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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

國際貿易下食品衛生安全措施之同等效力機制研究 / A study on equivalence mechanism of food sanitary measures under international trade

施虹妤 Unknown Date (has links)
在食品貿易全球化的趨勢下,食源性疾病將隨著跨國貿易而擴散,如何在促進貿易的同時亦確保人類食用之安全,即為當今重要之議題。WTO作為涵蓋最多貿易經濟體,並係目前處理國際貿易規則的唯一全球貿易國際組織,對於食品安全與貿易議題,在SPS協定第4條訂有「同等效力」規範作為權衡兩種利益之對策。在國際食品貿易領域下,同等效力係指若進口國對於出口國所採「相異」於進口國本身之SPS措施,如出口國之SPS措施達到與進口國國內「相同」的保護水準,即可認定出口國之措施具備同等效力而承認之,而非要求出口國採用與進口國完全一致之SPS措施。 國際間依據該規範,尤以美國及歐盟為例,實施「輸入前系統性查核機制」,即在食品輸入前先行對出口國之食品安全體系及政府監督措施進行審查,經評估後判定其保護水準與進口國具備同等效力後,該出口國始得出口食品,大幅提升食品安全之保護水準。我國亦順應該趨勢,於民國103年2月11日由衛生福利部公布施行〈輸入食品系統性查核實施辦法〉,將食品安全管制時點從邊境提前至境外。 為瞭解我國規範是否完善,本文將利用比較法的方式,先了解各該國際規範以及美國與歐盟兩大食品貿易國之規範內容,並檢視我國系統性查核機制並提出可能之建議。本文以為,我國已具備同等效力之基本運作架構,惟細部的運作規則、如何判斷同等效力、如何確保後續同等效力之維持,並無明確之規定。故本文建議應先健全我國系統性查核機制之運作及法律機制,以備將來擴大適用。 / With the trend of international trade in food products, foodborne illnesses spread through cross-border trade. Therefore, how to ensure food safety of human consumption while facilitating trade is the most critical issue nowadays. As the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations, the WTO SPS agreement article 4 provides the “equivalence” mechanism as a way to balance the rights between trade and food safety. In the field of international food trade, the equivalence means that SPS measures does not require duplication or sameness of measures between exporting and importing Members, but the acceptance of alternative measures that meet importing Member's appropriate level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection. Based on the provisions governing equivalence mechanism, each state would implement ante systematic audit, via reviewing food safety system and monitoring measures adopted by competent authorities of exporting party before the importation of food products. As long as the importing state makes a positive determination recognizing of the appropriate level of protection has been achieved, the food products from exporting party are eligible to export to the market of importing state. Such mechanism facilitates cross-border trade in food products and secures the interests of food safety. With this trend, our government enacted the Regulations for Systematic Inspection of Imported Food in recent years. This thesis tries to review the soundness of current Regulation through comparative analysis with international rules and regulations of the US as well as EU. The conclusion is that our system lacks of the specific rules for operation, determination of equivalence and the assurance of the equivalent persistency. Consequently, our government should set up these core elements before transforming current rules to a more comprehensive mechanism in the future.

Etude de la contribution de la technique spark plasma sintering à l'optimisation des propriétés mécaniques de l'alliage de titane TA6V / Investigation of the contribution of the Dpark Plasma Sintering technique to the mechanical properties optimisation of the TA6V

Kus, Ugras 25 January 2017 (has links)
Les coûts de revient des alliages de titane limitent leurs applications à des domaines de forte valeur ajoutée. La diminution des coûts de mise en forme des pièces tout en maitrisant les microstructures et les propriétés mécaniques est donc un enjeu important. Les procédés de mise en forme issus de la métallurgie des poudres comme le Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) peuvent permettre d'atteindre ces objectifs. Les premiers instants du frittage ont été étudiés selon la compacité initiale du corps granulaire. Lorsque cette dernière est faible, les surfaces des cous entre les granules, mises en évidences par microtomographie, sont plus importantes. Ces observations peuvent être expliquées par le fait que les densités de courant au niveau des points de contacts sont plus importantes quand les surfaces de contacts sont plus faibles. De plus, les densités finales très proches malgré les compacités initiales différentes laissent penser que les mécanismes de frittage en action sont différents. Une modélisation Electro-Thermique et Mécanique par éléments finis a permis de décrire de façon très réaliste la densification du TA6V. La loi de densification du matériau a été paramétrée par le biais de campagnes d'essais en fluage menés dans le SPS ainsi que d'essais de compaction du corps granulaire. Des voies d'amélioration du modèle ont également été proposées. Dans la dernière partie de l'ouvrage, un panel des microstructures obtenues par frittage SPS du TA6V ainsi qu'un transfert d'échelle des échantillons modèles cylindriques de petites tailles vers des formes plus complexes et massives ont été étudiés. De plus, les propriétés mécaniques en traction sur pièces près des cotes ont été caractérisées. Les domaines (température et pressions) d'obtention de microstructures denses, homogènes et répétables ont été identifiés. Le transfert d'échelle révèle que la répétabilité du SPS est validée tant en termes de microstructures que de propriétés mécaniques des pièces densifiées. De plus, les propriétés en traction sont au niveau des matériaux forgés, notamment avec des allongements à rupture de près de 13%. / The cost prices of the titanium alloys limit their applications to strong added value fields. The decrease of the pieces shaping costs while mastering microstructures and mechanical properties is an important issue. Shaping processes from powder metallurgy as Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) can allow to reach these goals. The first moments of the sintering were studied according to the initial compactness of the granular body. When the latter is low, the area of necks between granules, highlighted by microtomography, are bigger. These observations can be explained by the fact that current densities at contact points are higher when the contact areas are lower. Furthermore, the very close final densities in spite of the different initial compactness let think that the mechanisms in action during sintering are different. An electro-thermal and mechanical modelling by finished element allowed to describe in a very realistic way the densification of the TA6V. The densification law of the material was configured by means of creep tests programmes performed dine the SPS chamber as well as of compaction tests of the granular body. Ways of improvement of the model were also proposed. In the last part of the word, a panel of microstructures obtained by SPS of TA6V as well as a scale transfer from the small cylindrical samples towards more massive and complex shapes was studied. Furthermore, the tensile properties of near-net-shape specimens were characterised. Domains (temperature and pressure) of dense, homogeneous and repeatable microstructures obtaining were identified. The scale transfer reveals that the SPS repeatability is both validated in terms of microstructures and mechanical properties of the densified specimens. Furthermore, tensile properties are at the same level as the forged materials, in particular an elongation at break of about 13%.

Identifiering av processmognad i en kundtjänst / Identifying process maturity within a customer service

Blomquist, Olivia January 2019 (has links)
Maturity models can help organizations understand their processes and thereby improve them.  The Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a framework with five index-based levels that describes key elements in an effective software process. By identifying a level of process maturity, the model's guidelines can be followed for improvement in process performance. The aim of the study has been to study the performance of a customer service process and identify its process maturity, in order to find proposals for process improvements. By measuring the current performance with the help of combination of methods the process has been compared with CMM's two first levels. The study is based on the questions (1) How does the process perform today? (2) Which level of maturity in relation to CMM does the process have? and (3) How can the processes maturity be improved? Data has been collected through questionnaires from which the mean values have been compared with the company’s specified goals. Causes of process variation have been studied with the help of regression analyses, employee surveys, interviews with leaders and participatory observations. The performance and maturity of the process has been analysed using CMM's guidelines and the quality tool capability analysis. The study shows (1) that the process varies considerably and that there are assignable causes of variation in the process. The process is not consistent with the target values. The target values ​​have not been updated in recent years and therefore do not match the actual process capability. There are no well-defined routines to manage the process. (2) The Capability Index is estimated to 0.7 which places the process on the first level of CMM. This would indicate that the process is as unstable and uncontrolled. (3) In order to develop from the first level of CMM, process management principles and target values should be implemented. Control parameters should be implemented in the process both from an organizational perspective and as a customer perspective in order to create the conditions for a more stable process. The organization itself should also implement process work, new goals and routines for improvement work in the daily work.

Funções do Comitê Sanitário e Fitossanitário da Organização Mundial do Comércio : o comitê como foro harmonizador e solucionador de conflitos

Bondarczuk, Eduardo Henrique January 2015 (has links)
Após a criação do Acordo Geral Sobre Pautas Aduaneiras e Comércio (GATT) em 1947, as barreiras não tarifárias passaram a ser o principal instrumento utilizado pelos países para a proteção do mercado nacional. Os países que buscavam a liberalização do comércio internacional passaram, então, a buscar soluções a fim de conter tais barreiras. Havia uma dificuldade em identificar quando uma medida que restringia o comércio internacional era uma proteção disfarçada ao comércio de quando ela perseguia fins legítimos como a proteção da saúde humana e animal. Com o advento da Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC), alguns acordos anexos foram assinados que visavam diferenciar essas medidas e proteger a liberdade comercial alcançada nas rodadas do GATT. Entre esses acordos, entrou em vigor o Acordo sobre Barreiras Sanitárias e Fitossanitárias (SPS) que trata de medidas que visam proteger a vida e a saúde humana, animal e vegetal. Esse acordo, apesar de essencial para um país exportador de commodities como o Brasil, recebeu pouca atenção da academia jurídica brasileira. Buscando amenizar essa lacuna, o presente trabalho se propôs a aprofundar o estudo do acordo sob uma perspectiva jurídica. Assim, sua origem, seu escopo de aplicação, seus princípios e características, e sua aplicação no Sistema de Solução de Controvérsias (SSC) da OMC são explanados no primeiro capítulo dessa dissertação O Acordo SPS também estabeleceu a criação do Comitê sobre Barreiras Sanitárias e Fitossanitárias (Comitê SPS) que administra a aplicação e o debate dos temas relacionados ao acordo. E é sobre esse comitê que o segundo capítulo dessa pesquisa se debruça. O objetivo da dissertação é demonstrar e melhor compreender que, apesar do comitê possuir diversas funções, duas são de extrema relevância, a saber, seu papel como harmonizador internacional e como solucionador de conflitos. Na persecução desses objetivos, o comitê conta com diversos instrumentos como as notificações e as preocupações comerciais específicas (PCEs) que são estudadas e detalhadas no presente trabalho. Para desenvolver essa pesquisa, foram realizados levantamentos bibliográficos, documentais e jurisprudenciais junto à OMC e a outras instituições e, a partir dos dados coletados, foi aplicado o método hipotético-dedutivo. Os resultados vieram a comprovar e a limitar o escopo da natureza harmonizadora e solucionadora de conflitos do Comitê SPS, esclarecendo os meandros do trabalho diplomático no seio do comitê. Resta claro que o comitê é um ator essencial e ativo no comércio internacional. / After the creation of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1947, the non-tariff barriers have become the main instrument used by countries to protect their national markets. Countries seeking liberalization of international trade began, then, to seek solutions in order to restrain such barriers. There was a difficulty in identifying when a measure that restricting the international trade was a disguised trade protection from when it pursued legitimate purposes such as the protection of the human and animal health and lives. With the advent of the World Trade Organization (WTO), some attachments agreements were signed in order to differentiate between these measures and to protect the free trade achieved in the GATT rounds. Among these agreements, entered into force the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Barriers (SPS) that deals with measures to protect human, animal and plant health and lives. This agreement, although essential to a commodities exporter such as Brazil, received little attention from the Brazilian legal academia. Seeking to mitigate this gap, this study aimed to further study the agreement in a legal perspective. Thus, its origin, its scope of application, its principles and features, and its application in the WTO Dispute Settlement System (SSC) are explained in the first chapter of this dissertation. The SPS Agreement also established the creation of the Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Barriers (SPS Committee) that manages the application and discussion of issues related to the agreement. Moreover, it is on this committee that the second chapter of this research focuses The purpose of this research is to demonstrate and to understand that, although the committee has several functions, two are of utmost importance, namely its role as international harmonizer and as conflict solver. In pursuing these objectives, the committee uses several instruments such as the notifications and the specific trade concerns (STCs) that are studied and detailed in this paper. To develop this research, bibliographical, documentary and jurisprudential surveys within the data of WTO and other institutions were conducted, and based on the data collected, it was applied the hypothetical-deductive method. The results came to prove and to define the scope of the SPS Committee as an international harmonizer and as a conflict solver, explaining the intricacies of diplomatic work within the committee. Therefore, it is clear that the committee is an essential and active player in international trade.

Transparent YAG and composite ceramic materials in the system Alumina-YAG-Zirconia / YAG transparent et matériaux céramiques composites du système Alumine-Zircone-YAG

Spina, Giulia 15 March 2012 (has links)
Dans cette étude de doctorat, de la poudre de Y3Al5O12 (YAG) a été synthétisé avec plusieurs méthodes: atomisation, synthèse de réaction et co-précipitation. Le procédé de synthèse le plus prometteur, la co-précipitation, a été optimisé pour obtenir une poudre hautement frittable, présentant une phase pure. Le traitement approprié avant frittage, comprenant calcination, efficace dispersion et séchage homogène, a été réalisé. La poudre de YAG a été dispersée avec plusieurs méthodes, avant frittage. Grâce à la technique Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) une évaluation très rapide de l'influence des différents traitements a été réalisée. Il a été constaté que, pour une poudre obtenue avec une telle synthèse, la méthode de dispersion est cruciale afin de obtenir une transparence élevée du materiaux fritté. En raison de l'aptitude au frittage de la poudre, du traitement approprié avant frittage et de la basse température du cycle effectué par SPS, un matériau à grains fins a été obtenu. Des mesures de spectroscopie de photoélectrons (XPS) ont été effectuées sur la poudre de YAG et sur le matériaux fritté, et plusieurs differences ont été mises en évidence. Quelques hypothèses ont été faites pour expliquer les differences observées, et certains preuves supplémentaires pour les vérifier ont été mises en avant. Une poudre composite alumine-zircone-YAG a été synthétisé à partir d'une poudre d'alumine commerciale, qui a été fonctionnalisé avec chlorures de yttrium et de zirconium. Les traitements de pré-frittage appropriées ont été effectués, comprenant une calcination à basse température et une calcination "rapide", pour favoriser la germination des petits cristallites. Deux méthodes de mise en forme, coulage et pressage, ont été réalisées. Il a été constaté que le coulage permet la production de matériaux céramiques beaucoup plus homogènes. Une caractérisation mécanique préliminaire a été effectuée. Une caractérisation spectroscopique des poudres d'alumine-YAG, traités à basse et haute température, a été réalisée. Il a été mis en évidence que l'état d'hydratation des poudres varie avec la fonctionnalisation par les chlorures. La présence de sites Y sur la surface des poudres composites a été mise en évidence par XPS et à partir des spectres infrarouges (spectroscopie infrarouge par transformée de Fourier, FTIR) des échantillons soumis à des différentes pressions de monoxide de carbone (CO). / In this PhD study, Yttrium aluminum garnet (Y3Al5O12, YAG) powder was synthesised with several methods, i.e. spray drying, reaction synthesis and co-precipitation. The most promising synthesis method, i.e. co-precipitation, was optimized to obtain a pure phase, highly sinterable powder. The appropriate pre-sintering processing, i.e. calcination treatment, e fficient dispersion, homogeneous drying, were performed. YAG powder was dispersed with several methods, prior to sintering. Through Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) a very fast assessment of the influence of the various treatments was performed. It was found that, for the synthesised powder, the dispersion method is crucial to obtain a high transparency. Due to the high sinterability of the powder and to the appropriate pre-sintering treatment, a low temperature SPS cycle was performed, and a fine-grained material was obtained. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were performed on YAG powder and on the sintered material, and several di fferences were evidenced. Some hypothesis were made to explain the observed di fferences, and some additional proofs to verify them were put forward. A composite Alumina-YAG-Zirconia powder was synthesized, starting from a commercial alumina powder, which was functionalised with Yttrium and Zirconium chlorides. The appropriate pre-sintering treatments were performed, comprising a low temperature calcination and a "fast" calcination, to favour the germination of small crystallites. Two shaping methods, i.e. slip casting and pressing, were performed. It was found that slip casting allows the production of much more homogeneous ceramic materials. A preliminary mechanical characterization was performed. A spectroscopic characterization of Alumina-YAG powders, heat-treated at low and high temperatures, was performed. It was evidenced that the hydration state of the powders changes with chlorides functionalization. The presence of Y sites on the surface of the composite powders was evidenced by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and from the di fference spectra of powdered samples subjected to various CO pressures.

La Casa nell'Esperienza Migratoria: Significati, Funzioni e Implicazioni Politiche dell'Abitare. / Home in the migratory experience. Meanings, functions and political implications of housing.

CORDINI, MARTA MARGHERITA 20 February 2012 (has links)
Questo studio si occupa di investigare il percorso abitativo degli immigrati, dedicando un’attenzione particolare alla varietà degli elementi che contribuiscono al suo evolversi e alla loro connessione con fenomeni macro, come il mercato abitativo o le politiche abitative. Il fieldwork, un quartiere nel Sud della città di Milano, è stato scelto per due ragioni: da una parte, esso è infatti caratterizzato da una considerevole presenza di popolazione immigrata, dall’altra, tale quartiere, è stato soggetto, nel corso degli ultimi anni a una serie di interventi di recupero urbano e sociale promossi da attori privati e pubblici. Tramite l’utilizzo di diversi strumenti metodologici, le storie di vita, le interviste a testimoni chiave, l’osservazione etnografica e la creazione di mappe, la ricerca mira a cogliere la complessità che caratterizza la dimensione abitativa nell’esperienza migratoria. Esperienze individuali, fenomeni spaziali e politiche sono tutti elementi oggetto di osservazione. L’utilizzo delle mappe, inoltre, costituisce un’innovazione e un esperimento in ambito metodologico. Il complesso della ricerca è volto a suggerire un nuovo approccio all’analisi dei percorsi abitativi, sia da un punto di vista teorico che metodologico. L’analisi finale è dedicata a una riflessione sull’efficacia e i limiti delle politiche per la casa e per l’immigrazione. / This work aims to investigate the housing pathway of migrants, paying attention to the variety of different features from which they are shaped over time and their interaction with structural dimensions, as housing market and policies. Through the use of different methodological instruments, this research tries to gather the complexity concerning the dimension of home in migrants’ experience. The fieldwork, a neighborhood in Southern Milan, has been chosen for two main reasons: in the one hand it is characterized by a considerable presence of migrants at different stages of their migration experience, on the other hand it has been interested by urban renovation programs and social interventions promoted by private and public actors. Individual experiences are thus investigated, alongside with spatial phenomena, policies and interventions. Achieving these different fields of interest implied the utilization of life story interviews, ethnographic observation, key informants interviews and participatory maps. This last technique constitutes a methodological innovation. The purpose is to suggest a new approach in analyzing housing pathway, both from a theoretical and methodological perspective. In addition the research aims to reflect on the efficacy and limits of housing and immigration policies drawing on evidence based data.


BATTILOCCHI, GIAN LUCA 20 February 2012 (has links)
La tesi indaga le condizioni socio-economiche delle famiglie monogenitore, segnatamente quelle con figli minori, assumendo l’ipotesi che l’elevata diffusione della povertà, rilevata in tutta Europa per questa tipologia familiare, sia connessa alla fisionomia dei legami sociali dei nuclei monogenitoriali, e più precisamente ad una ridotta disponibilità di risorse di social support. Il testo si articola in un’ampia ricognizione dei principali contributi teorici in materia di povertà ed esclusione sociale nonché sulla nozione di rete e sulle risorse relazionali degli attori sociali, in un inquadramento statistico e sociologico del fenomeno della monogenitorialità in Italia e in Europa, e, infine, nella presentazione di un approfondimento sul campo, condotto in provincia di Piacenza, sulla presenza e le concrete situazioni di vita dei nuclei monogenitore. La raccolta ed analisi di dati statistici di rilevanza locale, insieme a un ciclo di interviste semi-strutturate a genitori soli, hanno fornito preziosi elementi descrittivi delle condizioni di vita dei nuclei monogenitore, con particolare riferimento alle peculiari caratteristiche delle reti di supporto sociale. Le risultanze dell’indagine sul campo hanno altresì permesso di mettere a fuoco alcuni profili di accentuata vulnerabilità socio-economica, e di identificare alcuni tratti tipici della struttura e del funzionamento delle reti sociali primarie. / This PhD dissertation investigates the socio-economic conditions of lone-parent families, especially of those with minor children, and assumes that the high poverty rate of this type of household, recorded in the whole of Europe, depends on the nature of social ties of lone-parent families, and more precisely on a limited availability of social support resources. The text consists in (1) an extensive survey of the main theoretical studies of poverty and social exclusion, of “social network” and the relational resources of social actors, (2) in a statistical and sociological setting of lone-parenthood phenomenon in Italy and Europe, and (3) in the presentation of a field research carried out in the province of Piacenza about lone-parent families and their real living conditions. The collection and analysis of locally relevant statistical data together with a series of semi-structured interviews with lone parents have provided valuable descriptive elements about the living conditions of lone-parent families with specific reference to the peculiar characteristics of “social support” networks. The results of the field research have also enabled to identify some types of high socio-economic vulnerability and some typical aspects of the structure and the dynamics of primary social networks.

VERSO IL COSMOPOLITISMO. UN'INDAGINE SUI GIOVANI DEL SERVIZIO VOLONTARIO EUROPEO / Towards the cosmopolitanism: an empirical research on young participants in the European Voluntary Service

RIZZO, CATERINA 15 February 2013 (has links)
In tempi recenti il concetto di cosmopolitismo riscuote una certa popolarità nel campo della ricerca sociologica. Dopo diversi anni di riflessione teoretica, gli studi sul cosmopolitismo si focalizzano oggi sulla ricerca empirica. In linea con questa tendenza, il presente lavoro intende osservare un cosmopolitismo “dal basso”, che si manifesta nelle vite delle persone come una forma di apertura globale, nonché come un processo di trasformazione del sé. In particolare, questa tesi si focalizza sul cosmopolitismo come una categoria interpretativa utile a leggere i giovani nell’ambito di un’esperienza interculturale di vita all’estero, quale il Servizio Volontario Europeo. Più nel dettaglio, la ricerca si concentra sul volontariato europeo come ambito d’indagine in cui è possibile osservare nuove forme di appartenenza e di identificazione, oltre all’emergere di nuove pratiche. Attraverso una serie di interviste biografiche realizzate con giovani volontari, infatti, si è potuto constatare come le diverse appartenenze si affianchino a diversi atteggiamenti e rappresentazioni della dimensione locale, nazionale ed europea, in vista di una più ampia apertura al mondo. La ricerca descrive queste appartenenze che formano la base di una cultura ambivalente e cosmopolita così come viene sperimentata dai giovani volontari durante l’esperienza di mobilità internazionale da essi vissuta. Il lavoro mira dunque a chiarire il concetto di cosmopolitismo e propone un percorso di ricerca attraverso cui studiare il fenomeno mettendo in luce la nascita di nuove relazioni sociali, pratiche solidali e processi di trasformazione e di comprensione del sé. / Recently the concept of cosmopolitanism raises a great popularity within the sociological research. After several years of theoretical reflections, nowadays, the cosmopolitanism studies focus on the empirical research. According to this trend, this work observes a cosmopolitanism “from below”, among ordinary people as a form of global openness as well as a process of self-transformation. In particular, this thesis focuses on cosmopolitanism as an interpretative category, useful to read young people within an intercultural experience to spend a certain period of time practicing and living abroad, such as the European Voluntary Service. More in detail, this research studies the European Voluntary Service like a field where it is possible to observe new forms of belonging and identification and new practices. By a number of biographical interviews to young volunteers it has been possible to discover that different belongings go together with different attitudes and representations of the local, the national and the European dimension, towards a global openness. The research describes these attachments, which forms the basis of an ambivalent cosmopolitanism culture as it is experienced by young volunteers during their international experiences. Finally, the work aims to clarify the concept of cosmopolitanism and suggest a way to study this fenomenous by documenting the raise of new social relations, practices, solidarities and process of self-transformation and self-understanding.

Il programma nucleare iraniano: analisi, motivazioni, prospettive

GAIETTA, MICHELE 16 April 2013 (has links)
La tesi si ripropone di dare un contributo allo studio della “questione nucleare iraniana”. Partendo da una meticolosa ricostruzione storica del programma nucleare dell’Iran, si affronta il caso in rapporto alle teorie elaborate dai differenti approcci delle Relazioni internazionali per analizzare la proliferazione di armi nucleari. Oltre a testare e comparare le capacità esplicative di queste teorie, vengono sottolineati alcuni fattori utili a comprendere le motivazioni alla base delle decisioni prese dall’Iran in ambito nucleare. In particolare, la tesi approfondisce il ruolo di variabili attinenti il quadro politico interno all’Iran, che sono state spesso sottovalutate in studi precedenti, a favore di condizionamenti strategici esterni al paese. Variabili che permettono di spiegare la continuità e persistenza degli investimenti iraniani in campo nucleare, pur in un contesto politico-strategico mutevole. Nonostante questo, l’approccio dell’intero lavoro rimane comunque incentrato sulla molteplicità delle dimensioni politiche, strategiche e simboliche che devono essere tenute in considerazione per tentare di comprendere le potenziali ambizioni dell’Iran, nonché l'attuale situazione di stallo e indeterminatezza sulle finalità del programma nucleare di questo paese. Nelle conclusioni vengono infine prospettate ipotesi tecnico-negoziali su cui sviluppare future iniziative diplomatiche e di ricerca. / This thesis aims at giving a contribution to the study of the “Iranian nuclear question”. Starting from a detailed historical reconstruction of the nuclear program of Iran, we address this case in connection with several theoretical approaches to International Relations that try to explain the proliferation of nuclear weapons. This analysis allows us to compare and test the explanatory capabilities of these theories and to focus on some leading factors underlying Iranian nuclear decisions. In particular, we highlight the role of domestic variables, which were underestimated in previous studies on this issue, mainly focused on external strategic constraints. These variables are helpful in explaining the continuity and the persistence of the Teheran’s investment in the nuclear field, notwithstanding the many changes affecting the regional political and strategic framework. Besides this aspect, the approach to the entire thesis continues to be focused on the plurality of dimensions that should be considered in trying to understand the potential ambitions of Iran as well as the current stalemate and uncertainty related to the purposes of the nuclear program of this country. The thesis eventually elaborates some perspectives regarding technical and bargaining hypothesis on which to develop future diplomatic initiatives and researches.


CORRADINI, FRANCESCA 15 June 2015 (has links)
Il lavoro di tesi ha come oggetto di studio gli interventi di collocamento etero-familiare dei minori, in affidamento familiare e in comunità educativa, realizzati dai Servizi sociali in Emilia-Romagna, nel periodo 2008-2012. Sono stati analizzati i dati provenienti dal sistema informativo regionale, relativi ad 8.438 minori. Il lavoro si compone di tre parti: la prima è un’analisi descrittiva delle caratteristiche dei minori del campione e dei diversi interventi effettuati. Nella seconda parte, assumendo la prospettiva della family reunification, si intende osservare l’effettivo percorso dei minori, in termini di miglioramento o di peggioramento delle condizioni di partenza, al di là del rientro in famiglia. Allo scopo sono state create delle tipologie di esito e delle tipologie di processo, attraverso cui definire ciascun percorso. E’ stata quindi effettuata l’analisi descrittiva degli esiti e dei processi presenti all’interno campione. Nell’ultima parte del lavoro, è stata effettuata un’analisi statistica, volta ad individuare correlazioni significative tra le tre variabili rappresentate dalle tipologie di collocamento, dagli esiti e dai processi e le caratteristiche dei minori, le problematiche prevalenti dei minori e le problematiche prevalenti dei nuclei familiari. Le stime effettuate attraverso tabelle a doppia entrata sono state corrette tramite modelli di regressione di probabilità lineare. / The aim of the study is to examine out-of-home placements for children in Child Protection System, both in foster and in residential care, in Emilia-Romagna, in the period 2008-2012. Data are collected by the regional information system and the sample includes 8,438 children. The work consists of three parts: the first is a descriptive analysis of the characteristics of the children and of the different interventions. In the second part, taking the perspective of family reunification, we intend to observe the actual path of the child, in terms of improvement or deterioration of conditions departure, beyond the return to the family. Some types of outcomes and some types of processes have been individuated. It was then performed the descriptive analysis of the outcomes and processes present in the sample. In the last part of the work, it was carried out a statistical analysis in order to identify significant correlations between the three variables represented by the types of placements, the outcomes and the processes and characteristics of the children, the prevalent problems of children and the problems prevailing household. Estimates made through double entry table have been corrected by linear regression models of probability.

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