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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3D and High Sensitivity Micrometric Mass Spectrometry Imaging / Imagerie par spectrométrie de masse micrométrique en 3D et haute sensibilité

Fu, Tingting 22 September 2017 (has links)
L'imagerie par spectrométrie de masse est d’un grand intérêt pour aborder les questions biologiques en fournissant simultanément des informations chimiques et spatiales. En particulier, la spectrométrie de masse baptisée TOF-SIMS est bien reconnue par sa haute résolution spatiale (< 1 μm), qui est essentielle pour révéler l'information chimique dans une zone submicronique. L'emploi croissant de cette technique dans la caractérisation des échantillons biologiques a bénéficié du développement de nouvelles sources d'ions d’agrégats. Cependant, les processus d'ionisation/désorption des analytes sous les impacts d’agrégats lourds sont encore mal compris. D'un autre côté, techniquement, les instruments TOF-SIMS commerciaux actuels ne peuvent pas fournir une résolution en masse suffisante ni une précision sur la détermination de la masse pour l'identification moléculaire, ce qui rend les analyses de systèmes biologiques complexes très difficiles, et nécessite le recours à la fragmentation MS/MS. Cette thèse vise à mieux comprendre la production d'ions sous l’impact d’agrégats lourds et à explorer la capacité MS/MS du spectromètre de masse par temps de vol combiné à l’imagerie ionique en utilisant le spectromètre de masse PHI nanoTOF II. Ce dernier point a été réalisé en cartographiant en haute résolution spatiale des métabolites importants de bois. Pour comprendre la production d'ions sous les impacts d’agrégats d'argon massifs, l'énergie interne des ions secondaires a été mesurée en utilisant la mesure du taux de survie d'une série d'ions benzylpyridinium. L'étude de diverses conditions d'impact (énergie, vitesse, taille des agrégats) a montré que la vitesse joue le rôle majeur dans la distribution d'énergie interne et la fragmentation moléculaire dans le régime à faible énergie par atome (E/n < 10 eV).Les capacités de la fragmentation MS/MS et d'imagerie en parallèle du spectromètre PHI nanoTOF II nouvellement conçu ont été évalués par cartographie MS/MS in situ des métabolites bioactifs rubrynolide et rubrenolide dans les espèces amazoniennes de bois Sextonia rubra, ainsi qu’une identification in situ des métabolites précurseurs. L'imagerie TOF-SIMS 2D et 3D a permis de localiser les cellules où cette biosynthèse s’effectue. Les résultats ont conduit à la proposition d'une voie possible de biosynthèse des deux métabolites. Pour étendre l'application de l'imagerie TOF-SIMS dans l'analyse chimique du bois, la distribution radiale des extraits de bois dans le duramen du bois du mélèze européen a également été étudiée. / Mass spectrometry imaging has been shown of great interest in addressing biological questions by providing simultaneously chemical and spatial information. Particularly, TOF-SIMS is well recognized for its high spatial resolution (< 1 µm) which is essential in disclosing chemical information within a submicron area. The increasing use of TOF-SIMS in characterizing biological samples has greatly benefited from the introduction of new cluster ion sources. However, the ionization/desorption of the analytes under impacts of large clusters is still poorly understood. On the other hand, technically, current commercial TOF-SIMS instruments generally cannot provide sufficient mass resolution or mass accuracy for molecular identification, making analyses of complex biological systems especially challenging when no MS/MS fragmentation is available. Thus this thesis is aimed to get a better understanding of ion production under cluster impacts, to explore the MS/MS capability of the parallel imaging MS/MS Spectrometer (PHI nanoTOF II), as well as to apply TOF-SIMS to map important wood metabolites with high spatial resolution.In order to understand ion production under impacts of massive argon clusters, internal energy distributions of secondary ions were measured using survival yield method which involves the analyses of a series of benzylpyridinium ions. Investigation of various impacting conditions (energy, velocity, cluster size) suggested that velocity of the clusters play a major role in internal energy distribution and molecular fragmentation in the low energy per atom regime (E/n < 10 eV). The MS/MS fragmentation and parallel imaging capabilities of the newly designed PHI nanoTOF II spectrometer were evaluated by in situ MS/MS mapping of bioactive metabolites rubrynolide and rubrenolide in Amazonia wood species Sextonia rubra. Then this parallel imaging MS/MS technique was applied to perform in situ identification of related precursor metabolites in the same tree species. 2D and 3D TOF-SIMS imaging were carried out to target the plant cells that biosynthesize rubrynolide and rubrenolide. The results led to the proposal of a possible biosynthesis pathway of these two metabolites. In addition, to expand the application of TOF-SIMS imaging in wood chemistry analysis, radial distribution of wood extractives in the heartwood of European larch was also investigated.

Diagnostika polovodičů a monitorování chemických reakcí metodou SIMS / Semiconductor diagnostics and monitoring of chemical reactions by SIMS method

Janák, Marcel January 2021 (has links)
Hmotnostná spektrometria sekundárnych iónov s analýzou doby letu (TOF-SIMS) patrí vďaka vysokej citlivosti na prvkové zloženie medzi významné metódy analýzy pevných povrchov. Táto práca demonštruje možnosti TOF-SIMS v troch odlišných oblastiach výskumu. Prvá časť práce sa zaoberá lokalizáciou defektov vysokonapäťových polovodičových súčiastok, ktorá je nevyhnutná k ich ďalšiemu skúmaniu metódou TOF-SIMS. Bola navrhnutá experimentálna zostava s riadiacim softvérom umožňujúca automatizované meranie záverného prúdu v rôznych miestach polovodičový súčiastok. Druhá časť práce sa zaoberá kvantifikáciou koncentrácie Mg dopantov v rôznych hĺbkach vzoriek AlGaN. Kvantifikácia je založená na metóde RSF a umožňuje charakterizáciu AlGaN heteroštruktúr určených na výrobu tranzistorov s vysokou elektrónovou mobilitou (HEMT) alebo na výrobu rôznych optoelektronických zariadení. Sada 12 AlGaN kalibračných vzoriek dopovaných Mg, určených na kvantifikáciu hĺbkových profilov, bola pripravená metódou iónovej implantácie. Posledná časť práce demonštruje možnosti metódy TOF-SIMS vo výskume heterogénnej katalýzy. Hlavným objektom nášho výskumu je dynamika oxidácie CO na oxid uhličitý na polykryštalickom povrchu platiny za tlakov vysokého vákua. V tejto práci prezentujem prvé TOF-SIMS pozorovanie časopriestorových vzorov v reálnom čase, ktoré vznikajú v dôsledku rôzneho pokrytia povrchu Pt reaktantmi. Výsledky TOF-SIMS experimentu boli porovnané s výsledkami podobného experiment v rastrovacom elektrónovom mikroskope (SEM).

Estudo de alcaloides harmânicos em sementes de Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener (maracujá azedo) por SBSE/CLAE-Flu dual / Study of harman alkaloids in seeds of Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener (sour passion fruit) by dual SBSE/HPLC-Flu

Rodrigues, Thyago Roberto 12 November 2013 (has links)
Há muitos estudos sobre plantas medicinais brasileiras, porém a carência de pesquisas relacionadas à segurança alimentar de plantas brasileiras usadas como alimento ainda é consideravelmente grande. A maioria dos alcaloides são substâncias tóxicas que podem ser encontrados em uma grande variedade de plantas medicinais e alimentícias, inclusive em espécies de Passiflora chamadas popularmente no Brasil de \"maracujá\". As pesquisas sobre as diversas espécies de Passiflora, em grande parte estão relacionadas com as folhas e frutos e na maioria das vezes as sementes são consideradas como resíduo. As metodologias analíticas modernas para análises na área de alimentos, utilizando SBSE com fase extratora de PDMS, tem o objetivo de facilitar o preparo de amostras complexas e diminuir os resíduos orgânicos gerados na etapa de preparo da amostra. Para isso, este estudo teve como objetivo a análise de alcaloides harmânicos pelo método SBSE/CLAE-Flu dual, adaptado para a quantificação de harmana e de harmina em sementes de maracujá azedo. O método foi especifico e linear para os alcaloides estudados (r2 = 0,996 para harmana e r2 = 0,999 para harmina). Os ensaios de repetibilidade e de precisão intermediária confirmam a precisão do método. Os testes de recuperação (entre 92,34% a 105,90% para a harmana e 83,61% a 117,76% para a harmina) indicam a exatidão do método. A amostra analisada continha (3,094x10-2 &plusmn; 5,874x10-5) &micro;g de harmana por grama de sementes secas de maracujá azedo e (8,108x10-3&plusmn;7,599x10-4) &micro;g de harmina por grama de sementes secas de maracujá azedo. A detecção por fluorescência foi um método sensível e seletivo para a detecção da harmana (LOD = 30 ng L-1 e LOQ = 200 ng L-1) e para a harmina (LOD = 100 ng L-1 e LOQ = 400 ng L-1). Conclui-se que o método SBSE/CLAE-Flu dual pode ser usado para a análise dos alcaloides harmânicos nas sementes de maracujá azedo. / There are many studies of Brazilian medicinal plants, but the lack of research related to food safety of Brazilian plants used as food is still high. Most of the alkaloids are toxic chemicals found in a wide variety of medicinal plants and edible plants, including Passiflora species popularly known in Brazil as \"maracujá\". Researches about most of the Passiflora species are largely related about the leaves and the fruits and in most of the cases, the seeds are considered as waste. Modern analytical methodologies for food analysis, using SBSE with PDMS as the extraction phase, have the purpose of make easier the preparation of complex samples and to reduce the organic waste generated in the sample preparation step. For that, this study had the aim to analyze harman alkaloids by a dual SBSE/HPLC-Flu method, adapted to the quantification of harmane and harmine in sour passion fruit seeds. The method was specific and linear for the studied of the alkaloids (r2 = 0.996 for harmane and r2 = 0.999 for harmine). The repeatability and accuracy intermediate assays confirm the precision of the method. The recovery assay (between 92.34% and 105.90% to harmane and between 83.61% and 117.76% to harmine) indicate the accuracy of the method. The sample analyzed contained (3.094x10-2 &plusmn; 5.874x10-5) &micro;g of the harmane in 1.0 g of dried seeds of sour passion fruit and (8.108x10-3 &plusmn; 7.599x10-4) &micro;g of the harmine in 1.0 g of dried seeds of sour passion fruit. The fluorescence detection was a sensitive and selective method for detection of harmane (LOD = 30 ng L-1 and LOQ = 200 ng L-1) and harmine (LOD = 100 ng L-1 and LOQ = 400 ng -1). It was concluded that the dual SBSE/HPLC-Flu method can be used for the analysis of the harman alkaloids in dried seeds of sour passion fruit.

Valorização de fibras de sisal: síntese de ésteres de celulose e preparação de materiais / Valorization of sisal fibers: synthesis of cellulose esters and preparation of materials

Rodrigues, Bruno Vinícius Manzolli 28 November 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho visou à valorização da fibra lignocelulósica de sisal, focando principalmente em seu componente majoritário, a celulose, através da síntese de ésteres de celulose e também na preparação de diferentes materiais. A escolha dessa fonte lignocelulósica deveu-se a sua disponibilidade no país, sendo o Brasil o maior produtor e exportador mundial, e por se tratar de uma fonte de fibras com alto teor de celulose e de curto ciclo de crescimento. A síntese de ésteres de celulose com diferentes tamanhos de cadeia (acetatos, butanoatos e hexanoatos) e grau de substituição (GS) foi explorada, em meios homogêneo e heterogêneo, visando à identificação de condições que levassem aos melhores rendimentos. Em meio homogêneo, utilizando DMAc/LiCl como sistema de solvente e anidridos ácidos como agentes esterificantes, a síntese de ésteres de celulose com diferentes tamanhos de cadeia e GS (0,2-3,0) foi possível, apenas ajustando-se a razão MolAnidrido/MolCelulose. Em meio heterogêneo, diferentes rotas de síntese foram exploradas. Com o uso do sistema anidrido ácido/iodo metálico (catalisador), apenas ésteres de cadeia curta (acetatos) puderam ser obtidos com alta eficiência. Na busca de rotas alternativas para a obtenção de ésteres de cadeias mais longas, o uso de cloreto ácido e piridina (como meio reacional e como catalisador nucleofílico, respectivamente) levou à obtenção de butanoatos de celulose completamente substituídos, em apenas 30 minutos. Posteriormente, os ésteres de celulose, preparados em meio homogêneo, foram considerados como materiais de partida na preparação de filmes e biocompósitos [ésteres de celulose/celulose (0-20%)], também utilizando DMAc/LiCl como sistema de solvente. Os resultados de análise dinâmico- mecânica (DMA) e ensaios de tração revelaram que, de modo geral, a introdução de celulose levou a biocompósitos com propriedades superiores em relação aos filmes sem celulose. Resultados superiores de módulo de armazenamento e resistência à tração foram obtidos com a consequente geração de materiais que apresentaram valores superiores de Módulo de Tração e menor alongamento na ruptura. Por exemplo, biocompósitos a partir de butanoato de celulose (GS 1,8) com 20% de celulose mostraram valor de módulo de armazenamento (675 MPa) quase 4x maior que o mesmo filme sem reforço (195 MPa). Para os filmes a partir de hexanoatos de celulose (GS 1,8), a adição de celulose aumentou a resistência à tração em até 1 unidade (15% de celulose), em relação ao filme sem reforço. Por meio do uso de técnicas avançadas de caracterização de superfície (XPS e ToF-SIMS), pôde-se estudar a distribuição dos grupos ésteres nas superfícies dos filmes, assim como a influência da variação do tamanho da cadeia do éster, GS e da presença da celulose nesta distribuição. Em linhas gerais, quando a cadeia lateral manteve-se constante (butanoatos), os resultados de XPS revelaram um aumento na contribuição do carbono alifático com o aumento do GS. Em relação à cobertura superficial por cadeias alifáticas dos grupos ésteres, os resultados de XPS indicaram uma maior concentração de celulose na superfície da matriz do biocompósito preparado a partir de acetato de celulose. Por outro lado, para os ésteres de cadeias maiores (butanoatos e hexanoatos de celulose), os resultados de XPS apontaram que a celulose estaria majoritariamente presente nas camadas mais internas, gerando um maior recobrimento da superfície dos biocompósitos pelos grupos ésteres da matriz. De acordo com os dados de ToF-SIMS, os grupos ésteres se distribuíram de maneira uniforme ao longo das superfícies dos filmes e biocompósitos. Posteriormente, após uma exploração de diversas condições de pré-tratamento na massa celulósica, as quais visaram condições ótimas para a dissolução da celulose em sistema aquoso de NaOH/Uréia e posterior coagulação em meio ácido, microesferas de celulose de sisal foram preparadas com sucesso. Essas microesferas de celulose apresentam potencialidade de aplicação em diversas áreas, como na liberação controlada de fármacos e cromatografia. Na etapa final, a fibra lignocelulósica e a celulose de sisal foram consideradas como materiais de partida em um estudo envolvendo a técnica de eletrofiação a temperatura ambiente, utilizando ácido trifluoroacético (TFA) como solvente. A partir do uso dessa técnica, a dissolução da fibra lignocelulósica e sua posterior reconstrução levou a formação de fibras ultrafinas (120 a 510 nm). A eletrofiação da celulose de sisal levou a formação de fibras ultrafinas e nanofibras (&lt;100 nm), em um amplo intervalo de diâmetros, apenas ajustando-se a vazão da solução. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho abrem uma vasta gama de possíveis aplicações, nas quais as fibras ultrafinas e nanofibras, preparadas a partir da biomassa lignocelulósica, podem ser empregadas, tais como membranas, filmes em estruturas do tipo sanduíche ou mesmo como reforço em compósitos. Através do presente trabalho, diferentes tipos de materiais foram preparados, a partir da fibra lignocelulósica e da celulose de sisal, ampliando as possibilidades de aplicação destes materiais em diversas áreas. / The present investigation aimed at the valorization of the lignocellulosic sisal fiber, mainly focusing on its main component, i.e. cellulose, through the synthesis of cellulose esters and preparation of different materials. This lignocellulosic source was chosen due to its availability in the country since Brazil is the largest producer and exporter worldwide and also because this lignocellulosic source has a high cellulose content and a short life cycle. The synthesis of cellulose esters with varied chain lengths (acetates, butanoatos and hexanoates) and degree of substitution (DS) was explored in homogeneous and heterogeneous media in order to identify the conditions that led to better yields. In the homogeneous medium, by using DMAc/LiCl as the solvent system and acid anhydrides as the esterifying agents, the synthesis of cellulose esters with varied chain lengths and DS (0.2-3.0) was possible by only adjusting the MolAnhydride/MolCellulose ratio. In the heterogeneous medium, different synthesis routes were explored. By using acid anhydride/metallic iodine (catalyst) as the system, only short-chain cellulose esters (acetates) could be obtained with high efficiency. In the search for new routes to obtain cellulose esters with longer chains, completely substituted esters (GS 3.0) were obtained by using acid chloride and pyridine (as the reaction medium and nucleophilic catalyst) in just 30 minutes. Afterwards, by using the same solvent system (DMAc/LiCl), cellulose esters prepared in a homogeneous medium were used as starting materials in the preparation of films and biocomposites [cellulose ester/cellulose (0-20 wt%)]. The results of dynamic-mechanical analysis (DMA) and tensile tests revealed that, in general, the cellulose loading led to biocomposites with superior properties than the films without cellulose. Thus, higher values of storage modulus and tensile strength were obtained, which consequently led to materials with higher Young Modulus and lower elongation at break. For example, biocomposites from cellulose butanoate (GS 1.8) with 20 wt% of cellulose showed a storage module value (675 MPa) almost 4 times higher than the film without cellulose (195 MPa). For the cellulose biocomposites from cellulose hexanoate (GS 1.8), the cellulose loading increased the tensile strength up to 1 unit (15 wt% cellulose) comparatively to the film without cellulose. By means of advanced techniques of surface characterization (XPS and ToF-SIMS), the distribution of the cellulose ester groups along the films/biocomposites surfaces were studied as well as the influence of the different cellulose esters chain lengths, DS and presence of cellulose on that distribution. XPS results revealed an increase in the contribution of the aliphatic carbon as the DS increased when the side chain remained constant (butanoates). Regarding the surface coverage by aliphatic chains of the ester groups, XPS results indicated a higher concentration of cellulose on the surface of the biocomposite prepared from cellulose acetate as its matrix. Conversely, for the cellulose esters with longer chains (butanoates and hexanoates), XPS results pointed that the cellulose was mostly present in the inner layers, which generated a higher surface coverage of these biocomposites\' surfaces by the aliphatic chains of the ester groups. According to the ToF- SIMS results, the esters groups were evenly distributed on the surface of the films and biocomposites. Thereafter, beads from sisal cellulose were successfully prepared after an exploration of various pre-treatment conditions on the cellulosic mass, where optimal conditions were found to lead to complete cellulose dissolution in NaOH/Urea aqueous system followed by coagulation in acid medium. Cellulose beads present a high potential of application in several areas, for example in controlled drug delivery and chromatography. At the final stage of this work, the lignocellulosic sisal and sisal cellulose fibers were used as starting materials in a study involving the electrospinning technique at room temperature, by using trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as solvent. Through this technique, the lignocellulosic fiber dissolution and later reconstruction led to ultrathin fibers (120 to 510 nm). The electrospinning of sisal cellulose led to ultrathin fibers and nanofibers (&lt;100 nm) in a wide interval of diameters, by only varying the solution flow rate. The results obtained in this investigation open a wide range of possible applications, in which the ultrathin and nanofibers prepared from the lignocellulosic biomass can be used, such as membranes, sandwich-type structure of films or as reinforcement in composite materials. Through the present work, different materials were prepared from the lignocellulosic sisal and sisal cellulose fibers, which contributed to expand the possibilities of application of these materials in diverse areas.

Caracterização morfoanatômica e química de Passiflora edulis Sims e Passiflora setacea DC e seus mecanismos de cicatrização de feridas em ratos / Morpho anatomic and chemical characterization of Passiflora edulis Sims and Passiflora setacea DC and their action in the cicatrization mechanisms of wounds in rats

Angela Rita de Almeida 23 April 2014 (has links)
O uso de fitoterápicos é difundido na cultura popular dos países da América do Sul, substancialmente no Brasil. Passiflora edulis Sims (tipo de maracujá) está presente na lista da RENISUS e é uma espécie utilizada para promover a cicatrização de feridas cutâneas, no entanto, a literatura científica é pobre em relação aos mecanismos de ação da planta. Passiflora setacea DC é uma espécie silvestre de maracujá, sendo mais resistente à morte precoce e infecções por patógenos. Para este estudo procedemos à obtenção e fracionamento do extrato hidroetanólico a 60% das partes aéreas (folhas e caules) de Passiflora edulis e Passiflora setacea. Posteriormente, obtivemos o perfil cromatográfico em CCD e CLAE dos extratos e das frações, isolando os compostos majoritários e fizemos a análise da capacidade oxidativa dessas frações. Em uma segunda fase, verificamos a atividade cicatrizante dos extratos e das frações, em ratos, através da análise macroscópica do processo de cicatrização (área e tamanho do ferimento); análise da migração de neutrófilos (em bolsa de ar induzida no dorso dos animais) e mediadores inflamatórios liberados (TNF-&#945;, IL-1&#946 e CINC-2 &#945/&#946) na bolsa de ar induzida. Os caracteres morfoanatômicos apresentados neste trabalho para Passiflora setacea irão contribuir para sua morfodiagnose e principalmente para sua distinção da Passiflora oficial brasileira, Passiflora edulis. A triagem fitoquímica demonstrou a presença de compostos fenólicos, tais como flavonoides e taninos e ausência de alcaloides, cumarinas e saponinas, nas duas espécies, Passiflora edulis e Passiflora setacea, sendo possível a diferenciação das duas espécies por técnica de CCD e CLAE. Na Passiflora setacea foi identificado um pico majoritário que não foi encontrado na Passiflora edulis e que com uso de técnicas de CLAE semi-preparativa, espectroscopia de massas e ressonância magnética nuclear, este composto foi identificado como sendo luteolina-8-C-ramnosil-glicosideo. Todos os resultados observados nas analises biológicas permitem concluir que estas duas espécies de Passifloras têm atividade cicatrizante e anti-inflamatória significativamente diversa dos sistemas empregados como controle e que podem constituir auxiliares importantes no preparo de futuros medicamentos para melhoria do processo de cicatrização. / The use of herbal medicines is widespread in popular culture of the South American countries, substantially in Brazil. Passiflora edulis Sims (passion fruit) is present in the list of RENISUS and is a species used to promote healing of skin wounds; however, the scientific literature is low in relation to the mechanisms of action of the plant. Passiflora setacea DC is a wild species of passion fruit, being more resistant to early death and infection by pathogens. In the first part of this work, we obtained the 60 % extract of aerial parts (leaves and stems), of the two species, made the fractionation and phytochemical screening of Passiflora edulis and Passiflora setacea. We obtained the chromatographic profile of the extracts and fractions on TLC and HPLC, isolating the majority compounds and we made the analysis of the oxidative capacity of these fractions. In a second phase, we verified the healing activity of extract and fractions in rats by macroscopic analysis of the healing process (the area and size of injury); analysis of neutrophil migration (in air bag-induced on the backs of animals) and inflammatory mediators released (TNF-&#945;, IL-1&#946; and CINC-2 &#945/&#946) on the induced air bag. The macro and micro characters presented in this work for Passiflora setacea will contribute to its diagnose and mainly for its distinction of the official Brazilian Passionflower Passiflora edulis. The phytochemical screening demonstrated the presence of phenolic compounds such as flavonoids and tannins and absence of alkaloids, coumarins and saponins in Passiflora edulis and Passiflora setacea, being possible the differentiation of the two species by TLC and HPLC techniques. Passiflora setacea presented by HPLC a major peak that was not found in Passiflora edulis and using semi-preparative HPLC technique, mass spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance, this compound was identified as luteolin-8-C-rhamnosyl-glucoside. All results observed in biological analyses lead to the conclusion that these two species of Passifloras have healing and anti-inflammatory activity significantly diverse from the control systems and they can be important in the preparation of future medications to improve the healing process.

Films hiérarchiquement micro structurés en nid d’abeilles : élaboration, étude de la topographie et de la chimie de surface par TOF-SIMS / Complete study of micro-patterned honeycomb films : structural ordering and surface chemistry by TOF-SIMS

Akoumeh, Rayane 20 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le domaine des polymères, l'auto-organisation de la matière a été largement étudiée dans les dernières années et beaucoup de progrès dans le domaine des films ordonnés, générés par l'auto-assemblage de copolymères à blocs, ont été réalisés. Ce progrès est motivé par le fait que les films auto-assemblés possèdent des applications en biologie, photonique, adhésion. Le sujet initial de thèse est la fabrication des films structurés en nid d’abeilles formés par un bloc de copolymère contenant une partie hydrophobe ( à peu près 90%) et une partie hydrophile (10%) qui peuvent s’auto-organiser en nid d’abeilles. Les films de polymères préparés seront ultérieurement à la base d’une étude de complexation avec des métaux. Ceci sert à décontaminer les eaux usées des métaux ou pesticides. Durant ces années de thèse, une méthodologie d’analyse de surface est détaillée pour comprendre la topographie de ces films ainsi que la chimie de surface de ces derniers. Pour cette raison, divers techniques d’analyses sont utilisées pour décrire vigoureusement la surface de ces films afin d’optimiser ces films pour complexer les contaminants à origine industrielle.Une des techniques d’analyse de surface, i.e. TOF-SIMS (Time Of Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy), a prouvé être un outil efficace pour caractériser chimiquement la composition élémentaire et moléculaire de l’extrême surface et en profondeur. Cette technique était la technique de base de ces études. Elle la permis de décrire les empreintes spectrales ainsi que la distribution en surface et en profondeur de chaque polymère dans les films élaborés en nid d’abeilles. / Since its introduction in 1994, the preparation of ordered porous polymer films by the breath figure “BF” method has received a considerable interest. Self-organized porous polymer films, with pores ordered into a hexagonal pattern, can be elaborated by a fast solvent evaporation method under a humid atmosphere, also called “Breath Figure” approach. The honeycomb films have found a panel of perspective applications ranging from materials with optical properties, biomaterial sensors, and scaffold for tissue engineering or highly hydrophobic surfaces. The main objective of this PhD thesis project is the fabrication of sensitive hierarchically self-organized bio inspired films based on organic compound trapping block copolymers. It is worth noting that one of the advantages of using block copolymer structure is that the first block confers the hydrophobic character, required for the elaboration and stability of HC structure, and the second block could provide an additional functionality such as hydrophilicity, stimuli-responsive character or trapping of targeted molecules (especially metals).During this thesis, a methodology of surface analysis is performed in order to understand the topography of these films as well as its surface chemistry. For this reason, various analytical techniques are used to describe the surface of these films vigorously in order to optimize these films to complex industrial contaminants.One of the techniques of surface analysis, i.e. TOF-SIMS (Time of Flight-Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy), has proved to be an effective tool for chemical characterization of the surface and in depth. This technique was the basic technique of our studies. It allowed the description of spectral finger prints as well as the distribution on the surface and in depth of each polymer in the structured films.

Estudo de alcaloides harmânicos em sementes de Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener (maracujá azedo) por SBSE/CLAE-Flu dual / Study of harman alkaloids in seeds of Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener (sour passion fruit) by dual SBSE/HPLC-Flu

Thyago Roberto Rodrigues 12 November 2013 (has links)
Há muitos estudos sobre plantas medicinais brasileiras, porém a carência de pesquisas relacionadas à segurança alimentar de plantas brasileiras usadas como alimento ainda é consideravelmente grande. A maioria dos alcaloides são substâncias tóxicas que podem ser encontrados em uma grande variedade de plantas medicinais e alimentícias, inclusive em espécies de Passiflora chamadas popularmente no Brasil de \"maracujá\". As pesquisas sobre as diversas espécies de Passiflora, em grande parte estão relacionadas com as folhas e frutos e na maioria das vezes as sementes são consideradas como resíduo. As metodologias analíticas modernas para análises na área de alimentos, utilizando SBSE com fase extratora de PDMS, tem o objetivo de facilitar o preparo de amostras complexas e diminuir os resíduos orgânicos gerados na etapa de preparo da amostra. Para isso, este estudo teve como objetivo a análise de alcaloides harmânicos pelo método SBSE/CLAE-Flu dual, adaptado para a quantificação de harmana e de harmina em sementes de maracujá azedo. O método foi especifico e linear para os alcaloides estudados (r2 = 0,996 para harmana e r2 = 0,999 para harmina). Os ensaios de repetibilidade e de precisão intermediária confirmam a precisão do método. Os testes de recuperação (entre 92,34% a 105,90% para a harmana e 83,61% a 117,76% para a harmina) indicam a exatidão do método. A amostra analisada continha (3,094x10-2 &plusmn; 5,874x10-5) &micro;g de harmana por grama de sementes secas de maracujá azedo e (8,108x10-3&plusmn;7,599x10-4) &micro;g de harmina por grama de sementes secas de maracujá azedo. A detecção por fluorescência foi um método sensível e seletivo para a detecção da harmana (LOD = 30 ng L-1 e LOQ = 200 ng L-1) e para a harmina (LOD = 100 ng L-1 e LOQ = 400 ng L-1). Conclui-se que o método SBSE/CLAE-Flu dual pode ser usado para a análise dos alcaloides harmânicos nas sementes de maracujá azedo. / There are many studies of Brazilian medicinal plants, but the lack of research related to food safety of Brazilian plants used as food is still high. Most of the alkaloids are toxic chemicals found in a wide variety of medicinal plants and edible plants, including Passiflora species popularly known in Brazil as \"maracujá\". Researches about most of the Passiflora species are largely related about the leaves and the fruits and in most of the cases, the seeds are considered as waste. Modern analytical methodologies for food analysis, using SBSE with PDMS as the extraction phase, have the purpose of make easier the preparation of complex samples and to reduce the organic waste generated in the sample preparation step. For that, this study had the aim to analyze harman alkaloids by a dual SBSE/HPLC-Flu method, adapted to the quantification of harmane and harmine in sour passion fruit seeds. The method was specific and linear for the studied of the alkaloids (r2 = 0.996 for harmane and r2 = 0.999 for harmine). The repeatability and accuracy intermediate assays confirm the precision of the method. The recovery assay (between 92.34% and 105.90% to harmane and between 83.61% and 117.76% to harmine) indicate the accuracy of the method. The sample analyzed contained (3.094x10-2 &plusmn; 5.874x10-5) &micro;g of the harmane in 1.0 g of dried seeds of sour passion fruit and (8.108x10-3 &plusmn; 7.599x10-4) &micro;g of the harmine in 1.0 g of dried seeds of sour passion fruit. The fluorescence detection was a sensitive and selective method for detection of harmane (LOD = 30 ng L-1 and LOQ = 200 ng L-1) and harmine (LOD = 100 ng L-1 and LOQ = 400 ng -1). It was concluded that the dual SBSE/HPLC-Flu method can be used for the analysis of the harman alkaloids in dried seeds of sour passion fruit.

Teatro vs. game: o drama gamificado / Theater vs. Game: the gamificated drama

Andrade, Ivan Artur Miranda de 26 September 2013 (has links)
Com base na investigação prática \"INCUBADORA\", que ocorreu concomitantemente ao estudo teórico, esta dissertação tem o objetivo de confrontar teatro com games, usando como referência o jogo de simulação The Sims. O foco do experimento foi estudar a apropriação dos mecanismos de jogabilidade na dramaturgia, na encenação e na atuação. Esse procedimento se deu por meio de um software especialmente desenvolvido, que permitiu aos espectadores - usando seus próprios aparelhos celulares - interagir com o jogo cênico, o que foi denominado interfaceamento da cena. Esta proposta teve por objetivo perturbar o espaço do \"espectadorcontemplador\" e testar a possibilidade de um \"espectador-interator\". A fim de refletir a respeito do teatro no contexto cultural de mídias digitais, são propostos, então, os conceitos de \"drama gamificado\" e \"espetáculo-game\". / Based on the practice research \"INCUBADORA\", which occurred concomitantly with the theoretical study, this thesis aims to confront theater with games, using the simulation game The Sims as reference. The focus was to study the mechanisms of appropriation of gameplay by dramaturgy, staging and performance. This procedure was done through a specially developed software that allowed viewers to interact with the scenic game using their own mobile phones. This procedure was called interfacing scene. This proposal aimed to disrupt the space of \"spectator-beholder\" and test the possibility of a \"spectator-interactor\". In order to rethink the theater in the cultural context of digital media, it is proposed the concepts of \" gamificated drama\" and \"gamespetacle\".

Caracterização morfoanatômica e química de Passiflora edulis Sims e Passiflora setacea DC e seus mecanismos de cicatrização de feridas em ratos / Morpho anatomic and chemical characterization of Passiflora edulis Sims and Passiflora setacea DC and their action in the cicatrization mechanisms of wounds in rats

Almeida, Angela Rita de 23 April 2014 (has links)
O uso de fitoterápicos é difundido na cultura popular dos países da América do Sul, substancialmente no Brasil. Passiflora edulis Sims (tipo de maracujá) está presente na lista da RENISUS e é uma espécie utilizada para promover a cicatrização de feridas cutâneas, no entanto, a literatura científica é pobre em relação aos mecanismos de ação da planta. Passiflora setacea DC é uma espécie silvestre de maracujá, sendo mais resistente à morte precoce e infecções por patógenos. Para este estudo procedemos à obtenção e fracionamento do extrato hidroetanólico a 60% das partes aéreas (folhas e caules) de Passiflora edulis e Passiflora setacea. Posteriormente, obtivemos o perfil cromatográfico em CCD e CLAE dos extratos e das frações, isolando os compostos majoritários e fizemos a análise da capacidade oxidativa dessas frações. Em uma segunda fase, verificamos a atividade cicatrizante dos extratos e das frações, em ratos, através da análise macroscópica do processo de cicatrização (área e tamanho do ferimento); análise da migração de neutrófilos (em bolsa de ar induzida no dorso dos animais) e mediadores inflamatórios liberados (TNF-&#945;, IL-1&#946 e CINC-2 &#945/&#946) na bolsa de ar induzida. Os caracteres morfoanatômicos apresentados neste trabalho para Passiflora setacea irão contribuir para sua morfodiagnose e principalmente para sua distinção da Passiflora oficial brasileira, Passiflora edulis. A triagem fitoquímica demonstrou a presença de compostos fenólicos, tais como flavonoides e taninos e ausência de alcaloides, cumarinas e saponinas, nas duas espécies, Passiflora edulis e Passiflora setacea, sendo possível a diferenciação das duas espécies por técnica de CCD e CLAE. Na Passiflora setacea foi identificado um pico majoritário que não foi encontrado na Passiflora edulis e que com uso de técnicas de CLAE semi-preparativa, espectroscopia de massas e ressonância magnética nuclear, este composto foi identificado como sendo luteolina-8-C-ramnosil-glicosideo. Todos os resultados observados nas analises biológicas permitem concluir que estas duas espécies de Passifloras têm atividade cicatrizante e anti-inflamatória significativamente diversa dos sistemas empregados como controle e que podem constituir auxiliares importantes no preparo de futuros medicamentos para melhoria do processo de cicatrização. / The use of herbal medicines is widespread in popular culture of the South American countries, substantially in Brazil. Passiflora edulis Sims (passion fruit) is present in the list of RENISUS and is a species used to promote healing of skin wounds; however, the scientific literature is low in relation to the mechanisms of action of the plant. Passiflora setacea DC is a wild species of passion fruit, being more resistant to early death and infection by pathogens. In the first part of this work, we obtained the 60 % extract of aerial parts (leaves and stems), of the two species, made the fractionation and phytochemical screening of Passiflora edulis and Passiflora setacea. We obtained the chromatographic profile of the extracts and fractions on TLC and HPLC, isolating the majority compounds and we made the analysis of the oxidative capacity of these fractions. In a second phase, we verified the healing activity of extract and fractions in rats by macroscopic analysis of the healing process (the area and size of injury); analysis of neutrophil migration (in air bag-induced on the backs of animals) and inflammatory mediators released (TNF-&#945;, IL-1&#946; and CINC-2 &#945/&#946) on the induced air bag. The macro and micro characters presented in this work for Passiflora setacea will contribute to its diagnose and mainly for its distinction of the official Brazilian Passionflower Passiflora edulis. The phytochemical screening demonstrated the presence of phenolic compounds such as flavonoids and tannins and absence of alkaloids, coumarins and saponins in Passiflora edulis and Passiflora setacea, being possible the differentiation of the two species by TLC and HPLC techniques. Passiflora setacea presented by HPLC a major peak that was not found in Passiflora edulis and using semi-preparative HPLC technique, mass spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance, this compound was identified as luteolin-8-C-rhamnosyl-glucoside. All results observed in biological analyses lead to the conclusion that these two species of Passifloras have healing and anti-inflammatory activity significantly diverse from the control systems and they can be important in the preparation of future medications to improve the healing process.

Formulation and Characterization of Surface Functionalized PLGA based microparticles for in vitro stem cell survival. / Formulation et caractérisation de microparticules à base de PLGA fonctionnalisées en surface pour la survie in vitro de cellules souches

Ugur, Deniz 04 September 2018 (has links)
Les microsphères polymériques, biodégradables et biocompatibles sont prometteuses comme échafaudages pour fournir des cellules aux tissus sans dommage et améliorer la réponse des cellules souches. Il a été montré que les microparticules à base de PLGA à base de protéines ECM préparées par une technique d'extraction par solvant en émulsion améliorent l'adhésion et la prolifération des cellules souches. Bien qu'un certain effet biologique du revêtement protéique sur les microparticules de polymère soit établi, il n'est pas bien compris car des informations détaillées sur l'interaction entre les propriétés de surface des particules chimiques et physiques, l'adsorption protéique et la réponse cellulaire restent floues. Le but de cette étude est d'établir une relation entre les propriétés de surface des particules qui proviennent des variables utilisées lors des formulations, l'adsorption des protéines et la réponse des cellules souches pour permettre une conception plus rationnelle des microparticules. Deux types de polymères différents (PLGA et PLGA-P188-PLGA) et deux stabilisants d'émulsion différents; un polymérique PVA et une huile polaire Propylène glycol ont été utilisés pour préparer quatre types de particules dans un procédé en émulsion. Les particules ont été caractérisées en termes de taille, charge, topographie et morphologie et chimie de surface Identification des effets des variables dans la chimie et l'émulsifiant des polymères Des surfaces de polymère plat recouvertes de spins sont générées pour comprendre les interactions entre les polymères et les molécules d'adhésion de la fibronectine et de la poly-D-Lysine pour la fonctionnalisation des microparticule. / Polymeric, biodegradable and biocompatible microspheres are promising as colloidal scaffolds to deliver cells to tissues without damage and to enhance stem cell survival. It has been shown that PLGA (poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)) based microparticles prepared by an emulsion solvent extraction technique and functionalised with ECM proteins improves stemcell adhesion and proliferation. While it is established that the presence of proteins in these systems has abiological effect, the interplay between microparticle properties and cells is poorly understood because there lationship between chemical and physical particle surface properties, protein adsorption and cell response remain unclear. Protein adsorption on a polymer particle surface is a complex phenomenon that is affected by different interfacial mechanisms/forces (e.g. DLVO and non-DLVO forces) and inherents tructural properties of macromolecules (e.g. polymers, surfactants, peptides and proteins) present on surface, establishing the parameters that involves inprotein/peptide adsorption on microparticles insights the logical design of the particles as a biomaterial useby contributing the understanding of another related complex phenomenon of the colloidal biomaterial-cell interface interaction in tissue engineering where limited study available to fully understand the concept.The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of different formulation approaches on the physicochemical properties of the microparticles and identify connections between the particle properties, protein adsorption and ensuing cell response on these materials. To examine these, two different polymertypes (PLGA and PLGA-P188-PLGA) and two different emulsion stabilizers; a polymeric surfactant (PVA(Polyvinyl alcohol) and a polar oil propylene glycol were used to prepare four different types of particles in an emulsion process (O/W). Particles were characterized in terms of size, charge, topography, morphology and surface chemistry to identify the effect of the variables of polymer chemistry and use of surfactant on particle properties in first part of the study. Spin coated flatpolymer surfaces were generated to understand the interactions between the polymers and the proteins (fibronectin /poly-d-Lysine).

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