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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Diseño de esquema de seguros agrícolas para mitigación del riesgo de sequías hidrológicas mediante modelos hidroeconómicos a escala de cuenca

Valenzuela Mahecha, Miguel Angel 16 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] La escasez de agua es un problema cada vez más recurrente para la agricultura de regadío en las regiones mediterráneas, siendo la sequía hidrológica uno de los problemas que afecta la disponibilidad de agua. Por lo tanto, es necesario establecer alternativas técnicas y económico-financieras que permitan a los regantes enfrentar este problema desde una visión amplia de la gestión del agua para uso agrícola a nivel de cuenca. Estas alternativas deben incluir instrumentos de planificación hidrológica, que permitan analizar el impacto de la sequía y determinar las medidas a implementar cuando el recurso hídrico disponible no sea suficiente para satisfacer las demandas de agua. Uno de los instrumentos económicos y financieros para la gestión del riesgo agroclimático que se ha implementado con éxito y que cada día cobra más fuerza es el de los seguros agrícolas, más específicamente, el seguro indexado. Esta investigación pretende contribuir a mitigar el impacto de la escasez de agua en comunidades de regantes situadas en cuencas altamente reguladas, como el sistema de explotación del río Júcar, mediante el diseño de un nuevo esquema de seguro indexado por sequía hidrológica, basado en índices totalmente alineados con los procedimientos de gestión de la sequía a nivel de cuenca. El proceso de diseño del seguro comprende 3 etapas. En la primera se evalúa económicamente el impacto de la sequía para establecer una indemnización unitaria, elemento base para el diseño del seguro. La segunda etapa consiste en establecer un índice por sequía hidrológica que tenga un alto grado de correlación con las pérdidas productivas y económicas en las comunidades de regantes y reduzca los problemas de riesgo moral, selección adversa y riesgo base que se presentan en este tipo de seguros indexados. En este caso, se diseñaron y evaluaron tres índices de sequía hidrológica (IEECHJ, ISH1, ISH2), siendo el indicador principal el índice de estado de escasez IEECHJ de la Unidad Territorial UTE del Júcar, establecido en el plan especial de sequía de la Demarcación Hidrográfica del Júcar PES (2018). Finalmente, en la tercera etapa se busca establecer los principales parámetros económicos del seguro: la indemnización recibida, el máximo valor indemnizable y el valor de la prima pura a pagar que se incluirán en los diferentes tipos de contrato. El seguro es evaluado simulando su operación como si estuviera en funcionamiento. Se utilizan indicadores económicos-financieros para comparar los beneficios para la comunidad de regantes con o sin contrato. Los indicadores utilizados son la desviación estándar, el error cuadrático medio, el índice de siniestralidad y el riesgo base, los cuales están en función del margen bruto del cultivo. Para analizar la gestión del recurso hídrico en la cuenca y determinar escenarios de escasez que pueden declarar un siniestro o pago de indemnización del seguro, se utilizó un modelo de gestión de cuencas que tiene en cuenta las reglas de gestión del sistema. Al incluir los indicadores financieros en la evaluación del seguro, se determina que la mejor opción en el diseño es tomar el IEECHJ=0.20 sin franquicia deducible como disparador. Esto minimiza la semivarianza y la desviación estándar del margen bruto y permite obtener valores más altos del margen bruto mínimo en comparación con la opción de no implementar el seguro. El seguro por sequía hidrológica contribuye a llenar el vacío existente en los planes de seguro tradicionales para cultivos bajo riego y ofrece cobertura adicional a los agricultores en condiciones de sequía y escasez de agua. Además, este diseño logra comprender la complejidad de la interacción de los subsistemas de aportaciones, demandas y reglas de operación del recurso hídrico a nivel de cuenca, siendo esta la contribución principal de esta investigación. / [CA] L'escassetat d'aigua és un problema cada vegada més recurrent per a l'agricultura de regadiu a les regions mediterrànies, sent la sequera hidrològica un dels problemes que afecta la disponibilitat d'aigua. Per tant, és necessari establir alternatives tècniques i economicofinanceres que permeten als regants enfrontar aquest problema des d'una visió àmplia de la gestió de l'aigua per a ús agrícola a nivell de conca. Aquestes alternatives han d'incloure instruments de planificació hidrològica, que permeten analitzar l'impacte de la sequera i determinar les mesures a implementar quan el recurs hídric disponible no siga suficient per a satisfer les demandes d'aigua. Un dels instruments econòmics i financers per a la gestió del risc agroclimàtic que s'ha implementat amb èxit i que cada dia cobra més força és el de les assegurances agrícoles, més específicament, el segur indexat. Així, aquesta investigació pretén contribuir a mitigar l'impacte de l'escassetat d'aigua en comunitats de regants situades en conques altament regulades, com el sistema d'explotació del va riure Xúquer, mitjançant el disseny d'un nou esquema de segur indexat per sequera hidrològica, basat en índexs totalment alineats amb els procediments de gestió de la sequera a nivell de conca. El procés de disseny del segur comprén 3 etapes. En la primera, s'avalua econòmicament l'impacte de la sequera per a establir una indemnització unitària, element base per al disseny de l'assegurança. Posteriorment, la segona etapa consisteix a establir un índex per sequera hidrològica que tinga un alt grau de correlació amb les pèrdues productives i econòmiques en les comunitats de regants i reduïsca els problemes de risc moral, selecció adversa i risc base que es presenten en aquesta mena d'assegurances indexades. En aquest cas, es van dissenyar i van avaluar tres índexs d'estat d'escassetat (IEECHJ, ISH1, ISH2), sent l'indicador principal l'índex IEECHJ de la Unitat Territorial del Xúquer UTE, establit en el pla especial de sequera de la Demarcació Hidrogràfica del Xúquer PES (2018). Finalment, en la tercera etapa es busca establir els principals paràmetres econòmics de l'assegurança: la indemnització rebuda, el màxim valor indemnitzable i el valor de la prima a pagar que s'inclouran en els diferents tipus de contracte. El segur és avaluat simulant la seua operació com si estiguera en funcionament. S'utilitzen indicadors econòmics-financers per a comparar els beneficis per a la comunitat de regants amb o sense contracte. Els indicadors utilitzats són la desviació estàndard, l'error quadràtic mitjà, l'índex de sinistralitat i el risc base, els quals estan en funció del marge brut del cultiu. Per a analitzar la gestió del recurs hídric en la conca i determinar escenaris d'escassetat que poden declarar un sinistre o pagament d'indemnització del segur, es va utilitzar un model de gestió de conques que té en compte les regles de gestió del sistema. En incloure els indicadors financers en l'avaluació del segur, es determina que la millor opció en el disseny és prendre el IEECHJ=0.20 sense franquícia deduïble com disparador. Això minimitza la semivariància i la desviació estàndard del marge brut i permet obtindre valors més alts del marge brut mínim en comparació amb l'opció de no implementar l'assegurança. L'assegurança per sequera hidrològica contribueix a omplir el buit existent en els plans de segur tradicionals per a cultius sota reg i ofereix cobertura addicional als agricultors en condicions de sequera i escassetat d'aigua. A més, aquest disseny aconsegueix comprendre la complexitat de la interacció dels subsistemes d'aportacions, demandes i regles d'operació del recurs hídric a nivell de conca, sent aquesta la contribució principal d'aquesta investigació. / [EN] Water scarcity is an increasingly recurring problem for irrigated agriculture in the Mediterranean region, with hydrological droughts affecting water availability. Therefore, it is necessary to establish technical and economic-financial alternatives that allow irrigators to face this problem from a broad vision of water management for agricultural use at the basin level. These alternatives should include hydrological planning tools that allow the analysis of the effects of drought and the determination of the measures to be implemented when the available water resources cannot meet the water demand. One of the economic and financial instruments for managing agro-climatic risks that has been successfully implemented and is gaining more strength every day is agricultural insurance, specifically indexed insurance. This research aims to contribute to the mitigation of the effects of water scarcity in irrigation communities located in highly regulated basins, such as the Júcar river exploitation system, through the design of a new insurance scheme indexed by hydrological drought, based on indices fully aligned with drought management procedures at the basin level. The insurance design process consists of three stages. First, the impact of drought is economically evaluated to determine a unit compensation, which is the basis for the insurance design. The second stage is to establish a hydrological drought index that is highly correlated with productive and economic losses in irrigation communities and reduces moral hazard problems, adverse selection, and baseline risks problems inherent in this type of indexed insurance. In this case, three indices of scarcity status (IEECHJ, ISH1, ISH2) were designed and evaluated, the main indicator being the IEECHJ index of the Júcar UTE Territorial Unit, established in the Special Drought Plan of the Júcar River Basin PES (2018). Finally, the third stage aims to establish the main economic parameters of the insurance: the compensation received, the maximum compensable value, and the value of the premium rate to be included in the different types of contracts. The insurance is evaluated by simulating of its operation as if it were in process. Economic-financial indicators are used to compare the benefits to the community of irrigators with and without a contract. The indicators used are standard deviation, mean root-square loss, loss ratio, and base risk, which are based on the gross margin of the crop. The water resources simulation model that considers system management rules was used to analyze water resource management in the basin and to determine scarcity scenarios that could trigger a claim or insurance indemnity payment. By including financial indicators in the insurance assessment, it is determined that the best option in the design is to consider as a trigger the IEECHJ=0.20 without a deductible franchise, since the semi-variance and standard deviation of the gross margin are minimized, and higher values of the minimum gross margin are obtained compared to the option of not implementing insurance. Hydrological drought insurance contributes to fill the gap in traditional insurance schemes for irrigated crops and provides additional coverage to farmers in times of drought and water scarcity. In addition, this design manages to understand the complexity of the interaction of the subsystems of contributions, demands and operating rules of the water resource at the basin level, which is the main contribution of this research. / Valenzuela Mahecha, MA. (2023). Diseño de esquema de seguros agrícolas para mitigación del riesgo de sequías hidrológicas mediante modelos hidroeconómicos a escala de cuenca [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198184

Management of Global Warming Effects in the European Water Framework Directive: Consideration of Social–Ecological System Features in the Elbe River Basin District

Sievers, Eva, Zielhofer, Christoph, Hüesker, Frank 09 May 2023 (has links)
In this study, we examined the extent to which global warming management is currently integrated into the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), the central legal framework for water management in the EU. We focused on the Elbe River Basin District and how global warming is addressed in its water management. We used the social–ecological systems (SES) approach as our theoretical framework, representing an eminent analytical frame of biosphere-based sustainability science. In our study, we analysed core characteristics of SES in the context of global warming to evaluate the effectiveness of current water management in the Elbe River basin concerning long-term changing climate conditions. To determine to what extent each SES feature is considered in the Elbe water management, we applied a scale of 1 to 5. Our results show that the SES feature “scale and openness” is best addressed (score 4.0) by the Elbe River basin management, followed by “context dependency” (score 3.9); however, “non-linearity, uncertainty, unpredictability” (score 3.2), “self-organisation and adaptability” (score 3.1), and “dynamics” (score 3.0) have only moderate impacts. SES features can only be considered comprehensively if global warming is accounted for in an integrated way at a European level. In order to ensure effective implementation, explicit regulations and legally binding obligations are most likely required.

Evaluating Ohio River Basin Waters: A Water Quality and Water Resources Internship with the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission

Defenbaugh, Angela Lynn 10 January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Carbonate Lake Deposits in the Fluvial Bridger Formation of the Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming

Blakeman, Audrey A. 22 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Capturing Critical Institutionalism: A Synthesis of Key Themes and Debates

Hall, Kurt V., Cleaver, Frances D., Franks, Tom R., Maganga, F. January 2014 (has links)
No / The article aims to provide a synthesis of key discussions within scholarship that is critical of Mainstream Institutionalism. It adopts a thematic approach to chart debate and areas of convergence about key issues. The first section of the article briefly charts the rise to prominence of the mainstream 'collective action' school. Each of the themes identified as central to the alternative critical approach is then examined in turn. These are the 'homogenous community' critique, the avoidance of politics critique (further divided into ideational politics and politics of local empowerment) and the sociological critique. The article concludes by reflecting on the challenge of 'making complexity legible' that faces the nascent critical tradition in institutional analysis.

Determinação de metais na bacia do rio Piracicaba usando as técnicas de Difusão em Filmes Finos por Gradiente de Concentração (DGT) e Fluorescência de Raios X Dispersiva em Energia (EDXRF) e por Reflexão Total (TXRF) / Determination of metals in Piracicaba river basin using Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films, and Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF) and Total Reflection (TXRF) techniques

Almeida, Eduardo de 06 September 2011 (has links)
O desenvolvimento e aplicação de métodos analíticos na avaliação das concentrações de metais nas frações dissolvida e lábil na bacia do rio Piracicaba são de relevante importância para o estudo do comportamento químico-ambiental desses metais e para seu monitoramento, devido ao impacto das atividades antropogênicas nessa bacia. A técnica de difusão em filmes finos por gradiente de concentração (DGT, do inglês diffusive gradients in thin-films), é uma promissora ferramenta analítica de amostragem, pois permite pré-concentração, análise temporal, remoção de interferentes, avaliação lábil e amostragem in situ. A quantificação dos metais pelas técnicas de fluorescência de raios X dispersiva em energia por reflexão total (TXRF, total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis) para amostras líquidas e da fluorescência de raios X dispersiva em energia (EDXRF, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence) para amostras sólidas, mostram-se interessantes devido ao caráter multielementar, simultâneo e não destrutivo da análise. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a DGT para a determinação de Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn e Pb em águas naturais, utilizando-se como agente ligante a membrana de celulose P 81 e como meio difusivo, o papel cromatográfico 3 MM. Calcularam-se os fatores de eluição e coeficientes de difusão para estes metais. Estudou-se o efeito da substância húmica, em diferentes concentrações, no desempenho da DGT para esses metais, e os resultados foram comparados e concordantes com as frações livre e a ligada à matéria orgânica, calculadas pelo programa Visual MINTEQ. Compararam-se o agente ligante e o meio difusivo à base de celulose, utilizados neste trabalho, com os à base de gel de poliacrilamida, empregando-se o complexante Chelex-100. Avaliou-se a homogeneidade da retenção dos analitos e do grupo ligante fosfato sobre a superfície do agente ligante. Nesses ensaios utilizaram-se soluções sintéticas contendo os analitos em pH 5,5 e força iônica 0,05 mol L-1 (ajustados com NaNO3). As determinações foram realizadas por TXRF e EDXRF. Avaliaram-se os acoplamentos DGT-SRTXRF e da DGT-EDXRF para a determinação da fração lábil de Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn e Pb em amostras de água da bacia do rio Piracicaba, através de imersão em laboratório e in situ. Esses resultados foram comparados com as concentrações dissolvidas desses metais determinados pela técnica de fluorescência de raios X por reflexão total com excitação por luz síncrotron (SRTXRF, synchrotron radiation total reflection X-ray analysis). Os valores de concentrações de Mn, Cu e Zn nas frações dissolvida e lábil foram comparados com os valores máximos estabelecidos pela legislação brasileira Nas amostragens in situ, nos cinco pontos de coleta, as concentrações de Mn dissolvido e lábil foram maiores que a concentração total máxima permitida para esse elemento. Os elmentos Cr, Co, Ni e Pb, nas amostras coletadas, apresentaram-se abaixo do limite de detecção das técnicas SRTXRF (dissolvido), DGT-SRTXRF (lábil) e DGT-EDXRF (lábil). Os limites de detecção para o Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn e Pb foram de 2,2 a 10 \'mü\'g L-1 na SRTXRF, de 0,21 a 3,6 \'mü\'g L-1 e de 7,2 a 24 \'mü\'g L-1 na DGT-SRTXRF e DGT-EDXRF, respectivamente / Analytical methods evaluation for metal dissolved and labile fractions determination in Piracicaba river basin is notable for metal-behavior studies in this environment as well as their monitoring due to anthropogenic activities. The diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) is a promising sampling technique because of its pre-concentration, time-integrated, matrix interference removal, labile evaluation and in situ analytical features. The analytical techniques total reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) for liquid samples and energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) for solid samples analysis are advantageous due to simultaneous, multielemental and non-destructive characteristics. In this work, it was evaluated the DGT technique for Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb determination in freshwater, using P 81 cellulose membrane as bind agent and 3 MM chromatographic paper as diffusive layer. Elution factors and diffusion coefficients were calculated for these metals. The humic acids effect on DGT performance was assessed and compared to free and humic acid bound metal fractions estimated by Visual MINTEQ software, in which agreement results were found. The paper-based DGT and gel-based one with Chelex-100 as bind agent were compared. The metal retention and phosphate group homogenization on P 81 membrane bind agent surface was studied. For these tests it was utilized a synthetic solution these metals containing with pH and ionic strength adjust to 5.5 and 0.05 mol L-1 (NaNO3), respectively. It was used the TXRF and EDXRF techniques for these metal quantifications. The DGT-SRTXRF and DGT-EDXRF were assessed in order to determine Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb labile fractions in batch and in situ in Piracicaba river basin freshwater samples. These results were compared to their dissolved fractions by synchrotron radiation total reflection X-ray analysis, SRTXRF. The dissolved and labile Mn, Cu and Zn concentrations levels were compared to maximum allowed set by Brazilian legislation. The dissolved and labile Mn concentrations were higher than the maximum allowed in all five samples in situ sampling. Cr, Co, Ni, and Pb concentrations were lower than their limits of detection for dissolved fractions (SRTXRF) and labile ones (DGT-SRTXRF and DGT-EDXRF). The detection limits for Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb were from 2.2 to 10 \'mü\'g L-1 for SRTXRF, from 0.21 to 3.6 \'mü\'g L-1 and from 7.2 to 24 \'mü\'g L-1 for DGT-SRTXRF and DGT-EDXRF, respectively

Enhancing social-ecological resilience in the Colorado River Basin

Eidem, Nathan T., 1978- 08 March 2012 (has links)
This research presents the Colorado River basin as a social-ecological system. Utilizing event data on cooperative and conflictive interactions over fresh water, the system is decomposed to look for evidence of outcomes of resilience enhancement. The Animas-La Plata Project in the upper San Juan basin is presented as a case study, and qualitative methods are used to analyze interactions that led to its construction in order to assess social-ecological outcomes. In the upper San Juan basin, cooperative interactions over fresh water outnumbered conflictive ones. Interactions over water rights and infrastructure were most common, and the most cooperative interactions focused on these issue types. Many of these interactions focused on the Animas-La Plata Project compromise, which ultimately enhances social-ecological resilience in the Colorado River basin. / Graduation date: 2012

Resilience of large river basins : applying social-ecological systems theory, conflict management, and collaboration on the Mekong and Columbia Basins

MacQuarrie, Patrick R. 11 July 2012 (has links)
River basins provide essential services for both humans and ecosystems. Understanding the connections between ecosystems and society and their function has been at the heart of resilience studies and has become an increasing important endeavor in research and practice. In this dissertation, I define basin resilience as a river basin system's capacity to absorb, manage, and adapt to biophysical, social-economic, and political changes (or stressors) while still maintaining its essential structure, feedbacks, and functional integrity. I address the question of resilience, scale, and development in the Mekong and Columbia River Basins. This dissertation answers the following questions: 1) is systems theory an appropriate model to evaluate basin resilience, 2) is the Mekong Basin resilient, 3) are the Mekong and Columbia River Basins resilient across multiple scales, 4) can conflict management and collaborative learning enhance resilience, 5) can a resilience framework be used for basin comparisons, and 6) what lessons can the Mekong basin take from rapid development in the Columbia basin? In Chapter 2, I create and apply a social-ecological systems (SES) model of the Mekong River Basin to assess resilience at sub-basin (provincial), watershed (national), and basin (regional) scales. Feedbacks, thresholds, vulnerability, and adaptive capacity are determined and used as inputs into an overall basin resilience assessment. Drawing upon field work done in the Mekong Basin, Chapter 3 uses Conflict Management and Collaborative Learning processes to address resilience weaknesses across multiple scales in the Mekong Basin. Chapter 4 uses the basin resilience framework to compare the Mekong and Columbia Basins against physical characteristics, development rate, conflict and cooperation, and institutional responses to development projects. In this dissertation I find the Mekong has medium-low basin resilience and that scale is a critical determinant in basin resilience assessments. I find that in this study, vulnerability is inversely proportional to resilience, and low resilience at one scale, for example fisheries in the Tonle Sap Lake in Cambodia, decreases resilience for the entire basin. I find that Cambodia and Lao PDR are the least resilience and Thailand the most resilient countries in the Mekong Basin ��� Thailand more resilient in some sectors than the Mekong River Commission (MRC). I find that the MRC's conflict management strategy is hampered by a restrictive mandate and weakness in capacity building at tributary and national scales but that Collaborative Learning processes are effective in enhancing resilience at the sub-basin scale. Finally, I demonstrate through the basin comparison that the Mekong has a highly resilient biophysical system and traditionally a resilient institutional system however, the proposed rate of development is unsustainable with trends indicating a significant erosion of resilience. I find the Columbia Basin lacking resilience in fishing, hydropower, and water quality ��� sectors mitigating the effects of development in the Columbia Basin, manifesting as overall negative trends in cooperation. However, the Columbia shows signs of increasing cooperation due recent inclusion of Tribal Nations in water management. Flexible and inclusive institutional responses to water resource development challenges, in the Mekong to rapid development on the mainstream and in the Columbia to negotiations over renewal of the Columbia River Treaty, are key determinants to whether or not each basin can halt the current negative trends and strengthen basin resilience to face the challenges now and those coming in the future. / Graduation date: 2013

Conflictes socioterriorials i participació pública en la gestió de l'aigua de la conca del riu Muga (Alt Empordà)

Ventura Pujolar, Montserrat 06 May 2005 (has links)
Conflictes socioterritorials i participació pública en la gestió de l'aigua de la conca del riu Muga (Alt Empordà) és un treball que incideix sobre la conflictivitat en la gestió dels rius mediterranis i prospecta en la participació pública -activa i vinculant- per a la resolució de conflictes i la planificació i gestió dels recursos hídrics. En concret, s'ha intentat donar resposta a cinc objectius:Objectius del marc teòric- Comprovar l'existència de dos discursos antagònics (radicalment oposats) en l'esfera social, científica i de gestió dels rius que generen conflicte i que són insostenibles per a una gestió integral dels recursos fluvials: el discurs antropocèntric i el discurs ecocèntric.Matèria d'estudi: L'excepcionalisme humà i l'ecologia profunda en la societat; Les disciplines de la regulació de l'aigua i de l'ecologia fluvial en la ciència; El contracte antropocèntric i el balanç ecocèntric en la gestió; El discurs ambiental (el riu antròpic i ecosistemàtic).- Valorar si les estratègies de participació pública (que involucren als agents socials) gaudeixen -respecte els processos de decisió unilaterals (siguin autoritàries o arbitràries)- de més garanties per corregir i prevenir conflictes desconstructius relacionats amb l'aigua i els recursos fluvials.Matèria d'estudi: Definició de conflicte en positiu; L'estratègia de cooperació i consens en la Resolució Alternativa de Disputes (Alternative Dispute Resolution) i 13 casos resolts de conflictes per l'aigua a l'Oest dels Estats Units; Bases d'un pla de gestió integral, adaptatiu i participatiu i el cas del San Joaquin River Management Plan (Califòrnia, Estats Units).Objectius del marc pràctic. Conca del riu Muga (Alt Empordà)- Contextualitzar la diversificació i intensificació dels usos de l'aigua dins un procés de canvi dels usos del sòl, particularment accelerat a partir de la dècada de 1960 i objecte de problemàtiques socioterritorials d'ençà de la dècada de 1980. Cartografia i matriu de canvi dels usos del sòl de la conca anys 1993 i 1957.Matèria d'estudi: Cartografia i estadística dels usos del sòl de la conca del riu Muga (49 municipis altempordanesos, 1.050 km2), anys 1957 i 1993. Retrospectiva dels espais forestals, d'aigua, conreats i urbanitzats.- Identificar i descriure les tensions i conflictes en l'ús de l'aigua, així com les característiques de les solucions adoptades en el període 1980-2000. Constatar si determinades solucions estructurals han esdevingut problemàtiques a mig o llarg termini, i estimar la probabilitat de conflictes futurs.Matèria d'estudi: 50 incidents problemàtics en abastament d'aigua (26 tensions i 24 conflictes) i 53 mesures per fer-hi front (12 d'adaptació de la demanda i 41 d'adaptació de l'oferta d'aigua) entre els anys 1980 i 2000, i diferenciant dues unitats territorials de la conca (la Muga interior i la plana de la Muga).- Caracteritzar quins són els temes en matèria d'aigua que no disposen de consens entre els agents socioeconòmics, tècnics i polítics locals reunits en les sessions de discussió del projecte MUGA. Determinar si les estratègies participatives poden prosperar perquè són factibles i idònies.Matèria d'estudi: Projecte MUGA: Gestión del recurso agua con participación de agentes. Estudio para la cuenca del río Muga (Girona), 2000-2003 - UAB i UdG; La dissensió d'opinions dels 30 participants a les 4 sessions de discussió entorn l'ús i gestió de l'aigua de la conca de la Muga; 6 temes de conflicte, 14 subtemes i 31 punts de discussió, 9 dels quals punts calents de conflicte (destructius i indicadors de punts de disfunció en la gestió de l'aigua de la conca). / Social territorial conflicts and public participation in water management in the Muga river basin (Alt Empordà) focuses on conflicts generated by the management of Mediterranean rivers and examines the role of active and legally binding public participation in resolving conflicts and managing water resources. Specifically, the study set out to achieve five aims:Theoretical aims- To demonstrate that there are two antagonistic (radically opposed) positions - anthropocentrism and ecocentrism - in the social, scientific, and management spheres that generate conflict and impede a sustainable integrated management of river resources. Study material: human exceptionalism and deep ecology in society; water regulatory and river ecology disciplines in science; the anthropocentric contract and ecocentric balance in management; environmental discourse (the anthropic and ecosystemic river).- To determine whether public participation strategies (involving social agents) provide greater guarantees than unilateral decision-making processes (whether arbitrary or authoritarian) of resolving and preventing destructive conflicts in the area of water and river resources. Study material: definition of positive conflict; cooperation and consensus building in alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and 13 case studies of water conflicts that were resolved in western United States; conditions for an integrated, adaptive, and participative management plan, and the San Joaquin River Management Plan (California, United States).Practical aims. Muga River Basin (Alt Empordà)- To contextualise the diversification and intensification of the use of water against a background of changing land uses, a process which rapidly gained ground from the 1960s onwards and became a source of social territorial conflict in the 1980s.Study material: land-use maps and statistics from 1957 and 1993 for the Muga river basin (49 municipalities in the Alt Empordà region and a total surface area of 1,050 km2). Retrospective analysis of forested, water-covered, cultivated, and developed areas.- To identify and describe tensions and conflicts over water use and the different solutions adopted between 1980 and 2000. To determine if certain structural solutions have become a source of confrontation in the medium or long term, and to assess the likelihood of future conflicts. Study material: 50 water supply incidents (26 tensions and 24 conflicts) and 53 measures adopted to resolve these incidents between 1980 and 2000 (12 demand-management measures and 41 supply-management actions); differentiation between two areas of the Muga river basin (interior and plain).- To discern which water issues are the source of discord among the different socio-economic, technical, and political agents participating in the MUGA project's focus group sessions. To determine if new participative strategies in the near future are necessary and likely to succeed.Study material: The MUGA project: management of Muga water resources with agent participation. Muga river basin study (Girona), 2000/03 - Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and University of Girona (UdG); conflicting opinions among the 30 participants in the four focus-group sessions held on water use and management in the Muga river basin; 6 conflictive issues, 14 sub-issues, and 31 points of dispute, 9 of which were sources of intense conflict (destructive and indicative of inappropriate river basin management).

Hydrologische Modellierung urbaner Nährstoffeinträge in Gewässer auf Flussgebietsebene / Hydrological modelling of nutrient imputs from urbanised areas in waterbodies

Biegel, Markus 17 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis describes the conception and implementation of the hydrological model ArcEGMO-URBAN and its application to the basin of the Havel river in north-eastern Germany. The model has been developed in order to make up the balance of nitrogen and phosphorus inputs from point sources in urban areas on the scale of river basins. The nutrient input can be calculated with a high spatial resolution and according to its seasonal variation. At the same time, the impact of the rainfall on the nutrient input is being focused on in this project. ArcEGMO-URBAN models rainfall-runoff processes and pollution-transport processes in urban areas taking natural, technological and social parameters into consideration. Input data are meteorological and terrestrial data with a high spatiotemporal resolution as well as statistic data on the scale of municipalities. The digitally available spatial data are being analysed with GIS functions before the actual modelling and later merged to areas with similar attributes. Technological and social parameters are assigned to these areas which were derived from statistic data. The diversity of the input data and their high spatial resolution allow for the description of relevant processes differentiated on the scale of urban patches. The model considers different urban water technologies and their determined matter fluxes as well as different sewer systems. With regard to rainfall-runoff processes the following sub-processes are considered for this model: the runoff-generation and runoff-concentration on sealed surfaces, the runoff-transformation and combination with the dry weather flow in the sewer system, and the split-up of the runoff in retention tanks and waste water treatment plants. Referring to pollution-transport processes the following sub-processes are taken into account: the atmospheric pollution and surface pollution dependent on the type of land use, and the matter transport in the sewer system. The sub-processes of matter accumulation and matter erosion on the land surface can be calculated by using mean values of pollution or, more detailed, by using special functions for processes of accumulation as well as erosion. In order to guarantee an easy application, the model's conception allows the use of input data and parameters of varying accuracy. Both, either measurements or statistical data can be used for the calculation dependent on the available data. The model is programmed in "C" and, therefore, usable on every established computer system. The model's validation succeeds for several sub-processes as well as sub catchments. Results of the model's application in the basin of the Havel river illustrate that the model calculates similar annual matter loads when compared to established other models. Furthermore, the results show the potential of the model to calculate the seasonal variation of matter loads and to calculate scenarios by using GIS based parameters. ArcEGMO-URBAN therefore is a capable tool for the identification of nutrient input from point sources on the scale of river catchments. / Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Konzeption und Realisierung des Modells ArcEGMO-URBAN sowie die Modellanwendung im Flussgebiet der Havel. ArcEGMO-URBAN wurde entwickelt um die punktuell in Gewässer eingetragenen Frachten von Gesamtstickstoff und Gesamtphosphor aus urbanen Räumen auf der Ebene von Flussgebieten zu bilanzieren. Die Nährstoffeinträge werden mit einer hohen räumlichen Auflösung und in ihrer innerjährlichen Dynamik berechnet, wobei der Einfluss des Niederschlagsgeschehens auf die Stoffeinträge besonders thematisiert wird. ArcEGMO-URBAN modelliert die Niederschlags-Abfluss- und die Schmutz-Transport-Prozesse in urbanen Räumen unter Berücksichtigung von naturräumlichen, technologischen und sozialen Parametern. Eingangsgrößen sind meteorologische und terrestrische Daten mit einer hohen zeitlichen und räumlichen Auflösung sowie statistische Angaben auf Gemeindeebene. Die digital vorliegenden Flächendaten werden vor der Modellierung mittels GIS-Funktionen ausgewertet und zu Flächen mit gleichen Eigenschaften zusammengefasst. Diesen Flächen werden technologische und soziale Parameter zugeordnet, welche aus den statistischen Angaben abgeleitet wurden. Durch die hohe inhaltliche und räumliche Auflösung der Eingangsdaten können relevante Prozesse teilflächendifferenziert beschrieben werden. Es können sowohl unterschiedliche Wasserver- und -entsorgungstechnologien und die durch sie induzierten Stoffströme als auch unterschiedliche Kanalisationsverfahren berücksichtigt werden. Bezogen auf den Niederschlags-Abfluss-Prozess werden die Abflussbildung und Abflusskonzentration auf befestigten Flächen, die Abflusstransformation und Überlagerung mit dem Trockenwetterabfluss im Kanalnetz und die Abflussaufteilung an Sonderbauwerken bzw. Kläranlagen berechnet. Für die Berücksichtigung der Stoff-Transport-Prozesse werden die durch die Atmosphäre und spezifische Nutzungen bedingten Stoffeinträge sowie der durch die Kanalisation bestimmte Stofftransport berechnet. Die auf der Oberfläche stattfindenden Teilprozesse von Stoffakkumulation und -abtrag können über mittlere Verschmutzungswerte oder detailliert über Akkumulations- und Abtragsfunktionen berechnet werden. Um ein weites Anwendungsspektrum zu gewährleisten, ist das Modell so konzipiert, dass eine Parametrisierung mit Eingangsdaten unterschiedlicher Qualität möglich ist. Abhängig von der verfügbaren Datenbasis werden entweder konkrete Messwerte oder statistische Größen verwendet. Das Programm ist in "C" programmiert und damit auf jeder Rechnerarchitektur lauffähig. Die Validierung des Modells gelingt für einzelne Teilprozesse aber auch für Teilgebiete gut. Die Ergebnisse im Flussgebiet der Havel belegen, dass das Modell ähnliche jährliche Nährstofffrachten wie bereits eingeführte Modelle berechnet. Darüber hinaus zeigen die Ergebnisse das Potenzial des Modells, die innerjährliche Dynamik punktueller Stoffeinträge abzubilden und durch die GIS-gestützte Parametrisierung aufwandsarm Szenarien zu berechnen. Damit ist ArcEGMO-URBAN ein geeignetes Modell zur Bestimmung von Nährstoffeinträgen aus punktuellen Quellen auf der Ebene von Flussgebieten.

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