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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estado atual dos empreendimentos habitacionais no centro de S?o Paulo (2000 a 2012)

Bianchini, Ligya Hrycylo 12 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:22:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LIGYA HRYCYLO BIANCHINI 1-100.pdf: 2177620 bytes, checksum: 22fb807ed5544c504a677bb22098d4b6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-12 / Driven by the coffee economy, the center of Sao Paulo city acquired the character of centrality within the first decades of the twentieth century. Initiated the occupation of the central areas by trade and services, the expansion of the city were developed quickly and disordered, with occupancy of flood plains and hillsides, by sub-housing, despised by the population with higher purchasing power, initiating a process of social segregation. On the other hand, the intensity of activity in the cities attracted a population coming from Field, from the opening of new work fronts, in a period that industrial production gained strength. This population, largely formed by immigrants and no buying power to becoming the owner or renting a property near the job, had to resort to tenements as the only way to setting residence in the city. However, from the 1970s, the center began to show a decrease of resident population, thanks to to displacement of the financial activities for new centers, accompanied by the formation of new residential neighborhoods of higher income classes, leaving a large number of empty or underused buildings. In a first moment, the study sought to understand the current state of housing in downtown Sao Paulo, in a broad way, mapping and systematizing data on public and private initiatives aimed at increasing new housing or rehabilitation in downtown (understood as historical center and expanded). Then the study will gain interplay more analytical, order to show whether in fact there is an ongoing housing policy with the prospect of urban regeneration of downtown Sao Paulo. This stage also sought to understand the social reach of these endeavors. For such, has revised to the current literature on the housing issue in central areas and analyzed the nature of the plans, programs and projects proposed in the last ten years in the city of S?o Paulo. / Impulsionado pela economia cafeeira, o centro da cidade de S?o Paulo adquiriu o car?ter de centralidade j? nas primeiras d?cadas do s?culo XX. Iniciada a ocupa??o das ?reas centrais pelo com?rcio e os servi?os, a expans?o da cidade se deu de forma r?pida e desordenada, com a ocupa??o de ?reas de v?rzeas e encostas por sub-habita??es, desprezadas pela popula??o de maior poder aquisitivo, dando in?cio a um processo de segrega??o social. Por outro lado, a intensidade das atividades nas cidades atraiu uma popula??o vinda do campo, a partir da abertura de novas frentes de trabalho, num per?odo em que a produ??o industrial ganhou for?a. Essa popula??o, em grande parte formada por imigrantes e sem poder aquisitivo para se tornar propriet?ria ou alugar um im?vel pr?ximo ao emprego, teve que recorrer aos corti?os como ?nica forma de se fixar na cidade. Por?m, a partir da d?cada de 1970, o centro come?ou a apresentar um decr?scimo de popula??o residente, gra?as ao deslocamento das atividades financeiras para novas centralidades, acompanhado da forma??o de novos bairros residenciais de classes de maior renda, deixando um grande n?mero de edif?cios vazios ou subutilizados. Num primeiro momento, o estudo procurou compreender o estado atual da habita??o no centro de S?o Paulo, de forma ampla, mapeando e sistematizando dados sobre as iniciativas p?blicas e privadas voltadas para o incremento de novas habita??es ou reabilita??es no centro (entendido como centro hist?rico e expandido). Em seguida o estudo ganha um cunho mais anal?tico, visando mostrar se de fato est? em curso uma pol?tica habitacional com a perspectiva de reabilita??o urbana do centro de S?o Paulo. Esta etapa buscou tamb?m compreender o alcance social destes empreendimentos. Para tal, revisou-se a literatura atual sobre a quest?o habitacional em ?reas centrais e analisou-se a natureza dos planos, programas e projetos propostos nos ?ltimos dez anos na cidade de S?o Paulo.

Urbanismo e salubridade na S?o Paulo Imperial: o Hospital de isolamento e o Cemit?rio do Ara?? / Urbanisme et salubrit? dans S?o Paulo ? l??poque Imperiale: l?H?pital de isolement et le Cimeti?re du Ara??

Mastromauro, Giovana Carla 24 August 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Giovana Carla Mastromauro.pdf: 2647121 bytes, checksum: c8d495ac9f2223ee6153c80f69d6d3d9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-08-24 / Cette communication fait une analise d?une partie de la ville de S?o Paulo ammenag?e ? la fin du dizneuvi?me si?cle. Au d?bout, em 1880, a ?tte construit a cet endroit L?Hospital de Isolamento, haujourd?hui Hospital Em?lio Ribas, et en suite, en 1887, le nouveau cimmeti?re publique de la ville, le Cemit?rio do Ara??, tout au long de l?avenue Municipal, haujourd?hui Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, devant l?Hospital de Isolamento. Ces batiments ont ?t? construit a cet endroit quand dominait une ideologie du higienisme et du sanitarisme. Toutefois, cette periode est justement laquelle ou la th?orie bacteriologique a mise em cause les th?ories sur le miasme que dominait jusqu?? ce moment et que justifiait l?isolement de ces ?quipements publiques. / O presente estudo analisa uma ?rea da cidade de S?o Paulo ocupada no final do s?culo XIX. Inicialmente, em 1880, ali seria constru?do o Hospital de Isolamento, hoje Hospital Em?lio Ribas, e em seguida, em 1887, o novo cemit?rio p?blico da cidade, o Cemit?rio do Ara??, ao longo da Avenida Municipal, hoje Avenida Dr. Arnaldo, em frente ao Hospital de Isolamento. Estes edif?cios se instalam no local sob a orienta??o ideol?gica do higienismo e da salubridade. Todavia, o per?odo em an?lise ? justamente aquele no qual a teoria bacteriol?gica veio a abalar as teorias miasm?ticas ent?o dominantes, as quais justificavam o isolamento destes equipamentos p?blicos. Procura-se desvendar, neste trabalho, como a no??o de sa?de p?blica e os conceitos de higienismo da ?poca est?o presentes nas justificativas das escolhas de implanta??o destes edif?cios na regi?o.

Forma??o do territ?rio e espa?o urbanos de Bragan?a Paulista: dos prim?rdios a 1830 / Training planning and urban Bragan?a Paulista space: the beginnings to 1830

Nunes, Carolina Gon?alves 17 February 2016 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:22:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carolina Goncalves Nunes.pdf: 9815820 bytes, checksum: 837a2143f59435f46e66f53d0a7e29b2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-17 / This paper seeks to map out an analysis of the formation of the territory of the present city of Bragan?a Paulista, investigating since the formation of the first ways of S?o Paulo hinterland that left the city of S?o Paulo toward the study area. Analyzes the important network of cities that forms in the Lopo Hill region and the consequent transformations of spatial domain in the colonial period, such as: training of border between the captaincies of S?o Paulo and Minas Gerais, actors and personalities involved in this transformation, training of religious heritage (Chapel), the arrival of the civil power (Parish) to emancipation; when becomes New Bragan?a Village. All this study seeks to link these changes with what was happening in the economy of the colony and the metropolis, emphasizing the importance of rural districts to consolidate the urban center of New Bragan?a Village, which begins its economic activity based on subsistence and later develops through government incentives, the mixed economy, this development takes place concurrently with the urban growth that is analyzed in the dissertation by the year 1835. / Este trabalho busca tra?ar uma an?lise da forma??o do territ?rio da atual cidade de Bragan?a Paulista, investigando desde a forma??o dos primeiros caminhos do sert?o paulista que partiam da cidade de S?o Paulo em dire??o a regi?o de estudo. Analisa a importante rede de cidades que se forma na regi?o do Morro do Lopo e as consequentes transforma??es do dom?nio do territ?rio no per?odo colonial, como: forma??o da divisa entre as Capitanias de S?o Paulo e Minas Gerais, agentes e personalidades envolvidas nessa transforma??o, a forma??o do patrim?nio religioso, (Capela), a chegada do poder civil (Freguesia) at? a emancipa??o; quando esta se torna Vila de Nova Bragan?a. Todo esse estudo busca vincular essas transforma??es com o que estava acontecendo na economia da col?nia e na metr?pole, enfatizando a import?ncia dos bairros rurais para a consolida??o do n?cleo urbano da Vila de Nova Bragan?a, que inicia sua atividade econ?mica baseada na subsist?ncia e posteriormente se desenvolve atrav?s de incentivos governamentais, na economia mista, esse desenvolvimento acontece concomitantemente com o crescimento urbano que ? analisado na disserta??o at? o ano de 1835.

Criatividade na educa??o ind?gena: an?lise de material curricular em S?o Paulo / Creativity in indigenous education: analysis of the curricular material in Sao Paulo

Amarante, Walkyria Mollica do 16 February 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:29:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Walkyria Mollica do Amarante 1-121.pdf: 23488787 bytes, checksum: 90bebc355b4c4b2ef7d9ad345c7e5bbb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-02-16 / The research aimed to observe and analyze these creative strategies in the context of curriculum materials produced for the Indigenous Education in the State of S?o Paulo. The documents consulted were provided by the Center for Indian Education (NIS), linked to the Coordinator of Education and Pedagogical Standards (CENP) of the Ministry of Education of the State of S?o Paulo. We tried to theoretical studies and reflections of researchers and experts from different fields of knowledge related to this topic, supporting arguments, data collection and registration of new information, the standards of the document retrieval quality. Educational materials were produced by teachers observed students in ethnic-Guarani, Kaingang Krenak, Tupi-Guarani and Terena in training courses and training of indigenous teachers in exercising their functions in the village schools of S?o Paulo, promoted by NIS- in partnership with CENP-EDUSP USP. Job steps were divided into four groups or series, according to the characteristics and origins of selected documents: Preliminary Studies (legal subsidies federal and state governments and their offshoots), Study I - Series 1 (discussions on the National Curriculum Reference) Study II - Series 2 (material relating to Indigenous Teaching Course - Level m?dio/MagIN/2003), Study III - Series No. 3 (Course materials resulting from the Higher Education of Indigenous Teachers - FISPI/2005- 2008 TCCs and student-teacher ). The documents consulted confirm the assumptions that creativity is present in Intercultural and Bilingual Education Differentiated / Multul?ngue Indigenous communities in school in Sao Paulo. What can be noticed from the teaching strategies used in the preparation and implementation of instructional materials, using methods such as transdisciplinarity and playfulness of indigenous transmission of wisdom and knowledge exchanges. The creative features most noticeable in the context of the documents were: flexibility, fluency of ideas, innovation, originality, sensitivity, imagination and inspiration, independence of thought and initiatives, analogies, metaphors, and combinations of concepts, motivation and curiosity, impulsiveness and spontaneity; play and relaxation, enhancement of association of ideas and knowledge. Field work does not end with this research, it offers numerous opportunities for further and search for new answers. The model was produced a brochure-book, "Creative strategies in Indigenous Education" offered to the NIS of the Secretariat of Education of S?o Paulo for evaluation studies of the distribution and socialization opportunities for indigenous communities. / A pesquisa objetivou observar e analisar estrat?gias criativas presentes no contexto do material curricular produzido para a Educa??o Escolar Ind?gena no Estado de S?o Paulo. Os documentos consultados foram disponibilizados pelo N?cleo de Educa??o Ind?gena (NEI), ligado ? Coordenadoria de Ensino e Normas Pedag?gicas (CENP) da Secretaria da Educa??o do Estado de S?o Paulo. Buscou-se embasamento te?rico em reflex?es e estudos de pesquisadores e especialistas de diferentes campos de conhecimentos relacionados com a tem?tica proposta, para suporte de discuss?es, coleta dados e registro de novas informa??es, nos padr?es de uma pesquisa documental qualitativa. Os materiais did?ticos observados foram produzidos por professores-alunos das etnias Guarani, Kaingang, Krenak, Terenas e Tupi-Guarani nos cursos de capacita??o e forma??o de professores ind?genas, no exerc?cio de suas fun??es nas escolas das aldeias de S?o Paulo, promovidos pelo NEI-CENP em parceria com a EDUSP-USP. As etapas de trabalho foram divididas em quatro blocos ou s?ries, de acordo com as caracter?sticas e origens dos documentos selecionados: Estudos Preliminares (subs?dios legais federais e estaduais e seus desdobramentos), Estudo I S?rie n?1 (discuss?es sobre o Referencial Curricular Nacional), Estudo II S?rie n?2 (materiais referentes ao Curso de Magist?rio Ind?gena n?vel m?dio/MagI&/2003), Estudo III S?rie n?3 (materiais resultantes do Curso de Forma??o Superior de Professores Ind?genas FISPI/2005-2008 e TCCs dos professores-alunos). Os documentos consultados confirmam os pressupostos de que a criatividade est? presente na Educa??o Diferenciada Intercultural e Bil?ngue/Multul?ngue Ind?gena, nas comunidades escolares em S?o Paulo. O que pode ser notado a partir das estrat?gias pedag?gicas utilizadas na elabora??o e aplica??o dos materiais did?ticos, usando a transdisciplinariedade e a ludicidade como metodologias de transmiss?o de sabedorias ind?genas e conhecimentos interculturais. As caracter?sticas criativas mais notadas no contexto dos documentos avaliados foram: flexibilidade; flu?ncia de id?ias; inova??o; originalidade; sensibilidade; inspira??o e fantasia; independ?ncia de pensamento e iniciativas; analogias, met?foras e combina??es de conceitos; motiva??o e curiosidade; impulsividade e espontaneidade; brincadeiras e descontra??o; aprimoramento de id?ias e associa??o de saberes. O campo de trabalho n?o se esgota com esta pesquisa, pois oferece in?meras possibilidades de continua??o e busca de novas respostas. Foi produzido o modelo de um folheto-cartilha, Estrat?gias criativas na Educa??o Ind?gena , oferecido ao NEI da Secretaria da Educa??o de S?o Paulo para avalia??o, estudos das possibilidades de divulga??o e socializa??o para as comunidades ind?genas.

An?lise document?ria das ementas c?veis uma experi?ncia com ac?rd?os do tribunal de justi?a do estado de S?o Paulo

Ma?oli, Fabio 22 March 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:36:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fabio Macola.pdf: 503115 bytes, checksum: 3b2f0e32224a9c2bd87067391db7d698 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-03-22 / The expressive increase of the judicial production information in the contemporaneousness reflects for one hand the increasing complexity of the society and for the other the needs to organize it for its efficient recuperation specially so that the search can be possible,what would run over in a huge benefit for both the functioning of the judicial system and the society. In this way we can apply for validation a procedure of elaboration of jurisprudenciais amendments based in the Documentary Analysies that considers the judgment as a document soucer of the condensation process that is responsible for the production of the amendment. For this we talk over discuss between the relation of the Information Science and the recuperation of the information system emphasizing the importance of the information treatment for its adequate recuperation. We show clearly the importance of the Documnetary Analysies in the field of Informtion Science pointing it out through its condensation products and formation what makes possible to get trust worthy information to be used. In the same way we talk over discuss the jurisprudence importance in the field of the Law and in the social life. We elect as empiric matter of this search the jurisprudenciais amendments of the civil courts jurisdiction process of the Court of Justice of the state of S?o Paulo. As result we hav the validation of the model whose functionality neutralize the damage of the information. We conclude that the treatment of the documnetary procedure of the amendments in four categories, Fact, Legal Institute, Argument and Understanding, can answer in a objective and clearly way to the informational structure for the specific comprehension of the jurisprudenciais amendments that in its absence can t prevail itself of the organization procedures and consistent recuperation. / O aumento expressivo da produ??o de informa??o jur?dica na contemporaneidade reflete, de um lado, a crescente complexidade da sociedade e de outro, a necessidade de organiz?-la para a sua recupera??o eficiente, especialmente, para fins de pesquisa, o que redundaria em grande benef?cio tanto para o funcionamento do sistema jur?dico quanto para a sociedade. Neste sentido, aplica-se , para fins de valida??o, um procedimento de elabora??o de ementas jurisprudenciais fundamentado na An?lise Document?ria que considera o ac?rd?o como documento fonte do processo de condensa??o que responde pela produ??o da ementa. Para tanto, discorre-se sobre a rela??o entre Ci?ncia da Informa??o e sistemas de recupera??o da informa??o, enfatizando-se a relev?ncia do tratamento da informa??o para sua recupera??o adequada. Evidencia-se a import?ncia da An?lise Document?ria no campo da Ci?ncia da Informa??o, caracterizando-a atrav?s de seus procedimentos de condensa??o e estrutura??o, que lhe possibilita disponibilizar informa??o confi?vel para o uso. Do mesmo modo, apresenta-se a import?ncia da jurisprud?ncia no ?mbito do Direito e da vida social. Elege-se como objeto emp?rico da pesquisa as ementas jurisprudenciais dos processos c?veis do Tribunal de Justi?a do Estado de S?o Paulo. Como resultado, tem-se a valida??o do modelo, cuja funcionalidade neutraliza a perda de informa??o. Conclui-se que o procedimento de tratamento document?rio das ementas em quatro categorias, Fato, Instituto jur?dico, Argumento e Entendimento, responde de modo objetivo e claro ? estrutura informacional necess?ria para a compreens?o espec?fica da ementa jurisprudencial, que na sua aus?ncia n?o pode se prevalecer de procedimentos de organiza??o e de recupera??o consistentes.

Influ?ncia dos fatores abi?ticos sobre a varia??o espa?o-temporal de paralonchurus brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1875) (pisces, sciaenidae) componente da fauna acompanhante da pesca de camar?es no litoral Norte de S?o Paulo

Costa, Eudriano Flor?ncio dos Santos 29 April 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:02:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EudrianoFSC_DISSERT.pdf: 4107766 bytes, checksum: 4869c74d441a0dacea2217f661f2635e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-04-29 / Knowledge of the environmental factors influence on the spatial-temporal variation of fishes is important to fisheries management and conservation. Thus, the aim of this work was to analyze the influence of the abiotical factors on the spatial-temporal distribution of Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Pisces, Sciaenidae) caught by-catch with the shrimp fishing of Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba regions, north coast of S?o Paulo State. The fishes were captured every month from January to December 2002. Samples were collected by otter trawl at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35m depths. The temperatures (surface and bottom), salinities (surface and bottom), sediment features and organic matters were verified for each depth. During all period of the study 12.642 specimens of P. brasiliensis were captured at Ubatuba and 17.166 at Caraguatatuba, which totalized the biomass of 267 for the first and 339kg for the other region. The females outnumbered males in fish population. The greatest values of biomass and number of individuals were registered at the summer and autumn seasons, while the lowest values were observed at the winter and spring seasons. The greatest abundances were found from 15 to 25m depth. In this study, it was verified that P. brasiliensis is a coastal waters associate species. The spatialtemporal distribution of P. brasiliensis is affected by intrusion of SACW and depth for the coastal region and by depth and sediment in sheltered areas such as Caraguatatuba / A compreens?o dos processos ambientais que controlam a distribui??o espa?o-temporal dos peixes ? de fundamental import?ncia para o manejo e conserva??o dos estoques pesqueiros. Desse modo, o presente trabalho analisou a influ?ncia dos fatores ambientais sobre a varia??o espa?o-temporal de Paralonchurus brasiliensis (Pisces, Sciaenidae) componente da fauna acompanhante da pesca de camar?es nas regi?es de Ubatuba e Caraguatatuba, litoral norte do estado de S?o Paulo. As capturas foram realizadas mensalmente, durante o per?odo de janeiro a dezembro de 2002, nas is?batas de 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 e 35m com o aux?lio de um barco de pesca camaroneiro equipado com redes do tipo mexicanas. A temperatura (superf?cie e fundo), salinidade (superf?cie e fundo), granulometria e a quantidade de mat?ria org?nica do sedimento foram determinados em cada transecto. Foram capturados 12.642 esp?cimes de P. brasiliensis na regi?o de Ubatuba e 17.166 em Caraguatatuba, correspondendo a uma biomassa total de 267 e 339kg, respectivamente. As f?meas predominaram na popula??o. Os maiores valores de biomassa e n?mero total de indiv?duos capturados ocorreram durante o ver?o e outono, e os menores no inverno e primavera. As maiores abund?ncias ocorreram em profundidades entre 15 e 25m. Constatouse que P. brasiliensis ? uma esp?cie associada a ?guas costeiras. A intrus?o da ACAS e a profundidade s?o fatores ambientais preponderantes que influenciam na distribui??o espa?o-temporal de P. brasiliensis na regi?o de Ubatuba, enquanto a profundidade e o tipo de sedimento exercem maior influ?ncia em ?reas abrigadas como Caraguatatuba

P?lo Naval de Rio Grande : an?lise de impactos na gera??o de empregos por n?vel de escolaridade no Corede Sul atrav?s da metodologia da matriz insumo produto

Souza, S?rgio Elisandro Dorneles de 24 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T14:27:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 458454.pdf: 2993388 bytes, checksum: c8008f7b37ac7564557bbc999b5992be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-24 / This research constitutes the development of two papers that refer about Polo Naval de Rio Grande, as well as an introduction and a general conclusion. The main purpose is to analyze the amount of jobs to be created in COREDE SUL by level of education, in the time between 2006 and 2018 caused by the Polo Naval. It is noteworthy that 2006 is the year of commencement of construction of the first oil rig in that pole, and the year 2018 is scheduled for delivery later contracted to be built at Naval Polo platform. In the first paper an scenario is presented in the shipping industry in the world, and after, it presents an overview of the Polo Naval de Rio Grande. Then there is the COREDE SUL and bring some data from the municipalities of this region. Concluding the first part of the study, is presented the methodology for the preparation of the input-output matrix and thus presents the estimated MIP for COREDE SUL and how it was built. The input-output table product constructed in this study used data from the national headquarters, is derived from the RAIS and has the year 2006 as the period of analysis. The second paper presents the impact multipliers from the results found through the input-output matrix. Thus, estimates the jobs generated by Naval Pole between 2006 and 2018, which are calculated both by education level and by sector of the economy. Are also computed jobs by education level within sectors of the economy. Its structure shows the initial considerations and, as a result, investments in Polo Naval until the year 2018. The results show that there is a level of education that it is far behind the others in terms of jobs created. Among the sectors, some of them have the capacity to generate jobs well above the other, due to the low productivity per worker in specific areas, so that, to meet the demand of production determined by positive shocks to the economy a greater number is required workers. / Esta disserta??o se constitui na elabora??o de dois artigos que versam sobre a estrutura econ?mica do COREDE SUL e o P?lo Naval de Rio Grande. O objetivo principal ? analisar a quantidade de empregos a ser criado no COREDE SUL por n?vel de escolaridade, no espa?o de tempo entre 2006 e2018, atrav?s dos investimentos previstos no contexto da instala??o do P?lo Naval. A primeira parte da disserta??o ? constitu?da pela elabora??o da Matriz Insumo Produto -MIP para o COREDE SUL e a metodologia a qual foi empregada. A MIP constru?da nesse estudo utilizou os dados da matriz nacional de 2005. A base de dados usada deriva da Rela??o Anual de Informa??es Socias -RAIS e tem o ano de 2006 como per?odo de an?lise. O segundo artigo apresenta os multiplicadores de impacto associados ao perfil do mercado de trabalho por escolaridade a partir dos resultados encontrados atrav?s da MIP. Desta forma, s?o estimados os empregos gerados pelo P?lo Naval entre os anos de 2006 e 2018, os quais s?o calculados tanto por n?vel de escolaridade como por setor da economia. S?o computados, tamb?m, os empregos por n?vel de escolaridade dentro dos setores da economia. S?o considerados diferentes cen?rios de produtividade em paralelo ? introdu??o do P?lo Naval. Logo ap?s, s?o apresentados os resultados encontrados, em termos de empregos, por setor e escolaridade. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que n?o h? um n?vel de escolaridade que fique muito aqu?m dos demais em termos de empregos gerados. Entre os setores, alguns deles possuem capacidade de gera??o de vagas bem acima das demais, em decorr?ncia da baixa produtividade por trabalhador em ?reas espec?ficas, de maneira que, para suprir a demanda de produ??o determinada pelos choques positivos na economia, ? necess?rio um n?mero maior de trabalhadores.

Governan??a corporativa : identifica????o dos principais fatores que inibem a ades??o das companhias abertas ao novo mercado da BOVESPA, sob o enfoque de custos

Rodriguez, Gregorio Mancebo 29 August 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-04T11:45:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gregorio_Mancebo_Rodriguez.pdf: 854732 bytes, checksum: 08e310285e5cfc3b2096b2ff09161f6c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-08-29 / The development of the domestic and international capital markets has taken investors to increasingly demand the companies to adopt good corporate governance practices, while there has been a substantial increase in costs to comply with such practices. The public offerings of stocks that took place in 2004 at the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange - BOVESPA were driven to the New Market and Differentiated Practices of Corporate Governance - Levels I and II, aiming at reaching better prices for its securities. However, the number of companies listed in these special segments is still relatively low in comparison with all public companies registered at BOVESPA. The present study intends to identify which factors inhibit more companies to adhere to BOVESPA's New Market. Taking into consideration the implicit and explicit costs of corporate governance activities, the study looked for identifying whether the implicit costs have the most influence on the management's decision to adhere or not to the BOVESPA's New Market. The accomplished study also verified that the companies do not segregate from the administrative costs those correspondents to corporate governance activities. This situation arises from the difficulties of identifying amid the corporate activities, which are the ones that correspond to those activities and in with form they should be accrued. The study aims to contribute to the discussion and identification of the factors and the costs (both implicit and explicit) involved in corporate governance activity, so that more companies adopt good governance practices and can raise funds through stock offerings listing their securities in the BOVESPA's New Market and Differentiated Practices of Governance Corporative - Levels I and II. / The development of the domestic and international capital markets has taken investors to increasingly demand the companies to adopt good corporate governance practices, while there has been a substantial increase in costs to comply with such practices. The public offerings of stocks that took place in 2004 at the Sao Paulo Stock Exchange - BOVESPA were driven to the New Market and Differentiated Practices of Corporate Governance - Levels I and II, aiming at reaching better prices for its securities. However, the number of companies listed in these special segments is still relatively low in comparison with all public companies registered at BOVESPA. The present study intends to identify which factors inhibit more companies to adhere to BOVESPA's New Market. Taking into consideration the implicit and explicit costs of corporate governance activities, the study looked for identifying whether the implicit costs have the most influence on the management's decision to adhere or not to the BOVESPA's New Market. The accomplished study also verified that the companies do not segregate from the administrative costs those correspondents to corporate governance activities. This situation arises from the difficulties of identifying amid the corporate activities, which are the ones that correspond to those activities and in with form they should be accrued. The study aims to contribute to the discussion and identification of the factors and the costs (both implicit and explicit) involved in corporate governance activity, so that more companies adopt good governance practices and can raise funds through stock offerings listing their securities in the BOVESPA's New Market and Differentiated Practices of Governance Corporative - Levels I and II. / O desenvolvimento dos mercados de capitais nacional e internacional tem levado os investidores a exigir cada vez mais por parte das empresas, a utiliza????o de boas pr??ticas de governan??a corporativa, ao passo que tem se verificado o crescente aumento de custos para atend??-las. Os lan??amentos de a????es ocorridos em 2004 na Bolsa de Valores de S??o Paulo - BOVESPA foram direcionados para os segmentos do Novo Mercado e de Pr??ticas Diferenciadas de Governan??a Corporativa - N??veis I e II, tendo em vista alcan??ar melhor precifica????o em seus valores mobili??rios. No entanto, o n??mero de empresas negociadas nesses segmentos especiais, ainda ?? relativamente baixo em propor????o ao total de companhias abertas registradas na BOVESPA. O presente trabalho procurou identificar quais s??o os fatores inibidores para a ades??o de maior n??mero de empresas ao Novo Mercado da BOVESPA. Considerando-se os custos impl??citos e expl??citos das atividades de governan??a corporativa, procurou-se identificar se s??o os custos impl??citos os que mais pesam na decis??o dos gestores em aderir ou n??o ao Novo Mercado da BOVESPA. O estudo realizado constatou ainda que as empresas n??o segregam dos custos administrativos, os correspondentes ??s atividades de governan??a corporativa. Esta situa????o deriva das dificuldades em identificar nas atividades corporativas, quais as que corresponderiam ??quela atividade, e de que forma elas deveriam ser apropriadas. O trabalho tem como objetivo contribuir na discuss??o e identifica????o dos fatores e dos custos (impl??citos e expl??citos) envolvidos na atividade de governan??a corporativa, com vistas a que mais empresas adotem boas pr??ticas de governan??a e possam captar recursos mediante o lan??amento de a????es registrando seus valores mobili??rios no Novo Mercado e nos segmentos Diferenciados de Governan??a Corporativa - N??veis 1 e 2

Legisla??o para habita??o de interesse social: estudo de caso do munic?pio de Campinas

Emiliano, Elisamara de Oliveira 27 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:21:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Elisamara de Oliveira 1.pdf: 4469235 bytes, checksum: c8142a875bc007b4f4484fb74401d79d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-27 / Pesquisa sobre a legisla??o para habita??o de interesse social, sua origem e trajet?ria. Com a extin??o do Banco Nacional de Habita??o - BNH, as leis de Empreendimentos Habitacionais de Interesse Social s?o utilizadas como estrat?gias por diversos munic?pios para promover habita??o destinada ? baixa renda. Ao longo dos anos de 1980 o munic?pio de Campinas implementa Empreendimentos Habitacionais de Interesse Social- EHIS, com objetivo de promover o acesso dos mais pobres ao solo urbano. Estes empreendimentos foram aprovados a partir de legisla??o que flexibiliza as normas de parcelamento e uso do solo, buscando a redu??o de custos da moradia. Atrav?s de levantamento dos EHIS aprovados entre 2000 e 2005, a pesquisa investiga a aplica??o desta legisla??o e seus efeitos na produ??o habitacional voltada para a popula??o de baixa renda no munic?pio de Campinas.

Diversidade de cefal?podes e o seu papel no nicho tr?fico de seus principais predadores nos Arquip?lagos de Fernando de Noronha e S?o Pedro e S?o Paulo

Andrade, Lorena Candice de Ara?jo 29 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:33:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 LorenaCAA.pdf: 747097 bytes, checksum: aece8306ef7219bbdeb80ba93c06a5f9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This study aims, to characterize the diversity of cephalopods by analyzing the stomach contents of fishes caught in the islands of St. Peter and St. Paul (ASPSP) and Fernando de Noronha (AFN). Also, verify the participation of cephalopods in the diet of their main predators. A total of 723 stomachs were collected, from 8 species of fish, caught by the fishery, 471 stomachs were from ASPSP and 252 were from the AFN. It was recorded the occurrence of food items (fish, cephalopods and crustaceans) and the cephalopods were identified to the lowest taxa possible, according to specialized literature. The Ommastrephidae family represented 84.46% of occurrence in the ASPSP and 63.48% in the AFN, confirming the importance of this family in the area studied and also in the diet of their predators. Among the species with greatest occurrence Ornitoteuthis antillarum was the most representative in both regions. This species had an average mantle length of 54.25 mm, thus demonstrating that the majority of this population is in the juvenile stage of development. The smallest species found was Argonauta nodosa with a mantle length of 4.06 mm and the largest was Ommastrephes bartrami, with 223.33 mm. In the AFN, the species richness (d) was 2.318, the diversity index (H ') was 1.454 and the measure of evenness (J) was 0.585. In the ASPSP, the species richness (d) was 2.66, the Shannon diversity index (H ') was 1.013 and the measure of evenness (J) was 0.373. AFN has a greater cephalopod diversity than ASPSP, confirming the pattern suggested by the Theory of Island Biogeography. Among the occurrence of prey items for all predators, the cephalopods are secondary preys. The most important cephalopod species in the diet of Thunnus albacares and Acantocybium solandri was Ornithoteuthis antillarum. These predators have different niche width the diet of Thunnus albacares is more specialized, but they have an overlap of 84.684% in the trophic niche, suggesting that in the ASPSP these two species may use similar niches / O presente estudo teve como objetivo, caracterizar a diversidade de cefal?podes atrav?s da an?lise dos conte?dos estomacais dos peixes capturados nos Arquip?lagos de S?o Pedro e S?o Paulo (ASPSP) e Fernando de Noronha (AFN). Al?m disso, verificar a participa??o dos cefal?podes na dieta dos seus principais predadores. Foram ent?o coletados um total de 723 est?magos de 8 esp?cies de peixes, capturados atrav?s da pesca dos quais, 471 provenientes do ASPSP e 252 do AFN. Foram registrados a ocorr?ncia dos itens alimentares (peixes, cefal?podes e crust?ceos) e os cefal?podes encontrados foram identificados at? o menor t?xon poss?vel, segundo bibliografia especializada. A fam?lia Ommastrephidae representou 84,46% de ocorr?ncia no ASPSP e no AFN 63,48%, confirmando a import?ncia desta fam?lia na regi?o estudada e tamb?m na dieta de seus predadores. Dentre as esp?cies de maior ocorr?ncia Ornitoteuthis antillarum foi a mais representativa nas duas regi?es. Essa esp?cie apresentou uma m?dia de comprimento do manto de 54,25 mm, demonstrando assim que a maioria desta popula??o se encontra em est?gio de desenvolvimento juvenil. A menor esp?cie encontrada foi Argonauta nodosa com 4,06 mm de comprimento de manto e a maior foi Ommastrephes bartrami com 223,33 mm. No AFN a riqueza de esp?cies (d) foi de 2,318, o ?ndice de diversidade (H ) foi 1,454 e a medida de equitabilidade (J) de 0,585. No ASPSP foram a riqueza de esp?cies (d) foi de 2,66, o ?ndice de diversidade de Shannon (H ) para o ASPSP foi 1,013 e a medida de equitabilidade (J) 0,373. AFN tem uma diversidade de cefal?podes maior que ASPSP, confirmando o padr?o proposto pela Teoria de Biogeografia de Ilhas. Dentre a ocorr?ncia de itens de presas para todos os predadores analisados, os cefal?podes s?o presas secund?rias. A esp?cie de cefal?pode mais importante na dieta de Thunnus albacares e Acantocybium solandri foi Ornithoteuthis antillarum. Esses predadores apresentam largura de nicho diferente, sendo a dieta de Thunnus albacares mais especializada, por?m eles apresentam uma sobreposi??o de nicho tr?fico de 84,684%, sugerindo que no ASPSP essas duas esp?cies possivelmente utilizam nichos semelhantes

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