Spelling suggestions: "subject:"researchintervention"" "subject:"rechercheintervention""
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Dynamique et configuration(s) de l'évolution de projets de création d'entreprises de haute technologie. Développement et contingence. Restitution d'un processus à partir d'une recherche-intervention : le cas d'une innovation de hautes technologies de l'invention à son exploitation / dynamics of the evolution of the projects of high-technology new business start-up : The case of an innovation of high technologies of the invention in its exploitationSurrel de Saint Julien, Odile de 08 January 2014 (has links)
La thèse vise à expliquer la dynamique de l’évolution des projets de création d’entreprises de haute technologie à travers les différentes configurations empruntées par le développement technologique et organisationnel. La revue de littérature dans le domaine de l’entrepreneuriat technologique a montré une grande richesse de facteurs explicatifs de l’évolution des projets de création d’entreprises mais aussi des déficiences du rôle attribué à la technologie qui lui confèrent un statut d’artéfact et non celui de processus à part entière. Une approche conceptuelle de la création de l’entreprise de haute technologie fondée sur la théorie de l’acteur réseau permet de dépasser les approches déterministes afin de s’intéresser au développement conjoint de la technologie et de l’organisation. Le cas d’une innovation de hautes technologies de l’invention à son exploitation est analysé en profondeur selon une démarche de recherche-intervention. L’analyse conduit a l’élaboration d’un outil d’aide à la décision (le dispositif d’intervention) et d’un modèle dynamique de la création de l’entreprise de haute technologie différent de ceux présentés dans la littérature entrepreneuriale. Les principaux apports résident dans l’aide à la prise de décisions stratégiques et à celui de la construction de l’organisation. Cette aide, au départ fondée sur les pratiques de l’intervention, s’est transformée peu à peu en un processus d’apprentissage collectif basé sur une modélisation rationnelle de la construction de l’entreprise technologique en favorisant l’émergence de nouveaux savoirs partageables et durables dans le temps. / This research aims to explain the dynamics of the evolution of the projects of high-technology new business start-up through the various configurations derived from by the technological and organizational development. The review of literature in the field of the technological entrepreneurship shows a vast amount of explanatory factors of the evolution of the projects of new business start-up but also the lack of the role granted to the technology which confers it a status of artefact and not that of the full process. A conceptual approach on the high-technology company based on the theory of the network actor allows to overtake the determinist approaches to be interested in the joint development of the technology and the organization. The case of an innovation of high technologies of the invention in its exploitation is analyzed in deeply according to the research-intervention methodology. The analysis leads the elaboration of a decision-making tool (le dispositif d’intervention) and of a dynamic high-technology model of the creation of the company different from those presented in the entrepreneurial literature. The main contribution lives in the assistance to the strategic decision-making and to that of the construction of the organization. This assistance, at first established on the practices of the intervention, was transformed progressively into a process of collective learning built on a rational modeling of the construction of the technological company by favoring the emergence of new shared and long-lasting knowledge in the time.
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Un processus de création de valeurs par la RSE : une recherche-intervention au sein de Janssen France / A process of values creation by CSR : a research-intervention at Janssen FranceGimenes, Nathalie 13 June 2018 (has links)
Pourquoi et comment la Responsabilité Sociale d’Entreprise (RSE) invite-t-elle les dirigeants à redéfinir les business model ? Mettre en oeuvre la RSE signifie que l’entreprise requalifie progressivement la création de valeur au regard des valeurs universelles du développement durable. Le business model, en tant qu’outil représentatif du système de création de valeur d’une entreprise n’a plus vocation à créer uniquement de la valeur économique mais aussi des valeurs sociales, sociétales et environnementales. Le profit de l’entreprise est envisagé à travers une équation de profits au pluriel donnant du sens à la performance globale de l’entreprise.La recherche-intervention menée « avec et pour » Janssen France a permis d’élaborer et d’expérimenter un processus de création de valeurs par la RSE facilitant la prise de décision des dirigeants en la matière. Il se compose de trois séquences. Il aide les praticiens à mieux comprendre comment se définit la RSE dans le cadre de leurs activités, à structurer une orientation stratégique et à expliciter concrètement les contributions de l’entreprise aux enjeux du développement durable. En intégrant la RSE au cœur des composantes du business model, l’entreprise élargit la finalité de ses activités et contribue à des enjeux de bien commun. / Why and how does Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) invite managers to redefine business models? Implementing CSR means that the company is gradually redefining value creation according to the universal values of sustainable development. The business model, as a representative tool of a company's value creation system, no longer aims to create only economic value but also social, societal and environmental values. The profit of the company is considered through an equation of plural profits giving meaning to the overall performance of the company.The research-intervention carried out "with and for" Janssen France has made it possible to develop and test a process of values creation by CSR to facilitate decision making by managers in this area. It consists of three sequences. It helps practitioners to better understand how CSR is defined in their business, to structure a strategic orientation and to make concrete the company's contributions to sustainable development issues. By integrating CSR at the heart of the business model's components, the company broadens the scope of its activities and contributes to the common good.
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Contribution de la gestion des risques au deploiement de l'externalisation de la logistique : Le cas d'un équipementier aéronautique / Risk management of logistics outsourcing : The case of an aeronautical equipment manufacturerHaouari, Mohamed 19 November 2014 (has links)
Sous la pression de l'environnement, les entreprises ont été peu à peu amenées à changer leurs modes d'organisation en confiant de plus en plus d'activités à des prestataires externes. L'externalisation de la logistique est une des tendances fortes de ce mouvement. Cependant, malgré leurs bénéfices prétendus, de nombreux projets d'externalisation de la logistique ne remplissent pas leurs promesses. La cause en revient à une mauvaise anticipation des risques. Bien que la littérature soit riche en modèles théoriques et en études empiriques traitant de la décision d'externalisation, de ses déterminants, de ses facteurs de succès et d'échec, les travaux qui portent sur l'étude et l'anticipation des risques restent relativement rares. Ce travail de recherche s'intéresse au rôle que pourrait jouer la gestion des risques pour favoriser la conduite d'un processus d'externalisation de la logistique. Il repose sur une recherche-intervention mise en oeuvre chez un équipementier aéronautique. Il aboutit à la Proposition d'un processus de gestion intégrée des risques de l'externalisation. Ce modèle met en évidence la nécessité de repenser la manière d'appréhender l'externalisation de la logistique. Il propose une démarche intégratrice permettant de modéliser les différentes phases d'un processus d'externalisation de la logistique en adoptant de nouveaux modes de conception et de reconfiguration qui y intègrent la maîtrise des risques. Ce modèle offre une vision suffisamment globale aux praticiens qui doivent faire face au quotidien à des projets d'externalisation de plus en plus complexes. / Under pressure from the environment, firms were gradually brought to change their modes of organization by entrusting more and more activities to external service providers. The outsourcing of logistics is one of the strong trends of this movement. However, despite their supposed benefits, many logistics outsourcing projects fail to fulfil their promises. The cause goes back to weak risk anticipation. Although the literature is rich in theoretical models and empirical studies dealing with the decision of outsourcing, its determinants, its factors of success and failure, works which focus on the study and anticipating risks remain relatively rare. This research focuses on the potential role of risk management to support the conduct of a process of outsourcing of logistics. It is based on a research-intervention implemented in an aeronautical equipment manufacturer. It leads to the proposal of a model of integrated risk management outsourcing. This model highlights the need to rethink how to approach outsourcing logistics. It offers an inclusive approach to model the different phases of a process of logistics outsourcing by adopting new modes of design and reconfiguration which include the control of risks. This model offers a global vision to managers who face outsourcing projects becoming increasingly complex.
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Les facteurs de succès et de frein d'une démarche de prévention des risques psychosociaux à l'hôpital public : une lecture au regard de la sociologie de la traduction / The factors of success and brake of a practical approach to psychosocial risks in the public hospital : a reading with regard to the sociology of translationDurand, Sandra 11 September 2017 (has links)
Notre recherche-intervention produit des enseignements sur les modalités qui favorisent le déploiement de projets de prévention des risques psychosociaux (RPS) dans des centres hospitaliers publics. Compte tenu de la forte exposition des agents aux facteurs de RPS, les hôpitaux sont encouragés à s’engager dans ce type de démarche et se confrontent alors à un défi de taille. En effet, de par leur nature Ressource Humaine, ces démarches transverses subissent l’influence défavorable d’éléments de contexte externes et internes qui les ralentissent voire les annihilent. Face à cette problématique, la littérature reste relativement muette sur les modalités concrètes qui permettent de décliner opérationnellement des pistes préventives. Notre recherche repose sur trois études de cas longitudinales réalisées dans deux Centres Hospitaliers publics des régions PACA et Languedoc-Roussillon. Nous nous sommes appuyés sur la sociologie de la traduction, dans sa version normative et analytique, pour aider et analyser la conduite des démarches préventives. Nous mettons en évidence les facteurs de succès et de freins relatifs au trois projets étudiés. Ainsi, nous formulons des préconisations managériales et proposons des pistes de recherche visant à outiller davantage les gestionnaires qui souhaitent conduire des projets de prévention des RPS dans les structures hospitalières publiques. L’étude met en évidence qu’un guide normatif de la sociologie de la traduction enrichi et appliqué à l’échelle locale d’un service semblerait être la voie privilégiée pour prévenir efficacement les risques psychosociaux à l’hôpital. / Our research-intervention provides lessons on modalities supporting the deployment of psychosocial risk prevention projects in public hospitals. Given the agents’ high exposure to psychosocial risk factors, hospitals are encouraged to engage in this type of approach but also face important challenges. Indeed, due to their human resource nature, these transversal approaches suffer from the negative influence of external elements and internal ones that slow down or annihilate them. Thus, psychosocial risk prevention is considered unsatisfactory, despite some steps taken. Literature remains relatively silent on what modalities allow to operationally decline preventive leads. Our research is based on three longitudinal case studies carried out in two public hospitals in the ProvenceAlpes-Côte d'Azur and Languedoc-Roussillon regions. We based our research on the sociology of translation, in its normative and analytical version, to help analyze the conduct of preventive approaches. We highlight the success factors and constraints related to each stage of the three projects studied (initiation and establishment of the diagnosis, development and implementation of the action plan). Our transformative posture allows us to enrich the normative guide of the theoretical framework. Thus, we formulate managerial recommendations and propose research tracks aimed at better equipping managers who wish to conduct psychosocial risk prevention projects in public hospitals. The study shows that a normative guide to the sociology of translation enriched and applied at the local level of a service appears to be the most effective way to prevent psychosocial risks in hospitals.
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Analyse du développement du pouvoir d'agir d'enseignants confrontés au risque de décrochage scolaire : étude de cas en classe de sixième de collège / Analysis of professional development of acting power for teachers facing the risk of school dropout : a case study in secondary school (sixth grade)Bruno, Françoise 07 December 2015 (has links)
Objectif prioritaire du ministère de l’éducation nationale, la prévention du décrochage scolaire fait l’objet d’une prescription abondante en France. Le repérage du risque de décrochage ainsi que la mise en œuvre de réponses adaptées pose aux enseignants des problèmes professionnels nouveaux. Le propos est ici d’étudier l’impact de la prise en compte des élèves à risque de décrochage au sein des cours disciplinaires sur l’activité de travail des enseignants, à travers une intervention-recherche menée avec un collectif de professeurs de collège dans une classe de sixième, selon le cadre théorique et méthodologique de la clinique de l’activité et de l’ergonomie de l’activité enseignante. Nous tentons ici de comprendre le travail pour le transformer, mais aussi de transformer le travail pour le comprendre, à la demande des professionnels et avec leur concours. Nous cherchons donc à provoquer puis à étudier le développement professionnel des participants, notamment à partir de questions problématiques, soulevées par les acteurs eux-mêmes et en nous appuyant sur la méthodologie de l’autoconfrontation simple et croisée.Cette alliance entre une chercheure et un collectif de travailleurs enseignants aboutit pour ces derniers à un développement du pouvoir d’agir dans l’identification et la prévention du risque de décrochage chez leurs élèves, et offre des perspectives d’actions innovantes et de production de ressources pour la formation dans ce domaine. Sur le plan épistémique, elle ouvre des pistes vers une production d’invariants du développement du pouvoir d’agir et vers un certain nombre de conditions pouvant favoriser ce développement. / Priority of the national education ministry, dropout prevention is the subject of a lot of prescription in France. The identification of dropout risk and implementation of appropriate responses poses new professional problems.The purpose is to study the impact of the inclusion of students at risk of dropping out within disciplinary courses on teachers' working activity through an action-research conducted with a group of college professors in a sixth class, according to the theoretical and methodological framework of clinical activity and the ergonomics of the teaching activity. Here we try to understand work to transform it, but also transform work to understand, at the request of professionals and with their assistance. So we look to cause and study the professional development of participants, especially from problematic issues raised by the actors themselves and building on the methodology of simple and crossed self-confrontation.This alliance between a researcher and a group of teachers for these workers leads to a development of the power to act in identifying and preventing the risk of dropout students, and offers prospects for innovative actions and production resources for training in this area. On the epistemological level, it opens the way towards the production of invariants of the development of power to act and to a number of conditions that can promote this development.
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As artes de trabalhar e educar : um estudo junto a trabalhadores da Atenção Básica em SaúdeCargnin, Daiana Rozi Mello January 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo buscou problematizar as possibilidades de produção de novas formas de educar e de trabalhar em saúde a partir do dispositivo da educação permanente em saúde. A confecção do objeto de investigação originou-se da perspectiva de que o trabalho e a educação em saúde são dispositivos de afirmação-resistência do modo de sujeição capitalista que enuncia quem é um “bom trabalhador” e que determina e legitima os sujeitos que possuem saberes sobre o trabalho. A questão que orientou o estudo foi: como a educação permanente se torna dispositivo estratégico para o trabalho no/do Sistema Único de Saúde? Este estudo foi realizado junto ao Ambulatório Básico, um serviço da rede pública de saúde do Município de Porto Alegre. Os participantes da pesquisa foram as trabalhadoras do ambulatório, as técnicas de enfermagem e a enfermeira. A proposta metodológica deste estudo é orientada pela Pesquisa Intervenção, ancorada na Análise Institucional. Compondo essa metodologia utilizamos a Intervenção Fotográfica que incluiu oficinas de fotografias e de confecção de uma câmera artesanal, Pinlux, e em seguida, a produção de fotografias pelas trabalhadoras. O momento das oficinas reconfiguram a dinâmica das reuniões centradas na chefia e com uma pauta administrativa para o movimento de produção e trocas de saberes. O processo do grupo evidência o (não) lugar do Ambulatório Básico e as fragilidades desse serviço; a tecnologia do trabalho em saúde na tensão com os saberes produzidos pelas técnicas de enfermagem no fazer do seu trabalho; e a gestão dos espaços, das tecnologias do trabalho em saúde e dos saberes produzidos no cotidiano. A partir desse estudo, vislumbramos a educação permanente em saúde tensionada pela formação permanente em saúde que evoca os saberes do trabalhados acerca da atividade e gestão dos micro espaços do trabalho. / This study sought to problematize the production possibilities of new ways of educating and working in health through the health‟s permanent education device. The confection of the investigation‟s object originated from the perspective that health work and education are affirmation-resistance devices of the capitalist subjugation mode, which tells who is a “good worker” and determines and legitimates they who own knowledge over work. The study‟s guiding question was: how permanent education becomes a strategic device for the work on/of the Sistema Único de Saúde, problematized from the Basic Ambulatory Unit staff‟s experience? This study was done with the Basic Ambulatory Unit, more specifically, area eight, a public health service from the city of Porto Alegre. The research‟s participant people were this Unit‟s workers, the Infirmary Technicians and the Nurse. Interventional research, based in Institutional Analysis, orients this study‟s methodological proposal. Compounding this methodology, we utilized the Photographic Intervention, which included photography and a camera confection workshops, Pinlux, and afterwards, the production of photographs by the workers. The workshop‟s moment reconfigures the dynamic of the meetings centered on the leaders and with administrative subject for the idea of production and knowledge exchanges. The group‟s process shines a light on the (non) role of the Basic Ambulatory Unit and the fragilities of this service; the labor‟s technology in health against the knowledge generated by the Infirmary Technicians through their work; and the management of the spaces, the labor‟s technology in health and the knowledge produced every day. Through this study, we glimpse the permanent education in health tensioned by the permanent formation in health that evokes the work‟s knowledge around the activity and management of the work‟s micro-spaces.
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As artes de trabalhar e educar : um estudo junto a trabalhadores da Atenção Básica em SaúdeCargnin, Daiana Rozi Mello January 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo buscou problematizar as possibilidades de produção de novas formas de educar e de trabalhar em saúde a partir do dispositivo da educação permanente em saúde. A confecção do objeto de investigação originou-se da perspectiva de que o trabalho e a educação em saúde são dispositivos de afirmação-resistência do modo de sujeição capitalista que enuncia quem é um “bom trabalhador” e que determina e legitima os sujeitos que possuem saberes sobre o trabalho. A questão que orientou o estudo foi: como a educação permanente se torna dispositivo estratégico para o trabalho no/do Sistema Único de Saúde? Este estudo foi realizado junto ao Ambulatório Básico, um serviço da rede pública de saúde do Município de Porto Alegre. Os participantes da pesquisa foram as trabalhadoras do ambulatório, as técnicas de enfermagem e a enfermeira. A proposta metodológica deste estudo é orientada pela Pesquisa Intervenção, ancorada na Análise Institucional. Compondo essa metodologia utilizamos a Intervenção Fotográfica que incluiu oficinas de fotografias e de confecção de uma câmera artesanal, Pinlux, e em seguida, a produção de fotografias pelas trabalhadoras. O momento das oficinas reconfiguram a dinâmica das reuniões centradas na chefia e com uma pauta administrativa para o movimento de produção e trocas de saberes. O processo do grupo evidência o (não) lugar do Ambulatório Básico e as fragilidades desse serviço; a tecnologia do trabalho em saúde na tensão com os saberes produzidos pelas técnicas de enfermagem no fazer do seu trabalho; e a gestão dos espaços, das tecnologias do trabalho em saúde e dos saberes produzidos no cotidiano. A partir desse estudo, vislumbramos a educação permanente em saúde tensionada pela formação permanente em saúde que evoca os saberes do trabalhados acerca da atividade e gestão dos micro espaços do trabalho. / This study sought to problematize the production possibilities of new ways of educating and working in health through the health‟s permanent education device. The confection of the investigation‟s object originated from the perspective that health work and education are affirmation-resistance devices of the capitalist subjugation mode, which tells who is a “good worker” and determines and legitimates they who own knowledge over work. The study‟s guiding question was: how permanent education becomes a strategic device for the work on/of the Sistema Único de Saúde, problematized from the Basic Ambulatory Unit staff‟s experience? This study was done with the Basic Ambulatory Unit, more specifically, area eight, a public health service from the city of Porto Alegre. The research‟s participant people were this Unit‟s workers, the Infirmary Technicians and the Nurse. Interventional research, based in Institutional Analysis, orients this study‟s methodological proposal. Compounding this methodology, we utilized the Photographic Intervention, which included photography and a camera confection workshops, Pinlux, and afterwards, the production of photographs by the workers. The workshop‟s moment reconfigures the dynamic of the meetings centered on the leaders and with administrative subject for the idea of production and knowledge exchanges. The group‟s process shines a light on the (non) role of the Basic Ambulatory Unit and the fragilities of this service; the labor‟s technology in health against the knowledge generated by the Infirmary Technicians through their work; and the management of the spaces, the labor‟s technology in health and the knowledge produced every day. Through this study, we glimpse the permanent education in health tensioned by the permanent formation in health that evokes the work‟s knowledge around the activity and management of the work‟s micro-spaces.
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Le rôle du genre dans la conduite d'une démarche d'égalité professionnelle : cas d'une grande entreprise de transport / The role of gender in a professionnal equality process : the case of a large public transport companyPonchut, Marine 26 November 2014 (has links)
Notre recherche porte sur la mise en place d'un programme d'égalité professionnelle femmes-hommes et s'intéresse à la question suivante : Comment mener une démarche d'égalité professionnelle réelle et pérenne dans une entreprise dont la culture organisationnelle est masculine ? Pour y répondre, nous avons mené une recherche-intervention au sein de Transco, un groupe de transport public de voyageurs. En résultat, nous proposons une typologie des travaux sur l'égalité professionnelle et l'organisation et nous testons pour la première fois la grille de Rutherford, destinée à caractériser la culture organisationnelle genrée. Puis nous exposons les spécificités de la démarche de Transco, et en les rapprochant de la littérature, nous aboutissons à une montée en généralité sur les spécificités des démarches égalité. Ces résultats associés à nos apports théoriques nous permettent de préconiser des actions managériales pour garantir une égalité réelle et durable entre femmes et hommes. / Our research deals with the implementation of a professional gender equality program and is interested in the following question: how to lead an initiative of real and sustainable professional equality in a male environment? To answer it, we led a research-intervention within Transco, a group of public transport. ln our results, we propose a typology of major academic works on the professional equality and the organization. We test for the first time Rutherford's model, intended to characterize the gendered organizational culture. Then we display the specificities of Transco's equality initiative, and we link them to the literature to propose the key characteristics of gender initiatives. These results associated to our theoretical contributions allow us to draw operational recommendations to guarantee a real and sustainable equality between women and men.
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As artes de trabalhar e educar : um estudo junto a trabalhadores da Atenção Básica em SaúdeCargnin, Daiana Rozi Mello January 2011 (has links)
O presente estudo buscou problematizar as possibilidades de produção de novas formas de educar e de trabalhar em saúde a partir do dispositivo da educação permanente em saúde. A confecção do objeto de investigação originou-se da perspectiva de que o trabalho e a educação em saúde são dispositivos de afirmação-resistência do modo de sujeição capitalista que enuncia quem é um “bom trabalhador” e que determina e legitima os sujeitos que possuem saberes sobre o trabalho. A questão que orientou o estudo foi: como a educação permanente se torna dispositivo estratégico para o trabalho no/do Sistema Único de Saúde? Este estudo foi realizado junto ao Ambulatório Básico, um serviço da rede pública de saúde do Município de Porto Alegre. Os participantes da pesquisa foram as trabalhadoras do ambulatório, as técnicas de enfermagem e a enfermeira. A proposta metodológica deste estudo é orientada pela Pesquisa Intervenção, ancorada na Análise Institucional. Compondo essa metodologia utilizamos a Intervenção Fotográfica que incluiu oficinas de fotografias e de confecção de uma câmera artesanal, Pinlux, e em seguida, a produção de fotografias pelas trabalhadoras. O momento das oficinas reconfiguram a dinâmica das reuniões centradas na chefia e com uma pauta administrativa para o movimento de produção e trocas de saberes. O processo do grupo evidência o (não) lugar do Ambulatório Básico e as fragilidades desse serviço; a tecnologia do trabalho em saúde na tensão com os saberes produzidos pelas técnicas de enfermagem no fazer do seu trabalho; e a gestão dos espaços, das tecnologias do trabalho em saúde e dos saberes produzidos no cotidiano. A partir desse estudo, vislumbramos a educação permanente em saúde tensionada pela formação permanente em saúde que evoca os saberes do trabalhados acerca da atividade e gestão dos micro espaços do trabalho. / This study sought to problematize the production possibilities of new ways of educating and working in health through the health‟s permanent education device. The confection of the investigation‟s object originated from the perspective that health work and education are affirmation-resistance devices of the capitalist subjugation mode, which tells who is a “good worker” and determines and legitimates they who own knowledge over work. The study‟s guiding question was: how permanent education becomes a strategic device for the work on/of the Sistema Único de Saúde, problematized from the Basic Ambulatory Unit staff‟s experience? This study was done with the Basic Ambulatory Unit, more specifically, area eight, a public health service from the city of Porto Alegre. The research‟s participant people were this Unit‟s workers, the Infirmary Technicians and the Nurse. Interventional research, based in Institutional Analysis, orients this study‟s methodological proposal. Compounding this methodology, we utilized the Photographic Intervention, which included photography and a camera confection workshops, Pinlux, and afterwards, the production of photographs by the workers. The workshop‟s moment reconfigures the dynamic of the meetings centered on the leaders and with administrative subject for the idea of production and knowledge exchanges. The group‟s process shines a light on the (non) role of the Basic Ambulatory Unit and the fragilities of this service; the labor‟s technology in health against the knowledge generated by the Infirmary Technicians through their work; and the management of the spaces, the labor‟s technology in health and the knowledge produced every day. Through this study, we glimpse the permanent education in health tensioned by the permanent formation in health that evokes the work‟s knowledge around the activity and management of the work‟s micro-spaces.
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Estrat?gias para a escrita do g?nero artigo de opini?o na escola: uma proposta metodol?gicaCosta, Karine de Oliveira 14 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Verena Pereira (verenagoncalves@uefs.br) on 2018-07-10T22:17:44Z
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DISSERTA??O PROFLETRAS KARINE COSTA TOTAL 1.pdf: 12607787 bytes, checksum: 9c1968942dca7abb89a04261c3a49f34 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-10T22:17:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DISSERTA??O PROFLETRAS KARINE COSTA TOTAL 1.pdf: 12607787 bytes, checksum: 9c1968942dca7abb89a04261c3a49f34 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-03-14 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Strategies for writing genre opinion piece in school: a methodological proposal is the result of a pedagogical intervention performed in a class of ninth grade of elementary school II of a large public high school in the city of Feira de Santana-Bahia. Research-intervention had a qualitative methodological approach and theoretical framework based on Textual Linguistics. Part of the theoretical framework of base: Antunes(2016, 2009, 2003), Beth Marcuschi (2010),Geraldi (2002, 1997, 1991), Kato (2003), Koch (2016,2002),Marcuschi (2003), Passarelli (2012,2004), PCN (1998), Rodrigues (2000); among others. From a work plan, consisting of additional steps, we develop actions in the classroom, which sought to improve some skills writers of the students. We promote the systematic teaching of a text argumentative, opinion piece, contemplating the underlying writing process steps, which are: planning, writing the first version, revision and rewriting of a text. To this end, we offer 14 thematic workshops focused reading and rereading of texts, the study of linguistic and discursive aspects of the genre, writing and rewriting of an article. The texts were monitored along the search to identify the main difficulties presented by students in relation to the writing of the genre and, also, to evaluate if those difficulties were minimized from the activities developed in class. We, with research, verify that the teaching of writing of a particular genre is most effective when it occurs within an international perspective, contextualized and procedure. In the end, compare the first version of the articles with the rewritten version, whose results showed that after implementation of the activities there was improved performance of students in writing, especially in respect to textual coherence in the title role, in thematic continuity and general sense of the text / Estrat?gias para a escrita do g?nero artigo de opini?o na escola: uma proposta metodol?gica ? resultado de uma interven??o pedag?gica realizada em uma turma de 9? ano do Ensino Fundamental II de uma escola p?blica de grande porte da cidade de Feira de Santana ? Bahia. A pesquisa-interven??o teve uma abordagem metodol?gica qualitativa e referencial te?rico fundamentado na Lingu?stica Textual. Fazem parte do quadro te?rico de base: Antunes (2016, 2009, 2003), Beth Marcuschi (2010), Geraldi (2002, 1997, 1991), Kato (2003) ,Koch (2016,2002), Marcuschi (2003), Passarelli (2012,2004), PCN (1998), Rodrigues (2000); dentre outros. A partir de um plano de trabalho, composto por etapas complementares, desenvolvemos a??es em sala de aula, as quais visaram aprimorar algumas habilidades escritoras dos discentes. Promovemos o ensino sistem?tico de um g?nero textual argumentativo, o artigo de opini?o, contemplando as etapas subjacentes ao processo de escrita, quais sejam: planejamento, escritura da primeira vers?o, revis?o e reescrita de um texto. Para tanto, ofertamos 14 oficinas tem?ticas que tiveram como foco a leitura e a releitura de textos, o estudo dos aspectos lingu?sticos e discursivos do g?nero, a escrita e a reescrita de um artigo. Os textos foram monitorados ao longo da pesquisa para identificarmos as principais dificuldades apresentadas pelos discentes em rela??o ? escritura do g?nero e, tamb?m, para avaliarmos se essas dificuldades foram minimizadas a partir das atividades desenvolvidas em sala. Intentamos, com a pesquisa, verificar se o ensino da escrita de um determinado g?nero ? mais eficaz quando ocorre dentro de uma perspectiva interacional, contextualizada e processual. Ao final, comparamos a primeira vers?o dos artigos com a vers?o reescrita, cujos resultados mostraram que ap?s aplica??o das atividades houve melhor desempenho dos estudantes na escrita, sobretudo no que se referente ? coer?ncia textual na atribui??o de t?tulo, na continuidade tem?tica e de sentido geral do texto
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