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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modelo baseado em agentes para especiação topopátrica / Agent-Based modelling for topopatric speciation.

Oliveira Junior, Sergio Candido de 20 August 2014 (has links)
No presente modelo em NetLogo, implementou-se um código onde patches genotipicamente homogêneos, reproduzem-se no mapa composto de 64 x 64 células. Buscam parceiros entre si, seguindo algumas orientações. O par reprodutivo deve estar dentro de uma determinada distância genética (G) e espacial (S). Estes parâmetros definem qual a máxima divergência genotípica permitida para a reprodução (G) e qual a distância espacial máxima entre dois possíveis parceiros reprodutivos (S). Além destes, o sliderM determina a probabilidade de ocorrer mutação nos genótipos resultantes das reproduções e A a amplitude, i.e., a quantidade de mudança sofrida pelo genótipo do agente. A princípio, geneticamente homogêneos, todos os indivíduos podem potencialmente formar pares. Contudo, com ocorrência de trocas genéticas e mutações, na formação da prole, aumenta-se a diversidade genética e há isolamento reprodutivo entre indivíduos. Obteu-se especiação dos agentes, ocorrência de corredor de fluxo gênico e mapa robusto de combinação de parâmetros. / In the present model in NetLogo, we implemented a code where genotypically homogeneous patches, reproduce in a map consisting of 64 x 64 cells. Seek partners among themselves by following some guidelines. The breeding pair must be within a certain genetic (G) and spatial (S) distance. These parameters define the maximum genotypic divergence which allowed for reproduction (G) and that maximum spatial distance between two potential reproductive partners (S). In addition, the slider M determines the probability of mutation in resulting genotypes and A the amplitude, i.e., the amount of change experienced by the genotype of the agent. Primarily, genetically homogeneous, all individuals can potentially form pairs. However, with the occurrence of genetic changes and mutations in the offspring formation, the genetic diversity increases and there is reproductive isolation between individuals. There were agents speciation, occurrence of genic flow pathway and robust map of matching parameters.

Effet de l’environnement sur l’évolution de la sélection sexuelle chez la truite commune (Salmo trutta) / Effect of environment on sexual selection in brown trout (salmo trutta)

Gauthey, Zoé 09 December 2014 (has links)
La sélection sexuelle est une composante de la sélection naturelle qui génère des différences de succès reproducteur entre les individus par le filtre de la reproduction, et influence donc la transmission intergénérationnelle des gènes. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, l’effet de la variabilité de l’environnement hydraulique sur la sélection sexuelle chez la truite commune a été étudié à différentes échelles : intra- et inter-populationnelle. Des méthodes nouvelles permettant de mieux appréhender l’investissement reproducteur, ainsi que de décomposer l’effet des traits sur la fitness des individus en fonction des différentes étapes de la sélection sexuelle, ont été mises au point. Les expériences réalisées en milieux naturel et semi-naturel indiquent que la variabilité environnementale n’affecte pas le choix d’habitat de reproduction par les femelles, mais peut affecter l’investissement reproducteur dans la compétition par exemple, ainsi que les flux de gènes entre des populations génétiquement distinctes. Ces résultats permettent une première projection de l’évolution de la sélection sexuelle dans le contexte du changement climatique qui prédit l’augmentation de la variabilité hydrologique en zone tempérée. / As a component of natural selection, sexual selection produces variation in reproductive success throughout the reproductive period, and therefore impacts genes transmission between generations. During this PhD, the effect of variation in hydraulic environment on sexual selection in brown trout was investigated at both within and between populations scales. New approaches to improve estimation of reproductive investment, as well as models to decompose the effect of traits on individual fitness at each stage of sexual selection, were developed. Experiments in natural and semi-natural environments indicate that environmental variation does not impact reproduction habitat choice by females, but it can modify reproductive investment in some populations, as well as it can control gene flow between genetically distinct populations. These results help to understand the evolution of sexual selection in the broad context of increasing stochastic variations of river systems hydrology as predicted by climate change models in temperate areas.

Modelo baseado em agentes para especiação topopátrica / Agent-Based modelling for topopatric speciation.

Sergio Candido de Oliveira Junior 20 August 2014 (has links)
No presente modelo em NetLogo, implementou-se um código onde patches genotipicamente homogêneos, reproduzem-se no mapa composto de 64 x 64 células. Buscam parceiros entre si, seguindo algumas orientações. O par reprodutivo deve estar dentro de uma determinada distância genética (G) e espacial (S). Estes parâmetros definem qual a máxima divergência genotípica permitida para a reprodução (G) e qual a distância espacial máxima entre dois possíveis parceiros reprodutivos (S). Além destes, o sliderM determina a probabilidade de ocorrer mutação nos genótipos resultantes das reproduções e A a amplitude, i.e., a quantidade de mudança sofrida pelo genótipo do agente. A princípio, geneticamente homogêneos, todos os indivíduos podem potencialmente formar pares. Contudo, com ocorrência de trocas genéticas e mutações, na formação da prole, aumenta-se a diversidade genética e há isolamento reprodutivo entre indivíduos. Obteu-se especiação dos agentes, ocorrência de corredor de fluxo gênico e mapa robusto de combinação de parâmetros. / In the present model in NetLogo, we implemented a code where genotypically homogeneous patches, reproduce in a map consisting of 64 x 64 cells. Seek partners among themselves by following some guidelines. The breeding pair must be within a certain genetic (G) and spatial (S) distance. These parameters define the maximum genotypic divergence which allowed for reproduction (G) and that maximum spatial distance between two potential reproductive partners (S). In addition, the slider M determines the probability of mutation in resulting genotypes and A the amplitude, i.e., the amount of change experienced by the genotype of the agent. Primarily, genetically homogeneous, all individuals can potentially form pairs. However, with the occurrence of genetic changes and mutations in the offspring formation, the genetic diversity increases and there is reproductive isolation between individuals. There were agents speciation, occurrence of genic flow pathway and robust map of matching parameters.

Ecological genomics in <em>Arabidopsis lyrata</em>:local adaptation, phenotypic differentiation and reproductive isolation

Hämälä, T. (Tuomas) 14 May 2018 (has links)
Abstract A central goal in evolutionary biology is to identify the ecological and genetic mechanisms that give rise to adaptation and speciation. Importantly, a large body of theoretical work has modelled the adaptive evolution under selection, migration and drift. Yet to test these predictions on an empirical level has proven a challenging task. The aim of my thesis is to explore outstanding questions in local adaptation and reproductive isolation using natural populations of Arabidopsis lyrata: How does differential selection lead to adaptive divergence in the face of gene flow and drift? What traits underlie both short- and large-scale adaptive differentiation? And what reproductive barriers are involved in incipient speciation? By combining whole-genome based demography simulations with a multi-year reciprocal transplant experiment, I confirmed that alpine and lowland populations of A. lyrata are adapted to their local environments despite high gene flow and strong drift. Patterns of trait differentiation, supported by analysis of phenotypic selection, further suggested that flowering traits have contributed to the adaptive divergence. Selection patterns at the sequence level confirmed that the genetic architecture underlying the local adaptation conforms to theory: populations under higher levels of gene flow had fewer adaptive loci that were also found in areas of reduced recombination. Although most selection outliers were population specific, indicating conditional neutrality, a small proportion showed potential for genetic trade-offs (antagonistic pleiotropy). The analysis also revealed important traits and biological processes linked to alpine and lowland adaptation. The role of seed germination in large-scale adaptation and reproductive isolation was also studied. Populations representing the European and North American subspecies exhibited germination patterns consistent with adaptive differentiation. Comparisons against first- and second-generation hybrids then indicated that genetic incompatibilities impede germination of the hybrid seeds. Furthermore, genetic mapping helped to clarify the genetic basis of these phenotypic traits. Taken together, the three studies in this thesis highlight the value of combining traditional organismal methods with next-generation genomics, by providing novel insights into processes underlying adaptation and speciation. / Tiivistelmä Evoluutiobiologian keskeinen tehtävä on sopeutumiseen ja lajiutumiseen johtavien prosessien selvittäminen. Vaikka evoluutiovoimien – luonnonvalinnan, geenivirran ja geneettisen satunnaisajautumisen – vaikutusta adaptiivisen muuntelun määrään on mallinnettu laajalti, teoreettisten ennusteiden tarkastelu empiirisellä tasolla on usein osoittautunut haastavaksi. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä pyrin vastaamaan eräisiin paikallissopeutumisen ja lajiutumisen kannalta tärkeisiin kysymyksiin, hyödyntäen kasvilaji idänpitkäpalkoa (Arabidopsis lyrata) malliorganismina: Kuinka luonnonvalinta johtaa paikallissopeutumiseen tilanteessa, jossa geenivirta samankaltaistaa eriytyvien populaatioiden perimää? Mitkä ominaisuudet vaikuttavat adaptiiviseen erilaistumiseen eri etäisyyksillä olevien populaatioiden välillä? Sekä millaiset lisääntymisesteet johtavat alkavaan lajiutumiseen? Yhdistämällä genomisekvensointiin perustuvan demografia-analyysin ja monivuotisen siirtoistutuskokeen, selvitin kuinka idänpitkäpalkopopulaatiot ovat sopeutuneet elinympäristöihinsä runsaasta geenivirrasta ja voimakkaasta satunnaisajautumisesta huolimatta. Fenotyyppisen muuntelun ja kelpoisuuden yhteys vahvisti myös, että kukkimisominaisuudet ovat vaikuttaneet populaatioidenväliseen adaptiiviseen erilaistumiseen. Valinnan merkkien etsiminen sekvenssitasolla osoitti, että havaintoni paikallissopeutumisen geneettisestä arkkitehtuurista tukevat teoreettisia ennusteita: populaatioista, joihin kohdistuu voimakasta geenivirtaa, löytyi vähemmän adaptiivisia lokuksia ja ne olivat keskittyneet matalamman rekombinaation alueille. Suurin osa adaptiivisista lokuksista löytyi ainoastaan yhdestä populaatiosta, ollen näin todennäköisesti valinnan alla ainoastaan tietyssä elinympäristössä. Pieni osuus lokuksista vastasi kuitenkin harvoin havaittua tilannetta, jossa hajottava valinta on johtanut eri alleelien runsastumiseen populaatioissa, joita yhdistää geenivirta. Tutkin myös, miten itämisajan muuntelu vaikuttaa sopeutumiseen pitkällä aikavälillä. Eurooppalaista ja pohjoisamerikkalaista alalajia edustavat populaatiot itivät tavalla, joka viittaa adaptiiviseen erilaistumiseen. Ensimmäisen ja toisen hybridisukupolven siementen vertailu paljasti lisäksi, että geneettiset yhteensopimattomuudet haittaavat hybridien itämistä, toimien näin lisääntymisesteenä. Geenikartoitus auttoi myös selventämään näiden itämisominaisuuksien geneettistä taustaa. Tämän väitöskirjan kolme osatyötä korostavat miten perinteisten yhteiskenttäkokeiden ja uuden sukupolven genomimenetelmien yhdistelmä voi tuottaa arvokasta lisätietoa sopeutumisen ja lajiutumisen mekanismeista.

Rôle des facteurs écologiques dans le processus de spéciation en milieu insulaire. Effet de l'habitat et des pollinisateurs sur la diversification du faham (Jumellea spp., Orchidaceae) aux Mascareignes / The role of ecology in island speciation. Effect of habitat and pollinator shifts on the diversification of faham (Jumellea spp., Orchidaceae) in the Mascarene Islands

Mallet, Bertrand 07 November 2014 (has links)
Les mécanismes à l'origine de la mise en place de l'isolement reproducteur sont relativement peu étudiés dans les radiations adaptatives insulaires. Selon la théorie de la spéciation écologique, l'isolement reproducteur résulte de la sélection divergente agissant sur des populations écologiquement différentes. Par leurs caractéristiques uniques, les îles océaniques constituent des systèmes idéals pour étudier le rôle des facteurs écologiques dans la diversification des lignées endémiques. Le rôle de l'habitat et des pollinisateurs dans la restriction des flux géniques inter et intraspécifique est examiné chez le faham (Jumellea rossii et J. fragrans), une orchidée endémique des Mascareignes. Pour ce faire, les patrons de différenciation phénotypique (traits floraux morphologiques et chimiques), environnementale (habitat, altitude, climat) et génétique (microsatellites nucléaires) ont été confrontés. À l'échelle intraspécifique, les résultats montrent que les flux de gènes sont principalement limités par les différences environnementales entre habitats sans rôle évident des pollinisateurs. A l'échelle interspécifique, outre les variations d'habitat, le changement de pollinisateur semble expliquer l'absence de flux de gènes. Dans le cadre du continuum de spéciation chez le faham, l'isolement reproducteur évoluerait en premier lieu en réponse à l'adaptation aux différents habitats, puis serait renforcé par l'adaptation à différents pollinisateurs. La révision de la taxinomie du clade et les priorités en terme de conservation sont également discutées. / Mechanisms responsible for the establishment of reproductive isolation are little studied in island adaptive radiations. According to the theory of ecological speciation, reproductive isolation results from the ecologically-based divergent selection. By their unique characteristics, oceanic islands are ideal systems to study the role of ecological factors in the diversification of endemic lineages. This study focuses on the role of habitat and pollinators in restricting inter and intraspecific gene flow between populations of faham (Jumellea spp.), an orchid endemic to Mascarene Islands. To do this, patterns of phenotypic differentiation (floral traits), environmental differentiation (habitat, altitude, climate) and genetic differentiation (nuclear microsatellites) were compared. At the intraspecific level, the results show that gene flow restriction is mainly due to the colonization of different habitat types with no obvious role of pollinators. At the interspecific level, in addition to the role of habitat, pollinator shift seems to explain effective complete reproductive isolation. By placing these results into the continuum of speciation, it appears that reproductive isolation evolve initially in response to adaptation to different habitats and, in a second phase, would be enhanced by pollinator-driven divergent selection. Operationally, this study reviews the taxonomy of faham and proposes to define management units and priorities in terms of conservation.

Tests of Reproductive Isolation Between the Fishes Fundulus heteroclitus and F. grandis

Barbas, Ruthie E 01 January 2016 (has links)
The closely related killifishes Fundulus heteroclitus and F. grandis hybridize in a small region where their ranges overlap in coastal northeastern Florida. Hybrids of these species are rare in frequency within the contact zone, suggesting the presence of relatively strong reproductive isolation between these species. The objective of this study was to elucidate barriers to reproduction between F. heteroclitus and F. grandis in the lab, as well as to quantify the relative strengths and contributions of various isolating barriers. Pre-zygotic (mating and fertilization) and post-zygotic (hatching) barriers were investigated by performing a variety of choice and no-choice laboratory mating experiments. The results revealed that under no-choice conditions, barriers to mating had the biggest influence on hybrid production in F. grandis, whereas hatching barriers contributed to the majority of reproductive isolation in F. heteroclitus. However, under choice conditions pre-zygotic barriers had the greatest influence on both species’ ability to produce hybrids. The total relative reproductive isolation that was observed in females of each species was stronger in F. heteroclitus than in F. grandis overall, and was nearly complete in F. heteroclitus females under choice conditions while moderate in F. grandis females. These results reveal an asymmetry in the potential gene flow between these two species, with F. grandis being more likely to hybridize than F. heteroclitus in the absence of environmental influences.

Reproductive isolation and chemical communication in grasshoppers

Finck, Jonas 10 August 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit identifizierte und quantifizierte ich zunächst mehrere Isolationsbarrieren zwischen den nah verwandten Feldheuschreckenarten Chorthippus biguttulus und C. mollis (Kapitel 2). Meine Ergebnisse deuten auf eine wichtige Rolle von chemischen Signalen bei der reproduktiven Isolation zwischen diesen Arten hin. Durch die Kombination von verschiedenen Ansätzen untersuchte ich die ultimaten und proximaten Ursachen von chemischen Signalen auf das Fortpflanzungsverhalten. Im dritten Kapitel zeigte ich, dass die kutikulären Kohlenwasserstoff Profile (CHC) von C. biguttulus und C. mollis art- und geschlechtsspezifisch sind. Mit Hilfe eines RNA-seq Ansatzes untersuchte ich transkriptionelle Unterschiede in Kandidatengenen, die für die Divergenz in den CHC Profilen zwischen den Arten und den Geschlechtern verantwortlich sein könnten. Ein solches Gen zeigte artspezifische Expression und trägt möglicherweise zur reproduktiven Isolation zwischen den Arten bei. Darüber hinaus fand ich Expressionsunterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern in vier Kandidatengenen. Zwei von diesen Genen zeigten eine erhöhte Expression in Männchen, was eventuell in Verbindung mit dem höheren Anteil von dimethyl-verzweigten Kohlenwasserstoffen in Männchen steht. Ich fand keine Hinweise für positive Selektion in den Kandidatengenen, was vermuten lässt, dass die Unterschiede in CHC Profilen durch transkriptionelle Unterschiede entstehen. In Kapitel 4 erforschte ich mit Hilfe eines Bioassays, wie sich verschiedene CHC Signale auf das Balzverhalten von Männchen auswirkten. Zusammenfassend zeigt diese Arbeit, dass der Genfluss zwischen C. biguttulus und C. mollis durch verschiedene Barrieren unterbrochen ist und dass diese Feldheuschrecken multimodale Kanäle im Paarungsverhalten verwenden. Zusätzlich lassen meine Ergebnisse eine zentrale Rolle von kutikulären Kohlenwasserstoffen in der reproduktiven Isolation beider Arten und in der Artbildung vermuten. / In this thesis, I first conducted several experiments to identify and quantify reproductive isolation at multiple stages in the life history of the closely related species Chorthippus biguttulus and C. mollis (chapter 2). My results indicated a crucial role of chemical cues in the maintenance of species isolation. I combined multiple approaches to examine the ultimate and proximate causes of chemical cues on reproductive behavior in these species. In chapter 3, I demonstrated that the cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profiles of C. biguttulus and C. mollis provide species- and sex-specific cues. I used a RNA-seq approach to examine transcriptional differences of candidate genes, which might cause the divergence in CHC profiles between species and sex. One candidate gene showed species-specific transcriptional differences and may contribute to reproductive isolation. In addition, four candidate genes were differentially expressed between the sexes. Two of them exhibited a strong male-biased expression, which may be linked to higher proportions of dimethyl-branched CHCs in males. I found no evidence for positive selection acting on these genes, suggesting that differences in CHC profiles are presumably mediated at transcriptional level. In chapter 4, I developed a bioassay to determine if female CHCs act as chemical cues that induce courtship behavior in males. In summary, this thesis demonstrated that various reproductive isolating mechanisms reduce the gene flow between C. biguttulus and C. mollis and that in these species the courtship display consists of multimodal signals. In addition, my results suggest a key role of chemical cues in reproductive isolation and speciation.

Barrières au flux génique en Méditerranée Occidentale : étude de la différenciation génétique chez deux mollusques marins, Mytilus galloprovincialis & Stramonita haemastoma, / Barriers to gene flow in the Western Mediterranean basin : Study of the genetic differentiation in two marine molluscs, Mytilus galloprovincialis & Stramonita haemastoma,

El Ayari, Tahani 01 December 2015 (has links)
La génétique des populations a révélé que la diversité génétique des espèces marines était très souvent distribuée de façon discrète dans l’espace, en mosaïque de patchs populationnels génétiquement homogènes délimités par des discontinuités appelées barrière au flux génique. L’objectif de cette thèse était de contribuer à mieux comprendre les processus expliquant l’origine, le maintien et la position des barrières génétiques au niveau de la zone de transition entre l’Atlantique et la Méditerranée. Dans un premier temps a été étudiée la structure génétique de la moule Mytilus galloprovincialis. Contrairement au cline abrupt et étroit reporté en Espagne, nous avons découvert en Algérie une vaste zone hybride mosaïque sur 600 km de côtes à l'Est du front océanique Almeria-Oran. Dans un deuxième temps a été menée une étude de la structure génétique du gastéropode marin Stramonita haemastoma. Nous avons découvert deux lignées cryptiques différentiellement fixées pour des haplogroupes mitochondriaux, et différenciées sur 3 marqueurs microsatellites développés dans cette thèse. La distribution spatiale en mosaïque est étonnante avec un patch de la lignée atlantique enclavé au nord de la Méditerranée occidentale et bordé par une zone hybride au sud dans la région de Valence. Ces deux études mettent en avant l’importance de l’isolement reproductif intrinsèque dans l’explication de la distribution mosaïque de la diversité génétique marine. Bien que les frontières entre patchs correspondent à des barrières physiques à la dispersion ou à des écotones, l’hydrographie et l’environnement n’expliquent sans doute que la position des discontinuités génétiques mais ni leur origine ni leur maintien. / Population genetics has revealed the genetic diversity of marine species is often subdivided into a mosaic of discrete patches, within which populations are genetically homogeneous, delineated by discontinuities called barriers to gene flow. The aim of this thesis was to contribute to better understand the processes explaining the origin, maintenance and location of genetic barriers at the Atlantic/Mediterranean transition zone. First, we studied the genetic structure of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. In contrast to the abrupt narrow cline reported in Spain, we discovered along the Algerian coastline a 600 km wide mosaic hybrid zone eastward of the Almeria-Oran oceanic front. Second, we studied the genetic structure of a marine gastropod Stramonita haemastoma. We discovered two cryptic lineages differentially fixed for alternative mitochondrial haplogroups, and differentiated at three microsatellite markers developed in this PhD work. Surprisingly, the spatial distribution proved to be an unusual mosaic with a patch of the Atlantic lineage enclaved in the north of the Western Mediterranean Sea, bordered in the South by a hybrid zone in eastern Spain around Valencia. These two studies highlight the importance of intrinsic reproductive isolation in explaining the mosaic distribution of the marine genetic diversity. Although boundaries between patches coincide with physical barriers to dispersal or ecotones, hydrography and environment mainly explain the position of the genetic discontinuities but neither their origin nor their maintenance.

Exploration bioinformatique des interactions pollen–pistil chez Solanum chacoense

Joly, Valentin 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Unidirectional CI and the consequences of Wolbachia for gene flow and reinforcement

Flor, Matthias 28 April 2011 (has links)
Die intrazellulären Parasiten der Bakteriengattung Wolbachia sind weit verbreitet im Phylum der Arthropoden. In vielen Wirten lösen sie eine Paarungsinkompatibilität zwischen nicht infizierten Weibchen und infizierten Männchen aus. Die mögliche Rolle dieser zytoplasmatischen Inkompatibilität in Artbildungsprozessen der Wirtsorganismen wird seit langer Zeit diskutiert. In dieser Arbeit analysieren wir häufig angeführte Kritikpunkte einer solchen Rolle mit Hilfe von mathematischen Modellen, in denen Infektionsdynamik von Wolbachia und Populationsgenetik der Wirte kombiniert werden. Die einzelnen Teile befassen sich mit dem Folgenden: (i) Wir untersuchen die Stabilität von Infektionsmustern in Wirts-Metapopulationen, indem wir kritische Migrationsraten herleiten. (ii) Zur Abschätzung des Einflusses der zytoplasmatischen Inkompatibilität auf den Genfluss zwischen Populationen berechnen wir effektive Migrationsraten. (iii) Wir bestimmen die Bedingungen, die die Verstärkung von Reproduktionsbarrieren durch die Evolution von weiblichen Paarungspräferenzen begünstigen. Schließlich (iv) wenden wir unsere Modelle auf einen realen Artbildungsprozess zweier Drosophila-Arten in Nordamerika an, diskutieren auftretende Probleme und unterbreiten Vorschläge für weiterführende Forschung. Zusammenfassend implizieren unsere Ergebnisse, dass Wolbachien häufig mit der Entstehung neuer Wirtsarten verknüpft sein können, allerdings in den meisten Fällen nur, indem sie als einer von mehreren Faktoren zur reproduktiven Isolation beitragen. Eine Verstärkung sexueller Isolation wird nur unter speziellen Bedingungen bewirkt. / The intracellular bacterial parasites of the genus Wolbachia are widespread among arthropod species. In many hosts, they induce a reproductive incompatibility between uninfected females and infected males. The potential role of this cytoplasmic incompatibility in speciation processes of the bacteria''s hosts has long been debated. In this thesis, we analyze common criticisms of such a role by means of mathematical models, combining Wolbachia infection dynamics and host population genetics. In particular, we are concerned with the following: (i) In order to measure the stability of infection patterns within host metapopulations, we derive critical migration rates. (ii) We evaluate the impact of cytoplasmic incompatibility on gene flow between populations by calculating effective migration rates. (iii) We determine the conditions that favor the evolution of female mating preferences through reinforcement. Finally, (iv) we apply our models to a particular real-world speciation process of two sibling Drosophila species in North America, discuss emerging problems, and suggest future directions of research. In summary, our results implicate that Wolbachia might be a frequent factor in host speciation, but usually only by contributing to overall reproductive isolation among other factors. Reinforcement of premating isolation is selected for only under stringent conditions.

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