Spelling suggestions: "subject:"lobo"" "subject:"robo""
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Prospect Theory in the Automated Advisory Process / Prospektteori i en automatiseradrådgivningsprocessWERNER, JONATAN, SJÖBERG, JONAS January 2016 (has links)
With robo-advisors and regulation eventually changing the market conditions of thefinancial advisory industry, traditional advisors will have to adapt to a new world of asset management. Thus, it will be of interest to traditional advisors to further explore the topic of how to automatically evaluate soft aspects such as client preferences and behavior, and transform it into portfolio allocations while retaining stringency and high quality in the process. In this thesis, we show how client preferences and behavioral aspects can be translated into quantitative parameters, suitable for an asset allocation model based on prospect theory. A risk profiler, a type of questionnaire, is found to be an appropriate tool to use in this process. Further, we show that the impact of the parameters on the resulting portfolio allocations is consistent with prospect theory and the preferences of the investor. Finally, we conclude that the optimized portfolio allocation generated by the model suit the investor's preferences. / Allteftersom robotrådgivning och regleringar förändrar marknadsvillkoren för finansiellrådgivning kommer traditionella aktörer behöva anpassa sig till helt nya förutsättningar. Därmed är det av intresse för traditionella rådgivare att ytterligare undersöka hur man automatiskt kan utvärdera mjuka faktorer, såsom kunders preferenser och beteende, och omvandla dem till portföljallokeringar samtidigt som man bibehåller stringens och hög kvalitet i processen. I denna avhandling visar vi hur kundpreferenser och beteendemässiga aspekter kan översättas till kvantitativa parametrar för en allokeringsmodell baserad på prospektteori. En riskprofilerare, en typ av frågeformulär, visar sig vara ett bra verktyg att använda i processen. Vidare visas att parametrarnas effekt på de resulterande portföljerna är förenliga med prospektteori och investerarens preferenser. Slutligen drar vi slutsatsen att den optimerade allokeringen passar investerarens preferenser.
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Haptic-Enabled Robotic Arms to Achieve Handshakes in the MetaverseMohd Faisal, 26 September 2022 (has links)
Humans are social by nature, and the physical distancing due to COVID has converted many of our daily interactions into virtual ones. Among the negative consequences of this, we find the lack of an element that is essential to humans' well-being, which is the physical touch. With more interactions shifting towards the digital world of the metaverse, we want to provide individuals with the means to include the physical touch in their interactions. We explore the Digital Twin technology's prospect to support in reducing the impact of this on humans. We provide a definition of the concept of Robo Twin and explain its role in mediating human interactions. Besides, we survey research works related to Digital Twin's physical representation with a focus on under-actuated Digital Twin's robotic arms. In this thesis, we first provide findings from the literature, to support researchers' decisions in the adoption and use of designs and implementations of Digital Twin's robotic arms, and to inform future research on current challenges and gaps in existing research works.
Subsequently, we design and implement two right-handed under-actuated Digital Twin's robotic arms to mediate the physical interaction between two individuals by allowing them to perform a handshake while they are physically distanced. This experiment served as a proof of concept for our proposed idea of Robo Twin. The findings are very promising as our evaluation shows that the participants are highly interested in using our system to make a handshake with their loved ones when they are physically separated. With this Robo Twin Arm system, we also find a correlation between the handshake characteristics and gender and/or personality traits of the participants from the quantitative handshake data collected during the experiment. Moreover, it is a step towards the design and development of Digital Twin's under-actuated robotic arms and ways to enhance the overall user experience with such a system.
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Consideraciones sobre el estado actual de la agravante especial de pluralidad de malhechores del Artículo 456 bis No.3 del Código Penal chileno en los delitos de robo y hurtoMella Pérez, Rodrigo Antonio January 2014 (has links)
Tesis (magíster en derecho con mención en derecho penal ) / Autor no autoriza el acceso a texto completo de su documento / La presente investigación pretende analizar con precisión el estado
dogmático y jurisprudencial actual de la circunstancia agravante de pluralidad de
malhechores en los delitos de robo y hurto contenida en el artículo 456 bis N°3 del
Código Penal chileno, comenzando con el estudio de tres asuntos que históricamente
han motivado la atención de los autores, los que consisten en la determinación del
origen histórico de la norma, su fundamento racional y el sentido de la expresión
“malhechores”, dejando en evidencia, en cada caso, las ventajas y desventajas de las
hipótesis existentes, y proponiendo, en lo posible, nuevas alternativas de solución.
Luego, nos concentraremos en escudriñar cinco problemas contemporáneos derivados
de la interrelación de la norma con diversas instituciones propias del derecho penal y
del derecho procesal penal, tales como la participación criminal, el iter criminis, la
coerción como medio comisivo del robo, la adolescencia como característica de los
sujetos de la incriminación, y la pluralidad de enjuiciamientos respecto de un solo
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Jóvenes que cometen delitos severosWiese, Renata January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Dentro de los múltiples tipos de violencia, la delincuencia juvenil -que afecta a personas comprendidas entre los 10 y 29 años- es definida como un abanico de actos agresivos que van desde la intimidación y las peleas hasta formas más graves como la agresión y el homicidio. Con respecto a este último tipo de violencia (el homicidio) la hipótesis a verificar en este trabajo, plantea que sobre la población integrada por delincuentes juveniles homicidas han interactuado factores de riesgo particulares que los distinguen del resto. El objetivo de la presente Tesis fue determinar la relevancia de factores de riesgo relacionados con el hecho de cometer homicidio en adolescentes infractores de la ley penal, internados en centros de la ciudad de La Plata, comparados con un grupo control de jóvenes que cometieron otros tipos de delitos internados en los mismos centros. El diseño adoptado fue elaborado con una metodología multimétodo que incluyó un estudio descriptivo y un estudio observacional analítico de casos. Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos al análisis estadístico del Programa SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences); con evaluación de posibles diferencias estadísticamente significativas. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por 15 adolescentes internados por homicidio en el Departamento Penal de Registro y Ubicación de la ciudad de La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina. El grupo control fue conformado por 35 adolescentes infractores de la ley penal no homicidas, internados en el mismo departamento. Los jóvenes fueron seleccionados según criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Para la medición se utilizaron instrumentos para la evaluación de las características sociodemográficas y psicosociales mediante cuestionario de recolección de datos que incluyeron 59 ítem, así como la detección de las comorbilidades clínico-psiquiátricas a través del MINI (Mini International Neuropsichiyatric Interview) del DSM IV. Con respecto a los Aspectos Éticos observados, el estudio siguió los lineamientos de la Declaración de Helsinki del año 2003. Se diligenció un asentimiento informado por cada participante, así como la autorización de las autoridades.
Los resultados obtenidos en esta investigación multimétodo mostraron que los siguientes factores presentan mayores probabilidades de estar relacionado con el hecho de ser homicida, sin ser estadísticamente relevantes: el lugar de residencia (OR=2,50; IC95%: 0,48–13,12); padre vivo (OR=1,62; IC95%: 0,17–15,95); padre alcohólico (OR=1,45; IC95%: 0,30–6,91); convivencia con el padre hasta los 16 años (OR=1,60; IC95%: 0,48–5,37); convivencia con la madre hasta los 16 años (OR=2,00; IC95%: 0,47–8,46); rabonas escolares frecuentes antes de los 13 años (OR=1,28; IC95%: 0,38–4,27); crueldad física a animales (OR= 1,23; IC95%: 0,20–7,56); crueldad física a personas (OR=1,04; IC95%: 0,23–4,69); uso de arma u objeto lesivo (OR=1,30; IC95%: 0,23–7,31); intervención de la familia en los trastornos de conducta (OR=1,79; IC95%: 0,51–6,29); intervención de asistente social en los trastornos de conducta (OR=1,99; IC95%: 0,58–6,86); intervención de psicólogo (OR=1,30; IC95%: 0,35–4,76); episodio depresivo mayor actual con rasgos melancólicos (OR=1,23; IC95%: 0,20–7,56); episodio hipomaníaco (pasado) (OR=1,69; IC95%: 0,25–11,32); presencia de agorafobia sin antecedentes de trastorno de angustia (OR=1,25; IC95%: 0,27–5,83); trastorno de stress post-traumático (actual) (OR=1,09; IC95%: 0,28–4,30) y ansiedad generalizada (OR=1,55; IC95%: 0,32–7,52). Solamente resultó estadísticamente significativo con la condición de homicida el tener la madre viva (OR=3,57; IC95%: 2,29–5,57) pero la variable no resulta de significación clínica. En conclusión, según los resultados obtenidos, no se puede rechazar la hipótesis nula de que existen diferencias entre jóvenes que cometieron homicidio y jóvenes que han cometido otro tipo de delitos. El hallazgo permite plantear que este sector de la población tiene el mismo tipo de vulnerabilidades y que el delito, probablemente, dependa más de las circunstancias que de características personales. Asimismo, que las acciones preventivas podrían tener efecto tanto en las conductas delictivas en general, como en el homicidio en particular.
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Constructing low cost core-satellite portfolios with multiple risk constraints: practical applications to Robo advising in South Africa using active, passive and smart-beta strategiesSmith, Jacques 24 February 2021 (has links)
Risk and tracking error budgeting was originally adopted by large institutional investors, including pension funds, plan sponsors, foundations, and endowments. More recently, risk and tracking error budgeting have gained popularity among financial advisors, multi-managers, fund of funds managers, high net worth individuals as well as retail investors. These techniques contribute to the portfolio optimisation process by limiting the extent to which a portfolio can deviate from its benchmark with regards to risk and tracking error. This is an ambitious paper that attempts to determine the optimal strategy to practically implement risk and tracking error budgeting as a portfolio optimisation technique in South Africa. This study attempts to bridge the gap between active, passive, and smart-beta investment management styles by introducing a low-cost portfolio construction technique, for core-satellite portfolio management, which contributes to the risk and tracking error budgeting process. Core-satellite portfolios are designed to expose the portfolio to a low-cost primary “core” consisting of passive and enhanced index funds, thus systematic risk “beta”, limiting the tracking error of the portfolio. The secondary “satellite” component is allocated to active and smart-beta managers to exploit expected excess return “alpha”. The primary aim of this research is to construct a rule-based product range of core-satellite portfolios called “replica portfolios”. The product range builds on the foundation of the Association for Savings & Investments South Africa (ASISA) framework. The study identifies three “target portfolios” from ASISA's framework, namely (1) High Risk: SA General Equity, (2) Medium Risk: SA Multi-Asset High Equity and (3) Low Risk: SA Multi-Asset Low Equity. Through this framework, active managers from each category are shortlisted using a Sharpe and Information Ratio filter. A secondary filtering technique, namely Returns Based Style Analysis (RBSA) is used to determine the style, R-squared and alpha-generating ability of active managers versus the passive asset classes and style indices they seek to replicate. Applying Euler's theorem for homogenous functions, we decompose the risk of the coresatellite portfolio into the risk contributed by each of its components. The primary mandate of the core-satellite portfolios in the product range is to allocate risk and tracking error efficiently across several investment management styles and asset classes in order to maximise returns while remaining within the specified risk parameters. iii The results highlighted that active managers, after fees, predominantly failed to outperform their benchmarks and passive building blocks, as identified through RBSA over the sample period (October 2009 – September 2019). However, only a small number of active managers generated superior risk-adjusted returns and were included in the core-satellite range of products. This study recommends to investors that they exploit the “hot-hands effect” by investing in specialised, benchmark agnostic active managers who consistently produce superior risk-adjusted returns. By blending active, passive and smart-beta strategies, investors are exposed to less total risk, less risk per holding and a lower tracking error. The three coresatellite portfolios developed in this study generated absolute and risk-adjusted returns that are more significant than their active and passive counterparts. Fee arbitrage was derived through the range of core-satellite products, resulting in tangible alpha over the sample period. The study encourages investors to use smart-beta strategies alongside active and passive funds since it improves Sharpe and Information ratios while enhancing the original portfolio's characteristics.
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Finansiell robotrådgivning : Faktorers effekt på svenska konsumenters intention till användning. UTAUT2 med uppfattad risk och tillit. / Robo-advisors : Factors influencing swedish consumers intention to use. UTAUT2 with perceived risk and trust.Stenberg, Alexander January 2020 (has links)
In times when traditional saving accounts are no longer attractive due to the current interest rates, robo-advisors appears to be an alternative investment utility. Robo-advisor has made investment advisory services available to the general public by offering automated system to allocate assets that is tailored to each individual’s investment needs and risk profile. The successful implementation of robo-advisors depends heavily on the extent of how much customers are fully motivated to use these services. The purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect Swedish consumers intention to use robo-advisors using UTAUT (unified theory of acceptance and use 2) with the extended factors perceived risk and trust. The results indicate that performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and perceived risk influence how Swedish consumers formulate their behavioral intention to use robo-advisors. / I samband med det låga ränteläget har traditionella sparkonton blivit mindre attraktiva och genererat en ökad efterfråga bland konsumenter på nya investeringsalternativ. Finansiell robotrådgivning har gjort investeringsrådgivning tillgängligt för allmänheten genom att erbjuda automatiserade system för portföljförvaltning. Framgångsrik etablering av finansiella robotrådgivningstjänster beror i vilken utsträckning potentiella kunder är motiverande att börja använda dessa system. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar svenska konsumenters intention till användning av finansiella robotrådgivningstjänster. Studiens undersökningsmodell är baserad på the unified theory of acceptance and use 2 (UTAUT2), med adderade faktorer: uppfattad risk och tillit. Data samlades in via en surveyundersökning och tolkades med hjälp av Partial Least Square Structual Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). Resultatet indikerar att förväntad prestation, underlättande förutsättningar, hedonisk motivation och uppfattad risk har betydande effekt för hur intention till användning formas.
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[pt] A inspeção interna de tanques de armazenamento pode ser uma tarefa longa, custosa e até nociva à saúde do inspetor. Uma alternativa à inspeção humana é a utilização de sistemas robóticos. Esses sistemas podem ser teleoperados de fora dos tanques, permitindo realizar a inspeção de maneira mais segura, rápida, e em alguns casos, sem que seja necessário esvaziá-lo. Para poder fornecer a localização de eventuais defeitos no tanque, o robô móvel precisa ser capaz de conhecer sua posição relativa dentro dele. Auto-localização é de grande importância para a navegação de robôs móveis. Robôs de inspeção são, na sua maioria, veículos de rodas ou esteiras magnéticas fixas. Esta configuração adiciona duas dificuldades que precisam ser abordadas na tarefa de localização. Devido à sua configuração, neste tipo de veículo, deslizamento das rodas é intrínseco ao seu funcionamento, sendo essencial levar em conta seu efeito para modelar seu comportamento adequadamente. Outra dificuldade está no uso de rodas magnéticas, devido ao forte campo magnético gerado por estes elementos, que interferem nas medições de sensores magnéticos, como por exemplo bússolas. Neste trabalho, um filtro de Kalman foi desenvolvido e implementado para a localização de um robô de quatro rodas magnéticas fixas, a partir da fusão de sensores inerciais e odometria. Na modelagem do veículo, foi utilizado um modelo cinemático como base para um modelo dinâmico, o que permitiu considerar o deslizamento intrínseco do sistema. Na fusão de sensores, foram dispensadas as medições do magnetômetro embarcado, devido à grande interferência produzida pelas rodas e à grande distância que seria necessária entre eles para não ser afetado pelo ruído. Simulações e experimentos comprovaram a eficiência do filtro implementado. / [en] Internal inspection of storage tanks can be long, costly and even detrimental to the health of the inspector. An alternative to human inspection is the use of robotic systems. These systems can be teleoperated from outside the tanks, making it possible to carry out the inspection more safely, quickly and in some cases without having to empty it. In order to provide the location of any defects in the tank, the mobile robot must be able to know its relative position within it. Self-localization is of great importance for mobile robot navigation. Inspection robots are, for the most part, vehicles with wheels or tracks. This configuration adds two difficulties that need to be addressed in the localization task. Due to its configuration, in this type of vehicle, wheel slip is intrinsic to its operation, being essential to take into account its effect to model its behavior properly. Another difficulty is the use of magnetic wheels, due to the strong magnetic field generated by these elements, which interfere with the measurements of magnetic sensors, such as compasses. In this work, a Kalman filter was developed and implemented for the localization of a four-wheel fixed magnetic robot, from the fusion of inertial sensors and odometry. In the modeling of the vehicle, a kinematic model was used as the basis for a dynamic model, which allowed to consider the intrinsic slippage of the system. In the sensor fusion, measurements of the magnetometer on board were discarded, due to the great interference produced by the wheels and the great distance that would be necessary between them to be unaffected by noise. Simulations and experiments have proven the efficiency of the implemented filter.
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Är robotrådgivning framtidens nya investeringsrådgivare?Touma, Louis, Gialetsis, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
Background Digitalization have been affecting the world industries the past years. With this, Banks have been digitizing their products and services for their customers to be competitive in the sector. The investment advisement has been a part of this digitization. Banks nowadays compete with robo-advising, which originates from the USA. In Sweden this is relatively new for both the banks and the customers, and therefore has some challenges to face, before it can replace the traditional investment advising. Purpose The purpose of the study is to investigate and compare the robo-advisement to the traditional investment advising, but also to explore if the users of the robo-advice thinks if it is enough developed to replace the traditional investment advising. Method To achieve the results for our study, we have chosen a qualitative method with the use of semi-structured interviews with ten respondents which meets the requirements to participate in the interview for the study’s purpose. To give a brief overview of the respondents answers we will conclude them into tables, and to attain the purpose of the study we will analyze the results with the theories used in our study and previous research in the subject. Conclusion After analyzing the results we have come to a conclusion that the robo-advice need to be more developed due to its incompatible function to process the information from the users to offer them a complete investment advisement. Therefore the robo-advisory is not yet ready to replace the traditional investment advising but could still be used as a good complement together with the physical interaction of the users and investing advisors. This because of the time efficiency of the robo-advisement and the traditional investment advisors capability to build a relationship and create trust in between them.
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The Adoption of Robo-advisory in the Swedish Financial Technology Market : Analyzing the consumer perspectiveCedrell, Linda, Issa, Nivin January 2018 (has links)
Due to the digitalization revolution within the financial sector fintech companies are challenging the traditional banking institutes with new technologies and innovations. Robo-advisors are the new way to get personalized investment services online instead of using traditional advisory.The aim is to research the consumer adoption of robo-advisory in the Swedish financial sector. Additionally, the core emphasis throughout this thesis is on; consumers personal traits, as well as behavioral factors that impact consumers investment decision. Theories used are mostly innovation theories and behavioural theories. To investigate the aim aquantitative approach is used and a survey with 435 respondents were conducted and two probit and margin regressions was made, one for securities as the dependent variable and one for robo-advisory as the dependent variable. The results show that the adoption of robo-advisoryhas been slow in Sweden due to lack of transparency and information. Lastly, gender was the most significant factor in both regressions. / På grund av digitaliseringen inom finanssektorn utmanar fintech företagende traditionella bankinstitut en med ny teknik och nya innovationer. Robotrådgivare är det nya sättet att få personliga investeringsråd istället för att använda traditionell rådgivning. Syftet är att undersöka konsumenternas uppfattning kring robotådgivning i den svenska finans sektorn. Uppsatsen kommer baseras på konsumenternas personliga egenskaper samt beteendemässiga faktorer som påverkar konsumenternas investeringsbeslut. Teorierna som används är innovationsteorier och beteendeteorier. För att undersöka frågeställningarna har ett kvantitativt tillvägagångssättanvänts. En enkätundersökning genomfördes som resluterade i 435 respondenter. Datan från enkäten analyserades via grafer samt två probitregressioner med olika beroende variabler, värdepapper samt robotrådgivning. Resultaten visar att adoptionen av robotrådgivning har varitlångsam i Sverige på grund av bristande transparens och information. Den mest signifikanta faktorerna i båda regressionerna var kön.
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Collective cell migration is a defining feature of many morphogenetic processes.
Diseases such as congenital heart diseases and cancer arise due to mis-regulation of
collective migratory behaviour and animal models have played a pivotal role in dissecting
the molecular mechanisms which underlie this process. During embryonic heart
development, cardiac precursors undergo a stage of collective migration in both
vertebrates and invertebrates. We developed a paradigm to quantitatively assess collective
cell migration of cardiac precursors in live embryos of Drosophila, which is the simplest
genetic model organism with a heart. Therefore, we studied processes which are
commonly observed in most collective cell migration models such as guidance signalling
and extracellular matrix remodelling. Our results demonstrate that leading edge of
migrating cardioblasts is highly active and that this behaviour is regulated by guidance
cues, Slit and Netrin and their respective receptors Robo/Robo2 and Frazzled/Uncoordinated5.
These molecules cooperatively promote leading edge motility and epithelial
characteristics of the cardioblasts. Next, we determined that matrix restructuring around
the cardioblasts requires proteases Mmp1 and Mmp2, which are members of the highly
conserved Matrix Metalloproteinase family. We demonstrate that Mmp1 and Mmp2 have
distinct roles during lumen formation, however, both Mmp1 and Mmp2 are required for
collective motility of the cardioblast leading edge. Hence, we propose that embryonic
heart development in Drosophila is an effective and amenable model of collective cell
migration which can be applied to discover unique mechanisms which coordinate cell
movement in groups. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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