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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alguns aspectos de mensuração e controle do uso de recursos em desenvolvimento de produtos na área automotiva. / Some measurements and controls in relation to resources applied for methodology of products development inside the automotive area.

Fernando Antonio Bartuccio 29 August 2002 (has links)
O presente trabalho reúne elementos que possibilitarão entender e aplicar alguns aspectos de mensuração e controle de uso de recursos em desenvolvimento de produtos na área automotiva. Trata-se de um tema em que tenho participado ativamente do grupo internacional formado com esta finalidade e que agora, após seis anos de trabalho, consolidações e análises, estamos chegando à consolidação de todo o modelo. A preocupação do texto está focada na explicação do conceito, seus procedimentos visando o controle de recursos aplicados desde a estimativa até o controle dos gastos reais destes recursos. O texto também apresenta resultados de uma simulação de modelo que está em desenvolvimento a ser utilizado com esta finalidade de estimativas, controle e gerenciamento de recursos. Além do cumprimento da formalidade, este texto tem a pretensão de transmitir alguns aspectos de experiência prática no controle de recursos em desenvolvimento de projetos, vividos pelo autor, para futuras necessidades, quer sejam aplicados no setor automobilístico, quer sejam em quaisquer outros segmentos com as devidas análises e adaptações. / This report is a collection of elements that will permit to understand and apply some measurements and controls in relation to resources applied for methodology of products development inside the automotive area. The main reason of this text is to keep the focus in the concepts and their procedures to control the resources to be applied, since the estimates until the actual expenses control. This text also presents the results of one model simulation that is being in development with the objective of resources estimates, control and management decisions. Besides the formal target of this course, this text aims to be useful and to transmit some practical experience from the author with resources control related to projects development, for any kind of futures needs to be applied for automotive segment or other ones with necessary analyses and due changes.

Miljösatsningar i kommuners fastighetsbestånd : En kvalitativ studie om hur olika strategier påverkar kommuners val av miljösatsningar inom dess fastighetsorganisation/fastighetsbestånd / Environmental initiatives in municipalities' property holdings : A qualitative study of how different strategies affect the municipalities' choice of environmental initiatives within their property holdings

Therén, Samuel, Tsialios, Fotis January 2021 (has links)
Den globala “miljökrisen” är ett frekvent ämne som genomsyrat världsdebatten under senare år. Koldioxidutsläppen ökar, samtidigt som jordens begränsade reserver töms i allt större utsträckning. Klimatförändringar är ett fenomen som står oss nära och som påverkar oss individer starkt. Under rådande pandemi (Covid19) kan man se resultatet av hur klimatförstöring påverkat vår planet, vilket till stor del beror att den miljöförstörande industrin står stilla. Covid19 pandemin visar verkligen hur relevant studien är och hur viktigt det är med miljöförbättringsåtgärder när det gäller framtida generationers överlevnad. Då kommuner, regioner och landet som stort tar sitt ansvar och arbetar aktivt mot de olika uppsatta miljömålen kan vi successivt minska på det globala avtrycket.  I detta arbete har kommunerna en framträdande roll, och ifall kommunen inte arbetar med ett aktivt klimatarbete kommer inte morgondagens miljökrav att uppnås. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur miljöarbetet i två närliggande kommuner med liknande stor areal och befolkning skiljer sig åt. Syftet är att se hur olika strategier påverkar kommunernas val av miljösatsningar inom dess fastighetsorganisation/fastighetsbestånd. Uppsatsen har utgått ifrån relevant teori, kurslitteratur, genomförda intervjuer med miljöstrateg och förvaltare i respektive kommun.  Resultatet visar att skillnaderna mellan kommunernas strategier och miljösatsningar är stora. Kommun 1 anställda saknade ett reviderat miljömålsprogram att sträva efter vilket resulterade i att kommunens miljöarbete stod stilla.  Trots de två respondenternas stora vilja till förändring inom området miljö, saknades detta i organisationen. Kommun 2 som bedrev sin förvaltning genom det allmännyttiga bolaget låg i framkant när det gäller dessföre i sitt miljöarbete. Dessutom hade bolaget blivit prisat för sitt miljöarbete då individerna i bolaget arbetade aktivt med miljösatsningar inom dess fastighetsbestånd. / The global “environmental crisis” is a frequent and highly discussed topic that has permeated the world debate in recent years. Carbon dioxide emissions are increasing, while the earth’s limited reserves are being increasingly depleted. Climate change is a phenomenon that is close to us and affects us on an individual level. During the current pandemic (Covid-19) climate destructive industries have shut-down, and now one can clearly see the result of climate change. Covid-19 truly shows how relevant this study is and how important it is with environmental improvement measures regarding future generations survival. In order to reduce our global imprint, municipalities, regions and the country as a whole needs to take responsibility and actively work towards achieving the set environmental goals. In this work, municipalities have a prominent role, and if the municipalities do not actively work with reducing our imprint, tomorrow's environmental requirements will not be met. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how the environmental work in two neighbouring municipalities' with similar large area and population differ. The purpose is to see how different strategies affect the municipalities' choice of environmental initiatives within their property holdings. The results show major differences between the municipalities strategies and environmental initiatives. Municipality 1 lacked a revised environmental target program to strive for which resulted in the municipality's environmental work standing still. Despite the the two respondents' great desire to make a change in the environment, this was lacking in the organization.  Municipality 2, which carried out its management through the public utility company, was at the forefront of its environmental work. In addition, muncipality 2, had been praised for its environmental work as it actively worked with environmental investments in their property portfolio.

Electrochemical processing in molten salt for in-situ resource utilization / 資源その場利用のための溶融塩中の電気化学プロセシング / シゲン ソノバ リヨウ ノ タメ ノ ヨウユウエンチュウ ノ デンキ カガク プロセシング

鈴木 祐太, Yuta Suzuki 22 March 2021 (has links)
月あるいは火星近傍における持続可能な宇宙空間利用のために、月面および火星表層を覆う複合酸化物から成るレゴリスを資源としたその場資源利用に関する技術の発展が不可欠である。本研究では、不揮発不燃性の溶融塩を反応媒体に用い、電気化学プロセシングにより、その場資源であるレゴリスに含まれる有用な元素の分離・回収・利用する技術を新たに提案した。また、溶融ハライド塩中での各種金属元素やイオン及びその酸化物等の物理化学特性を明らかにした。 / High temperature molten salt plays a key role in power generation systems such as solar cells, nuclear fission reactor, and nuclear fusion reactor on the moon and Mars. In this thesis, the physicochemical phenomena of metallic atoms, metallic ions, and its oxides in molten halides were investigated in order to obtain fundamental knowledges for electrochemical/materials science and to develop electrochemical processing in molten salt for in-situ resource utilization. The significant effects of melt structure, melt composition, and interfacial flow phenomena on the Si electrodeposition process was discussed. The corrosion behavior of major alloys and a unique steel in molten halides was also discussed. / 博士(工学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Making Space Exploration Sustainable: A Quantitative Assessment of Valuable Elements for Implementation of In-Situ Utilisation of Lunar Resources

Klaus, Bella January 2022 (has links)
Exploring the Solar System is an ongoing process of humanity that cannot be stopped. It requires large amounts of resources to explore space, which need to be acquired from somewhere. Resources mined on Earth cannot be diverted from vital productions on Earth as those required for energy systems transition and developing a sustainable society. With an ever-increasing demand of resources on Earth, resource extraction needs to be increased and diverted to avoid resource depletion. One such diversion is resource extraction from terrestrial bodies other than Earth, such as asteroids, meteorites, and the Moon. This thesis looks at the resources present on the Moon by compiling a chemical database which is then fed to mathematical models aimed to compare historical trends of Earth mining operations and prospected trends from lunar resources. Such approach is expected to establish if lunar mining is viable. The results are discussed in a larger context of how lunar resources can be used for in-situ resource utilization for solar system exploration, as well as questions regarding space law and possible colonialization.

Ferrous alloy manufacturing for the Martian surface through in-situ resource utilization with ionic liquids harvested iron and Bosch process carbon

Stewart, Blake C 09 August 2022 (has links)
As research continues for the habitation of the Lunar and Martian surfaces, the need for materials for construction of structural parts, mechanical components, and tools remains as a major milestone. The use of in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) techniques is critical due to the financial, physical, and logistical burdens of sending supplies beyond low-Earth orbit. The Bosch process is currently in development as a life support system at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) to regenerate oxygen (O2) from metabolic carbon dioxide (CO2) with the byproduct of elemental carbon (C). The Bosch process presents a possible way of regenerating O2 without the disposal of hydrogen (H2) like the Sabatier. Ionic liquids (ILs) are also studied at MSFC as a means to harvest metallic elements from regolith oxides and meteorites. IL technology provides an energy efficient method of extracting critical manufacturing materials, such as iron (Fe) that could be used for ferrous alloy production. This dissertation seeks to explore the use of Bosch C and IL-Fe for ferrous alloy production through a series of studies. These studies included individually using Bosch C with commercial elements to cast low carbon steel and gray cast iron, investigating as-produced IL-Fe in a laser-based powder bed fusion (PBF-LB) printer to determine IL-Fe metallurgical characteristics, using the IL-Fe composition to design a ductile iron (DI) alloy of similar performance to a commercially available DI alloy, and lastly, refining this DI alloy to produce a DI alloy more representative of an alloy producible from IL-Fe and Bosch byproduct C in a Martian environment. The results presented here suggest that with advances in production rate and control of IL-Fe oxidation, and by providing a sufficient energy grid to operate equipment, a range of high quality DI materials could be manufactured with IL and Bosch process ISRU feedstocks.

Processimulering och datavisualisering för resurseffektivisering och hållbarhetsarbete inom läkemedelsindustrin / Process Simulation and Data Visualization for Resource Efficiency and Sustainability Efforts in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Carlsson, Oskar, Koc, Revan January 2024 (has links)
Inom dagens läkemedelsindustri finns en strävan efter ständiga förbättringar och kontinuerligt arbete med hållbarhet. Detta beror på att industrin vill ta hänsyn till miljön och samhället, men även kravställningar och regleringar från intressenter. Att följa kravställningar samt hålla ett gott arbete inom hållbarhet kan bidra till en mer ansvarsfull industri. Ett sätt att göra det är genom optimering av resursanvändningen baserat på identifiering och förbättring av överflödig konsumtion och miljöpåverkan. Denna studie har som syfte att identifiera och analysera möjliga hållbarhetsinriktade problemområden genom processimulering och datavisualisering vid produktion av en aktiv substans (API) för läkemedel. Med hjälp av simuleringsmodeller och datavisualisering/dataanalys kan läkemedelsindustrin bli kostnadseffektiv och uppleva mindre risk vid analysering av förbättringsmöjligheter av processer. Genom simulering och dataanalys kan resursanvändningen optimeras utifrån koldioxidavtrycket och mängden förbrukad resurs för tillverkningen av API. Studien besvarar följande frågeställningar; (1) Vilka problem identifieras genom processimulering och datavisualisering med resursutnyttjande och miljöpåverkan av en produkt inom läkemedelsindustrin? (2) Vilka effekter får förbättringsåtgärderna, baserade på de identifierade problemen, på resursutnyttjandet och miljöpåverkan av en produkt inom läkemedelsindustrin? Genom datainsamlingen och ett samarbete med medarbetarna skapades en simuleringsmodell och en datavisualisering på resursanvändningen för samtliga processer vid tillverkningen av en aktiv substans för läkemedel. Därmed identifierades två problemområden, vilket var följande; (1) Användning av lösningsmedel 6, vilket stod för 53% av det totala koldioxidavtrycket [kg eCO2] vid API produktionen för ett läkemedel. (2) Överflödig vattenkonsumtion vid anläggningen där API produktionen skedde. Genom att förbättra dessa identifierade problemområden kan företaget förbättra sin resursutnyttjande samt minska miljöpåverkan. Det innebär att företaget kan säkerställa ekonomisk, ekologisk och social hållbarhet med sitt hållbarhetsarbete. Rekommendationer för framtida studier inkluderar att implementera de presenterade förbättringsåtgärderna och studera effekten av dessa förbättringar i relation till koldioxidavtryck [kg eCO2] och resursutnyttjande. / Today's pharmaceutical industry works for continuous improvement and continuous work with sustainability. This is because the industry wants to lower the impact on the environment and society, but also requirements and regulations from stakeholders. By following requirements and working with sustainability the industry takes more responsibility. This can be achieved by, for example, optimizing resource utilization to identify and improve excess consumption and environmental impact. The purpose of this study is to identify and analyze possible sustainability-oriented problem areas through process simulation and data visualization in the production of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). With the help of simulation models and data visualization/data analysis, the pharmaceutical industry can be cost-effective and experience less risk when analyzing opportunities for improvement in processes. Through simulation and data analysis, the use of resources can be optimized based on the carbon footprint and the amount of resources consumed for the manufacture of API. The study answers the following questions: (1) What problems are identified through process simulation and data visualization with resource utilization and environmental impact of a product in the pharmaceutical industry? (2) What effects do the improvement measures, based on the identified problems, have on the resource utilization and environmental impact of a product in the pharmaceutical industry? Through data collection and collaboration with the employees, a simulation model and a data visualization of the resource use for all processes to manufacture an active substance for pharmaceuticals was created. Thus, two problem areas were identified, which were as follows; (1) Use of solvent 6, which accounted for 53% of the total carbon footprint [kg eCO2] in API production for a drug. (2) Excess water consumption at the facility where the API production took place. By improving these identified problem areas, the company can improve its resource utilization and reduce environmental impact. This means that the company can improve economic, ecological and social sustainability with its sustainability work. Recommendations for future studies include implementing the presented improvement measures and study the effect of these improvements in relation to carbon footprint and resource usage.

Quantile Function-based Models for Resource Utilization and Power Consumption of Applications

Möbius, Christoph 02 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Server consolidation is currently widely employed in order to improve the energy efficiency of data centers. While being a promising technique, server consolidation may lead to resource interference between applications and thus, reduced performance of applications. Current approaches to account for possible resource interference are not well suited to respect the variation in the workloads for the applications. As a consequence, these approaches cannot prevent resource interference if workload for applications vary. It is assumed that having models for the resource utilization and power consumption of applications as functions of the workload to the applications can improve decision making and help to prevent resource interference in scenarios with varying workload. This thesis aims to develop such models for selected applications. To produce varying workload that resembles statistical properties of real-world workload a workload generator is developed in a first step. Usually, the measurement data for such models origins from different sensors and equipment, all producing data at different frequencies. In order to account for these different frequencies, in a second step this thesis particularly investigates the feasibility to employ quantile functions as model inputs. Complementary, since conventional goodness-of-fit tests are not appropriate for this approach, an alternative to assess the estimation error is presented. / Serverkonsolidierung wird derzeit weithin zur Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz von Rechenzentren eingesetzt. Während diese Technik vielversprechende Ergebnisse zeitigt, kann sie zu Ressourceninterferenz und somit zu verringerter Performanz von Anwendungen führen. Derzeitige Ansätze, um dieses Problem zu adressieren, sind nicht gut für Szenarien geeignet, in denen die Workload für die Anwendungen variiert. Als Konsequenz daraus folgt, dass diese Ansätze Ressourceninterferenz in solchen Szenarien nicht verhindern können. Es wird angenommen, dass Modelle für Anwendungen, die deren Ressourenauslastung und die Leistungsaufnahme als Funktion der Workload beschreiben, die Entscheidungsfindung bei der Konsolidierung verbessern und Ressourceninterferenz verhindern können. Diese Arbeit zielt darauf ab, solche Modelle für ausgewählte Anwendungen zu entwickeln. Um variierende Workload zu erzeugen, welche den statistischen Eigenschaften realer Workload folgt, wird zunächst ein Workload-Generator entwickelt. Gewöhnlicherweise stammen Messdaten für die Modelle aus verschienenen Sensoren und Messgeräten, welche jeweils mit unterschiedlichen Frequenzen Daten erzeugen. Um diesen verschiedenen Frequenzen Rechnung zu tragen, untersucht diese Arbeit insbesondere die Möglichkeit, Quantilfunktionen als Eingabeparameter für die Modelle zu verwenden. Da konventionelle Anpassungsgütetests bei diesem Ansatz ungeeignet sind, wird ergänzend eine Alternative vorgestellt, um den durch die Modellierung entstehenden Schätzfehler zu bemessen.

Acquisition Of 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar Data by an Autonomous Multiagent Team in Support of In-situ Resource Utilization

Frenzel, Francis 31 December 2010 (has links)
This dissertation details the design and development of a mobile autonomous platform from which to conduct a 3D ground-penetrating radar survey. The system uses a three-rover multiagent team to perform a site-selection activity during a lunar analog mission. The work took place beginning in 2008 and culminated in a final field test on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. This demonstration of autonomous acquisition of 3D ground-penetrating radar in a space robtic application is promising not only for in-situ resource utilization, but also for the concept of multiagent teaming.

Acquisition Of 3D Ground-Penetrating Radar Data by an Autonomous Multiagent Team in Support of In-situ Resource Utilization

Frenzel, Francis 31 December 2010 (has links)
This dissertation details the design and development of a mobile autonomous platform from which to conduct a 3D ground-penetrating radar survey. The system uses a three-rover multiagent team to perform a site-selection activity during a lunar analog mission. The work took place beginning in 2008 and culminated in a final field test on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. This demonstration of autonomous acquisition of 3D ground-penetrating radar in a space robtic application is promising not only for in-situ resource utilization, but also for the concept of multiagent teaming.


伊藤, 賢介, ITO, Kensuke 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)

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