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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrutura de governança corporativa e gestão de riscos: um estudo de casos no setor financeiro / Corporate governance structure and risk management: a multiple case study in the financial services industry

Coimbra, Fábio Claro 16 June 2011 (has links)
O objetivo da tese é investigar as atividades fundamentais órgãos da estrutura de governança corporativa (conselho de administração, conselho fiscal, comitês de auditoria, remuneração, riscos, dentre outros) no que se refere à gestão de risco. Tal tema, chamado de risk governance, mostra-se extremamente relevante dentro do contexto de Basiléia II, especialmente o Pilar 2, e de Basiléia III; diante do papel crucial, na crise financeira global, das falhas e fragilidades do processo de governança da gestão de risco nos bancos; e por causa de eventos como o ocorrido no Banco Panamericano. O referido problema de pesquisa tem sido debatido no âmbito de diversos fóruns, como o Comitê da Basiléia, OECD, IFC, ICGN, NACD e IBGC, e tem representado parte crescente dos interesses da Supervisão Bancária, o que pode ser percebido pelas resoluções 3.198/04, que trata do comitê de auditoria, e 3.921/10, que aborda o comitê de remuneração; pela divulgação, por parte do Comitê da Basiléia, de documentos, como por exemplo, Principles for enhancing corporate governance, de outubro de 2010, e Enhancements to the II Basel framework, de julho de 2009. Foi realizada revisão da literatura sobre os assuntos: Governança Corporativa, Riscos Corporativos, Gestão de Riscos Corporativos, Regulação Bancária, Acordos de Basiléia (com ênfase do Pilar 2), Níveis Diferenciados de Governança da BM&FBovespa, Lei Sarbanes-Oxley e Estrutura de Governança Corporativa. Foi realizado estudo de caso de dois bancos médios. A contribuição da tese, além de sistematizar o referencial teórico sobre o assunto, é gerar conhecimento sobre a realidade brasileira, na medida que a literatura é predominantemente americana, relacionada à estrutura de capital disperso, em oposição à situação brasileira, em que prevalece a estrutura concentrada de capital. Como trata-se de um estudo exploratório, são levantadas questões para estudos futuros. Os resultados encontrados sugerem a necessidade de se reforçar o processo de risk governance, sobretudo nos bancos menores. / The thesis objective is to investigate the core activities of the corporate governance structure components (board of directors, conselho fiscal, audit, risk, compensation committees, and other) related to risk management. This subject, called risk governance, is extremely relevant in the Basel II and Basel III context; due to the relevant role of the risk governance failures in the global financial crisis; and due to failures events like Banco Panamericano. The research problem has been discussed on several forums such Basel Committee, OECD, IFC, ICGN, NACD and IBGC, and has been receiving growing attention by the Banking Supervision. A case study of two Brazilian middle banks was carried out. The thesis contribution, besides systemize the related theory, is to generate knowledge about the brazilian reality.

Estrutura de governança corporativa e gestão de riscos: um estudo de casos no setor financeiro / Corporate governance structure and risk management: a multiple case study in the financial services industry

Fábio Claro Coimbra 16 June 2011 (has links)
O objetivo da tese é investigar as atividades fundamentais órgãos da estrutura de governança corporativa (conselho de administração, conselho fiscal, comitês de auditoria, remuneração, riscos, dentre outros) no que se refere à gestão de risco. Tal tema, chamado de risk governance, mostra-se extremamente relevante dentro do contexto de Basiléia II, especialmente o Pilar 2, e de Basiléia III; diante do papel crucial, na crise financeira global, das falhas e fragilidades do processo de governança da gestão de risco nos bancos; e por causa de eventos como o ocorrido no Banco Panamericano. O referido problema de pesquisa tem sido debatido no âmbito de diversos fóruns, como o Comitê da Basiléia, OECD, IFC, ICGN, NACD e IBGC, e tem representado parte crescente dos interesses da Supervisão Bancária, o que pode ser percebido pelas resoluções 3.198/04, que trata do comitê de auditoria, e 3.921/10, que aborda o comitê de remuneração; pela divulgação, por parte do Comitê da Basiléia, de documentos, como por exemplo, Principles for enhancing corporate governance, de outubro de 2010, e Enhancements to the II Basel framework, de julho de 2009. Foi realizada revisão da literatura sobre os assuntos: Governança Corporativa, Riscos Corporativos, Gestão de Riscos Corporativos, Regulação Bancária, Acordos de Basiléia (com ênfase do Pilar 2), Níveis Diferenciados de Governança da BM&FBovespa, Lei Sarbanes-Oxley e Estrutura de Governança Corporativa. Foi realizado estudo de caso de dois bancos médios. A contribuição da tese, além de sistematizar o referencial teórico sobre o assunto, é gerar conhecimento sobre a realidade brasileira, na medida que a literatura é predominantemente americana, relacionada à estrutura de capital disperso, em oposição à situação brasileira, em que prevalece a estrutura concentrada de capital. Como trata-se de um estudo exploratório, são levantadas questões para estudos futuros. Os resultados encontrados sugerem a necessidade de se reforçar o processo de risk governance, sobretudo nos bancos menores. / The thesis objective is to investigate the core activities of the corporate governance structure components (board of directors, conselho fiscal, audit, risk, compensation committees, and other) related to risk management. This subject, called risk governance, is extremely relevant in the Basel II and Basel III context; due to the relevant role of the risk governance failures in the global financial crisis; and due to failures events like Banco Panamericano. The research problem has been discussed on several forums such Basel Committee, OECD, IFC, ICGN, NACD and IBGC, and has been receiving growing attention by the Banking Supervision. A case study of two Brazilian middle banks was carried out. The thesis contribution, besides systemize the related theory, is to generate knowledge about the brazilian reality.

Analysis of the credibility of South African risk governance of genetically modified organisms and pesticides

Jansen van Rijssen, Fredrika W. January 2013 (has links)
In this study, two diverse scientific areas of research, namely, biological-chemical and public administration, were drawn upon to find an answer for improved risk governance of genetically modified organisms (GMO/GM) and pesticides. The need for such a study appeared from the constraints experienced with regulatory approval of GMO crops in South Africa. The knowledge gained from research on risk governance of GMOs could also be applied to pesticides. Protracted procedures causing delays in approval and increasingly stringent regulatory requirements of GMOs resulted in negative implications for research, development and commercialisation. Approval of several South African co-developed GMOs has been delayed or rejected that resulted in withdrawal or reducing of research activities, apart from appeals against decisions. The objective of the study was to identify some of the reasons for delays as experienced in risk assessments and to propose remedial actions, including the critical interface between role players in risk governance. The approach taken in this research was to obtain, by means of a questionnaire, a broad view of risk governances of GMOs as measured with criteria of good governance experienced by scientists of biotechnology and related disciplines. This was followed by another questionnaire with focus on one specific area that caused delays for GMO permit applicants. The investigation included analysis of South African legislation, guidelines and interviews. The research on risk assessment narrowed down to the two areas, illustrated by South African applicable case studies, namely, food risk/safety assessment of GMO cassava and environmental risk assessment of GMO sorghum. Approaches to improve assessments are being recommended. Uncertainty in risk assessment is an important reality because of humankind‘s limited knowledge of nature. Uncertainty is further addressed by precautious management, described as the precautionary principle is a norm legislated by the South African government in line with international agreements (the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety). The terminology, precautionary approach and principle are used interchangeably in literature. The application of the precautionary principle in South African legislation and the difficulty that could be experienced in decision making are illustrated in the case study on ‗possible unintended changes in endogenous allergens‘ in GMO maize. The research showed the importance of timely risk communication between risk assessors, risk managers (decision makers) and stakeholders in advance of the commencement of risk assessment. The importance of timely consideration of socio-economic impact of GMOs and pesticides is touched on. Risk governance structures, for both GMOs and pesticides are proposed, based on the most democratic and transparent governance models taking into consideration the European initiatives for improved risk governance. This included an interface for interaction among role players, namely, risk assessors, risk managers, scientists and stakeholders. The up-front role of an array of scientists, as the most trustworthy communicators in contentious scientific issues, is of specific importance because of the fast developing and very broad field of genetic modification of many crops. South Africa‘s national research institutes should play a much bigger role as scientific advisors in scientific risk policy making and framing for risk assessments. It is of great importance that risk assessments are focused on risks and not on the gathering of bucketsful of data; therefore, training in approaches to assessment of risk should be a priority. To achieve improvement on risk governance, the importance of policy development and the roles of all participants should be clear. Proposals for future research cover the many aspects that comprise trust in governance and the increased awareness of consumers and stakeholders of environmental risks and food safety. This study also paves a way for research on governance of phytopesticides and phytomedicines because of growing interest in these rich sources of new information that could be of great benefit to mankind. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Paraclinical Sciences / Unrestricted

En livsmedelsberedskap för en osäker framtid : En jämförande studie av svensk och finsk livsmedelsberedskap / Food Contingency Planning for a future lined with uncertainties : A comparative study of Swedish and Finnish food preparedness

Poletti San Martin, Markus January 2022 (has links)
I Sverige och Finland sker idag ett kontinuerligt och växande arbete för att skapa ökad resiliens och för att mer effektivt kunna förebygga och hantera risker, sårbarheter och hot. Grannländerna har rätt likartade utgångspunkter på en rad områden men när det kommer till krisberedskap valde Finland en annan väg än Sverige under 1990-talets slut. De avvecklade inte sin omfattande försörjningsberedskap fullt ut som Sverige gjorde. Sedan 2017 har svenska myndigheter arbetat intensivt med återuppbyggnaden av det civila försvaret och den svenska livsmedelsberedskapen. Återuppbyggnaden har öppnat ett fönster av möjligheter att påverka hur livsmedelsberedskapen ska se ut, för parallellt har Sverige fördjupat samarbetet med Finland på en rad säkerhetsrelaterade områden. Under 2021 tecknades ett samarbetsavtal om krisberedskap, civilt försvar och räddningstjänst mellan länderna. Målet är att öka vår gemensamma förmåga att förebygga och hantera risker, sårbarheter och hot på både kort och lång sikt. Med hjälp av kvalitativ textanalys uppbackat av ett teoretiskt ramverk kopplat till hur en socioekologisk resiliens kan stärkas, har denna studie granskat de regeringsuppdrag som delats ut till de svenska myndigheterna tillsammans med två finska styrdokument som reglerar den finska livmedelsberedskapen. Därutöver har tre djupintervjuer genomförts med personer som jobbar nära livsmedelssystemet, två informanter från Sverige och en från Finland för att skapa ytterligare förståelse för livsmedelsberedskapens utmaningar och möjligheter. Studien kan konstatera att både den finska livsmedelsberedskapen och den svenska beredskapsplaneringen fokuserar i huvudsak på att öka robustheten i livsmedelssystemen och trygga handelsflöden men har en försiktig och inkrementell inställning till hur en transformering mot ett hållbart livsmedelssystem ska byggas. Följaktligen är beredskapsplaneringen inriktad på att hantera kortare störningar snarare än att hantera utdragna och mer komplexa störningar, som klimatförändringar. Riskhanteringen bör spegla de hot och sårbarheter som finns och även om en väluppbyggd robusthet kan motstå störningar idag föreslås livsmedelsberedskapen, liksom den övriga politiken utformas med målet att hämma de pådrivande orsakerna (risk drivers) som bidrar till den ökade sårbarheten, annars blir det förr eller senare svårt att upprätthålla beredskapen i systemet. / The two neighbours Sweden and Finland are constantly working to increase their resilience, and ability to prevent and manage risks, their vulnerabilities, and threats. The old neighbours share similar starting points in several areas, but when it comes to crisis preparedness, Finland chose another path than Sweden , as they did not entirely phase out their extensive security of supply stockpiles like Sweden did in the late 1990s. Though, since 2017, Swedish authorities have worked extensively with the reconstruction of the national civil defence and the Swedish food contingency planning. This development has opened a window of opportunity to influence what food contingency planning should look like because parallel to this development, Sweden has deepened its cooperation with Finland in several security-related areas. In 2021, a co-operation agreement was signed on crisis preparedness, civil defence and search and rescue services between the countries. The main objective is to increase our common ability to prevent and manage risks, vulnerabilities, and threats in both the short and long term.  Using qualitative text analysis backed by a theoretical framework linked to how a socio-ecological resilience can be strengthened, this study has examined the government orders regarding rebuilding the food contingency planning, that were handed out to the Swedish authorities. This paper also examines two Finnish policy documents regulating the Finnish food contingency planning. In addition, three in-depth interviews were conducted with people connected to the food supply system. Two informants from Sweden and one from Finland, to create a further understanding of the challenges and opportunities of rebuilding the Swedish food contingency planning.  This paper can conclude that both the Finnish food contingency planning and the upcoming Swedish food contingency planning focus mainly on increasing the robustness of the food system and to secure trade flows but are rather cautious and suggest incremental steps in transforming towards a sustainable food system. Thus, the current contingency planning is focused on dealing with shorter disruptions in supply flows rather than dealing with protracted and more complex disruptions, such as climate change. It seems reasonable that risk management should be aimed at dealing with the threats and vulnerabilities that exist. Even if a robust food supply strategy can withstand disruptions today, food contingency planning, is suggested to be designed with a dual purpose to reduce the effects from the risk drivers that contribute to the increased vulnerability, otherwise it will become increasingly difficult to maintain the food supply system.

Enade mot katastrofer, eller? En kvalitativ studie om styrning av katastrofriskreducering i Sveriges kommuner / United against disasters, right? A qualitative study on disaster risk reduction governance in Swedish municipalities

Rongione, Hanna January 2023 (has links)
Disaster risk reduction (DRR) is an important strategy for preventing the consequences of climate change. The Sendai Framework states that all countries need to implement national strategies for DRR, which Sweden has not yet done. The scientific problem is partly that there is a lack of research on DRR in welfare countries, and partly that Sweden's municipalities' strategies to control risk reduction are relatively unexplored. The purpose of the paper is therefore to contribute to filling these knowledge gaps, and to map and evaluate Sweden's municipalities' governance work with DRR, to examine whether the municipalities follow the same guidelines or whether the work is carried out completely differently in all municipalities. The study is conducted with a theoretical framework based on the Sendai framework, polycentric governance and disaster risk governance. The method used is qualitative thematic content analysis, where Arjeplog, Gävle, Gothenburg, Helsingborg and Ljusdal's governance documents are analysed based on the theoretical framework. The results showed that the five municipalities internally govern DRR relatively well, where the main shortcoming, however, is that no municipality uses DRR as a concept. The conclusions are therefore that municipalities need to include DRR more in their governance documents, to make beneficial and deficient factors visible. Governance between municipalities and at different levels is also in need of further development and research.

Development of a Community-Based Natech Risk Management Framework Through the Lenses of Local Community, First Responders and Government / 地域コミュニティ、第一応答者、政府の視点を通したコミュニティベースのNatechリスクマネジメントのフレームワークの開発

PARK, Hyejeong 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22758号 / 工博第4757号 / 新制||工||1744(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 CRUZ Ana Maria , 教授 堀 智晴, 准教授 横松 宗太 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM

Risk- och sårbarhetsanalysprocessen i svenska kommuner från ett deltagarpespektiv / The Process of Risk- and Vulnerability Analysis at Municipal Level in Sweden from a Participant Perspective

Norlin, David January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Människor drabbade av naturrelaterade katastrofer fortsätter att stiga i antal tillsammans med de kostnader som följer i katastrofernas spår. Skadorna fördelas ojämnt mellan länder och samhällsgrupper och utgör både ett humanitärt problem och en fråga om ojämlikhet. Att reducera risker är därmed en förutsättning för att uppnå hållbar utveckling. Sendai-ramverket för katastrofriskreducering 2015-2030 talar om vikten av att riskhantering baseras på en förståelse av risker. Risk- och sårbarhetsanalys (RSA) är ett verktyg för att skapa förståelse av risker och åtgärder att vidta för att reducera dessa. Stöd till att utveckla processer för analys av risker och sårbarheter har identifierats som komparativa fördelar för svenskt bistånd inom de internationella kapacitetsutvecklingsinsatser som Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB) bedriver. Trots förekomsten av erfarenheter, lagstöd och vägledningar saknas i större omfattning studier av hur arbetet genomförs och utnyttjas. Forskning om olycksinsatsplanering pekar ut själva processen som viktigare än de planer som produceras. Detta sammantaget visar på ett behov att identifiera viktiga erfarenheter från den svenska RSA-processen, erfarenheter som kan informera MSBs kapacitetsutvecklingsinsatser inom RSA. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att identifiera vad deltagare uppfattar som goda erfarenheter av det RSA-arbete som bedrivs av svenska kommuner med fokus på själva processen Metod: Studien som är av kvalitativ karaktär genomförs med en abduktiv ansats där deltagare intervjuas, inspelningar transkriberas och innehållet analyseras med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Som teoretiska utgångspunkter att jämföra studiens empiri används Risk Governance, Social Learning och en tillämpning av Design Science. Resultatet: Studiens resultat presenteras i form av tema, kategorier och underkategorier. På latent nivå härleds temat; lära tillsammans till nytta för ett säkrare samhälle, vilket fångar fundamentala tankegångar om att analysarbetet handlar om att lära sig mer, att det behöver göras tillsammans och att resultatet behöver komma till nytta, allt i en strävan mot ett säkrare samhälle. Det manifesta innehållet presenteras i kategorierna; funktionellt lagarbete, lärande och förändring samt främjande strategier och arrangemang. Kategorierna består i sin tur upp av tio underkategorier. Slutsatser: Bland viktiga slutsatser från arbetet med RSA är betydelsen av att forma team av deltagare med varierade roller, kompetens och perspektiv. Vidare att skapa forum och miljöer som främjar tillit och ömsesidigt utbyte. Här är samordnarens roll av avgörande betydelse. Ytterligare en slutsats är att ta vara på drivkrafter om nytta och användbarhet för ett flexibelt genomförande. Behovet av förankring, ägarskap och att bygga på vad som redan finns är andra betydelsefulla slutsatser. Vid stöd till nationell utveckling av RSA behöver lagstiftnings stimulerande men också hämmande effekter beaktas. Hur myndigheters stöd utformas behöver baseras på hur behoven ser ut hos de som ska genomföra RSA.

Att utforska kärnkraft : Lokala uppfattningar, riskperception och NIMBY-fenomenet / Exploring Nuclear Power : Local Perceptions, Risk Perception, and the NIMBY Phenomenon

Dalman, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Kärnkraft är ett kontroversiellt ämne, som ofta ger upphov till två läger – de som är positivt inställda och de som är negativt inställda till kärnkraft. NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) är ett fenomen som syftar till de som är positiva till kärnkraft generellt, men som inte vill ha den i sin närhet. Utfasningen av fossila bränslen och den kommande ökningen av energibehovet ställer frågan vilken roll kärnkraften ska spela i framtidens energiproduktion. Den svenska regeringen vill satsa mer på kärnkraft och har pekat ut olika platser som möjliga lokaliseringar för kärnkraft. Säffle är en av dessa platser.  Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den lokala uppfattningen i fallet Säffle kring en potentiell kärnkraftsetablering i näromgivningen, samt vilka risker som invånarna ser med kärnkraft, för att se om NIMBY föreligger. Ett vidare syfte är också att undersöka hur invånarna i Säffle anser att energifrågan ska lösas.  Metoden som använts är mixed methods där både en kvantitativ enkät och kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts. Data från 59 enkätrespondenter har analyserats med deskriptiv statistik, och sex djupintervjuer har analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.  Resultatet pekar på att det finns olika läger hos respondenterna – de som är för och de som är mot kärnkraft. NIMBY föreligger endast i några få fall bland enkätens respondenter, däremot upptäcktes flera fall av omvänd NIMBY, där positiva yttranden om att förlägga ett kärnkraftverk i Säffle uttalades. Det finns olika faktorer som påverkar människors riskperception – de som är positiva till kärnkraft medger även de att det finns risker, samtidigt som de som är negativa också anser att det råder hög säkerhet vid svenska kärnkraftverk. Säkerhet och Rädsla var två således kategorier som identifierades. Både de som är positiva och de som är negativa till kärnkraft pratar om att ta ett miljöansvar, men ur olika utgångspunkter. Alla vill att Sverige satsar på förnyelsebar energi, och vissa vill addera kärnkraft till den mixen. Ingen vill satsa på kol eller olja. Det konstaterades också en brist på kommunikation från beslutsfattare om varför Säffle är utpekat som möjlig plats för kärnkraft i framtiden. / Nuclear power is a controversial subject that often gives rise to two camps – those who are in favor and those who are opposed to nuclear power. NIMBY (Not in My Backyard) is a phenomenon that refers to those who are generally supportive of nuclear power but do not want it in their vicinity. The phasing out of fossil fuels and the upcoming increase in energy demand raise the question of what role nuclear power should play in future energy production. The Swedish government wants to invest more in nuclear power and has identified various locations as possible sites for nuclear power plants, including Säffle.  The purpose of this essay is to examine the local perception in the case of Säffle regarding a potential nuclear power establishment in the vicinity, as well as the risks that residents associate with nuclear power, to determine if NIMBY exists. Another aim is to investigate how the residents of Säffle believe the energy issue should be resolved.  The method used is mixed methods, including both a quantitative survey and qualitative interviews. Data from 59 survey respondents have been analyzed using descriptive statistics, and six in-depth interviews have been analyzed using qualitative content analysis.  The results indicate that there are different camps among the respondents - those who are in favor and those who are against nuclear power. NIMBY exists only in a few cases among the survey respondents; however, several instances of reverse NIMBY were discovered, where positive statements about locating a nuclear power plant in Säffle were expressed. Various factors influence people's risk perception – those who are in favor of nuclear power also acknowledge the existence of risks, while those who are against it believe that Swedish nuclear power plants are highly secure. Safety and Fear were thus identified as two categories. Both those in favor and those against nuclear power discuss taking environmental responsibility, but from different perspectives. Everyone wants Sweden to invest in renewable energy, and some want to add nuclear power to the mix. No one wants to rely on coal or oil. A lack of communication from decision-makers regarding why Säffle has been identified as a potential site for nuclear power in the future was also noted.

Styrning av cyberrisker i svensk offentlig sektor : En kvalitativ intervju och dokumentstudie om hur svenska offentliga organisationer styr  avseende cyberrisker / Governance of cyberrisk in the swedish public sector : A qualitative interview and document study on how Swedish public organizations govern cyber risks

Giordano, Simon, Forsman, Frej January 2024 (has links)
Background: Cyberattacks have significantly increased recently amongst Swedish public sector organizations, heightening the need for robust governance of cyber risks. Cyber risks are particularly complex and dynamic, requiring strong leadership support and strategic planning. Previously, cyber risks have often been addressed from an IT perspective, whereas this study approaches them from a governance perspective. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to map and increase the knowledge about how authorities and regions govern cyber risks. The aim is to contribute with a practical conceptual model that is useful and to theoretically complement the literature on ERM. Methodology: The study was conducted using a qualitative approach. The empirical data was collected through a combination of document analysis and semi-structured interviews. Respondents were selected due to their high competence in cyber risks or governance. The theoretical material was gathered from previous research in articles and books related to the governance of cyber risks. Conclusion: Public organizations govern cyber risks through laws, policies, and internal models, but there are no unified requirements or frameworks. The ones used need to be adapted to each organization's specific needs. The study's conceptual model for cyber risk governance is proposed to be circular and continuously adaptable, focusing on strategy, identification, evaluation, prioritization. Culture and communication are central governance elements, with revision and follow-up emphasized as critical steps. Collaboration between public organizations for joint data storage is recommended to facilitate risk management. The risk-reducing measures are expressed differently in relation to the governing tools. / Bakgrund: Antalet cyberattacker har ökat den senaste tiden inom svensk offentlig sektor, vilket har gjort att behovet av effektiv styrning av cyberrisker ökat. Cyberrisker är särskilt komplexa och dynamiska, vilket kräver starkt ledningsstöd och strategisk planering. Tidigare har cyberrisker ofta behandlats utifrån ett IT-perspektiv medan denna studie behandlar problematiken ur ett styrande perspektiv. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att genom kartläggning öka kunskapen om myndigheter och regioners styrning av cyberrisker. Syftet har varit att bidra med en praktisk konceptuell modell som är användbar och att bidra teoretiskt genom att komplettera litteraturen kring ERM. Metod: Studien har genomförts genom ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt. Empirin har samlats in genom en kombination av dokumentanalys samt semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Respondenterna har valts ut på grund av deras höga kompetens inom cyberrisker, alternativt styrning. Det teoretiska materialet har samlats in genom tidigare forskning från artiklar och annan litteratur som berört styrning av cyberrisker.  Slutsats: Offentliga organisationer styr cyberrisker genom lagar, policys och interna modeller, men det finns inga enhetliga krav eller ramverk. De som används kräver anpassning till varje organisations specifika behov. Studiens konceptuella modell för styrning av cyberrisker föreslås vara cirkulär och ständigt anpassningsbar, med fokus på strategi, identifiering, utvärdering, prioritering. Kultur och kommunikation är centrala styrelement, revidering samt uppföljning framhålls som kritiska steg. Ett samarbete mellan offentliga organisationer för gemensam datalagring rekommenderas för att underlätta riskreduceringen. Riskreducerande åtgärderna ter sig tämligen olika, satta i relation till de styrande verktygen.

An integrated national disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation development investment framework for Barbados, a Small Island Developing State (SIDS)

Greenidge, Nicole January 2018 (has links)
Disasters and climate change threaten the very existence of a special group of developing states- Small Island Developing States (SIDS). This research tackles the problem of limited uptake of integrated approaches to address risk in practice- in particular through disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA). The benefits of these approaches are so significant that they can be considered to be investments in development. Focusing on Barbados, a SIDS, this research therefore seeks to identify the prospects for establishing an integrated disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation (DRR-CCA) development decision-making framework. It also seeks to understand the policy implications for other SIDS. In addressing the research problem, a risk governance framework and mixed methods approach is proposed for identifying the prospects for DRR-CCA. This allows for the challenges and the potential in actor networks, institutions, and the various dimensions of risk decision-making to be identified. The specific SIDS DRR-CCA risk governance framework utilised to generate the prospects is identified from literature. Data from documents, surveys and in-depth semi-structured interviews with 30 representatives from 20 organisations operating at different levels were gathered on DRR and CCA risk governance in Barbados from November, 2014 to May 2015. Analysis was carried out using document analysis, thematic analysis; social network analysis, and descriptive statistics. The research identifies that SIDS require an enhanced risk governance framework for DRR-CCA. This framework has a systemic approach at the core, as well as an explicit development approach supported by a joined-up governance approach. Furthermore, risk assessments should include assessments of adaptive capacity. Existing potential for DRR-CCA risk governance was identified in highly dense networks, established disaster management networks, and a unique polycentric network that engages intraregional partners in national governance. Notwithstanding, challenges related to cohesion within and across institutions and sectors; missing community and socio-economic participation; as well as issues connected to unadjusted mind-sets to address the DRR paradigm shift in practice, and limited development-socio-ecological systems approaches, meant that the prospects identified mainly addressed these shortcomings. A spatial methodology for DRR-CCA seemed feasible. This research contributes a framework for conceptualising DRR-CCA risk governance in SIDS which could be applicable to others. It offers a Caribbean SIDS perspective and practical suggestions for DRR-CCA that are relevant to SIDS practitioners and donors. Further research should focus on testing the prospects across the varying governance contexts of SIDS.

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