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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bibliófilos audiovisuais: os \"media\" como forma de aproximar estudantes dos livros / Bibliófilos audiovisuais: os \"media\" como forma de aproximar estudantes dos livros

Andrade, Rogerio Pelizzari de 26 October 2011 (has links)
Os meios de comunicação eletrônicos são responsabilizados por supostos desvios das práticas leitoras. Influenciados pelas teorias críticas da comunicação, especialmente ligadas à Escola de Frankfurt, pesquisadores afirmam que os media representam o principal impedimento para que os jovens se aproximem dos livros. Os estímulos audiovisuais de suportes, como a televisão, o rádio, a internet e o videogame, em geral marcados pela superficialidade e pela tentativa de induzir as audiências ao consumo, minimizariam o contato com vivências mais complexas que se manifestam no contato com o texto impresso. Propondo uma inversão deste ponto de vista, uma pesquisa etnográfica foi realizada em sala de leitura de uma escola municipal de São Paulo. O objetivo era identificar relações entre as experiências vivenciadas com os produtos midiáticos e o possível interesse que eles podem despertar em relação aos livros. Alinhado com autores como Martín-Barbero, Canclini e Orozco, que consideram a possibilidade de utilização dos meios de comunicação para contribuir com o processo de educação, o percurso teórico do estudo abrangeu ainda uma revisão das teorias críticas, ideias acerca da função e do conceito de leitura e a influência dos fatores culturais neste processo. / The electronic communication media are responsible for supposed challenges to reading practices. Influenced by critical communication theories, particularly those linked to the Frankfurt School, researchers affirm that the media represent the main barrier between youth and books. Audiovisual support stimuli, such as television, radio, the internet and videogames, marked in general by superficiality and attempts to induce audiences to consumption, would minimize contact with more complex experiences that are manifest in contact with the printed word. Proposing a reversal of this perspective, an ethnographic study was conducted in a reading room of a São Paulo municipal school. The purpose was to identify relationships between experiences with media products and the possible interest in books that they may stimulate. Aligned with authors such as Martín-Barbero, Canclini and Orozco, who consider the possible use of communication media to contribute to education, the theoretical route of the study also included a review of the critical theories, ideas about the function and concept of reading and the influence of cultural factors in this process.

Medição, predição e análise de partículas aéreas em salas cirúrgicas. / Measurement, prediction and analysis of airborne particles in surgical rooms.

Marcelo Luiz Pereira 10 October 2008 (has links)
Os sistemas de condicionamento de ar exercem função importante em uma sala cirúrgica, que é proteger a ferida cirúrgica e os equipamentos estéreis dos microrganismos carreados pelo ar. Essa proteção é feita pelo controle simultâneo da movimentação e distribuição do ar, da temperatura, da umidade, da filtragem, das infiltrações de ar de outros setores, entre outros. Esses são fatores que afetam diretamente a quantidade de partículas aéreas presentes em uma sala cirúrgica. Dentro deste contexto, no presente trabalho foi desenvolvido um modelo matemático para predição da concentração de partículas em salas cirúrgicas e para determinação da importância relativa dos fatores que interferem na geração e remoção dessas partículas. O modelo proposto baseia-se no balanço de massa para o cálculo da concentração de partículas, que foi aplicado e validado com os dados obtidos em salas cirúrgicas com diferentes tipos de sistemas de condicionamento de ar. Nessas salas cirúrgicas foram realizadas medições de variáveis ambientais considerando diferentes situações que normalmente ocorrem na rotina de salas cirúrgicas. Para cada uma das condições analisadas, é proposto um determinado conjunto de parâmetros relativos ao ambiente, ao sistema de condicionamento de ar e às concentrações de partículas provenientes das diversas fontes, que são utilizados como dados de entrada no modelo. O modelo que está sendo proposto também pode ser utilizado como uma importante ferramenta para auxiliar na análise específica dos fatores que afetam tanto a geração como a remoção de partículas. / Air conditioning systems exert an important function in surgical rooms, to protect the surgical wound and the sterile equipments from airborne infected particles. This protection is achieved by means of a simultaneous control of the movement and distribution of the air, of the temperature, of the humidity, of the filtering, of air infiltrations from other sections etc. Those factors directly affect the amount of airborne particles present in a surgical room. Within this context, the present work aimed to develop a mathematical model for the prediction of particle concentrations in surgical rooms and for the determination of the relative importance of the factors that interfere in the generation and removal of those particles. The proposed model, based on mass balance for the calculation of the particle concentrations, has been applied and validated with the data obtained from different types of air conditioning systems in which the measurements were carried out, as well as with different conditions that commonly occur in the routine of surgical rooms. For each one of these conditions, a certain group of relative parameters is proposed to the environment, to the air conditioning system, and to the concentrations of particles originated from the different sources, which are used as input data to the model. The proposed model can also be used as an important tool to aid in the specific analysis of the factors that affect both particle generation and removal.

Inclusão escolar, sala de recursos multifuncionais e currículo: tecendo aproximações / School inclusion, multi-functional features room and curriculum: weaving approaches

Flóro, Lisiane Fonseca Diogo 15 June 2016 (has links)
A sala de recurso multifuncional (SRM) é o serviço designado para desenvolver o atendimento educacional especializado, com vistas a prover apoio em caráter complementar ou suplementar, no contraturno, aos alunos/as com deficiência, transtornos globais do desenvolvimento (TGD) e altas habilidades/superdotação (AH/SD), matriculados/as na classe comum. Utilizando-se de referenciais teóricos do currículo, que compreendem a escola como um espaço dotado de significados, que sofre influências sociais, culturais, políticas, ideológicas etc., em um processo dinâmico que perpassa prescrições ditadas pelo Estado, produções didáticas e as relações dos sujeitos (FORQUIN, 1993; LOPES, 2002; YOUNG, 2007; GIMENO SACRISTÁN, 2000) questiona-se: existem orientações curriculares previstas para o trabalho pedagógico nas SRM? Que interfaces existem entre o currículo da classe comum e o que é desenvolvido nas SRM? Quais conhecimentos são priorizados nessas salas? Desse modo, estabeleceu-se como objetivo de pesquisa investigar as orientações curriculares para o atendimento educacional especializado, nas SRM, a partir da análise da política de educação especial de um município paulista, a saber, a cidade de Franca/SP. Para tanto, a abordagem qualitativa foi a opção adotada, com o uso de um conjunto de técnicas: levantamento e análise documental (legislação nacional, referenciais curriculares nacionais e municipais, projetos políticos-pedagógicos e planos de aulas das SRM); entrevistas semiestruturadas com cinco professoras especializadas das SRM, de três escolas municipais; e observação in loco das práticas das mesmas profissionais, utilizando como forma de registro, caderno de campo. Dentre os resultados da pesquisa, identificou-se que Franca produziu, em 2008, um referencial curricular que contempla aspectos da educação desse alunado, subsidiado pelos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais Adaptações curriculares, estratégias para a educação do aluno com necessidades educacionais especiais (BRASIL, 1999), mas, pouco se faz uso do documento municipal nas práticas na SRM. Nesse serviço de educação especial, prevalecia o uso da Coleção A educação especial na perspectiva da inclusão escolar (BRASIL, 2010), que fundamentava um trabalho com materiais concretos e simbólicos e o aprendizado de linguagem, códigos e recursos tecnológicos para garantir a comunicação e o acesso ao currículo da classe comum. E, em meio às práticas que priorizavam atividades de leitura e escrita, poucos foram os registros e questionamentos sobre quais conteúdos deveriam ou não ser contemplados, em relação ao estabelecido no referencial municipal para a idade/série dos alunos, o que pode vir a justificar atividades de diferenciação e/ou minimização de conteúdos. / The multifunctional resource rooms (MMR) is the designated service for development the specialized education attendance to provide assistance in a complementary or supplementary nature, on double-shift, for students with disabilities, Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) and High Abilities / Giftedness (HA/GD), enrolled in regular classes. Using theoretical curriculum referentials, which include the school as a space endowed with meaning, suffering cultural, social, political, ideological, methodological influences etc., in a dynamic process that runs through prescriptions dictated by the state, educational productions and relations of subjects (MOREIRA, 2011; YOUNG, 2007; LOPES, 2002; GIMENO SACRISTÁN, 2000; FORQUIN, 1993) is questioned: are there curriculum orientations to pedagogical work in MMR? Which are the interfaces between the curriculum of the regular class and the which is developed in MMR? Which knowledges are prioritized in this rooms? Thus, it was established as the objective of the research to investigate the curriculum guidelines for specialized educational services, in MRR, from the analysis of special education policy of São Paulo municipality, namely the city of Franca. To fulfill this goal, the qualitative approach was the adopted option, using a set of interpretative techniques: survey and document analysis (national legislation, national and local curriculum frameworks, political-pedagogical projects and MRR lesson plans); semi-structured interviews with five specialized teachers from MRR, of the three municipal schools; and on-site observation of the same professionals practices, using a field notebook as a way of recording. Among the research results, was identified that Franca produced, in 2008, a curriculum referential which contemplate aspects of education of students with disabilities, PDD and HA/GD subsidized by the \"National Curriculum Standards - curriculum adaptations, strategies for the education of students with special educational needs\" (BRAZIL, 1999), but, that municipal document is few used in practices in SRM. In that special education service, prevailed the use of the Collection \"Special education in the perspective of school inclusion\" (BRAZIL, 2010), which have underlain a work with concrete materials (games) and symbolic materials (jokes) and the language learning, codes learning and technological resources to ensure communication and access to the curriculum of the regular class. And, among the practices were prioritized reading and writing activities, there were few questions about \"what\" content should or should not be included, in relation to the established in municipal referential for the age / grade students, can justify activities with features of differentiation and / or minimization of content.

Condições de conforto térmico e desconforto local em salas cirúrgicas. / Thermal comfort and local discomfort conditions in surgical rooms.

Felix, Victor Barbosa 20 June 2008 (has links)
Hospitais e demais instalações médicas constituem-se em ambientes complexos, que requerem sistemas de tratamento de ar e de ventilação adequados para o conforto e segurança de pacientes, de pessoal e de visitantes. Em ambientes cirúrgicos as condições de conforto térmico precisam ser as melhores possíveis, para que o cirurgião e a equipe médica trabalhem em condições favoráveis para o sucesso do procedimento cirúrgico. Simultaneamente, os riscos de infecção do paciente e dos profissionais de saúde, causadas por partículas transportadas pelo ar, devem ser minimizados. Neste trabalho foram realizadas avaliações experimentais de condições de conforto térmico e desconforto local em salas cirúrgicas com três diferentes tipos de sistemas de distribuição de ar. O procedimento experimental consistiu de medições e avaliações subjetivas (questionários). As avaliações de condições de conforto térmico foram realizadas segundo os critérios de conforto de Fanger e conforme previsto nas normas ISO 7730 e ASHRAE 55. A aplicação do método de Fanger na avaliação de condições de conforto térmico em salas cirúrgicas mostrou-se adequada, embora seja necessário cuidado especial na sua utilização e na análise dos resultados. Verificou-se que é muito difícil prover condições de conforto térmico para toda a equipe cirúrgica, principalmente devido a fatores pessoais como o tipo de vestimenta e o nível de atividade, bem como de fatores específicos do ambiente cirúrgico, como o calor liberado pelo foco cirúrgico. Os resultados obtidos permitiram verificar que o sistema de fluxo unidirecional apresentou melhores condições de conforto térmico. Esse sistema também apresenta um maior potencial de controle de contaminantes no campo cirúrgico. Finalmente, resultados de estudo comparativo com trabalhos de outros autores mostram valores praticamente iguais de temperaturas equivalentes de conforto térmico em torno de 22°C para todos os membros da equipe cirúrgica. Esse resultado é particularmente útil para avaliar diferentes condições ambientais e pessoais em propiciar condições de conforto térmico aos diferentes membros da equipe cirúrgica. / Hospitals and medical centers are complex environments which request special air treatment and ventilation systems for the comfort and safety of patients, personnel and visitors. In surgical environments the thermal comfort conditions need to be the best as possible in order to the surgeons and the medical team work in favorable conditions for the success of the surgical procedure. Simultaneously, the risks of infection caused by airborne particles should be minimized. In the present work experimental evaluations of thermal comfort and local discomfort conditions were carried out for surgical rooms with three different types of air distribution systems. Measurements and subjective evaluations (questionnaires) were accomplished. The evaluations of thermal comfort conditions were done according to the Fanger comfort criteria and as foreseen in the norms ISO 7730 and ASHRAE 55. The use of the Fanger method in the evaluation of thermal comfort conditions in surgical rooms is appropriate, although it is necessary special care in its use and in the analysis of the results. It was verified that it is very difficult to provide conditions of thermal comfort for the whole surgical team, mainly due to personal factors like clothing and activity level, as well as surgical-specific environmental factors like the heat of the surgical focus. The analysis shows that the unidirectional flow system presented better conditions of thermal comfort. Additionally, this system also presents greater potential of pollutants control in the surgical field. Finally, results of comparative study with other authors\' works show practically same values of equivalent temperatures of thermal comfort around 22°C for all of the members of the surgical team. That result is particularly useful to evaluate different environmental and personal conditions in propitiating conditions of thermal comfort to the different members of the surgical team.

The design of isolation ward for reducing airborne infection in common clinical settings. / 臨床環境條件下隔離病房設計以減少空氣傳播感染 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Digital dissertation consortium / Lin chuang huan jing tiao jian xia ge li bing fang she ji yi jian shao kong qi chuan bo gan ran

January 2011 (has links)
According to recommendations from the Facility Guidelines Institute (FGI) of the American Institute of Architects (AIA), World Health Organization (WHO) and Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a common engineering approach to isolation room design is to maintain the air ventilation rate at a minimum of 12 air changes per hour (ACH) for mixing and dilution, and a negative pressure in the room to direct airflow inwards, instead of leaking outwards. / In collaborations with physicians in the Respiratory Division and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), a series of experiments were carried out to verify the ventilation performance of an All room at the Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH). Experiments investigated the effects of ACH, the control of airflow direction, the air tightness of the automatic swing door and the application of positive pressure ventilation procedures, such as high flow rate oxygen masks, jet nebulizers and NPPV. These were extensively tested in two different isolation rooms of the Prince of Wales Hospital (PWH) and PMH, under common clinical circumstances and environmental conditions. / Many patients with severe respiratory infection require supportive therapy for respiratory failure. Common interventions involve supplemental oxygen to improve tissue oxygenation. In the worst scenario, mechanical ventilation via non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NPPV) may be required. Since a large amount of aerosols is generated during these interventions, there is a great risk of spreading infectious aerosols from the respiratory tract of the patient to the surrounding environment. / The aerodynamic data in this thesis infonns architects and engineers on how to improve the hospital ward ventilation design so as to avoid aerosol and ventilation leakage. Ultimately, it is hoped that this work may play a role in preventing devastating nosocomial outbreaks in the future. / The design of airborne infection isolation (AII) room has become one of the major research domains following the emergence of the global concern of acute respiratory diseases in this century. These include severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003, H5N1 avian influenza, and pandemic influenza H1N1 in 2009. All of which have claimed thousands of lives. Even with the current stringent design and practice guidelines, nosocomial infection of healthcare workers (HCWs) and inpatients continues to occur. This implies that there might be limitations in current isolation ward designs. / The experiments implemented a high-fidelity human patient simulator (HPS) which could be programmed with different lung breathing conditions and oxygen flow rate settings. The patient exhaled air dispersion distances and airflow patterns were captured in detail with a non-intrusive, laser light sheet, smoke particle scattering technique, designed for this thesis. Thin laser light sheets were generated by a high energy YAG laser with custom cylindrical optics. Smoke concentration in the patient exhaled air and leakage jets was estimated from the intensity of light scattered, which was then expressed as nonnalized particle concentration contours using computer programs developed for this study. / The study quantitatively revealed the distinctive patient exhaled airflow patterns and the extent of bioaerosol, generated directly from the patient source with the application of different oxygen delivery interventions for different patient lung conditions and oxygen flow rates. It was found that contamination was more critical during the administration of oxygen therapies, which is common in clinical circumstances. Source control is therefore the most efficient and effective approach to the reduction and even elimination of patient exhaled bioaerosol contaminants. Thus, when working in an isolation room environment, full preventive measure should be taken and it is essential to consider the location of mechanical vents and the patient exhaled airflow patterns. It has also been shown in experiment that applications of bacterial viral filter could be a solution to the problem. / Chow, Ka Ming. / Advisers: Puay Peng Ho; Jin Yeu Tsou. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-09(E), Section: A. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 115-147). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, MI : ProQuest Information and Learning Company, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Práticas obstétricas e a questão das cesarianas intraparto na rede pública de saúde de São Paulo / Obstetric practices and the question of intrapartum caesarean section in public health system of São Paulo

Aguiar, Claudia de Azevedo 07 March 2012 (has links)
Introdução - As práticas obstétricas têm sido determinadas pela noção de risco, resultando em altas taxas de intervenções intraparto e de cesarianas no país. As indicações desta cirurgia não têm seguido um critério clínico-obstétrico fundamentado nos diferentes cenários de assistência, reduzindo o seu potencial protetor. Objetivos - Identificar e comparar as indicações de cesarianas intraparto em mulheres de baixo risco, a partir da assistência e das intercorrências que antecederam o nascimento, em dois modelos de assistência (Centro de Parto Normal e Centro Obstétrico); e caracterizar os locais de estudo quanto à equipe de saúde, às práticas protocolares e à estrutura física para assistência à mulher e ao bebê. Métodos - Estudo transversal, realizado por coleta de dados secundários, em dois hospitais públicos de São Paulo. Foram incluídas no estudo 158 parturientes de baixo risco submetidas à cesariana intraparto, em 2010. Para análise dos dados, estimou-se a Odds Ratio. Resultados - Os achados foram discutidos à luz da Medicina Baseada em Evidências. Os melhores resultados estiveram associados ao Hospital que dispõe de Centro de Parto Normal, com significância estatística na internação oportuna da parturiente, na presença de um acompanhante, no uso de partograma e nos métodos não farmacológicos para alívio das dores. Constataram-se alguns registros de práticas obstétricas realizadas de modo questionável em ambas as instituições, como uso de ocitocina e de amniotomia. Quanto às intercorrências, as mais frequentes foram: sofrimento fetal, presença de mecônio, distocia funcional e desproporção céfalo-pélvica, embora parte dessas indicações tenha divergido dos achados registrados no decorrer do trabalho de parto. Considerações finais: Fragilidades nas práticas obstétricas estiveram presentes em ambas as instituições, embora o Hospital com Centro de Parto Normal tenha demonstrado assistência menos restritiva e mais personalizada às mulheres. Evidenciou-se a presença de intervenções desnecessárias, com vistas à aceleração do trabalho de parto, o que demonstra resistência dos profissionais e das instituições às evidências científicas, bem como às recomendações e diretrizes do Ministério da Saúde e da Organização Mundial da Saúde / Background - The obstetrical practices have been determined by the notion of risk, resulting in high rates of intrapartum interventions and cesarean sections in the country. The recommendations of this surgery have not followed a wellfounded clinical and obstetric criterion in different assistance scenarios, reducing its protective potential. Objectives Identify and compare the recommendations for intrapartum caesarean sections in women with low-risk pregnancies from the assistance and the events that preceded the birth, in two models of care (Center for Childbirth and Obstetric Center); and characterize the study sites regarding the health team, protocol practices and the structure to assist the woman and the baby. Methods - A cross sectional study carried out by secondary data collection in two public hospitals in São Paulo. The study included 158 pregnant women with low-risk pregnancies, submitted to intrapartum cesarean section in 2010. For data analysis, we estimated the Odds Ratio. Results The findings were discussed from the Evidence-Based Medicine. The best results were associated with a hospital that has a Childbirth Center, with statistical significance in the timely admission of the mother, in the presence of a companion, the use of partogram and non-pharmacological methods for pain relief. There were records of obstetrical practices in a way questionable in both institutions, such as use of oxytocin and amniotomy. As for complications, the most frequent were: fetal distress, meconium, functional dystocia and cephalopelvic disproportion, although part of these records have diverged from findings reported in the course of labor. Conclusion: Weaknesses in obstetric practices were present in both institutions, although the Hospital Childbirth Center has demonstrated a more personalized and less restrictive care to women. It was noted the presence of unnecessary interventions, aiming at the acceleration of labor, which shows resistance of professionals and institutions to the evidence-based medicine, and also to the recommendations and guidelines of the Ministry of Health and World Health Organization

Urban Fabric as a Calayst for Architectural Awareness: Center for Architectural Research

Wilhelm, Bernard C 18 November 2008 (has links)
Architects throughout have been forced to practice design surrounded by a society that generally lacks of architectural awareness and interest. A growing trend to transition from a relatively isolated profession into a field that promotes stronger public involvement is critical for architecture to evolve. Within the past 10 years, the growth of architectural centers have begun to dissolve the barrier between the profession and the general public in that their primary function regardless of what form they represent, is to introduce and educate issues of architecture that are an inescapable part of our built environment. An investigation of architectural research institute precedents, would allow for opportunities to understand how they have engaged professional knowledge with a growing educated public opinion. Promoting the idea of similar functions locally to a skeptic public has to be based on the importance of change, where new technologies are consistently transforming the way we approach design problems. Introducing a variety of techniques to display information, which go beyond any two dimensional format into a three or four dimensional, more tactile, interactive medium, allowing the observer to become engaged in what they are learning is important for individuals to establish meaning. The facility itself would be a catalyst for learning in which design issues are presented and solutions are viewed by the viewer in a multi-sensory way. The ultimate goal would be able to establish a system of memory responses to allow the general public a better connection with architecture. Creating a center of information housed within a singular building would be a beneficial beginning but it is important to express that information beyond any static building into a contextual environment in which it can be further related with. Adding richness to public spaces that promote cases of good architectural design can be an example that would allow the absorption of concepts through participation. Eventually, the results would lead to more knowledgeable public input about how their built environment is viewed and encourage better design.

Det slutna rummet : En studie av högstadieelevers upplevelser, erfarenheter och känslor i idrottens omklädningsrum

Stenebo, Maria, Rosenqvist, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>This study concerns the experiences and feelings students in intermediate school gain from the changing room to sports class. It is a qualitative study with a socio-cultural approach, which has been analysed in a hermeneutic way. The students’ voices have been heard through interviews and questionnaires, and furthermore, to get a broader perspective, adults working in school, have also been interviewed. The study shows that many children feel discomfort without clothes in the changing room, furthermore that the absence of adults in this room may add to exercise of power amongst the student, like abuse, direct- and indirect threats or to exclude someone from the group. As a result, this could lead to consequences like students absence from school, lies and feelings of guilt. It could also influence other subjects in school if the absence is high or if the student has difficulties in concentrating in other subjects due to anxiety. The study also shows how important it is for all adults present in school to be observant and sensitive to what students say or to how they react in different situations since bullying and abuse is hard to talk about.</p>

Rum för rörelse : Om kroppens bildning och utbildning i skolans gymnastiksalar / Room(s) for moving : On physical literacy and education in school gymnasiums

Liljekvist, Åsa January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with questions about the built environment in relation to the education of the body. The purpose of the thesis is to illustrate and discuss prerequisites for physical literacy and education in school gymnasiums. The aim of the study was to examine how discourses about body and body movement are related to questions about knowledge and education within physical education in school (PE). Using discourse analysis I explore how discursive practices such as rooms and talk produce, reproduce and change discourses about body, movement and knowledge. The discursive practices that I have focused on are the designing of rooms for physical education as well as PE teachers’ ways of expressing themselves regarding these kinds of rooms. The empirical material that has been analyzed consists of rooms used for physical education, interviews with PE teachers and text material from a journal for PE teachers. The results of the analysis suggest that some discourses can be described as strong and/or dominant and some as weaker. One example is the dominant discourse about body movement as competition and performance. Another example is the strong, although not dominant discourse about body movement as practice within which the body is (re)produced as a learning body. A third one is the weak discourse about movement as experiencing one’s body. One of the conclusions of the study is that a more open design of rooms for physical education would enhance the possibilities for the practice discourse and the experience discourse to grow stronger, which would be desirable considering the emphasis on learning and positive experiences of body movement in the syllabus for PE. Another conclusion is that if the practice discourse would be more clearly materialized in the gymnasiums, it could mean that other discursive practices too such as teachers’ and pupils’ speech acts and body acts within PE could change more easily.

An Investigation On The Areas And Locations Of Sunlight Patches In Patient Rooms

Tanriover, Sezin 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Explored in this study were the patterns of direct sunlight received by differentlyoriented patient rooms in healthcare facilities. Desktop Radiance 1.02&reg / software was used to simulate conditions in a typical double patient room. The area and locations of sunlight patches on room surfaces were considered as analog indicators for the investigation. The setting was defined as Ankara, Turkey. Seven orientations and 3 positions of standard-size window openings were studied in different combinations at solstices and equinoxes, from sunrise to sunset on an hourly basis for comparison. Data compiled were statistically analyzed and results for various combinations of orientation and opening position recorded. All these showed that there was no difference in the total amount of direct sunlight received between rooms with different orientations but there was, with different opening positions. Orientation created a difference in the amount of direct sunlight when the room surfaces were studied separately. Rooms with right and left-shifted openings received direct sunlight mostly on walls while those with centered openings received direct sunlight mostly on floor surfaces. Results suggested there were sufficient grounds for further investigation focusing on decisions related to the design of patient rooms, such as layout (e.g., the location of beds) and to choice of surfacing materials, colors and textures.

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