini-rokotteella.
Tutkimuksessa havaittiin yhteys veren korkean greliinipitoisuuden ja kaulavaltimon seinämän paksuuden välillä miehillä laajassa potilasaineistossa (n = 1024). Tulosta tukivat soluilla tehdyt kokeet, joissa greliini lisäsi hapettuneen LDL:n sitoutumista makrofaageihin sekä monosyyttien tarttumista endoteelisolujen pinnalle. Greliinin vaikutukset monosyyttien tarttumiseen endoteelisolujen pinnalle olivat päinvastaiset silloin, kun endoteelisolut käsiteltiin tulehdusta stimuloivalla tekijällä. Matalat veren greliinipitoisuudet olivat myös yhteydessä korkeisiin LDL-kolesteroli- ja triglyseriditasoihin sekä painoindeksiin ja matalaan HDL-kolesterolitasoon potilasaineistoissa. Estrogeeni nosti veren greliinipitoisuutta vaihdevuosi-ikäisillä naisilla. Greliinirokote ei vaikuttanut ateroskleroosin kehittymiseen hiirimallissa. Tutkimustulosten perusteella greliinillä näyttäisi osallistuvan valtimonkovettumataudin kehitykseen, vaikkakin sen vaikutus on pienempi kuin aiemmin tunnetuilla taudin riskitekijöillä.
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Glycovecteurs pour le ciblage thérapeutique d'une maladie rare lysosomale : la maladie de Pompe / Glycovectors for therapeutic targeting of a rare lysosomal diseases : Pompe diseaseDa Silva, Afitz 09 May 2017 (has links)
Sur la cinquantaine de maladies rares lysosomales, seules 8 peuvent être traitées par enzymothérapie substitutive avec plus ou moins d’efficacité. Il y a donc un réel besoin de développer de nouveaux traitements mais aussi de mieux caractériser les causes de ces maladies. Durant cette thèse nous nous sommes intéressés à la maladie de Pompe qui résulte de l’absence ou de la carence en enzyme lysosomale alpha-glucosidase acide (GAA) responsable de la dégradation du glycogène en glucose dans de nombreux tissus. Actuellement seule la forme infantile de cette maladie peut être traitée alors que la forme juvénile/adulte est faiblement améliorée par le traitement Myozyme®. Cette thèse a eu pour but de développer une nouvelle enzymothérapie qui, à terme, permettrait d’empêcher la progression de la maladie et de soigner, de manière satisfaisante, les formes juvéniles et adultes de la maladie de Pompe. Dans ce but, nous avons utilisé des dérivés monosaccharidiques « Analogues du Mannose-6-phosphate (M6P) Fonctionnalisés sur l’Aglycone (AMFA) », qui sont ensuite greffés sur la GAA recombinante humaine (rhGAA) afin d’améliorer son adressage aux lysosomes obtenant la rhGAA-AMFA.Une première étude in vitro, sur des fibroblastes de patients atteints de la forme adulte de la maladie, a démontré que le greffage des AMFA sur la rhGAA produite en cellules d’insectes Sf9 améliorait significativement l’affinité pour le récepteur du M6P (RM6P), l’internalisation et l’activité de l’enzyme et lui conférait une efficacité sur les souris GAA-/-, modèles de la maladie de Pompe, par rapport au traitement actuel (Article 1). Puis nous avons pu démontrer, pour la première fois, l’efficacité de la rhGAA-AMFA produite en cellules CHO sur des souris GAA-/- âgées. Ces résultats suggèrent, ainsi, la possibilité d’utiliser cette néo-enzyme dans le traitement de la forme adulte de la maladie (Article2). Enfin, le greffage des AMFA permet d’obtenir une maturation intracellulaire complète de la rhGAA sous forme active dans des myoblastes et myotubes de patients adultes et dans les quadriceps de souris âgées modèles Pompe, ce qui n’a pas été observé pour Myozyme® (Article 3). Lors de cette thèse, nous avons également démontré que de nouveaux analogues disaccharidiques, ayant une meilleure affinité que les monosaccharides pour le RM6P, peuvent efficacement cibler la rhGAA pour le traitement de la maladie de Pompe. Un brevet a été déposé sur ces résultats (Brevet PCT/FR2016/052339).En conclusion, ce travail a permis de développer une nouvelle technologie de ciblage plus efficace des enzymes lysosomales par des analogues synthétiques. La désignation de médicament orphelin pour l’alpha glucosidase acide conjuguée aux analogues du mannose-6-phosphate a été obtenue suite à ces travaux auprès de l’Agence Européenne du Médicament pour le traitement de la maladie de Pompe (EMA/OD/098/16).Mots clés: maladies lysosomales, maladie de Pompe, enzymothérapie, récepteur du mannose 6-phosphate / On 53 known rare lysosomal diseases, only 8 can be treated by enzyme replacement therapy with more or less efficiency. There is therefore a need to develop new treatments but also to better characterize these diseases. During this thesis, we focused on Pompe disease which results from the absence or deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme alpha-glucosidase acid (GAA), responsible for the degradation of glycogen in glucose in many tissues. Currently only the infantile form of this disease can be treated while the juvenile/adult form is slightly improved by Myozyme® treatment. This thesis aimed to devel a new enzyme replacement therapy which could prevent the progression of the disease and satisfactorily treat the late onset form of the disease. To do that, we used monosaccharide derivatives “Mannose-6-phosphate analogues (M6P) Functionalized on Aglycone (AMFA)”, which were grafted onto human recombinant GAA (rhGAA) in order to improve its lysosome addressing obtaining the rhGAA-AMFA.A first in vitro study on adult patient fibroblasts showed that the addition of AMFA to rhGAA, produced in Sf9 insect cells, significantly improved its affinity for the M6P receptor (RM6P), its internalization and activity. It was also more efficient on the GAA-/- Pompe mouse model compared to current treatment (Article 1). Then, we demonstrated for the first time the efficiency of rhGAA-AMFA produced in CHO cells in aged mice model. These results suggest the possibility to use this neo-enzyme in the treatment of the adult form that still resists to treatment (Article 2). Finally, the addition of AMFA allows a complete maturation of rhGAA into its active form in myoblasts and myotubes of adult patients and in the quadriceps of aged mice Pompe model. This was not observed for Myozyme® (Article 3). In this thesis we have also demonstrated that novel disaccharide analogues with a better affinity than monosaccharides for RM6P can efficiently target GAA for the treatment of Pompe disease. A patent has been filed on these results (Patent PCT / FR2016 / 052339).In conclusion, this work has led to the development of a new technology more efficient in targeting lysosomal enzymes by mean of new synthetic analogues. An orphan drug designation for the recombinant human acid alpha-glucosidase conjugated with mannose-6-phosphate analogues was obtained on the basis of this work at the European Medicines Agency for the treatment of Pompe disease (EMA/OD/098/16).Key words: lysosomal diseases, Pompe disease, enzyme replacement therapy, mannose 6-phosphate receptor
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Estudo sobre as manifestações gastrointestinais em pacientes com mucopolissacaridosesGiugliani, Luciana January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: As Mucopolissacaridoses (MPS) são doenças lisossômicas causadas pela deficiência de enzimas envolvidas na degradação dos glicoaminoglicanos. O acúmulo anormal dessa molécula compromete a função celular e orgânica, levando a um espectro de manifestações clínicas, de caráter multissistêmico e progressivo. Manifestações gastrointestinais, tais como episódios frequentes de fezes amolecidas e diarréia, têm sido frequentemente evidenciadas e relatadas por pacientes com MPS. Ainda que os sintomas gastrointestinais sejam frequentemente ofuscados pelos fenótipos neurológicos graves, eles podem afetar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes e de seus familiares. Objetivo: Avaliar as manifestações gastrointestinais em pacientes com MPS que estavam ou não recebendo Terapia de Reposição Enzimática (TRE). Adicionalmente, para melhor compreender o assunto, avaliamos a histologia da mucosa intestinal em camundongos com MPS I. Métodos: Estudo transversal com amostragem de conveniência. Foram incluídos no estudo pacientes com diagnóstico de qualquer tipo de MPS que estavam ou não em TRE. Os sujeitos foram avaliados através de inquérito alimentar, questionamentos quanto ao aparecimento de sintomas gastrointestinais e realização de uma série de exames bioquímicos. Adicionalmente, foram realizados testes de bioimpedância elétrica (para avaliação da composição corporal) e teste molecular para hipolactasia primária a partir de amostras de DNA dos pacientes, assim como análise da histologia da mucosa intestinal em um modelo de camundongo com MPS I. Resultados: Foram incluídos 27 pacientes com diferentes tipos de MPS, sendo 15 (55,6%) do sexo feminino e 12 (44,4%) do sexo masculino, com mediana de idade de 12 (1-28) anos. Os sintomas gastrointestinais mais prevalentes foram flatulência, distensão abdominal, dor abdominal e fezes amolecidas. Houve diferença significativa na prevalência de flatulência entre os tipos de MPS (p=0,004). A prevalência de flatulência e de distensão abdominal foi significativamente maior no grupo dos que não recebiam TRE, em comparação ao grupo dos que recebia TRE (p = 0,04 e 0,03, respectivamente). A maioria dos exames bioquímicos realizados para investigação e/ou exclusão de alguma patologia específica apresentaram resultados normais, sugerindo que o aparecimento de sintomas gastrointestinais nesses pacientes possa ser decorrente da própria MPS através de mecanismo fisiopatológico independente. A análise da histologia do intestino delgado de camundongos MPS I identificou células aumentadas de volume, sugerindo algum tipo de acúmulo intracelular. Em relação ao Teste Molecular para Hipolactasia, 58,8% dos pacientes apresentaram genótipo CC, o qual é compatível com intolerância à lactose. Os exames de Bioimpedância Elétrica sugerem que, os pacientes em TRE apresentam menor proporção de massa gorda (MG) em relação aos pacientes que não estavam em TRE. Conclusão: Este foi o primeiro estudo sobre manifestações gastrointestinais de pacientes brasileiros com MPS realizado em nosso meio. Inúmeros sinais e sintomas foram observados, com maior prevalência relativa nas MPS I, II, III e IV do que na MPS VI. O sintoma mais frequentemente relatado foi flatulência. Embora não tenha sido estatisticamente significativo a diferença, a proporção de pacientes com sintomas gastrointestinais foi menor nos pacientes que estavam em TRE. A Intolerância à lactose observada em maior proporção nos pacientes com MPS com manifestações gastrointestinais, a avaliação da composição corporal e as alterações observadas na mucosa intestinal do camundongo com MPS I devem ser levadas em consideração na interpretação dos resultados. Acreditamos que mais estudos, dirigidos para as manifestações gastrointestinais, devam ser realizados para comprovar esses achados e melhor compreender os mecanismos fisiopatológicos dos sintomas relacionados nos pacientes aferidos. / Introduction: The mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) are lysosomal storage disorders characterized by a deficiency in enzymes involved in glycosaminoglycan degradation. Abnormal accumulation of this molecule compromises cellular and organic function, leading to a spectrum of progressive, multisystem clinical manifestations. Gastrointestinal manifestations, such as frequent episodes of loose stools and diarrhea, are often reported by patients with MPS. Although these gastrointestinal symptoms are often overshadowed by severe neurological phenotypes, they can have a negative impact on the quality of life of patients and their family members. Objective: To assess gastrointestinal manifestations in patients with MPS who were or not receiving enzyme replacement therapy (ERT). Furthermore, we sought to assess bowel mucosa histology in a mouse model of MPS I. Methods: Cross-sectional study with a convenience sampling strategy. The sample comprised patients with a diagnosis of MPS of any type and regardless of ERT status. Patients were assessed by means of a dietary recordatory and an interview focused on gastrointestinal symptoms, as well as a battery of biochemical tests. Bioelectrical Impedance was performed for body composition assessment.Patient DNA samples were also tested by molecular tests for primary lactase hypolactasia, and bowel mucosa specimens from MPS I mice underwent histological examination. Results: A total of 27 MPS patients were included, 15 (55.6%) female and 12 (44.4%) male, with a median age of 12 (1-28) years. The most prevalent gastrointestinal symptoms were flatulence, abdominal distension, abdominal pain, and loose stools. A significant difference in the prevalence of flatulence was observed among different MPS types (p=0.004). The prevalence of flatulence and abdominal distension was significantly higher in the non-ERT group than in the ERT group (p = 0.04 and 0.03 respectively). Most biochemical tests performed to work up and/or rule out specific conditions were within normal limits, which suggests that the development of gastrointestinal systems in these patients may be due to MPS itself through an independent pathophysiological mechanism. Histological analysis of smallbowel tissue from MPS I mice found increased cell volume indicative of some form of intracellular accumulation. On molecular testing for lactase deficiency, 58.8% of patients had the CC genotype, which is consistent with lactose intolerance. Bioelectrical Impedance analysis suggest that patients with TRE have lower proportion of fat mass (FM) compared to patients who were not on ERT. Conclusion: This was the first study to assess gastrointestinal manifestations in Brazilian patients with different MPS subtypes.Several signs and symptoms were observed with higher relative prevalence in MPS I, II, III and IV to that in MPS VI. The most frequently reported symptom was flatulence. Although was no statistical difference the proportion of patients with gastrointestinal symptoms was lower in patients on ERT.The lactose intolerance observed in a higher proportion of MPS patients with gastrointestinal manifestations, body composition assessment and observed changes in the bowel mucosa of MPS I mice should be taken into account when interpreting the results. Further studies focusing on the gastrointestinal manifestations of MPS are warranted to corroborate our findings and provide a better understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with these symptoms in affected patients.
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A influência da idade e da reposição hormonal sobre a modulação autonômica do coração e o limiar de anaerobiose. / Influence of age and hormonal replacement on the autonomic modulation of the heart and the anaerobisis threshold.Valeria Ferreira Camargo Neves 13 March 2003 (has links)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a modulação autonômica da freqüência cardíaca (FC) durante o repouso, nas posições supina e sentada, e durante teste de esforço físico dinâmico descontínuo do tipo degrau (TEFDD-D) em mulheres jovens e pós-menopausa sem (PMSRH) e com reposição hormonal (PMCRH); determinar o limiar de anaerobiose (LA) a partir da análise das respostas de FC e pela análise dos índices de RMSSD (raiz quadrada da média dos quadrados das diferenças entre os intervalos R-R normais sucessivos), em milissegundos (ms), e comparar o grau de correlação entre estas duas metodologias de análise. Foram estudadas 11 jovens (24 ± 2,77 anos), 13 PMSRH (57 ± 5,28) e 9 PMCRH (55 ± 5,40 anos). O TEFDD-D foi realizado em cicloergômetro, sendo iniciado com a potência de 15 W e com incrementos de 5 em 5 W. A FC (bpm) e os intervalos R-R (ms) foram captados em tempo real, por um período de 360s em repouso, em cada posição, e durante 60s em repouso sentado no cicloergômetro, 240s em exercício e 60s em recuperação, em cada potência do TEFDD-D. Foram calculados as médias da FC (bpm) e os índices de RMSSD dos intervalos R-R (ms) para as condições de repouso e durante 180s do exercício nas potências estudadas; cálculo da variação da FC (bpm) no início do exercício e do tempo (s) desta variação. A determinação do LA foi feita pelo ajuste do modelo matemático e estatístico semiparamétrico (SPM) aos dados de FC e pelos índices de RMSSD dos intervalos R-R (ms). Os testes estatísticos utilizados foram: Wilcoxon, Kruskall-Wallis, Friedman, Dunn e o teste de correlação de Spearman, nível de significância de 5%. Durante o repouso, as jovens apresentaram valores dos índices de RMSSD significativamente (p<0,05) superiores em relação aos outros 2 grupos. As variações da FC das jovens no início do exercício foram maiores que as dos grupos PMSRH e PMCRH, enquanto que o tempo de variação da FC foi similar entre os 3 grupos. Na transição do repouso para o exercício, a FC aumentou progressivamente, enquanto que a variabilidade da freqüência cardíaca (VFC) diminuiu. Na comparação intergrupo dos índices de RMSSD, obtidos em cada nível de potência, foi observada diferença significativa (p<0,05) apenas em 35W. Tanto pelo modelo SPM, como pela análise dos índices de RMSSD, as jovens atingiram o LA em potências superiores comparativamente as PMSRH e PMCRH. Os grupos PMSRH e PMCRH apresentaram resultados similares. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (p>0,05) na comparação dos 2 métodos. O teste de correlação de Spearman mostrou uma associação significativa (p<0,05) entre os mesmos. Estes dados sugerem que após a menopausa ocorre uma diminuição da modulação vagal sobre o coração tanto em repouso como durante o exercício físico, decorrente do processo do envelhecimento e da redução da capacidade física. A terapia de reposição hormonal não teve nenhuma influência sobre os resultados. As duas metodologias de análise do LA se mostraram similares, sugerindo que a mudança de inclinação da resposta da FC ocorre em níveis de esforço em que a VFC se encontra significativamente reduzida. / The objectives of the present study were to assess the autonomic modulation of the heart rate (HR) at rest, in the supine and sitting position, and during a step type discontinuous dynamic physical effort (STDDPE) in young and postmenopausal women not receiving (PMWtHR) and receiving hormonal replacement treatment (PMWHR); to determine the anaerobiosis threshold (AT) based on the analysis of HR response and the RMSSD indices (square root of the mean squared differences of successive R-R intervals), in milliseconds (ms), and to compare the degree of correlation between these two analysis methodologies. The study was conducted on 11 young women (24 ± 2.77 years), 13 PMWtHR (57 ± 5.28) and 9 PMWHR (55 ± 5.40 years). The STDDPE was performed on a bicycle ergometer at an initial power of 15 W, followed by power increments of 5 W. HR (bpm) and R-R intervals (ms) were obtained in real time over a period of 360 s under resting conditions in each position, during 60 s in the sitting rest position on the bicycle ergometer, 240 s during exercise and 60 s during recuperation at each STDDPE power. Mean HR (bpm) and RMSSD indices of the R-R intervals (ms) were calculated for the resting condition and during 180 s of exercise in the powers studied; the HR variation (bpm) and its time (s) were also calculated in the beginning of exercise. AT was determined by the semiparametric mathematical and statistical model (PMS) and by the RMSSD indices of the R-R intervals (ms). Data were analyzed statistically by the Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, Friedman, Dunn and Spearman correlation tests, with the level of significance set at 5%. During rest, young women presented significantly higher RMSSD indices (p<0.05) than the other 2 groups. The HR variations in young women in the beginning of the exercise were higher than the ones from the PMWtHR and PMWHR groups, whereas HR variations time was similar for the 3 groups. During the transition from rest to exercise HR increased progressively and HRV decreased. Intergroup comparison of RMSSD indices, obtained in each level of power, showed a significant difference (p<0.05) only at 35 W power. On both PMS model and RMSSD indices analysis, young women reached AT at a higher power compared to PMWtHR and PMWHR groups. The PMWtHR and PMWHR groups presented similar results. No significant differences (p>0.05) were observed when the methods were compared. The Spearman correlation test showed a significant association (p<0.05) between methods. These data suggest that after menopause there is a decrease in vagal modulation of the heart both at rest and during physical exercise due to the aging process and the reduction in physical capacity. Hormonal replacement therapy had no effect on the results. Both methodologies of AT analysis were similar, suggesting that the change in the HR response occurs in levels of effort in which the HRV is significantly reduced.
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Clinical characteristics of acute kidney injury in the first 13 critically ill patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) at a peruvian hospital; a preliminary reportBenites-Flores, Irwing R., Valdivia-Vega, Renzo P., Alcalde-Ruiz, Susan F., Espinoza-Rojas, Hugo J. 01 April 2021 (has links)
Introduction: The high transmissibility and lethality of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) have been catastrophic. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is one of the frequent complications in patients with respiratory insufficiency caused by the virus. The pathogenic mechanism is based on the binding of its S-proteins to the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) receptors, which will trigger a cellular damage. A podocyte and tubular compromise are found in the kidneys which can lead to tubular necrosis and the consequent AKI. Objectives: The objective of this report is to identify the main risk factor to develop AKI in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 with critical acute respiratory distress. Patients and Methods: We performed this report study, collecting data from 48 ICU patients. Data from 13 of them who developed AKI and needed renal replacement therapy (RRT)were analyzed. Clinical characteristics and laboratory findings were reported using STATA 10.0. Results: AKI was present in 27.08% of patients, mostly male (92.3%) with a mean age of 63.8 years old. Hypertension, diabetes and obesity were the main comorbidities in those patients. Additionally, the meantime between admission and AKI diagnosis was 2.69 days. All patients showed fibrinogen, D-dimer, ALT and values above normal range. Mortality was seen in 61.5% of patients. Conclusion: This report tries to show AKI as an important clinical manifestation in critically ill patients infected with SARS-CoV-2, with high mortality. Further studies are needed to demonstrate if there are independent risk factors. / Revisión por pares
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Kontinuierliche Nierenersatztherapie mit regionaler Citrat-Antikoagulation bei SchwerbrandverletztenParentin, Torsten 09 April 2013 (has links)
Hintergrund: Die regionale Citrat-Antikoagulation im Rahmen der Nierenersatztherapie hat bei interdisziplinären Intensivpatienten in den letzten Jahren zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Für Schwerbrandverletzte existieren bislang kaum Untersuchungen zu diesem Verfahren. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die kontinuierliche Nierenersatztherapie mit Citrat-Antikoagulation bei Intensivpatienten mit akutem Nierenversagen nach schwerem Verbrennungstrauma im Hinblick auf Praktikabilität, Effektivität und Komplikationshäufigkeit sowie die Stabilität von Elektrolyt- und Säure-Basen-Haushalt und Gerinnung zu untersuchen. Daneben sollten Aussagen zur Prävalenz des akuten Nierenversagens in dieser Patientengruppe und zu dessen Einfluss auf die Letalität getroffen werden.
Methode: Im Rahmen einer retrospektiven Untersuchung wurden unter Verwendung von Patientenakten und Patientendatenmanagementsystem (PDMS) Daten von 27 Schwerbrandverletzten (VKOF ≥ 20% oder ABSI ≥ 8) mit akutem Nierenversagen ausgewertet, die zwischen Januar 2004 und Dezember 2009 im Verbrennungszentrum des Klinikums Sankt Georg Leipzig mit einer kontinuierlichen Nierenersatztherapie behandelt wurden. Bei allen Patienten kam ein Dialysegerät Prisma CFM (Gambro Hospal GmbH, Deutschland) mit einer Polyacrylnitril-Filtermembran (AN 69, Filterset M 100) der gleichen Firma zum Einsatz. Standardverfahren war eine kontinuierliche veno-venöse Hämodiafiltration (CVVHDF) im Prädilutionsmodus.
Bei 18 Patienten wurde eine regionale Citrat-Antikoagulation als Antikoagulationsverfahren eingesetzt, bei 7 Patienten eine systemische Heparin-Antikoagulation, bei 2 Patienten kamen alternierend beide Verfahren zum Einsatz. Für die 18 Patienten unter regionaler Citrat-Antikoagulation erfolgte eine detaillierte Analyse des akuten Nierenversagens unter Einbeziehung des klinischen Verlaufes, der Laborparameter und der Behandlungsdaten des Nierenersatzverfahrens.
Ergebnisse: Die Prävalenz eines akuten Nierenversagens mit Notwendigkeit zur Nierenersatztherapie bei Schwerbrandverletzten betrug 15,5%. Die Sterblichkeitsrate war in der Patientengruppe mit Nierenversagen etwa fünffach erhöht (25,9 vs. 4,8%). Die Letalitätsrate bei den Patienten unter systemischer Heparin-Antikoagulation war bei vergleichbarem Verbrennungsausmaß etwa fünfmal höher als unter regionaler Citrat-Antikoagulation (57,1 vs. 11.1%). Die Nierenersatztherapie wurde im Median nach 6 Tagen begonnen, die mediane Behandlungsdauer pro Patient betrug 7 Tage. Bei Start der CVVHDF wiesen 94,4% der Patienten einen Schockzustand mit Notwendigkeit einer Vasopressortherapie auf, 83,3% zeigten schwere Dysfunktionen in mindestens 3 Organsystemen, der SOFA-score lag im Median bei 14. Bei einer mittleren Citratkonzentration von 3,6 mmol/l Blut im Extrakorporalkreiskauf konnte eine mediane effektive Filterlaufzeit von 67 Stunden erreicht werden. Hypocalcämien (<0,9 mmol/l) fanden sich in 1,1%, Hypercalcämien (>1,3 mmol/l) in 0,4%. Hypernatriämien (<150 mmol) waren mit 0,4% ebenso selten wie metabolische Alkalosen (pH >7,50 und BE >4) mit 0,2%. Im Gesamtdialysezeitraum von 3790 Stunden gab es nur ein Blutungsereignis, die Gerinnungsparameter zeigten bis auf einen passageren Abfall der Thrombozytenzahl keine signifikanten Veränderungen. Die erzielte mittlere Dialysedosis war mit 35,1 ml/kg Körpergewicht/h ausreichend hoch. Neben einer Reduktion der Nierenretentionsparameter Serum-Creatinin und Serum-Harnstoff fanden sich unter dem Nierenersatzverfahren verbesserte Oxygenierungsindices und sinkende SOFA-scores. Keiner der überlebenden Patienten war zum Zeitpunkt der Entlassung dialysepflichtig.
Zusammenfassung: Die CVVHDF unter regionaler Citrat-Antikoagulation ist bei Schwerbrandverletzten ein effektives und in Bezug auf Säure-Basen-Haushalt, Elektrolyte und Gerinnung sicheres Verfahren. Neben einer effektiven Elimination harnpflichtiger Substanzen konnten eine exzellente Stabilität von Elektrolyten und metabolischen Parametern sowie eine suffiziente Antikoagulation im Extrakorporalkreislauf mit niedrigem Blutungsrisiko und konstant langen Filterlaufzeiten nachgewiesen werden. Die Prävalenz des akuten Nierenversagens bei Schwerbrandverletzten ist hoch, die Letalität bei Vorliegen des Organversagens vier-bis fünffach erhöht.
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Attitudes Toward Hormone Replacement Therapy in the New Millennium: University Physicians' and Patients' PerspectivesIsmail, Hassan M., Aleveritis, Ellie, Guha, Bhuvana, Olive, Kenneth, Sloan, Susan 01 January 2005 (has links)
Background: Recent studies are changing the way physicians and patients view hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This study was performed at the East Tennessee State University (ETSU) internal medicine clinic to evaluate the current behaviors of university physicians and patients with respect to HRT. Methods: A retrospective chart review was conducted at the main internal medicine outpatient clinic at ETSU. Two hundred seventy-four postmenopausal female patients were randomly selected using a computerized systematic sampling technique of International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) codes for menopause or postmenopause. The study period was from July 2002 until June 2004. Patients were postmenopausal women age 35 years or over who had been seen by their physicians at least twice a year during the study period. Patients who were noncompliant with HRT or physician's visits or had contraindications or side effects to HRT mandating discontinuation of the treatment were excluded. Data regarding physicians' patterns in discussion and discontinuation of the therapy and patients' responses were collected. Epi Info 2002 was used for statistical analysis. Results: One hundred seventy-seven patients met all of the criteria, of whom 140 were 35 to 75 years of age. Of this age group, 49 patients (35%) had coronary artery disease (CAD), 101 (72.1%) were on HRT prior to July 2002, and 30 (21.4%) had osteoporosis. Seventy-five patients (53.6%) had documented discussions with their physicians about HRT after July 2002. Most patients who were on HRT had no CAD (p = .0008). Of the patients who were on HRT, only 36 (35.6%) continued treatments (23 continued the same dose, and 13 had the dose modified), whereas 65 (64.3%) had treatments discontinued. HRT discussions were carried on mostly when patients had treatments stopped or modified (p = .0032). Of these patients who had discussions, 60 (80%) were advised to stop or modify the dose and agreed, and only 15 (20%) disagreed or received unbiased discussions from their physicians about HRT. Thiry-seven patients were over 75 years of age. This older group had a higher rate of HRT discontinuation (82%) but a lower rate of documented discussion (22%) than the younger group. Conclusion: Physicians should pay more attention to the importance of providing high-quality and well-balanced patient counseling when addressing uncertain treatments and adequately document discussions with patients in medical records.
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Analýza zkušeností klientů Národní linky pro odvykání kouření s užíváním náhradní nikotinové terapie / An Analysis of the National Tabacco Quitline Czech Republic Clients Experience Using Nicotine Replacement TherapyKršková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
Background: The use of nicotine-containing tobacco is among the substances with the highest dependence potential. The negative impact and consequences of cigarette use are discussed not only among experts. In contrast, nicotine replacement therapy and user experience are unspecified. Aims: The primary goal of the research was to map the experience of clients of the National Tobacco Quitline Czech Republic with the use of nicotine replacement therapy in the treatment of tobacco addiction. The categories examined include: dosage of replacement nicotine, preferred forms of replacement nicotine, reported adverse effects, and route of administration of replacement nicotine. The study was carried out in order to refine the dosage of nicotine replacement therapy, increase the compliance of nicotine replacement users and increase the quality of services provided by the National Tobacco Quitline Czech Republic. Methods: The study was carried out with the help of a qualitative research methodology. Respondents were selected using the method of intentional selection according to defined properties. Data was created using a structured interview with open-ended questions and semi-structured interviews. The research data were processed using the open coding method and the method of capturing formulas was used...
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<p> </p>
<p>This research evaluates Kidney Health Initiative's (KHI) four kidney replacement therapy (KRT) technology priority groups in the roadmap:</p>
<p>1) Literature review of technology citations for each of the four KHI priority groups for safety and efficacy data with a patient centered focus. Additionally, the incorporation and integration of KHI minimum technical design criteria in six areas into the development process.</p>
<p>2) Clinical PICO analysis of the critical clinical outcomes that the discovery and innovation from the specific technology priority group addresses</p>
<p>3) Critical evaluation of KRT technologies on patients with ESKD by expert clinicians and scientists in KRT through Delphi method with targeted questionnaires</p>
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