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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En geografiskt tillgänglig busstrafik? : En GIS-analys om Jönköpings busslinjenät och konsekvenserna vid dålig tillgänglighet i bostadsområden / A geographically accessible bus service? : A GIS analysis of Jönköping's bus network and the consequences of poor accessibility in residential areas

Krusten Thumser, Emil, Westman, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Uppsatsen syftar till att skapa en ökad förståelse för kollektivtrafikens tillgänglighet i Jönköpings stad. Detta görs i förhållande till skapandet av socialt kapital samt att förstå skillnader och konsekvenser för olika socioekonomisk status, för att göra detta gjordes en GIS-analys. Genom individuellt och kollektivt socialt kapital analyseras resultatet där även marxism och TOD ämnar att genomsyra analysen. Resultatet identifierade fem olika områden som ingick i olika socioekonomiska klasser. Studien påvisar hur konsekvenserna av dålig tillgänglighet skiljer sig mellan olika socioekonomiska klasser då detta påverkar bildandet av socialt kapital. Geografisk placering spelar stor roll när socialt kapital ska bildas. I områden med lägre socioekonomisk status, belägna i mindre centrala delar, är risken för social exkludering större och möjligheten till att bilda individuellt socialt kapital sämre. Vid en generellt dålig tillgänglighet i staden minskar möjligheterna till att bygga kollektivt socialt kapital. / The essay aims to increase understanding of accessibility to public transportation in the city of Jönköping. This is done in relation to the creation of social capital and understanding the differences and consequences for different socioeconomic statuses, this was done via a GIS-analysis. The results are analyzed via individual and collective social capital where Marxism and TOD intends to permeate the analysis. The results identified five different areas belonging to various socioeconomic classes. The study demonstrates how the consequences of poor accessibility vary among socioeconomic classes, impacting the formation of social capital. Geographical location plays a significant role in the formation of social capital. Areas with lower socioeconomic status, located in less central parts, face a greater risk of social exclusion and have poorer opportunities to form individual social capital. In a city with generally poor accessibility, the opportunities to build collective social capital decrease

Barnfattigdom : En studie utifrån olika välfärdsaktörers perspektiv i en mindre kommun

Johansson, Jennifer, Spångberg, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to examine how different welfare actors perceive and work with child poverty in Söderhamn. Through a qualitative approach, empirical data was collected from semi-structured interviews with social workers and representatives from voluntary organizations. The empirical data was analyzed through thematic analysis. The theoretical starting points of the study were system theory and theories on social exclusion. The results showed that child poverty is expressed in Söderhamn on individual, group and society level, the children are socio-economically, physically and mentally affected. All informants agreed that there are both structural and local causes of child poverty in Söderhamn: closures of large companies, few jobs, migration of refugees and lack of integration. The challenges of child poverty in Söderhamn were comprehended employment, integration and lack of collaboration with other welfare actors. The opportunities highlighted were free time activities and employment for the parants.

The role of age for the relationship between unemployment and well-being : A comparative study across different welfare state regimes

Rezvani, Arezo January 2023 (has links)
ABSTRACT  Aims:  While the relationship between unemployment and well-being is widely acknowledged, there has been little exploration of its consequences for older workers. It is also less clear whether this relationship differs between welfare states characterized by varying levels of social protection for the unemployed. Thus, the aim is to examine the relationship between unemployment and well- being, considering factors such as age and gender across diverse contexts.  Methods:  Data is utilized from the European Social Survey (ESS), round 9 conducted in 2018, encompassing 25 countries classified into five welfare state regimes (Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, Bismarckian, Southern and Eastern), with 44 577 respondents, aged 16-90. Well-being is measured using the variable "Happy" on a 10-point scale. The analysis includes individual-level factors (employment status, age, gender) and macro-level factors (welfare state regimes). Employment status was main activity in the last 7 days. Linear regression models are employed, with a focus on both the entire population and the unemployed within each welfare regime. The analysis initially compares well-being between the employed and unemployed, followed by a focused analysis on older (55 years or older) unemployed.  Results:  Unemployed individuals in all countries reported lower well-being than those employed. Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon and Bismarckian regimes exhibit a significant negative impact of unemployment on well-being, while Southern and Eastern European states demonstrate more modest impacts. Older unemployed individuals generally indicate higher well-being across all regimes compared to young and middle-age unemployed, although the results lack statistical significance. Gender-based disparities in well-being within the Scandinavian, Anglo-Saxon, and Bismarckian regimes also lack statistical significance, implying an equivalent negative impact of unemployment on both men and women. In contrast, Eastern and Southern regimes exhibit a significant distinction, with higher well-being among unemployed women compared to men. Conclusion:  The negative relationship between unemployment and well-being is consistent across Europe but varies by welfare state regime. Simultaneously, older unemployed individuals report higher well- being, suggesting that younger and middle-aged unemployed individuals may face more significant challenges in navigating the association between unemployment and well-being. This difference may be attributed to the presence of social protection mechanisms within welfare regimes, exerting a positive influence on the well-being of the older demographic, and variations in work culture, such as an earlier retirement age in some countries and lower work norms in others. The non-existent gender differences in the association between unemployment and well- being in the Scandinavian, Bismarckian, and Anglo-Saxon regimes suggest a shared work norm where women should experience similar psychosocial and economic pressures as men when unemployed. Yet, in Eastern and Southern regimes, women exhibit significantly higher well-being than men, which indicate that traditional standard of the man as the main breadwinner is still pervasive in Eastern and Southern regimes. These findings emphasize the influence of contextual factors on the relationship between unemployment and well-being. / SAMMANFATTNING  Syfte:  Även om sambandet mellan arbetslöshet och välbefinnande är allmänt erkänt, har det gjorts lite forskning kring dess konsekvenser för äldre arbetstagare. Det är också mindre tydligt om detta förhållande varierar mellan välfärdsstater som kännetecknas av olika nivåer av socialt skydd för arbetslösa. Således är syftet att undersöka förhållandet mellan arbetslöshet och välbefinnande, med hänsyn till faktorer som ålder och kön i olika sammanhang.  Metod:  Data används från European Social Survey (ESS), omgång 9 genomförd 2018, omfattande 25 länder indelade i fem välfärdstatsregimer (Skandinavisk, Anglo-Saxisk, Bismarckiansk, Södra och Östra Europa), med 44 577 respondenter i åldrarna 16–90. Välbefinnande mäts med variabeln "Lycka" på en 10-gradig skala. Analysen inkluderar individuella faktorer (sysselsättningsstatus, ålder, kön) och makrofaktorer (välfärdsstatsregimer). Sysselsättningsstatus var huvudaktivitet de senaste 7 dagarna. Linjära regressionsmodeller används, med fokus på både hela populationen och de arbetslösa inom varje välfärdsregim. Inledningsvis jämförs välbefinnandet mellan de sysselsatta och arbetslösa, följt av en detaljerad analys av äldre (55 år och äldre) arbetslösa. Resultat:  Arbetslösa i alla länder rapporterade lägre välbefinnande jämfört med de sysselsatta. Skandinaviska, Anglo-Saxiska och Bismarckianska regimerna uppvisar en signifikant negativ påverkan av arbetslöshet på välbefinnandet, medan länderna i Södra och Östra Europa visar mer måttliga effekter. Äldre arbetslösa indikerar generellt sett högre välbefinnande i alla regimer jämfört med unga och medelålders arbetslösa, även om resultaten saknar statistisk signifikans. Könsskillnader i välbefinnande inom Skandinaviska, Anglo-Saxiska och Bismarckianska regimerna saknar också statistisk signifikans, vilket antyder en likvärdig negativ påverkan av arbetslöshet på både män och kvinnor. Å andra sidan uppvisar Södra och Östra regimerna en signifikant skillnad, med högre välbefinnande bland arbetslösa kvinnor jämfört med män. Slutsats:  Det negativa förhållandet mellan arbetslöshet och välbefinnande är konsekvent över hela Europa men varierar mellan välfärdsregimer. Samtidigt rapporterar äldre arbetslösa personer högre välbefinnande, vilket antyder att yngre och medelålders arbetslösa personer kan stå inför större utmaningar när det gäller att hantera konsekvenserna av arbetslöshet. Denna skillnad kan bero på närvaron av socialt skyddsnät inom välfärdsregimerna, vilket har en positiv inverkan på välbefinnandet hos de äldre, samt variationer i arbetskultur, såsom en tidigare pensionsålder i vissa länder och lägre arbetsnorm i andra. De icke existerande könsskillnaderna i förhållandet mellan arbetslöshet och välbefinnande i Skandinaviska, Bismarckianska och Anglo-Saxiska regimerna antyder en gemensam arbetsnorm där kvinnor bör uppleva liknande psykosociala och ekonomiska påfrestningar som män när de är arbetslösa. I motsats till detta uppvisar kvinnor i Östliga och Sydliga regimerna signifikant högre välbefinnande än män, vilket indikerar att den traditionella normen där mannen är huvudförsörjaren fortfarande är utbredd i Östa och Södra regimerna. Dessa resultat betonar betydelsen av kontextuella faktorer för förhållandet mellan arbetslöshet och välbefinnande.

Att älska en kriminell : En kvalitativ studie kring den psykiska och fysiska konsekvensen av att ingå i en relation med en yrkeskriminell

Vidana, Elin, Bari, Syed Naim January 2024 (has links)
Vad är det som gör att kvinnor attraheras av män med kriminella anknytningar, och vad får dessa kvinnor att kvarstå i förhållandet trots att de upplever fysisk och psykiska påfrestningar? Samspelet mellan våld och kärlek är inte ett nytt fenomen, men som kan leda till olika typer av problematik. Teoretiskt sett baseras studien på ett psykologiskt perspektiv och belyser konceptet av stigma, KASAM och PTSD. Vidare  beskrivs dessa teorier baserat på materialet från intervjuerna, där resultaten analyseras utifrån behandlarna som dagligen arbetar och träffar kvinnor med denna typ av utsatthet.  Resultatet visar utifrån behandlarnas möten med kvinnor vikten att skapa en trygg miljö och en känsla av trygghet för att kunna arbeta kring behandling av trauma. Resultaten indikerar att dessa utsatta kvinnor upplever stress och en hög nivå av ångest, detta indikerar att det finns ett behov av att visa stöd utifrån KASAM och empowerment. Behandlarna belyser att psykisk stress inkluderar skuld och skam samt att de påverkar själva förbättrings vägen samt att det leder till återfall, vidare hur det komplicerar vägen till tillfrisknande från trauma. Det är viktigt att uppmärksamma medvetenhet och stöd till de våldsutsatta kvinnor och på så sätt främja en hälsosam tillfrisknande. Studien belyser de motgångar som behandlarna möter i sitt arbete med dessa kvinnor samt vikten av att kunna balansera mellan stöd och respekt för dessa kvinnor som lever i förtryck. / What is it that makes women attracted to a person with criminal connections, and that they stay in the relationship despite experiencing mental and physical stress? The interplay between violence and love is not a new phenomenon, but which can often lead to various types of problems. Theoretically, the study is based on a psychological perspective and highlights the core concepts of stigma, KASAM and PTSD. Furthermore, these theories are discussed based on the interview material, where the results are analyzed based on the work of staff who work daily to meet and treat women in this type of vulnerability. The results show how the participating women and employers working with these types of issues emphasize the importance of creating a safe environment and a strong sense of belonging in order to be able to talk and work towards healing from their traumas. The results indicate that these women experience stress and a high level of anxiety, this indicates that there is an underlining of need to offer support based on KASAM and empowerment. The workers highlighted that psychological stresses includes guilt and shame and the way it interrupts the healing processes and often leading to relapse, furthermore how it complicates the path to recovery from trauma. It is important to raise awareness and support these women, this way it promotes a healthy recovery. The study highlights the challenges that the staff faces, and how important it is to be able to balance between the support and respect for the women living in exposure.

Social Media, Social Exclusion, and Narcissism

Creech, Ryan S. 20 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

When Being Special Ain't So Special: Educator Race and Gender as Predictors of Black and Latino Male Special Education Referrals

Revels-Turner, Courtney c. 26 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Unveiling French Society - A qualitative study on young Muslim women's opinions and experiences regarding the law on religious symbols

Mezey, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Den långa traditionen av sekularitet i Frankrike har ett stort inflytande i den publika sfären och har därmed blivit djupt rotad i den franska identiteten. Den sekulära ideologin har resulterat i en lag som förbjuder religiösa symboler i skolan. Sedan hösten 2004 får muslimska flickor inte längre bära slöja i skolan. Syftet med denna uppsats är att presentera unga muslimska kvinnors uppfattning och syn angående denna nya lag. Uppsatsen strävar efter att förstå hur lagen har påverkat dessa kvinnor. Arbetet betonar också unga muslimska kvinnors föreställning om slöjan såväl som deras erfarenheter av ett sekulärt samhälle. Essän är ett resultat av empiriskt arbete av kvalitativ karaktär byggd på ostrukterade intervjuer med sju muslimska kvinnor. Saids koncept orientalism och Foucaults teori om governmentality är centrala element i analysen. Analysen i sin helhet är baserad på olika begrepp. Arbetet konkluderar en ökning av muslimska kvinnors exkludering som en följd av lagen. Lagen har således fått effekter utanför skolans sfär. Muslimska kvinnor i den här studien är stigmatiserade på grund av deras slöja och lagen har plötsligt legitimerat diskriminering mot dem. / The long tradition of secularism in France has a great influence in the public sphere. It is furthermore deeply ingrained in the French identity. Eventually the secular ideology resulted in a law against religious symbols in school. Since autumn 2004 Muslim girls are not any longer permitted to wear the veil in school. This thesis aims to present the perspective of young Muslim women in France regarding the new law. It seeks to capture how the law has had an influence on these women. Additionally it puts forward young Muslim women´s experiences of a secular society and their understandings of the veil. It is an empirical study of a qualitative character, based on unstructured interviews with seven Muslim women. Said´s notion of orientalism and Foucault´s idea of governmentality are central elements in the analysis. Further, the analysis of the empirical material is structured around a variety of concepts. The paper concludes that the law has contributed to an increased islamophobia in French society. Further, Muslim women are excluded to a greater extent due to the law. Hence the law has been extended beyond the educational sphere. Muslim women in this study are stigmatised due to their veil and the law has suddenly legitimatized discrimination against them.

Surviving social exclusion : Zimbabwean migrants in Johannesburg, South Africa

Hungwe, Chipo 06 1900 (has links)
The thesis analyses forms and levels of social exclusion of Zimbabwean migrants in the South African labour market and society. The research reveals that migrants face social exclusion through unruly practices of public officials and institutional bias. At community and individual level migrants are devalued and stigmatised by the local South Africans and other Zimbabwean migrants. To some extent Zimbabwean migrants participate in their own exclusion as they are divided along regional and ethnic lines. The thesis proposes an analytical framework for understanding the social exclusion of Zimbabwean migrants emphasising on how devaluation of migrant identity narrows the existing structure of opportunity, leading to various coping mechanisms some of which are deviant. The thesis proposes a moral and pragmatic view in understanding the social exclusion of migrants from a cosmopolitan perspective where migrants are citizens of a global world. Using a qualitative methodology the research provides an in-depth analysis of the life histories of fifty eight (58) ‘documented’ and ‘undocumented’ Zimbabwean men and women in Kempton Park and Tembisa. The research was carried out in 2012. Migrants respond to social exclusion by using social capital in the form of family/kinship, ethnic and church networks. Zimbabweans mainly rely on bonding rather than bridging social capital. To a greater extent, migrant networks help them to ‘get by’ and simply survive. The few that have managed to ‘get ahead’, have made use of networks with South African residents and other individuals outside their migrant network systems. These have facilitated acquisition of fake identity documents, jobs and other necessities. Family networks are beginning to repel migrants because of the economic pressures they face leading to the weakening of ties among Zimbabwean migrant family members. / Sociology / D. Litt. et Phil. (Sociology)

一個經濟弱勢兒童學校生活經驗之研究 / A study on the school experience of an economically disadvantaged child

胡慧君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究目的為以「經濟弱勢兒童」為對象、「學校生活經驗」為範疇,試圖「由兒童個體本身」出發,探究經濟弱勢兒童的學校生活經驗(對學校的態度、人際適應、學習適應、常規適應及自我概念情形),期能穿透經驗地了解經濟弱勢兒童的想法與感受,由其立場、角度體察其在教育歷程中的需要,以提供教育工作者及福利政策實務更多來自經濟弱勢兒童本身的觀點。 本研究採「質性研究方法」與「個案研究方法」,以參與觀察為主,訪談與實物蒐集為輔,蒐集一位來自經濟弱勢家庭的國小高年級兒童的學校生活經驗相關資料。分析後依序呈現其在學校生活經驗的諸多面向—對學校的態度、人際適應、學業適應、常規適應及自我概念情形。 來自經濟弱勢家庭的故事主角,透過各種生理、行為及心理上的表現,表達對學校內畏懼事務的無力與恐懼,形成對學校「懼學、拒學」的態度。而長期遲到及未能持續上學,不只影響了她的學習表現,更使其從班級活動中漸漸被排除,尤其當老師視其為特殊分子而以標準外的態度相待,即使是出自善意,卻使弱勢者的處境更形孤立,同儕對其弱勢身分的烙印更加強烈,班級裡的「社會排除」使其由主流分離,面臨了更加邊緣的弱勢處境。然而,老師的愛心關懷、善意協助卻無助改善其學校生活,中產階級與經濟弱勢階級的價值差異及未經理解的企圖改變,致使師生間未能產生實質交流,本故事的主角依然朝氣蓬勃地拒絕上學。而逃避上學的結果則使其在學習上不得輪迴的永處失敗區,儘管在看似絕望的學習態度下,偶仍有學習動機,但面對強大、難以招架的習得無助感,幾乎使她喪失信心,失去勇氣,形成對上學無助又無奈的態度。在常規適應上,安份守己、「不會惹事」是她最引以為豪的事,然而所謂的安份守己、「盡量」不惹事卻也隱含了對同學欺侮和輕蔑態度的忍耐壓抑,及對學校或老師能主持正義或終止欺凌失去信心。此外,長期處於孤單、被排除及習得無助感的打擊,面對學校生活,她也出現抑鬱、自我貶抑的情況。 最後,除了對研究初衷的反省與思考,亦分別對教育實務與後續研究提出若干建議。在教育實務上,除設置「學校社會工作師」協助家庭、教師和學校整合地處理弱勢兒童問題外,亦可減輕教師教學事務負擔,以增進班級導師和經濟弱勢學生的互動品質,而教師亦應試以「轉化型知識份子」的角色,協助經濟弱勢兒童自我增能,並思考如何突破種種結構體制上的限制,創造一個可協助弱勢者「增能」的學習體制。在後續研究上,建議未來相關研究,可在理解之虞,更進一步探究學校場域中,教師和經濟弱勢兒童的師生關係、互動歷程及在互動歷程中如何協助其增能的可行策略,並對經濟弱勢兒童的街頭世界進行認識與理解。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the school experience (including attitude toward school, interpersonal adaptation, academic adaptation, regulation adaptation, and self-concept) of an economically disadvantaged child who is a high-grade elementary school student from a low-income family. Educators and welfare policy makers can refer to this study to better understand the outlook and feelings of children from similar backgrounds. This is a qualitative case study that uses participant observation as the main source of data, complemented by interviews and document analysis. After collecting the relevant information on this economically disadvantaged child, her school experience is presented in accordance with her attitude toward school, interpersonal adaptation, academic adaptation, regulation adaptation and self-concept. The character of this story expresses her powerlessness and fear in school physically, behaviorally and psychologically, and exhibits fear and unwillingness with respect to her studies. She is often tardy and is unable to attend school regularly. This not only affects her academic performance, but also results in that she is tending to be excluded from class activities by classmates, especially when the teacher gives her special treatment. By treating her differently, even if out of goodwill, the teacher is making her situation worse in that her classmates increasingly identify her as belonging to a “minority group”. In a sense, exclusion in the classroom is no different from social exclusion. Though teachers are willing to help, there is still no improvement in her school life. It seems that value differences between the middle class and the economically disadvantaged, as well as attempts to bring about change without fully understanding the circumstances in a student’s life, are not conducive to effective teacher-student communication. She is energetic, yet resists going to school and shows a poor academic performance. Even though she occasionally exhibits motivation for learning, the sense of helplessness she brings from home robs her of confidence in her schooling. In regulation adaptation, she takes pride in abiding by school rules and staying out of trouble. However, this implies that she might be enduring bullying from her classmates and that she lacks confidence in the ability of her teachers and her school to prevent it. Due to the resulting sense of isolation and helplessness, she exhibits depression and self-deprecation in her school life. In addition to a discussion on the original intent of this study, recommendations for educators and for future studies are also offered. In education practice, school social workers can help families, teachers and schools to collectively address the problems that disadvantaged children face. At the same time, we should lighten the burden on teachers and improve relationships between teachers and economically disadvantaged students. Furthermore, teachers should try to be “transformative intellectuals” who can empower these children, by considering methods that can surpass the limitations of contemporary institutions. In future studies, researchers may explore teacher-student relationships, interactive processes between teachers and economically disadvantaged children, as well as feasible strategies that can empower economically disadvantaged children. Another topic for future studies would also be to understand the street life of economically disadvantaged children.

Stand Clear of the Closing Doors, Please: Transit Equity, Social Exclusion, and the New York City Subway

Novick-Finder, Taylor 01 January 2017 (has links)
The history of transportation planning in New York City has created disparities between those who have sufficient access to the public transportation network, and those who face structural barriers to traveling from their home to education, employment, and healthcare opportunities. This thesis analyzes the legacy of discriminatory policy surrounding the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) and city and state governments that have failed to support vital infrastructure improvement projects and service changes to provide multi-modal welfare to New York’s working poor. By exploring issues of transit equity as they pertain to the New York City subway system, this thesis raises the question: which communities lack adequate access to public transit opportunity and what are the policies and historical developments that have created these inequities? Through examination of grassroots community-based movements towards social justice and transportation equity, this thesis will review the proposals, campaigns, and demands that citizen-driven organizations have fought for in New York City. These movements, I argue, are the most effective method to achieve greater transportation justice and intergenerational equity.

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