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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Síntese automática do leiaute de redes de transistores / Automatic layout synthesis of transistor networks

Ziesemer Junior, Adriel Mota January 2014 (has links)
Fluxo de síntese física baseado em standard cells tem sido utilizado na indústria e academia já há um longo período de tempo. Esta técnica é conhecida por ser bastante confiável e previsível uma vez que a mesma biblioteca de células, que foi devidamente validada e caracterizada, pode ser utilizada em diferentes projetos. No entanto, há uma série de otimizações lógicas e elétricas para problemas como: redução do consumo estático, circuitos assíncronos, SEU, NBTI, DFM, etc. que demandam a existência de células inexistentes em bibliotecas tradicionais. O projeto do leiaute destas células é usualmente feito a mão, o que pode dificultar a adoção e desenvolvimento de novas técnicas. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido uma ferramenta para síntese automática do leiaute de redes de transistores chamada ASTRAN. Esta ferramenta suporta geração de células irrestrita quanto ao tipo da rede de transistores, incluindo lógica não-complementar, auxiliando no desenvolvimento de circuitos otimizados com menor área, número de transistores, conexões, contatos e vias. Através da utilização de uma nova metodologia para compactação do leiaute com programação linear mista com inteiros (MILP), foi possível compactar eficientemente as geometrias das células simultaneamente em duas dimensões, além de lidar com regras de projeto condicionais existentes em tecnologias abaixo de 130nm. ASTRAN conseguiu obter ganhos de produtividade uma ordem de grandeza superior ao do projeto exclusivamente manual, necessitando de apenas 12h para gerar células com até 44 transistores. Na comparação com standard cells comerciais - considerado o pior caso uma vez que o ganho estaria justamente em gerar células inexistentes nestas bibliotecas ou então utilizar a ferramenta para obter um leiaute inicial antes de otimizá-lo a mão - o resultado foi bastante próximo, sendo que 71% das células geradas com o ASTRAN apresentaram exatamente a mesma área. / Cell library-based synthesis flows for ASICs is one of the most used methodologies in both industry and academia for design of VLSI. It is known to be very reliable and predictable since the same cell library can be characterised and used in several different designs. However, there is a number of logic and electric optimizations for problems like: leakage reduction, asynchronous circuits, SEU, NBTI, DFM, etc. that demands the development of new cells. These cell layouts are usually designed by hand, which can limit the adoption and development of promising techniques. This work presents the development of a tool for automatic synthesis of transistor networks called ASTRAN. It can generate cell layout with unrestricted cell structure, including non-complementary logic cells, supporting the developing of optimized circuits with smaller number of transistors, connections, contacts and vias. By using a new methodology for simultaneous two-dimensional (2D) layout compaction using mixed integer linear programming (MILP), we were able to support most of the conditional design rules that applies to technology nodes bellow 130nm, while producing as result dense cell layouts. We demonstrate that ASTRAN can generate layouts with a very smal area overhead compared to commercial standard-cells and can improve productivity in one order of magnitude when compared to the manual design of the cells. Gates containing up to 44 transistors were generated in less than 12h of run-time.

Síntese automática do leiaute de redes de transistores / Automatic layout synthesis of transistor networks

Ziesemer Junior, Adriel Mota January 2014 (has links)
Fluxo de síntese física baseado em standard cells tem sido utilizado na indústria e academia já há um longo período de tempo. Esta técnica é conhecida por ser bastante confiável e previsível uma vez que a mesma biblioteca de células, que foi devidamente validada e caracterizada, pode ser utilizada em diferentes projetos. No entanto, há uma série de otimizações lógicas e elétricas para problemas como: redução do consumo estático, circuitos assíncronos, SEU, NBTI, DFM, etc. que demandam a existência de células inexistentes em bibliotecas tradicionais. O projeto do leiaute destas células é usualmente feito a mão, o que pode dificultar a adoção e desenvolvimento de novas técnicas. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido uma ferramenta para síntese automática do leiaute de redes de transistores chamada ASTRAN. Esta ferramenta suporta geração de células irrestrita quanto ao tipo da rede de transistores, incluindo lógica não-complementar, auxiliando no desenvolvimento de circuitos otimizados com menor área, número de transistores, conexões, contatos e vias. Através da utilização de uma nova metodologia para compactação do leiaute com programação linear mista com inteiros (MILP), foi possível compactar eficientemente as geometrias das células simultaneamente em duas dimensões, além de lidar com regras de projeto condicionais existentes em tecnologias abaixo de 130nm. ASTRAN conseguiu obter ganhos de produtividade uma ordem de grandeza superior ao do projeto exclusivamente manual, necessitando de apenas 12h para gerar células com até 44 transistores. Na comparação com standard cells comerciais - considerado o pior caso uma vez que o ganho estaria justamente em gerar células inexistentes nestas bibliotecas ou então utilizar a ferramenta para obter um leiaute inicial antes de otimizá-lo a mão - o resultado foi bastante próximo, sendo que 71% das células geradas com o ASTRAN apresentaram exatamente a mesma área. / Cell library-based synthesis flows for ASICs is one of the most used methodologies in both industry and academia for design of VLSI. It is known to be very reliable and predictable since the same cell library can be characterised and used in several different designs. However, there is a number of logic and electric optimizations for problems like: leakage reduction, asynchronous circuits, SEU, NBTI, DFM, etc. that demands the development of new cells. These cell layouts are usually designed by hand, which can limit the adoption and development of promising techniques. This work presents the development of a tool for automatic synthesis of transistor networks called ASTRAN. It can generate cell layout with unrestricted cell structure, including non-complementary logic cells, supporting the developing of optimized circuits with smaller number of transistors, connections, contacts and vias. By using a new methodology for simultaneous two-dimensional (2D) layout compaction using mixed integer linear programming (MILP), we were able to support most of the conditional design rules that applies to technology nodes bellow 130nm, while producing as result dense cell layouts. We demonstrate that ASTRAN can generate layouts with a very smal area overhead compared to commercial standard-cells and can improve productivity in one order of magnitude when compared to the manual design of the cells. Gates containing up to 44 transistors were generated in less than 12h of run-time.

Studium autenticity koření a kořenících přípravků / Study of the authenticity of spices and condiments

Štursa, Václav January 2021 (has links)
This disertation deals with geographical authentification of different types of spices and spice preparations. Investigated spice species were garlic (Allium sativum), ground pepper (Capsicum anuum), and dried carrot (Daucus carota). Theoretical part of the disertation describes main qualitative parameters of the examined species and production technology, means of food adulteration and statistic methods used in chemometrics. The aim of this dissertation was to verify the hypothesis whether it is possible to use targeted analytical techniques commonly used in quality control of spices and condiments, and statistical processing of measured data to distinguish samples of spices and condiments of different geographical origin. The use of non-targeted analysis was also investigated. Samples of garlic and ground pepper were used for targeted analysis. The examined parameters were dry matter and moisture of the sample, ash content, total phenolic content according to Folin-Ciocaulteu, carbohydrate content, alliin concentration, total nitrogen content, total color pigment (ASTA), pH of aqueous extract, total fat content, and concentration of selected elements (Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Mg, Na, P, Zn). The instrumental techniques used were molecular absorption spectrometry, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry and high performance liquid chromatography. The obtained data were statistically processed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and principal component analysis (PCA). Using statistical analysis significant differences between samples that came from more distant areas were found. However, samples from closer areas could not be distinguished. The researched hypothesis could not be unequivocally confirmed or refuted. Metabolic fingerprint of carrot samples was determined using non-targeted analysis. Metabolic analysis was performed using the tandem LC-TOF-MS technique. The data were processed by recursive peak extraction (BRE) and subsequently uvaluated with PCA. The samples were divided into clusters according to their origin. Targeted and non-targeted techniques have great potential in verifying the geographical authenticity of different types of spices. However, the main condition is consistent and sufficient sampling, guaranteed information on the origin of the sample and obtaining a sufficient amount of input data for statistical analysis.

Öko-Heil- und Gewürzpflanzen - Ökologischer Anbau von Heil- und Gewürzpflanzen – anbautechnische Untersuchungen zur Verbesserung der Vermarktung - Abschlussbericht

Röhricht, Christian, Köhler, Annegret 13 May 2008 (has links)
Ertrag und Produktqualität sind entscheidende Größen, um die Vermarktung und Erlöse im ökologischen Heil- und Gewürzpflanzenanbau zu verbessern. Ein hoher Gehalt an Wert gebenden Inhaltsstoffen, geringe Anteile an Beimengungen (Schmutz, Fremdbestandteile), Rückstandsfreiheit an Pflanzenschutzmitteln, niedrige Gehalte an toxischen Schwermetallen und Nitrat sind dabei wichtige Qualitätskriterien, die durch anbautechnische Maßnahmen beeinflussbar sind. Hier sollen für wichtige Heil- und Gewürzpflanzen praxisrelevante Ergebnisse vorgelegt und Anbauempfehlungen abgeleitet werden. Die Analyse der Anbau-, Verarbeitungs- und Vermarktungsstrukturen in Sachsen trägt darüber hinaus dazu bei, dass sich die Marktakteure auf diesem Sektor hinsichtlich ihres Angebotsprofils und der Anbau- und Verarbeitungsmöglichkeiten intensiver kennen lernen und neue Wirtschaftskontakte knüpfen können.

Barriers in Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management : Case Study on Synthite Industries Pvt Ltd, India

JOY, EDWIN, VIJAYAN, ARCHANA January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Análisis y comprobación del comportamiento de los transistores de efecto de campo sensibles a iones respecto a los MOSFETS

Prado Saldaña, Víctor Zacarías 09 May 2011 (has links)
El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar y comprobar el comportamiento de los ISFETs respecto a los MOSFETs. Para lograr lo anterior se utilizarán técnicas modernas de simulación y ensayos en laboratorio; de esta forma se podrá observar las similitudes y diferencias de comportamiento, y dependencias entre las variaciones tales como corriente de drenador respecto a variaciones del voltaje umbral. Además, esta comprobación se realizará considerando los valores de los parámetros de fabricación que ha generado el fabricante de los ISFETs y asumiendo valores intrínsecos de este dispositivo y siempre observando lo que sucede con los MOSFETs en situaciones similares.

Requirements Engineering Process according to Automotive Standards in a Model-driven Framework

Adedjouma, Morayo 12 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'industrie automobile des systèmes embarqués critiques est confrontée de nos jours à une complexité croissante, tandis que les coûts, les performances en termes d'intelligence, les caractéristiques, les capacités et les délais de commercialisation de leurs produits sont constamment remises en question. Face à cela, l'objectif principal pour les constructeurs et fournisseurs automobiles devient désormais de contrôler la qualité et la fiabilité des systèmes mécatroniques et embarqués. L'existence de normes internationales comme le HIS Automotive SPICE et l'ISO26262 est une contrainte supplémentaire qu'ils doivent prendre en compte s'ils veulent atteindre cet objectif. De plus, assurer la bonne gestion de la sécurité et la qualité du produit ne suffit pas: il est essentiel de veiller à ce que nous produisons un système qui n'est pas seulement sécuritaire et bien, mais aussi que nous produisons le bon système. Cela induit donc une plus grande prise en compte des exigences.Dans cette thèse, nous traitons le challenge du développement des systèmes embarqués automobiles suivant l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles (IDM) qui répondent aux exigences des utilisateurs et des standards du domaine et qui permettent de maîtriser davantage la qualité des produits développés. Le problème à résoudre a été abordé sur plusieurs phases qui sont ensuite utilisés conjointement. En premier, nous définissons un métamodèle fusionnant les approches orienté qualité produit et qualité processus selon respectivement les normes ISO26262 et SPICE. Puis, dans un but de certification, nous proposons une méthodologie générique basée sur ce métamodèle commun où une évaluation du processus de développement induite par l'HIS standard ainsi qu'une évaluation de la sécurité fonctionnelle induite par l'ISO2626 sont simultanément effectuées. Ce résultat est traduit au travers de la définition d'un framework outillé où nous appliquons la méthode d'évaluation propre au standard SPICE. En deuxième phase, nous définissons un métamodèle pour gérer les actifs de sécurité concernant ces normes automobiles au niveau produit. Ce métamodèle définit comment capturer les exigences et l'architecture d'un système de telle manière qu'ils puissent être traçables entre eux et également traçables depuis des documents de spécifications d'origine. Enfin, une approche à base de modèle où l'interaction des modèles de processus et le produit est géré afin de répondre aux besoins identifiés dans la première phase est développé pour soutenir la gestion de projet. L'approche utilise la modélisation des processus et leur mesure pour améliorer le contrôle et le suivi de projet et de réduire par la même les coûts et les fréquences de replanification.Les avantages de la contribution sont démontrés sur une application pilote automobile, validant ainsi le travail de recherche au vue des faiblesses identifiées préalablement dans le contexte.

LLC Resonant Current Doubler Converter

Chen, Haoning (William) January 2013 (has links)
The telecommunications market is one of the large rapidly growing fields in today’s power supply industry due to the increasing demand for telecom distributed power supply (DPS) systems. The half-bridge LLC (Inductor-Inductor-Capacitor) resonant converter is currently the most attractive topology for the design and implementation of 24V/48V DC telecom power converters. The current doubler rectifier (CDR) converter topology was invented and described in the early 1950s which can offer the unique characteristic of halving the output voltage while doubling the output current compared to a standard rectifier. In this thesis, the current doubler converter topology with its unique characteristic is evaluated as a complementary solution to improve the LLC resonant converter performance, especially for the low output voltage and high output current telecommunication applications. A novel half-bridge LLC resonant current doubler converter (LLC-CDR) is proposed in this thesis which can offer several performance benefits compared to conventional LLC-standard rectifier design . The unique characteristics of the LLC-CDR topology can offer significant improvements by transformation of a 48V converter into a 24V converter with the same power density. This thesis introduces a new SPICE-based simulation model to analyse the operation of this novel LLC-CDR converter circuit design. This model can be used to define the critical component parameters for the LLC -CDR circuit output inductor values. It can also be used to predict the circuit overall performance under different load conditions. Both time-domain based transient simulation analysis and frequency-domain based AC analysis provided by this simulation model showed favourable results in comparison to bench measurement results on a prototype. The model provides a valuable insight to reveal some of the unique characteristics of this LLC -CDR topology. It demonstrates a proof of concept that the conventional LLC resonant converter can be easily redesigned for low voltage, high current applications by using the LLC-CDR topology without requiring a new design for the LLC resonant stage components and the power transformer. A new magnetic integration solution was proposed to significantly improve the overall performance in the LLC-CDR topology that had not been published before. The LLC-CDR converter hardware prototypes with two output inductors coupled and uncoupled configurations were extensively modelled, constructed and bench tested.Test results demonstrated the suitability of an integrated coupled inductors design for the novel LLC-CDR converter application. The integrated coupled inductors design can significantly improve the LLC-CDR converter frequency-domain based AC simulation analysis results. In addition, these results also illustrate the potential benefit of how the magnetic integration design in general could reduce the magnetic component size, cost, and weight compared to the uncoupled inductors design. Finally, a hardware prototype circuit was constructed based on a commercial 1800 W single phase telecom power converter to verify the operation of this novel half bridge LLC-CDR topology. The converter prototype successfully operated at both no load and full load conditions with the nominal output voltage halved from 48VDC to 24VDC, and doubled the output current to match the same output power density. It also demonstrates that the efficiency of this novel half bridge LLC –CDR is 92% compares to 90% of EATON’s commercial 24VDC LLC resonant converter, which can fulfill the research goals.

張仲景運用桂枝的劑量及配伍變化規律研究 = Research on the discipline of guizhi and its combination quantity variation utilized by Zhang Zhong-jing

李宇銘, 01 January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Avaliação sensorial e de atividade antibacteriana de diferentes condimentos vegetais em preparação alimentar com frango cozido.

Rodrigues, Felícia January 2009 (has links)
A partir da atividade antibacteriana in vitro, predeterminada em doze plantas com indicativo etnográfico condimentar, testou-se este atributo in loco no modelo caldo com frango cozido. Primeiramente, procedeu-se ao treinamento de 10 avaliadores, segundo a legislação vigente quanto ao Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido, oportunizando conhecimentos prévios sobre as plantas: salsa (Petroselinum sativum), manjerona branca (Origanum X aplii), manjerona preta (Origanum majorana), manjericão (Ocimum basilicum), sálvia (Salvia officinalis), tomilho (Thymus vulgaris), anis verde (Ocimum selloi), alfavaca (Ocimum gratissimum), alho nirá (Allium tuberosum), alho poró (Allium porrum), cúrcuma (Curcuma longa) e pimenta dedode- moça (Capsicum baccatum). Realizou-se, através da adição individualizada desses condimentos ao caldo com frango cozido, um Teste de Aceitação tipo escala hedônica, selecionando, dentre os doze condimentos, quatro deles que se destacaram sensorialmente, quais sejam: pimenta dedo-de-moça, alho nirá, alho poró e tomilho. Foi feito, então, um Teste de Aceitação de quantidades denominadas pequena, média e grande destes quatro condimentos, para determinação de sua intensidade sensorialmente melhor aceita. As quantidades eleitas (0,5 g de pimenta dedo-de-moça, 15 g de alho nirá, 15 g de alho poró e 5 g de tomilho) foram acrescidas ao caldo com frango cozido, sendo estes desafiados frente a Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229) a 10 UFC/ml, tendo como grupo-controle o caldo com frango cozido sem condimentos. O crescimento bacteriano foi aferido a cada duas horas após a inoculação, até às 24 horas de confronto, utilizando-se meio seletivo para coliformes termoresistentes e incubação constante a 25ºC em DBO, sendo atribuídos valores arbitrários às variações logarítmicas de crescimento. Comparados ao controle, todos os tratamentos condimentados apresentaram, individualmente, atividade antibacteriana significativa, mesmo que sem significância quando comparados entre si. Contudo, em relação ao tempo de início da atividade antibacteriana, destacou-se a pimenta dedo-de-moça, enquanto que, em relação ao prolongamento dessa ação no tempo, destacou-se o tomilho. As plantas condimentares testadas tiveram sua atividade anticoliforme termo-resistente comprovada in loco, indicando sua aplicabilidade relacionada à qualificação sanitária e sensorial de caldo com frango cozido nos paradigmas da alimentação e nutrição sustentáveis. / From the antibacterial activity of 12 spice plants predetermined in tests in vitro by the Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul’s researchers, this activity was tested in the model “broth with cooked chicken”. A ten panelists group was firstly trained, as prescribed by the Free and Informed Consent, providing knowledge about the previously studied plants: parsley (Petroselinum sativum), marjoram (Origanum X aplii and Origanum majorana), basil (Ocimum basilicum), common sage (Salvia officinalis), thyme (Thymus vulgaris), anis-like spice (Ocimum selloi), african basilicum (Ocimum gratissimum), nirá garlic (Allium tuberosum), leek (Allium porrum), turmeric (Curcuma longa) and “dedo-de-moça” chili (Capsicum baccatum). Those spices were individualized added in the broth, then were tested by an Acceptation Hedonic Test Scale-like, to provide the four more sensory acceptable: “dedo-de-moça” chili, nirá garlic, leek and thyme. A new Acceptation Test was performed using small, medium and large quantities of those spices, establishing their more acceptable sensory intensities. The elected quantities (0,5 g of “dedo-de-moça” chili, 15 g of nirá garlic, 15 g of leek and 5 g of thyme) was singly added to the broth with chicken, then challenged with Escherichia coli (ATCC 11229), in a 10 CFU/mL concentration. The control-group was the broth without spices. The bacterial growth was measured each two hours after the inoculation, until the 24 hours of confront, using a selective medium for thermoresistant coliforms under constant incubation at 25ºC in DBO. Arbitrary values were assigned to the logarithmic growth variations. Compared to the control-group, all the spiced treatments presented significant antibacterial activity, with no significant activity when compared with each other. However, in regard of the antibacterial activity starting time, “dedo-de-moça” chili stood out, whereas the thyme stood out in regard of the activity time extension. The spice plants tested had your anti thermoresistant coliforms activity testified in loco, indicating their applicability in the sanitary and sensory sustainable nourish qualification.

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