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Cabotage: The effects of an external non-tariff measure on the competitiveness of agribusiness in Puerto RicoSuárez II Gómez, William January 2016 (has links)
Small islands developing states (SIDS) sustainability is a United Nations’ aim. Their markets are often influenced by external policies imposed by larger economies. Could an anti-competitive measure affect the food vulnerability of a SIDS?
This research examines the effects of an external non-tariff measure (NTM) on Puerto Rico’s (PR) agribusinesses. It explores the effects of a maritime cabotage regulation (US Jones Act) on the affordability and accessibility of produce and grains. PR imports 100% of their needs of grain and over 85% of fresh produce. PR’s food imports are generally from the US and the trade service is restricted to the use of the US maritime transportation. As a result, the supply chain of these two sectors although different, are limited by the US Act that may impact the cost of food, its availability, firms’ efficiency and other structures of production. Using a mixed convergent design, PR’s agrifood supply chains were explored and analysed in relation to the maritime cabotage regulation.
Oligopolistic structures and collusion between maritime transporters and local agribusinesses importers limit the access to data, but other internal factors also have a role. Fieldwork shows that while the cabotage regulation itself is a constraint, interaction with others NTM and the current political framework between US and PR are relevant. Factors such as lack of efficiency, poor innovation and a self-limitation of the agribusinesses firms were found. The novelty of this research is the use of mixed methods to evaluate the effects of cabotage on the agrifood supply chain.
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Dysphonations in Infant Cry: A Potential Marker for Health StatusAbbs, Katlin Jennifer 23 March 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Respiratory pathogens in cases of Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) at Tygerberg forensic pathology service mortuaryLa Grange, Heleen 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is considered the second most frequent cause of infant mortality worldwide. Research specifically pertaining to SIDS is limited in the South African setting. Identifiable causes for sudden infant death remain challenging despite full medico-legal investigations inclusive of autopsy, scene visit and ancillary studies. Viral infections could contribute to some sudden unexpected death in infancy (SUDI) cases, especially since a multitude of respiratory viruses have been detected from autopsy specimens. The specific contribution of viruses in the events preceding death, including the subsequent involvement of the immature immune response in infants, still warrants deciphering. Infancy is characterised by marked vulnerability to infections due to immaturities of their immune systems that may only resolve as infants grow older when these sudden deaths rarely still occur. In South Africa there is a lack of a standard protocol for investigations into the causes of SIDS, including the lack of standard guidelines as to which specimens should be taken, which viruses should be investigated and which laboratory assays should be utilised.
Objectives: In this prospective descriptive study we aimed to investigate the prevalence of viruses in SUDI and SIDS cases at Tygerberg Forensic Pathology Service (FPS) Mortuary over a one year period. The primary aim was to explore possible respiratory viral infections in SUDI and SIDS cases and to determine the usefulness of molecular techniques to detect viruses from SUDI cases. To determine the significance of viruses, we assessed signs of infection from lung histology. The secondary objectives included collecting demographic data to investigate possible risk factors for SUDI and to look for possible similarities between viruses confirmed in living hospitalised infants at Tygerberg, during the study period compared to viruses detected from SUDI cases.
Methods: Between May 2012 and May 2013 samples were collected from 148 SUDI cases presenting at Tygerberg FPS Mortuary. As part of the mandatory routine investigations into SUDI, shell vial culture (SVC) results were collected from lung and liver tissue specimens and bacterial culture results were collected from left and right lung and heart swabs at autopsy. To investigate the possibility of viruses implicated in some of the infant deaths we used the Seeplex® RV15 Ace detection multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to establish the frequency of 13 ribonucleic acid (RNA) respiratory viruses (influenza A and B, human parainfluenza 1-4, human coronavirus [OC43, 229E/NL63], human rhinovirus A, B and C, respiratory syncytial virus A and B, human enterovirus and human metapneumovirus) from RNA extracted from tracheal and lower left and right lung lobe swabs. Tissue from the lower left and right lung lobes were also assessed for histology signs of infection.
Results: During our study we confirmed multiple known demographic risk factors for SIDS, such as the age peak around 1-3 months, the male predominance, bed-sharing, sleeping in the prone position, heavy wrapping in warm blankets, prenatal smoke exposure, and socio-economic factors. With the Seeplex® RV15 Ace detection assay between one and three viruses were detected in 59.5% (88/148) of cases. Of the 88 cases that had viruses detected, 75% (66/88) had one virus and 25% (22/88) had co-detections of two to three viruses. The most common viruses detected were HRV in 77% (68/88) of cases, RSV in 18% (16/88) of cases and HCoV in 14% (12/88) of cases. Many of the viruses we detected from our cases are included in the SVC test that forms part of the medico-legal laboratory investigation for all SUDI cases at Tygerberg FPS Mortuary. SVCs were positive in 9.5% (14/148) of all cases only. We showed that the SVC method is potentially missing most of the 13 respiratory viruses we investigated that could contribute to death in some of the SUDI cases. Conclusion: In some cases that had a Cause of Death Classification - SIDS, the PCR viruses detected cannot be ignored, especially when it is supported by histological evidence of infection. We thus propose that the use of PCR could alter a Cause of Death Classification from SIDS to Infection in some of these cases. Further research is needed to determine the significance of detecting viruses from SUDI cases wherein no significant histological evidence of infection was observed. This questions whether PCR may be too sensitive and is detecting past and latent viral infections that do not play any role in the cause of death. The histological picture also requires further characterisation to determine if it accurately predicts infections or lethal events and can truly support virology findings, especially in young infants whose immune systems are still maturing. Without determining the true prevalence of viruses in SUDI cases and the viral-specific immune response, the contribution of virus-specific infections to this syndrome will remain largely undetermined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Wiegiedood (“SIDS/SUDI”) word beskou as die tweede mees algemene oorsaak van sterftes in kinders jonger as een jaar wêreldwyd. Toegewyde SIDS-spesifieke navorsing in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing is beperk. Dit bly steeds „n uitdaging om oorsake te probeer identifiseer vir hierdie onverwagte sterftes in kinders (SUDI) ten spyte van volledige medies-geregtelike ondersoeke, insluitende die lykskouing, ondersoek van die doodstoneel en aanvullende ondersoeke. Virusinfeksies kan aansienlik bydra tot sommige onverwagte sterftes in kinders, aangesien verskeie respiratoriese virusse alreeds aangetoon is in monsters verkry tydens outopsies. Die spesifieke rol wat virusse speel in die prosesse wat die dood voorafgaan, asook die bydraende rol van „n onder-ontwikkelde immuunrespons in babas, regverdig verdere ondersoek. Die eerste jaar van lewe word gekenmerk deur verhoogde vatbaarheid vir infeksies weens die ontwikkelende immuunstelsels soos wat babas ouer word, en die voorkoms van SUDI neem stelselmatig af met „n toename in ouderdom. In Suid-Afrika bestaan daar tans geen standaard protokol vir die ondersoek van wiegiedood nie en daar is ook nie standaard riglyne oor die tipe monsters wat geneem moet word, watter virusse ondersoek moet word en watter laboratorium toetse uitgevoer moet word nie.
Doelstellings: In hierdie prospektiewe beskrywende studie is gepoog om die virusse wat in gevalle van wiegiedood of SUDI voorkom te ondersoek. Die studie is uitgevoer by die Tygerberg Geregtelike Patologie Dienste lykshuis oor 'n tydperk van een jaar. Molekulêre tegnieke om virusse aan te toon in hierdie gevalle is gebruik om spesifieke virusinfeksies te ondersoek. Die resultate is met histologiese tekens van infeksie in longweefsel gekorreleer. Demografiese data is verder versamel om moontlike risikofaktore vir wiegiedood te ondersoek. Dit is verder vergelyk met virusse wat met dieselfde diagnostiese tegnieke in babas geïdentifiseer is wat tydens die studieperiode in Tygerberg Hospitaal opgeneem was met lugweginfeksies. Metodes: Monsters van 148 SUDI gevalle wat by die Tygerberg lykshuis opgeneem is, is versamel tussen Mei 2012 en Mei 2013. As deel van die roetine ondersoeke in SUDI gevalle, was selkultuur resultate verkry van long en lewer weefsel, asook bakteriële kulture van deppers wat van beide longe en hart geneem was tydens die lykskouings. „n Seeplex® RV15 Ace polimerase kettingreaksie (PKR) toets is gebruik om die teenwoordigheid van virusse te ondersoek wat moontlik by die babasterftes betrokke kon wees. Trageale- en longdeppers wat tydens die lykskouings versamel was, was getoets vir 13 ribonukleïensure (RNS) respiratoriese virusse (influenza A and B, human parainfluenza 1-4, human coronavirus [OC43, 229E/NL63], human rhinovirus A, B and C, respiratory syncytial virus A and B, human enterovirus and human metapneumovirus).
Resultate: Ons studie het verskeie bekende demografiese risikofaktore vir SUDI bevestig, byvoorbeeld „n ouderdomspiek tussen een en drie maande ouderdom, manlike predominansie, deel van „n bed met ander persone, slaap posisie op die maag, styf toedraai in warm komberse, blootstelling aan sigaretrook voor geboorte en sosio-ekonomiese faktore. Die Seeplex® RV15 Ace toets het tussen een en drie virusse geïdentifiseer in 59.5% (88/148) van die gevalle. Uit die 88 gevalle waarin virusse opgespoor was, was selgs een virus in 75% (66/88) van gevalle gevind en twee en drie virusse in 25% (22/88). Die mees algemene virusse was HRV in 77% (68/88) van gevalle, RSV in 18% (16/88) van gevalle en HCoV in 14% (12/88) van gevalle. Baie van die virusse wat tydens hierdie studie ondersoek was, was ingesluit in die roetine selkultuur toets wat deel vorm van die standaard medies-geregtelike laboratoriumondersoeke in alle SUDI gevalle by die Tygerberg lykshuis, alhoewel die selkulture positief was in slegs 9.5% (14/148) van gevalle. Ons het gevind dat baie respiratoriese virusse potensieel gemisdiagnoseer word wat „n rol kon speel in of bydra tot die dood van sommige SUDI gevalle. Gevolgtrekking: In sommige gevalle waarin SIDS geklassifiseer is as die oorsaak van dood, kan die virusse wat met PKR toetse opgespoor is nie geïgnoreer word nie, veral waar die bevinding ondersteun word deur histologiese bewyse van infeksie. Ons stel dus voor dat die gebruik van PKR toetse die oorsaak van dood klassifikasie kan verander van SIDS na Infeksie in sommige van hierdie gevalle. Verdere navorsing is nodig om die waarde van gelyktydige opsporing van virusse in SUDI gevalle te bepaal wanneer daar geen noemenswaardige histologiese bewyse van infeksie gevind word nie. Dit bevraagteken of die PKR toets dalk te sensitief is en gevolglik vorige en latente virusinfeksies identifiseer wat nie noodwendig 'n rol in die oorsaak van dood speel nie. Die diagnostiese en kliniese waarde van die histologiese beeld in terme van die rol van virusinfeksies as bydraende oorsaak van dood moet verder ondersoek word, veral in jong kinders wie se immuunstelsels nog nie volledig ontwikkel is nie. Indien die werklike voorkoms van virusse in SUDI gevalle en die virus-spesifieke immuunrespons nie bepaal word nie, sal die rol van virus-spesifieke infeksies in hierdie sindroom grootliks onbekend bly. / Harry Crossley Foundation / Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (PRF) / National Health Laboratory Services Research Trust
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The impact of climate change on the small island developing states of the CaribbeanMaharaj, Shobha S. January 2011 (has links)
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) of the Caribbean are one of the world’s ‘hottest’ ‘biodiversity hotspots’. However, this biodiversity continues to be threatened by habitat loss, and now, by climate change. The research reported here investigated the potential of species distribution modelling (SDM) as a plant conservation tool within Caribbean SIDS, using Trinidad as a case study. Prior to the application of SDM, ancillary analyses including: (i) quantification and mapping of forest cover change (1969 to 2007) and deforestation rates, and (ii) assessment of the island’s vegetation community distribution and associated drivers were carried out. Community distribution and commercial importance and global/regional rarity were used to generate a list of species for assessing the potential of SDM within Trinidad. Species occurrence data were used to generate species distribution models for present climate conditions within the SDM algorithm, MaxEnt. These results were assessed through expert appraisal and concurrence with results of ecological analyses. These models were used to forecast suitable species climate space forty years into an SRES A2 future. Present and future models were then combined to produce a ‘collective change map’ which showed projected areas of species’ range expansion, contraction or stability for this group of species with respect to Trinidad’s Protected Areas (PAs) network. Despite the models being indicative rather than accurate, it was concluded that species’ climate space is likely to decrease or disappear across Trinidad. Extended beyond Trinidad into the remainder of the Caribbean region, SDM may be a crucial tool in identifying which PAs within the region (and not individual islands) will facilitate future survival of given target species. Consideration of species conservation from a regional, rather than an individual island perspective, is strongly recommended for aiding the Caribbean SIDS to adapt in response to climate change.
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The More the Merrier? : A Study of Sustainable Tourism Development in the Seychelles IslandsJanson, Elin, Långström, Cathrin January 2013 (has links)
ABSTRACT The cost of doing nothing would be very high on the fragile national ecosystems andultimately on the society of the Seychelles. ’Seychelles National Report 2012 p55 This Minor Field Study, undertaken as a Bachelor’s thesis, aims to research the Seychelleswork with sustainable tourism development and its challenges. The study was conducted onsite for two months in cooperation with the Seychelles Tourism Board. The national strategyfor sustainable tourism development is intended to maintain the uniqueness of Seychelles.Seychelles has for over 30 years been a global leader in protecting biodiversity and naturalenvironment and 51 % of the total land area consists of conservation areas. On the otherhand, Seychelles main source of income is tourism, with 40 % of the inhabitants directly orindirectly depending on tourism. As one of our interviewees put it: “the more tourism, themerrier”. The country will get better infrastructure and more jobs because of it and howcould that spoil the environment? This study looks into hotels perceptions of sustainabledevelopment in the tourism industry, their work with sustainable practices and thoughtsconcerning ecolabelling. Results show dissatisfaction with the government and that betterenvironmental governance is needed. The recent rapid development of new hotels isbecoming a rather problematic situation due to higher competition, infrastructural problemsand lack of labour force. The interest in an eco label is high, although they believe it iscomplicated to implement and is perceived as expensive. On the other hand, hotels are moreor less working in a sustainable way already.Regardless of the sustainable tourism development initiative, our interviewees had afear that Seychelles is becoming a mass tourism destination. They demand that this trend bestopped. We ask therefore, is more really merrier?
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Genetische Polymorphismen der mtDNA als Risikofaktoren für das SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) / Genetic polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) as possible risk factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)Harr, Claudia Mareike 02 July 2013 (has links)
Der plötzliche Kindstod (engl. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome-SIDS) ist die häufigste Todesursache bei Säuglingen innerhalb des ersten Lebensjahres. Die zugrundeliegenden pathophysiologischen Veränderungen sowie die genaue Todesursache sind bis dato ungeklärt. Viele Forschungsbereiche setzen sich intensiv mit der Klärung dieses „Phänomens“ auseinander. Ein Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem genetischen Gebiet und der Betrachtung verschiedener Polymorphismen. Ein Fokus wird hierbei auf die genetischen Polymorphismen der mitochondrialen DNA (mtDNA) gesetzt.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden daher drei Polymorphismen der mtDNA und mögliche Risikofaktoren im Bezug zu SIDS-Fällen untersucht. Die Folge eines mitochondrialen Polymorphismus kann beispielsweise die verminderte Genexpression der Untereinheiten der Atmungskette zur Folge haben. Daraus kann ein Defizit in der ATP (Adenosintriphosphat)-Produktion resultieren. Der physiologische Kreislauf einer menschlichen Zelle ist durch dieses Defizit nur eingeschränkt gewährleistet.
Im Rahmen der Forschungsarbeit wurden die SNPs G3010A, T16519C und C7028T der mtDNA in Hinblick auf einen möglichen Zusammenhang mit dem SIDS untersucht. Schon 2003 untersuchten Divne et al. (2003) einen möglichen Zusammenhang der SNPs G3010A und C7028T im Zusammenhang mit SIDS, jedoch ohne signifikantes Ergebnis. Boles et al. (2010) konnten eine Assoziation zwischen den Polymorphismen G3010A und T16519C mit dem plötzlichen Kindstod herstellen. Da bislang jedoch keine ausführliche Publikation zu dieser Frage vorliegt, wurde mit der vorliegenden Arbeit die Rolle der Polymorphismen G3010A und T16519C in Bezug auf den plötzlichen Kindstod gemeinsam mit der (bei Europäern) häufigsten Variation C7028T untersucht.
Die DNA von 176 SIDS-Fällen und einer Kontrollgruppe von 113 Erwachsenen wurde mittels Singleplex-PCR und RFLP-Analyse genotypisiert. Anhand der Genotypisierung konnten die SNPs quantifiziert und im Hinblick auf einen möglichen Unterschied zwischen SIDS-Fällen und der Kontrollgruppe untersucht werden.
Bei Betrachtung der einzelnen SNPs G3010A, T16519C und C7028T lassen sich keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den SIDS-Fällen und der Kontrollgruppe feststellen. Das gehäufte Vorliegen einer erhöhten Mutationsrate in einem Individuum bei SIDS-Fällen im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe, sowie die von Opdal et al. (1999) geäußerte Annahme, dass beim Vorliegen einer Mutation in der D-Loop-Region weitere Mutationen im kodierenden Bereich vorkommen, konnten durch diese Arbeit bestätigt werden.
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A qualitative study of the competencies that should be covered by a specialised undergraduate degree in risk managementDe Swardt, Cecilia Jacoba 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the research was firstly, to determine the competencies required of
risk managers and secondly, to consider the implications of such competencies in
determining possible modules for inclusion in the design of a specialised
undergraduate qualification in Risk Management.
A qualitative research approach was followed, involving focus group interview
sessions as part of an Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA) research study. Focus
Group 1 comprised of academics teaching risk management at public universities in
South Africa, and Focus Group 2 comprised of risk management practitioners in
South Africa.
The competencies identified are business management and risk management
knowledge; attributes such as assertiveness and courage; values such as ethics and
integrity; as well as people, business and technical skills.
Research implications
The unique contribution of the current research was the innovative use of IQA for
data collection, the removal of subjectivity and the rigour in analysing and presenting
the results. The results are a starting point or foundation for the design of a
specialised undergraduate degree in risk management that will both meet the
requirements of the risk management profession and will equip learners with the best
possible combination of knowledge, skills, attributes, values and attitudes to
effectively manage risk in organisations. The implications for further research are
that a study of the design, benchmarking and validation of a curriculum framework
for a specialised undergraduate degree in risk management could be conducted.
The development of a curriculum framework or curriculum did not form part of the
scope of this study. / Okokuqala inhloso yocwaningo, ukuthola amakhono adingekayo kubaphathi
bezinhlekelele kanti okwesibili, ukubheka imiphumela yalokho kusebenza
ekunqumeni amamojuli angafakwa ekwakhiweni kweziqu ezikhethekile
ezingakaphothulwa ngabafundi ku-Risk Management. Kwalandelwa indlela
yocwaningo efanelekile, ebandakanya izikhathi zokuxoxisana zamaqembu
njengengxenye yocwaningo lwe-Interactive Qualitative Analysis (IQA). I-Focus
Group yoku-1 inabafundi abafundisa ukulawulwa kwezinhlekelele emanyuvesi
kahulumeni aseNingizimu Afrika, kanye neFocus Group yesi-2 inabasebenzi
bokulawulwa kobungozi eNingizimu Afrika. Amakhono ahlonziwe ukuphathwa
kwebhizinisi nolwazi lokulawulwa kobungozi; anezimpawu ezinjengokuzethemba
kanye nokuba nesibindi; ubugugu obufana nokuziphatha nobuqotho; kanye nabantu,
amakhono ebhizinisi nezobuchwepheshe. / Die doel van die studie was eerstens om die bekwaamhede waaroor
risikobestuurders moet beskik te bepaal, en tweedens, wat die implikasies van
sodanige bekwaamhede inhou vir die modules vir insluiting in die ontwerp van ‘n
gespesialiseerde voorgraadse kwalifikasie in Risikobestuur. Die studie het ‘n
kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering gevolg deur gebruik te maak van
fokusgroepsessies as deel van ‘n Interaktiewe Kwalitatiewe Ontleding (IKO)
navorsingstudie. Fokusgroep 1 het bestaan uit akademici wat risikobestuur by
openbare universiteite in Suid-Afrika doseer, en Fokusgroep 2 het uit
risikobestuurpraktisyns in Suid-Afrika bestaan. Die bekwaamhede wat identifiseer is,
is kennis van ondernemingsbestuur en risikobestuur; eienskappe soos
selfgeldendheid en moed; waardes soos etiek en integriteit; asook mense, sake en
tegniese vaardighede. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Risk Management)
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Enjeux et défis de la trajectoire de développement de deux petits États insulaires anglophones : étude comparée de Maurice et de Trinidad des origines à l’ère de l’économie de la connaissance / Issues and Challenges Faced by Two English-Speaking Small Island States in the Course of Their Development : a Comparative Study of Mauritius and Trinidad, From Colonial Beginnings to Knowledge-Based EconomiesAza, Ondine 23 February 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte qualifié d’ « économie du savoir », où la croissance de l’économie mondiale repose de plus en plus sur les activités intensives en connaissance, la thèse s’interroge sur la capacité de deux petits États insulaires en développement – Maurice et Trinidad – à s’adapter pour s'intégrer à cette dynamique. Ces anciennes colonies britanniques, membres du Commonwealth depuis leur accession à l'indépendance dans les années soixante, font état d’indicateurs de développement en constante progression et sont souvent considérées comme des modèles de réussite économique. La thèse étudie la mise en place des institutions dans ces pays et cherche à évaluer dans quelle mesure l’héritage de la période coloniale, à travers la trace qu'ils en conservent dans la période contemporaine, peut faciliter la transition de leurs économies vers les secteurs intensifs en savoir. Pour ce faire, elle retrace leur trajectoire de développement institutionnel et économique des origines jusqu’à nos jours et elle s’intéresse notamment aux mesures prises aujourd’hui pour doter le pays du cadre nécessaire à l’économie de la connaissance, en particulier à travers le rôle de l’enseignement supérieur en tant qu’outil fondamental pour former le capital humain. Tout en reconnaissant que certains des atouts dont disposent les deux pays pour s’engager dans ce processus avec succès peuvent être mis en relation avec leur passé colonial, la thèse approfondit l’hypothèse que leur transformation en économies de la connaissance risque aussi d'être entravée par des caractéristiques héritées de cette période et qui, des décennies après l'accession à l'indépendance, freinent une large diffusion de la connaissance au sein de leur population. / At a time when economic growth is thought to be driven primarily by knowledge, the purpose of this research is to analyse to what extent two Small Island Developing States – Mauritius and Trinidad – are adequately equipped for this new economic context. As former British colonies, they both joined the Commonwealth upon gaining independence in the nineteen-sixties and they have since largely succeeded in overcoming their initially unfavourable conditions. Today, their good political, economic and social development is widely acknowledged. The main focus of this research is to evaluate how far colonial legacy, which is still visible in the contemporary institutions of both these states, can favour the transition they wish to undertake towards knowledge-intensive activities as drivers of economic growth. For this purpose, the research analyses the development trajectory followed by their institutions and their economy spanning the whole period of their colonial and post-independence history; additionally, this research considers the steps which are undertaken nowadays to build the framework required to foster a knowledge economy by studying more specifically the role of higher education as an essential tool for human capital formation. While upholding that some of the assets which could help them achieve their objectives can be linked to their colonial past, the research contends that the transformation of these two countries into knowledge-based economies could be hindered by the legacy of colonisation on some of their current features and which, decades after gaining independence, impedes the widespread diffusion of knowledge amongst their population.
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Cross-Border Film Production: The Neoliberal Recolonization of an Exotic Island by Hollywood PiratesFrampton, Anthony 02 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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On the Role of, and Intervention in, Oxygen-Conserving Reflexes in Sudden Unexpected Death in EpilepsyEthan N Biggs (13199502) 04 August 2022 (has links)
<p>Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a fatal complication of epilepsy that kills 1̃2 of every 10,000 epileptic patients every year. SUDEP has proven difficult to study because it frequently occurs unobserved and cannot be predicted. What limited clinical data exists suggests that SUDEP occurs as a cardiorespiratory collapse immediately following a seizure. In this work, I explore how a group of autonomic reflexes termed collectively as “oxygen‐conserving reflexes (OCRs)” lead to sudden death when activated during seizures. I also demonstrate multiple physiological parallels between the OCR‐mediated deaths that I report and the clinical data on cases of human SUDEP. Additionally, I explore the neural pathway underlying OCRs, identify the carotid body as a potential target for intervention, and demonstrate the efficacy of electroceutical intervention in reducing the mortality risk of OCR activation during seizures. This work seeks to both offer a neural explanation for SUDEP as well as present a promising target and means for potential intervention.</p>
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