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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'Exit, loyalty and voice' : the experience of adult learners in the context of de- industrialisation in County Durham

Forster, Mary Josephine January 2018 (has links)
This thesis examines the effects of de-industrialisation on the lives of adult learners attending adult education programmes in the former coal mining and steel working communities of County Durham. It presents the outcomes of a qualitative study of life history stories which are 'person centred'. Focusing on the subjective experiences of learners, both past and present, was an appropriate way in which the learner voice could be heard as well as helping to understand their experiences and views on the effects that de- industrialisation has had on their lives, and if lifelong learning was improving their life chances. The importance of social class and gender in configuring and understanding adult learner experiences are critical factors whilst, at the same time, the collective resources of these working class communities have been systematically undermined. Furthermore, the provision of publically funded adult education has declined dramatically since the 1980s. Through the prism of learners' lives the study explores experiences of employability skills programmes and community adult education programmes on shaping the position, disposition and identity of learners who have experienced a major trauma to their communities, their families and themselves. Ontological insecurity, a product of de-industrialisation, has a critical impact on the lives of these adults. The thesis adopts Hirschman's (1970) framework of 'Exit, Loyalty and Voice', originally used to frame the responses of workers confronting the possibility of job losses in a firm, as a way of understanding the reactions of adult learners to the impact of de-industrialisation on communities. In Hirschman's framework the relationship between exit, loyalty and voice followed a distinctive pattern. Loyalty, for example, was the opposite of voice, as people in a firm stayed silent in order to be saved from job loss. In this study, loyalty to the community has enabled individuals to benefit from support and community provision, which has given them a lifeline for survival and a step on the way to finding a voice. Exit, in the original framework, involved proactive workers getting 'ahead of the curve' by finding alternative employment before others. In this study, employability skills training - as a resource for exit - does not deliver. Instead, it systematically demoralises individuals and undermines their capacity to act. It involves churning learners between welfare and more training programmes and, where and when available, into short-term work. The overall impact has resulted in the social exclusion of these learners from the labour market and from the community - the opposite of agency. It is argued that this is a paradox given that social and economic inclusion was an aim of lifelong learning policies. The thesis challenges the claim of neoliberal ideology that purports to promote the freedom of individuals to determine their own fate. Those attending employability skills programmes are expected to find solutions to structural problems, and are subjected to coercive methods through psychological interventions that are expected to bring about attitudinal behaviour changes to achieve employability. It is argued that this is a paradox given deficient labour market conditions which are beyond the control of the learner. Attention is given to public sector community adult education that once offered liberating models of adult education, but have now been subjected to the logic of neoliberal governmentality. This is creating new 'subjectivities' for educators, who are being coerced to deliver learning for the economy rather than social purpose education. What has emerged is a new role of the employability trainer.

Impact of Poverty on Undocumented Immigrants in South Florida

Loiseau, Julio Warner 01 January 2016 (has links)
Poverty in the United States has been widely explored, but very seldom does research consider the impacts of poverty among undocumented immigrants. As a result, policymakers are unable to account for or accommodate the unique needs of undocumented immigrants. Using Dalton's theory of the psychology of poverty, this case study explored the experiences of undocumented immigrants in Immokalee, Florida to better understand how the current policy landscape impacts their existence and livelihoods. The data were collected through 18 interviews with undocumented immigrants and a review of government data related to poverty among this population from the United States Census Bureau, the Department of Homeland Security, and the Bureau of Labor. All data were inductively coded and subjected to thematic analysis. Findings indicate that these undocumented immigrants in South Florida experienced a range of social and economic depravities, including stress, fear, and anxiety as well as inadequate housing and poor health and nutrition, particularly among children, all of which are consistent with Dalton's theory of the psychology of poverty. Another key finding reinforces previous research that undocumented workers were subject to inadequate working conditions and were at risk of exploitation by employers, particularly in the agricultural industry. The positive social change implications stemming from this study include recommendations to policymakers in South Florida to develop policies to alleviate uncertainty for undocumented immigrants, including creating policy to specifically address inadequate working conditions in order to reduce the potential exploitation of socio-economically marginalized workers.

Navigating into the Spider’s Web. Developing Resilience in the Wake of an Industrial Disaster in the Bangladesh Ready Made Garment Sector

Chércoles Blázquez, Javier 09 July 2012 (has links)
La Tesi titulada "Navegant per la web d'una aranya. Desenvolupament un programa d'ajuda com a conseqüència d'un accident laboral en la Indústria Tèxtil Bengalí "(d'ara endavant la Tesi) resumeix l'experiència desenvolupada per l'autor en la gestió d'una intervenció de naturalesa multistakeholder i relacional per constituir l'anomenat Spectrum Voluntary Relief Scheme, dissenyat per pal•liar els danys personals dels treballadors ferits i de les famílies dels treballadors morts com a conseqüència del col•lapse de la fàbrica Spectrum (Savar, Bangladesh 2005). La primera innovació que ofereix la Tesi és el concepte de spider web: Una idea utilitzada per l'autor per capturar les causes últimes que van originar la crisi derivada del col•lapse de l'esmentada fàbrica. En altres paraules, una spider web que, a diferència de les altres teixides per aranyes, era difusa i teixida de manera opaca per xarxes de desconfiança mútua entre els stakeholders locals i internacionals presents a l’entorn de l'accident. Una desconfiança mútua que va resultar de la combinació dels següents factors: (i) l'inadequat compliment de la legislació bengalí, (ii) escassos recursos públics per a la seva implementació i (iii) un escàs exercici dels compromisos voluntàriament assumits pels International Buyers, després de l'aprovació dels seus respectius Codis de Conducta de Fabricants i Tallers Externs. La segona innovació es troba en el seu marc teòric que, articulat a partir d'un concepte ampli de Capital Social de naturalesa relacional i fruit de l'adaptació de teories del Management, va ser clau per guiar la intervenció del Spectrum Voluntary Relief Scheme en aquest complex escenari. La tercera innovació es troba en el procediment per a la construcció d'eines (per exemple Fact Finding Mission, el barem i el model actuarial per calcular compensacions per a treballadors ferits i familiars dels morts com a resultat de l'accident) que de forma simultània permetessin (i) resoldre la crisi derivada del col•lapse de la fàbrica i (ii) fomentar la Confiança, l'Associacionisme i el Cooperativisme entre els stakeholders involucrats en l'accident. Addicionalment, la Tesi ofereix tres innovacions: (i) una segona spider web, més obscura, difusa i opaca que, present en la realitat quotidiana comunitària, social, religiosa i familiar dels beneficiaris del Spectrum Voluntary Relief Écheme, era directament responsable dels processos d'exclusió d'aquells col•lectius més vulnerables, (ii) la seva conceptualització a través de les següents quatre Ps: (P1) Principis Polítics i Constitucionals, (P2), Patriarcat, (P3) Per i (P4) purdah i, finalment, (iii) un procediment dissenyat per mesurar l'impacte de les mencionades quatre Ps en la vida de les vídues de Spectrum. A més, la Tesi identifica una tercera spider web que, essent concèntrica amb les dues anteriors i present en les realitats de les fàbriques, comunitats i famílies dels beneficiaris de Spectrum va ser teixida per un sistema judicial incapaç de protegir els Drets de la Dona i portà com a conseqüència directa un sistema legal incapaç de protegir el lliure gaudi de les compensacions de les Vídues de Spectrum en un país amb una de les majors taxes de Violència contra la Dona en el món. Finalment, el nou marc relacional proposat per la Tesi i dissenyat per resoldre crisis futures derivades d'accidents laborals en LDC mitjançant processos d'acumulació de confiança i capital social conclou amb un immediat resultat pràctic: la creació de la Bangladesh Welfare Act (2006). / La Tesis titulada “Navegando en la web de una araña. Desarrollando un programa de ayuda como consecuencia de un accidente laboral en la Industria Textil Bengalí” (en adelante la Tesis) resume la experiencia desarrollada por el autor en la gestión de una intervención de naturaleza multistakeholder y relacional para constituir el denominado Spectrum Voluntary Relief Scheme, diseñado para paliar los daños personales de los trabajadores heridos y las familias de aquellos otros fallecidos como consecuencia del colapso de la fábrica Spectrum (Savar, Bangladesh 2005). La primera innovación que ofrece la Tesis es el concepto de spider web: Una idea utilizada por el autor para capturar las causas últimas que originaron la crisis derivada del colapso de la mencionada fábrica. En otras palabras, una spider web que, a diferencia de las otras tejidas por arañas, era difusa y tejida de forma opaca por redes de desconfianza mutua entre aquellos stakeholders locales e internacionales presentes en la arena del accidente. Una desconfianza mutua que resultó de la combinación de los siguientes factores: (i) el inadecuado cumplimiento de la legislación bengalí; (ii) escasos recursos públicos para su implementación y (iii) un escaso ejercicio de los compromisos voluntariamente asumidos por los International Buyers, tras la aprobación de sus respectivos Códigos de Conducta de Fabricantes y Talleres Externos. La segunda innovación fue su marco teórico que, articulado a partir de un concepto amplio de Capital Social de naturaleza relacional y fruto de la adaptación de teorías del Management, fue clave para guiar la intervención del Spectrum Voluntary Relief Scheme en este complejo escenario. La tercera innovación fue el procedimiento para la construcción de herramientas (i.e. Fact Finding Mission, el Baremo y el modelo actuarial para calcular compensaciones para trabajadores heridos y familiares de aquellos otros fallecidos como resultado del accidente) que de forma simultánea permitieran (i) resolver la crisis derivada del colapso de la fábrica y (ii) fomentar la Confianza, el Asociacionismo y el Cooperativismo entre los stakeholders involucrados en el accidente. Adicionalmente, la Tesis ofrece tres innovaciones: (i) una segunda spider web, más obscura, difusa y opaca que, presente en la realidad cotidiana comunitaria, social, religiosa y familiar de los beneficiarios del Spectrum Voluntary Relief Écheme, era directamente responsable de los procesos de exclusión de aquellos colectivos mas vulnerables; (ii) su conceptualización a través de las siguientes cuatro Ps: (P1) Principios Políticos y Constitucionales; (P2); Patriarcado; (P3) Para y (P4) Purdah y, finalmente, (iii) un procedimiento diseñado para medir el impacto de las mencionadas cuatro Ps en la vida de las viudas de Spectrum. Además, la Tesis identifica una tercera spider web que, concéntrica a las dos anteriores y presente en las realidades de las fábricas, comunidades y familias de los beneficiarios de Spectrum fue tejida por un sistema judicial incapaz de proteger los Derechos de la Mujer y cuya consecuencia directa es un sistema legal incapaz de proteger el libre disfrute de las compensaciones de las Viudas de Spectrum en un país con una de las mayores tasas de Violencia contra la Mujer en el mundo. Finalmente, el novedoso marco relacional propuesto por la Tesis y diseñado para resolver crisis futuras derivadas de accidentes laborales en LDC mediante procesos de acumulación de confianza y capital social concluye con un inmediato resultado práctico: la creación de la Bangladesh Welfare Act (2006). / The Thesis - “Navigating into the Spider´ Web, Developing Resilience in the Wake of an Industrial Disaster in the Bangladesh Ready Made Garment Sector” – (hereinafter the Thesis) summarizes the Author´s experience, based on a multi-stakeholder approach, carried out in Bangladesh, to build the Spectrum Voluntary Relief Scheme to manage the negative consequences derived from the collapse of the Spectrum factory (Savar, Bangladesh 2005). The first innovation offered by the Thesis is the spider web: an illustrative concept used by the Author to capture the ultimate roots of the crisis derived from the mentioned factory collapse. In other words, a spider web unlike nets actually knitted by spiders, was messy, and, as such, it was opaquely woven with distrust threads linking Local and International stakeholders present at the Spectrum accident arena. Thus, the mutual distrust come from the combination of the following factors: (i) a failure to abide by current Bangladesh Laws; (ii) a lack of resources to enforce an effective Legal Framework and (iii) a consistent disregard for commitments voluntarily made by International Buyers after approving their respective Codes of Conduct for External Manufacturers and Suppliers. The second innovation offered by the Thesis was its theoretical framework based on a holistic Relational Social Capital concept derived from the adaptation of several current management theories and to guide the intervention through The Spectrum Voluntary Relief Scheme in this complex scenario. The third innovation was the procedure to build tools (i.e. Fact Finding Mission, Scale and actuarial model to calculate compensations to injured workers and the families of those deceased as a result of the accident) to simultaneously: (i) solve the crisis derived from the factory collapse and (ii) foster Trust, Closeness and Cooperative behaviour among stakeholders involved in the Spectrum accident Additionally, the Thesis offers three innovations: (i) a second spider web which, even more obscure, messy and opaque that permeated Scheme beneficiaries’ community, social, religious and family everyday lives, was directly responsible for the stalwart exclusion of the most vulnerable groups; (ii) its conceptualization on the basis of Four Ps: Political and Constitutional Values (P1); Patrilineal Kinship (P2); Para (P3) and Purdah (P4) and (iii) the procedure to assess the impact of these mentioned four Ps on Spectrum Widows’ lives. The Thesis identifies a third spider web, which concentric the other two and, therefore, present in factories as well as family households and communities where beneficiaries and their relatives live, is knitted by a poor judicial system to safeguard Women’s Rights, being its direct consequence: the insufficient protection of the Spectrum Widows´ Rights to free enjoy the compensations received from the Spectrum Scheme in a country with showed one of the highest VAW rates in the world. Finally, this innovative relational framework designed to solve future complex crisis derived from labour accidents in LDC, accumulating Trust and Social Capital, concludes using its most immediate practical outcome: the Bangladesh Welfare Act (2006).

類別相似性線索對於社會排斥後續反應之影響 / Categorical Similarity Cues from the Possible Future Affiliated People Elicit Different Reactions after Social Exclusion.

洪嘉欣, Hong, Jia Sin Unknown Date (has links)
過往研究指出當個體受到社會排斥威脅後,可能產生兩種相反的行為,一者是具攻擊性的行為,而另一者則是希冀與其他人連結之親和傾向。本研究提出社會排斥之兩階段模式,認為當個體受到排斥威脅時,會同時有兩種不同的行為反應,一個是『避免傷害』,當此反應被激發時,被排斥個體會展現出『戰或逃』的行為傾向;而另一個反應則為『尋求歸屬』,在此反應被激發時,被排斥個體則會展現出『親近與示好』的行為傾向。而個體會出現何種反應,端視其之後互動的對象本身的屬性而定。若後續互動對象與先前排斥者間具有高相似性,此拒絕相似線索會引發個體展現出較高的戰或逃行為。相對的,若是後續互動對象所具有的特性與其自身之特性具有高相似性,亦即具有接納相似線索時,個體則會出現較多的示好行為。而這種隨著後續屬性,個體會出現不同反應歷程的假設在已完成的四個實驗中獲得初步的驗證。 實驗一(83名實驗參與者)採取2 (社會排斥:有、無) × 5 (類別相似線索:高拒絕線索vs.中拒絕線索 vs.高接納線索 vs.中接納線索 vs. 中性線索)之混合設計,結果發現受社會排斥威脅者會有較高意願加入帶有高可能接受線索之團體、較不願意加入帶有高拒絕線索之團體。實驗二(47名實驗參與者)採取閾下觸發來操弄社會排斥威脅,顯示社會排斥的確會讓人加速處理那些與拒絕者與可能接受者相關之訊息。而實驗三(74名實驗參與者)重複驗證了實驗一之發現,並且發現受社會排斥威脅之參與者在反應時間上會較快決定拒絕帶有高拒絕線索之團體,也會較快決定加入帶有高接納線索的團體(兩者皆對比於對中性線索團體之決策反應時間)。 實驗四(75名實驗參與者)則採取2 (社會排斥:有、無) × 2 (認知負荷:高、低) × 3 (類別相似線索:高拒絕線索vs.高接納線索vs. 中性線索)之混合設計,並發現當被社會排斥者處於高認知負荷狀態時,他們雖然還是能使用拒絕線索來選擇團體,但卻不會使用接受線索,顯示拒絕相似性線索為較為優先之線索。 實驗五A(67名實驗參與者)則採取2 (社會排斥:有、無) × 2 (性格回饋:有、無) × 4 (類別相似線索:拒絕線索對象vs.接納線索對象vs. 中性線索對象vs.原拒絕者)之混合設計,並發現當被給予性格回饋之後,受社會排斥威脅者會對於帶有接納線索的對象有較高的評價。而實驗五B(31名實驗參與者)採取2 (社會排斥:有、無) × 4 (類別相似線索:拒絕線索對象vs.接納線索對象vs. 中性線索對象vs.原拒絕者)之混合設計,發現受到社會排斥威脅者會對於帶有拒絕線索的對象及原拒絕者都會有較低的評價。 而實驗六與七則認為當個體對於相似性線索的認知被去、再類別化作業改變時,個體的反應也應隨之改變。實驗六採取(51名實驗參與者)則採取3 (社會排斥組別:社會排斥一般作業組、社會排斥再類別化組、控制組) × 4 (類別相似線索:拒絕線索對象vs.接納線索對象vs. 中性線索對象vs.原拒絕者)之混合設計,並發現當受到社會排斥者完成再類別化作業後,比起完成一般作業的參與者,他們對於原先帶有拒絕線索對象的評價會提升,而他們亦會提升對於原拒絕者的評價,顯示再類別化作業可以讓受威脅者感知到互動對象跟自己可以共屬另一個有意義之團體、自己與互動對象是相連結的,因而提升對這些對象之評價。 實驗七採取(46名實驗參與者)則採取3 (社會排斥組別:社會排斥一般作業組、社會排斥去類別化組、控制組) × 4 (類別相似線索:拒絕線索對象vs.接納線索對象vs. 中性線索對象vs.原拒絕者)之混合設計,並發現去類別化作業可以削弱類別相似性線索,因此使得受排斥者降低對原先帶有接納線索之對象的評價,亦會提升原先帶有拒絕線索對象之評價。換言之,由於去類別化作用會降低被威脅個體與互動對象的連結感,亦即他們對於互動對象與自己的相似性知覺會降低,個體因而降低對此類對象之評價;另一方面,去類別化作用也會降低帶有拒絕線索對象以及原拒絕者的相似性知覺,因而提升對於此類對象之評價。 綜合以上所述,本研究以一系列之研究來檢驗:個體受到社會排斥後,後續互動對象身上之類別相似性線索如何影響受威脅者之反應傾向。實驗一至五發現,當個體被社會排斥之後,他們對於那些帶有拒絕線索的個體會展現出戰或逃的行為傾向,並對帶有接納線索的個體展現親近與示好之行為,而拒絕相似性線索較為優先。而實驗六及七分別使用『再類別化』及『去類別化』兩種作業來改變類別相似性線索,來改變受社會排斥威脅者對於接納線索的知覺使其後續行為隨之改變。 / Previous research shows that social exclusion may cause either fight-or-flight behavior toward innocent people or a substantial increase in affiliation behavior. A two-stage model is proposed to explain people’s reactions after experiencing social exclusion. For these threatened individuals, groups that resemble their rejecter would provoke a defensive attitude and hostile behaviors. These individuals also show hospitality to those groups that resemble themselves to gain inclusion. The former process is more primary than the other. Experiment 1 (83 participants) and 3 (74 participants) used a scenario story to manipulate social exclusion. Groups with different categorical cues categorical similarity cues were provided. The results suggested that people after experiencing social exclusion tended to reject groups that resemble to previous rejecter. By contrast, groups that fit the characteristics of the target person were much preferred and received more resources. The second experiment (47 participants) used subliming priming to manipulate social exclusion. Main dependent measure was the decision time of lexical decision task. As predicted, compared to participants in control condition (all priming words in random order), those in social exclusion condition (being primed with rejection-softball and inclusion-enjoy-learning) processed rejection associated words (related to the reject group) and acceptance associated words (related to the perspective group) significantly faster than no association words. Experiment 4 (75 participants) used a 2 (social exclusion vs. control condition) x 2 (cognitive load: heavy vs. light) x 3 (categorical similarity cues: high rejective cue, high perspective cue, irrelevant cue) mixed-design. The results indicated that the excluded participants who had a heavy cognitive load could only avoid groups that resemble the previous rejecter and showed no preference for groups that might be suitable for them. To defend is the primary process. From experiment 5A to experiment 7, cyberostracism was employed to manipulate social exclusion. Experiment 5A (67 participants) used a 2 (social exclusion: social exclusion condition vs. control condition) x 2 (personality feedback: feedback vs. no feedback) x 4 (categorical similarity cues: rejective cue, perspective cue, irrelevant cue, rejecter) mixed-design. It was found that only those who with perspective cue could receive better evaluation from excluded participants. Experiment 5B suggested that excluded participants would evaluate people with rejective cues worse than those who in control group. The experiment 6 and 7 used decategorization and recategorization task to change the perceptions of categorical similarity cues. Experiment 6 (51 participants) showed that recategorization task could weaken the effect of the rejective cue and thus excluded participants would give better evaluation to people with rejective cue than participants in social exclusion only condition. Experiment 7 (46 participants) suggested that decategorization task might weaken the effect of perspective cue and therefore the evaluation tended to decrease for people with perspective cue. Eight experiments provided convergent evidence to this study to suggest that categorical similarity cues of possible affiliated people could elicit different reactions from excluded people.

Socialinės atskirties asmenų integracijos problemos / The integration problems of persons of social separation

Šlepas, Artūras 09 August 2012 (has links)
Darbo aktualumas. Šiuolaikiniame, nuolat besikeičiančiame pasaulyje sunku vienareikšmiškai atsakyti, kas lemia gyventojų socialinę atskirtį. Jau kurį laiką mokslo visuomenė, sociologai bei analitikai vis daugiau dėmesio skiria socialinės atskirties tyrimams bei socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracijos problemų analizei. Pastebėtina, jog socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracijos problemų pažinimas bei jų sprendimo paieškos sudaro sąlygas socialiai atskirtiems asmenims geriau suprasti jų problemas ir mokėti jas spręsti. Šiai problemai išryškinti bei nagrinėti ir bus skirtas magistro baigiamasis darbas. Darbo objektas yra socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracija. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracijos problemas bei pateikti jų sprendimo priemones ir galimybes. Darbo tikslas yra detalizuojamas uždaviniais, lėmusiais tokią darbo struktūrą: visų pirma teoriškai pagrįstos socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracijos prielaidos; po to darbe pristatomi atliktų tyrimų rezultatai ir pateikiama jų interpretacija; galiausiai sukuriamas teorinis socialiai atskirtų asmenų integracijos problemų sprendimo modelis. Darbo metodika, padėjusi išspręsti minėtus uždavinius, susideda iš mokslinės literatūros analizės (teorinės analizės ir apibendrinimo metodas), empirinio tyrimo (kokybinio ir kiekybinio tyrimų), hipotetinės dedukcinės paradigmos metodo bei tyrimo rezultatų statistinės analizės metodų. Pirmoje darbo dalyje buvo išnagrinėta teorinė socialinės atskirties samprata ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Work urgency. In today's constantly changing world, it is difficult to clearly answer what determines the social exclusion of population. For some time the scientific community, sociologists and analysts are increasingly focusing on analysis of social exclusion and of the problems of persons' social integration. It should be noted that the knowledge and solving of integration problems of socially excluded people to enable marginalized people to better understand their problems and know how to solve them. On the decision of the problem this final work was directed. Integration of socially excluded people is object of the work. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the integration problems of socially excluded people and provide tools and opportunities for their solutions. The purpose of the work is detailed in tasks determining its following structure: first, the assumptions of the integration of socially excluded people were theoretically based; then the researches were organized and presented; eventually the theoretical model of solving integration problems of socially excluded people was created. Methodology of the work, which has helped to solve the above mentioned tasks, consists of the following methods: analysis of scientific literature (theoretical analyse and generalisation methods), empirical research, method of a hypothetical deductive paradigm and statistical analysis. In the first part of this work theoretical concept of social exclusion was analyzed and... [to full text]

Les licenciements collectifs au Québec : portée et efficacité de la règle de droit

Bergeron, Philippe 11 1900 (has links)
Au cours des dernières années, le Québec fut durement touché par des vagues massives de licenciements collectifs. Après l’industrie du textile et du vêtement, c’est maintenant au tour de l’industrie forestière de subir, de plein fouet, les contrecoups d’une économie en pleine mutation. Les résultats des entrevues réalisées au printemps 2008, auprès des travailleurs de la Louisiana-Pacific de Saint-Michel-des-Saints, attestent de l’incapacité des dispositions sur le licenciement collectif à prendre adéquatement en charge les travailleurs victimes de ces fermetures d’usines. Pour évaluer le degré d’efficacité des dispositions sur le licenciement collectif, nous partons d’une étude empirique visant le processus de restructuration d’une grande entreprise papetière, qui conduit à la fermeture de son usine de traitement du bois à St-Michel-des-Saints. Des entretiens conduits auprès des travailleurs, des acteurs locaux comme des dirigeants du syndicat et de la communauté locale, et d’autres acteurs syndicaux et gouvernementaux permettent de reconstruire les étapes conduisant aux licenciements collectifs et à leur suite. Seule la mobilisation syndicale (blocus de l’usine) a permis de bonifier les faibles mesures palliatives prévues initialement par la loi. Cette mobilisation n’a toutefois pas empêché de constater des effets négatifs marqués (appauvrissement, sentiment d’exclusion, tensions familiales, etc.) chez les travailleurs victimes de ce licenciement massif. / In recent years, Québec has severely been hit by massive waves of group terminations. After the textile and clothing industry, the forest industry is now facing the after-effects of a changing economy. The interviews obtained in spring 2008 with the Louisiana–Pacific workers in Saint-Michel-des–Saints, show that the provisions on group termination do not take appropriate measures for workers who are victims of such closing down industries. To evaluate the efficiency of group termination provisions, we have undertaken an empirical study on the operational improvement and downsizing process of a large paper company that have lead to the permanent closure of the treated lumber plant in Saint-Michel-des-Saints. Discussions with workers and local actors such as the union leaders and members of the community, other union and government leaders have helped us rebuild the steps leading to these group terminations and to the follow–up. It is only through mobilization called by the union (with a plant blockade) that gains were made in the small dismissal measures initially provided by the regulation. This mobilization, however, did not prevent other important negative effects such as impoverishment, feelings of exclusion and family tensions on workers who have had to live through this group termination of employment.

AKM diegimo galimybės mažinant socialinę atskirtį Lietuvoje / The possibilities of omc in decreasing social exclusion: the case of lithuania

Jančiukaitė, Edita 23 June 2014 (has links)
AKM DIEGIMO GALIMYBĖS MAŽINANT SOCIALINĘ ATSKIRTĮ LIETUVOJE SANTRAUKA Lietuvos viešoji politika, skirta socialinei atskirčiai mažinti, yra neefektyvi. Žemą Lietuvos socialinės politikos efektyvumą įtakoja nedideli finansiniai ištekliai, kuriuos LR Vyriausybė skiria socialinės politikos įgyvendinimui. Taip pat šios politikos neefektyvumą patvirtina savivaldybių socialinės veiklos statistinių rodiklių analizė. Remiantis šia analize patvirtinama, kad egzistuoja ryškūs skirtumai tarp savivaldybių, jų vykdoma socialinė politika yra deharmonizuota, vykdoma nekryptingai. Socialinės politikos efektyvumą mažina ir tai, kad Lietuvoje reglamentuota socialinių paslaugų vykdymo tvarka įtakoja regioninių skirtumų atsiradimą ir gilėjimą. Remiantis kitų ES šalių patirtimi, socialinės politikos efektyvumą gali pagerinti AKM diegimas. Siekiant mažinti socialinės politikos ydingus požymius, Lietuvoje taikoma AKM principai: geros patirties sklaida, decentralizacija, visų suinteresuotųjų įtraukimas į socialinės politikos procesus ir kt. Remiantis šiuo metodu galima apibendrintai ir tiksliai apžvelgti, efektyviai įvertinti, planuoti ir įgyvendinti valdžios institucijų ir kitų socialinės politikos dalyvių vykdomą socialinę politiką, skatinti valdžios institucijų ir bendruomenės narių bendradarbiavimą sprendžiant socialinės atskirties mažinimo klausimus ir kt. Šie AKM principai taikomi projektuose „Socialinis žemėlapis“ bei „Lietuva be atskirties ir skurdo“ (LabAS). / THE POSSIBILITIES OF OMC IN DECREASING SOCIAL EXCLUSION: THE CASE OF LITHUANIA SUMMARY Lithuanian public policy, intended to decrease social exclusion, is not effective. The effectiveness of social policy is low because Lithuanian Government intends not enough financial reservoir for implementation of social exclusion. Analyses of municipality social work indicators prove that Lithuanian social policy is not effective. This analysis confirms, that exist pronounced differences between municipalities and social policy is disharmonized and implemented in unfocussed way. Effectiveness of social policy is low because the order of pursuing social policy, regulated in Lithuania, influences increase of regional differences. On the strength of EU nation experience, implementation of OMC can improve effectiveness of social policy. On purpose to decrease flawy features of social policy, Lithuania implements principles of OMC, for instance, good practice, decentralization and cooperation of all interested parties in processes of social policy etc. On the strength of OMC, it is possible to rightly review, effectively rate, plan and implement social policy, promote collaboration between governance and community. Following principles of OMC are using in projects “Social map” and “Lithuania without exclusion and poverty” (LabAS).

E.švietimo paslaugos skatinant socialinę raidą Kaišiadorių rajone / E-Education Services in Promoting Social Development in Kaisiadorys District

Rudauskaitė, Auksė 21 March 2006 (has links)
Throughout the Europe, special attention is paid to the development, provision and design of electronical services. Experience of foreign countries proposes that e-education plays a significant role both in social development and the development of country or its regions in economical, cultural and other aspects. Goal of work: to analyze the influence of the provided services of e-education to the social development in the municipal level.

O Servi?o Social e a exclus?o/inclus?o social dos portadores de HIV/AIDS :demandas e desafios nos hospitais p?blicos

Santos, Regina Maria dos 22 July 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ReginaMS.pdf: 409220 bytes, checksum: c6f9646421097c008ad90d4ef3a9d5e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-07-22 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This research presents the labors developed by the Social Service unto socially excluded HIV/Aids positives at public hospitals in Rio Grande do Norte (RN). It purposes to identify and to analyze the demands brought by the holder onto the Social Service professional as well as the challenges the latter face to minister to the former. It privileges, from the methodological viewpoint, the qualitative and quantitative analysis with the application of questionnaires, direct observation, semi-structured interviews and bibliographic references. Data were collected from 12 (twelve) social assistants who work at Giselda Trigueiro Hospital in Natal (7) and Rafael Fernandes Hospital in Mossor? (5). The central hypothesis that guided this study is that the social inclusion/exclusion process experienced by the HIV/Aids positive on society implies a demand for the Social Service that is inserted in the public health context (specially in HIV-referred public hospitals), whose agents, however, when attempting to answer those demands, meet obstacles due to both the precariousness of public health services and the social complexity that concerns the HIV/Aids epidemic. Results point out that, de facto, the HIV/Aids epidemic, because of the social exclusion/inclusion process to which the holder is subject results a demand for the social agents at hospitals. Demands rise principally from the patient s life condition, considering the increasing pauperization in the epidemic context. As to what it is concerned, social assistants, responding to the needs, come across concrete twofold challenges: the illness in itself, for all social, negative aspects that make part of quotidian life of holders; and the precarious state of the public health service in RN State, since that working conditions are unsatisfactory / A pesquisa apresenta o trabalho desenvolvido pelo Servi?o Social com os portadores de HIV/AIDS exclu?dos socialmente, nos hospitais p?blicos do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Objetiva identificar e analisar as demandas postas pelo portador ao profissional do Servi?o Social e os desafios que os mesmos enfrentam para atend?-las. Privilegia, do ponto de vista metodol?gico, a abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, com aplica??o de question?rios, observa??o direta, entrevistas semi-estruturadas e leitura bibliogr?fica. A coleta dos dados foi realizada com doze (12) Assistentes Sociais que trabalham nos Hospitais: Giselda Trigueiro, em Natal (7) e Rafael Fernandes, em Mossor? (5). A hip?tese central que orientou a pesquisa ? que o processo de exclus?o/inclus?o social vivenciado pelo portador de HIV/AIDS na sociedade resulta em demanda profissional para o Servi?o Social inserido na ?rea da sa?de p?blica, especificamente, nos hospitais p?blicos de refer?ncia no atendimento ao portador; e que, ao responder ?s demandas os profissionais enfrentam desafios, em raz?o da precariedade dos servi?os de sa?de e da complexidade social que envolve a epidemia do HIV/AIDS. Os resultados apontam que, de fato, a epidemia do HIV/AIDS, em raz?o do processo de exclus?o/inclus?o social ao qual est? subjugado o portador na sociedade, resulta em demanda para o assistente social nos hospitais. Estas se acentuam principalmente pela condi??o de vida do usu?rio, por causa da crescente pauperiza??o no contexto da epidemia. Nesse sentido, o assistente social, na tentativa de responder a essa demanda, encontram desafios concretos de duas naturezas: a doen?a em si, por todos os aspectos sociais negativos que fazem parte do cotidiano dos portadores; e a situa??o de precariedade em que se encontra o servi?o de sa?de p?blica no Estado do RN, uma vez que as condi??es de trabalho s?o insatisfat?rias

Adolescentes em conflito com a lei: a saga das puni??es na rota da exclus?o social

Nunes, Cl?a Nadja Roseno de Castro 31 August 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CleaNRCN.pdf: 827607 bytes, checksum: 4d9b39b35034e4ec81917ba09894c410 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-08-31 / This work deals with the problematic of the determinations that contribute to become the adolescents involved with law. Thus, in this research, the social exclusion is apprehended as one of the most important determining to understand this problematic, once we defend that it is part of the trajectory of this adolescent's life since its birth as a punishment that starts before they becoming envolved in act's that break the law. It is still questioned the discussion of the reduction of the penal age, viewed aa a proposal that will contribute to perpetuate the repression. The objectives of the research were: analyze the problematic of adolescents in conflict with law, where social exclusion is seen here as a main category. The research also aims to understand the situation towards social exclusion and that this public is undertaken in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, more specifically in Natal. This is dane through analysis of the profile of adolescents that are submitted to the treatment at Centro Integrate de Atendimento ao Adolescente Acusado de Ato Infracional - CIAD in 2005. This is dane on arder to identify of the State's and society's actions towards this issue, how it has prevailed in analyzing if there is punishing or social protection. The research also contributed with discussion towards the non penal reduction of for underage minors. The approach realized if of qualiquantitative nature. The research was realized with 190 male adolescent subjects, age ranging from 12 to 21 that were interns at CIAD in the year of 2005. The research shows that their fundamental rights (education, health, amongst others) are disrespected on a daily basis by the State. The State prioritizes economic issues, making social inequality more profound. The main argument is that this problematic has its main oring in the social exclusion and it is imposed to the adolescents as a punishment before thes have been involved with the law going on top of the social protection. When the adolescent goes from being the victim to executioner, the Statute of Children and Adolescents is questioned by many sectors that defend the reduction of penal minority as a solution to reduce the country's violence. Thus, it was aimed here to discuss arguments that point to non exclusion, discrimination and repression. It is proposed that the State should assume children and adolescents as a priority, implementing what the statute establishes as well as assures related to the fruition of denied rights as a way to prevent their future involvement with violence / O presente trabalho tem como objeto de aten??o a problem?tica das determina??es que contribuem para que os adolescentes entrem conflito com a lei. Neste estudo, a exclus?o social ? apreendida como um dos determinantes mais importantes para entender esta problem?tica uma vez que defendemos que esta faz parte da trajet?ria de vida deste adolescente desde o seu nascimento funcionando como uma puni??o que antecede o seu envolvimento em atos infracionais. Questiona-se ainda a discuss?o da redu??o da maioridade penal vista como uma proposta que contribuir? para a perpetua??o da repress?o. Os objetivos neste trabalho se expressam em: Analisar a problem?tica do adolescente em conflito com a lei, tendo a exclus?o social como um dos principais determinantes; Elucidar a situa??o de exclus?o social a que o adolescente em conflito com a lei est? submetido no Rio Grande do Norte, especificamente em Natal, atrav?s do perfil do adolescente atendido no Centro Integrado de Atendimento ao Adolescente Acusado de Ato Infracional -CIAD no ano de 2005; Identificar se na a??o do Estado e da sociedade diante dessa problem?tica tem prevalecido a puni??o ou a prote??o social; Contribuir com a discuss?o para a n?o redu??o da maioridade penal. Utilizando-se a abordagem qualiquantitativa, a pesquisa realizou-se tendo como sujeitos 190 adolescentes do sexo masculino com idade entre 12 e 21 anos que se encontraram internados, provisoriamente, no CIAD no ano de 2005. Desvenda-se neste trabalho que seus direitos fundamentais (educa??o, sa?de, entre outros) s?o diariamente desrespeitados por um Estado que d? prioridade ao econ?mico, aprofundando assim, cada vez mais as desigualdades sociais. Defende-se que essa problem?tica tem sua raiz principalmente na exclus?o social e ? imposta ao adolescente como uma puni??o que se antecipa ao seu envolvimento com a Lei e se sobrep?e ? prote??o social. Quando este adolescente passa de v?tima a algoz, o Estatuto da Crian?a e do Adolescente ? questionado por diversos setores da sociedade que passam a defender a redu??o da maioridade penal como a solu??o para reduzir a viol?ncia no pa?s. Nesse sentido, busca-se discutir os argumentos que apontem para a n?o exclus?o, discrimina??o e repress?o. Prop?e-se que o Estado deve assumir a crian?a e o adolescente como prioridade, implementando o que estabelece o ECA assegurando, dessa forma, o usufruto de direitos at? ent?o negados a eles como forma de impedir que se envolvam com a viol?ncia, futuramente

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