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Effectiveness of school intervention team (SIT) in assisting learners with special educational needs in Gaborone community junior secondary schoolsRampana, Betty Masego 05 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of School Intervention Teams (SITs) in assisting learners with Special Educational Needs (SEN) at community junior secondary schools (CJSS) in Botswana. This case study was guided by the cultural-historical theory on cognitive development by Lev Vygotsky and Bill Hettler’s theory on wellness dimensions. The study used mixed research approach which combined qualitative and quantitative method.
The data collection instruments used included questionnaires which were completed by members of SITs, semi-structured oral interview which was specifically planned for SIT coordinators and lastly, document analysis. This research task was carried out under the permission of University of South Africa (UNISA) Ethics Clearance Committee and Ministry of Education and Skills Development (Botswana). Letters of consent were obtained from the school heads, SIT coordinators and members of SIT in the sampled community junior secondary schools (CJSS).
The findings of this study showed that the effectiveness of SIT is dependent upon availability of positive attitude and support towards Inclusive Education by school management team, teachers, parents, external stakeholders (Botswana examinations Centre, Central Resource Centre, Principal Education Officers for Special education). Effectiveness of SIT is also enhanced by availability of resources such as teaching learning aids, office and classroom for remediation of the identified learners. Therefore, there is still a great gap between special education recommendation and their implementation in CJSS in Botswana and this hinders the effectiveness of SITs. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)
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Teoretická východiska a jejich reprezentace v surrealistické tvorbě Vítězslava Nezvala / Theoretical Bases and their Representation in Surrealist Work of Vítězslav NezvalSVOBODA, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The time period during which the Surrealist Group in Czechoslovakia and during which Vítězslav Nezval was creating surrealistic works has several theoretical bases in psychology and philosophy. The purpose of this thesis is to list these bases and interpret them in connection with Nezval's surrealistic works. Sources used comprise of fictional and theoretical literature and also period press and publications about surrealism.
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Le droit au travail et les politiques d'activation des personnes sans emploi: Une étude critique de l'action du droit international des droits humains dans la recomposition des politiques sociales nationalesDermine, Elise January 2015 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 1990, les pays industrialisés cherchent à promouvoir le retour au travail des allocataires sociaux et multiplient les réformes visant à les « activer ». On observe une tendance lourde au renforcement des obligations liées au travail, pouvant aller jusqu’à l’instauration de programmes de travail obligatoires. L’activation peut également passer par le développement d’aides à la recherche d’emploi, de formations ou de stages professionnels.La thèse propose une analyse inédite de l’ensemble de ces mesures sous le prisme des droits humains, plus particulièrement du droit au travail. Favorisent-elles la réalisation du droit au travail ou constituent-elles une restriction à la liberté de choisir son emploi ?Pour répondre à cette question, l’auteure procède à une analyse systématique et rigoureuse de la jurisprudence internationale relative au droit au travail. Ce corpus jurisprudentiel, largement méconnu par les praticiens, se révèle particulièrement fécond, notamment parce que le droit au travail comprend le libre choix de l’emploi et l’interdiction du travail forcé.L’auteure mène parallèlement une réflexion théorique et normative sur le rôle et le pouvoir d’action des droits humains. Le recours aux droits sociaux se meut, pour l’essentiel, dans une logique défensive des acquis du modèle social. Face à la crise de l’Etat providence, l’auteure propose de se détacher de cette approche et de mobiliser les droits humains comme cadre de discussion, d’apprentissage et de recomposition progressive des politiques sociales. Elle combine les apports de deux théories contemporaines, l’expérimentalisme démocratique de M. Dorf et C. Sabel et l’approche par les capacités d’A. Sen, pour proposer une théorie pratique de la fonction jurisprudentielle, qui reconnecte les droits et le politique, en vue d’assurer une transformation démocratique du modèle social sous l’égide des droits. / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Logiques et contraintes de l'intégration politique en Afrique centrale: la théorie de la justice de John Rawls à l'épreuve de la réalité africaineKudada Banza, Damien 11 June 2012 (has links)
Nous partons d’un constat :plusieurs Etats d’Afrique, en général, et d’Afrique centrale, en particulier, connaissent un déficit très aigu de justice et de démocratie dans la répartition de biens sociaux premiers. En outre, ces Etats ne sont pas bien organisés politiquement, économiquement et socialement. Par conséquent, ils ne respectent pas les principes de justice politique à l’échelle domestique, ni les principes du droit des peuples au niveau international ou supranational. <p>Devant ce constat amer, nous nous sommes proposé de réfléchir en profondeur sur la théorie de la justice politique de Rawls en vue de nous imprégner de principes susceptibles de garantir les droits et devoirs fondamentaux des citoyens et des peuples bien ordonnés.<p>Nous avons ainsi examiné les conditions de possibilité de l’application de la théorie de la justice politique de Rawls pour une intégration politique réussie à l’échelle interne, en République Démocratique du Congo, et au niveau international ou supranational des Etats de l’Afrique centrale. Il ressort que la mise en place des institutions politiques, économiques, socioculturelles viables, de l’Etat de droit et du modèle de la démocratie représentativo-délibérative constituent, à notre sens, des préalables indispensables en vue de postuler, à un second niveau, une intégration politique supranationale dans la sous-région de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs caractérisée par des guerres récurrentes interétatiques. Les principes rawlsiens du droit des peuples peuvent aider à repenser la politique étrangère des pays de la sous-région de l’Afrique centrale et celle des organisations supranationales existantes. <p>Néanmoins, nous avons soutenu que l’application de certains principes rawlsiens du droit des peuples, comme celui du respect des traités et des engagements, nécessite que ceux-ci soient signés au sein d’une « fédération pacifique » des Etats. En effet, dans l’entendement d’Emmanuel Kant, des traités signés dans une « fédération pacifique » mettent fin à la fois aux guerres présentes et futures.<p>Dans cet ordre d’idées, nous avons souligné qu’une « fédération pacifique » des Etats pourra créer un cadre important pour l’émergence d’une « communauté de sécurité » au sens deutschien du terme, nécessaire pour la paix durable dans la sous-région de l’Afrique des Grands Lacs. La « communauté de sécurité » préconise que les Etats entretenant des relations réciproques ne recourent pas à la violence physique et règlent leurs problèmes par des « mécanismes de changement pacifique ». Dans cette logique, la guerre n’est plus facilement envisageable. De plus, nous avons estimé, en nous inspirant d’Habermas, qu’il est pertinent que les pays de l’Afrique centrale s’engagent sur la voie de l’« afrofédération », assurant la transformation des traités interétatiques conclus en une Constitution politique que chaque Etat de la fédération devra respecter.<p> / Doctorat en Philosophie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Narativní postupy v japonské detektivní próze 60. až 80. let 20. století / Narrative strategies in Japanese detective prose from 60s to 80s of the 20th CenturyCima, Anna January 2016 (has links)
(anglicky): In this thesis, two representative works of two post-war schools of Japanese detective fiction are analysed based on the knowledge of modern narratology. Two mentioned schools are so called social school of detective fiction (shakaiha 社会派), which appeared at the beginning of 60ties, and new authentic school of detective fiction (shin honkakuha 新本格派), which appeared at the beginning of 80ties. This thesis focuses on a theoretical understanding of the term "detective fiction", it describes the development of the detective genre in post-war Japan while focusing on the debates on "authentic" and "inauthentic" detective fiction and describes typical features of two previously mentioned schools. The by using a theoretical apparat suitable for analysing works of very schematic detective genre, two works - Points and lines (Ten to sen 点と線, 1958) written by Matsumoto Seichō 松本清張 (1909-1992) and Tokyo Zodiac Murders (Senseijutu satsujin jiken 占星術殺人事件, 1981) written by Shimada Sōji 島田荘司 (1948 - ) - are analysed. Analyses focus on composition schemes of both works and on the example translated from original works, existence or absence of elements typical for both schools are demonstrated while a different usage of these elements is showed.
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Filosofie jako zaujetí (Hra - hraní, sen - snění, báseň - básnění - tělo, mocné i nemocné) / Philosophy as Passionate InterestStrobachová, Ingrid January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my dissertation is to analyze and further elaborate upon its main topic: the questions that are of a mutual deep interest to both medicine and philosophy. The dissertation has three parts. In the first part, I will introduce some of the key terms that will be used throughout the text. The second part, central to my work, is concerned with three possibilities that are offered to us - play and playing, dream and dreaming, poetic being - all become the places where comprehending, listening (to both the speech and the silence) and responding materialize. Playing, dreaming, poetic being - each offers our daily reality the beauty of transcending its borders without destroying them; in fact, they become a free spirited, passionate interest that enhances and makes valuable the ordinariness and finiteness of our daily lives. Freedom and Responsibility; I and the Other Person; Illness and Hope - each having its physical aspect and each being considered through the dimensions of seriousness and unseriousness, reason and unreason - will be rethought through playing, dreaming and poetic being, providing new insights of an engaged, passionate practice of philosophy and medicine. The third part, concerned with application on the two areas - I, the Child, and the Parenthood; and the Therapist and...
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Filosofie jako zaujetí (Hra - hraní, sen - snění, báseň - básnění - tělo, mocné i nemocné) / Philosophy as Passionate InterestStrobachová, Ingrid January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of my dissertation is to analyze and further elaborate upon its main topic: the questions that are of a mutual deep interest to both medicine and philosophy. The dissertation has three parts. In the first part, I will introduce some of the key terms that will be used throughout the text. The second part, central to my work, is concerned with three possibilities that are offered to us - play and playing, dream and dreaming, poetic being - all become the places where comprehending, listening (to both the speech and the silence) and responding materialize. Playing, dreaming, poetic being - each offers our daily reality the beauty of transcending its borders without destroying them; in fact, they become a free spirited, passionate interest that enhances and makes valuable the ordinariness and finiteness of our daily lives. Freedom and Responsibility; I and the Other Person; Illness and Hope - each having its physical aspect and each being considered through the dimensions of seriousness and unseriousness, reason and unreason - will be rethought through playing, dreaming and poetic being, providing new insights of an engaged, passionate practice of philosophy and medicine. The third part, concerned with application on the two areas - I, the Child, and the Parenthood; and the Therapist and...
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The Indian State and the Micropolitics of Food EntitlementsRai, Pronoy 25 September 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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The precarious non-poor in Post-Apartheid South Africa : striving for prosperity in Cape Town and NewcastlePeens, Michelle 01 1900 (has links)
It is widely acknowledged that poverty has declined globally over the last few years. In fact, this
idea has become so ingrained in our society that it is almost taken for granted and assumed as
an incontestable fact. The question that remains unanswered is where all the poor are now. Are
they living a prosperous life or are they tinkering on the edge of poverty? This research study
focuses on the precarious non-poor, who are the people surviving just above Upper Bound
Poverty Line used by Statistics within South Africa. Although they are not ‘officially poor’ they are
still a group that is often overlooked or ignored within the global development community since
they are not poor enough to warrant intervention yet not secure enough to demand action. As
the research study will show through using a mixed-method approach, they are far from being
prosperous and in fact, still struggling to survive. The quantitative findings are based on a
statistical analysis of the General Household Survey (2011) that overlaps with the latest Income
and Expenditure Survey (2011). It gives valuable background to the problem that was also used
during the qualitative phase of the research study to inform the sample choice and interview
guide. The quantitative analysis shows that the precarious non-poor is not a unique problem, and
as a group, they are found across South Africa. The qualitative findings are based on in-depth
interviews conducted in Cape Town, Western Cape and Newcastle, KwaZulu Natal. Framed by
the capability approach, set out by Amartya Sen, and a focus on basic capabilities such as
employment, education and housing, the results show that the precarious non-poor lack access
and choice in terms of capabilities and the opportunity to realise them into functionings. The
precarious non-poor in this study are mostly employed within insecure, uncertain or underpaying jobs, underpinned by a social support program, living in neighbourhoods where they feel unsafe
while trying to secure a better future for themselves and especially their children. In fact, they
are probably no better off than their poor counterparts with prosperity remaining out of reach. / Sociology / Ph. D. (Sociology)
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Zrcadlo reality v obrazech snů 19. a 20.století. Tvůrčí individualita versus chaos doby / The Mirror of Reality in the Imagery of Dreams of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Creative Individuality versus the Chaos of the TimeŠmejkalová, Adriana January 2018 (has links)
ANNOTATION: The work The Mirror of Reality in the Imagery of Dreams of the 19th and 20th Centuries - Creative Individuality versus the Chaos of the Time is based on the assumption that dreams are inseparably linked to the concept of existence in human life (Michel Foucault). The study touches on the ways in which dreams are depicted in visual culture that does not coincide with chronologically organized historical events, but is an expression of a free alliance between artists in the European space and centuries of common experience. These works are generally socially critical, exposed to unimaginable pressure from public censorship. The artist must pretend it is only an innocent game, a crazy idea, a whim. At the same time, these paintings are not an expression of boundless imagination, but they are subject to the firm rules of spatial construction of the painting. This is due to the traditional delimitation of dark depths - the underworld of Virgil's Saturn myth of pre-Roman culture, alternating with the vertically felt open heavens as variants of the original Plato's The Myth of Er, which in the 20th century paintings is replaced by the idea of an open landscape with illumination on the low horizon. The work deals with the work of Albrecht Dürer, his copperplate Melancholia I (1514) and his so-called...
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